Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Epitome of Telegraphic News. fCOMPIUtD MOM TIH OBMONIUt. DATES TO NOVEMBER 8. Atlantic Kewi, Washington, Nov. 7. Tbe National Intelli gencer, iu noticing a visit to the President jea terdny of a delegation of ladies from Balti more, Hnd loo presentation of a petition nu merously signed, seeking the clemency of the 'Executive in behalf 01' Jeff. Davis, snys the interview was a protracted one, and of a most ngreenble character. The fair petitioners left the city rairying with them a most pleasura ble impression of the President. lie reg et ted that tbe national character of the question lestrained all private sympathy which they might awaken. He made the important state ment that complete arrangements bad been made for the early legal trial of Davis ac cording to the laws of the laud. Slilwaukie, Nov. 8 Returns from seventeen precincts, including tbe principal cities, gives Fairchild, (Uuioo) lor Governor, 1,687 ma jority. The result of tbe vote upon negro auffrage is doubtlul. The vote for tbe exten sion of suffrage In seventeen precincts is 500 behind the ticket. MAew l'ork, Nov. 7 The Timet says General Eong-itreet, while in this city, declared that tbe ribellion would have succeeded if it had not been for the incapacity of Jeff. Davis, whose intermeddling destroyed nil their hopei, aud that on several occasions be pre vented the rebels from taking' Washington aud making it their base of oll'ensive opera tions. New York, Nov. 8. John Mitchell arrived In this city yesterday, took the oath of Amer ican citizenship, obtained passports, and said be was not going to London. New l'ork, Nov. 8. Pardon applications are on tbe increase. Four hundred were received yesterday from Georgia, and two hundred from North Carolina. Niio York, Nov. 8 The New York Herald publishes tt summary of Governor Marvin's 'message to the Florida Reconstruction Con vention. Gov. Marvin, does not tl.ink it would be wise to confer tbe privilege of voting on negroes. Be believes Bogress wHI not com mand it as an indispensiblo primary to tbe ad mission of HepresoMivfcsr but urges upon the Conveution, 84 a matter of plain justice - as well as wisdom, tbat laws for the most complete protection, of Freedmen's civil rights be passed, and tbat their testimony De receiv ed in' tbo courts. Without tbese, he saya, tbe colored people will have no saleguard against the imposition of cruel or dishonest employ ers with them. He thinks the emancipated people will be generally contented, industri ous and enterprising, even in tbeabsenceof the exercise of the ballot. He also recommends tbat the Convention declare tbe secession or dinance not repealed but ruled void. He favors tbe adoption by the Legislature of tbe amendment pobibiting slavery. Foreign Keiri, Halifax, Nov. 7. Lord Palmerston was buried at Westminister Abbey on the 27th. The Queen and Cabinet were present. Par liament and the Diplomatic body were also largely represented, lmmca-e crowds throng cd the streets through which the funeul procession passed. The Morning roit Is apparently going into opposition.. It snys: "The feeling of the country toward Earl Russell's ministry will bo one of total apathy. The country will see little to praise or condemn. It will be do ea.y matter to reconstruct his government in the House of Commons, but he must cer tainly introduce some fresh element to re strain tbe majority." The Advertiser thinks it will be Impossible . for Gladstone to work the IIouBe of Commons successfully without more help than usual. Tbe Herald snys : If Russell should make any Radical move, Conservatives certainly will lose no opportunity. to checkmate him." The Ardibif hop of Paris- was visiting tbe cholera hospitals.. A council' of Ministers was held on the 20th. Main Street, Dalle, Oregon. VfE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY PIRK l proof Stone liullillng, opposite llloch, Mlllor Co., ana offer to the public a full anil complete stock of Drugs, Mediclues and Chemicals, consisting In part of KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS CHIMNEYS, TURPENTINE, - HOPS, ALCOHOL, SAUK, ACIDS, SPONGES, UNSHED, LEECHES, LAKD, . " CORK., CASTOR AND 1NDIOO AND NEATSPOOT Oil, I.ANP11LACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATENT MrEUICnNTES. Oar stock of FANCY OOODS 1 s of tlio finest and beat quality ; new styles ond large assortments, such us LUBIN'8 PERFCBKItY, HAIR, LUBIK'g TOILET SWAP, FLESH, l'OMADKS, BI1AVINO, COSMETICS, , , HAT, UAIItOIf.S, CLOTH'S, COLOGNE, TOOTH AND. FANCY SOArS AND NAIL BRUSHES tooth powders, and combs. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS) For Medicinal nurnosos. Our facilities for baying goods are socond to none in tlie Btuto, and we snail at all tunes sen at a siuuii au- vance from cost. Ready sales and sniairprutits. PHYSICIANS' PBESCUIPTIOSS Carefully compounded at all Louts of Uie day and night, Ilulles, Sept. V, iP'io. seio-n OIL, GLASS,. CORKS, ACIDS, PAINTS, BRUSHES, DLUESTONK, Mhir-a p sin &Hg2 5 to & HZ s ad M 2 Cf) 5 5 s to 5 WAGON & CARRIAGE I J . JUKE R , 1T V r 1 1 I-ff.T ATj. . Main rcei, ..Hues, wcouejtu kirn nsTtiL luui in flfn A Te mATi nns car l t im nnilE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLX vX.JfxX.XtiJt. XJHijjJ, Oi.VXf PIPES, .Sec POMADES, TWINE, GLUE, SOAP, and FANCY H call tlieattentlon of all WAGON MAKMll To the Superior 8tock of . Wagon .Tiuiberv Now In Store and soon to arrive, which will be offered' to the trade on Ubeiai Terms,. OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK From 1J to 5 luchesi Finished and Unfinished Oak & Hickory 6POKE3, from t to 3 Indies OVIi ate ELM HUBS In-Pairs and Sets, from 6x8 to 14x18. HICKORY & ASH RIMS, BUGGY, EXPRESS and SULKY SHAFTS, Finished and Unfinished. BUGGY and EXPRESS POLKS, Finished and Unfinished HICKORY AXLES, nil slr.es; BUOUY, WaQON and EXPRESS ROWS; OAK and HICKORY SCANTLING ; SAWED FELLOES, from VA to 3 Inchesj II EW ED TONGUES for four horse and ox-teams ; BINOLK TREES: , NECK YOKES; LONG and SHORT HOUNDS; PLOW BEAMS and Handles. Ac. ke. Tbe above stock was carefully selected in the Eastern States, expressly to in et the demands of this trade Orders for any of the above nrllclus, including WAGON Sh.t-J Kg, BOXES, 4c, will be promptly attended to. it. ir, 1-aw, 85 Front Street. Portland. ocl8:tf. - ' OppositeO.S. N. Co.'a Wharf. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN KPP1NGKR Proprietor rpnHB UNDERSIGNED rM. having tit tod np the above Market In the ltB-T STYLE, will keep constant ly on hand all sorts of ' - Fresh aud Cured Meats, Or the host quality furnished at the LOWEST RATE My motto is to "PLEASE ALL." ARTICLES. TJARTIES HAYING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR SALE will do well to cull at the Franklin Market. JOHN KPPINGER. Dalles, February 19th, 1866. 'ALWAYS IS STOai TBI BIST BRANDS Of ' Cigars, Tobacco," Matches, &e. 11LAYING CARDS. , POCKET CUTLERTr PORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, o'Ml Xlndav PERFUMERY, ot every description, . CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc. . FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLB, , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, c. Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, an many ether articles too numerous to mention. 49 Interior dealers strpplied-wlth Cigars, Tbacco.etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added. oo-8 VIOlt Y IMPOKTANT TO- Mcrcliants, Famines, ITotels and 1IAK-ROOMH. JULIU8 KRAEMER HAVING BOUGHT THS EN tiro Stock of Merchandike and Book Accounts of the lute firm of M . Seller A Cck. in this city, to which ke has added of his own Importation (while doing business in Portland) aa lmuieasc btock f Ui beet uannfaetured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware Lamps, . Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Lioeklng-Gia&ses and All Kinds ef Oils, All of which he offers at rednced ratea. Persons wish ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give me a cell before purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the iutorior promptly attended to, aodi goods packed to go Secure. Don't tall to call on me. lludio's Stone Building, Washington street. Dalles. JULIUS KRAEMEB. Dalles. Mamh-17th, 1886. mhl7tf ' 1ft. JBROWN & BRO. WBOUSAU AND klTAa BIALXRS IN . FANCY AND STAPLE DEYGOODS! GUOCBRIBS, FROVISlOlfS, Oi. COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON , JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL, KEEP NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will rrv 4 a . , rfffWTTSW WILL KEEP , FAST FREIGHTS :ZTAV:J' VrtflM I . r r ' XJJC-Ak.TILIL.L, AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW- IMi UEUUCED KATES: To Boise City IS Cent per pound " UHU lftlJT TQV " Owyliee SiO " For lees amounts than one hundred pounds an addition oi rive ucnu per poenu will be charged. , TIM 12 FKOM UMATILLAi To IIolNe City, 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. iu uwyuee, 4 uays. JOSEPH PINKUAM.-Atent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1865. j)cl8:tf. REMOVAL. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of 8an Francisco, we ars enabled to offer great ludceoients to purchasers. Wat respectfully Invite the public to examine oar stock befur imrclinjiiitir eUnwliArn. ...litf V ASIIIIaTOi MAUKKT, W8'" at"- "rt Main street. DUl...- CORNER Of I -SJ -XCi R .A. J4 Jtli .. J. GOETZ, Dalles. F. K0ENIGSBER0ER. . San Francisco, Final Settlement. NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT of the estate ot WILLIAM 0. LAUGIILIN, deeeosod In the boun ty Court of Wasco County, Oregon In Probate Notice Is hereby given, that K. H. Wood, Administrator of the above-estate, has filed his final accounts in tho County Court of Wasco County, and prays for a final settlement ef'eitld estnte.. J t is therefore ordere that said applica tion be heard on Mohday, the littt day of-December, A. D. 1B6A, at the Court House. In Dalles City, In said Coun ty, and that notice tharoof be published in the Dalles Mountaineer. O.N. DENNY, County Judge. November 9, 180. nl0:4w - Final Settlement. mjOTICB OK FINAL SETTLEMENT of the estnte of X JAMES LAUGIILIN, deceased Iu the County tJourt of Wasco County, Oregon In Probate Notice Is hereby given that R. II Wood, Administrator of the above state, has ftlcd his Anal account in the County Court of Wasco County, and prays fo a final settlement of said iitute. It Is therefure ordered, that said application be iieara on Mommy, tne litn any oruecomuer, i5. at the Court House, in Dalles City, in said county, and,tliat no tice hereof be published in the Dulles Mountaineer. 0. N. DENNY. County Judga. . November 0, 1800. nlu:4w ' IUnrt Martuc, , J. M. MuapHY.. 31 A. It T I IV 5c3jCTJR3?'IIY, Attorneyx-at-liaw. OFFICES Idaho City, JJeUe Couatv, I. T-J Rnhy CltJ ftivyhee County, I. T. aplMf J. GOETZ Sc CO. TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to lludio's New Stone Buildiner. Washington Street, near French ft Qllman's, and kuve opeueu n weu-assovieu SIOCK 01 HAVANA and DOME8TIC SEOARS VIBOINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUW, MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES,. PLAYING CARDS, BPOKTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY GOODS, Ac, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES.. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. mfISS O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the IU Ladles of Dalles and vicluitv. tbat aim Lliue just received a fresh supply of Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris. New York and Ran Fi-nttd., .tvtn. of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACKS, FEATHERS, iiiunAus, ac. a mil anu well-selected assortment of Ladles' Ready-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINdS! BTAMPINQ for Embrolderyand Braldfng. PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Blenched and Pressed in lu latest style. , A largo assortment of .. Children's Ready-Made Clothing Conitnntl v on hand. Ilnvlnor inriirAil tl.A smrvlma nt a, 'First Class-Drow Maker, I mu prtpnre(L to cot tad fit . ..uu uiiiiiiisu m viaiUOCCfO WIIU vUUri DOt TUIRD STREET, one square east of the Cathollo "urcn. . ocai;3m. NOTICE TO FARMERS. riHB DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING M. yujirAW i has recently attached a .- ITLOTJItllNG MIt,ti to their SteanvSash and Door Factory, in this City, and allurd, of IT II ICS II & CURED HEATS, and always of the bist quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on rotwonaUle terma. Tbe nndoral trnea to at'ernvH nrttnarei) to hat tha h I ch est ciwli price for FAT CATTI.K. I'artlei having stock In good condition, are requoateJ to call on him berurs goii.R elacwhcre. JOHN MICUttLBACU. irnii es, march aiflt, mituitr CITY MAIfcliET. S. LAUDER & Co., Proprietors. Will keep constantly on hand the bost MEATS OF ALL KINDS. A LIBERAL 811 ARE OF PATRONAGE Is m. solicited, as we expect to ke'i as cooj an assortment of Meats and of as good as qual ity, as the country aitoras: ana win Deliver the game to Purchase in the City. Partiea having Superior Stock for sale will do well to glvo us a call bofuro disposing ol it elsewhere. D, LAUUMLSLO., Southeast corner of Washington end Third Sts. Ppposite Roster's Blacksmith Shop. Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s NOTICE ! TnE FOLLOWING RATES OF FRHI0UT have been established: Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, &c. I From Wallula A Umatilla to Portland, $16 00 per ton weight Aianei to rorciflnu 7 ou , On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland, 40 02 per lb llanos la ruruana. On Hides, From Wallnla and Umatilla to Portland, 40 CO euh uaiies to fort. and lit ft S. Q. DEED, President. Portland, Bop. 23, 1865. sepal-gin Is IMPOKTElt AND JOBBER OF Wines Sc I-.iiiiors, FRONT STREET, Portland, . - - - Oregon. OFFEItS FOR SALE A VERY LA HOB ASSORT incut of lirandles, Wines,. Liquors, Case Goods, Mar Tlie Trade Is particularlr Invited to oxamlne mv 1 st ick boloro purcniuiug eisewnero auj4-ti MOUNT HOOD SALOON "- ' AND THE nANDSOMB RESIDENCE occupied hy A. V.. BUCHANAN is offered For Sale at a Loir Figure. . Tor a private reildenco, no more desirable locality conld' be desl red. The grounds are ornamented with shrubbery ami the building, contain. Ten Booms, Finished In the Best Stile, and embraces every convenience. To a gentleman de-. siring a Retired and Pleasant Home, convenient to busi ness, an opportunity Is now presented that soldnm offers,. . The House and Furnltnre will be. sold together or separ--' atety, as the purchases may desire. For further partis- mora, inquire av oolttf, , . WELLS, FAROO A CO.'S EXPRESS OFFICE. JL. W..GURLEY, DENTIST, Alain St., Dalles, Osegon. WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the cltiaena of this nlaco and vi cinity, that having returned from a pro lessloual tour throudi the m lies, he has again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY; In tlie rcoma fornxsrly occupied by him, In -the building occupied by. Wood A Butler, Plntogruph Artists, and adjoining Wat drnn Bros.' Drug Store. Ho takes this av-thod of e tending thanks, for the llboral natroimue liprptofore.... teuded to hitn, andaolicits acontinuauc of the same, 118T OF PUICBS. . Entire Denture on Quid Base $180 tot228 " Uppor Denture, Gold Bnso, 90 lai. " Denture, Vulcanite Base 70 " " Upper Denture, Vulcnnlto Base 86 " 6- Gold Filllngeintsrted frnmoiiadollar upward. Chlldrens' Teeth extracted free af charge . eel 3 it f MRS. L. WHIT tS I.EW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. . Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY over, Degnar's Store) would respectfully announce teall those wishing FhoLograplis, Carts de Ylsite, fcc., that they will do well to give her a call . . Particular at- v tentlon paid to taking Lau'os aud Chidrent Picture. . ocaiitf. , , lirrs! Furs! ; THE IIiailEST UARKET PJUCE PAID IN CASH) ' ' 1 Beaver, Otter, Mink and" Coon Bkfn - . By RICHARDS McCRAKKN. Portland, Sept. 27, 18B. oci:3m. IB! 1IA!tA Ac O It VIA j, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW WILL PRAOTICB IN TUB BUPRBME AND CI R cultCourUof Orsou,aud tha District Courts . W ashlngton Territory. Particular attention paid to the collection of claim. O. UUMASON, Dalles, Ogn. J. A.ODKLl NEW' II EARSEr rrinn undersigned begs to inform the vji-. JL liens of the Dalles and vicluitv that ha haa rural vd4 NEW HEARSE, and will attend Iunevals ; on short notice. This la the fir.t. and at present, onln Hearse in tbe city. .... I- M. IVANS T.U'.es, May 10,1 SHE. . my:0-tf. are now prepared to CUoFfeED, OIUND WHEAT and F 51. HUNT, P 1 0 D T 1 C t 0 l TV HKREBY.G1VEN not U, troet my wife . CORN, aud warrant f. give th. Ust sati.luctlon. On OflRNRR n ' '?lCe0U1lt, wUl "ut U "'"I'iL8. . hand constantly and fcr salo- - 1XTRA FAMILY FLOUR, 1 ' ' SECONDS OH MIDDLINGS) BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEBD( CHICKEN JEEft Also, a Sooerlor artlala of roRN mar: tmm, lOomi. ...... The highest market pries paid for WHEAT, CORN and CORNER OX Main nnd Court Street,' ap21-tf Dalles, Oregon. Dissolution of Co-partnership. rTIAKE. NOTICE, that the partnership heretofore tx- Xlstihr between T. II. Bulger and 8 Laulien under the nrm name or t. u. huiaikh .uu. m.tii butchering uuviness, uas neon uiisniveui. Wiles City, Oct. a,.lotilfa. iflrj T. u. BULGER. JUIilUSLAKOE. For Sale at n Blaraln. .""! "fl laffe P'!SKT 0P" ORtlUXD, frontlna on Becon- BlJ'Vr Street, running, back 1'20 tot. adlolniiia French A Oilman, with FIVE DWELLING HOUSES and TWO STORKS tkoreon. If the a-.ore property Is not sold' before the 20th hist., It will be sold at public auction, to gether with Furniture In one house. TITLE PKIIFECT For particulars inoulrc of PAYNK A CO.. AacU Dalles, Not. 1, m-UL