aUp Mountaineer, WEDNESDAY MORNING. NOV. 15, ls5. A DISTILLERY, ia building at L Grande. Got. Lyos has arrived ia Boise City from the East. ' . WialtB) like beauty, ia generally dispar aged and eagerly Bought, while poverty is highly praised and carefully avoided by all. Tni lack of a cemetery for a town In Indi ana, is mentioned as a grave de'ect. The pun is as old as Shakespeare's time. Thi "Indelicate Drama" is the polite name of the filthy class of plays which keeps the Itage in several leading theatres in New York TUB BRANCH MINT. Wlia Walla News. We condense In m The Idaho Siatetman of the 7th inst., copies the Statesman, of the lOih inst., the following: in large part, an article from this paper, on a little boy, the son of Wm. Muody, was the subject of the Branch Mint, and claims run over by a wagon and severely hurt, on that the argument in favor of establishing it the 2d inst. He is out of danger, at this point, convenient to the mines, ap- Reese's new mills are turning out about plies with more force to Boise City than the lixtj barrels of flour a day, of excellent I Dalle. The ' Statesman takes the novel quality. ' ' ground that about all the golii from the Co- Wells, Fargo Co.,'brougbt down at one lumbia Basin comes from the mines within a trjp tt,roe thousand pounds of treasure from hundred miles of Boise City. It allows that Boise and Owyhee. Fifteen hundred pounds half a million a year, or some such trifle, 0f it was silver from 'be Poorraan Lode, comes out of the John Day mine, and about a man named Wbeelouk attempted to com- Thi Stookton Herald says that our 11 Na tional debt has now evidently reached itn highest figures." This is not quite so evident we cftn ghow from tfae gtat0 uf facts, is nearly correct : as much more from other tributaries of the Columbia, north of Boise River. That jour nal also assumes that the relative gold and diver productions of the several sections of the Columbia Basin will remain in the future as they are at present. To disabuse our coteinporary of this idea, is an easy task. It will, doubtless, be inlor- motion to him to read ihe following compu s might be thought. Total. .... B.50.000 These figure rcpre.-cnt the presens an nual production of these mines, nnd are, in point of fact, somewhat below tbe real amounts. These very considerable sums are the produce of districts which only need po pulation to indefinitely increase the yield pf gold and silver. In Boise and Owyhee, the quart j interest is b' ing rapidly ucvelnpet, Tpi fow on tha Willamette Hirer some dava I Product of John Put Mines. . , " . : " Warren's Divings OI IB'I weeK was su mien, wmi iu uruBunifg Bock Island' Rtpids, men bad to feci the channel with poles tbe pilot being nnoble to lee tbe water. A New Youk Judge lately announced that rich criminals were as worthy of punish ment as poor ones. This may be 'rue, but in general, men will say that it is "flit blas phemy." '. A hn died on board ihe steamer General Grant, between Monticello and Portland, on tbe Hth inst. His name could not be ascertained. Gov. Pickrrinq, of Washington Territory, has returned to Olympia. Ho did not take passage with Mr. Mercer and tbe seven hun dred unprotected females, as had been reported. Ashootino affair occurred some two weoks sinret at Warm Springs, near Idaho City, between Col. Columbus Si trims nnd a man named Cole. Col. Simms was wounded in the arm. RoBDBitv. A packer deposited $3 500 with the keeper of a public bouse in Umatilla, a day or two since, and when ha called for it, the landlord inlormed him that it was missing. Till Oriziba took down, on her last trip, $190,000 in treasure, which was placed on ber treasure list, and nearly as ntuch more in private hands. Thi Morning Call speaks ot one of its co temporaries as so attached to everything con nected with the colored race, that it is daily expected he will publiub bis paper on colored paper. Walla Walla Statesman. The first num ' ber of the Wall Walla Statesman issued under the management of Mr. Newell, has befn received at this office. It promises well for a eareer of local and general usefulness. Elk City. Florence Oro Finn ........ Clearwater Station liar of Salmon, Snake and Clearwater Clark's Creek And Mormon Rutin... Co'vlllo. Ten d'Ori-ille 4 Kootenai.. The Montaua trade..... 1,000.000 Auburn - 600.000 mit suicide at Walla Walla, last week, by taking laudanum. A physician was called, in time to save his life. Tbe necessity of a speedy completion of the branch mint is urged by tht Statetman, and it is allowed that tbe original intent of Con gress, in making nn appropriation tor that purpose, should be carried into effect ' The news from the mines on tbe upper Co lumbia is very encouraging. As much as $2,500 had been taken out bv one man, and $ some $25,000, in ail, bad been brought dowB 2M1000 to Colville. Cant. L. White's steamer s nearly ready to launch. This boat can run to within sixty miles of the mines. From thence, canoes ran be used. News from Blackfoot is to the effect that there are abundant supplies in the Montana mines. Some very rich didcoveiies in quartz have been made. The project of establishing a woollen fac tory at Wall Walla is mooted, and must re ceive favorable consideration. Isaac T. Bioen, San Francisco. C. 8. MllXKR, Bio. ScoAWBAcnm, Dalles.' RIocli, Miller & Co,, WHOLESALE G'Ifc'O C EH S , AND DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of OLOTHINGrJ Boots & Shoes, Under Clothing:, Blankets, etc., etc., etc. 2(10.000 600,XJ ttJO.OUO 300.000 1 .',0.000 1.0O0.000 ASSAY OFFICE. WIS HATE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wl'honr business, under the eutfre supertWon of Mr. Miller. Vt'e make rctnrna in Hare in six hours We guarantee all our Assnvs and pay the HIGHEST CA8II PKICH for Bars. We also pay the Uigheat Cash Price for Gold Dual. BLOOII, MILLER A CX, myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalle. Fatal Accident. On the 7th inst., a man named Smith was killed ne ir Miller's Ranch on Burnt River. He had parsed the ranch and was ascending the hill between Burnt nnd in the districts enumerated, that branch and Snake rivers, driving a horse team, and of mining industry is cntireiy dormant. In from some cause unknown the horses rah some placeSj'sitcb as the F orem e silver dis away taking off the rood into a ravine rict and the silver lodo of the upper Coluin- overgrown with snge-brnsh of great size. bit, discoveries have been made which are It is thought that running over the brush not in any respect inferior to Owyhee. As was tbe caose of the wagon upsetting, and yc t, the amount of prospecting has not been Smi h was thrown undernenth it and hod sufficient to demonstrate the tocat on of the his neck broken. Some time afterwards, best mines of the Columbia R vcr Basin, and some poisons passing snw the wagon nnd there are still vast sections of country, fur horses off of the road?, and on examination itx f.nm Rnian nnrl Onrvhcn. wh'irh mav. found Smith liing under the wagon. Smith nnd roasonnby do, contain miBes of no less ''"d on Powder River, six miles above Ba value than those which our coteinporary ap- ker City, mid leaves a wile and several cbil- penrstothinkarethenly ones which produce lrcn. Ho was a mnn highly respected for any gold of nccoulit.' Wo would further call his social qualities and integrity. At tbe the nttent:on of ihe Statesman to the fact timo of ihe accident, he wa on his way to that, but for the fact;oui opposition of o lier Owjhce with a load of faim produce. loral ties, lie brnncn aunt at tuis place A Cmcts ot the Fenian Brotherhood bns would now be nearly completed. We teel been orealea Bt Walla Walla. au'U'T'zed in asserting, that it the past wee SELLING OFF AT COST, TO CLOSE LJUSINESS r THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully Inlnrm tncli patrons and tlie public nt larue. that they will commence to sell this day, their laige and handsome Stock of Clothing Dry Goods, I'smilnlilnc Goods, fancy Goods, Hats A Caps, Ladies' SI , Hoots A Shoes, Childr ...s Shoe, Kuhtier Goods, Hats, Ulnnkets, Salem Cloths, ' Ac, Ac, Ac, A T COST. In ordrv to retire from bufineif tlffe above Stock mnrt be sold wit lib Sixty Imya, uutl STKICTLV AT COST! All persons Indebted to tho firm will plense coll an settle their bills immediately, thereby cavlii all umi cenary future trouble. . C011M 4 1101IM, Dalles, Oct. 2, 1806. 0031?. MOW TO SAVK ?IOJEY! CALL AT IMS MEW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of WsuMnnton 8ccoud rrneis. TTHB UNDKHS1UNUD WI81IK3 TO INFORM TIIH peoplo ot the DalU-, niiil the public generally, ttwt ba Ima a litro nnd wvU ttelticted stock of FAMILY GHOCKHIES, CANDIES, A' UTS, kc., Which he will sell Wholesale nnd Itct.tll nt Jtalmed iVtcej fur CASH. Alxn. etiuhtantly on hand the Choicest Article of VIIKSU llUTTKK aixt Ki.iiS. Also, every variety of I P. HITS ami VW.KT'AIU.hS in their season. Persons from up the country, wishini; quantitied of Kjips and r'ruit. Iiy aeuilin iu tiieir orders, will receive Hit strictest attention. anil nave tueui nneu hi uieoieeu Market JVicci." ljvll-tf C. L. JMVELL. to do over again, this opposition would never be (iff red, as the common injury arising from ibis siate of facta is now nppa'cnt to all. Tho Statesman can nitf n work which will be a common benefit ; it may evon be ab'o to frustrate its accomplishment, but it may be sure that Boise Ci y will never de rive any advan nga from such a course of M. G. CIRCLK OF F. B. will meet on SAT- UltDiY EVKNINO. NOV. 18, at Vi o'clock, at the buildinu in rear of K. 1'. Fite Gorald's Store. By order. Nov. U. nol5-4t J. IlOtlKUTT, Scc'y. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F.- Meats every Tlmrsday evening at f.J o'clock. In Gates Hall, comer of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. G. Now OR Never Call at Wt. Birrrbamn's Jewelry E ., i.t. . .1 1, .. t Ti : .. W learn that representaHooa of the state conduct; for it is quite certain that the mmAt .,. sllTer w. L,mn,. cmierv and fc.ucv f affair. -1 i Eastern Oregon have been for- Braneh Mint cannot be located there, in the aoods, which he offers for sale iu order to close buluess warded to the War Department, wlh a view face of the mining developments in other on account of 111 health, at less than cost, There's no to prevent tbe mustoring out of the vo'un- parts of tho couqt y. . such large and well-se'.octod stock this side of Sou Fran- Now Is vour time to liav nrHiin.tB abfau. and at a savinc Captains I of 30 percent. Mr. B. has alo a lot of 1'oriscopu. Ghuu. n4tf. AT MK8. LEESEB'S FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Colin dt lJolim'a, YOTJ CAN FIND THE l.ATKST AND MOST FASH IONABLE GUOUs, In the lino of UONKUTS, II 4TS, 1 ATIBLUS, FLOWERS, EMBtOlOERY, . Dress 'iri-iiuiiiiiifps. St c. In order to make dress eomnletp, it becomes necessary tluit a MOItN KT or 11 AT, Handsomely Trimmed, suoufat adorn the head. Give nio nn early call, nnd I will endeavor to suit everybody in TA&'l'E and at 11 KASuN ABLE l'ltlCES. rarlitular atteniioi' palilto Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. teers in service, until such time as the secu rity of the frontier will warrant it. Georoi BiDDLRMAit, who was sent from Grand Rondo to the Insane- Anvliim. nt 'Portland, escaped, and is now in Grand mea.t' ftt oar ftdvice9' t0. m?T0 Jfl,nt,7 Operations Aoainst IsnrANS Sco'tand Williams, commnndino; tbe forces I Spectailes that perform wonders. in Harney Lake Valley, had made arrange against the Indians in that district. Their action has doubtless been precipi'a'ed by ears that they will be rccal ed before being able to do anything of importance aeninst the "hcll-hou-nils of savage warfare" who in fest the Eastern section of the Suite. Being instigated by a military ardor, more uncon moo than is generally supposed, they desire Rondo. He says the keepers at the Asylum employed him. ia digging potatoes, and he thought he had belter dig them for wages at home than work at tbe Asylum for nothing. . Me is said to be perfectly sane. Homstib Nuoqst. A piece of gold, weti ing fourteen and a half pounds, avoirdupois, hag been round on Deadwood Gulch, a tribu- to strike at least ono effective blow at the tary of Snow-shoe Gulcb, in the Blacktoot savages, before casting aside the impl' men's mine, i'ne claims Mom wbrcb this monster of' war. We hear from many sources that nugget was extracted, are about six. miles dis-1 the Vohinteers, nuder the command of these tant from Blackroot Uty, and between there gentlemen are burning with anxiety to and Helena, close to the summit at the Rocky the Indians to a decisive fiht. Tbe result Mountains- would be still more decisive in cae of a sren- eral engagement, If tbe mountains around Harney Lake Yailey were covered with.snow, To tbe Tax-payer of Masco Count)'. Sheriff and Tx Coblector's Ofptok- Watca County, Oregon, Am. If, 18C6. NOTICE I' llKftEBY GIVEN, that the time for pay In; State and County tuxes for the year lHttg will expire on FltlOA Y. D1.UEMBKK TIIK 1ST, 18'. Alt taxes remaining: uupaiil on personal property after that date will be colleeled the same us en i xecttiion. CltAS. WHITE, Sheriff ind Tni Collector, Wasco Co., Oregon. Dallea-CUy, Nov. 14, 18U6. noli-wd H. B. OAHS. . . I.T. HAFTr GATES & HAFT, Attorueys & Counsellors at Law, BALLES, OREGON. ' Thi Streets The unfinished' condition ef the streets at tbe crossing of Union and Tdird streets, is a subject of some complaint. At that povai these is a jump-off that endan gers persons traveling about aC'night. in one case, a lady sprained bet ankle by step ping off this place, and a gentleman' fell down and nearly ruined himself there.. A kill of costs and damages may be saved by stSvfiog tbe glace made passable. NOTICE. 1 S. HOLLAND- IS MI ATJTIIORTZKD AflF.NT to attend to collecting and sottling ud inv business. during my abnence. Those indebted to me or to Payne A Co.. are requested tu pay him Immediately and save corns, ne nu nan timers 10 coueci. jr. A. U. 1'AlBlS. Dalles, Nov. 13, 1805. H f LOST so that the Indians could not escape torn the lJSHTT; .M3"1 '.f Komer, 1863, a 1 I JL MhMilltANDAM BOOK, containing-notes drawn In vatiey, in case 04 ueient. , In the V. S. District Court, A. M. Burns was convicted in tbe matter of "omitting to montioa four eases 0 opium in tbe manifest of tbe steamer Pacific, on 'her voyage from Victoria to Portland, in February, 1865,V and fined the value of the opium, $5,513. favor of J. D. Hons. Ail persons nro hereby forbhldun to, negotiate tor said n Jtes. The finder will, be Ifbernlly icnniucu u; teaviug me aniue at AK l. n Ai.U UU .Vd. Nov. 18, 1805. v H-iwd HOUSE AT -A-XJCTIOIS:. WTSTB WILL SELL THR IIOUSB OS. TUB 00 UN BR f V or Socond and Ifedoral streets, atr Auction, on Wedneadajr, November 15tU, at 10 au m BALB PEREMPTOIIY. PAYNR i 0., nllttd. AMCtloueccs NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STOUK, WASHINGTON STREET. rnUK UNDEI'.SIHN'ED would roapectfully annonne JL tiiat he will open a first class Saloon In Vreuch Oilman's New Stone lluilding. 'J lllS EVENING, and ia prepared to serve custumuts with the best of Mines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A ERTKE LUNCH Every day and Evening. oc28tf. JOHN RIKDLAl'B. F . DEII3I, Watchmaker and Jcwclcrv MAIN STREET, DALLES, (NEIT DOOR TO TUB ASSAI 0KHCK.) DBAXKU IN FINK WATCHES, JKWKI.RY, CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver aud Pla'ed Ware. Bpectacles, Cutlery, sic. i -l'artlculur auoiilion paid. to renalrlnic fined Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired oy pjb wi.ujmuMi ior .wuive niouiiiB. N. U. All orders from the unnet' ftnuntrr. bv Rxnrea or otherwise, promptly attended to. anil t' WH0IESALE AND BETA1L SEALER lit Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTKINC, BOOTS AND SHOES,, JJA TS AND CA rs,. A ND Gentlemen's Furnishing Good. Fire-proof Stone Store, ooruer of Muln and CourA Streets. oc4-tf NOTICE. Cl E0RGK LIEDK Is my duly authorized anentdnrinr W my absence-in the Eiistern States, to attend to the culler tlon-ot all arcounts due uiej nnd also th late firm, of Wintermelr MuiiBer. A. WINTEUMEIIt. " FOR SALE. A FIRST CLASS, SECOND'IIAND PFAN0, oan be hs on reasouaUie teuus. Inquire at this Office, or of. oc3U A.W. lEKOUSOMi.