0imtahuu , IIemos oj A Navioatou. TllO Colonist says that M. V. V. Brown, ono ot the party of pronpoctors under Captaia Torrons, who recently ro .turned from proflpocling lor gold tit Nootka Sound, lias found some most interesting rolica of tlio vinit of the groat navigator, Captain James Cook, to the wotsorn coast of this island. On the prospectors leaving Guyquina Arm, in Nootka Sound, in a whale- boat to return to Victoria, it uppoars that they camped for night in .Reso lution Inlot(so called from iho name of Oapt. Cook's ship j) while hero the party discovered u cluster of well made bricks, which hud evidently been uarihed over for ninny years, hut had boon left bare by tbo heavy rains that had fallen.. From inquires niado of the natives, our informant says they gathered,' that many years ugo, according to the statcmout of their forefathers, a number of King George mon had visited the Inlet, and ro- inainod thero somo time, and that it was those early visitors who had thoso left traces of civilization. The bricks were probably used for build ing a chimney for a blacksmith's forge, R8vvo road in the narrative of Cook's voyages that tho Resolution and Dis covery wont into the Inlet in March 1778, and underwent repairs, Captain Cook and his officers being engaged in tho moan time in visiting every port of the Sound, trading with tho Indians and making scientific obser vations. Rich Men. William B. Astor is Bixty years old ; worth fifty millions j a round faced, pleasant, quiet manner ed gentleman ; owns two thousand dwellings, and is a leniont landlord. A. T. Stewart is sixty, thin, nervous and dignified ; worth thirty millions, and liberal in cases of benevolence which appeal to his sympathies. Com modore Vandcrbilt is whito haired, red chookbd, eovonty, worth forty millions, drives a faBt horse, keops a I fast boat, controls two fast railroad companies, with fast mon, and gives away his money very lavishly. Au gust Belmont, twenty millions, coarse, stout, fifty, and vory German. Goorgo Opdyke, five millions, fifty, but looks younger; an ngooablo gontleman. James Gordon Bonnett, five millions, Bovontythree, digniGod in mannor, broad Scotch accent, bonovolont to tho poor. . ' The manufacture ot brass at Water bury, Conn., which is now a heavy business, employing eovoral hundred bands, oommoncod with an ingenious mechanio making somo coat buttons from shoot brass. Then a neighbor wantod some, and finally he construct ed a simple machine for making them, by which he and his heirs got woatlhy, and now a million of dollars are in vested iu machinory in bis native town. KiiMOVAL. ' i. ooetz, Dulles. t. KOKNIOSBKItGISR, v 'un i'raiieisoo. J. GOKTZ Ac CO., TOBACCONISTS, 11 nve ri' moved to . Rudio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French & Oiluiau's. Pud have Opened u well-iihsurted stock of HAVANA mid DOMHfTIC SUG AHS, VniCllNIA und Wi.STUIlN '1'ODAOCO, , MUNCH and SCOTCH t-NUKK, JIlililCSCIIAUM mid other 1'11'liS, l'LAYl.NU CAIIDS, si'uitTiNO auons, INDIAN and FA CY GOODS, c, 4c. The trade supplied aHWKSl' JIAKKKT l'HICKS. TOlH ISS O'HOUllKKDIiSIIlKSTOlNKOIl.M the XVJL lulics ul' Dalles mill vicinity, that l bus just reuelvud u fresh supply ul Xirsli.ioimllo Ci ootlw, The latest I oris, New York and Sim Francisco stylos of 11! IN NUTS, HATS, illllllDNS, LACKS, FEATIlliltS, I'LUWKHS, ac. A lull mill well-selected us-iortmciit of Ladies' Iteady-HSiule -iiaruieutN. Also, n Vii-dilonublo assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAJU'ING fin- Kmbrol.leryaml llmidfnf. PIN KINO done nt -short notice, l.ONM'JS Iflouehcd and l'LUSBcd lu the latest style. A lingo asao it incut ot Children's KcndyOIaAe Clothing Cottfttnntly on hand. lluvhiK soured tlio ner vices of a Kirnt Clans Ili'tnH Mnktr, 1 mil lire pared to rut and lit LiiiIUm' nml Children's iMUCSSKS ititd CLOAKS. TJI1MD bTithKT, one Mjnsiro east of the Catholic Church. oc'-nsim, spPiIHS m mzm& esoos, IPIllSn STOCK! DUB2TE2SiEa4' & BSfi&OS., Dalles and Walla Walla, BKALKUS IN Staple and Taney Dry Goods. Miners' Outfits, Boots and Shoes, ClotlsSiiK, IHats atctl' C'nps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merchandise, lliiyinjj our Ooods exclusively In the Snu Francisco imtrket, nni milking none but cash purchases, we uro enabled to sell 20 per cent, cheaper than any other House tit the Dulles DU.SHNUIillY A 1IKOS., inl-tf Dalles mid Walla Walla. Every able-bodied negro who was onco Wado Hampton's slovo, is now LirAd hv him : men at $10 por month. wnmnn lit 68. without board, llo ex ots to raiso 300 bales of cotton this souson, and moans to give free negro labor a fair trial. A now use for Confederate money has been found. A lady in Texas Btuffed a mattross with 500,000 worth of it. If sho can lio upon it as Ansilv ns tho Confederacy lied upon tho Fodoral currency, wo congratulato her. BOOT AND S.iSOIi STOKlii. TP. AVYC10IA.rs, MAS REMOVED HI8 BOOT AND PIIOB A, STOKE lo the building on Main street, U-pI nearly opposito Moody's Hall, where lio has V Just roneived, direct from Sun Francisco, auun- usually nno aud well selectod stecK or BOOTS AND SHOES, of tliovery best quality nnd Intent styles EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET. Including the celubmtttd HUNTING BUOK muuuUcttaxM by Uenkort. Aluo, u large aseortmont of Ladies' and CtBHilrcn'M Walters, Of tho latest Sty k'B, Just received from the beHt Phil adelphia makers. Also, a very largo assortmeut. of FINE DRESS BOOTS. 4VGentlemen who prefer to havo their Hoots or Shoes made to order, cuu rely upon obtaining a neat nml easy i. n idk.maa, nimn street, Opposite Moody's Hull. BelO-tf MANTUA MAKKU. MKS. MATTIK UOMIKOOK would rospoctfully In form the Ladies of the Dalles and vidnlly, that she has opened a Bhop hi connection with Miss O'llourko, where she Is prepared lo do all kinds of work with ncat nesB and dispatch. Having just arrived from the Kast, sho hopes to bojMdo to please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, Coats nnd Dresses Cut to Order. TI1HHK DOOMS Wost ot tlio Corner of THIRD and UNION Streets. oc21;m3 IS. Id. HAFT, Attorney at Lsx AV, da:,le8,oreoon. OFFICK. on Second street, fivo doors east of Waslilnit ton Market. nolT-tt OB AVIMQ LKASKDtlie placn on Second Street, for SlJS nierly occupied ly II. Oliver, n n Grocery and Storage Storo, wo havo removed, and will have our lleg ular Sales I hero on Tuesday and Saturday, at 10 a.m Goods received on Commission and Storage for Forwarding. I , It. t niVUUfcnA l..llnn.. jlTlIE' X. .A.. II li 13 mm, Manufacturer and Tmportor of CARRIAGE, CO.JORU, HUGO AND" STAGE HARNESS Saddled, RrldEes, Whips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. Orders Bolicitod. Itepuiriug done with neatness and dlspati li. F. A. II A K K, Jo:lltl' Main Street, fronting Washlntiton, Dalles. I'ORTBjATVJI) ft'OVIVDKr AND MACHINE SIIOP Fill ST STHKKT, between Vamliill and Morrison. Btcnin liiilnee --..--oflli.in 4 to 4l) lioise- Ji1??.)-! power,tither I'ortuiilo or ; ;v f.. ' y 1 1, stationary. Also. Ulll- fy CUIiAK SAW Mllil,a a M$; -l':.-' .. a "5 CDMl'l-KTU, conslimtly t .-:-''! 9 S 'A''-& on band. Also, liny I'rea- " '?'. -j ses or nil si7.es ; Planing r ;i Miichlncs,(Vooilwortli's ii,t J''"-'1-'.'"". ""i-r-.'rx liatlern.) Wrought and L'- 1 vVv-iJ'-''i' Cast Iron work for Vor- Q ?T'S3 tlcnl Sawnud Urist mills; lI5ciJ 111 ass uud Iron Castings -vsts and WROUGKBT IRON WORK of every description. I am also propared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These MHIb enn beforwarded to any part of the mines qb the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed U, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements manufactured to order at the very LOWKST CASH l'KlCK N. 1). l'articulor attention paid to KKI'AlHS.fe20-tf SIGNS ! SIGNS ! SIGNS! O. S.SAVAGE HOUSE AUD SIGN PAINTEPw. DEALER IN PABNTS, it- a n Ar urrPCf 1 .,'3 ii4;.. VARNISHES, Colors. Putty, Brushes, Glue, etc. Paper Hangings, Window Bhados, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLHSALB AND EBTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery. Fancy Soaps, PATENT MF.D1CINKS, Ae. 1-tf VRUQS AND PA TENT MEDICINES!! .DRUGS AND r ATE NT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! GBAND OPENING OF TUB ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main Street, corner of Court,' TMs Evening1. OLD MACK, TUB TIONKKU COOK, would respect fully Inform the publlo that lie bin lilted up th above Chop Uonso, and is prepared to .orve up MfcAI.8 and LUNOII in the best stylo and at the shortest notice. BALLS anil PART1B8 furnished w.th .uppers, in the best stylo and on the most reasonable tertus. oVsTBHS In every atylo. Private Kooma for Uillc.. HOUSE OPEN Alili NICHIT. isitorce Aoticc. CIRCUIT COmiT OF TIIH STATU OF ORF.OON Foil UNION COUNTY NOVliMBEll TERM, 1605. Ellen 11. Carter, Pluliitilf, ) r. Divorct. William O. Curler, Defendant. J Wll.I.IAM O. CAKTER, defendant! In the name .(L ot tho Slate of Orenon you aro hereby summoned nnd reiiiircd to uppoar and answer tho comtilaiut of the plninlill now on Ilia In the Clerk's olllco lu said Court, after service liereof upon yon by publication for six weeks in the WrMy Mountaineer, ns by order of mid Court, or a decree for want thereof will betaken against you ; and unless you so appear and unswer said com plaint, the plninlill' will apply to the Court for the relief therein prayed lor, which Is Iho dissolution of the mar rhiBe relation between you and her, together with cost! ami diubmsemeiilH herein, lly order of J. O. Wilson, Judge of the 6th Juillrlal District of Oregon. oclHlw URACKETT A 11AKK11, Att't for ri'ff.- STOLEIV! IUOM TIIR 11ANCII OF THOWDUIDflE WILSON, ' noar Canyon Clly.one KOAN 1IUIISK, branded on lie left hip thus: lit" (tho letters Joined); also, a dim brand on the left shoulder, thus: 6; white stripo in the lace, runtiinp; down on one side of the noso. Also, one 110AN IIOHBB, with brand on tho loft hip thus: I, aud a diamond brand on the loft shoulder, with very littlo whito on the forehead. Any one givlim any Information of the whereabouts of said horses will bo liberally re warded by the subscribers, octf-otw XKOWBRIDOS 4 WILSON. 62. TKl'foffnTCL 7Vi." J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ,v3K3 -rf TT TGirn WashluRton Etrcet, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. g LEMON Is able to supply parties In want of Drnp;s, ra Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and overy other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. &tf Physicians nnd Merchants Intending to purchase for the Mines, will do wen to give nun a can. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACE 3 In great variety. R B. LEMON, ap.S:tf. Washington St., between Mnln adn Second. DAILY MOUHTAIITEEB K'OWKK PRKS8 BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, botween Main and B DALLES OREGOtfi, JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy aud dispatch. It, A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARB FAVOKABLT with the very best, and AT RATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to order: Cards nnd IS i I I-f 3 c a d . CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, P0STEKS AND PROGItAMMES FOK. THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. d!-e., if&, f'C, PRINTEU IN THE MOST ATTRACTIVE UANNhR. ALSO. WAY-BILLS, MILLS OF FARE, LETIEH READS, UEVEWTBOOKS. BILLS LADING, E?ricfs nnd Jf.tiiiphlcfs, risinxa, VEDDim and u,at home" cards DruKKlsts Labels, In short, everything that can bo done In n Book and Job Printing Ofllce, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Bill and w hich will bo turned out In a Btyle that cannot fail to insure outlre satisfaction. OCR FACILITIES roll THE EXECUTION Or DECORATIVE PRINTING In tho most beautiful ColorB, Shades nnd Tints, Such as Fancy Posting Bills 1. From a slnirle Bhoet to the Largest Mumuioin. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rVRFUMERS' LAHELS,t.) Are unsurpassed by those ol nny other establishment In Oregon. Wo devote special attention to this brunch ot tbo business, nnd are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of materiul, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. c, ic., cCc, Of tho most modern and olaborute designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS. &C, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, canuot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business is nsaeu tor mis es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own Inter osts, by awarding their custom to that ofllce In which their money can bo expendod to the best advantage. To this end we solicit nil lu want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, tu call aud examine euociiiiens. and Judge Cor yourselveB. Orders from tlie Upper Country Will hnve our special care, and friends from tbo Interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, us we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In tho fcSt&to of Oreeonl Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf Ualles. Oregon. "DR. DAVY'S SPECI F I Q COMPOUND, An Expeditious Cure for nil diseusos of the SEXUAL OBGANS. rjnillS prompt nnd efllcntions ltcmedy for the cure (jhonorrcea. Olect. Strictures, aud Diseases of the Urinary OrgaiiB. makes a speedy euro without tho least restriction to diet, exposure or cbango in nppliruliou' t business; it will radically cure any case which can be produced. The disease it removes its speedily as is con sislciit with the production of u thorough and permanent euro, further, the ilisense cnlinot no coninicieu ll inv SPHCIHC COMPOUND Is liikou when exposed, Its ingredients are entirely vegetable, and no injurious effect, oithor constitutionally or locally, cuu bo caused by ils use. Prico Ono Dollar and Fifty cents por bottle Ecnt by Express carefully packed. lluS'lVlThll, SMITH DEAN. Agents, 401 and 403 lluttery street, cor ( lay, Jy22-6m. San t'raiicitca. J. W. miLLEli fc CO., (successors to Bunnell miller,; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Brazier's Copper, Lead Pipe, Copper, Force & Lift rumps, Zinc, Brass & Iron Ware Leutl J?ipo, Sic, &o. Tf JOM WOKK. In all Its branches, attonded to short notice MAIN SWEET, Dallesputite llloch Minor a t;o. upiu-u AdmiiiUli'ator's Notice TTU TUB MATTER OF ME ESTATE OP W. C. B I.AU01I1IN, deceased! Having filed my semi annual account with Hie Clerk of Wasco county, lust nccouut to be brought forward on dnys of soltlemeut, Notice is heroby given that the second day of the No vember term. A. n. 1865, has been iiniiolnled by the Cotiri lor hearing objections to final account nnd settle" nieut tbereor. k. u. vtuuu, Aumiiustrntor. lly order of lion. 0. N. Ucmiy, Ccuuty judge. oc34w llai'd Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS9 WK lEO TO CALL ATTENTION of CiUTiaRO Mnn ufuctiirorB nnd Deal era tu the Large untl Coin pinto ofteortiiifliit of CAItltlAUK ami VAliON MATKltl ALS we uro constantly receiving from tho Kimt, spuciiilly HdlucteU for tlio CulitornJa intirkot, coiiipiisiiig, Ontt. Hickory, and Second 11 row tit AhIi 1'lnnk, llkkoiy Ax leu, iigoii Vulva, ilubti, Fpokcft, Fellot'H, Kims, fclialtt, 4c. &c.f wliicli we otlur lit the lowest Ciit-li l'rict8. JtfW Orders nddrustied to our Iioiimo will receive promp attention. iN. W. ltltAUU & CO., Jel6:llm. 20 A -31 Buttery Street, Sau truucleco. and 17 & 1U Seventh fctioet baciuuiento. C. Water no usk, XI. W. Bkaqu & Co., J. W. LfhiKR Sun Franciduo. Bacrunmnto. New Vork U. H. UI1.L. A. J. KANH, WHOLKflALE AND RETAIL DEALERS llf Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BTUllAIlK AND VOHWAIIDINO. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attontloa Ueierencoa i PORTLAND. DALLES. II. W. Corbet, Bobbins A Co., lllchiirds 4 McCrnckon, T,Y. O. Moody Co., II. haw, O. liumasou. Umatilla Landing, Sept. Olh.lSoo. nnUE CO-PAKTKKV.HIIII' herctoforo existing be JL tween (IEO. II. 11AMS.Y 4 II. YAUKIt, in the bot tling and saloon business, is this day dissolved by mutu al consent. Oeo. 11, KiiniKey having disposed of his Inter est to fill. Mm. Ilartmnn, who will continue the busl tiess under the film nnd mime of llnituiun 4 Vni; 'Ihmikl'ul for past favors, they would auk a coutluuauce ot patronage from old customers and friends. All bills aguiiist the firm of Kiimeey it Co., nnd all bills duo said liim, will bo settled by liaituian & Yager. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIMMEN! FEED! FEED ! I OF ALL KltlUg, A or Dale In lots to suit, by It. 11. LAW, n ' 26 Front Street, Portland, ' oc!8:tf. Opposite 0. B. N. Warehouse. NOTICE. X TUK IKllMD UF Ttljfi DISSOLUTION UP X Ann of X. HULUKU CO.,T. H. llulger 1 B yuy nil debts of the firm.