jBaito Mlouutainecr. Epitome of Telegraphic News.. (compiled ihox tui orkjonian. DATEa TO OCTOBER 31. Atlantic Newi. new urieam, uct. Z4. la reply to a com municatlon from Gov. Wells, in regard to a threatened negro jnsurrctina. in North. Louisiana. Gen. Ganby says he will order an additional force' to Shreveport, and thati arrangements have already been, made to disabuse the negroes uf any wrong impres sions imposed upon them... '. New York, Oct. 27. The- Uerald't Wash ington special snyg it is positively known here tuut the trial of Jefferson Davis has been decided upon. The arrangements are neatly completed. The trial will bo tor trea son, and will take place either in this city or Bichmond. Milledyeville, Oct. 26. In the convention to-day a resolution was iniroduced to appoint. a committee or five to memorialize the Pres ident fur the re'iease of Jeff. Davis. An amendment was offered to include all Con federate prisoners. It was- adopted, by a heavy majority. An ordinance nullifying tbe ordinance of secession was adopted, andi the resolutions of the secession convention which were incompatible with tbe civil and military laws of the United States, wro re pealed. The ordinance to redistrict the- State was adopted.. Seven congressional districts are thus made. An election is or dered for tbe 25th. of. November for Gover nor,, Congressmen and.' Assemblymen. At the eveniug session, the. convention refused the State election. ordinance by a-vote of 233. to o. Columbia, S.. C:, Oct.. 26. Gov- Perry's Message was read before the Legislature to day, lie says that though his appointment was made- several mouths after the other provisional Governors,. South Carolina is now as lar advanced in reconstruction as any other State. He alludes to. the new Constitution as popular, deuiooraticand is inspiring tbe people with zeal and energy in developing the resources of the States. Ho recommends the fostering of internal im provement and manufactures and the en. oouragoment of foreign immigration. North ern friends are invited to come. Tbe elec fion of electors for President of the United States should be given to the people, and an early day fixed for. the election of members of Congress. Should those' elected be in Washington, with their credentials, when. tlin r.lftrlc mllln thfl mil. tliftv nunnnt lift at- eluded any more than those from Massttcbii tetts. No man in South Carolina can. take the oath' wiihout perjury. It is not the policy of the President to enforce this, and. he believes it will not bo the policy of Con . cress An election is necessary for two Uni ted States Senators, one for six years from the 3d of March last, and the other lor the unexpired term to March, 1867. He recom mends the issuing of Slate bonds, and. the: telling of them to pay the State debt and avoid present taxation for the organization. sf tbe militia. Columbia, S. C, Oct. 27th. In tbe Legis lktare to day a message was received from Gar. Perry, transmitting a report of tb commissioners appointed by the convention to prepare a eystem of laws adapted to the new State of affairs.. The report embraces a bill for tbo regulation of tbe domestic re lations of slaves.. The bill is a preliminary step in that legislation induced by the-eman. cipaiion of the slaves, and is a code for the regulation of labor, and for the protection and government of the colored people of tbe State. The 15th of November has been fixed for the election of members of Congress New York, October 26. The Tribune' Jack- ton (Miss.) correspondent says Governor Sharkey's first order to his militia is that they shall search the bouses of, the freedmen tor arms ana.ammu-ntitoa. Advices from Mississippi represent that the condition of the freedmen is aggravated by every possible evasion of the laws for their benefit. Great precautions are being taken ' agninst tbo spread, of cholera, at. the east. The treary abolishing slavery among the In dian nations on. tbo. Arkansas frontier has ' boon ratified. HQnry S. Foote .took all the necessary oaths to qualify, him to admission at the bar, in New York, but the oath of al legiai.:c, which, bo said be could not take without. committing perjury.. The motions W the Fenians, in Canada, are exciting-alarm. i -x Btupenaous irauus in tue internal uevenue collections, in Mississippi, have been discov (Tea,, ana otucinis ot mgn. position arc, im plicated. Charles Francis Adams, It is ru- - mored, is to be recalled from England, to take the place ot nr. Seward. Ualob Cusb ioK, it is said, is to take Mr.-Adams' place al the Court of St. James. . Provost-Mar shals courts in Louisiana, Jiave been abol ished, and freedmen are referred to the civil oourts.for protection. John F. Miller, an ex-General of the Union armies, has beon appointed Collector of Cus toms at San Francisco, in the place ot Char les James. )uincy A; Brooks, of Portland, Oregon, been annotated special agent ot the 1 OBt iU'tment for Oregon.. And . Washint lrin.hii 'I nrritorins. 'New Orleant, Oct. 27. The JTimet . Mata moras correspondent of the 18tb,.says Corti na? has 2,500 men and twelve oannon.. Tbe foreign pickets were driven and pressed into town by Cortinas. ' For 'five months there has been a repetition of. these- scenes Cor tinas, with. a. force estimated at from 300 to 500 men, is keeping SaltonaL's force inside their fortifications. There-is no communi cation with Bagdad except by the other Bide of the river, and none at all with- Monterey and the interior.. General Mejia rW order ed all communication closed, with Breviach,. Brownsville, and- the cbapparal. levelled for the artillery. Mejia has about? 1.700 men well armed and. equipped! but lacks officers- and guns. Tbe native population are-docid- -edly in favor of the Liberals.. U is believed that tbe Liberal force is greatly exaggerated. It is hardly thought tbat ibey will assault the town, but probably, wall beseigs it and try to starve it into submission or force the Im perialists into battle-.. The. convoy so often amen back to Monterey, bas at last started with' an escort- of 1,000- French- troops and 800 Imperialists.. foreign newsi lTalifa0kt. 31. The British Government nroposes a' project for the appointment of a Joint Commission to investigate tbe claims of citizens of the two countries, growing out1 of the- late- civil war; In- general: the Enehsh cress does' not consider that the British Government can concede tbe right fulness of claims for spoliation, arising from tbe depredations of Confederate cruisers fitted out of British ports; but at the same time concedes all questions of tbe kind should be dispassionately considered,. and acted upon with tbe sole view to do simple and exact justice in the premises. It it con ceded that the threatening attitude of the Fenians is likely to give the British Govern ment pew view of the duties of neutrals in civil wars, and that the' application, of the rules laid down-by Great Britain in our late contest would not be agreeable to that coun try.. The proposition of the British-: ts, in substance, that a commission be appointed to examine such claims of citizens or sub. jects of the two countries as may be agreed upon. Tuts is prooaDiy intenueu to exciuae claims for damages inflicted by Confederate cruisers. WAGON & CARRIAGE I J mitE UNDERSIGNED WOULD BESPECTFRLLY, JL call the actetitfotrvf all WAGON MAKERS To the. Superior Stock of Now In Store and mm to arrive,-.vf-hlch will be offered to the trade on Llueiat Xerms... OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK From 1 yi to t Inohesr Finished' and TJhfiniehed OaS & Hickory BPOKBS, from 1 to Inchee OVIv & ELM HUBS IuTalrs and Seta, from 6x8 to 14x16. HICKORY Si ASH RIMS, BUGGY, EXPRESS and SULKY SHAFTS, Finished and unnn sneu. BUGGY and EXPRESS POLKS. Finished and.UnftuUhod. HICUOKV AX-LE3, all mon; BUGGY, W AUON and EXPRESS nOWS; OAK and HICKORY SCANTLING; SAWED FELLOES, from V to S lushes; HliWED TONGUES fur four horse and ox-deams; SINGLE TREES j NECK YOKES;. LONG oud SHORT HOUNDS; PLOW BEAMS and Handle. 4c. to. The above atock was carefully selected In'the Eastern l State, expressly to mei the uuiuauda or tins trade. orders tor any ot me auove articles, including w Auun SK.EJ MS, BO&tSS, 40 , will be promptly attended to. II. H. LAW, M Front Street, Portland, ocl8:tf. Opposite O.S. N. Co.'a Wharf. J TJ K E H , Main Street, Dalles, WHD1H8ALX ATtV RXTaII DUUB IN CIGARS; TOBACCO, SNUFE P I P E'S', Ss o - ALWAYS IK IT0B1 TBI fJESI BRANDS Of tiigars, Tobacco; Matches, &c PITYING CARDS, , POCKET CUTLERYl .. PORT MONIES, COMBS and BRUSHES, 6' all kindly. PERFUMERY. ot every description, CltfNA ORNAMENTS, TOYS.-DOIASi etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING-TACKLE,,. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FANCY GOODS. Ac.v Also Powder.Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks. Baskets. amlJ many ether articles too numerous to mention. Interior dealers supplied with Clgara, Tobacco, eta., at loss than Portland prices, with froiitht added, oc-8 FRANKLIN MARKET. CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN EPP1NGKR Proprietor nnllE UNDERSIGNED JL having fitted up the atiore Market In the J1E.-T STYLE, will keep constant- ' ly on haud all sorts of I resit and Cured Meats, Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATE My motto is to " PLE ASK ALA." "ARTIES HAVINO SUPEUIOR STOCK FOR SALE JL will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN EPPINQERr; . Dallea, February 10th, 1868. Merchants, Families,. Hotels aim; BAR.ROOHH, JULIUS KRAEMER HAVING BOUGHT TUB F.N. tire Stock of Merchandize and Book Accounts of the late firm of M. Seller A Co., in this city, to which he has added of hia.4wnJnfiortation.(whin doing business In-. roruanu; an immense sioctt ot.tlie beat manufactured . Crockery, , Glassware, Plated H'are, Lamps, Chandeliers, Table Cutlers L.ooklng!-Glascs ana. All Kinds of Oils, Alf of which he offers at reiluceil rates. Pnnna J.ki Ing to buy any of the abovomenthined articles, will d6 well to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. uruers irum mo interior promptly attended to, tna goods paekud to go socure. Buulo'a Stone Uuildlug, Washington street. Lnllea. Don't tail ts call on ma. Jirl.lIIA Kit 1 1'HVD Dalles. March lTth,.lS0o mM7tf WALDRON ItllOS., Wholesale & Retail Druggists, Slain Street, Dalles,, Oregon. WE NOW OCCUPY OUR.NEW TWO STORY FIRE proof Stone building, onnosite Bloch, Miller A Co., and offer to the public a full and complete atock of Drugs, Medlclues and Uuomlcnls, consisting in pare or, KEROSENE, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, ACIDS, L1NSRED, LAMP WICKS & CHIMNEYS, HOPS, SAGE, SPONGES, LEKGilES, UOKH!, CASTOR AND INDIGO AND NEAT3FOOT OUT, LANPULACK. TRUSSES, SHOULDER" BRACES. SUPPORTERS. AMD PATENT MKDICINKS, Our stuck of FANCY GOODS i a of the finest and beat quality; new styles ond large assortments, aucn as LUIIIN'SPERFUEEIIY, HAIR, LUBIN'S TOILET SOAP, iXBStt, POMADES, . SHAVING, , COSMETICS, HAT, HAIR OILS, CLOTIIKS,. mmclNK. TOOTH AND FANCY SOAPS AND NAIL BRUSHES- TOOTH POWDERS, AND COMBS. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, Fnr MMllrtnalnurnoses. Our racliltlea lor buying gooas are seconn n none in the State, and we shall at all times sen at a small ad vance from cost. Heady sales ana small pronts. PHYSICIANS' PRESCRIPTIONS Carefully compounded at all hours of the day. and night. Dalles, sept. . ltieo.. OIL,. s 2 P. POMADES", GLASS, frgjj g ft K IWINB. 4te sH2' RKS' HiCSl ACIDS, W t 80Ap g t ft PAINTS,, S3 .nd i- s I BSrUSHKS, y r 3 FANCY BLUBST0NE, f W ARTICLES. NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY Will carry FAST FREIGHTS FROSt- ITMATILLA, AFTER THE FIRST OF OCTOBER, AT TIM FOLLOW- 1NU REDUUEU KA1KS'.'. To Ilolse City ..15 Cent! per pound laaoo vii.r , su Uwrlisa itO Fas less amounts than ono hundred pounds an addition ot rive ucniB .per pouna-wiu pe. charged. TIMU FltOM'UMATIIaLAt To noise City 3 Day 8.. To Idaho City 3 1-2 Days. to owy uee, 4 uay-H. JOSEPH flNKJIAM, Aient. Umatilla, Oct. 1,1865.. ocl&tt. WASlllIVTOI MARKET oomtcR of COURT' AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES OREGON JOHN MICHELB ACH, . Proprietor. WILIj KEEP , nn , i constantly on hand all the varle-L'5 vX sties that the market can possibly raU allord, of U ii s FBEgH & CURED MEATS, and always of the but quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms. Tbe nndoraiffnea Is always nronared to pay tlie hlsh est cuslLtirice-Ior VT CATTLE. Parties having stuck ii coed 'condition, aro- requested to call on him bofore going eisownra. tiuua iuiuucuiiauu. JJHHOH, March sisMtioo. mnnitr CITY MARKET. S. LAUBER & Co., Proprietors. Will keep oonstantly. on baud the best JTIEATS OF ALL KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARK OF PATRONAGE la m. aollclted. as we expect to keen as ko-1 an assortment of Meats and of as good as qual ity, aa the country atrords: and will Selivet the tame to Purohasert in the City. Parties havini Superior Stock foraale will do well to glfe us a caH beloro uiapoaiug 01 n eisewnere. d. L&uur,H. a v;o., Southeast corner of WashlnKton and Third Slat Pppoalte Ko.ter's Ulackstnith Shop; Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s notice: fTMIE FOLLOWING EATE3 OF FREIGHT have been JL established:.: s. Grain, Vegetable, Tallow, &c From Wallula TJinatllln to Portland, t!6 00 per ton weight Dalles to Portland lb On Wool, From.Wallula and Umatilla to Portland,. 40 02 per lb Dalles to Portland. 1 " ' On Hides, From Wallula and Umatilla to Portland, to SO each Dalles to i'ortiana B.G.KEKD. President. Portland, Bep.,23, IBM. aep'i7-3mU IMPORTER AND JOIillER OP "Wines &c Liquors, FRONT STREET. Portland, - - Oregon. OFFERS FOB- SALB..A. VEEY. LARGE ASSORT J ment of UrandleSt Wlneg,. L.lquor, Cage Goods, M. BROWN &. BR0., WO.0LI8AU AND HITAU DULIRS IR fANGV AND BTAPLW BEY GOODS! VlrttUULiUliB, fKOVISlONS, &o. Mr. M. DROWN, belnz a resident of San Jr.i,ri. ,ro enabled to otter great Increments to purchasers W respectfully Invite the publle to eiamlneour atock befoiv- '"is n u. UllO-tL i Stone Store, mirth aide Mnin street. Dalles. A It HALE. THUnANDSOMB RES1DHNCE occupied" by A". W BUCHANAN is offered 7 ' For Sale ata Low Figure. Fra.prlvate realdenco, no more desirable locality conldl be desired-. The grounds are ornamented with shrubbery and the building, contains. Tfin Booms, Finished la the Best Stvle.. and emhracea everv cnnvAnUnM.. t . alrimr a Retired an.f Pleasant Hnme. conve,Z. Z .117' ness, an opportunity is .now presented tbat seldom offori.. The House uud Furn ltnr u Ml l. ...i.i .. .. 71 WELLS, AROO A CO.'S'EXPRESS OFFICE. W. GURLEY, DENTISTT Mailt St., Dalles. Oretron. Uf uui.li nasi'ECiTULLY INFORM the CitizetiarOf tllin nliirn nt..l..L cinlty, that having returned from a pro lenaluual tour through the mlnea.ho.lnu again resumed the practice of DKNTISTRY, In the room, formerly occuple.1 Cy him, l the building occupied hi wood i Butler, Phjtoeniuh Artists. n.i JTii.......... S ".1' di on Bros.' Drug Store. Ho takes this ju. thod of tandliw thanka. r,.- ii,. iii..", ' "" m . . . pitiruongo iiFi-eioiore exa.- Uuded to him, and solicits a co.tinuauoi ef the same. liht or Puiota. Entire Denture on ffold Base..;. i.0 fo soon " tipper Dnturefold. Baie.... 00 M 120 " Denture, Vulcanite Base jo ' n , . Yi'.V,er Volcanito Base.... a 84, Gold HIIUig inserted frunondoll upward. Clillilrens1 leeth extracted free af charge. sel3-tf MRS. L. -WHltTsT 1MEW PHOTOGRAPH EQOMS wnsningion street.. HA" J WLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY over. Dwruar a Store, euiulil riMini.ir,.itv A ....... those wishing ' -uc. to an t rhotographg, Carts do Ylslto. that they will do well to give her a call. Partlenisi. as. tention paid to taking Ladiaa.ud cffie..Piotur. THB IIKilf EST SIARKjEr-PHICJ Win IN CASH? Beaver, Otter; MiiiK . and: Coon Bklng,, By B Portland, JJcpt. 27. 1HU0. Bjr RICHARDS McCRAKEN. oc4:3m. . 121 11 ISO & ODLI, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAVT V ZA . .? lci TUB SUPltKMH AND CIR-, Vtasllllliltou TcTrilor. - l'.rlb-ir.nli.....l..i . .. .. . . O II II i aania ,, " "Cion of claims. "tfMASON, DaUe,0n. J.. A, rinir. Stc &.C. The Trade la particularly Invited to examine bit sxock ueture purctiMing eisewnere. atr-ir Iuavb Tins vax r-purcniaed Tny stock of goods, sold a lew day alnce to Mr. J.. It. Crnsaen. All debts due the concern will be collected by me, and Dot uy flirt vrossen, as neroiotore puousueu.- neiiw , U, L. jkwkll. FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS, SECOND HAND PIANO, can be had J.M. .on reasonable terms. . Jnuutre at thia Olnce, or of OCJII A.-Vf,-FBKUUSOH, Removal, t. BELT has removed hla office from Dr. Craig's Drug more .to waiuroo a new Htone building, jip ocanu. ataira, HEARSE!: THE UXDKRSIflNED BROS TO INFORM TUB CI T.. , "!''. '' end vlolultv that h. h rZSlZ , a nan .1IKA11UK, and will " ' attend Funerals uUisMu-tho city?" " ,h ' . tHa, May lL186fc . . "wl 8 ' ' KOTICB. N0TI0K IS HF.REBYGIVEN not to trust my wife o , . ml Mcouut, as I will not be responsible nl:2" JULIUS LANOB. i.Bbware of the fireenbaek.MaiiL TrXhomas II. ISulfrer It day paid me One Ilnndred and Twenty dol--ia. OllkKN RACKS AT PAR. sart of which.. waa money I loaned him In U. 8. Gold Coin, and parlt for .wages which was eontracled for In U. 8. Gold Coin. DMIea, Oct, 80, 1806. ,o31;lwJ WM. H. SMART . TTu thli JIM. bus