lailg lilauutaincm Nuhtb Boisi Quartz. Among tbe many quartz mining districts which contain good paying lodes, that ol Banner City, on Smith's Fork of North Boise, is among tbe richest and most extensive. , In August, 1864, the Banner Lode was found, running? alone the ton nf a ridge, between two gulches emptying into the North Boise, and during that Summer many hundreds of prospectors from Idaho City, distant about thirty miles, visited ihe neigh borhood. The consequence was the discov ery of many silver-bearing lode?, carryiug tbe precious metal with wonderful uni formity, and in quantities to suit the-most avaricioo.3. There seems to be one great cen tral lode in this district, running from south west to northeast. This is called the Black Warrior Lode, Some hundreds of feet to tbe we6t of it is the Banner Lode, which dips to the east, or towards tbe great vein. The same is true of all other veins 01 the west 'sido of the Black Warrior, among which are the Delaware, Wolverine and Lincoln lodes. On the east side of the central lode, are tbe Washington, of doubtful continuity, and the Washoe, which iB known to be rich, and be lieved to be extensive. Ahead on the range of these lodes is tbe Abeand-Andy Lode, of great prospective value, and many others. All that these lodes require is the application of skill and money. Already a large amount - of work and money has been expeuded upon gome of them, and their value established at high figures. It is doubtful if the Banner could be bought at this time for $30 a foot, and that amount was paid for it before a shaft was down twenty feet on tbe lode. Tbe lcCdes vary in width from two feet to thirty tbe greater being the thickness of the Black War rior. These veins run out on the narrow di vide between the North Boise and the South Fayctto, and the rapid descent to the latter stream affords a fine opportunity to find the lodes at a great depth. As an earnest of tbe intention of some of the owners in the. Ban ner Lode, they bave now on tbe road down ' over a too of the rock, which is sent to New York for exhibition. The rock will tell its own tale. Tbi New Railroad at tbs Cascades. Tbe fast term of tbe District Court, for Clarke County, W. T., closed on the 29tb of October. During tbe session, the caBeof D. F. Bradford aid others against the Middle Cascade Port age Company, came up for hearing. It seems that certain parties are engaged in building a railroad from tbe Middle Block Ilouse to the head of tbe Cascades, and their line crosses certain property belonging to Mr. Bradford and others. Having a charter from tbe Wash ington Territory Legislature, with the usual power to take and appraise lands and assess damages, the Middle Cascade Portage Com pany procured the appointment of appraisers ' from the District Court, and proceeded to as gess the sum to be paid. This was fixed at $1,000, and Mr. D. F. Bradford and associates appealed to tbe District Court. In court tbey refused to join issue on the facts, and plead irregularity of the award of tbe appraisers, and the invalidity of the defendants' charter. The Court sustained tbe appraisers and tbe validity of tbe charter. Tbe case goes to tbe ' Supreme Court of Washington Territory. The case has some local interest to tbe inhabitants of this place ' Thi Trook & Jenminqs Lodi.A shaft of fifty feet depth on tbe Trook & Jennings Lode, Owyhee reveals some very encouraging facts to owners in this noted vein. Across a " cab rock" of four feet several extremely rich learns of quartz occur, and tbe west side (hows a true wall-rock. These Beams amount, in tbe aggregate, to twenty inches, and are convergent aud increasing In size. It is pre sumed that at one. hundred feet the vln will be Solid and twenty-four inches In width. Gal leries have been driven each way from the shaft, about twenty-live feet, at fifty feet ie Subscription for a Flao. It is nronoscd to raise fuuds to purchase a flag for Jackson Engtrio Company.- A committee composed of members of the company has been ap pointed and empowered to receive subscrip- tions for that purpose. The years of faithful ..and, unrewarded sorvices of the company . commend it to the grateful consideration of tbe citizens of the Dalles'. Tbi Dkatb of Yancby. The Nashville Banner says that Wm. L. Yancey died from tbe effects of injuries received in a personal collision with Hill, a Senator from Georgia, on tbe floor of tbe .Confederate Senate. Yancey attacked Hill, and was thro'wn by the latter with great violence agaiust a desk, and bis spine was so affected that be died in con sequence of it. Yancey, like Stonewall Jack son, was zalous Presbyterian, and bad a mar vellous eloquence in prayer. He was a man that only needed to bave seen the right way to bave been truly a great man. His genltis was prostituted to tbe defense of tbe heath enish abomination of tbe peculiar institution, and bis reward is in accordance with bis er rors.' If he bad brought the same earnest ness, eloquence and passion to the support of the Union that be did to secession, bis name would bave been placed among the few im mortals. In consideration of the scandal at tached to the method f Mr. Yancey's death, the Confedetate Congress passed resolutions of secrecy, and the circumstances of tbe af fair bave only lately come to a knowledge of the public. He .whs buried at Montgomery, Alabama. WAL.DKOI4I BROS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dallea, Oregon. We now occupy our new two story fire proof Stone building, opposite Illtich, Miller k Co., ntui offer to tlie public a full and complete stock of Diuga, Medicines una Chemicals, collating In part or KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS 4 CHIMNEYS, XUKPEMINU. IIUI'B, ALCOHOL, BAGB, ACIDS, SPONGES, LINSEED, LEECHES, LAUD, " CORKS, . CAfcTOH AND INDIGO AND NEATSFOOT Oil, ' LANPULACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES. SUPPORTERS, AND PATKNT MrCDICITES. Our Block of FANCY GOODS I of the finest and beat quality; new styles oud Urge assortments, such us LUBIN'SPEREUBERY, HAIR, LUBIN'B TOILET SUAF, t LKS11, POMADES, SHAVING, COS.MEXIC8, HAT, UAIKOILS, CLOTHES, COLOGNE. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAILBRUSHES TOOTH POWDERS, ' AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Fnr Medicinal Durnoaea. Our facilities for buying goods are second to none In the state, ana we snail at mi tunes aen nuiauuw vance iron, cost. Koauy sales and small proms. PHYSICIANS' fBESCItlPTIOXS Carefully compounded at all Lours of the day and night, DBlloa, Dept. V, moo. eoio-ti I fas OIL, POMADES, 5 B- 52 g-j 3- CO GLASS, TWINE, 82 s! am CORKS, GLUE, Bl5 ACIDS, CD r-t- A SOAP, a S.3 1 m PAINTS, and "St M Paa BRUSHEB, BLUEST0NE, FANCY TO P til as ' P OB ARTICLES. NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FROM UB1 TILLA, AFTER TUB FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW- To Boise City ....15 Cent! per ponnd um.m v ii.j' ,,iV . " Owyhee jto i ti For lesa amounts than one hundred pounds an addition 01 cive UHiis per poaiul will be charged. ' - TIMK lliOM: UMATILLAi To noise t'lty 3 Davs. To Idaho City 3 1.2 Days TO Owj liee, ......... ......4 WajH. . . JOSEPH P1NKHAM, Acent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 180B. ocl8:tf. NOTICE TO FARMERS. 'VIB DALLK8 LUMDKR AND MANUFACTURING M. COJlfANY has recently attnehed a lLOUltllVG MILL to their Steam Saah and Door Factorv. In this Cltr. and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UltIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant to give the beat satiafuction. On uu..u wii.iuiiiijr mm ,or His FXTRA FAMILY FLOUli, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, UHAN AND SHOUTS. - CH a FEED. CHICKEN FEED, t Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Tliehli-neat market price paid for WHEAT, CORN an uani.r.,1. , U. A. UOGUE. Aaent. Pnllea, Nov. 2, 180B. ' 1 , "u, agent. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND . P. M;s HUNT, Proprietor finnNun n . .1 Main and Court Stroots ap21-tf ' 'K-i Dalles: Or.uon. WAGON & CARRIAGE MATERIAL. T HB UNDERSIGNED: WOULD REBrECTFULLY call the attention of all . WAGON MAKERS ' To the Superior Stock of Waffon Timber, o In Stori and soon to airive, which will be offered to the trade on Libei at Terms, OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK r From A to 6 Inches. , , Finished and Unfinished Oak & Hiokory SPOKES, from 1 to 3 inches . OAK & ELM HUBS In Pairs and Sets, from 6x8 to 14x16. HICKORY & ASH RIMS, BUUQY, EXPRESS and SULKY SHAFTS, Flulshed and Unlluiahed. BUGGY and BXPRESS POLIvS, Finished and Unfinished HICKORY AXLES, all alios; BUHUY, WAGON and EXPRESS BOWS J OAK aud HICKORY SCANTLING; . " . SAWED FELLOES, from Vi to 8 inches; HEW KD TONGUES for four horse and ox-toama; SINGLETREES: NECK YOKES; LONG and SHORT HOUNDS; PLOW BEAMS and Handles, c. Ac. Tbe above stock was carufnllv solccted fn the Eastern States, expressly to mt-et the demands of thia trade. uruera lor any 01 the unove articles, including w AUOn BB.EJ N, BOXES, So., will be promptly attended to. R. H, LAW, 115 Front street, Portland, ocl8:tf. Opposite O. S. N. Co.'s W harf. FBANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINUTON BTREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN KPP1NGKR Proprietor rfHE UNDERSIGNED M. having fitted up the above Market in the BB.-T STYLE, will keep constant ly on hand uli sorts of t rcHU ana Cured nieaia. Of the beat quality furnished at the LOWEST KATE My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL." ' XJ ARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR BALK JL win do won to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN EPP1NQER Dalles, February 19th, 1868. WASHINGTON MARKET, CORNER OT COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL KEEP constant v 01, band a 1 tbe vnrte. r.v?: ties that the market can nossiblv XFaJ uuni, u. lIilCSII &; CURED MEATS, (ind always of the btst quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS . supplied on reaaonable terms. . , TbeunderalKncn la always prepared to nnv the hlirh est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties liavlun stock in Rood conditiou, are requested to-tal I on bim before going enowiiere. J011K 1UJCUKLUACH, Dulles, Murcn olBt.lHUS. liihKltf CITY RCA.ItKia'.F. S. LAV1IER & Co., Proprietors. Will koep constantly on hand the beat JWKATS Or ALL KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATROVAGE Is nlirltml. n, tvn nYiinnt in Irm.n na mutl 1 an iwlinrtiiient nf Ment, Anil nf nn ffiiml n, niinl., ity,' as tbe country affords: and will Deliver the game to Purchasers in the City. : Partlea having Superior Stock for sale will do well to give us a call before disposing ol It elsewhere. 8. LAUBER. t Co., Southeast corner of Washington and Third Sts. PppoBlte Koster's Blacksmith Shop. Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s NOTICE! THE FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT have been established: - ' Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, &c. From Wallula t Uuiatllln to Portland, $15 00 por ton wolght " Dallea to Portland 7 60 " " ' On Wool, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland $0 02 per lb , " Dallea to Portland . 1 " On IlldcN, From Wallula and Umatilla to l'ortUnd,......$0 60 each " Ballus to Portland " S. O. REED, Preslifcnt. Portland, gep. 23, 1808. sep!i7-i!mis -A.. O. BRADFORD, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF VVines Ac Iiqxiors, FRONT STREET, Portland, - - - p - Oregon. OFFERS FOR BALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT meut of . , lirandles, Wines, Liquors, . : Case Goods, &c., &c., &c. fT The Trado la particularly Invited to examine my stick before purchasing olaewliero. au24-tf . KOTICC. HAVE THIS DAY re-purchtaed my atock of gooda, sold a low days since to Mr. J. II. Croasen. All lebta duo the concern will be col looted by me, and not uy nir, vrosneu, ua uuruioiore puuiiaueu. n8:Iw C. L. JEWRr,r, i : : FOIl SALE. A FIRST CLASS, SECOND nAND PIANO, can be had on reasonable term. Inquire at this Oltlce, or of : A. W. FERGUSON. 'ltemoval. DR. BELT has removed his office from Dr. Craig's Bruj Store to Waldron'auew Stone building, up . ocat:tr, J . J TJ K E R , WBOUSAU UTB RR AIL DEALta, w CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUTF, PIPES , &o. ALWAYS IK 8TOR1 TBI BI8T BRANDS OF Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. PLATING CARDS, . POCKET CUTLERY, PORT MONIES, COM IIS and BRUSHES, o' alt kfoda, PERFUMERY, ot every description, . CHINA ORNAMENTS. TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISniNG TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder, Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and1 many ether articles too numerons to meution. eXaT Interior dealers supplied with Clean. Tobacco, etc. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-B VliTlfcV .impohxaSt TO Merchants, Families, Hotels and UAK.HOOMS. JULIUS KIlAEMEIl HAVING BOUGHT THE F.N tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Acconnts of the late firm at M . Seller A Co.. in this city, to which behui added of his own Importation (while doing buslnessla roruiraci an immense tloca ei tne best mauuiactured Crockery, . Glassware, - Plated Ware, Lamps, ' ChanucllcrN, Table Cutlery Looklng-GIartscs aud AH Kinds of lis, All of which lie offers at reduced rates. Person, nr.T. lng to buy any of the above-mentioned articles, will do wen logivo me B.CH11 ueiore purcnaaing elsewhere. Orders from the Intorlor promptly attonded to, and goods packed to go secure. Don't tall to call on me. ltudlo's Stone Building, Washington street, Dulles. ' JULIUS KRAEMEK. Dallea, March 17th, 1806. mhUtf HI. BROWN & BRO., WHOLISiU 1KD aiTAtl BIAXIRS ll ' ' ' FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. ' Mr. M. BROWN, being a rosldent of San Francisco, we re enabled to ofler great Indcements to purchasers. We respectfully Invito the publio to ei amine our stock bofor imrcliMiug elsewhere. , mlft-tf trf Stone Store, north aide Slain street. Dalles. - TnnrTA?55??!1' 5ESIJDINCB occupied by A. W. BUCHANAN Is offered ForSaleata Low Figure. '. For a private residonco, no more doslrablo locality conld" bedcBlred. The grounds ure ornamented with atrubbari and the building, contains r --uUucry Ten Rooms, Finished In tho Best Style, and emhracea every convenience. To a gentleman do alrlug a Retired and Plesaant Home, convenient to haai neaa, an opportunity la now presented that aeldom offera. 1 lie House and Furniture will be sotd together or senor a ely.aa tho purchaser may desire. For further partic ulars, Inquire at ocl-tf WKLI, FARGO A CO.'S EXPnESS OFFICE. J. W. GURLEY, DENTIST- - Main St., Dallea, Orecon. WuuiU HKBl Et'TFULLY INFORM the citiaena of thia t,lpn nA clulty, that having returned from a pro- , leealonal tour tliruuali tlia mlnea. he hr.. again resniuod Jho practlco of DENTISTRY, in the roomi V y.. ,v,ea n the building occupied hv ?" J,f I'hu'oKraph Artists, and a.ljolning Waf. dron Bros.' Drug Stoni. Ho tnkea ihl. ,,r tending thanks, for the llboral patronage heretolore ea tondod to him, and solicits a coutlnuance of the same. "i ruit'Ka. Entire Denture on Gold Base..:,.... ...'..$180 to $226 ... r" . "oiu Jiaso.. go" ia " ' Denture, Vulcanite Base 70 ' V26 ' Upper Denture, Vulcanfto Base...: 85 " ' tlf Gold Ullings Inserted from onedollur upward. ' Childrens' Teeth extracted free nf chaise. sel3-tf . MRS. L. WHITE'S , MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. Washington Mreet. - HAVING NEWLY FITTED UP TnB GALLERY over Degnar's Storo, would reiutectlully announce to all thoso wishing Photograpns, Carts do Ylslte, etc., that they win do well to give lior a call ; Partlcnlao at. wai"t E '8 aUd Clll'l,ron Wctun -Furs! Furs!; THE HIGHEST MARKETER ICE PAID IN CASH o ' .:(. Beaver, Otter, Mink and Coon 61rInB t. ., '. ; V ."y HICUARDB 4 McCBAKEN. Portland, Bept. 27, 1W. , e",, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE SUPREME AND C1R iv-ii cullS,,;urt"'rf "Bon,aud the District Courts o aahlngton Territory. . is jz yv 11 s a ; rBIIH UNDERSIGNED BKGS TO INFORM THE CIT a NEW HIKnd wT,f : : Attend. Funerals ' ti.llea,MayH),186o. ' "ivLtf8 TM-0TICE IS HEREBYGIVEN nottotmat my wl . on'i ,cc"uu 1 will not be responsible ':i,w JULIUS LAXi wife oi US LAXGE- Beware or the Greenback Mail I . , Thomas IL Bulgei; Hay this day paid me One Hundred and Twenty dol. lam In GREENBACKS AT PAH.-pmi of which, was money I loaned him In U. 8. Gold Coin, and, part for wage which was contracted for fn U. S. Uotd Coin. Dallea, Oct. 80, 1806. lool:lw Yl'M. E. SMART,