C33 iaib lllouutatnttr. Epitome of Telegraphic News.: fconpuxD raoM ih oreoosiiax. WALDHOM BKOS., Wholesale & Eetail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUlt .NEW TWO STORY FIR R proof 8tuiie building, opposite llloch, Miller -A id offer to the nubile a full and complete stuck of iu unomicais, consisting lu part or WAGON & CARRIAGE DATES TO NOVEMBER f . Atlantle Kews. New York, Nov. 1. The Mutamorns corres pondence of the Herald, dated October 25tb, ttntea that the attack on Mat i moras cotn- menced tho Sunday previous by the Liber als, lhe tact of their being led upon ihe town in three HneB of battle, led to the be lief thut they were commanded by American olficora, as they had never formed that way botore. Waehington, Nov. 3. The following dis patch fiom the President to ihe Governor of Georgia, has been published : Washington, Oct. 28. To Johnson, Provisional (jovrrtior of Georgia : 1 be peo- pie of Georgia should not hesitate a single moment in renudiming every dollar of debt . created to aid the rebellion against tho- Government of ihe United States. It will not do to levy and collect taxes from a State and people who are ready to pay debts ere - ated to aid iu making war and subverting the Constitution of the United States. I don't believe the great mass of the people of Georgia when left uninfluenced, will ever submit to the payment of a debt which was the main cause ot bringing on their past and present sufferings. The result of the rebel lion is that tlio?e who inves ed capital in this debt must lose i, and take it aa one of the inevitable results of rebellion, tbougu.it may seem hard to them. The idea should be inculcated at home and abroad that no debt contracted for. the purpose of dissolv iug the Union, can or will be paid by taxes levied on the people tor such purposes. (Signed) Andiiew Johnson New iork, Nov. 3. Dr. Durreit, quarantine Surgeon, reports 10 deaths from cholera, out of fifty or sixty cases on board tbe Atlanta New York, Nov. 6. The Herald' i Washing ton correspondent says that though the mem bers elect to Congress from the South have not been placed on the Gierke initial roll of representatives, It is regarded as a fact tnat seats will ultimately be granted to all whose respective States have repudiated tbe war debt and have adopted the anti-slavery amendment! if they can take tbe test oath of 1862. This announcement is given, semi officially (?) to tbe politicians South tuatihey may take due notice thereof, and govern them selves accordingly. It will also be questioned whether tbe President s pardon dues not over rule tbe test oath, end make the recipient eligible to ouieial position. New York, Nov. 6. The Savannah Herald of tbe 1st says : The officials of Savannah de Clare the city again under civil authority. Chicago, Nov. 6. A Toronto, Canada West, ' correspondent to-day denies tbe truth of the ' telegram in regard lo the Fenian excitement in Canada. It save there is no excitement there whatever. The feeling is that the Gov - ernmeut is able to deal with auy Fenian pro ject that maybe batched here or elsewhere, New York, November 6 Havana files per Columbia have particulars regarding tbe re Demon in Jamaica. Tho City of Kingston Is In great excitement . Business, is entirely suspended there. Im meose meetings, under the order of the Gov ernor hare been held. Tbe aebellipn raged , with great fury In al. Thomas. . New York, Nov. 7. Returns from a num- ber of towns and cities in the State Show a ' falling off in tbe Democratic vote as com pared with last fall. Gen. F. 0. Barlow, Union, is certainly elected Secretary of State , by a large majority. Tbe whole State ticket is elected. New lWr,Nov. 7, 11:30 P. m. Nearly com plete returns from this city gtvo Slocum, democrat, over zu,uuu majority, being a de mocratio loss of 13,000 compared with the vote of last year. His majority in this city ' will be about 25,000. Boston, Nov, 7. The Stale election was held to-day. Tbe vote is small ; about two thirds of that of last year. Tbe returns in dicate a larger proportional loss to tho detn , ocrats. Tbe vote of the State will not prob ably exceed 100,000, of which Bullock will receive from 75,000 to 80,000 and Couch less than 25 000. Gen. Banks is elected to Con gross in the Sixth District, to fill a vacancy. jVeifl torn, wov. '. ueturos irom Jew Jer , gey almost invariably exhibit Union gains over the vote of last year, t here Is not much doubt of tbe election' of Marcus L. Ward, (Union) for Governor, over Runyon, (Demo crat) by a majority of 3,000 to 5,000. The returns also show a Uoion gain of Assem- blvmem , JJaltimore, Nov. 7. Tbe vote in Baltimore ... iavory light.' There was very little opposi tion. Less. than 30.000 were cast. Thomas i is elected in tbe Second District to Congress, ' to fill a vAcany occasioned by the resignation of CoI. Webster. , Cliicao, 'Nov. 7. Returns from Minnesota indicate tbe election of Marshall, Union can didate for Governor, by a large majority. Isaac Smith is the Union candidate in Polk ;. ; county to fill tbe vacancy caused by the rwlg- nation of Capt. Lafollet. CO.. Hill Drugs, Mudlcluea um KKltOSBNB, TURPENTINE, AUHIUUb, AUIII.1, LINSKED, LAUD. mnE LAMP WICKS 4 CHIMNEYS, HOPS, 8AUR, 8PONGE8, LEBCHB3, UOHK, CASTOR AND I.N D! 00 AND N KATSFOOT OIL, LANPDLACK.I TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, AND PATENT MKDICINES. ' Our (tuck of FANCY GOODS 1 of the finest and best quality; new styles oud luge assortments, such as LUHIN'BPURFUEKIIY, IIAIlt, LUIIIN'S TOILET SOAP, FLESH, OoSMKTICS, HAT, HAIKOILS, OLOTHFS, COLUMN H. TOOTH AND If ANCY SOAPS AND ' NAILBItUSIIRS TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Pn4( n.lts.lnnl nttrni-isita - ftr fiLrilitk'M fur buvinir urootlfl are second to none in the State, mid we ehal'l at all times sell at a small ad- vunce from cost . Heady aaiea ami small proms. PHISICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. II II OB. OUUt. V, AOW, OIL, ' ft2 2 " F POMADES, GLASS, if J g TWINE, CORKS, 2.' O Hj-' OWE, ACIDS, gf 8-- g boap, paints, g s & Be M4 si ? 2 f t i DEU8HE8, -8 C mf 5ANCX ?S S2 BLTJESTONE, g P ARTICLES. CP TJNDETtSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY call theutttintlun of all i WAGON MAKERS To the Superior Stock of TVag-ou r17imler, Now In Store and suon to arrive, which will be offered to the trade ou Li be ml Terms. OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK Vrotn 1 to 6 inches. Finished and TJufiulahed Oak & Hickory SI'OKES, from 1 to 34 Inches OAK & ELM HUBS In Pairs and Sets, front 6x0 to 14x19. HICKORY & ASH RIMS, BUQQY, EXPRESS and SULKY SIIAITS, Flulslmd and Uiilliiinlioil. DUQOY and EXPRESS POLKS, Jinlsheil and Unfinlsbed 111CKOIIY AXLES, nil sizes; BUOOY, WAOON and EXPRESS DOW8; OAK and HICKORY SCANTLING ; bA WEI) FELLOES, from l4 to 3 Inches; 1IEWKD TONUUES for four burse and ox-teams; B1NULK TREES; NSCK YOKES; LONG and SHORT nOUNDS; I' LOW 11KAMS and Haiullcs, 4c, ie. TLo above stuck wiib carefully selected In the Enstorn States, expresdly to ui-et the demniids of this trade Orders for any of the above articles, Including WAGON o&ejao, 1IUAES, Sc., will be promptly attended to. Tt. M. LAW, 5 Front Street, Portland. ocl8:tf. Opposite 0. 8. N. CVs Wharf. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHNKPPINGKR Proprietor fTllIB UNDERSIGNED JL having fitted lip the mve Markot in the BB'T STYLE, will keep constant ly on liaiiil all sorts of Frexli and Cured Uleals, Of tbe best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATI My motto Is to PLEASE ALL." ARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALI JL will do well to call at the Vranklin Market. J. J U K EH, . jiain sireei, Eaiies, WBOLUAU AMD MTAIL SEALXE IX CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF, pipes,;&"o. ALWAYS IN BTOai TBI BUT BKARBI OT Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &e. Dalles, February 19th, 18G5. JOHN EPP1NGER. NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FROM UMATILLA, AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE F0LL0W- I.NU UEUUOED RATES : To Boise City .....15 Cent! per pound iumo jiiy u . Owyhee tiO For less amounts than one hundred pounds an addition oi live uents perpouuu will bo charged. - TIM IS PROM UMATILLAi To noise C lly 3 Days. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. tu uwj uee, 4 trays. JOSEPH PINKUAM, Acent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1805, ocl8:tf. J1EMOVAL. J. GOETZ, Dallci F. KOENIGSBERQKR, San Francisco. J. GOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS. s ,. . . Have removed to C0BNXR or COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILt KEEP constantly on hand all the rarle- J itlea that the market can possibly VtSt allord, of . 11 PUKSH & CURED MEATS, and always of tho txst quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND, STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe nndorslcneq Is always prepared to pay tbe blith est conn price for FAT CATTLE. Parties baviuir stock in Rood condition, are requested to call on bim before goinx elsewhere. juuiM miuuhlijauh. Dalles, March 81st,1808. ' nihSltf CITY MARKET. I. LAUBER & Co., Proprietors. Will keep constantly on hand the best MEATS OP A IX KIi)S. A LIBERAL 811 ARE OF PATRONAGE la soliciteil. as wo expect to kei'D as icooj an assortment of Meats and of as good as qual ity, as tuecuiintry anorus: and will Deliver the aame to Purohaseri in the City. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well to give-us a can betore disposing ol It elsewiiere. O. liAUUftll. c uo., Bouthcaat corner of Washineton and Third Sts. Fpposlte Roster's Blacksmith Shop. 1JLAYINO CARDS. . POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES. COMBS and BRUSHES, o' all Wnis, ' PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISTIINQ TACELB, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac. - Also Powdor.Shot, Load, Powder Flasks, Baskets, ant many other articles too numerous to mention. Interior dealers supplied with Cigars. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 VEItY IMPORTANT TO ' . Merchants, Families, ITotels ana HAIt-IiOOMH. JULIUS KRABWEH HAVING BOUGHT THE KN tire Steck of Merchandize and Book Accounts of the late Aim of M. Seller A Co., In-thts eily, to which helms added of his own importation (while doing business-ln fortlandj an Immense mock ol the uest manuiactuied Crockery, Glassware, ' Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery Look log-Glasses and All Kinds of Oils. All of which ho offers at reduced rates. Tenons w.Isb- ' lug to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do well to give mo a eall before purchasing elsewhere. . orders ITnm the Interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't fail to call on me. uuuio'i stone uuuuing, nasnington street, uaiies. JULIUS KRAEMER. Dalles. March 17th, 1806, mklTtf M. fiROWN & BR0.t WH0LI8AU AND RITAIL S1ALIBS Iff FANCY AND STAPLE DRY aOODSI GROCIJRIEa, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. DROWN, being a resident of Ban Fianclico. we are enabled to oiler great fndcements to purchasers. Wt respectiuiiy invite tne puDUo m exaaimsouv stock bemr tturcnasiug eisownere. niJ6-tt ( 4r Btono Store, north side Main street. Dalles. FOR HALE. fTHE HANDSOME RESIDENCE occupied by A. W. i BUCHANAN Is offered For Sale at a Low Figure. , For a private residence, no more desirable locality cnuhl be desired. Thegronnds are ornamouted with skrubbei and the building, contains -r Ten Rooms, Finished In the Best Style, and embraces ever; convenience. To a gentleman do siring a Retired and Pleasant riome, convenient to bnsl- ness, an opportunity is now presented that aeldum offers. The House and Furniture will be sold together or sepaix atoly, as the purchaser may desire. For further partic ulars, Inquire at ocl:tf. - WELLS, 1-AHUO M CO.'g EXPRESS OFFICE. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, ., Main St., Dalles, Oregon. Rudio's New Stone Building. OrCKOll Steam Navigation Co.'S ii twimiiKLuu oLi eui, uenr rrencu m UUUIOU a, B1U1 uave opeuuu a weii.assurrea stock or UAVANAand DOMESTIC SEQARS, . VIRGINIA and WESTERN TODACC0r FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES,. PLAYING CARDS, ". SPORTING GOODS,' INDIAN and FANCY QOODS, 4c, Ac. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. NOTICE ! npiIE FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT bay been JL established: Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, &e. FromAVBllula4Umatlll.itoPnrtland,$15Q0perton weight ' Dalles to Portland.. l;J t 7oQ.' On Wool, MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAKING. IfA VI8S O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the ITJL Ladies of Dalles and vicinity, that she has Just received a fxeelt supply of. Fashionable Goods, The latest Paris, New York and Bun Frnncisco stvles of BONNETS, HATS, RI1I1IONS, LACKS, FEATIfKRS, injn una, sc. A lull anu well-selected assortment of Ladles' Beady-Made Garments. Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESSTRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Draldfng. PINKING done at short notice.. DONNETS Dleacbed and I'reased In the latost style. A large assortment ot Children's Roady-Mado Clothing Constantly on. hand. Ilavlng secured the services of a First Clau Dress Maker. I am prepared to cut and fit Ladles' and Children's- DRESSES and CLOAKS. THIRD 8TREET.. one .a mire out of the Catholic Church. oc'21:3in. NOTICE TO FARMERS. f M1K DALLES LUMRER AND MANUFACTURING M. (jumi'aa x nas recently attached a FLOUBING MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UltIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant to give the beat satlsractlon. On haad constantly and for sole ' - - FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, ' SECONDS OR MIDDLTNOS, BRAN AND SHORTS. CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Bapertor article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. The highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN and .jdahlbi.' ..... A, uouUa. Agent. From Wallula and Umatilla to Portlandw..0 02 per lb ilaliui to fortianu 1 On Hides, ...$0 50 ench 8. 0. REED, President. Portland, 8ep. 23, 18W. . . eplf7-2mls Front Wallnla and Umatilla to Portlasdj voiles to rortiana Dalles, Not. 2,160. o3tf. IMPORTER AND J0BDER OF Vines & Liquors, FRONT STREET. Portland, - - . - - - . Oregon. f-FFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT ment ot , Urandles, Wines Liquors, Case Goods, &c, &c, tiC. The Trailo la nartlcularlr Invited to oinmlne m own uviuie uiiinniiig ei.ewiiere. aus4.tr MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND UILLIA-ltl) ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER 07 Main ana Court Street., pa-u - - . Dalles, Oregon. Dissolution of Co-partnership. rPAKE NOTICE, that the nartnrhl h.rtnt,r ... X. istlng between T. H. Bulger and 8. Laaber; under the urui name m l. u. Duuiua m uv,. ia the batoaering Kaiies WJ, Oct. 0, 1500. , wj T. H. BULGER. miirOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM II the chitons of this place and vi cinity, that having roturued from a pro- i lesslonal tour throuich the mines, he has again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY, in the rooms formerly occupied by him, In the building occupied by Wood ft Butler, Photograph Artists, and adjoining Waf dron Bros.' Drug Store. He takes this method of it- tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore o teuded to bim, aud solicits a continuance of tbe tame. LIST OF PBICBS. Entire-Denture on Gold Base. .....$180 to t-2i Upper Dcntare, Gold JIoomv.- ... SO " 120 " Denture. Vulcanite Bono 70 " l'2i " Upper Denture, Vulcanlto Base 88 " U Gold Fillings Inserted from one dollar upward. ' Childrens' Teeth extracted free af charge, eel3-tf MRS. L. WHITENS- UEW PHOTOGRAPH E00MS. Washington Street. . HAYING NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY orcr . Degnar's Store, would resuectfull v announce to all those wishing Photographs, Carts do Ylslte, ic, that tbey will do well to give ber a call. Particular at- tentuin pam to taking Lad es and ChL'drent Pictures. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH . Beaver, Otter, Mink and Coon Skins. , By RICHARDS McCRAKEN. Portland1, Sept. 27, 1866. or4:8m. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT UW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND CIR cult Courts of Ororon. and the TliRkrint Crmrtm a nasliiugton Territory. .0. HUMASON, Particular attention paid to the collection of claims. Dalles, Ogn. J. A. ODMI.t NEW HEARSE! rriHK UNDERSIGNED BEOS TO INFORM THE CI H M. lions of Hie Dalles end vicinity that he has received a NEW UEARSE, and will . .Attend Funerals on short notice. This ( the first, and at present, only Hearse In the city. ' .. ' i - I. M. ETANS lalles, May 19, 1805. my:20-tf. KOTICU. NOTICE IS nEREBt GIVEN not to trust my wife ea my accosut, aa I will not be responslhle i JULIUS LANGE. Biaw . For Sale at a Ilargaln. f Ptafk 'EST OF GROUND, fronting on Second M.Jf Street, running back la feet, adluininc French Oilman, with FIVE DWELLING HOUSES and TWO STORES thereon. If the anove property la not sold before the 20th lust., it will be sold at public anctlon, to gether with Furnitare In one house, TITLE PERFECT. For particulars in.iolre of fAVNE 1 00? Attctt. ' DaUes, NeT. I, lSvo-td , . . , t , vl "