tails iP(rtnttatnm TUB MONTANA TRADE!. We are in receipt of news from MotUn to tbe28tli of Octolier. From the Pott at that date we learn that tbere is an active demand for flour and tobacco in the mines, and tbat tea bas declined 60o on an average. We compile wholesale prices current' from tbat journal: Flour. St Louis, ft 100 lb. $25(827 60; States, 100 lb, i0W24; Suit Liik. ft 100 lb. $17 6u18 60. Baoox. Heavy side, in 100 lb Backs, 60cj medium, 754c llama, priuie, 06c; country. 60c. Buoars. New Orleans. 63c; clarified, 66c: powdered, BOcr crushed. bVt; reftued, 63o. Lard. Small cans, uuc; Urge cans, 45(5l7l;c. Coffk Java. $1 06; ltln, choice, $1; onliuary, ft. Tiah. Imperial, U WQU 76; Young Hjsou, i$3 60; Jnpnncae. $2 60. ' Sirups. Belcher's In 10 gal. kegs, $36; 8. H. Molasses, In lO.gal. koga. lffnj50. Fruits. Dried apples. 62Jc; Salt Lake peaches, 76o, prunos, 65ftuc; raisina, V box 24 lb. $10 00. CuEB.st. W alcrn Reserve, 00c: English Dairy, 70c. ToBtcco. -Natural leaf, $2 ilVMit To; ordinary, $2 S6ia 60. - JIKAVa. Navy, P5c. , SoAF.-J-Palm, 60ti5c; Pantile tl 29. Oils. Coal oil, $3 6(1051; Liuaeed, $4 60 $5 00. Nails. 1001b keg, $42 60. . I Pupi-sr Urain. $2; ground, 20 lb box, $13. Mostard. 2 dux. box, tl; in bulk, $1 25. Mining Tonu. Ames' California shovels, $ do., $60; prim- iiointa, $61; picks, haudled, $90; sluice forks $J0-Vl2 60. Liquoiis. Whisky, Bourbon. $3 60$7 60; rye. $0 60 S; Urnmly, Imported, tl0$l; domestic, $7 60, 10; Oiu, duuiustic, $70. The Hcmbuo Thicory or Cava unit and Pu ritan. TUe New Orleans J'icatunt recently exposed in a most merciless manner the bum bug theory tbat the Norib was of Puritan and the South of Cavalier descent. So fur is it , from being correct, that the position of the most eminent military Uadeis as to tbe rebel lion, shows tbe contrary to be nearer the truth. Tbe names of Fitrragut, Thomas, Era ory, Winslow, Meade and Dupont, are among the brinbledt in tbe Union ranks, and they were all Southern born men. Grant, Logan, McOlernand, Francis P. Blair, ScboBeld, are of Southern connections or birth, and the Union armies are full of proofs tb&t some of tbe staunc'hest defenders of tbe country are from that section. In political matters, the southern born man has much the advantage of a New Etiglnud man, on personal grounds; all over tbe West, except, perhaps, Michigan and Iowa. On tbe other hand, tbe North frr- nUbed tbe Southern armies with their Inspec tor General. Cooper, and Gei s Petuberton Lowell, Jubnl Early, Ruggles, Clark and ahoat of tli e i r ablest officers. In their ranks were 'tbe descendants of tbe reigcides. Bradshaw, Tcterstiod Harrison, andnone were such vio lent, uncompromising rebels as tbose of North ern biith. Viewing the subject in a more agreeable phase, the South has ever been tbe theatre for tbe display, of Northern abili ties in tbe political field. Tbe names of S. S Prentiss, a native of M ilne; J. A. Quitman, of New York; and John M. Berrien, of Pennsyl vania, oro idolized to this day by tbe South era people. These names are only a few of many uf those Noithern men who have been disiiuguishel in Southern anals. It is im portant to cite thise example to show that the hateful spirit of sectionalism is not ground into the people of the South. Tbere have been manifestations of this spirit, but ft be longs to tboae who cither come from tbe South Carolina school of politicians or tbe lowest drees of the southern population. Tbere is nothing to prove tbat tbe ex rebels and the Unionists may not be better friends in tbe future than ever injue past. Chickahouiny Lode. Tbe Cbickabominy Lode, which Is located in tbe bills between Moore's' and Elk creeks, some miles above Idaho City, has recently had much work done upon it. Tbe Cobden Mining Company has run a tunnel two hundred and forty feet, stri king the lode at a considerable depth, and finding very rich ore in large quantities. Tbe company bas just completed a new twenty five stamp mill, and will soon commence ' work. Tbe success of tb nine is largely at tributable to tbe zeal and efficiency of tbe superintendent, Mr. Richardson. ' Flint District, Owyhih. Within eight or ten miles of tbe mines of Owyhee, is Flint District, which contains many veins of rich quartz. On account of its vicinage to the wonderfully rich mines of Gold and War Eagle mountains, lis merits have been ob cured, until recently some beavy invest ments have been made in it. Tbe district is easily accessib-K f. bas wood and water in abundance, and- all desirable facilities for mining operations. Among tbe favorite lodes are tbe Rising Star, Polar Star, Boyd Keller, uem ana b:ck warrior. WALDROJi BROS.. Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. TSTE NOW OCCUPY COR NEW TWO STORY FIRE If proof Stone huililinir. nmioelte Bloeh. Miller k Co.. and odor to tbe public a full and complete stock of mugs, nieiucmes ami uiomiraia, conatating lu part or KKROSKNE. LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, UOP, ALCOHOL, AOE. ACIDS. SI'ONGKS. UNSHED, LKKCHK3, LARD, COHKH, CASTOR AND INDIGO AND NKAT.SFOOT OIL, 1.ANPBLACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AND PATKNT MKDICINKS. Our stock of FANCY GOOD. I s of the (lneat and best quality ; new strife ond large assortments, such as LUBIN'S PKRFUKKRT, HAIR. LUUi N B T'llLET SOAP, FLUSH, POMADBS. , SUA VINO, OOSMKTICS, HAT, II A I II OILS, CLOTIIVS, ' COLHONK, - TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES T.lOI'II POWDI4RS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our rariiuies ror Haying goods are second to none in the State, and wo shall at all times soil at a small ad ?au e from coat. Heady sales aud small profits. PniTSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of tbe day and night. Dalles, sept. , moo. seiu-ti OIL, GLASS, CORKS, ACIDS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, BLUESTONE, , ST? ! PS 3 & ? 213- S3 51 p T - tx . bJ3"" l5 a. 5 s5 13 6 f ?2 " 00 3 "2 I f tit 3 25' OK Sol (A p POMADES, TWINE, GLUE, SOAP, and FANCY ARTICLES. NOTICE . TUE P10NEEU STAGE COMPANY Will carr FiS.ST FREIGHTS r nil .u UMATILLA, AFTER TUE FIRST OK OOTOBKIl, AT THE FOLLOW. ING RKDUCtiD RATKb: To nolae City 15 Cents per pound Owyhee .'.....'.'.'.'.V.iio Fur lAHtt imnntlt.tli.n .ma liiiiulpn.l n... .1. n .l.tl.! r ifi A . ..u...... u ..iiitMn ,.u wiuaiuu ui rive ueuia jwr poaou win be cuargou. TIM Hi PltOM UMATILLA t To Uolse ( Ity, 3 Osivh. To Idaho Jlty .....3 1--Z Days TO Owj liee, 4 Oay. JOSEPH l'INKIl A5I,' Atont. Umatilla, Oct. 1. 1868. oel8:tf. ilEMOVAL. J. GOKTZ, Dalles. F. K0KNIG3RHRGER, Kan Francisco. J. GOKTZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS. Have removed to Rudiors New Stone Buildins- Washlngtob Stroet, near Frotick A Oilman's, end Lave .l.ii.ml u ivull...U4u.l ... HAVANA and DOMESTIC SKGAR3, VIBG1NIA and WE8TEKN TOBACCO, FRENCH and SCOTCH 8NUFF, ' MKER&CUAUM aud otker PIPES, -PLAYING CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY GOODS, c, to. Tbe trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. WAGON & CARRIAGE MATERIAL. TIIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY call tbeattention of all WAGON MAKERS .... To the Superior Stock of Wagon Timber, low In Store and soon to arrive, which wilt he olTereS a tbe trade on Libeial Terms. . - - ' OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK From 1U to 6 Inches. Finished ana Unfinished Oak & Hickory BPOKES, from 1 to 8U Inches oak & elm: hubs In Pairs and Sutayfrom 5x6 to 14x10. HICKORY Su ASH RIMS, BUGGY, KXPRESS and SULKY SHAFTS, Finished end ' Unflulahed. BUGGY and KXPRKSS poLhS. Finished and Unfinished niuaum AA.I.KS, all alios; BIKMY, WOON and KXPRRSS BOWS: OAK and HICKORY SCANTLING; HA WKII FKLLOKS, from 1J4 to 3 Inches; II KWKD TuMiUliS fur four horse aud ox-teams: BlNGI,KTKi:S: NiCOKYOKKS; LONG and SHORT IIOUNDS; " PLOW DKAMS and Handles, Ac, Ac. Tbo above stock was carufollv aHlfntml In fhA T.ilnn, Statea, exprraaly to m ot the demands of this trade Orders fur Boy of the above articles. Including; WAGON SKUINS, BOXES, Ac, will be promptly attended to. amm Tl. H. 1.A.W. StS Front Street, Portland, 18:tt - Opposite 0. 8. N. Co.'s Wharf. MILLINERY AND DUESS MAKING. 9A VISS O'ROURKKDKSIRKS TO INFORM tbe XTJL Ladies or Lull r a and vicinity, that sho has Just received a fresh supply of Fnslilonublo GooiIh, Tire latest Paris, New York mid San Francisco styles FLOWERS, co. A full and well-seleotod assortineut of Ladles' Heady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS'TRIMMINGS! 8TAMP1NO for Bmbroldoryand Iliaidfun. PINKING done at short notice. 1IONNHIS bleached and Pressed u toe latest style, a large assortineut or Children's RcauJlalo Clotliln Constantly on hand. Having; soenred tlio services of a rirat umta urnaa naKer, 1 am prepared to cut and fit Ladles' and Children's DRESSKS and CLOAKS. THIRD 8TIUSE1'; one square east of the Catholic vuareu. oc2l:3m. WOTICE TO FARMERS. rUIl DAU.KS LUMBBR AND MANUFACTURING nittiiiuvi .i .... COMPANY has recently attached a r'"LOUItIIVO 21 ILL to their Steam Bash and Door Factory, la this City, and iiiiw prepureu to uuui' FEjttL., If)l(ini WI1KAT a nAUTj ..... ... i ,. , ., uv..4.,.,H4 m..i-nii. t- KiTvtuu ueet eainmictlou. nauu cuiuiiaiitiy anu lor sale KtTRA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS Oil MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FKEDi (IIMCITPW vvvn Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new The highest market price nald for WITRAT. Cnn BARLKY. . . Ii. A. IIOGUE. Azeut Dulles, Nov. 2, 1804. onn. nd Ou land FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OKUGON, JOHNEPPINGffill Proprietor I JSf l having Htted up the ItWaSwjr above Market In the UK T f 11 STYLE, will keep constant ly on hnuil all sorts of retth and Cured Meats, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATE My motto Is to " PLBASK ALL." TJARTIKS HAVING SUPERIOR 8TOCK FOR BALE ja. win uvweu to can ui tne irranKim Alnraet. , . , JOHN El'PINGBR. Dalles, February 10th. 1808. WASIUNUTOrV MAItKKT, coft.iui or COURT AND SECOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WIL.1, KEEP m.Btniitlf nn I.....J ll .1.. l . Mies tbat the Uinrlii.tAMn nntulKlv iL '. alturd.of FlilCSII 6c CURED MEATS, and always of the b.at quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reftoonable terms, Tbe midiirNi irnitn taMl'nvu nrnnnviul n nnu l.i!. ant CIUlll lirlfA f.iP Is'A'P f 1WI U V.aI ....... L in KihmI cundltloQ. ate reijueated to call on liim before Uiines, March 3UM865. niliHlif CITY MARKET. 8. LAUI1ER & Co., Proprietors Will keep constantly on hand the beat ' MEATS OF ALL KliVDS. A LIBERAL SHARK OF PATROVAOE is solicited, as we expect to ke p as goo. I an assortment of Meats and of as 'wdas qual- iy, as mo country nuurus: ana will Dsliver the same to Parohaieri in the City. Parties huvlns; Buperior Stock for sale wlUdo wall to give us a call before disposing ol It elsewhere. 8. L All 11 Kit. Co., Southeast corner of Washington anil Third Sts. . Ppposlte Hosier's Blacksmith Shop. Oregon Steam XavigatiorTCo. . NOTICE! THE FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT- hare been established: Grain, Vegetables. Tallow, &c. From Wallula A Uinatlll i to Portland, f 16 00 per ton weight , Dalles to Portland 7 60 " ' " On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland 10 02 per lb " Dalles to Portland.. i .. u On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,....) 60 each " Dalles to Port aud 'MJ. ' ... 8. 0. REED, President. Portland, Sep. 23, 1866. sep'j7-2n,ls J . J XJ K EEI3 Main Street. Dalles, ; WBOLXUU ails amiL SlaXU CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, PIPES, &,o. AiWiTS in stobi m nrjT nunsa or' Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, Sc. PLAYING CARDS, POCKKT CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, of all kinds, . PERFUMERY, ot every deecFiDtios, CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOY8, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. ' Also Powder. Shut, Lead, Powder Flasks. Baskets, as 4 many other articles too numerous to mention.. V- Interlordealera supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc. at leas than Portland prices, with freight added. oc-S A.. Car. 13rtI)10JLtl, IMTORTER AND JOUUER OF "Wines & Xiquors, FRONT STREET, Portland, . Oregon, OFFKRS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORI ineut ol Brandies, Wines, Liquors, Case Goods, IV The Trade Is particularly Invited' to, examine my st ek before purchasing elaewliere. au24-tf MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND 23IHX.IA.I113 ROOM, F. ii. IIUNT, Proprietor, CORNER Or Main and Court Street, Dfttls, Oregon. J. M.JJurmit. ap21-tf Uwitr Martin. Villi Y IMPOKTANT ' ' TO , , . , Jlercliantg, Families, Hetels and BAH.ROOMM, ' JQLIUS KRARMER HAVING BOUGHT THE EN. tire Stock of Merchandise and Book-Accouuts of the ' late firm ot M. Seller A Co., In this city, to which he has added of his own importation (while doing business 1st roruaxl) an Itnmsue Stock ot the best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Iiooklne-Glasscg and All Kinds of Oils All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wish Ing to buy any of the above-meutiaeA articles, will de well to give mo a cull before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. VonH loll to call ou me. Rudlu's Stone Building, Washington street. Dalles. JHLIVS KBAEMER. . Dalles. March 17th, 1806. mhl7K M. BROWN. & BR0., WH0LS8AH AND RKTAIl BSALIM IN FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. BROWN," being a resident of San Francisco, w are enabled to otter great indcements to purchasers. W respectfntly Invite tho public to eiamlne our stock be for nrchasinK elaewliere. ml6-tf OsT Stone Store, north side Main street. Dalles. - Tn HANDSOME RESIDENCE occupied by A. BUCHANAN Is otfred For Sale at a Low Figure. For a priVato residence no more desirable locality couliT be desl red. The grounds are ornamented vUh sLrubber and the building, contains Ten Booms, Finished In the Best Style, and embraces every copvenlence. To a gentleman do. siring a Hal I rod and. Pleasant Homo, onnveulont to bnsl nesa, an opportunity is now preaented that seldom offers. The Ihwsoaud I'ornltura will be sold together or separ ately, as the purchaser may desire. For further partic ulars, Inquire at ocl-tf . WELLS, rARGQAJIOVa EXPRESS OFFICE! ; sr.. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, ' Main St., DoIIeav Oregon. - ' WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM i ' th citliens of this pUco aud vh clnity, thatjiavlng returned from a pro- ffWrv'jl sj .'esslonul tour through the diIik-s. he has ' 1 1 ' r apiun reauoioi. mo practice ol DENTISTRY, in the roome formerly occupied by him. in the building occupied br Wood A Butler, Ph itograph Artists, and adjoining Wal dron Bro..' Drug Store. He takes this m-thod of . tniiillnir tlimtk.. fnr llm HKa.., nu. 1 ... . . .... j,,,,,,, iivieboiore ea- teuded to liiui, and suliclts a coutlnuauce of tbe same. , i-int or FniiBd. Entire Denture on Gold Base.... ....$180 tot226- Ujiuer Denture, Gold Base.... 90" 120 " Deuture. Vulcanite Base 70 M 12 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 86" 6 Gold Killings Inaerted from one dollar upward. C.lrildreaai' Teeth extracted-free af charge". selMI -; MARTIN &MUKP1IY, Attorneyx-at-Law. OFFICES Idaho City, Boise Coonty, I. T.J Rnby Oltv Owyhee Oounty, I. X. apl6-tf ' MRS. L. VHITE'S 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH FOQMS. .tYover ice to til WashlnKton Mr- RAYING NEWLY FITTED UP Tnr. Deguar's Store, would rospectlull rftotographs, Carts de Yfeitc, te., that they will do well to give her a call . Particular at tention paid to taking Lad.es and Chl'drens Pictures. oc21:tf. ; l''urs I Furs I TUE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASU ' Beaver, Otter,. Mink and Coon Sklruv . h ' By KICUABDS A UcCRAKEN. . Portland, Sept. 27. IHUtl. oc4:8m. I1C13A0 fc WliULtL , ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LA W W ILL PRACTICE IN TUB SUPREME AND 0111 .. , . cult Cturu of 0ri"-. 4 the District Courts Vt ushingtou Territory. NEW HEARSE! rrinit undersionkd bkgsto iNFORrTiiscii. aNEW Hi$X2Z$ T,C""" th"ht AtlendFnnerals, on short notice. Tl,li b the Brat, tut at present, only lleacse 1st tbe city. ' ' t 11 . .... . I M. EVANS Tn-Hea, May H,llWlg, my:20-tf. NOTICBIS HEREBY 01 YEN not to trust my wife oa, my account, as 1 will not be responsible nl:Jw " 1 Jiii.iiih r.isrnia .For Sale at a Uartraln. Cf I F Street, ronnlna back 120 feet, adjoining t French A Oilman, with FIVE DWELLING HOUSES and TWO STORKS thereon. If the ..kv. property I. noteod ' gertror with Furniture In one hvuae. TITLE PERFECT ' For particulars Inquire oC PAYNE A CO., AnoU. Bailee, Not. T, 1806-til ' -