THURSDAY MOBNING. NOV. 16, ISH5. Son I alarm Is felt at the East on account of the large amount of ammunition which is shipped for southern ports. The report is . probably sensational. Martin Fabqubab Tuppebis the best abused literary man In existence. He says ''Vi-Tupper-ation " is ,a word invented for bis special benefit. Tbb people of Virginia Oily, Nevada, are becoming very modest. When a ballet-girl danced with ralber too much abandon, they hissed ber. Gold West or Hsllqats. Good prospects for gold placers have been found on the west ern water-shed of Bitter Root Valley, at a point west or Frenchtown. It is a district totally unexplored heretofore. I Rstobkbd. Dr. W. B. Mitchell returned lto this city by yesterday's boat, after an f absence of several weeks in California. We nre pleased to learn that the Doctor's health lias been much improved by bis trip. Tub Ballot. Lizzie Reed bas started paper in Iowa which advocates the right of women to vote. We think that wbite women have a better right to vote than negroes, and if there is to be any increase of the franchise principle, we go for the wbite women. Quartz im tbb Ccsur o'Alinb Mountains. Tbe quartz discoveries on the Cosur d'Alene River are attracting increased attention. No gold is visible in tbe rock, bat wbrn crushed it yields largely of Sour gold." The Mam- moth Lode is the favorite assaying as mucb as $1,100 a ton. The Coour d'Alene and Blazing Star lodes are also highly valued In all, some six or eight have been located. Fob Frn d'Orbillb Laki. Tbe machinery for the steamer to be placed on the Pen d Oreille Lake arrived in this city on tb steamer trora below, on the evening of the 14 th inst. The intention is to forward it to Wallnla or Umatilla, and from thence haul it overland a distance of about two hundred and fifty miles, to the foot of Pen d'Oreille Lake. MoOorhigk's Almanac. McCormlck's A1-" manao for Oregon and the adjacent Terrilo ries, for the year 1866, has been received at this office. It contains, as usual, a large amount of interesting matter, and much in formation of great value to persons engaged in business in all sections of the country This almanac has now reached its twelfth year of publication. Elk Horn Mine and Mill The Elkhorn Lode and Mill is situated on Elk Creek, about ten miles above Idaho City. Lately, the company which bas been working rock from - tbe lode, with a five-stamp mill, bas been doing an exceedingly good business. As ranch as 350 and 400 ounces a week Is a com mon yield, and the metal runs as high as $13 and $15 an ounee. The- Kikhorn is one of many tlch lodes lying along the slopes of tb mountains of Grimes', Moore's and Elk creeks, Drowned. A telegram to the Oregonian, , dated Ctnyonrille, November 13, says, to day about noon, as Mr. A. Riddle, with hi brother's wife and young babe, were attempt' ing to cross tbe TJmpqua near Oak Grove fourteen miles north of this place, the baggy capsized, drowning Mrs. Riddle and child the heavy rains within the laBt tbirty-six hours having raised tbe river so it was im possible to .ford. Tbe bodies bave not yet boon recovered. Gold Duo iviuy in Montana. New placer mines have been discovered on a tributary of Big Blackfoot, about fifty miles above its junction with the the Bellgate River, in tbe dividing ridge between the Big Blackfoot and Ilellgale rivers. Tbe exact locality may be fixed on tbe map, by tracing a line due north ' from tbe mouth of Flint Creek, a tributary of Heliate, towards, the Big Blackfoot half way between tbe two livers tbe gulches are - located, in which very rich prospects bave .been obtained. As mucb as five dollars pan bas bten taken out. A gentleman of -our acquaintance, wbo is just down from Illackfoot, assures us that the discovery is .- not (treaded in importance by any yet made la Montana. It will take time, however, to male i this new district productive, as the digjingi are pretty deep. f THE REASON WHY. Tne S in FrancUco Call publishes tbe fol lowing in its issue of tbe 4tb inst: An Idaho correspondent of one of oar co- temporaries writes tbat a large number of parties in tbat Territory a majority of them obtain tbe machinery lor their quartz and and other mills from Chicago, freighting tbein verland. The quality of tbe machinery pro cured in Chicago Illinois, is not so good as that procured in San Francisco, but tbe cost of freight from the former city is so mucb beaper than from the latter, that it becomes matter of great saving for the Idaho miners to make their purchases on tbe shores of Lake Micbicran instead of on tbe shores of tbe Paci fic. The distance from Chicago to Idaho is fully fifteen hundred miles: while from San Francisco it is le s iban seven hundred. Yet freight can be transported over iba former ong and tedious route much cheaper than it can be over tbe latter short one. It is indeed true that much of the machi nery in nre in tbe noise mines bas been brought from the Atlantic side, and, also, many other articles of use in the mines. Tbe reason may be briefly stated: San Francisco bas been endeavoring to build up tbe traffic by tbe Cbico route (which is shown by expe rience to be impracticable), and bas neglected to avail herself of tbe splendid natural advan tages of tbe route by tbe Columbia River, There are several things connected this com petition from the West tbat need explanation. Freights are cheap from the Iowa and Missouri frontiers, because the Block teed in transpor tation is almost doubled in value as soon as it reaches the Idaho mines. -Tbis is account ed for by the fact tbat draft horses, cattle and mules are very scarce in this country, and so are cows and beef cattle. It is a fine graz ing country, and California stock-growers will double tbe value of their animals by Mat bb Expected. Tbe steamer Continen tal was to sail with tbe load of female emi grants, about tbe 20th of October, and if she sailed at tbat time, she may be reasonably expected to arrive at Steilaconm In from one hundred to 'one hundred and twenty days after her departure, which will place the time of their arrival somewhere between the first of February and the close of that month Most of these poor women are recommended to tbe good offices of tbe people of this coun try, by the fact tbat their natural protectors have fallen in tbe civil war, and by far tbe larger portion, by the fact tbat they possess the intelligence and virtue to make themselves useful, and In many cases, ornamental mem bers of society. It would be indeed strange, if all of them were irreproachable, but we hear from many sources tbe evidences tbat every precaution bas been taken to prevent tbe intrusion of any person of improper char- Isaao F. Dlocb, Ban Irranclsco. O. 8. Millib, BlO. ScHAWBACHltt, Dalles. acter among these widows and orphans af Cub Price for Gold Dust, Blot Ei, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND DEALERS IN "Wines &, Liquors, And Importon and Jobbers of OLOTHING-i Boots & Shoes, I7nder Clothing:, Blankets, etc.. etc., etc. .ASSAY OFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our bualncM, under the entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns In Bars In six hours. We guarantee all our Assays anil pay the ihwiikm CABU PKIOM for Bars. We alio pay the Highest war. We are informed that homes here been found for eighteen of these poor people in this city, and with proper exertion, as many more ought to be provided for here. Ladies wbo take an Interest in the matter should address Hon. Elwood Evans, at Olympia, and the com mittees of ladies at various points on the Sound, on the suhject of procuring tbe ser vices of any of the immigrants. Tbe most or dinary camion will be sure to secure some one of them, of whom their benefactors will never -have cause to be ashamed. We trust tbat tbe people of Walla Walla, Lewision, Grand Boude, Wallula, Umatilla, and Canyon City will take some action in the matter at once. Until we provide for our while Bisters, we shall Insist tbat our colored friends at the rny8tf BLOCfl. MIU.HR O)., Cor. Main and Washington str-wts. Dalles. SELLING OFF AT COST, TO CLOSES BUSINESS J THE UNDERSIGNED would respect lully Inlorm then patrons and the public at large, that they will commence td sell this day, their laige and haudsom Stock of Clothing Dry oooos, FurnUhlne Hoods, jraucy uonns, llats Ca-s, LadliV 8I-M, Boots A Shoes, Chlldr..s Shoes, ltutiber Goods, Hats, Blankets, Salem Cloths, . Ac, Ac.,. Ac, t AT C OST. In order to retire from business, the above Stock mast be sold within Sixty Days, and STHICTLY AT COST! Alt oersons indebted to the Arm will please call and . . . .. I rt w ii 17... .., lnlma !n I "., ? .... bringing a consiaerauie ponion oi ioera uere. i uwm u noi uub, nccy men biaiua u ccsary mtnre troumo. uuiin uuuiu. uK n 1 IMIim If!,. , IWVi vwtl. J The price of those which remain in Califor nia would be enhanced by this distribution. We merely make suggestions, and do not en ter into particulars, wblcb are obvious to in terested parties. As to the Columbia River trade, we pro pose to describe tbe disadvantageous manner in which it Is conducted, and to point out the Socthsastkrh Idaho. Tbe Idaho Itatet man, of the 9th inst., contains correspondence from Soda Springs on Bear River, anoounc ing some important discoveries of quartz and placer mines. Silver ores, assaying from $400 to $700 a ton, have been found between BOW TO SAVE UIOALi ! CAU AT TRI NEW ' Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington and Second Streets. TIUS UNDKR8IUXKD WI8UK8 TO INFORM TIIJI people of the Dalles, niid llie public gouerully, tint lie lias a large and well selected biock oi FAMILY GBOOEUIES, CAA'PJES, NUTS, ie., Whlrh ha will Mil Wholesale anil ltetall at KedueM The plocer prospects were found in the moun- ftica for CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest , .., I. i . . .... n ., r ci a I Article oi rnr.ou vuiir.n nun r-uito. nw, oimi Nearly every article of nse in the Idaho tains, about thirty. five miles from Soda j tv of bruits and vkuetabi.ks in their season. mines is bought in San Francisco by mining Springs, and are represented a. being in no mSrtaUrtM' traders, or is sent bv San Franciscans to this way inferior in richness to those of Boise or the strictest atteutfon. and have them tilled at the Lows ' I ' 1 u.. ...... riii rl n 1 HWVI t. , n j ! l vv . n : .1 ui- . :,:.. .ro.. ..u I -- L J ' 11 11 J v. ....... IrUUUMJ IUI DUIU. U .11 - , . to.... Vlll'l .1 I v.. u u . u w . v . v .... ...... w .. v. - " City Rocks and Fort Hall, probably on the disastrous effect on the commercial interests slope towards tbe waters of Snake River of San Francisco. Tbb s'enmer leaves Portland, on Saturday, for San Francisco. ments mostly go to Portland, because tbat Is bave been offered in trade at Soda Springs a point where ocean steamer navigation, for tbe present, ends. In order to reach Port land (rnnda nrs fi-pminntl-r primnttllprl in nnv ' ' r r m I ii iiiftf,, d en n til gin. l:-i.. r .L ,u f .u- TIT Ml ..i. 1 - "K"'"" - ""''" ffjRDAY EVENING, NOV. 18, at VA o'clock, at the Ktver, a aistance ot tonrteen miles ; ana woeo building i rear of E. P. Fin Gerald's Store. By order, sold, after paying for handling and warehons- Nov. 14. nol5-4t J. doiierty, Sec'y, i ing at that point, tney again come flown out Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F. of the Willamette and go up tbe Columbia, I Moets every Thursday evening at tt o'clock, in Gates' A.T MRS. LEICSER'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Colin St Dohm's, YOTI CAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOST FASH IONABLE UOOUS, in the line of II ON NETS, II ITS, FKVTIIERS, FLOWERS, EMPrWOIOERY, Dress Trimmlngg, Sets. In order to make dress enmplete, ft becomes noccsBarr ikl coming to tbe Dalles, Sometimes to be sent . "n.r of Second and Court Streets. Brother, in Jtat a BONNET or UAT, lI.ndson.ely Trimmed, suon! . - , ,, . . .. I M,vuu b.ouuiiik alia iiivucu vu nticuu. jji uiuni, UrVUIIU UJ I Ull UUU DbtruiMl, nuu Bifiuciiiii.B to be teamed overland from here to Boise and Owyhee. On account of the difficulty of ascending tbe Wil'otraelte, tho ocean steamers advanced Now oa Netee Call at. Wm. Birnbaum's Jewelry Store and examine his extensive stock of Watches, Dio.J monds, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Lamps, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he offers for sale In order to close business on account of ill health, at less than cost, There is no Give me an earl? call and I will endoavor to soil everybody in TASTE and at REASONABLE PHICKS. rarticuiar attention patu to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. their charges on freight to $10 a ton, when ,Rr' nd w-'ol ' ' ' of Sn Fran .. ut. i.ri I Cisco, and the quality of the goods will speak for Itself. iu lien..- i.u u u,UuBu. ... ,j0W,y0urtiniei0bypre(.nche,p..ndataiiaving the same ocean steamer, to tne cascades, a 0f 60 percent. Mr. B. lias also alot of Feriscopic-Glass. Doint sixlv miles this side of that Dlace. From Spectacles that perform wonders. nltf. " i Portland, freight pays $15 a ton to the O. IS. UUOOKS, M. E. Offlce-At Dr. Craia'" Drug Store. DALLES, OREGON. of Wasco Dalles, and then is sent on to Umatilla, landing on the river above, at $15 more. is carried past here because the road fro hence to Boise is beset with hoBtile Indians, and it bas been tbe policy of certain per-'dns to keep this road from being opened. Tbe-e nnnrnflncr (in fh.A i mhapilA. who for Several 1 , , - ... ... !n, Stnte and County taxes for the year 1806 will years commanded the mima'y ot this sec- exuire on kkiuay, decemuer tiiu 1st, isis. ah taxes rnniniiunK unpaiu on p-rsonai propel ly auer tuat NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. TVIE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully announc . that he will open a first class Saloon in Freuch sY Oilman's New Stnno BnlldiiiK, THIS EVENING, and isv prepared to serve customers ailh tlie best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A EREK LUNCH Every day aid Eveniug. oc28tf. JOHN niNDLAI'B. To tlio Tax-payers County- Bnmirr Ann Tx Coiuctor's Orrici, ll'tifco Oiunty, Oregon, Aov. 14, 1866. mjOTICE 1 IIERERY GIVEN, that the time for pay- tion, prevented any measures from being taken to have tbe direct road to Boise opened. Thus, to advance the interests of individu als, the Call will see tbat goods sold At San Francisco are carried around the country until the charges bave been made as great as possible, and then they are delivered to tbe owners. These are tbe farts, but a nrorjer ezolanaiion that would give a full F . T3 JE I I M , Watchmaker and Jcvclei MAIN STREET, DALLES, , (If EXT DOOR TO TBI iBA OrriCt,) DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, S LOCKS. Gold Pens.ailver and Flaed Ware, Bpectacles, Cutlery, As. 49-1'articiilar attention. paid to repalrlns: fine1 Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watrhes repaired If Di warranieu Tor twelve inontns. ' N.B. All orders from the upper wuniry, by Expres nr .itltAru'iHn nnitiintlw ut,nintAil In tt ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, joseph elpislt. Slnln SSS nAal tf.A-.MAn A AT1 ab I date will be collected the same as on execution. CIIAS. WHITE. Sheriff .nd Tax Collector, Wasco Co., Oregon. Dalles City, Nov. 1866. ni16-2wd OLD .MACK, TUB PIONEER COOK, would respect fully inform the public that he has fitted, tin the ab'ire ('hop House, and is prepared to serve up MEALS and I.UNC1I In the best style and at the shortest notice, BALLS and PARTIES furnlnhed w th miner-. In the nnderatandinor of this trade, would reauire bout style and on the most reasonable terms. . .. ' OVSTEKS In every st)ls. l'rlvate Rooms for Ladles. We further take the ground that the steamship companies eharge for passage at rates which are gradually driving the travel off of their vessels. In time these companies will see tbe necessi'y of delivering their freight on the direct line of travel up tbe Columbia River, and when this is done, and not before, they may depend upon controll ing the commerce of Oregon, Idaho and Washington Territories, for tbe fieneQt of can l'raucisco. 1IOT7H h: oimcn all night. It. B. OATSS. X, 1. BAVT. GATES & IIA.FT, Attorneys & Counsellors at Lair, DALLES, OREGON. L.OST IN DALLES CITY, the 13th day of November, 1866, a MEMORANDAM BOOK, containing; notes drawn In favor of J. D. Ross. All persons are hereby forbidden to r (tut late fir said nites. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at II. J. WALDKON'8. Nov. 13, 1866. ltVlwd VtnOUSAU AlfS RETAIL DIAUB IX Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHINC. BOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS ANP CAPSr AND Gentlemen's Furnishing: Goods. Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court Streets. . oc4-tf NOTICE. Cl EOrtOR T.TEBB Is my duly authorised agent during Tf my absence in the Eastorn States, to attend to th collection ot all accounts due ms, and also th? late firm of Wintermetr Hunger, ' A. W1NTERMEIH. NOTICE. 11 8. HOLLaND IS MY AUTHORIZED AOENT to JL' attend to collecting and settling up my business, dnrlng my absence. Those Indebted to me or to Payna Co.. are requested to pay him Immediately and save costs, as he has orders to collect. I. A. O. PAYNE. Dalles, Nov. 13, I860. Utf