C2 ;uljjff)hntttanucr. SUNDAY MORNING, NOV. 12, IM.5. ' Sixtt thousand persons have died this year in Constantinople, of cholera. - Tina is- ai great demand for tenement lioufos at Boise City. Tun fishermen about San Francisco assert tliat fish would not bite for some daijs after the earthquake. Is the last week the Tenino and Net Percet Chief have both ruo from G'elile to Umatilla in ten hours and twenty minutes. A lsttib from Galena says Gen. Grant is talking of taking a tour in Europe, to be ab le it two years. Mr. Bowles says of The Emporium, "-ships and ocean steamers of tlie highest class coin readily bilher." Be should1 bivve added, "except oa Fiidays, and other days of tbe week." . Ma, Mitouslii, tbe Dumooralio nominee for Congress in Nevada, Is spoken of as " a prom ising young man." This is true of most can di lates for Congress they promise more than fiey perform. Election' m Nnw Mkxico The Congres sional oootest In New Mexico between Froth ciscd Perea, lare delegate, and Francisco Chn vez, has resulted in the success of tbe latter, by a majority of about 1,500. At Los Angeles, Cul , lately, a jury in an nault and battery case rendered tbe follow- irrg- liberal verdict. "We, tbe undersigned jury, find tbe defendant a little guilty, and re commend him to a great deal of the mercy cf the Court." Sous philanthropic financiers in California are working op a scheme to bring some of the freed men of tbe South out to that State, to assist in tbe " development of the resources the State." There is no idea- of profit at tached to the matter oulypure philanthropy, of course. Bniau&M Younq srrys that bo has repeoted of every wrong done in bis life. This may be true, but he keeps on doing wrong ofly to re teat of it; otherwise be would give eighty- six out of eighty-seven wives their liberty. It will tako a good deal of repenting for such s'os as be is guilty of. Upon the occasion of the removal of the archives ' of Idaho, from Lewiston, Judge "Aleo" issued an injunction restraining tbe Marshal from so doing. Tbe Idaho Statesman ays that the Judge demeaned himself in a most unbecoming manner. Tbe cause of his scandalous conduct is traced to Bourbon County, Kentucky. 'Hard. Aground Aoain. By the steamer from boiow, oa Friday nigfct, we lenrn that tin Orizaba' could not pais the Willamette Bar and ascend- to The Emporium. Unless the dredger does its work better, we will have to keep some sutli paragraph as this on a . "standing galley," for the benefit of the city which is located so "sweetly" on. the banks . of tbe Willamette. Important Casi. In tbe case of Willis end others) against P. F. Bradford and others, heard- before Judge Kelly, at Owyhee, some days sinoe, an injunction restraining Bradford and bis associates from taking ore from what U oalled tbe Poormna lode, was granted. It is alleged by plaintiffs that the Poonnan is ooly a continuation of the Hays & Ray lode,. Tbe property at stake amounts to millions. Tira Union Party in PtH.K County. The Folk County Union Convention which mot at Sola, on the 1st of November, passed a series of resolutions, which w condense as follows: First Tbe. Constitutional Amendment abolishing slavery ought to be adopted. Second' Bndorecs the notion of tbe Presi- dont in punishing Lincoln's murdorers. Third Favors tbe adoption of the National - currency. : Fourth Retrenchment BorTrcform. Fifth That while all men were born with equal rights,, all men are not entitled to equal privileges, and rebels ought not be at. lowed to vote, unless they take tbe amnesty - .'oath. :-:.. .'Sixth Opposed all commTogllrg of tbe , black and white race. ' - Mammoth District. This district, says the Owyhee Avalanche, of November 41 b, is located about sixteen miles soith from here, and the largest ledges in this region are found there. We are credibly informed that the Greatllow ard is between fifteen and twenty feet in width. It was discovered in July Ins), but no work has been done nnlil recently. John Connor, Esq., brought in rock from this ledge and bad a part of it essayed by Chittenden, and a part by Willey. The rock assayed came from near the surface, and gave this result ' per ton : By Chittenden's assay gold, $26 01, silver, $6 31. Total $32 32. "By Willey- gold, $21 80 4 100, Silver, $36 19 20-100. Total, $60 99,24 100. The rock was from i different parts of tbe ledge. The first exten sion north Is called Big Deer Lode, and a test Isaac F. In.ocn, 6au Francisco. C. 8. Miller, Bia. 8cuayvuaf.i. Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co WHOLESALE 3h IR, O O 3H H- S AND DEALERS IN "Wines fe Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of 'OtOTHING-: Boots & Shoes, Under Clolliin?, lllaiikcfs, etc., etc., tic. ASSAY OIPFIOTC. of it by Mr. Cbillendeu gives $101 per ton. tuvB an assay office IX connection . , . ii i i I wlihoor lnisineee, ttmler the. entire supervision I . HID IGUJJD IB IUVUICU VU nilU Ifl UaOEO U7UIUCI Creek, and Col. Fogus took up a claim in tbe bed where it crosses the creek, and bus been working it. The opinions of Southern agriculturists have changed very rapidly in the last year. For merly they could not cultivate their lands without tbe assistance of a certain number of " likely nigger fellers," but now they deem white labor essential to the prosperitp of their section. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. P.-- Meets every Thursday evening at 6$ o'clock, lu Gates' Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are Invited to attend. By order. N. O. of Mr. Miller. We uiake returns in liars in six hours We guarantee all our Assays and pay tlie IUGHKST CASH l'KIOK for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash Price, for Gold Dust. BLOCH, MILLER CX, myCtf Cor. Main an Wukiutitt streets, Dulles. 1 SELLING O AT COST, TO CLOSE BUSINESS fWIK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully Inform their JL pul runs and the public at lni'Ke. that they w It Now OR NsvEa Call at Win. Birnbaum's Jewelry Store and examine his extensive stock of Watches, Dia monds, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Lamps, Cutlery and Faucy I Goods, which he offers for sale In order to close business on account of 111 health, at loss than jeost, There is no such large and well-se!ectod stock this side of San Fran cisco, and the quality of the goods will speak fur itself. Now is yonr time to buy presents cheap, and at a saving of 50 percent. Mr. B. has also alot of Perlscoplc Glass. Spectacles that perform wonders. iltf. commence to sell this duy, their iuigo aud hunddoui Stin k of Dry Goons, Faucy Goods, Ladles' 8l- Chililri.. Shoesy Hats, Salem Cloths, It., te. COST. Clothing furnishing Goods, Hals A Caps, Boots It lioes, Kihlier Goods, Bluukets, Ac., Oregon Steam Navigation Co. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. fN AND AFTER MONDAY, N0YEMDER 13th, until illl IUU1 UUtllUf Xlio Fusscngcr Train to connect with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALLTJLA Will start from the It. 11. DEPOT DALLES CITY, on Mondays, "Wednesdays, and Fridays, at I'UU A. 4U. i TUK STEAMERS "0NE0NTA" or "IDAHO," CAPT. J. McNtlLTY, Commander, Will leave DALLES, DAILY. (Sundays ecepted)al 6 ociock. . m., connecting oy tue uaovaijib ilalLUOAU, wiiii tue steamer " NEW WORLD " or " CASCADES." CAPT. JjfjtOLF, - Commander, fiv Portland. W. B. BRADFORD. Dalles, Nor. 13, 18fo. nl2tfj Agent O. 8. N. Co. Delinquent Assessment List. Ornci or Dilleu aud Owyhee Gold and Burnt') Qu.uiti .Mining Cohpast, I Volltl. November 7. MRS. I milERE IS DELINQUENT unon the following lie.- JL cribed stock, on account of assessment levied on the twentieth day of February. A. D. 105. the several amounts set opposito the nuines of the respective share holders, as foliuws r An Exposdrk. The Davenport Brothers bave been giving exhibitions of spiritual maoi- testations, la Paris. One of their tricks was to be tied,.aad to have a stick passed between their arms aud backs io sueb a manner as to render it apparently impossible for them to untie themselves. Being placed in a box, tbey made noises on guitars, and played trom bones and key-bugles. It seems they untied themselves by having a joint in the stick so arranged that tbey could bend ltraod then reach the knots on the cords with their bauds. The committee appointed by tbe audionce de lected them in ibis villainous piece of jug glery, and the audience started alter the Da venports to lynch them. The spirits did not interfere to prevent It, and but for a fine ex hibition of speed tbey would barre fallen vic tims to the passion. of a Parisians mob.. JvavMt. Ko. Cert. Sharu. Jm,.t,l L. While HDDs, 8 3 16 00 O. B. Gibson, 7 6 40 00 A. II. Johnson. 8 3 1ft no Kolm. I). Price, 17. & 40 00 1.. .11. uonn, Ti si is oo i .. ravage) sa l 8 00 a. w. uompton, S3 ' 4 32 00 Cyrus Ilia, 45 6 40 00 Cyrus Iba, 411 6 4000 Cyrus Iba, 47 16 O0 Cyrus Ilia, .48 il 18 00 Cyrus Iba, 49 3 16 00 Uyrus Iba, 60 a 10 00 Cyrus Iba, ti 2. 18 0 Cyrus Iba, . 53 1 g oo Cyrus IIm, M 1 8 00 Cyrus 1 bo, 66 1' 8 00 Cyrus may Cyrus Iba, Cyrus loo, W. Masters, 0- i 40 00 Cyrus Iba, 65 " S5 280 00 Ana in accoruance wun law and an order of tne Board of Trnstocs, made on the 20th dav of February. A. n 1806, so many shares of each parcel of said stock as may be necessary, will be sold at public auction, at the oltlce of V. A. 0. Payne, Main street, Dalles, ou the seventh day-of December, A. D. 18U6. nt 2 o'clock. 7. u.. of uhl uuy, 10 pay saia aennquani assosstnent therooay together wun cusis ui auveruHiiiK anu expenses or saio. n8:lw EIGMUND SCUWABACUER, Soc'y. Tui Boston o toi PaoiFio. If Oregoi it to be the New England of tbe West, then Portland may make some pretensions to being the Boston of the Pacific. .Tha arrest of over six hundred, persons for erimei and mlsde meanors, iu one year in tbat plaoe, boweven does not look much as it Portland' is to be come tbe western bub of tbe nniverso. May be the resemblance to Boston is to be found in tbe literary talents of tbe people.. If it i plaoed on tbat ground there) Is- nothing more to be saldi In order to rotire from business, the ahovoAtock mus lie sold within Sixty Days, und ST1UCTLV AT COST! All persons Indebted to the Ann will ulense call and) settle their bills Immediately, thereby saving all untie ceasary future trouble. CO UN & 110 MM. Dalles, uct. z, 1806. ocltf. HOW TO SAVE MONEYS CALL AT IDE NEW Family Grocery and Fruit Store Corner of nssliincton and Second Street 8. TIIK UNVJKHSKiNED W1S11K8 TO INFORM TUB profile of tlie Dulles, nud the public general ly, that he has a ltirge und well selected stuck of FAMILY GKOCEUIES, CANDIES, NUTS, 4c, - Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Itciuttd l'riea fur CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article or FIIKSU liUTTEll ami KGGS. Also, every variety of HIU1T8 and VEGETABLES in their season. rersous from up the country, wishing quuntitfes of Kppi and Fruit, by sending In their orders, will receiver the strictest attention, and have them tilled at the .Lours Market l'riea. jvlMI C. L. JEWELL,. FRENCH MILLINERY STOBE. Opposite Cohn dc Uoliin'a, YOU CAN FIND TUE LATEST AND MOST JA8H 10N AULE GGOUS, iu.the line of UOANETS, H ATS, FUATIIERS, - FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dross Trimmings, &c. In order to mako dress eommete. it becomes neecsHsrv that a HON NET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn the baud. (live ms an early call and I will endeavor to suit tverybody in TASTE aud at REASON ABLE. PK1CK8. r articular attentlor paid to , Embroider; and Braiding Stamping. NEW SALOON. NEW BTONK STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. rBVIK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully annnonr JL that he will oucn a first class Saloon in Freuch it Oilman's New Stone Uulldinir, '111 IS EVENING, and la- prepared to servo customers ith the lest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars.. ALO, A EH, EE LUNCH Every day and Evening. t oc28tf.. . JOHN RIXDLAI'B.. IT v 1 06 Watcliuial.cr and Jeweler, Jo MAIN STREET, DALLES, (IUXT D001 TO TUB ASSAT OPPICS.) rvEALER IN FINE WATC1IKS. jkwhmiv VJ CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Silver aud l'lated Ware! I Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. j Peri articular attention paid to repairing flneC be necessary, will be sold nt public auction, nt the oltlce Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches renoiied be N.B. All orders from the upper flonntry, by Eiprus or otherwlse, promptly attended toy aullt JOSEPH KLlEILa.V VH0M8AUL AND BJ.TAIL DIALE1 IX Fancy & Staple Dry Goods,. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES,. HATS ANU OAFS,. AND ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, niain Mrect, corner of Court. kI,D MACK, TIIH PIONEER COOK, would rospect- inn j inionu tuvpuoiio iron ne nos ntied up tne above Chop Uonse, and Is prepared to sorvo up MEALS . ... i . and LUNCH bi.tlie best style and at the shortest notice. I GeiltlCIslOn'S I lU'Isislllllg CJoodfl. BALLS and l-AHTlKS furnished w,th suppers, In the FIrc-proof Btona Etoro, corner at Main and Court. best stylo and on the.'inast reasonable terms. OYSTERS in every, stile. Private Rooms for Ladles, HOUSK OflCBT. ALL JS1GIIT HOUSE A.17 AUCTION. 13ir'wlLC 8EtI' Tnl! nOCSK ON TUB CORNER T ol Bocona-and Hederal Streets, at.Auction, on Wednesday, If OTembens l'5th) art 10 st. m. HALE PFJtEMPTORT. nllOd PAYNE AO.. Auctionerrs. Court- oot-tf NOTICE. gi EORGE T.TEDE Is my duly anthorliod aRenldurlne ST my absence. In the Eastorn Htntea. t.. n,,.,,, . .t. collection ot all aicounta due me, and also th? lute fir dm v. iriiiiuniinr aiuugen , A. VtlNTERMEIH. FOR SALE. A FIRST CLASS, SKCOND HAND PIANO, can be bash on reasonable terms.. Inquire at this Otllce, or of. ocStt A..W. FERGUSON.