.SPEECH OB UOII. JOHN connkss. . i. ' Fellow-Cittzens : The demands upon tcy time for the consideration of moas " res connected with, our interests, have been so great that I preferred to . leave for mv field of labors quietly ; . but the man who could rotuse to re turn his thanks for such a demoustrai . 'tion' as this, must have a' heart of etone. t thank you, fellow-citizens, - for this evidence of your regard and confidence. .You. have taken mo by 'surprise. da not appropriate this demonetration to myself personally, but look upon it as an indorsement of my services and course us your ropre flentative, Cheors. When I took my departure before, our country was struggling to lurotlie an unngnioous but mighty .Rebellion. Slavery had rison to destroy, Liberty. An aristoc . racy which had grown rich and arrogant ' in truffio ot human beings, had raised its haud to crush free labor. A por ' tion of our people who have received V largo share of Government favors, " had drawn the sword with fiendish - . purposes, to . serve a bond of union 'Which God and the Fathers .of the : ' y Republio intended. Bhould be eternal. ": , tLet us, looking up to this starry mir '. ' 'tor. of heaven this boautii'ul night, V thank God that tho Rebellion is over- ell-irovernment nave triumphed, ana our Nation feared and ret.poctod by VU the proudest and strongest on earth. Loud and continued applause ' Notwithstanding tho war is over, it is 1)0 time to slacken our energies. 1 look upon next Congress as one ot tho most important to the future welfare ' of, the Republic, that .we have had. Too great principle which consolida .. ted the Union people during tho wur, "was the unconditional overthrow of tho .Rebellion. The great principle which ought to actuate us now is to see that the fruits of victory are not lost. Cheors Our noble IJrcsidont, who had cpuducted the affairs of the Nation through four years of one of 1 the most despurato wars that ever ox isted, was stricken down by the hand 'of an assassin just as the dove ot peace was returning. You and all of us bad confidence iu bim; let us have that "Bamo confidence in his worthy succes sor, and all will be well. Three cheers lor Johnson. The policy and course of President Jamison com mends itself to every calm-thiuking mail. So far, I see no reason to differ with him. Applause I shall accord .tt. tliis Administration my earnest ' support so long as it pursues that '.coorso which in my judgment is calcu lated to promote the interest, of the whole people, and fro many knowledge of the man and the tried statesmen .. -who compose bis Cabinot, I have no doubt but that the policy of the Ad ministration on the greut questions that must arise, will be wise, prudent, nnd assaiisf ctory' to tho grout mass of the Union people " Theroloro, ray - friends, have faith in tho President, iu ' Congress, and your Representatives; , they are conscious of the responsibili ty that rest upon them, and wi.l not disappoint yon. Cheors I have not Been fit, during my rbturrt, to pro ' inulgate any ideas of my own on National questions, but I can assure you that my mind has not been idle. Ivhavo studied those question and closely watched coming events, and when they arise during tho next Con gross my course will be governed by what I consider the best interest of tho Nation and the States I in a part represent. Applause and cheers ) Again, fellow citizens, 1 thank you for this kind farewell, f cling assured by this demonstration that your faith in tho Republio is too strong to le weakened by rebellion, and yourfaiih in tho"stability and prosperity ot San sFrarictsco too strong to be ohuken by e&rthquakos. 1 loavo on tho Btoamcr on Monday noxtj probably I shall not have an opportunity of seeing most of you again, so I bid you fare well till I return'. Tremondous ap piause.j , It is cloudy, with a prospcot of snow ill iiirrr nn Tinn iTnP1fr.i.i..i ff Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. . ON AND AOTMt MONDAY, NOVE5IBEK 13th, until further notice, , 1'le I'tissetifjek Triilu to connect with rteatner. FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from tho R. R. DM'OT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, Wedne.da)., and Friday a, at 4:30 A. iU. TDK BTEAMBItS "ONEONTA" or "IDAIIO," CAl'T.J. McKtlI.TY,.. Commander, Will leave DALLKS, DAILY, (Sundays ecepted)al 6 o'clock. A. K..cinnectiiii. by the CASCADJS HAILK0AD, with tho steamer "NEW WOBLD" or " CASCADES," CAl'T. J. WOLF,.... '..... Commander, fo. Portland. W. 31. BRADFORD, Dalles. Nov. 13, 1866. nl'itfj Agent 0. 8. N. Co. Uelluquent ANsosNinent List. Ornii or Call hi and Owtrm Gold and Silvxe) QUAKTZ MlNINQ CoMPANT, Valla, November 7, 1806. 1 THERE IS DELINQUENT upou the followiiiK des cribe' stock, on account of assessment levied on the twentieth day of February, A. D. 1806, the several amounts set onposito the names of the respective share holders, us follows I Namts. NO. Vert, Sharet, Amount. L. W hile A Bro.) 6 2- $ IB 00 0. B.Gibson, 7 6 40 00 A. II. Johnson, 8 2 16 00 John 1). Price, 17 6 40 00 L. M. Colin, '22 2 10 00 0. 8. Savage, 82 1 8 00 A. V. Coinpton, 83 4 32 00 Cyrus Ilia, 45 6 40 00 Cyrus Ilia, 4tt 6 40 00 Cyrus Its, . 47 2 10 00 Cyrus Iba, 48 - 2 10 00 Cyrus lba, 49 2 10 00 Cyrus Iba, 60 ' 2 ' 10 00 Cyrus lba, 62 2 . 16 00 Cyrus Iba, 63 1 8 00 Cyrus lbs, 64 1 8 00 Cyrus lba, ' 65 1 8 00 Cyrus Iba, 67 .1 8 00 Cyrus Iba, 68 1 8 00 Cyrus 1 ba, 69 1 8 00 Vi. Masters, - 80 6 40 00 Cyius lba, OA .36 280 00 And hi accordance with lav and an order or the Board ot Trustei-s, tnado on the SiOih day ot February, A. ! 1806, so many shares of each parrel of said stock as may lie necessary, will be sold at public auction, at the olllce of V: A.O. Payne, Main street. Dalles, on the seventh day of December, A. D. 1806, nt 2 o'clock, p. H . of said day. to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together wiiii cosis ot auverusiiig ami e.penR ol sate. Ii8:lw fclUMUMJ SUtWAUACUEH, Sec'y. XT'. Jk.. U jAl. X HI wwwmm m Manufacturer and Importer of CAKRIAGE, CO OEID, BIGGI AND STAGE HA I41STIi3SS Saddlen, Krldles, Whips. A general assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Lcalhcr, etc. 49 Orders Solicited. lieDalrlne done with neatness and dispatch. F. A. 11 A UK, Je:utr wain Street, frontinu Washington, Dalles. SPBIH3 AND SUMMER GOODS. FlllOSH HTOClil dusu.isuuv it at os., Dallea and Walla "VValla, DIAUSB8 IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. MlncrN' Outfits, IJoots und Shoes, Clothing, Hats ami Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise. Buying our Uouds exclusively In the San Francisco market, and making noue but cash purchases, we are enabled to se 1 20 pur ceut. cheaper thau any other House at the Dalletl DUSKNUliltY 4 UKOS., uil-tf Dalles aud Walla Walla. ill HOOT AND SZIOU STOittt. IT. WYCIOIA,' as nrjlllttu HIS BOUT AAD SHOE .eta 8TOKU to the buildJlk; on Muln ir,.r.t n I.. I.- Mfty .'I'l'vnim moouy a nan, wuere tie nas just reueived, direct from San Francisco, anon- usually one auu well selected, stuck of BOOTS AND SHOES, of the.verybost quality and latest styles EVER BROUCHTTOTHIS MARKET, Incliidlnir the colehratcd KNQI.1SII HUNTING SI10K nmuiifactnred by Uoiikcrt. Also, a large assortineut of Ladle' and Children'! Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, Just roceived from the best Phil adelphia makers. Also, a very large assortment of ' FINE DRESS BOOTS. -ciitlemen who prefer to have their Bwits or Shoes made to order, can rely open obtaining a neat aud easy Ht. V U V.ILT .1 1 v" .. .. - AV1V.UA11, illlllll r 0 11 T li A Hi it r O l! ft D 11 Y AND MA.OIIIIVI1J SHOP, FIRST 8TUKKT. between Yamhill' and Morrison. t m. a ... Knirln.. ff offrora4 to4o" horse Jir''". power.eillier t'ortaiiieor j Stationary. Also, Cllt- UULA COM n saw uuii f-a XKfoTff'i TB- I'LISTK, constantly ? ffM?Xtd&g?M iWf hand. Also, Hay 1'res- gff m iw M lif of allsiieB: rianlni- r y Jlfc. . ijJ wy..fl ,( Woodwork's JfHIJrSffnflr-.; ees Machines, pattern,) Wrought aid Cast Iron wora lor ver tical Sawand Crist mills; Brass and Iron Castings and WROUGHT IROIV WORK of every description. ' I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & moat Improved Patterns. These Mills can heforwarded to any part of the nilnes as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements manulactuiuil to order at the very UiWKXt (JAP1I PRICE N. B.l'articnlor attention paid to HKI'AIKS. fe20-tf SIGNS! SIGNS ! SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. . DBALUa IN paints, mm& OILS mu WINDOWGLASS VARXJSIIBS, Colors, Putty, Brushes, Qlne, etc ' Paper HanKinns, Window Shades, Fixtures, te. 1-tf UAL,L,ES CITY DRUG STOKK. P. CRAIG, WBOLE8ALR AND RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, ie. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICJAESU DRUGS AND PATES T MEDICINES!! DRUOS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! i ylruol Uiiposito Mood'i Hall. MANTUA MAlildLt. MBS. MATTIK-HOLIIItOOK would respectfully In form tho Ladies ol the Dalles and vicinity, that wie has opened a shop in connection with Miss O llourke. whero she is prepared to do all kinds of wui k with neat ness und dispatch. Having just arrived from Hie Kast, the hopes to be able to pieae all as to Form and Fashiou Cloaks, Coats aud Dresses Cut to Order. nVt, DU0K!i Wrat 1,18 Curuer of I'U'ltU and DNIO.N Streets. m-n-utj Final Settlement. . " N0XI,?r!)',.l'.I,N.AI'.,f!E,I"r,'EMKNT of ""to of . W'l:.l;,l.AMU-LAU0I'N,deceased-Iutlie':oun. ly Court oI Uiujcu pouuty, Oregon In Pi-obate Notice Is hereby (jlvon. that It. II. Wood. Ailmluisiraior of the uhovo citato, has Hied his II n il accounts in the County Court uf H asco County, and prays for a final settlement of sa d estate, a is therefore ordered that said applica tion bo heard on Monday, tho 11th day of December, A. D. lfctAi t the Court lluuso. in Dulles city, in said Coun ty, nndTtliat notice thereof lie published in the Dulles Mnuntatneer. O. N. Dis.NWY, County Ju.lne. November 9, 1808. , nl0:4w Final Settlement. NTlCJ.9". I',NAL SKTTLKMRNT of the 'estate'of JAMhS LAUllllLIN, deceased In the County Court or Wasco County, Oioni.n In Probate Notice la hereby given that It. II Wood, Admlulstiator of the above estate, ha tiled his final account In the County Court of Vasco County, aud prays for A final settlement of said estate. It is therefore ordered, that said application be heard on Monday, the 11th day of December, 1K06. nt the Court House, iu Dalles City, in said county, and that no tic hereof be published in the Dulles Aottittutneer. , v ..... . 0. M. DUNN X, County Judne, I November 9, 186. . ' nl0;4w WH0U8AU! AMD RETAIL DllUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. CJ I.EMflN Is able to supply parties In want of Drnirs, Patent Medicinea Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other nrticio enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. . 44" Physicians and Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE3 In great variety. , S. LEMON, ap.3:tf. Washington 8t., between Main adn Second, (successors to hunsem. k wu.ia,) WnOLEHtL AMU UKTA1L DBALKKH IN Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Brazier's Copper, Lead ripe, Copper, Force & Lilt l'umps, . . Zinc, Brans & Iron Ware, Leud Xipo, Stc, &o. KW JOM WOltK, In all its branches, attended to short notice. MAIN S'lltUhT, Dallei.opp'stte llloch Miller A Co. - nplw-tt I AUCTION! fg AVI.NO LKASKU the placn on Second Street, for 1 nierly wcuiiied by II. Oliver, at a Grocery and Storage store, we nave removed, auu will nave our ling ular Sales tliore on Tuesday and Saturday, at 10 a.m I Qoods received ou j Commission and Storage for Forwarding. ' jelottr PAYNB Co., Auctioneers. DAILY MOUNT AIHEEB L'OWKH PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. - First Street, between Mjut and B DALLES OREGOH. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to okder: , C a r d s a 11 tl 12 i I !-E3 cads. CHECKS, DRAFTS, HKCEJJ'TS, POSTEBS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. C, cec, die, PatSTahll Till MOST ATTBACTrVI KJJiNtK. ALSO, WAY-BILLS, BILLS OF FAKE, LETTKlt HEADS. , HECElI'TItOOKS, BILLS LA DIKO, ETricfs and Pnmplilcts, Y1S1TJXG, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS XiruasiBts Labels, In short, evory thing that can be done in a Hook and Job Printing Olllce, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to tho largest size and most showy Posting Hill and which will be turned out in a style that cauuut fail to Insure eutire satisfaction. OUR FACILITIES FOR Tl F.I ECCT 10! OF DECORATIVE PRINTING , In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. ' Sucn as Fancy Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CAltDS, rVHl UJUERS' LABEL8.de Are unsurpassed by those ot any other establishment in Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of th business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive aud well appointod assortment ol material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. Of the most modern nnd elaborate designs. Our stock o FANCY INKS, TINTS. &.C. Are of the 11 nest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in tile State. The principle upon which business is askod for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their owu inter ests, by nwaiding their custom to that olllce iu which their money can be expended to the cst advantage. To tills end we solicit all in want of good Printing, nt very reasonable chames. to call aud exumiue sueciuiens. and judge for yourselves. Orders from the Upper Country Will havo our spoclal care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon iiuviug their orders tilled promptly, as wo HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED bORDGN POWER PRESS In the Ktate ol Orccon! Address: ,o , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE nila-tf initios. Oregon.: DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC , COMPOUND, Aii KxpeditioUH Curo fur bli Uiecnsgs of the SKXUAL OlfcOANS. FRUIS prompt nnd cfllcnlloiifl Itcmvdy fur tli cure JL tilioniimiif., Uleer, b.i ictur&M, mid 1'it-ciircn of tli Urinary iguiis. insiKua u fj-et'dv tine uiihuut llioleuwt rfBtricliun to diet, cxpuuru or cliHiivin a plinitiou bunliiftiH ; H will r tut i cully euro nity cnut vliich rim ! pruduci'd, Thu diiseiiNO it c,llove iw Hjttcdily us In coit Hitticut with tlio produrtii1.. o) u iliorouh and peimnneut cine. r urtliL-r. the dlfiMiMe ciuniot bu vi ntiactcd if Ui Sl'rXIUC Ct'Ml'uUMi in tiikon hi ti ijHufwl, lis fiiKmliviits ro utitlruly veittaMu, hikI no Injufrimn effect, uitliur coimtitulionaliy 01 locu.jy, cuu be cuuucd by lie unu. Price Ono Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by JixpreuB carcinllv packed. llOteXh'lThit. SMITH & DKAN. Afiouts. 4ul nud 403 liatteiy btiict, cor tiuv, Jy22-6ip. i-uu fimiclHco. ilai'il "Wroocl Lximlex CARRIAGE hND WAGON MATER'ALS Wl Ilt.O TO CALL ATTf.VJION of t'an iiij;. elan ufacturers nnd Dealers to tlie Luifie and Com plete assoiilnoiit of CAlilllAUK mid VAtiO.S .UATliltl AI.S we are constantly lecciviiip linui tlie t.in-t. specially selected lor tlie t'alilornia uiuiket, comprising, Oak, Hickory, ami fcecond (Irowth Ash I'lnnk, llickoiy Axles, tagon L'oh-s, Hubs, bpokes, lIeilois,'liiiii',hhaits, Ac. Ac. which wo oiler at the lowest lash 1'iiics. irders addressed to cur house will receive promp attention. N. W. liltAUU 4 t U., Jeltiani. 29 31 Battery (Street. Sin l inncleco, and 17 A 19 rieveuth rtreet buiiiimento. C. Watirhouse, 11. Vi. liUAoa k -t'o.', J. W.I.ibtm Ban fraucisco. Baoraiiieutu.. New Vork U. U. UILL. A. J. KANE. , HILL & KA'N.E. WUOLUJAL. AND RLTA1L DKALKXS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BTOltAUK AN1 fOKWAHUINU. ' Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attention lief erencew i OBILA!B. DALIU. II. W. Corbot, Ilobblns X Co., Itlchards" JlcCracken, i. C. Jlooily A Co., s . U. O. lluuiasou. Uuiatllla Landing, 8ept. 6th, 1SB3. Ulsieiolutloii Aotlce. TUB CO-PAItTMiliHlIlP heictnfoio existing h. tweenUKU. 11. HAMM.Y & li. AtlKK, In the but. til iC and saloon husiiiiss, is this day UIbm.Im.hI by mutu al coimeiit. Ueo. If, lliiiusey having disponed nt hi. Inter est to Mr. Vtiu. Ilaitiiian, who will continue. the busi ness un.ler the firm and mime ot linitiiiaii A Yager, 'ihankful fur past iuvors, they would ask a coutiuuauc. ol p.itrouage ln.in.old cuslomers'uiid li lends. All bills UKainst the tir ot l.nuiiey A Co., nnd .11 bills due said linn, will be settled by llurtuian & Yager, uct.law. . TO TEAMhlEKS AMD DAIRYMEN I FEED ! FEED ! ! OF ALL KIMJS, fur Sale In lot. to suit, by . . It. 11. LAW, . 24 Front Street. Portland, '. - Opposite O. . . Warehouse. AOIICE. BY TUB TERMS OF TUB D1SSOLDT10N OF TUB drill of T. II. BULGUl 4 CO., X. II. Imlger I. M pay all debts of the llrm. B. LAUDEBi CM !