IPnimtaittccr. Epitome of Telegraphic News. OOMPItED IBOU tm OREOONIAS. California News. San Francisco, Nurember 6. The schooner Milton Badger, Captain Harding, arrived yes terday ufU-rnoon, twelve days from Anadyr Bay, bringing nearly a month's later intelli gence from ttie Russian Telegraph expedition. The Milton liadgtr took up the exploring party comtuunded by Capt. 0. S. McIUy, and con sisting of Capt. Alexander Arnold, Alexander Harder, W. W. Robinson and Grafion Smiih. The last news brought by the Palmetto, which" arrived here on the 22d nil., stated lhat Ihe Milton liadjir set sail from Sitka to Anadyr Bay, on the 21st of Align t. She landed her Tarty safely in the Bay, when she left them, with a full outfit and prepared to pursue the t explorations of the Anadyr River, and thence across Ochotsk sea duritg the coming winter. They will use reindeer for the purpose, which lire found to be plenty in the vicinity. A let ter from Col. Bulkley, dated-Anadjr Bay, Oct. 9th, says all favorable, and land patties of both continents on shore with simnlii Tim Golden Gale, with Col. Hyde's party, which was last reported to have parted trom the Geo. S. Wright in a storm while being towed from Sitka to Fort St. Michael, arrived safely In Plover Bay on the 26th of September, The country in Siberia is reported destitute of timber nnd very favorably adapted fur the ex ploration proposed by the company. Thomas F. liars, a young man 21 years of age, was shot in the breast aud Instantly killed by Michael Hynes, on Pollard Place, yesterday. . The Iwo parties lived in the same house aud had frequently quarreled. Yester day they met in the hall, where the quarrel was reucwed, and Hays was beaten and knocked down stairs. He then went to bis room and got a single barreled pistol, with wLich he returned, when he met Hynes nrmed with a six shooter. Hayes snapped his pistol ftt Hynes, but missed fire. Hynes then fired two shots, killing Hayes instantly. A meeting of the Union League was held on Friday evening last, when it was con cluded to discontinue their regular meetings, the necessity for Vigilance no longor existing. Geu. McDowell orders the mustering out of .the service the Nevada volunteers. - . Proiublb Abatement of thb Mormon Ndisanck. No thinking and conscientious man will deny to any people the right to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences; but when the practice of beastly sensualism ib made a part of reli gious institutions, it should be checked by reason nnd by law, if possible by force, if necessary. It has ever been a social or dinance of the Germanic races, and those which inhabit the British Isles, from whom we, ns a people, are principally derived, that every man should have one woman as a wife, and no more. The moral, mental and phys ical superiority of our race are clearly trace able to this practice. But in the face of im memorial traditions and practice, a school ot religionists has sprung up in our coun try, and is endeavoring to graft the institu tion of polyamy on our domestic code. The subject has been treated with reason and porsuasion for the last thirty years, but since these means have only encouraged the Insolence of the Mormon leaders, they may . look, in the next ten years, for some very rough measures being used. to Btop them in their licentious courses. The influx of im migrAnts from the older States to Utah, will of necessity, build tip a patty opposed to polygamy, and this new element of opposi tion will be' continually supported by the presence of a military force, until it gets control of the politics of the torritory. T.his event will be hastened by the apostary of many members of the Mormon Chnrcb, who will only be too glad. to find protection in their withdrawal from association with the other "twin relic." To make polygamy, either open or disguised, a penitentiary of- fense, will be the next step, and a few con vlctions will convince even the most fanati cal that the institution is wrong. It is not at all improbable that the imitators of the gat Brigham Young, himself, will have a y chance in a few. years to repent of their crimes in the cool, sequestered retreats of a prison, nnd have their polygamous aspira tions reduced by the restraining influences of low diet. Jn the Criminal Court at St. Louis, recently, a lawyer defending a negro charged with grand larceny, claimed that under the Constl ution he was entitled to be tried bv a lure negroes. Tie .uourt overruled the no .A Wbiskt Rsbkllion On the 30th of Oc tober the people of Scio, at the forks of the Santtam, proceeded to a drinking house, lo cated in that place, and under pressure of threats to destroy tbe stock of liquors In it, anyhow, Induced the proprietor to accept the value of it. The . barrels containing' it were then taken into the street, and emptied. A merchant, being inspired by the example, de stroyed a barrel of whisky, being all he bad on hand, and when evening's shades fell on Scio, there was not enough ardent spirits in the place to dampen the throat of a sparrow. For Sale at ti liar gain. -t Pi J"U FEET OF GROUND, (routing on Second m.JW Street, rnnnlng back 120 foot, adjoining French t Oilman, wltli FIVE DWELLING HOUSES ami TWO STOlt ES thereon. 1( the nt'ovo property in not Mild before I ho itith hut., It will tie sold at public miction, to gether with furniture in one house. TITLE PERFECT. Fur particulars inquire o( PAYNE CO., Aucts. Dalles, Nor. 7, 1805-td Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Main Street, Dallei, Oregon. . 3TE NOW OCCUPY OUR NEW TWO STORY FIRE w proof Stono building, opposite Illoch. Miller A Co., ami offer to the politic n full and complete stock of urugs, Mi'iucines anu i;uonucuis, consulting lu part or KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS A ClUMNEYS. TURPENTINE, 110PS, ALCOHOL, SAGE, acins, sponges, LINSEED, LEECHES, LARD, CORKS, CANTOR AND IND100AND NEATSFOOT Oil, LANPULACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, AND PATKNT MICIMCIlVKtS. Our stock of FANCY GOODS I of the fluent and best quality; new Btyles oud large assortmouts, such as LUBIN'SPERFUEERY, HAIR, lA'DI N '8 TOILET SUAJP, iLESII, l'OMADF.8. SHAVING, COS.M KTICS, II AT, 1IA1H 011.3, CLOTHES, C0UK1NK, TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BKUSTIKS TUOTIl POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, For Medicinal purposes. Our labilities for buying goods arc second to none In the State, aud we shall at all times sell at a small ad vance from cost, ltuady sales and smalt profits. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day aud night. Dalles, Bept. , loop. seivtl i H 3 OIL, POMADES, GLASS, 2 r EL Hs TWINE, is CORKS, Hi 4 GLUE, 8P ACIDS, BOAP, PAINTS, 2pS ana BRUSHES, I a FANCY BLUESTONE, ARTICLES. (A NOT1C THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS ritoiu UMATILLA, AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT THE FOLLOW- 'i o noise city 15 Cent per pound ' Owyhee 0 ror lew amounts than one huudred pounds on addition oi rive guilts perpoauu will be charged. TIME IfltOM UMATlLLAi To HoImc C ity, 3 Days. 10 luano city 3 Uays luunjiiee,.,;. -limy. . , ,o JOSUP" 1'INKllAM, Atoiit. JJuiatilla, Oct. 1, 1665. ocI8:t(. NOTICE TO FARMERS. riMlB DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING jb. wjiirAn i uas recently attached a FLOUHING MILL to tholr Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and are uow prepared to CHOP FEED, GRIND WHEAT und CORN, and warrant to give the best satislaotiou. On uanu coasiumiy ana ior suie - FX'i'RA FAMILY FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior artlch of CORN MEAL, from now Corn . J'J' highest market price paid for WHEAT, CORN and ,n. II. A. HOGUE, Agont. Dalles, Nov. 2, 1806. ,l3tf. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND XJILLTLllD ROOM, F. M. IIUNT, Proprietor - CORNER OF Main and Court Street, VI-" Dall. Orrjon Administrator's Notice. T". iT,51il5r?!'lT.KH 0P TIIR KSTA1B OF JAME9 X LAUGHLfN, diceasod: Having filed my account nun uioiiorK m n asco county, Notice is hereby given that the boeond day of the November teim, A. D. 1866, has boon appointed by the Court for hearing objsctlons " ...... u,u 1 1 r iniMii inerooi, 11 IT U'nnn A.,,ti.M By order of lion. 0. N. Denny, County Jutige. oc4w WAGON &- CARRIAGE THJf UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY call the attention o( all WAGON SIAICKliS To the Superior Stock of "Wag-on rJTinilei, Now fn Store and noon to arrive, which will be offered to the trade on Li bo ml Tsrius. OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANX From 1U to 6 Inches. Finished and Unfinished Oak & Hickory SPOKES, from 1 to inches OVIv & ELM IIXJUS III Pairs and Sets, from 5x0 to 14x16. HICKORY & ASH RIMS. BUQQY, EXPRESS and SULKY SHAFTS, Finished and Ununified. BUOQY and EXPRESS POLKS, Finished and Unfinished llltMIUI A ALLS, all SlZeHJ DUOUY, WAIiON and EXPRESS ROWS: OAK and HICKORY SCANTLING; SAWED FELLOE!', from 1U to S inches! HEWED TON HUES (or (our horse and ox-teams; SINGLE TREES; ; NECK YOKES; LONG and SHORT HOUNDS) PLOW REAMS and Handles, Ac, Ac. The above stock was carefully sel..t,l In ll, tuin States, expressly to lu-et the demands of this trnde. Orders, lor any of Ihe ubove articles, including WAGON SKEINS, BOXES, Ac, will be promptly attended to. U. H. I.jYW, S5 Front btreet, Portland, Opposite 0. S. N. Co.'s Wharf. ocl8:tf. FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF S1C0ND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OS EG ON, JOHNKPP1NGKR Proprietor ralUK UNDEItSIGNED JO. having titled up the above Market In the RB-T STYLE, will keep constant ly on hatiil all sorts of Fresu and Cured Meats, Of the best quality furnished nt the LOWEST RATE My motto Is to- " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES nAVING SUPERIOR 8T0CK FOR SALE will do well to call at the Franklin Market. , . JOHN EPPINGER. Dalles, February 19th, 180S. con.iDR er COURT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON JOHN MXCHELBACH, Proprietor. Win. KEEP ttf consianiiy on nanit all tbe vnrlo- tlMvui'y lattSMMSiies luat me aiarKut can doshIIiIv ..t FHKSH Sa CTJIIKD MEATS, and always of the btst quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe undcrslenen Is alwavs urcnared to nav tbe hlirh est cash price for VAT CATTLE. Parties having stock in rom condition, are reiiuosted to call on him before goine; eUewhere. JOHN M1CHELMACII. unites, iiarcli aist.1806. mhHltf CITY lAItliKT. S. LAlliUR & Co.,' Proprietors. Will keep constantly on hand the best JWEA.TS OP ALL KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARE OF PATROV AGE l solicited, as we expect to keep as good 7wjf an assortment of Meats and of os good as qual- VVi lty, as tho country alfords: and will 4Ui Delivor the tame to Farohnsers in the City. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well to give us a call beforo dlsposiug ol it elsewhere. S. LAUBER. A Co., Southeast corner of Washington und Third Sts. " Ppposlte Kostor's Blacksmith Shop. Oregon Steam JVaiigation Co.'s NOTICE? THE FOLLOWING RATES OF FREIGHT bavebeon established: , Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, &c. From Wullnla A Uumtllb to Portland, $16 00 por ton weight " Dalles to Portland 7 60 """ On Wool, From Wullnla and Umatilla to Portland, " Dalles to Portland .$0 02 per lb . 1 11 " On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland, iO 60 each " Dalles to Portland. 371 ' S. G. REED, President. Portland, Sep. 23, 1808. sep-z7-2mis JV. C. 13XtA.l)10XtI, IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF FRONT STREET, Portland, .... Oregon.' OFFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORT meut of limndles, nines, Liquors, Case Goods, i &c, &c.,. &.C. er Tlio Trade hr particularly Invited lo examine my Bb icn uwiwiu imii-mumiK emuwilore. ,IIIZ4'CI IVOT1CU. "M TTAVR TUTS DAY i--nnrcl..u,l m -,1. f 1- i ld a. tew days since to Mr. J. 1). Crimson. All debts due the concern will be collected by mo, und not uy mr, iubroii, i uoiciuiuie puunsneo. Il8:lw O. Ti. .TrVKT,T FOR SALiV. A FIRST CLASS, SECOND1 HAND PIANO, can be had on re uunaoio lernis. lunnire at this Office, or of oc3tf A. W. FERGUSON. Removal. Ott. BELT Ins removed hie offWe from Dr. Crarg'i Drug Store to Waldron'n new Stone building, np stairs. womb J. JUKER, Main Street, Dalles, WmiMll ! MTA1L IMLIt IH CIGARS. TOBACCO, . SNUFF, PIPES, &o. ALWAYS IN OTOU TBI 1UT UtAITDS F Uigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c I J LAYING CARDS, . POCKET CUTU5RT, PORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, o all klaiiy PERFUMERY, ot every description, CHINA ORNAMENTS, i TOYS, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTU3IET3, FANCY GOODS, Ac. Also Powder. Shot. Lead. Powder Flasks. Baskets. n.r many other articles too numevtms te weutlen. Interior dealers supplied with Clears. Tobacco. ef. at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 TMItY IMPOBTANT .. TO Merchants Families, Hotels and HAll-IlOOMS. JUUUS KRAEMEIl HAVING BOUGHT THE En tire Stink of Merchandize and Book Accounts of the late firm ot M . Seller A Co., hi this city, to which he has added of his own Importation, (while duing business la - roi iiauii; an immense ciock oi me best manufactured Crockery, Glassware, Plated Ware, Lnmps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlerjr Looktng-Glaftses and AH Hinds of Oils, All of which he offers at reduced rates. Persons wfsn Ing to buy any of the nbme-aientloned articles, will de well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhero. Order from the Interior promptly ottonded to, anil Rudh ,r . v uvn urn o can on nie. no s c i Stone Building, Washington street. Dalles. Dalle JULIUS KRAEMER. , March 17th, 1856.-mhl7tf M. BROWN & BROT. WU0LK8AL1 A1TD MTAIt SIAUItl IK FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOOD8I GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &a. .1r:-iD,K?W?' b,lnKt rJMlaeI'' "f San Francisco, w re enabled to oner great Indcements t6 purchasers W respectfully Invite the publio to ermine our stock befur purchasing elsewhere. nilo tf " Stone Store, north side Main street, Dalles -ft on sALia: " T5iNMtaEfe,rfdI,liNCB MU1,Ud b' A- W' For Sale at a Low Figure. Tot a private reeldonco, no more dosh-able lorallty conM be, eslred. The grounds are ornamented wUhshrubSer, Ten Rooms, Finished in the Best Stvio. and embrncos evory conventence. To a gentleman de siring a Retired and Pleasant Hoi,,., couveiileni ?, Si . 7ii j I' J . I'reeTOieu mat senium onore.. 'I lie House and Furn turn win i. ...i, , ately, as the purcuosor may dosire. For further na'tl u.MD, lu.jMiir nh rMo.r WELLS, FARGO A CO.'B EXPRESS OFFICE. J. W. GURLEY, DENTiSTi Malu St., Dallee. Oretron. Ur uui.li HKBPECTFULLT INFORM tllO CitlZOnS Of tills nlm-n .1 ciuiiy, nun naving retnrned from n pro tessloual tour thrmiish the mines, he l,n. again rosunied the prnctico of DENTISTRY, In the room Jirmorly occupied i ly him, In the building occupied by W ood A Butler, PI, Kogmpk Artists, and adjolnlig wX' dron Bros.' Drim Store. He takes il.t. .:.., touding thanks, for tbe libsral patr.nage ber.tolore c- "', suiicus a continuance o( the same LIST OF FUIUKS. Entire Sentnr. on Gold Base .. tsm (o "it upper Denture, Gold Base. un lli " Denturo, Vulcanite Base 70 n , , j V.W,er M?n" Vulcanite Base 86" fit OoldFilllngslusertcdfromonedollaT npward. riiil.lr.n.' twili extracted free qf chanie. Bel8-t MRS. L. WHITE'S MEW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS. Washington Street. siWLT FIKD UP IIIE tfALERYover those wishing ' ""Pwlfullyanuoonc. toall Thotographs, Carts de Tlslte, 4c, that th.y will do well to glvo her a call. Particular at-lici'l-tf "g Ltt,i,,"1 fhl'dren. Pictttres. THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID IN CASH ' I0 Beaver, Ottor Mluk and Coon SWn Portland,Sopr.!rr,ia.RIC"AKI'S McCB' ' ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW VVSnUA.C1'iCK 1N TU SUPREME ANDC1R :IngtSoOry0re,!U,'',UI NEW HEARSE! rMIE UNDEJISIGNED BEGS TO INFORM THE C1T- -Attend Funerals Ue.Ccity?''''tUe,'a ' tKlles, May 19, 1806. I. M. EVANS my:20-tf. NOTICE. NOTICE IS IIEREBYOIVEN not to trait my wH, on my nccouut, as I will not be responsible - "l!2H JULIUS LANGB. Beware of the Greenback Man I Thomas II. Bulger Has this day paid me One Hundred and Twenty dol lars In GREENBACKS AT PAR, part of which was money I loaned him In U. 8. Gold Coin, and part for wages which was contracted for In V. 8. Gold Com. Dalle., Oct. 30, 1806. to31;lw M M. K. BMi.UT,