TUESDAY MOBJTIIiG, NOV. .7,, 1805. A. week fillbd with, selfishness,, and the Sabbathi stuffed full' of religious exercises, will" make a good Pharisee, but a- poor Christian. ' Not more than one-third: of the cholera patients in tha Russian hospitals die,. It is thought it can be pretty well controlled, by the time it reaches America.. A Fiieucb Photographer, has made arrange ments to .descend to the bottom of the sea in a sub marine vessel, and take photographs of sub-marine objects, lie proposes to. use dectric light. Fanny Jackson, a young colored woman of Washington, District of Columbia, graduated at Oberlta) in the classical school. She is the first female graduate from that institu tion of. pure African blood. A CAMFonsu.. editor, Mr. Tabb Mitchell, was robbed lately in Placervillo of' $50. The pross of that. S.tato is discussing., at gome length,, whether he,- came, honestly in possession of it or not; Edward E.. Kelly, for some years- post master at Walla Walla, died at Santa Clara, California, on the 29th of October, aged twcntyrnine years. Mr. Kelly was a man universally liked, and ga,ve great promise of future usefulness; Tjir superintendent of the shore line of sailroad from New Ilaven to New York, took away. tbe patronage of. the company from the New Ilaven Palladium, because that jour nal reported the circumstances of a railroad slaughter . Ln. full,, which, occurred on., that soad.. Miss Doctress Mary E. Walker , has asked for- an appointment 'of Surgeon - in- the Mgular army; She served as a volunteer surgeon, but Stanton will not hear of such an innovation, as a. female surgeon in Ike army.-. It is said that there are forty thousand children in New York City, who never at tend school.. There apoars to be an- excel lent chance in that place for: the investment of soraje portion of that surplus pbilau tbropy wluoh appears-to be exercised j only in behalf of the frcedrnfltt af th South.. TnK Minnesota Lode. Tile Minnesota Lode at Owyhee is a well-defined vein, three (Vet in width at fifty feet depth. An assay' of tho rock gave, silver, $6G8; gold, $345 total, $1013. Tho- lode- is, the proporty. o the New York and1 Oregon Gold find Silver Mining Company,. of which. Mr. G. Colli-er ' Hobbiua is agent and general superintendent. John McOalL). of Mendocino- county, Cali forma, has brought suit against Gen Mc Dowell to recover, as be alleges, damages to tho amount of $100,000, for false imprison mcnt. . It appears. that ho gave three cheers for the murder of Lincoln. lie ought to be glad that he did not suffer even more serious damages than.be claims .in Lis complaint,. Almanac fob San Francisco. It has been suggested that a new almanac, calculated for tho vicinity of San Francisco, would be very useful. In the place of the usual weather prophecies, a wag says such prognostic turns might be used as would indicate the ' earthquake probabilities.. For; instance " Expect light, moderate earthquakes about this time," "Balmy earthquakes with show ers of plastering and .brick-bats," "Look out for. a. heavy fall .of .parapet-walls an church-sleeplfis, throughout this month,'! an ' the like. HOW TO DO I. With the assistance of the veteran regular troops which have-arrived, or will arrive, in this department, the volunteer, fOncea now in the field, would, daring the coming winter, pretty well exterminate the Snake Indians now at war with the whites in, south-eastern Oregon, and the- south-western. districts of Idaho. It is only a measure of common jus tice that the savages should be- put down in some way or another.. The General. Govern ment owes it to our citizens to do, that much, and as a people, we shall not ba satisfied if any less is done. It cannot be possible that the War Department is ignorant that the murder of citizens of this State and adjoin ing territories is a daily occurrence, and we can only attribute the folly of withdrawing portion of the- troops now in- tile Jield, as resulting from eomo sinister influence or re presentation from some source at present un known to the public. To counteract this, the Governor of this State should, at once notify the War Department-of the state of affairs in the district east of the Cascades. It is not too late to prevent the disbandmcnt of some of. the volunteer forces now in ser vice, if the War Department can be made to understand, tha importance.- of. it. Taking these forces, and arming the Warm -Spring bands of Indians, a winter- campaign may yet be made a perfect success. It is an easy task to get into the Harney Lake country by the Crooked. River passes, and a force thrown in there during the win ter, will be able to take the Slakes at such a disadvantage that a. defeat would be equiv alent to destruction.. If the assistance of one or two companies of citizens-should be required, they ens easily be raised in this county or at Canyon City, Thus, at com New Qoabtz Mill. During the past ten days, says the Owyhee Avalanche of the 28th nlt.r eighteen, teams have, reached ..Sinker Creek, all laden with machinery and stores for Mr. Grenaeback's new qpartz mill. Three more are on the way with the remainder. The main bttilding is up and will be shingled i the coming week. Wben finished it will cover a space forty-five by Brxty feet. At present only ten stamps will be pat in it, but the mill is!of twenty stamp capacity. The Frieburg process, with ovens and Yarney pans will be used. Jackson Engine Compnmy. Regular meet ing THIS (TUESDAY) EVFNINQ; at T o'clock. By ordor. F. M. HUNT, Secretary. Columbia Lodge, No. Ot I. O. O. P.- Meets every Thursday evenifjg--at63 o'clock, lu Gates' Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers In good standing are invited to attend. .By-ordor. N. G. Now or Nevkr Call at Win, Birnbnum's Jewelry Store and examine his extensive stock of Watches, Dia monds, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Lamps, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he offers for sale In order to close busiuoss on account of ill-health, at less than cost. There is no such large and well-eolcetod stock this -side of San Fran cisco, and the quality of the goods will speak foe Itself. Now is your time to buy presents cheap, and at a saving of CO per cent . Mr. B. lias also a lot of Feriscoplc Glass. Spectacles that perlorm wonders. n4ti. Isaac F. Bl.ocn, Ban jrranclsco. C. 8. MiLua, BlU. SCIIAWUACITER, Dalles.- Bloch, Miller & Co.,. WHOLESALE AND DEALERS IN "Wines fc Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHING-! lloots & Shoes, Under Clothing, lllaiikeCs,. etc., etc., etc. .ASSA.Y OFFICE. We have an assay office in connection wtih our business, nnder the entire supervision- ot'.Mr. Miller. We niuke returns in Burs in six hours We guarantee all our Asenvfl and pay the HIGHEST CASH l'HICU for Bars. We also pay the Highest Cash l'rice fur. Quid Dust. BLOCII, MILLER t CJ., myOtf Corr Main and Washington streets, Dalles. SELLING O jF JF If COST, TO CLOSE, BUSINESS ! Cvrus lb. nnrfitivf'h' little exnonae. an end mav be DUt Cyrus Iba, I 1....-U .,:' Cyrus Iba, Delinquent Assessment List. . Office or Dau.es and Omnia Goi.d and Rilvir" Quartz Minino Company, y Dallet, November 7, 1805. )., mllKUE IS DELINQUENT unou the following: des- M. crilied stock, on account of assessment levied on the twentieth day- of February, A. D. 1805, the several amounts set opposite the. names of .the respective share- uonu-rs, as iouows : JVums. L. W hite A Bro., O. B. Gibson, A. H. Johnson, John B. Price, L. M. Cohn, O. 8. Savage, A. W. Cotnpton, Cyrus Ilia, Cyrus Iba, THE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully inform their, patrons and ttie public at large, that-they will. at an extravagant cost to the National trcas- uty.. Some such scheme a3 this, elaborated by the military authorities,. Bhould be put in execution.. Go-operative parties of citizens from-Boise, Owyhee and Powder river, might be raised, and thus the Indians would be ef fectually surrounded. There are hundreds among the miners who would gladly partici pate in such an enterprise, from the double motive of a fondnessfor adveuture.and a de sire to see the country. If the matter is not. taken in hand now another season will' elapse before anything of practical value can be done. The inter ests of the State require the development of the resources of the eastern, section, and without the subjugation or extermination of the Snakes, this cannot be done. Ho. CertJ. Shares. Amount. e 2-. ie oo 7. 6 40 00 8' 2. 10 00 n. 5 40 oo 2 2 ' 2. 18 00 82 1- 8 00 S3 4 32 00 45 , 6i 40 00 40 6 40 00 47: 2 10 00 48 ' 2- MOO 49 1 2 ' 16 00 50 2. 16 00 52 2 . 10 0 i 51) 1 8 00 64 , 1 8 00 55 . 1 8 00 67 . 1 8 00 68- 1 8 00 69 1' 8 00 60 5 40 00 65 35 280 00 Clothing FurtUHtllngueods, Uats A CapB, Boots A Shoes? Rubber Goods, Blankets, 4c, MwtB laDiiN Outrages.- Wfc have news Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Iba. Cyrus Ibttf CyruB Iba... Cyrus Itm, Cyrus Iba, Cyrus Iba, . Cyrus Iba, W. Musters, . Cyrus Iba, And hi accordance wUb law and an-ordorof the Hoard of Trustee s, inade on the- 20th day of February, A. D. 18G5, bo many shares of eftch parcel of (.aid Block. as may be neccBrwry, will, be sold at public auctiun. at the office of P. A.O. Payne, Main street, Dalles, ou the seventh dny of December, A. D, 1805, at 2 o'clock, p. x.. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment t hereon,, together wun cob is oi auveniBitrff ami expenses ot sale. , n8:lw B1UMDND SCUWABACIIKU Sec'y. NOTICE. gi EOltGR TJKBK Is my duly authorized spent during M my ubHHDco in. the Eastern States, to attend to the collection ot all accounts due Die, and also the late firm of Wlntorraeir.A Munger, A. W1NTEKMEIR. N. II.. GATES ATT0OEI AND C0UNSEL0B AT LAW, -AIN D SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, -riLL ATTEND PROMPTLY AND WITH FIDEL' WW Ity, to all business entrusted to his care. l'r- by the arrival of the Canyon- City, etage. of ticu.lrtr a"0",'?irT1 PiK collection of Claims, Convey , , , J ; hanciug, Ac. M ill be, duriug all business hours, in atten City road. . On the 2d inst., three Culifornia CORNER OF COURT AND SECOND STREETS, f cattle-drovers were, attacked, while gatherr vamlb, ttKnuoa, ingup.their cattle, at. a point between the A.T MBSi HiXHSSlSll'S John Duy bridge and Cottonwood Creek-, and r PUJJJjfQJJ MILIjINERY STOXtD nu ui luviuaciviuij itvuuucu. ouo whsduu, off his horse, and only, saved his life by tak ing refuge in. the brush.. The other two came into , tho Btation at Cottonwood and gave the alarm, and the wounded man was brought in. The Indians drovo off twelve or fourteen head of their cattle. There are only ten or twelve men at Camp Watson, and the Indians frequently show themselves near the post, in numbers too great to be defeat ed'. Most of the men at tha Camp are off on escort duty, and Captain Small cannot make any move to chastise the savages, without-risking-the Camp and the-storcs gathered there.. When the Btago, reached Currant Creek1, on tho road down, tbey found some teams there, and .learned .that four horses bad been stoleafrom them, n few. hours be fore. Comiug.pp to-the summit of the hill, on this side of the creek-, a party of five In dians were teen, having about twenty horses, most of which were work, horses. The In. dians attempted to croBS the road ahead of the e'tftga, but seeing they were likely .to.bt intercepted, drove the -horses off in another direction. It is supposod that . the horsoi on Currant Creek were among those seen with the Indians, and there must have been othec camp robbed, Jrora which wo have not y et beard... ' couiuumce to suit this iluy, their large and baudsoiua Stuck of Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Ladies' SI--B, Cbildr.is Shoes, ll'ita, -. Salem Cloths, Ac, tc, COST. In order to retire from busineHB. the above Stock must-: be sold within Sixty Days, and STRICTLY AT COST! AH pernors Indebted to the firm will please call and1. Bottle their billB immetlintelXi thereby saving all nnne i cetmary future trouble. (XH1N & liOHM. DUUub, Oct. 2t lbuo. . ocatl. HOW TO SW'li MONEY! CAU AT Till ' Fanyiy. Grocery and Fruit Store,, vomer oi nsamngton ana second street b. TUB UNDKHSIGNKD WISUKS TO INFORM TIIB-. people of the DalluB, and the public gouerally, that, he has a large and well selected stock of FABIILY GBOCEltlES.. CANDIES, NUTS, &., Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Reduced lricu for CASH. Also, constantly on hand the Choicest Article ot VKESII liUTTEIt and KG US. Also, every variety of FRUITS and VKUKTAIII.1.8 in their season. Pei-BonB from up the country, wishing quantities of ugirs anu ruir, oy sending in their orders, will receivt the strictest atteutfon, and have them nlleil at tlioZoioeir Market iVc. jyll-tf I C. L. JEWKW,. . IVJEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORK, WASHINGTON STREET. rHIHE UNDERSIONED would reepoctfully anuonnc -JL that he will oven a first class Saloon in Kreuch A Oilman's New Stone-ilulldiny, THIS EVEN1NU, and la . yivymau w BCive CUflulllcrs Wliu me Ue8l OI . Wines, . Liquors and:. Cigars. , ALSO, A EBEE.mNCH Every day and Evening. . oc28.tr. JOHN RINDLAVB.- Tiieri is a. grapo vino in Santa. Barbara eouuty, California, of which' (he followin particulars are gken : The trunk .has .a cin cnmfercnce.of 3 feet and 9 luces, at a dia- tance of 4 feet above -the-surface of -the ground. Ttto branehas are supported on an nrbor 114 leot long,..T8 feet wide, and 90 yards in circumference.- It now bns 6,000 . bunches of grapes, estimated to average two pounds weight to a bunch. If was planted in. itju,.oy, jjooo. Maxg,ucrtta Domingucz. No attention. will be paid to applications ' The ground about it ia apparently never cul- for pardon from rebels rosiding abroad. Tuey tjvated, but water is occasionally poured in 1 roust return home and tbro.wjtbomeolv.es on " ajiasia around tho roots.,, I tfe.e mercy of the.'country . Opposite Cohn &, Bolira'a,.. T0V CAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOBT FASHt ja iun AjiLit. uvuva, in ine.uue nr JUOK1VETS, HATS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dress . Trimmingrs, - &o. ' In order to mnko dress complete, It bocomes necessary that a BONNET or 01 AT, Uaudsomely Trimmed, should aikirn the head . Olve me ail early call; and I will end.avor to suit veryoouy in iaoib ana at kcabunaule PRICES. Particular attention paid to' ! Embroiders;, and Braiding-Stamping. NOTICE TO FARMERS. niin dalles lumber and manufactuj X COMPANY has.recently attached a ITLOTJltllVO MILL to their Steam Sash and Door Factory, In this City, and are now prepared to CHOP FEED, UKIND WHEAT and CORN, and warrant to Rive the best satisfaction. On FXTRA FAMILY-FLOUR, SECONDS OR MIDDLINGS, .' BRAN AND SHORTS, CHOP FEED, CHICKEN FEED; Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn- The hlRhest market prica paid for WnEAT, CORN and "S" o ,. "OUE, Agent. n3tr. QPENtWG OF THE ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, xrjtuiia jutci, vvrucr OI UOUII, 'X'liis. Jbiveninrr, OLD. MACK, THE PIONEER COOK, would respect, fully Inform tho-publlc that he Jiaa fiiin.1 .i, above Chop Houso, and is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNUU in the best style and at the shortest notlf. HALLS and PARTIES rurnished with suppers. In the Ji?. . 1 J2 1JLIVI, . Watcltmnker and. Jcivcler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, (HUT DOOE TO T11K ASSAY OPriCI,) TEALER IN FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, j Lwvao, uoiujrena. stiver auu riareu n are. Buectacles, Cutlery, Ac. ' 44Particulnr attention paid to repairing flniBOUia 3 7 Hivuw, uiockh, oewoiry,. eco. ah rt atones repaired by m. warranted tor twelve months. '.N.B. All orders from the upper country, by Exprei or uthorwisatrumptly atteuded to. aull t' JOSEPH ELFELT, WU0IE8ALI AND EITA1L SEAUK IN Taney & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS. AND SHOES... UATS, AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Fire-proof Stone Store, corner .of Main ami rv.i.t . Streets. 004.11 MOUNT HOOD SALOON, AND. 13ILLIAiiJD ROOM, . F. JT..JIUNT, ProDHelor. , CORNER OF Main nndCourt Streets, . 'BM--tf . Dalles, Oregon.. ' Adnainlettrator's)- Notice. TN THR MA1TER OP THE ESTATE OF JAMES ft';UiVLPc"l,,"l,, "leu .my account' with tlioClerk of Wasco conntv. Notice Is h..rl.v -i - that tli. second day f the November- term, a. d. 1865 has been nppqinted by the Court for hearing objectioni'.' to such final account and settlement thereof, - ." nuuiJ, Administrator., By order ot Hon.. 0. S, Deimy.JtouDtyJuilge. oc3-Jw. Dissolution of Co-partnership. fllAKE NOTICE, that the partnership heretofore en- J. lstlng between T. H. Bulner and S.-Lauber; under the . fli ni nwae of I. H BULGER A CO., In -the bittcheritur business, has been dissolved. " xiauos.uity, uct. 0. 1886. . 4n . T..II, BULGER NOTICE. " ' OYSTERS In every .style. Private Rooms for Idf. a tub TERMS OF THE DISSOLUTION OF THB' MOTIS.K OfKN ALL NIGHT, I waidobw,, tb.SrmT" Wl UW" 4