it ISAAO F. Bloch, flan Francisco. C. 8. Mans,, Dallea. ova Bloch, Millei & Co.?, WHOLESALE O- O G H S t j - AND DEALERS IN "Wiiies Sc Liquors, And Importors and Jobbers of Boots &. Shoes, Uirtler Clofhiii?, Blankets,- etc.,-. etc.,- etc. .ASS A:rbFFlC is . Wfii HAVE AN ASSA"Y OFFICE IN CONNECTION w wiihour busiuess, under tlio entire supervision", of Mr. Miller. We niake returns in liars in nix hours We guarantee all our Astavs and prrv tie HIGHEST " CASH PK1CU for Dura. V also pay the Highest -Caah Price fur Until Dust. BLOC II, MILLKH A CD.. Siyutf Cor. Main and Wellington streets, Dalles. Tub San FraDCisco Flag indulges in a Jer-' emind on the decay of California's pros- perity. That cblmtry 9 ai length becoming known consequently -leas liked;. Attention Relief Hon CompanyDrill drain a 11 ax evening, at 1 ociocn. uyorueroi ine FOREMAN. Dalle Social Club. Regnlar Meeting THIS ociock, r. H. J. tl.ri'.TX, Hec'y. Colnmbla Lodge, No. G--I. O. O. Pi- Meets every Thursday evening at o'clock, I11 Dates' Hail, corner, of Second and Court Streets. Brotliera in good' standing are Invited tonttend. By order. N. O. s:jejl; LINO AT COS T, TO CLOSE BUSINESS I raIIBBNDKRSlGNKDwonltVresiioctfullyliilornitbeli JL' patrons and the public nt- large, that they will commence: to sell this day, their Inige uuu huudnuuut Stock or Clothing . uriuhing,uoais, llaia ft uaptrj v Boots A shoes Uubliur Uoods, Blankets, Row OR Never Call at VTui. BIrnbanm's Jewelry Store and examlno his extensive stock of Watches, Dia monds, Jewelry, Sliver Waro, Lamps, Cutlery and Fancy Goods, which he offers for sale in ordor to close business on account of ill health, at less than cost, There Is no such large and ife!l-6e!ectod stock this side of SaitPrnu cisco, Hind- the quality bf the goods-will spenk for itself. Now is you ime"to Mfjf prcSentcchcap. and of a saving of 68'percent. Mr. B. has nlao alot of Porlscoplc 01ms. spectacles turn porionn wonuers. nttr. NUTICEs Ci KOROK LEIBE Is my duly authorized agent during M myabsenco in the Eastern States, to attend-to the collection ot all. accounts due me, and also th? late Aria 01 wsuterHisirwMuiigor. A. wiaiiiuiiisiu. NOTICE. "4"LL PEItSONS ARE HER I. BY NOTIFIED not to J:. pnrchaxo my intei-PBt in the Fruit and (Irocery bus iness conducted by .my husband,. C. L. Jewell, us ho has DOtanthmlty to (impose of the sulue, : Nov 4, lM)5.-u:lw SARAH R. JEWELL. XOTUE. V HAVE THIS BAY SOLD QtlT my Intorestih the . FRUIT and URUUEKY BUSINESS to James B. Crossen, who will continue- the anme at the old stand. and would ask for him a continuance of Iho liberal pat ronage bestowed upon me. All ebt.due me on account of said busiuess, will bo paid to Mr. CrOspen. Dalles. Nov. 4, 181)5. lw 0. I.. JEWELL. IS, I. GATES, ATTOKNKt ANlbCOUXSELOR AT LAW, AND SOLICITOR IN CH A.NCKUY TSTILL ATTEND PROMPTLY AND WITH FIDE ?T fty, to all business entrusted to his care. Par" tieulafarrbiilion paid to collection of Claims, Confoj ancing, sc. w in be, uu"mg an business hours, lu attoir aance at nts umce. CORNER. OF COURT AND SECOND STKEE'fS,' DALLES, OHKGOttf. A at silts. Junius! uit's FRENCH MILLINERY STORE. Opposite Colin & Uohm'a, WTOUCAN FIND THE LATEST AND MOST FASII- JL IONAULEOOCVS, In tlretliuenf UOi.ETS, II 4TS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS,' EMBROIDERY, Dree fTrlmmlngii, Jico. In order tomake dress eomnlete. it becomes neccasarv that a BONNET or HAT, lluudsuinoly Trimmed, should ftdurn.lhe head. Ui-nie nu early call and I will endeavor to suit everybody in TASTE mid at REASONABLE PRICES. 1'articuJur attention paid to . VI 1 U a 1 51 1 .uuiuruiuery sua malum g otamping, (. NOTICE TO FARMERS. rMIE DALLES LUMBER AND MANUFACTURING X COMPANY has recently uttacheU it to thoir Steam Sash and Poor Factory, In this City, and arejiotvprepared so ClIUP.vPEED, URIND WHEAT and CORN, alid warrant 1 1 gi'e the best satisfactloa. Oa hand coastitatly and fur FXTRA FAMILY FLOUR, .SECONDS OnVSIiDDMNGS, BRANj AND SHORTS, ClIOj; FEED,- CHICKEN FEED. Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from now Com. The highest market price paid forJYIIKAT, CORN and liAKl.ttl.o 11. A. uuu UK, Agent. Danes, nov. z, ibob n3tr. G-Jl AND OPENING OF TUB ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Main street, corner 01 court, This- Evening sTaLD MACK. THE PIONEER COOK, would-respect- J fully inform the public thit. hr hi fltted up the above Chop House, and is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNCH in the best stylo and at the shortoat notice. BALLS and PARTIES rurulsltod with suppers, In the best Stvle and on the most reasonable terms. eery .) it. -iriuaio itooma tor uunes. HOUS K OiJiCJV ALL NIOHT. Dry GocVs, Fancy Uoods, Lartii-s' Sl-JS, lhlliii ...d Shoes, Hats, Sulem Cloths, it., ftc , In ordt-r to rutin fruin buHinenH. the above Stuck luuuk-t be Hold within iSixty tftiyn. and STlilCTIi AT COST! All percoiiH indebted to the firm will ilci cnll am! net tits their bills iniintdiutely, theiuby wivinj; ull uuui utHMiry luiiuo trimUlu, . COUiS a HOllM. now io savi: noA'asY.-? CALL AT IUI1 NEW Family GroccFj and Fruit Storcr . Comer. of AYsahhigton ftud Second fa tree is. raHK UNDKltSUINEl) AV1S1IK8 TO INFO KM TII JL iioo ill o of the 1MIU;h, Hint the public getiorully, thut htt ha tt Urge und-weU oelei:tedtock of FAMILY GUiOCEltlEfS, CAXDJL'S, UrS lici, Which he will 81T WhoUs,ile and Retail at Hrjluerd iVtoet fur CASH Aluo. contttanlly oh hand the Choiofi-I- ArtWuMir KHKSII BUTTEK and EOUS. Als, every variety of FRUITS and VEGETABLES in tlieir seasuii Fersous trom up the couuiry, wisniug rjunnunes oi . Eggs and Fruit, by sending in their orders, will receive' -the strictest atteutfon. and have them filled at the Z.otvi-jt Murket iV.ce. Uyll-tfJ C. L. JEWELL. NEW SALOON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. rniHE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully - L that he will open a first class Saloon in Freuch ft . Oilman's New Stone Bnilding, THIS EVEMNO, ayd is prepared to aorvo.cuiUimors nith the bust of Wines, Liquor;' awl Cigars... ALs'O, A EREE LUNCH; Every day and Evening. oc28tf. . JOHN RIJVDLATJII, 10 . JL E ll ivi , Watcliuialaer and Jeweler, MAIN .ST Re EjVDALLES, (HET WlOtt TO THE ASSAY OrriCK,) DEALER IN FIN E WATOilKS, -JEWELRY, CLOCKS, Gold l'tn, Silver and Plu'ed Ware, Spectacles, uutlery, 6lc. I 4iirParticular utteution trilid to repairing AheC Tatelies, Clocks, JewvlcyV'etc. All Watches repaired by ' ue-warriuttcd for lwul munths. N. B. All vriiors lioln, trie unuet 'rmutry. by Exprea or otherwise, promptly attended to aull f JOSEPH ELFELT, WU01E8AH AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fancy.. & Staple . Dry Goods, CLOTHING. BOOTS AND SHOES. UA.TS AKU CAPS, AND Gentlemen's' I'ui nlshlng Goodn. Fire-proof Stone Store, corucr of Main and Court Btreets. oc-HI MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILI-IAltI ROOM, . F..1U UUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OF IMatn and Court StrectB, p21-tf ' Dalles, Orogoi. Admliiislintor's JlotitcT IN THE MA1TER OF THE ESTATE OF JAMES" -LACUJ1UN, dtriiKHcdt Hai-ing my aacount . with the Clerk of Wasco county, Notice is hereby given - that ti.o-seoond day of the riovemlicr term, a. d. 1806, has been appointed by the Court for hearing oljoctlous to audi ffnal account uud sett leuient Ihcreof, ii. H. noou, Aiimtnlstrator. By order of Hon 0, N. Duuuy, Couuty J udge. oc3-4w Dissolution of' Co-patrtnerslilp. rpAKE NOTICE, that the. partnership heretofore ex. J. itting between T. II. Buliier nud S. Lnuber; under the th ai mine of T H-.1VULUER U04 iu the butcUoaiug buxlness, has been dissolved. Dalles uty, Wct,u, 16(j5. . lKj T. II. BULGER. KOTICE. BY TUB TERMS OF T1IK DISSOLUTION OF THE firm of T. II. BULGER A C0..T. II. Bulirer la to pity alt debts of tin flrili. . B;'liA WJiifl. . i