THB bJVJCN liUNUIlfcU. IllO Call baa a New Yurk letter cl Ooto 4)or8lb,l which contains the following particulars of Mr. Mercer's parly A female emigrants: A Thousand Milliners Wanted was the title of a iuroe in which Burton used to personate a huge lady and awaken the most extravagant a p. plauHe. The Honorable Mr. Mercer of Washington Territory, is doing tip something like tho sumo farce here. Ho bus got tbo steamer Continental at Fier No. 13, North ilivor, where she is taking in coal, provisions, water, , etc, for u voyage to tbo Pacifio Coast, via Magellan Straits, justead ot round Cape Horn, uud be proposes to take a thousand young Isadies out with him to seek their fortunes " in the laud of Ophir." I'm not jesting. Seven hundred women have already engag ed passage, and the remaining three hundred uro expected to be forthcom ing in good time, for although the . Btoamer was to have loft yeHterd.iy, I don't think she will depart for a week yet. All these one thousand ladies will want husbands; so look out for the syrens. They are piirtnor less, and they will each have a pair of sheep's ey s to throw at the wifeless. The price of passago out, to common folks, is iwo hundred dollars on board the Continental, but these spinsters and widows (tor tho fair emiyrees be long to both clas8e)aro only charged twenty-five dollars each, and find their own bedding. Those who uro eligible and worthy, (are good-looking and industrious,) but have no monoy, are taken out on credit, giv ing bonds to pay as soon as they earn eutlieicnt. All are guaranteed lour dollars a week wages, paid in gold, when they arrive out, but at wbut species of labor 1 cuunot discover. They have only Mr. Mercer's charac ter and word for it that tbey will not be left to starve if they do not submit, in that distant region, to earn a sub sistence by debauchery. I went on board the steamer on Saturday and eaw tho crowd of women j most of tbem are from Bixteen to 'twenty years of age, though some, especially the widows, 'run up to twenty-five or thirty. Tho majority uro from Bos ton, Lowell, and other Eastern towns, and rumor says not u few of'them leavo inodorous names behind them. - Of those from this city, 1 understand that several have ben of indifferent ohuraoter, and the Magdalen Society is trying to ship off a number ot re formed nymphs du pave us models of purity and perfection. I trust they will prove worthy of their new char acters when they get to their destina tion. But such a Tower f Babel as this uteumer is, with all these women on board 1 Such a confusion of tongues I Such tering I Such shrieking I Such oiling I And such coquet ting I i they can't help it, poor things I Tho men will bung round the ship to pee the curiosities, and tho girls can't avoid kissing their hands to them, waving their handkerchiefs, and otherwise displaying their affec tionate natures. Indeed 1 was eyewit noss to two or three love-passages on board, which took pluoo when tho perforators fancied no ouo was looking; for human nature is human nature, all . the world over. Somehow, I pity these women. -1 ho farce ot A Ihow sand Millineit Wanted ends comically. How will this one end f Somehow, I think the steamer will never arrive out. A bad season of tho year is an proacbing. The strait of Mugellen is a dangerous place. Will the vessel go through in safety? Or will she B . . t i i i - . i lounuer wun ner iouu vi uumuniiy and fill the sea with mairmaids here after in that direction? That's the question. Some of theso fair adven turers are very pretty. Some oro real ly quite handsome- None of tbem are decidedly plain. The homeliest have charming figures, scft, voioos, and gentle, winning, manners. It tbey ever get over to your side of the continent, take my word for it, there will be an excitement among the mas culiues. Oregon steam navigation lo. WINTER ARRANGEMENT, OH AND AF1 Ml MONDAY, N'OVEMBKU 18th, until further notice, I'll Fa8sen;cr Train to connect with stennien TOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from tlie B. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Monday, Wednesday!, and Friday, at THE STEAMERS "ONFONTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. JfcNCLTY -..Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays oepteil) at S o'clock, a. ., counectiu, by the CASCADE UA1LHOAD, With tire steamer . "NEW WORLD " or " CASCADES," CAPT. J. WOLF Commander, f Portland. , W. B. BRADFOHD, Dalles. Not. 13, 1866. nl2tf - Agent 0. S. N. Co. Delinquent AggeNgmciit List. Ornci or DiUta and Owyhee Gold and I-ilvsr) Quarts Minino Company, y lMla. November 7. 180S. J THERE IS DELINQUENT upon the following des cribed stock, on Account of assessment levied on the twentieth llay of February, A. D. 1865. the several amounts set opposite the names of the. respective share holders, as follows : Kamtt. No. Cert. JSharu. Ammnt. L. White A Bro., 6 2 $ In UO 0. 11. Uihsnn, 7 . 6 40 00 A. II. Johnson. 8 3 11 nn John B. Price, 17 6 40 00 I.. At. uoiin, TS 2 16 oo ('. 8. 8uvage, 82 - 1 8 00 A. W. Cowuton. 83- 4 32 no Cyrus 1 ha, 45 6 40 00 Cyrus Iba, 4 40 00 Cyrus Iba, 47 2 - 16 00 Cyrus Iba, 48 2 16 00 Cyrus Iba, 49 2 16 00 Cyrus Iba, .50 2 ' 16 00 Cyrus Iba, 62 2 la On Cyrus Iba, 63 1 8 00 Cyrus lbi, 64 1 8 00 Cyrus Iba, 55 1 8 00 Cyrus Iba, 67 1 8 00 Cyrus Iba, 68 1 8 00 Cyrus I ba, 61) 1 g 00 W. Musters. CO 6 40 00 Cyrus Iba, 05 35 280 00 Anil in accordance with law and nn order of the Board of Trustors, made on the 20th day of February, A. D. 1866, so many shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at public auction, at Hie oiHce of F. A.U. Payne, Main street, Dalles, on the seventh day or December, A. D. 1805, lit 2 o'clock, r. , of said day, to paysalil delinquent assessment thereon, togother Tiiiii turns ui uuveriisiiig huh expenses oi sate. noaw MU.tlUM) BU11H ADAUHISK, Sec'y. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. ITItKHM BTOC'KI Diss;.su;cii & .seios., ralles and Walla Walla, DEALERS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods. Miners' uututs, Hoots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise, linvlnu our floods exclusively in the Ban Francisco market, aim iiinauiK none uui ciutn purcuases, we are enabled to se l 20 per cent, cheaper thau any other House at the Dalles! DUSK.MIIi.ltY A 111(03., ml-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. liOOT AND SHOE STOltJB. X AVYC10IA.JN. MAS BKMOVED III8 BOOT AND SHOE STOKE to the building on Main street, nearly nnnusitn MiiimIv'm Hull u-imru h. i.a Just rouelved, direct from San Francisco, au un usually uue auu wen seiuctoa stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, or theverybest quality and latest stylet EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTINO SHOE manufactured by IienkerU' Also, a largo assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, just received from the best Phil adelphia makers. Also, a very large assortmeni of FINE DRESS BOOTS. 49-Gentlemen who prefer to have their Boots or Shoes made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat and easy WVCKMA.N, Main street, "'" Opposite Moody's Hall. MANTUA MAJfEU. MRS. MATTIE IlOLIlItOOK would respectfully In form tho Ladies of the Dalles and vicinity, that she lias opened a shop In cunnoction with Miss O'Huurke, where she is prepared to do all kinds of work with neat ness aud dispatch. Having Jut arrived from the East, she hopes to be able lo please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats ana Dresses Cut to Order. J.1.1 DO0U8 Wert 01 "" Cornfr f "" UNION Streets. . ncfljmj N . II . GATES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR, IN CH ANnwnv attghu rKUMl'TLI AND WITH F1DK.L Ity, to all business entrusted to his care. Pai- tlmliU nlta.illKn nulil ... ..ll .1. , ..... ,,, ,,m;i,,j , 1;,n,nii, convey ancing, Ac. W ill he, du-ing all busluess hours, In atteir CORNER OF COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON. 1?. -A.. XlIilU ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Illain Street, corner of Court, OLD MACK, TUB PIONEER COOK, would respect fully Inform the public that he has titled up the above Chop House, and la prepared to serve np MEALS and LUNCH In the best style and at the shortest notice. BALLS and PAKT1K8 furnished w th suppers, In the best style and on the most reasonable terms. OYSTERS in every style. Private Rooms for Ladles. HOXJSH2 OPEN ALIj NIGHT, Manufacturer apd Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, BITGGl AND ' STAGE HARNESS Saddles, Bridles, Whips. - A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. 49 Orders Solicited. Benalrlnir done with neatness and dispatch. F. A. HAKE, Jcilltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalloi. AND MACIIIIVE SHOP, FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam Kinglne ol from 4 to 4n horse- Ajteje i unhand. Also. Hay I'res- Wj&82ik'f$l?& ses of all siios; Planing jTYsTW Machiiios.fW ooilworths Tlt' J!?lrR'il-3rr' pattern,) Wrouglit and tW&sM Cast Iron work for Ver- fl,lSW ticnlSiiwnndOrlstmlllsj ti!2MJ Brass and Iron Castings and WROUGHT IROIV WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills- complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. uorse rowers s Agricultural implements manufactured toorder at the very LOWEST CAH11 1'KICE N. B.Particnlor attention paid to KKI'AIKS. fe'AMf puwer,t!ther Portable or Stationary. Also, CIR CULAR SAW MILLS COMPLETE, constantly i SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN - , PAINTS, o i . jsf ils mmM WINDOWGLASSffi&Ji VARMSIIES, Colors. Putty, Brushes, Glue, etc. Paper IlanKini;s,Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac 1-tf "iJ ALL. lis CIT imiTSTOREr P. CRAIG, WHOLSBALK AND SITAlb DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps,. PATKNT MEDICINES, Ac r ri-tr DRUGS AND PATENT MEDIQNESl! DRUGS AND PATEJfT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S.LEMON, WDOLESALI AMD RETAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALL.US, OREGON. 4 LF.M0N Is able to supply parties In want of Drnsp, Patent Medicines. Cheinlcnls, Acidti. l'erfuuier,v, and every other article enumerated will, the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market ratos. v Physicians and Merchants Intendlnp; to purchase for the Mines, will do woll to give him a caU. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. S. LKM0N, ap.Sitf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. jw71fiXi7i7Eu co., (successors to Bnmiiix k Hiuta.) WUOLESALI AMD RETAIL DIALERS IM Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Brnzler's Copper, Lead ripe, Copper, Force & Lilt Pumps, Zinc, Ilrass & Iron Ware. Lead Pipe, Scc, Scj. 49 JOB WORK, In all Its branches, Attended to short notice. MAIN SXUEKT, Ualles,opp'eite llloch Miller A Co. apl9-tt AUCTION! AVINQ LKASKl) the placn on Socond Btreet, for- sj.J merly occupied by it. Uilvor, a, a urocery ami Btoraice store, we nave removed, auu wilt nave our Keg ular Sales there on Tuesday and Saturday, at 10 a.m Hooas received on Commission and Storage for Forwarding. DAILY M0UNTAINEEKH ' . . I'OWEH PKKK1S BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, betweeu Main and B DALLES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. ISA STYLE THAT WILL COM 1' AUU FAVORABLY ' with the very best, aud AT SATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to order: Cards and Hi I MS e a d f . j CHECKS, DRAfTS, RECEIPTS. POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. fc, rfc, dr., JRJNTKD IS THE HOST ATTRACTIVE HANNAH. ALSO. WAY-BILLS, BILLS OF FARE, LETTER HEADS, RECEU'TliOOK. BILLS LADING, Hricfs and Pamphlets, V7SITINO, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS In short, everylhlnp that can be done in it Book and Job I'rintliiK Oilice, fmni thesmalltst and must delicate Card or Circular, to the largest siae and most showy l'osllne; Bill and which will he turned out iu a style that canuol fail to insure entire satisfaction. ' OUR VA01LITIKB FOR THE EXECUTION 0 ' DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades nnd Tints. Such as Taney Posting Eills! from a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, I'lMrLMERS' LABELS. ilt Ate unsurpassed by those ot anv other establishment in . Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, if-c. c. tfi:. Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock Oi FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Are of the finest quality, unil for richness uf color and durability, cannot beeuualed In the State. , The principle upou which business Is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will cniiMilt their own Inter ests, by awaiding their custom to that vtlico lu which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all In want of good I'rlntint, at very reasonable charges, tu call aud exaiuiue sneciiueus. and judge for yuursolves. Orders from the Upper Country Will have our special care, and friends front the interior may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED bQRDUN POW LR PRESS jolUitf FAYNI A Co., Auctioneers. Address ml8-tf In the (St lite ot Oregon I MOUNTAINEER OFFICE bullet). Oregon. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for nil discuses uf the SEXUAL OUGAN8. riVUS prompt and efncatlous lleu'cily lor tho cure l tihontirruea, Cleet, ttu-ictui-ei.. ami l-iteies of th Urinary Organs, maaes a speetty cure without die lenst restriction to diet, exposure ui cbbiitiu In 11 plieatiou ' busluess; It will radically cure any cum. which can be produced. The disease it i-omovei as fpeedlly as is con sistent Willi the production ol a thiioii(,h ainl' j i niuiicnt cure. Further, tho disease cmiliot he iintinced If the SFKC1H0 CuMl'OUMJ Is takou when expuml, Its ingredients are eutirel v vegeialde, mid no injurious effect, either constitutionally or locally, cau be caused by ils ue. Price One Dollar and Fiftv conts ner bottle. Sent bv Express ciiret'ully packed. lluSTilTiili, K.MIT11 A IIKAN. Agents, 401 and 4U3 Lattery stieol. cor ( my. Jy22-6m. tuu l rancitco. Hard Vooi Lumber, CARRIAGE nND WAGON MATER'ALS WE BKO TO CALL AlThMKIN of Ciurlnge Sinn uiucturers and ilealeis to the Larue mid Com plele assoilmeut or CalUtlAOU and V ACu.N MATKHI ALB we are constantly receiving Hum the specially selected tor tho California noirliot. compi iidng, Oak, nicKory. auu cecumi uniwtli Asli 1'iaiiK, lluKoiy Axles, Wagon Poles. Hubs, b'uokes. Fellws. liiini.fchails.ic. Ac. which we oiler at the lowest Lush 1'ihrs. 44" Orders addrosseU to our wllliecelve promp attention. . W . BltAiiU 10., JeloUIm. 20 A 81 Battel y tjtieet, chii 1 runclwo, and 1? A 1U Seventh Mi-eel hiicfiiiiientti. 0. Waterroubk, 11. W. Hhaoo A Co., J. U . Lkstk pan rraucisco. paurameuto. new icorn H. B. UILL. A. J KAMI. HILL & K-ANE, WHOLESALE AMD XP.TAIL DKALEHS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AKD AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STOKAOri AM) HJRWAI1DIM1. Goods consigned to us will meet witli proper attention lleferencuHi PORTLAND. DALLM. . n. W. Curbet, . Itohhlns A Co., Hichards A WcCracken, W. C. Moody A Co., II, Law, U. llliuiaeuu. Piiiatllla Landing, Sept. 8th,18ua. . Dissolution Aullcc. TUB CO-PAltTMil,HllP heielofo.e existing be twecnOfcO. 11. ltA)ifcJ.Y A It. V ACl-lt, In the bot tling and saloon business, is this day tiiBsoUcil by mutu al consent, tieb. 11, llumsey having disposed ol his Inter' est to Mr. Win. llnrtniau, who will continue the busi ness under the firm and mime of Iluitimtu A Yngen Thankful fur past la vols, they would auk a continuance uf patronage iivrn old customers and lilemls. All bills against the fin of liumpey A Co., And all bills due suld tiini, will he settled by llurtmuu A Yager. oct.lfriw. . TUTEAMSIERS AKD DAIMMENI FEED! FEED! I OF ALL KINDS, for Bale In lot to suit, by 11. 11. LAW, 26 Front Street, Portland, 0cl8:tf. Opposite 0. B.N. Warehouse. NO I It E. " BY THR TERMS OF THE DISSOLUTION OF THE firm of T. II. 1IULOEB AC0..UI. bulger Is M pay all debts of the firm. . , . B. LACUtB; L