vol ft. floi. ft Dailg IJjUuiUainccr n ULLSIIK!) VEKY M01&N1NG, MOfJUAV8 KXOKl'TKD,) QV !3E. G. CO W 13 & J. llALMHlART KU1T0118 ANli PltUPHIKTUks. Ykiims TtotHly-flvtctnU per week, payiibl to ttrobAtt. per muiiui, by mtui. i; three nioiiMm, w; t .' DiunttiH, oj una yeur, $8. AUvertiseuwMUs fnftertod low retus. Job Frintinff, ' Rvnry ilencrfption of plnin itn4 fffn:y Jnb Win tt rig ix 'ntutl with iierttiu'KH and .ieflpfttoti, Ami ftirwtardtfd aa per orc'?r tunny piirtof the cuwutry. :Iaywr&t Jar Job' Print ing mtut i& made on UtiinrryoJ Uttork U M AT ILL A HO USE, DALLES, OREGON. IIANDLEY &SISLOTT, ITop'rs. TIII8 riPDL so'au, TjitiiUixVLbOATro, Hoar the Steamboat Landing & Railroad Depot, Has linen recently euhuged iid improved, 'uinl will no '-accoiuiiifdute ITWIILHrf CUNDUU'IHID'm Heretofore, as a FIRST Ci.&i IIOUSK, Kinl Hiovtruiittge of tbe traveling qmblic 1 rofl.ec.tufly sollcite . Ugf flngiene taKeif tothe tlulisefree of charge. House Ttpeii nil nllit. 4.ARBE Flfit-PROOFSAFESTO DEPOSIT VALUABLES Diile. 0ct.'4'-tf, EMPIRE HOTEL, II BTaglT, DAM.K8, 0REO0N, THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN Till OEXTBS Of BOSINMS, Wear the Steamboat and Railroad Landings Superior Acco'tnmid itions for Families and caa AO commodate One Hundred aud Fifty (Meats. Uonl...... SO est. Lodging.....,.- 50 eta. Fire Proof Safe for deposits of valuables. y House opeu all night. Baggie taken -to the nous ifree of charge. ' THOMAS SMITH, mh8-tf I'roprietur. TAMlLY GROCERY STORE i S. FRANK, BKALEIl IN FAMILY (iUOCERIES, TOBACCO AND 8KGARS, Also FRESH AND URIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, 4c, 4c. And every article usually found In a First-class Family Grocery Store. Mil. PRANK has Just received from below an entire new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, which he will sell at low rates for cash. Heads of fain tly and others are Invited to call and examine his stook. jr Uoods delivered iu auy part of the city Iree of "Charge r GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 7t CENTS. . 8. PRANK, Main street Jy30:tf. A few doors below the Post Office FURNITURE ! FURNITURE" DIKULAM &, WENTZ, -tfWNITUfl-, CORNER TUIKD AND B STREETS VfffwpefwsnT Dalles City, have oa-band a variety wsfcri 13 uoiiscttoia Frnuure, embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus 'uedsandDedaeeads, Bedding, Carpets etc., etc., all oi wnlcli will ho suld at low rates, furniture Repaired, and Upholstering doneto order. Aleo,on hand Mattresses aud Pillows. Spring Beds made to order, aula WM. MOABDa. O.'B. KdtUKIi. WM. MOABUS &CO.J OITY BAKERY, AND PROVISION STORE, Corner of Flrrt and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKKS in BREAD, GKACKKRSand Family UKOCEIILK8. Orders from a distauce carefully filled and promptly dispatched. 1-H MEDICAL CARD. A. . STEPHENSON, M. O., RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services In the several branches of medical practice, to the citliena of Dalles and vicinity. Particular attention will be paid to lemale diseases. Chronic diseases of whatever type or grade, will receive prompt and efficient Ireat iinent. Office, adjoining Waldron'a Drug Store. no'26tf BOOKS! BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, . Vat NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS," to.. Ac. br every Steamer. Poet-Office Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. maT-tf H. J. WALDRON A CO. jL. o. sterns, Attorney and Counsellor at Law AND NOTAUY PUBLIC. OFFICE On corner of Washington and Main streets, flanyon City. Grant County. Oregon. ap20tl (Btfadaya lHJ'.'JUfSL'iu J"'jn a The Steamer Oneonta, C'apt. McNUlity. will leave DALLES. DAILY. (Sundays ceftedlat 6 o'clock, a. counei'i. by tbe CA8(UI K4KVKUAU, with the steamer u asli.au K, uapt.j. wol I.. -Pnrtlitllu. Flt&NK T. UOUUE, 'Dalles. Sept. a 1SH5. 8ep-23 Axent 0. 8. N. Co DALLES & tAVO IITV STAC jenCOMPANY Are now running their line of CONCORD HTAGEH BETWEEN DALLKS & CANYON CIX"S By way of Todd's BrMtce, Cross Hollows, Bridge Creek, Alkal flat, camp Vi atsnu. Kock Creek, Cottonwood aud Jul Day'a K4ver,tri-weekly: CARltYlNO WB'LS, FARO J & CO'S EXPRESS Leaving Dalles and Canyon City every Tues i y at irriauy moruing. xurougu in two uays. JAS. A. UENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles office A Wells, Farga-4 (Jo."s, Dalle. N.C.MAY11EW, Agent. imues, April xotn, io. ap'ifiu FOK UOISU niillES DIRECT. fg -the ,t&3sv WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LIN OF CONCORD STAGKS, CARUYINO- THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS AND Wvlls, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Wallace PI oervute, uoise Mines.; Through In Two and a naif Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and tb tue v. o. xt. Ajempnny. QUO. V. THOMAS A CO., p27-tf Proprietor HI Uli FOOT UXPUUMSl DWIGHT & BACOX, Proprietors. fMMlK PUBLIC ARB HEILEBY INFORMED that w JL have concluded arrangements for the transaction Express HusineBJ TO AND fRUH . . THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY and have commenced maklr.g regular trips from WALL WALLAavlaLewistoli, to VIKOINIA CITY, UKLKNAl UPU1HS BLACK FOOT CITY. All bualnesir entruate to us will be attended to with promptness end dispatch r- Particular attention paid to C JLLECTI0N3. Will leave on their second trip, starting from Walla nana, uctooeroug Aiewiston, uctoDer otn. eelB-Km JACKSON SALOON CORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS DALLES, ORKOON. T IIS UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED FRO TUB "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates' New Building i Beg to Inform the public that they art prepared to sen 'their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A Free' Lunch ! Every day and evening. AM TON LAVER . EM IX BCIITJTZ dec?-lf - Proprietors. QUARTZ MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at tha OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER Off MORRISON and 7TH streets, PORTLAND. A.. 0. GIBBS k CO., Successors to Portland, Deo. 6th 'M. dnotf K. L. Jonss 0. Oil. r. WALLACE, PHYSICIAN & SURQEO A Near Gates & Chnpln's Drng Store, MAIN STREET, DALLES. aplHt, COLUMBIA BREWERY! LITUIVIO & 8CIIANNO, Props. TtA LLICH, ORKOON. m f KKQS OF SALT SALMON, loo&g each. UIOhEST PRICE PAID FOB. OA&LE aul8:tJ F.LIEBB.