VOL. O. DALLES, ORKGON, Wi3DNlSSliAY, NOVEMBER IB, 1865. NO. fe'SS PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, MONDAYS EXCKPTKp,) BV E. G. tOHSiE & J. HAL LOR AN KDITOKS AND PROPRIETORS. DALLES & CANYON CITY STALE Terms Twfnty-fivt. cents per week, payable to the carrier per iiiontli, by mail, $1; three monthi, 260; six months, $5 on 6 year, $8. AdTOrtinementa iiuerted at low num. Job Printing. Every lecrfptlon of plain and fancy Job Printing exe- nted with ncatnunfi and despatch, and forwarded aa per rt9r to any part or the country. Ivyment JorJoo Irwt ing mutt he maae on delivery tf work. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. -IIAiDLUY & SIJ1XOTT, l'rop'rs THIS POPULAR IHl'ai, CNIRAI.LToCATED, Rear the Steamboat Landing & Sailroad Dopot Him been receutly enlarged and Improved, and will Dow ccoiumidate 30 0 GUESTS. IT WILL If K CON DUCT KD as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS IIOU.K. und the patronage of the traveling .public in respectfully solicite L AS IliKKige takeu to the House free of charge. House ttpen all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Dalles, Oct. 4 tf. EMPIRE HOTEL, MAIX BTHEET, DALLES, 0RE0.01C, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN THX CIKTKI OF BUSINESS, Near the Steamboat and Railroad landings Superior Accommodations for Families and can Ao couiniMUe One Hundred and Fllty Guests. Meals 60 est. Lodging (0 cts fire Proof Safe for deposltoof valuables. flra House open all night. Baggage taken to the Tlousa rreeot ciiarge. i iiujiao a.uiiii, inh8-tf Proprietor, FAMILY GROCERY STORE!! S. FRANK, DEALER IN FAMILY CiKOCEKIES, TOUACCO AND 8BOAKS, ALSO , FRESH A1VD DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, 4c, 4c. And ever; article usually found in a First-class ' Fumlly Grocery Store. MR. FltANK lias just received from below an entire new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, which lie will sell at low rates for cash. Heads of fara llv anil others are invited to call and examine his stock. sT Goods delivered in any part ot the city Iree of charge GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 76 CENTS. 8. FRANK, Main street Jy30:tf. A few doers below tlie Post Office FURNITURE ! FURNITURE DUiHLAJI Sc AVENTZ, y W N I T U ..CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS . TrfCSRSIJgSjr Dalles City, have on hand a variety &ftWmwi iiouscuoia Furniture, embracing Tables, Chairs, llnreaus Ueds and Bedsteads. Bedding, Carpets to., etc, all ot winch will be sold at low ratos. Furniture Repaired, and U pholeteriiig done to order. Also, ou hand Vlatlrosses aud Pillows. Bpring Beds made to order, aula WjI. MOAUtja. 0. B. KUStiKL. Wlvl. IVIUABU3 VV., 0 I TY BAKERYj AND raovisioif STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKAI.EKS in BREAD, CRACKERS and Family GROCERIES. ra0rdora from a distance carefully filled and promptly ' dispatched. 1-1 f MEDICAL CARD. A. CSTEPIIEXSOIV, III. .. RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services In the several branches of medical practice, to the eitirus of Dallesand vicinity. Particular attention will he paid to female diseases. Chronic disea-cs of whatever type or grade, will recolve prompt and efficient treat ment. Oillce, adjoining Waldron't Drugstore. no26tf BOOKS ! BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . 5 Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, . Lata NOVELS. MAGAZINES. PAPERS.' c, 4c. hv every Steamer. Post-Office Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. nia7-tf H. J. WALDRON 4 CO. fi. . STEIINS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law AND NOTAIiV PUBLIC. OFFICE On corner of Washington and Main streets, Canyon City. Grant County. Oregon. ap'iutl KEGS OF SALT SALMON, lUUlbs each. For sale by auliktfj F.LIKBB. . 10 Are now running their line of CONCOUI) BETWEEN DALLKS Sb canyon city By way of Todd's Bridge, Cross Hollows, Bridge Creek, Alkali Flat, Camp Watson. Rock Creek, Cottonwood and Johu Day's River, trl-weekly. ' OARRHNO WEtLS, FARGO & CO'S EXPRESS. Leaving Dalles and Canyon City every Toes I y and Friday morning. Through in two days. 'IAS. A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles office At Wells, Fargo 4 Co.'s, Dalles. N. 0. MAYHEW, Agent. Dalles, April 23th, 1866. ap25tl FOR IIOISI2 MI1VLS DIRECT. X II 12 WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Reicnlar Trios from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Boise Mines.) Through In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and th uuut. oi me v. o, a. company. GEO. F. THOMAS 4 CO., ap27-tf Proprietor BLACK TOOT JUXl'lCU.. DWIGHT & BACON, Proprietors. fM!E PUBLIC ARE HEItEBY INFORMED that we M. have concluded arrangements for the transaction of Express Husiness AO ASiu illOM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRYl and have commenced makir.g regular trips from WALLA WALLA, via Lewiston, to VlltGlNIA CITY, HELENA, 0PU1R 4 BLACK FOOT CITY. All business entrusted Co us will be attended to with promptness nd dispatch. - funicular attention nam to UOLLKCTlONS. Will leave on their Becond trip, starting from Walla n ana, uctooer ou , ujh letuu, uutoucr otn. Bviu-zln JACKSON SALOON ! COUNEa COURT AND SECOND hTREETS, piIEUNDEUSIONKD, HAVING REMOVED FROM L THE "ULLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO G lite is' New ISuildin Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve ineir customers wuu me best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free Lunch ! Every day and evening. , AN TON L AtER EMIL SCIIUTZ, decj-tf . Proirletors. Q.UAKTZ MILLS ! And all kinds of iUachluery . Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TII streets, l'ORTLAIVD. A. Portland, Dec. Oth '04. . C. GIBBS 4 CO., Successors to dofitf E. L. Jones 4 Co. a. i walIsAci:, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON omci Ncnr Gates & Clinpln's Drng Store, MAIN STREET, DALLES. aplSt COLUMBIA BREWERY, LCD WIG & St IIAXJVO, Props. T)A L,1VIH, OltEGON. niOhEST PRICE PAID FOR BARLEY. au26:tt. e7Teiia7ittl Attorney at La, v, - DAiL.ES, OREGON. OFFICE, on Second stroet. five doors east of Washing ton Market. nol7-tl i'ULlil 11 Ac til L JIAi, IMPORTERS AND WH0LUAL1 Dealers in Wines, Liquors GUOCKUIE8, Miners' Goods, Itoat Stores, &c BAVlTlIMOVID TO TKIIR . NEW STONE BUILDING " iORttlROf Second and Washington Streets DALIES CITY. TU'OW IN 8T0RK A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS XI sortmcnt of the very best brauds of WINES AND LIQUORS Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS " Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New ima anu can Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adontinz a strictlv nrrr-.t and nrnnint method l doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub- no. SPllMf KHtubliMhcd IS5?. BALDAV1N BRO. . - DEALERS IN ' CORNER OF Slain and Union Streets, Dalles J.C.BALDWIN mti21-tf F. W. BALDWIN AIOTICU. HATE THIS DAY re-pnrchised my stork or goods, sold a lew days since to Mr. J. 11. Crossen. All debts due the concorn will bs collected by me, aud not by Mr, Crossen, as heretofore published. lionw u. I,. .IK, ' K.I, li D Removal. R. BELT has removed his office from Dr. Craig's Drug Store to Waldron's new Stone bnililing, up ocaiitf. 1. WiH DOVTIllTT, ATTORNEY A.X LAW, BANNOCK CITT, Idaho Territory. ' Particular attentionpsldto Collecting Debts. GROCERY, PROVISION, IFTttTlX STORE, Waslilncton Street, opposite French 4 Oilman's, Dalles, mis ou nana a large ana well-assorted stock oi GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Jj rcsU JJutter & Egrets, Received dally. A largo lot of CHICKENS always oh band. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESI1 VEGETABLES every niorniHgv All articles warranted. Give" Me a Call, Everybody PRICKS LOW. , anI8:tf . f LI EBB. COLUMBIA RIVER MINEST -A.. R. . 13 O O Til, WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, , . AND OINIRAL PXALKIt lit I EltCII ANDISE AND U1IM.IIS' supplies. PACK AN0 SADDLE H0A3E3 FOB SALE. E .HEIGHTS CONSIGN FD to my care for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ccire prompt attention. White Bluffs, Oct. 1st, 1864. . oc2tf Id. i. Jb,ITiCGH!RA.IJJL, PKAL1H In EI A. 11 D VV A R E Irou iind Steel. i'serF Dttcriptim .Miners' aud Mechanics' Tools, a n u Farmlni; Implemontn. SHIP CHANDLERY, QROCKRIES, CLOTHINQ, AND BlAA-liKAlHI UUUiia. Crockery and Glasswai . E. P. F1TZOKRALD, flO-tf Dalit, (w R. B. DALLAM. C. W. A11HU. O. W. AUHIS ARMES &, DALLAM, Importers and Jobbers of WOOD AND-WILLOW WARE. BRUSHES, TWINES, CORDAGE. 4c And Manufacturers of California Tails, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 ft 210 Sucrauieu to Street, between Front nud Davit ban FrauciKo. , ocll;3iudw. F. TILLMAN7 OU AOIilT IN CAUfOBXIA V0E TILTON & MoFARLAND'S Fire Ac llurglar 1'roof Sales. STEEL LINED VAULTS, WITH Combination Lock. i-Conilantly on kwid a full assortment of SAFES. 318 BATTERY STREET, JyMm San Francisco. WaNhliigtwn vVutrou Uonu. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD I FORM THE Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland aud Vancouver to the Uimor Cannula i. well being kept in good traveling order for wagons and stock, - . E. C. IlaKDV. Dalles Jan. Ilth 1865. lanlltf Sole Proprietor. w. 13. bigiSlow: Receiving. Storing Forwarding AND Commission Merchant! Advances maae on Consignments. MAIN STREET, Opposite the Umatilla' Huuse. ' - A CARD FOR THE Fall & W inter Clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. BADGER &LINDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 and 413 Battery Street, Cor. Merchant, Han fc'remelsco. Importers and Wholesale Dealers EXTIBE NEW AND FRESH STO0C WE WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Hep. chants to our usually large stick of Uuods. Our stock comprises every article hi II e Clothing ami Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand the largest and greatest variety of Caasiinere and Wool HATS ot any holme in ban Francisco, and our prl es for these (Ooodi are Kss limn those ol auy house, as we receive them direct from rtre nnmnfactuier's consignment' Our stock of Summer aiwl Fall tioops Is fiai tlcularly attract lvo, and the great feature to the country moi'chant lithe uuusually low prices. Less Than the Cost or Importation! We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goods line, which Woods We liave purtfiimeu tn this market nn tler the tmnniier, and are olloring them at Iiew Vulk Cost, and less. i We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and induce those alio have nut heretofore purchased of s, to call and esnnilue our stock. Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest inducements to all who purchase to soil again. Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at alow bgure. W reiuuiu, respictliilly, Your Obedient servants, ' BADGER 4 LINDENBEKOER, Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Noe. 411. 41o aud 41o Batiery street, Bon Francisco, April 1, 18lio. ' JeW-3mw. HOI FOlt THE SlMMElt UOlJSEl ON THE SEA. JBEA.O ETfc t 1US DELIGHTFUL AND CKLbURATED SUMMER, M. l.esurt. snualed or Clatsm, I'Iaiiih. a i,l,rt ,ll.,un. from tilt Ocean, Is now re-auvued uud readv to receive gll-'MtW. nils rosoft possusses attractions unsur)rassed on the Paclllo Coust. It has a splendid beach for riding, Walki Ing and bathing; benutuul scei.ery and surruuudingst berries of all kinds abound: a beuutil'nl trout audabuudance of game. TUB TAIILE Is constantly suiiolied with salt .,,,1 irh r.t. .h clam, and craus, elk. bear arid rithitril m .j .k. frosheiit of country proiiuce. Tlie-cliinate is selubrious This Hotel offers every thing that could be desired for the comfort of guests both well and sick. ' The Pronrietorii reenectfuilv ask the lT.nl it, .,1 pi.... nre Seeking Public tor partronnge, that they may enabled to make the ' Kuinmer ii,,u. n,,, , ; t stltotiou ol the country. LOWELL 4 K I PPEN. SELLING OFF AT C0STI My entire stock of STOYES All T1IWARE, ALSO, - TINMAN'S TOOLS. rBVIK WHOLE embracing a fine stock, ever article JL of which will be sold at COST. a. 1 rfu.iri, i i.,.. out business. Also, one OKAND PI ANO, in good order. Also, lor sale, the HOUSE At D LOT, on tiecoud Stieet, uext to the comer of Washington. The House Is iw stories, viith a basement, and is well adopted to the hotel business. Also a lot of BEDDING, comprising about tweuty-Bve Beds. The whole will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the promises. AjjUS.HA UKVTINOEMt T 1'isw ritiiT. caxottitv AND ' , . ' PROVISION STOREi MIB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS niS FRIHNDg hi . the Dublic ffenerallv. that hi. lnu' iHt M,,,Wl.l,rf nw Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobacconist, - A NEW STOREl where he keens constantly on hand a lnWn ..'MirimMt nt selected FRUIT. Also, in store acomnleteatik ofcl.nl,. cuocKmns, PhormoNs; vmKTABLUs, do. All of which will he sold, wlminw,. .n,i vu,,.ii .t nn) DUCED PRICKS. Come And see and satisfy voursolf. JOHN MO81T0v LINCOLN HOUSE. Corner Washington and Front Street!, PORTLAND, 0KEO0N. IjVRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. Charges Reasonabr. AN O.M.N I BUS will alien,! .11 th. rtn.t. nM.S Passenirers and their hHiimi.. tn th. ii,i.M vu. t.f Chargo, or to any other House in the Ciry for 50 conts.: . m. uurfiN, proprietor. P. S HOT AND COLD BATHS in the House. All the Steamers for OrA,r,,n mtv Vu,,,., Mnntk cello and Astoria land at the Lincoln House Wharf. sepi:jin . ' , , DENTIST UAS REMOVED 1118 OFFICE 0PP0- ii "i -site Bloch. .Miliar A fl.,.. wl,.r I,. Ef-ilTj'Cf"-'" is prepared to do all kinds of . ijTlVW DENTAL WORrf. " in a skill fill and well flnlshid manner. TEKTIt Inserter? from one to an entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plate. Prices ransre for Rubher Plate, from t.-m tnftuft. Vn. - Gold Plate, from 7o to $18, ' . " Persons having work done by me not proving sat. Isfactory will not be required to receive or nay for thi same. aulS-ti.i DR. A.. II STJEJELiEi .ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON, U. 8. A. nvvin. a WALDRON & BROS.1 DRUO ST0H13