- aib Jlontitaiiieer. THURSDAY MORNING, NOT. 0, 1865. Gbasiity, who killed Garret, la Umatilla county few days since, has been held to bail in $2,000, which he has not procured. Nobody in Umatilla believes that Pomeroy, who said he bad been robbed of seventy oiinoes, was robbed at all. Gin. Solly's expedition against the Sionx, has proven a failure, and has returned to the frontiers of Minnesota. Tai people of Tennessee are singularly unanimous in support of President Johnson's po"7 " ' .Thanks to Waldron & Co., of the Post office Boole store, for files of Eastern and California papers. - ' A pabtizan editor In Nevada announced that the party platform of bis party was broad( and an opponent retorted that it was very flat. A PosT-orrioa has been established in Clarke county, Washington Territory, at Union Ridge. Asa Richardson has been ap pointed postmaster. Many of the streams in California have in creased considerably in volume since the earthquake, and many of the artesian wells of Santa Clara have dried up. Milliniiy Stork. Mrs. Leeser has just opened a beautiful stock of Millinery Goods, which she offers tor sale at reasonable prices. Ladies desiring any articles of millinery goods would do well to give her a call.. THsPhiladelphiu papers announce the death of the Hon. Wm. J, Duane, aged 85 years. lie was Secretary of the Treasury uuder Jackson, and resigned his office rather than consent to the removal of the deposits from the United States Bank. Personal. Uur old Iricnd and comrade in arms, Capt. W. W. Thompson, called on us last evening. Capt. Thompson is on his way to Vancouver with his company, ("1"), of tho Washington Territory Volunteers, to bo mustered out of service. Capt. T. has served the country long and faithfully in its armies, and is desorving of consideration at the hands of the Government. I i I 1 l t 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I f I I 1 J Epitome of Telegraphic News. OOMPILIO P0M TBI OMaONIAir, ISAAC F. Blocr, Sao Francisco. 0. 8. Miuib, Bid. ScIIAWBACnER, Dalle. California New. San Francisco, Nov. t. The U. S. steamer Suwanet came lo anchor off this port last evening from n cruise in searh of the pirate Shrnandoah in English waters.' aincf leaving Philadelphia she has steamed 20,000 miles, and has performed most efficient service since her orrival in the Pacific. She now enters port for necessary repair'. Gen. M Her, the newly appointed Collector of the Port ot San Francisco, nlea uis bonds yesterday. The Baltic Lode. The Bait ic is the nam of a new discovery in the War Ebgle Moun tain, Owyhee, which is rising into considera ble notoriety. Several of the extensions have been found, running north, and the south ex tensions are being diligently prospected. The average width of the ore appears to be be tween five and six feet. A life of Mushy, the guerilla, has been published in Virginia. It is highly embel- isbed with wood-cuts, which always represent Mosby as doing the heroic, and the "Tanks' by ridiculous caricatures. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F.-- Meeta every Thursday evening at t o'clock, lu Gates' Unit, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good atandlng are invltod to attend. By order. N. Q. Now on Nevkh Call at Wm, Blrnbaum'a Jowelrj Store and examine his extensive atock. Of Watchea, Dia monds, Jewelry, Sliver Ware, Lamps, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which ho odors for sale In order to close business on account of 111 health, at less than coat, There la no such large and well-selected atock this side of San Fran cisco, and the quality of the goods will speak fur Itself. Now la your time to buy presents cheap, and at a saving of 60 percent. . Mr. B. has also alot of Ferlacoplc Qlnaa. Spectacles .Hint perform wondera. n4tf. Blocli, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE OH, O C E XL S , AND DEALERS IN . Wines & Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING? ISoots & Shoes, Under Clothing, fSlankets, etc., etc., etc. A.SSA.Y OFFICE. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION with our business, under tho entire supervision of Mr. Miller. We make returns in liars In six hours We guarantee all our Assnvs and pay the HIUIIKST CASH PRICE for Bars. W also pny the Highest Cash Price for Oold Dust. BLOCII, MILLER & C3., myOtf Cor. Main and Washington streets, Dalles. SELLING O 1 IP AT COST, xo close business: jFc 150 or Sale at a Uur gain. FEET OF GROUND, fronting on Second Street, running back 120 feet, adjoining French A Oilman, with FIVE DWELLING HOUbES and TWO STORKS thereon. If the anove property is not sold before the 20th Inst., it will be sold at public auction, to gether with Furniture in ono House. titlk I'rill txi. For particulars inquire of PAYNE A CO., Aucts. Dalles, Nov. 7, 18U6-td J113MOVAL. Tub Rev. Henry Ward Beecber is in favor female suffrage. In France and Rogland there ois no legal obstacle to women holding certain municipal officii-. At Aio, in France, nine women were elected to the municipal council. Lady Jenkinsoo, at the last general election -in England, contested Dorshetshire for her husband, but was defeated. A public meeting of citiiens, without re gard to politics, was held at Nusbville, Ten nessee, on the 23d September. Many lately i prominent rebels including Henry S. Foote, Weill S. Brown, Balie Peyton and otbors were present and delivered speeches. Reso lutions of a most thorough-going Union character were passed, and the meeting was singularly uuaniraotts in its expressions of approval of President Johnson's course. ' Montana Markets. On the 21st, the Vir ginia City Poet'i quotations (dust)' for Salt Lake Qour are $17 aud $18, an advance of BOc per hundred since our lust. Bacon, best, was 60c ham, best, C5c; .lard, 45 to 60c; . candles, 55 to 90c ; sugars, Ii3 lo 60c ; coffee Jfl; teas, $3 to $3 75; Utah butler, 75c ; Home Ranch butter, $1 40. Teas were com ing in from California via Idaho. Whisky was giving out, and the market was becom- iog bare of all kinds of liquors. The Pott adds: "Unless we have arrivals ol Ibis staple oon, we look for a considerable advance in . prices." ' Everything Lovily in Utau. The Dcterct Ncki, the Mormon organ at. Salt Lake City, lays that until the Christina people of other States and Territories can show as pure a re cord as Utab, they bad better stop jibing at the saints. . That '. paper thinks that unlit people extract beams from their own eyes, they bad better not be too' hasty in criticising the Mormons, and ridicule such as do so as ', being guilty of Pbariseeism. The delights of saintly communion are vividly pictured, and ; it wonld seem as if the Mormons, .in their per fect satisfaction with their own moral superi ority, bad actually fallen Into the very error " " which tbey deprecate la oluerff. Qcartz Minino in CalivobnT From tbe earliest days of the mining excitement in Cal ifornia, tbe quartz lodes of that country at traded a considerable part of the enterprise of tbe mining classes. But 'nearly all the trials of quartz made from 1849 to 1852, re sulted in great loss of money, and what was worse, a want of conSdence in tbe perma nency of tbe gold-producing resources of tbe State. . In some of tbe counties, however, quartz mining was carried on steadily, with some degree of profit. In 1859 the Washoe discoveries drained the State of its best ele ments of population, and the mining interests appeared to be prostrated. After expending vast sums in the development of the mines in Nevada, it was observed that these mines were being supplied by farmers located in ad jacent valleys, and thus tbe farming interests of California were prostrated. Tbe people of that State now see that it is only by the dis covery and development of a permanent min ing interest in their own borders that their property values can be restored and main tained. With this view, the Californians are busily engaged in prospecting quartz lodes which were worked years ago withont skill and frequently without energy. It is thought that many of these lodes pny well, and very probably they will, Tbe people of Oregon and contiguous territories may learn a lesson from (be experience of California, and instead of bunting the hills of Montana for new lodes, tbey will do better by discovering and work ing those of Oregon, and Idaho, and Washing, ton Territories. We have here enough to en gage the energies of twenty times our present population, andjthe prosperity of the miner and tbe agriculturist, the merchant and the common carrier, will be co-relative. In this way we shall increase tbe aggregates of our assessment rolls, and tbe onerous rates of tax atioo which now barely suffice to carry on tbe local governments, will afford revenues to make great and much needed improvements. This view of tbe case must recommend Itself to tbe common sense of all men of experience . Col. A. D. Strelght, who escaped from Lib- by prison during tbe war, has taken charge of the Indianopolis Sentinel, a democratic jour nal. v This may be looked upon as era addi tional evidence that the control of the Dem ocratlo party is passing out of the hands of the peuce party. J. OOETZ, Dalles. F.KOENIGRHF.RQER, Fan Francisco. J. GrOETSC & CO., TOBACCONISTS, Rudio's New Stone Building, Washington Btreet, near French A Giliuan'a, and have opened a well-assorted stock ui HAVANA and DOMESTIC SEGARS, . YIBOINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO, FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES, PLAYINO CARDS, BPORTINO GOODS, INDIAN agd FANCY GOODS, 4c, 4e. The trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. MILLINERY AND MESS-MAKING. mWISS O'ROURKE DESIRES TO INFORM the 111 Ladles of Dallea and vicinity, that aho has Just received a fresh supply of Fashionable Goods, The latest 1'arls, New York and San Francisco styles of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACKS, FEATHERS, FLOW JSK3, ac. A lull ana weu-eiectea assortment or Ladles' Heady-Made Garments. . AIbo, a Fashionable assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING for Embroidery and Braldfng.' PINKING done at short notice. BONNETS Bleached and Pressed lu tbe latest style. A large assortment of Children's Ecadj-lladc Clothing Constantly on hand. Having secured the services of a First Cla.a Dress Maker, I am prepared to rat and nt Laities' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, one square east of tbe Catholic Church. oC!l:Um. Delinquent Assessment List. Orrici or Dab.es akd Owtiui Gold add Silver) Quarti Minim Company, V Dalla. A'ovtmber 7, 1885. J rannERE IS DELINQUENT upon the following des- M. crihed atock, on account ol assessment levied on the twentieth dny of February. A. D. 1805, the several amonnts set opposite the nauiea of the respective share- Homers, as toiiowa : Admsf. L. White A Bro- 0. 11. Gibson, A. U. Johnson, John B.Price, L. M. conn, ('. 8. Savage, A. W. Coniuton, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus lbit, ' Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Ilia, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus lb, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Iba, W. Musters, Cvrus Iba. And In accordance with law and an order of the Board of Trustees, mad on the 20th day of February, A. D. 18o&. so many shares' of oach parcel of said stock as may . be necessary, will be sold at public auction, at the office of F. A.O. Payne, Main street, Dalles, on the seventh dav of December, A. D, 1806, at 2 o'clock, p. m., of said I day, to pay said delinquent assessment thereon, together IWltu ooeu M BAlveriising mm expunmB 01 sale. , t u8Jw 8IUMUND SCUYYABACUEB, Sec'y. Ab. Cert. Sham. jtmMint. e a . I lew r & 40 oo 8 .2. 10 00 17 Ni 40 00 2 2 2 HI 00 82 1 8 00 8,'i 4 82 00 40 O 40 00 46 . , 40 00 .47 2 lb 00 4 2 10 00 49 2 10 00 (O 2 10 00 .62 2 10 0 ) 63 1 8 00 . M l . 8 oo 64 1 . 8 00 .67 . : 1 . 8 00 68 . 1 8.00 69- 1 8 00 00 '.( ' ' 40 00 86 . . 86 ' 2H0 00 THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully Iniorm their patrona and the public at large, that they wilt commence to sell this day, their luige and handsom Slock of Clothing Dry Googb, J urobilins; uoods, fancy uoons, Hals t Caps, Liulii'S' SI'-'es, Doots A Shoes, Clnldr ...n Shoes, Rubber Goods, Hats, Dlaukets, Salem Cloths, Ac, Ac, Ac, T COST. In order to rotlre from business, the above Stock must he sold within Sixty Days, and STHICTLY A.T COST! All nersnns Indebted to the firm will please call and Bettle their bills Immediately, thereby saving all untie cessary future trouble. , (JOHN It BOUM. Dalles, Oct. 2, IbOD. ocatl. DIOW TO S A VIS MONEY! CALL AI in NEW . Family Grocery and Fruit Store, Corner of Washington aud Socoud Streets. riMIK UNDKUSIUNKp WISHES TO INFORM TIIK JL tiooiile of the Dal left, nnJ tho nublic Ktmerully, that be hud a targe und well selected Mtock of FASIILY GliOCElilES, CAWDIES, A'UTS, &c, Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Jttductd Jicu for CA Slf. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article of FIIKSII BUTTER mi. I EGOS. Also, every variety ol FRUITS and VKOETAIILKS in their season. Persons from up the country, wishing qunntities of Ekk and Fruit, by sending in their orders, will rocoivo the strictest atteutfou, and have them filled at the .Lowest Market l'rica. fjyll-tfl C. L. JEWELL. AT MRS, LEESER'S TRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Cehn & 1! ohm's, YOU CAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOST FASH IONABLE UOOUa, in the lino of HOiWCTS, 18 Vi'S, r SLATHERS, FLOWERS, EM34OI0ERY, Dress Trimmlnrs, See. In order to make dress complete. It becomeB neccssnrr that a BONNET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn the head. Uive me an early call and I will endeavor to auit everybody tu TASTE aud at REASONABLE PRICES. Particular attention pant to Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. rniIB CNDERSIUNED would respectfully announce H that he will open a first-class Saloon lu Freuch A Oilman's New Stone Building', THIS EVUN1NU, aud l prepnreu w serve cuuouiers h uu me ueei oi Wines,-Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A REE LUNCH Every day and Evening. oc28tf. JOHN IUNDI.AU B. . 13 is ii M IVatcIimaker aud Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, (HUT DOOa TO TBE AU8AI OrflCS,) CLOCKS, Oold Pens, Silver aud Plated Ware. spectacles, luuery, sc. ' j AaTl'artlcular attention paid to repairing fhuC 'WatcheB, Clocks, Jewelry, etc All Watches repairad by tue warranted lor twelve months. N. B. AU orders from the upper ftnuntry. bv Kxuret or otherwise, promptly attended to. aull tf JO $5512111 ISLIISLT, WU0U8ALI AlfS R1TAIL DEAUB IN Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHO , . I1ATS AND GAPS, AND uinit;iiii:il a ar ui iiisuiug Jiuvtas) Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Main and Court Streets. oc4-tf - Dissolution of Co-partnership. rpAKK NOTICE, that the partnership heretofore ox J. isting between T. II. Bulxer and S. Lanber; under tho Hi in name of T. It. BULUEll A CO., In the butcherluK business, has been dissolved. ' ' . Dalles City, Oct. 0, loo. - wj t. U. DULOES. GEORGE LI EBB Is niy duly authorised agent during " my abaence In the Eastern States, to nttend to tl, collection ot all accounts due met and also th lata Arm o Wlutermeir cjuunger. A. WlNTERaUJIIt.