oritttaiiucr Epitome or Telegraphic News. COMPILED FROM XIII OHIOONIAH. DATES TO OCTOBER 31. Atlantic Nnri, " Ktw York, Oct. 28. K. B. Ketchum was arraigned in the Court of General Sessions, before Recorder Hoffman lo-day. He with drew his plea of not Riiiliy on the indictment lor lorgery in tho tUird degree, Hnd put in a plea of guilty. It was aeree'l that bis sen- tencelie suspended until he could be exam ined in the civil cases now before the courts. New York, Oct 31. The ste imer Matichu. ttttt which has just arrived at Philadelphia from Key West, reports a tremendous gale on October 22d. Every vessel except the juaitacnuscltt went asbore in the harbor. A number of the members of the Fenian senate continued their spssion to-day. The proceedings were secret, but it was renorted that agents were to be sent to Ireland at once to oganizB for the geat revolution, which it is believed will take a practicable shape in a short time. It is also Bttid that the Fenians have received the indorsement of officml-i in this countrv. whose names will lend not only strength to the movement, but win ub mo guarantee ot us success. H is-reported ihat Hampton Roads will soon re me rendezvous of a large and im rtortant fleet of our naval vessels. The steamers Afanderbilt and Monitor, which ar rived here on Saturday, are the pioneers of iuu uinrt'iiue giuucnng at mis point. It is said the vessels are to be despatched to .... .7 ' 1 ;V . .. 1 Diiuauiuua in uiucreni parts ot tue world Wathmgton, Oct. 31. -The Pou't Washing, ton special dispatch says: The President to day received advices that the Georgia State convention had declared slavery abolished uy a unanimous vote and without debate Washington, Nov. 2. The Pott has received a tolegram from Ucrschel V. Solinson: dated IMIJ Ml. . . . ' . ' . . juuieugemiu, ua , uct. 3ast, raying : All 11 going well. The Convention pas-ed an or dinance repealing the ordinrnce of secession and all ordinances and resolutions subver sive of or antagonistic to tlie civil' and mill tary authorities of ihe United States, adopt f d by the people'of Georgia in Convention between the 16th of January and 24th of aiurcu, 1001. Foreign News. New York, Oct. 28. Files by the steamer jijnca nave ucen received. In regard to the Adums and RusscT corres. , pondence, the London Newa says : " It should liot be forgotten that the claims made by Soain ncrainst tha Amppionn r.nna.nvnnt tinder s.rmlar circumstances, were onlv bv ireaty, while those made by Portugal fur- nisnea material lor argument for ouer thirty jeure. n powers sucn as Spain and Fortu gal, tinder "such circumstances, felt them. solves bound lo keep up the discussion until iney obtained some sort of a settlement, it i not probable that the Unite! States will fol . low a different course. Assuredly Lord T.. 1 1 c . .. . ivunsei b rciuai to reter tne matters now i aispute will not settle them." Wilmer & Smiih's European Timet says : " It is just possible to avoid the payment of 500,000 in money, but we may lose by i'"'"8 upi'UBiuun on a principle so nn .. Mlstakable as to cauo us,, when the esses t nre reversed, and when the. Americans ar tne neutrals and we the belligerents, to su . l'er terribly in person and nockot. We don -.apprehend war, for war in these days could . , iiuv arise out oi mis ouslness, but something nearly as bad may arise in future, when the practice we have defended may be returned against us In .ways that are oidoons to sur mise." ...... Morb Inpiab Outrages. By .the arrival of the Canyon City stage, wo are informed that the depredations of the Indians on the Can yon City road . are matters, of daily occur- e ronce. Ilorsos have been stolen, since our lat information, at Alkali Flat, about, one ' hundred miles from the Dilles, and at Vari ous points on the road. A Portugese was (. shot at from the road-side, twelve miles this Bide of pamB Watson, and slightly wounded in the hand. . One of the California cattlo dcovers, who was woonded some days since, U in a very precarious condition. . Consider , ; able interest is manifested on the road in re , gard to the subjugation of these Indians and there is much talk of citizens fitting out , to take the matter in hand, and indict chas tisement on the marauders. .1 . Many men are said to have great command of linguage, when, in fact, language has great command of them. , Labor is growing scarce in Ireland.;; la borers who used to work for ten cents a day now ge( fifty. V ! ' ' .', , BaioijAK youiio,jr;,fg traveling In Europe. The other eighty-seven first-born song ate at home. ' '" ' ... . WALDROS1 BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dalles, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone building, opposite Bloch, Miller k Co., and offer to the public a full and complete Hock of Drugs, Mediclnei and Chemicals, consisting iu part of . LAMP WICKS CUIMNEYS, HOPS, 8A0E, BP0NGE9, LEECHES, tVKHS, KBHOSKNE, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, . AC1PS, LIN 8 K.ED, LARD. CASTOR AND 1ND100 AND NEATSPOOT Oil, LANPlil.ACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS. AND PATKNT M tCIDICIVKS. Oar stock of FANCY G00D8 I of the finest and but quality ; new styles ond large assortments, such ai LUIUN'S PERFUEERY, HAIR, LlUilN'S TUlLJSl' BUAr, 1LU11, l'OMADKS, SHAVING, OOSM KTIC8, 1IAT, 11AI11 011,9, CLOTHFS, COLOUNE, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES TUOTII POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE "WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal nurnosos. Our facilities lor buying goods aro second to none in tue State, aud we snail at an times sen at a small av vance from coat. Keafly sales and sntall pronts. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day and night. Dalles, Sept. , two.. seiu-u J! ol Highway robberies are becoming freauent OIL, GLASS, CORKS, ACIDS, FAINTS, BRUSHES, BLUISSTONE, if 1 Ho a ro M CO I" 11 g-; S 2 "7i POMADES, TWINE, GLUE, SOAP, and FANCY ARTICLES. WAGON & CARRIAGE TUB UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the attention of all WAGON-MAKERS To the Superior Stock of "Wagon Tinibor, Now In Storo and soon to arrive, which will lie offered to the trade on Liueial Terms. OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK From to G inches. Finished and Unfinished Oak & Hickorj SPOKES, from 1 to 3 Inches OAK & ELM HUBS In Pairs and Sets, from 6x0 to 14x16. HICKORY & ASH RIMS, BHdGY, EXPRESS and SULKY SHAFTS, Finished and Unfinished. DUGOY and EXPRESS POLKS, Finished and Unfinished lUUKUitY AXI.KS, all sites; 1IUUUY, WAGON and EXPRESS ROWS; OAK and HICKORY SCANTLING; bAWEI) FELLOKS, from to 3 inches; 1IKWED TONUUES lor fuur horse and ox-teauu; B1N0LKTKEKS; NiCCK YOKES; LONG and SHORT HOUNDS; - PLOW UHAMS and Ilundlos. 4c. Ac. The above stuck was carefully selected In the Eastern mutes, expressly totnet the domauds or this, trnde. Orders for any of the above articles, including WAGON BU.JSJ ISO, DUAES, SC., Will be promptly OltOilUlHl to. . " 05 Front Street, Portland, ocl8:tf. Opposite 0. U. N. Co.'s Wharf. NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE C03IPANY Will carry FAST FEEIGHTS .FROM . U31ATILLA AFTER THE FI RST OF OCTODKR, AT THE FOLLOW- JHU KEUUU1SD UA1ES: To Boise City 15 Centa per pound " bkiiu ll jr x l , " Owyhee 0 11 For lens amounts than one hundred pounds an addition 01 rive uenis per poena will ue cliKigeJ. 1 1 TIMK IPliOM UMATILLA 1 To Ilolge City, tt Days. To Idaho City ..3 1.4 Days. iu vwyuec, 4 uaytt. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1865. JOSEPH PINKIIAM, Aeont. ocl8:tf. RE310VAL. J. OOETZ, Dalles. K. KOKNIOSBERGER. fan Francisco. 1.1 nun ii I.) .-JJ. I. GOEXZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS, Rudio's New Stone Buildinor IVaslilngton Streot, near French t Oilman's, sad have vjiducu s soii-iusonea naci OI " ilAVANA and DOMESTIC 8EOAR8, iiiuiniA ana wkhtekn TODACCO, FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, ' MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES, -. " PLAYING CARDS, , i ' SPORTING GOODS, . ' ' ' INDIAN and FANCY .QO0D8, Ac, Ac. ' The trmle supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICKR. MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. Mf IBS O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the xiJSL i-uuioo 01 imiips anil vicinity, that sho has Just received a fresh supply of ' - Fnsbionablo Goods, . ana jHieni, rani, new vnrir untf Ron vvn.f... S.'rUr'":. 11 'i1,3-,.11 ,iuo;',!4' LAC8- imcathbS; - " 1 - " uu wen-seieciea asuurtmeut of sUxdles' Iteady-niade Garments Also, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! oiaiuriftu lor Embroidery and Braldfnir. pinktko done at short notice. UONNETS Bleached and Piosscd " a luigu uwortmeut 01 Children's Kcndy.Male Clothing Constantly on hand. Having seenred the services of 1 hi 1 ni.e MnKer' 1 Rm prpparoU to cut aud fit vuiiurcu uhmobs nua CLOAKS. SIUKP "luaro east of the Catholic C'"lrchl oc21:3m. ; NOTICE TO FARMERS.! FLOUBINGMILLi j to their Steam BasTr end Door Factory', in this Olty. an I "" Prepwcd to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant t . give the belt latissjetiou. 0. hand constantly ami for sale . T FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, 1 ' 1 r SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, '' 1 " ' BRAN AMI SnORTSt ' CHOP FEED, CIIICKEK FEEPN' Als, a BopeHo article of CORN MEAL, from ni n f .i!fbMt m"k ,rlc PU for WHBAT, CORN ano FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS IsALLES, UKEUUJV, JOHN KPP1NGKB Proprietor rwHE UNDERSIGNED A having titled up the above Market iu the 1IB-T STYLE, will keep constant ly on limifl all sorts of . . Fretiu and Cured Meals, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATE My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL."- . TJ ARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR SALE JL win do well to call at the Franklin Market. IUUII Cl't'lftUEK. Dalles, February 19th, 180S . U ASiaiA(,T4. MAIIKKT OORMIHOI COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN illCHBLBACH, Piopriotor., n-V WILL KEEP fllfjfjrconstantly on hand all the varle siHoUritWles Ihat the market can possibly Buum, ot FBKSH Sc CURED MEATS, and always of the bist quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe undcrsixneq I" always prepared to pay the high. est cosh nrico for FAT CATTLE. Parties linvlnir stuck In good condition, ate requested to call on him before going euewnere. JOUN A1IC11KL1IAU11. Dalles, Mnrcb 31st, 1806. nihsltf J. JTTKEE, Slain Street, Dalles, WH0LI8AU AND RKTAIL DEALXB lit CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUIF, PIPES, & o . ALWATt IK 8T0RB TOl list BOARSS OF Uigars. Tobacco, Matches &c. 11LATINO CARDS, . POCKET CUTLERY, FORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, 0' all kinds, 1 PERFUMERY, ot every description. CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS, DOLLS, etc - FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, , MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac ' -Also Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and many other articles too numerous to mention. j- Interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco, etc at less than Portland prices, with frclcht added, oc-8 V 111 It Y IMPORTANT TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and BAR.HOOMS, JULIUS KRAEMF-R HAVING BOUGHT TnK EN tlro Stock of Merchandise and Uook Accounts of the late Arm ol M. Seller A Co., In this city, to which lie has added of hi own importation (while doing business in roruanuj an immense ctocn 01 the best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlery IiOoklnffGlat.scs and All Kinds of Oils, All of which he offers at rednced rates. TVranns -!,. Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will ue well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. uruers lrnin me interior promptly attended to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't foil to call on me. Rudio's Stone Dulldlug, Washington street, Dalles. ' , JULIUS KUAEMER. ' Dalles, March 17th, 1MB. sihUtf CITY 3IARKET. S. LAVBER & Co., Proprietors Will keep constantly on band the best MEATS OF ALL KIJOS. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATRONAGE Is solicited, ns we expect to keep as good ffiSiff an assortment of Meats and of ns good as qual-7TM lty, as the cupntry affords : and will , "LieeBAi Deliver the same to Farehaseri in the City. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well to give us a call buforo disposing ol it elsewhere. S. LAUBER. A Co., ' Sontheast corner of Washington and Third Sts. Fppoeite Koslor's Blacksmith Shop. Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s NOTICE ! y THE FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT have been established: Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, &c. From Wallula A Umatlllii tol'nrtland,$16 00 per ton weight " Dalles to Portland 7 60 On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland to 02 per lb " Dalles to Portland ; 1 " On Hides, Dalles to Portland..,., Portland, Sep. 23, 180&, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland, .$0 60 enck ' uaiies to Fort ami B.O. UEED, President. soptf:2mis ' IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF ; . , Wines &; Iiquors, ' ' FRONT STREET, Portland,' . . . . . Oregon. OFFKH8 FOR BALE A TERY LARGE ASSORT nieut of , Brandies, "', ' ". , . ' Wines, ! .' . IJquors,'- '.; ; . Case Goods, ' Stc.f, &,c, - ,&c, , The Trade fs partlculacly invited to examine my st ick before pnrchaslug elsowhera. au2itf M o u nYThood saloon ,. ., . AND . v . v F. 31. HUNT, Proprietor, " '' " CORNER OF V . ' Main ana Court Strootn, p2Uf DuM Oregon. Dissolution or Co-partnership. rpAKB NOTICE, that tho partnership heretofors '. J. Isllng betwetn T. II. Bulger and 8 Ijinber, under the firm name of T. H. BULGER CO., In th.) IJtitorSJ baslness, has bem dissolved. .yi"'" Dalles City, Oct. 6, 1866. 4 X. II. Dl'LOER. 1 M. BROWUT & BRO.V WU0LISALI AND SIT A II. DIALIRS IN V - FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISaONB, &0. Mr. M. BROWN, being a resident of Ban Francisco, r are enabled to oiler great Indcenients to purchasers. 1 respectfully Invito the public to examine our stock befor purchasing elsewhere. ml6-tf r- Stone Store, north side Main street. Dalles. - . lf.O It, H A. El TniUIANDSOMB RESIDENCE occupied by A. W. bWjUANAN Is ottered ;. , For Sale at a Low Figure. For a private rosldonco, no more desirable locality could be desired. The grounds are ornamented with sLrubberr aud the building, contains Ten Rooms, Finished In the Best Style, and embraces every convenience. To gentleman de siring a Retired and Pleosnnt Home, convenient to lmsl- nest, an opportunity is now presented that seldom offers. Ihe House and Furniture will be sold together or sens;- ateiy.os the purchaser may desire. ' For further mirth., ulars, Inquire at ocl-tr, WELLS, FARGO Ai CO.'S EXPRESS OFFICE. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St., Dalles, Oregon. WUUL.U HKBl'ECTFULLY INFORM the cllliens of this place and vi cinity, that huvlng returned from a pro- 1 lesslonal tour through the initios, he has again resumed the practice of DENTISTRY, In the rooms formerly occupied by him, in the building occupied by Wood A Butler, PliDtogniph Artists, and adjoining Wnf. dron Broj.' Drug Storo. He takes this method of - . tending thanks, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to him, aud solicits a continuance of the same. list or rmcEs.' .. Entlro Denture on Gold Base J80 to I "2n " Uppor Denture, Gold Base. (K yja " Deuture, Vulcanite Base 70 m j2j " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Base 86" 14 Gold Fllllngsinscrted from one dollar upward. 1 ' f Children,' Teeth extracted free of charge. selS-tf MRS. L. WHITE'S lMEW PHOTOGRAPH BOOMS. Washington Street. HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THE G ALLERY over those wXng "'"'J W0Ul1 t,vecUM? nnoonce to .11 Thotogrnphs, Carts de Tlsite, 4c, that they will do well to give her A call. Particular at i'i:tr Ld C' nd CWit;ta Wctoretl , Furs! lurs I :,." ina niaiiEST markkTprice paid' IN cash TO - Beaw, Otter, vMink 'and Coon eklua, .Porfand, B&F"1 ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW YV"1L,IJ'RACT1CK IN THE SUPREME AND Cllt Particular attention n.M i 11.- L-m.-.i.' . . . ' O. IIIIMia.iK, "-oMecuou 01 Claims, ....v,.,, bailee, ugn, J. A. OBELI HE -A H 121 rpnt undersigned begs tg inform me el's. WS'eIr's '..'"Attend luneriais iV ' '' "' ' I. M. ETANS : i i y:o-if. i tulles, May 19, 1806. ' NOTICE ' NOTICE IS nEREBY 01YRN isot to trust my wife ,, . t:2w? ,.CC'"""' " 1 DOt 'P0,,,'" ,e ' UL1U8 LARGE. Beware.orthe Greenback iftaut Thomas II. 13nlffol. , Tas this day paid ma One Hundred and Twentv