a 3 D'ailglPotitttaiitttr. SATURDAY MOBXIXG, NOV. 11, 18G5. Tui cholera is on shipboard at lbs quaran tine grounds near Mew York. Tub office of justice of the peace for the second district in San Francisco, is worth $25,000 a year. Parson Bhownlow is in favor of colonizing the negroes on this continent, separate from the whites. ' The race of a two mile dash comes off be tween 11 and 12 o'clock lo day, over the Wasco County course. A SAiLon described a young woman who was addicted to tight lacing, as being too small in the waist to work well in stays. Tbustbn Polk, ooce Senator from Missouri, lms been pardoned and restored to all bis rights and immunities; Mb. Bowles thinks that Oiegon Is to be the New England of the West. It is more likely to become the Missouri of the Pacific. It is thought that the railroad massacres at the East mny bo designed to reduce the num ber of travelers to-the capacity of the roads. TnK lack of interest in religious matters at the East i attributed to political preaching. Politics and religion will not mix, however much they are agitated. Waterfalls are going out of fashion. They were the Invention of a Aar-broined woman, and never ought to have been in i'aahion. The Weekly Orcyonian has completed its Fifteenth Volume. Its publisher, Mr. Pit tock, is deserving of a very liberal support for his energy in making that journal what it now is a good newspaper. THE ADMINISTRATION POL.ICY OF HUCOK8TIIUCTION. It was universally conceded at the begin ning of our civil struggle that the United States did not make war on the Confederate States to acqaire new power in the southern section of the Union, but lo vindicate rights expressed in the Constitution. Mo circum stance has since occurred, except the effect of war on the institution of African slavery, which in any manner affects the measure of rights and powers .which respectively inure to the Geneneral Government,.and the. govern ments, of the' various States. The theory of our Government is such that the States must all be equal in the Government, or the' laws cannot be fairly executed. There can not be one rule for South Carolina and an other for Massachusetts, and the attempt to institute such distinctions must, sooner or later, result in war terrible and desolating war. The offenses of secessionists in the late war were against the General Government, and not against the States. The pardon of of fenders against the National Government places them in a position of innocencn s against anything which any State may enact. What is now called pardon is simply amnesty, or oblivion. Amnesty precedes conviction, in a general way, and pardon, in a legal sense, can only be given after conviction is procured. The ex-rebels who are now experiencing the clemency of the President are receiving am nesty for their offenses against the laws of the nation, or, to detine it fully, their offenses are oblivious in the eyes of the law. Legally, tbey are in precisely the same condition as if Isaac F. Blocu, bud Irnnclsco. G. 8. Miller, Sio. Schawiiaciixr. Dulles. Mass Meeting. A mass meeting of the Union voters of Wasco County will be held at the Court House, on Monday next, tonom- I YJlOCll TllllCl & C iuulo n uuiiuiuuie iu ml iuu vuuuuuy iu iuo Fifteenth Representative District. Informa tion received from the Union men of Grant County, who will participate in the special election, is to the effect that they look to this County to put forward a candidate, and that he will receive the. same energetic sup port from them ns if he had been nominated in a convention regularly constituted. The shortness of the time before the election, ren ders it necessary to dispense with formali ties, and to heartily work without any other organization than tbat which exists, or can speedily bo improvised. ' A full attendance is requested, and it is now, as much as ever, a duty for true Union men to be awake to tho duties of the times. At no time in the past have more serious dangers threatened the public weal than at the present. The open machinations of destructive radicals and treacherous peace demegogues, threaten to defeat the beneficent schemes of the Na tional Administration for the reconstruction of our National Government. If the Admin istration has any real friends, it is time that WHOLESALE GR OC ERS, AND. DEALERS IN Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of , CLOTHING-' Boots & Shoes, - Underclothing, - Blankets, etc., etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WE HAVE AS ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our business, under tbe entire supervision or Mr. Miller. We make returns In Burs In six hours We guarantee all onr Assays and pay tlio IlIQ II KST CASH FKICB for Ilnrs. We alio pay the Highest Cash Price fur Gold Dust. BLOCfl, MILLER CJ., myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dulles. SELLING OFF AT COST, XO CLOSE BUSINESS I tbey lully ana treeiy declared tnemselves fHBUNDER8lGNEDwoiildrespectfullylnlormthcl such, and by a timely initiative give a popu lar direction to public sentiment, and main tain tbe unity of the party for the sake of the State and Nation. Columbia Lodge, No. 0, I. O. O. F. Mcots every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, lu Gates' Hull, corner of Second aud Court Streets. Brothers In good standing aro Invited to attend. By order. N. G. I B patrons and the public at lurice, tbat tbey wilt coiumeuce 10 sen mis uuy, meir laigo ana uuuuauiuv Stock of Clothing Dry Goods, furnmmng uoods, ftaucy. uoous, llals&Caps, Ladies' Sl"s,. Boots A Shoes, Childr... Shoes, Kubher Goods, Huts, Blankets, Salem Cloths, Ac, Ac., 4c., .A. T COST. Now OB Niveb Call at Win. Blrubaum's Jewelry thay had never rebelled, and on this account Store and examine his extensive stock of Watches, Dia- are made eligible to all offices of honor, profit ,nondl, ,ewolrJr' B1,Ter Ware' Lan,,, Cut,or' aud IUOOUN, nmuu no viioib iui ouiu iu uiuui w viusu uiuiudbb on aecouut of 111 health, at loss than cost, There Is no The President, It seems, Has deemed It pro- ucu iarge and well-selected stock this side of 8an Fran- per to throw tbe mantle of oblivion over tbe Cisco, and the quality of the goods will spoak for itself. acts ot many, not to say most, of tho lending N,uw " J""" tlm t0 W Presents cheap, and at a saying , , ' . ' . of 60 percent. Mr. B. has also alot of I'eriscopic Glass. ex-rebels. He has, in this matter, carried out the often repeated declaration of the people Spectoclos tbat perform wonders. n4tf. Two robbers lately stopped a man on Burnt of the non-seceding States, that if the people LAlOUSK -A.T AUCTION. River, who had five dollars. They returned him the money with an admonition to carry more money in future, as they would not deal so lightly with him a second time. Thaddbus Stbvkhs' proposal to evict tbe holders of mne-tcuths of the Southern lands, is not endorsed by any respectable portion of the Union party. Tbaddeus. appears to have tbe intellect of a gorilla and tbe instincts o( a byena. Gen. Carl Scuuuz.says that ho has been on a tour through the South, and has seen no basis for the re-construction of the Union. He is another individual vrbose opinions are the healing influences of mercy to the South of the South would come back to the Union, they should have a heart-warm welcome. Says Mr. Seward to a foreign ambassador, "Sir, if the South will come back to us, we will surprise the world by tbe generosity with which her people shall be treated." These, it is well known, were tbe sentiments of Mr. Lincoln t into whose heart the base passion of I revenge never crept. In accordance with the sentiments of mag nanimity and generosity, which should ever be the ruling traits of a brave and great peo ple, Mr. Johnson has judiciously dispensed VVE WILL SELL TUB HOUSE ON THE CORNER f? or second and federal streets, at Auction, on Wednesday, November 15tli, at 10 a. in. BALE PEREMPTORY, nllrtd PAYNE I C, Anctloiierrs. uf but little value at this time. The Mining and Scimtific Press says that there "no special causo for alarm" about earthquakes at San Francisco. At the time of tbo shocking affair some weeks since, the . wiiter probably thought differently. Thbri is a great increase of English tourists the present year in tbe United States over any that has preceded it. Much curiosity is ' manifested by men of leisure in tbe British Isles to know mote of our country, and hence the increase of travel tbrongb it. Pew d'Okeicle Rootb Aoain. It appears aj if there is to be a steamer put on the Pen d'Oreillo Lake, anyhow. Mr. Davidson left this place yesterday morning for Wallula, to procure transportation for the machinery and supplies requisito to carry out the scheme, Final Settlement. NOTICE OP KINAL SETTLEMENT of the ostato ot WILLIAM 0. LAUGHLIN, deceased In the boun ty Court of Wasco County, Oregon In Probate Notice is hereby given, that It. II, Wood, Administrator of the ubove ettatu, has filed 1iis filial accounts la the County Court of Wasco County, and prays for a final suttlomeut of sitiil estatu. j t is tlierelore ordered that said applica tion ho heard on Monday, the 11th day of December, A. I). 18(15, at the Court House, in Dulles City, in said Coun ty, and that notice thereof be published in the Dalles Jlounlaxnetr. O. ft. UKftN It, County Jmltre. November 9, 1805. nlO:4w Final Settlement. -JfcTOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT of the estate of i- JAM KS LAUU11L1N, deceased In the Cuuntv Court of Wasco County, Oregon In Probate Notice is hereby given that It. II Wood, Administrator of the above extate, lias nied Ills nnai account tu thoCouuty Court of nosco uouniy. ana prays ior n nnai settlement or said estate. It is therefore orderod, that said application be heard on Moudav. the 11th dav of December. 1HHA. at tlm ble prejudice of sectionalism, can say that he Court Home, in Dalles City, in said county, and that no- r 1 ' I .It. l.A.i..if l.a n,.l.llul..wl I., tt.o Tl..ira kt ern people, at the same time tempering it with justice to the wicked and depraved. By his conduct he bas won tbe entire confidence of tbe people of the South, and while he bas done thus much, no man, void of the roisera- hag in any manner compromised the honor and interests of tbe non-seceding States of Union. His project of reconstruction was never meant for an "experiment ;" it was intended to bo carried into execution with all the vigor he can infuse into it. There is no earthly probability tbat it will be retracted or materially modified.' It then only re mains for those who indorse the present pro ject to come up to its support with a will. No weak and uncertain support will meet the requirements of tho case. If tho Union organization, without hypocrisy, endorses the President in his work of beneficence, it November 0 1865. 0. N. DENNY, County Judge nlll:4w In order to rotlre from bustnoss, the above Stock must be Bold within Sixty Days, aud STIMCTLY A.T COST! All persons Indebted to the firm will uleaso call and settle their bills Immediately, thereby Baving all unne cexsary future trouble. COUN ft BOH.M. Dulles, (let. z, 1BUD. . UCWI. HOW TO SATE MONEY! CALL AT TUI NW Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Waflliington and Second Streets. THE UNDKUSIGNKD M'lSIIES TO INFORM TUB people uf the Datlue, and the public generally, thufc he has a large und well selected stuck of X-A-MILY GROCEUIES. CANDIES, A'UTS, &c, ) Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Seduced Prices for CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article of Fit KSI1 11UTTEH aud KUUH. Also, every variety of FKUITfl and VKUKTAIILKS in their soitson. Persons from up the couutry, wishing quantities of Eggs and Fruit, by sending in their ordors, will receive the strictest atteutfon, and have them filled at the Lowest Market lYicet. . Jyll-tl 1 C. L. JKWEI.L. A.1 MltS. LEESER'8 FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Colin St Bolim'i, YOU CAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOST FASH ION A1ILK GOODS, in the line nf UONNETS, HATS, FEATHERS,. FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress Trimmiiifrs, Sea. In order to make dress eomnlete. it becomes neccBsarv that a ItONNET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn tho head. Clive me an early call and I will endeavor to suit everybody In TASTE aud at K KASON ABLE PllICES. Particular attention paid to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STOKE, WASHINGTON BTItEET. Delinquent Assessment List. Orrici or Dallu and Owyhei Gold and Silvxb) Quartz Minino Company, v rjinERB 18 DELINQUENT upon the following lies- .Oilman's New Stone Building, THIS EVEN1NO, and is CriUWl SIOCK, OU OCCOUIIC 01 aSSCSSinOllt ISVieU OU I I'iom w suito vuiiumcn iiu we IWH Ul rBVlH UNDEKS1GNED would respectfully announce JL that he will opcu a first-class Saloon In French 4 the twentieth day of February, A. 1). 1805. the several nmonnts set opposite the nainos of tho respective shoro- uoioers, us iotiows; L. White 4 Dro., 0. B. (HI won, A. II. Johnson, John B. Price, L. M. Colin, (. 8. Savage, A. W. Compton, Cyrus lba. Cyrus lua, Cyrus lba, . Cyrus lba, SstRMpn vtth Indians. On the first of October Cant. Williams, with twelve men. at- can command the votes of the VftBt majority Cyrus lba, t icked an Indian camp on Silva River, lu of the Inhabitants east of tbe Cascades, be- cyrua liiZ , Uarooy Lake Valley, and killed one Indian, fyond question. Without this is d"onff freely S' lie then destroyed a considerable quantity of and cheerfully, tbe batile will be a hard one. Cyrus lba. fish stored in the camp. : Tilt Orcgonian thinks "it would be an un speakable calamity to Oregon for those persons wb . arrayed ' Missouri in rebellions arms pgainsttbe Government, to succeed iu ob taining power here." It would be a calamity i -rathor hard to describe, and consequently we ' shall not attempt to do it. ; f..mt,a II. a ' As far as the eastern district is concerned, it oyrdsiha', is beyond dispute the sentiment of tbe Union Masters, party to endorse theconifiict of tfce President, Cyrus lba, and to follow his acts- out to their logical consequences. .. No. Cert. e 7 -8 IT '11 8i i4 .46 40 47 43 49 60 62 63 64 6& . 67 68 69 . 60 66 Shares. 2 - i 2 6 a 1 6 6 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1. 1 1 1 6 36 Ammnt. t- 10 00 40 00 10 00 40 00 10 00 8 00 82 00 40 00 40 00 10 00 10 00 18 00 10 00 10 01 8 (0 8 OU ,. 8 00 , 8 00 - 8 00 8 00 40 00 280 00 ; Ellkndal Woollen Mat,. The Company J owning tins new enterprise near Dallas, Polk a total of $10,000. Bonds have been ex county, says tbe Democrat of the 4th inst.,1 acted from different officers Mtached te- these have increased their capital stock to $20,000. ships for enough more lo make an aggregate . Machinery to replace that lost on the Brother I of $458,000. AH three of these craft are " TrtHnt., l,.a liBan i.nt fnr And It is oTnApfpri I PftcrnliirFv nlvlno In thA trait 'tn tTtratrnA Anil the mill will be in operation in about three Victoria, awaiting the decision ot the Tre -."moolbg.' - :-':. I sory Department. Bonds for Smuggling. The Statesman ob serve" that the steamer Pacific is under bonds for Brmiezlin?. for 3225.000 : tbe Orizaba for $125,00; and tbe Melius for $66,000, making ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE. And iu accordance with law and an ordsn of Hie Board ot Trustors, moils ou the 20th day of February, A. D. 1896, so many shares of ench parcel of sithl stock as may be necessary, will be sold at nubllo auction, at lba i,m, n of F. A.O. Payne, Main streot, Dalles, on the seventh day or December, A. D, 1806, at 2 o'clock, r. H., of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together Ytiiii vuBi. vi auvei iisiiik auu expenses Ol saio. n8:lw 81UMU.SD SCUWABAOI1EH, Scc'y. Illaln Street, corner of Court, OLD MACK, TIIH PIONEER COOK, would rospect fully Inform the nubile that lis has flttnil m. ti, I avove vnnp irouso, auu is prepared to serve op MEALS ami lunch in tne nest stylo and at the shortest notice. ' BALLS and PARTIES furnished with suppers; in the oesi s.vis sou on cut mosc rsasonaDie terms. Wines, Liquors anil Cigars., ALSO, A EUEE LUNG II Every day and Eveniug. oc28f. . JOHN niNDLAI'B. F . DEIIM. Watchmaker aud Jeweler mMiri o i kce i , UALLESi (RIXT DOOB 10 TH ASSAI OmCL) . '. DEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JBWELIfR CLOCKS, Cold Pens. Sliver aud Plated w.r. I 9-articuJaattontloB pald to.rtialrln flneO atchesi Clocks-, Jewslry, etc All Watches repaired br me warranted lor twelve months. N.ll. All orders from the upper country, by Expres or otherwise, promptly attended to. aull t JOSEPH ELPELT, wuousAii Ann retail skaub hi r Fancy & Staple Dry Goode, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES- II ATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and rv..,j. Streets. . , . n-j.,. ' ' ' ' 'NOTICE. U Cl EORffE LIEBE Is my duly authorlncd agent dnrlne BT my absence In the Eastern States, to attend tp th buiiniwuu ui an ihwuiih use oie, anu aisoih? lato-nrin; oi tt iuruieir m luuuger . A. VrlWXEKAlEIll,. FOR SALE. , OVSTERS In every style. Private Booms for Ladles. I A FIn8T CLASS, SECOND HAND PIANO, can blia4 I Jl Ml roaannalila tsntB TihihIh a nn m HOUSK 01DN ALL. NIGHT, -ocattr A. w 'imw&Q: