Sails l owitanuct ' 'jThb Punctual Man. Mr. liig-f-gings was a very punctual man in ail his transactions through life., He a massed a largo tortune by untiring industry and punctuality; and at the advanced age of ninety years mas resting quiotly on his bed, and calm Jy waiting to be called away. He had .deliberately made almost every ar: -rangemont for his decease and burial, jlis pulse grew fainter, and the light of life seemed just iSiokering in its sockot when oue of his-sorvs observed:.: " Father, you will jirobably live but a day or two; is it .not well to namo your bearers?" "to bo sure, my son," said the dying man. " It ia well thought of, and 1 will do it now!" He gave the names of six, the usual num. ber, and sank back exhausted upon his willow. . A ftleam of thought pass- i over bis withered features like a tay of light, and he rallied once more. " Mv son. road me the list. Is the name of Wiggins there f" " It is Fath er." " Then, strike it off 1" said he emphatically," for ho was never punct ual was never anywhere in season, and he might binder the procession a whole hour." Ekturn to Spkcib Payments The New .York correspondent -oi lbo Mta writes : A return to specie,payment is a sub ject of general public iutereet ; in fact it is felt to be a necessity. The peo. pie here envy the citizens of the Gold en State, who have never boen com pelled by tho pressure of circumstances to depart from a hard-currency. How '- we of the Atlantic States shall return to the good-old days when a five doU lr bill represented five dollars in gold, when silver wasnlentifull and fraction. a currency unknown, is a question of 'Vital imporUnee to all. xao ways are two, vie.: ,therepeal of the Legal Ton der act,: and tho funding of the cur. .rency without previously repealing tthe Legal Tender act. The high nrico of every thing neodod by house. keepers Tenders it a matter of prime necessity that one or the other ahull soon be done, and it is antcipated 4ht Congress at its next session wAll in augurate proceedings looking to this .desired end. The repeal of ibe Legal Tendor act is, however, the nvosi like ly action, as woll us the most feasible, as leading to no difficulties, while the other might be the cause of many. Oil Smellers. A correspondent visiting the oil regions has came across this class of. 'indescribable.' He try s to picture them and does it in this strain. " Vx you ever see an oil smeller,' and can you tell to which of the three kindoms it belongs? And would you think, from .its name that it bas a soul to so saved .r An on smeller is a fsHow who goes about like tho old water finders, wUh f jrk of witch-hazel in hand, which ob Iginglj (points six o'clock whenever there is oil beneath it. lhero aro perhaps a dozen e these greasy wiz ards, perambulating Venango county and loeatiag wells after this fashion in consideration of a ten dollar bill and what is stranger, there are plenty ei people with the ten dollar bill ' There is a vein of superstition run ning irhouffh all human nature, whether in Salem and Bedlam or out of them, and good old Dr Mather was a little honestor than most men, and confessed it. Pittsburg Oil Newt. Important to Miners. Mr. Hodge the gentleman who some time since discovered that the drift sand on the Amerioan river and the red dirt of of this vicinity would pay well for working, bas arrived here with his . patent amalgamator, which will be placed 1n position at Quigley't steam works, for the purpose of testing its adaptibHity to work the gold bearing dirt in this vicinity. Tho gentleman )as no doubt of his invention cre ating a revolution in mining oper long since he tried a ton ' -of i ed dirt in Sun .Francisco with his amalg amator, and realized frbtni it ike um of eiouy dollars. There' uro(illions of tons of tho sumo'dirtin thi.sviicini ty. The profit and feasibility of the geritlcman's invention,1 however, w.ill shortlybe determined. Tlio niu,chk ery will be in position andvin running order in about ten days, -as -wo are in formed, when we thuil 'endeavor Co give a description of this new ysteju o f m i n i n g. Folsom Teletjrqfh. NOTICE. THE PIONEER STAGE COMPANY SW11I entry F.AST FREIGHTS KltoM UMATILLA, AFTKll TUB FIRST OF OOTOBtiR, AT THIS FOLLOW . 1NG KKUUUhU UAXKS: To Boise City ..'-lS Cents per pound Idaho Clty......i.,U " " " Owyhee ..,...J0 For low amount! than one hundred pounds an addition of Fivo Cents per poaud-will be charged. TIM lfl WHOM. UMATlLLAi To Boise City, 3 Day. To Idaho VUs 3 1-S Days. TO owyiiee-.., 4 uajs. JOSKl'U PINKUAM, Asent. Umatilla, Oct. 1, 1865. oclfctf. Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, COSi OKD, HUGO AND STAGE HABNEBS Saddles, Bridles, Whips. - A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware. Leather, etc. Orders Solicited, llepairing done with neatness and diapati. r. A. uakk, Jeturt nam street, ironung nasiiington, vanes, I8S O'KOURKE DK8IKK8T0 INFORM the Ladles of Dulles and vicinity, that the has Just received a fresh supply of MILLINERY AND DRESS MAKING. M1 Fashionable Goods, The latest I arls. Near .York and Ban Francisco styles of HON NETS, I1ATS, B1UUONS, LACKS, FEATIIKKS, FLOWKUS, CO. A full and well-selected assortment of Ladles' Heady-Made Garments. Also, a Fasniuuable assortment of DRESS T:R IMMINGS1 8TAMPIN0 for Embroider v and Braldfng. PINKINO done at short noticeu .BONNKI8 Bleached and Pressed in the latest style. Aitargo assortment of Children's Beady-Made Clothing Constantly on hand, tllavlng secured the services of a rirst uiaas ureas Matter, i am prepared to cut ana nt Ladles' and Children's DRESSES and CLOAKS. THIRD STREET, oue square east of the Catholle Church. oc'Jl:8m, REMOVAL. i. GOETZ, Dawklea. F. KOKNIGSBERGER. Can Francisco, J. GOETZ Sc CO., TOBACCONISTS, Have removed to Kudio's New Stone Building, Washington Street, near French A Oilman's, end have opened a weii-asaorteu sioca 01 HAVANA and DOMESTIC 8EO ARS, - TIBOINIA and WESTERN TOBACCO, FRENCH and SCOTCH SNUFF, MEERSCHAUM and other PIPES, ' PLAYING CARDS, SPORTING GOODS, INDIAN and FANCY QOODS, Ac, Ac. Che trade supplied at LOWEST MARKET PRICES. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS PKKHH 8XOCU! DUSENBEllir & uiios., Dallea an d Walla Walla, PIALSUS 111 ' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods Miners' Outsits, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And a full assortment of General Merehendlse. Buying our Goods exclusively In the San Franciaco market, and making none but cash purchases, we are caaljled to tell 30 per ceut. cheaper than any other House at tbe Dalles niiniiri.linn i.a ml-tf Dalles and Walla Walla. .A.. HAKE POUTIiAIVI) I OUAIHtY i AND MACHINE SHOP, FIR8T STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. f n m unsilncs J!l of from 4 to 4u horse- .,AJiii,"'3!!rs. puwernvtherllortalileor ffSffjTV,'S Stationary.- Also, qtK- eWMiRa CULAIl SAW JUbLS COMPLETE, oonstanl nn hanil Al.n. HmV PrtM- sesef aUslaes; Planing &to!W$. Machines,(Weodwortli's 'iJkfcTT pattern,) WroiurM and W-Jti W'nJ Cast Iron work fur Ver- 'JC tical sawanu unsi minis Braes and Iron Castings and WROUGHT IRON WOUK of ewrj description. I ass also prepared to furnish Quarts Mill complete, of the Latest St most improved patterns. These Mills can beforwardod to any part of the mines as ttas weujbt 01 tue entire machinery will not exceed s, 000 pounds. iloise rower s Agnouunrai impiemenn manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B. Partlcnlor attrntion paid to KKrAiHo. SIGNS ! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. 8. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER, DEALER IN W 1 AJ P WINDOWGLASS VARNISIIES, Pnlnra. Puitv. Brnahaa. Gl ne. ete. Paner Hanninns, Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac 1-tf DALLES C1YY URIO STORE. WSDI.M1LI AND TAIL t&aSSM; DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumerv. Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES. Ac 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES I! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES It DAILY MOUNTAINEER, I'OWKll PUEtSrj BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and 11 DALLES ....OREGON. JOB PRINTINC OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dinpatch. II A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST - TO ORDEft: Cards and IS i 1 I-B3 e a d CHECKS, DRAFTS. KECEUTS. POSTERS AND P110GIUMMES FOR ' THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, ., cfc, ice, MIINTKD 1 Till MOST ATTRACTIVE HMKUI. kUlO, WAY-BILLS. BILLS Or FAKK. LETTEIi HEADS. BEVEU'TIWOKS, BILLS LADIKG, ITricfs and Paniplilcts, VISITING, WEDDIAO AND "AT HOME" CARDS Drunfiiets' Lnbels. In short, everything that can lie done In a Bonk and Ju Printing OHicu, from tho smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to lias fu-fcesi siso nnu most Hinwv i-usuna Bill and which will be turned eut in a style Hint canui-t fail to insure entire satisfaction. our rxciUTiie run tin ixicutiok ( JECORATIVE PRINTING In the niost beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a single Sheet to the Largest Jianiniotu, ORNAilEtiTAL SHOW CARDS. l lUHtlERS LABELS, Ate nnsurpaased by those ol uny other establishment in Oregon. W o devote special attention to this branch ot tl business, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed asuortmest vf material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. rfc, etc., . rfo,, ' Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Our stock e FANCY INKS, TINTS, AC, Arenfthennest nnalitv. and for richness of color and durability, oanuot becqualed in the State. i Ine principle npon amen uu,ni i tabllshment is, tint persons will cousult their own inter ests, by awarding tlieir custom to that onlce in which thoir money -can be expended to the best advantage, 'iiv this end we solicit all lu want of good Prlutini:, at very reasonable eliaritea, tu call and examine specimens, and Judge for yuurselvee. Orders from tnc tppcr lounirj vYIUIiave onr special care, and friends from the Intern r may rely upon having their orders tilled promptly, us wa HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED tORDON POWER PRESS In the State of Orfgon I 1JdreM! MOUNTAINEER OFFICE Dalles. Oregon. Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS -TB DT.WrO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Jinn ww ..r..t1Kv.M an.i rtoMiAm tn the Larue and Coin plete assortuient of CAllhlAQE aud WAUON ilATfclll Al.a we are constantly receiving from the toht. tperinlly selected for the California market, comprising, 0K Hlckorv. and Second Growth Asii nana, nicaorjr i W agon Voles, Hubs, Ppokes, Felloes, Hitns, fchalts, to. Ac. whicli we ofler at tlie lowest Cash Prices. tf orders addressed to our nouse win i;-r attention. Jol6:3ui. 29 81 natiery Btreei, ran eriiciv", and 17 A 18 f eventh rtreet Bacramenta C. Waterhoosi, U. W. Uraoo a Co, J. . Ban Francisco. nacrameuio. R. B. DALLAS!. 0. W. iRMta. ARMES &, DALLAM, Importers ud Jobbers of WOOD ARID WlliLOW nAUfc, BKUBUE9, TWISEs, C0UDA0E, to. And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, ic. 217 A 21 Sacramento Street, between Front and Davis, ban Francisco. oclLSuidtw. HOOT AND SHOE STOIIU. IT. WYOIOIATN . WAS REMOVED 1118 1. BTOIIE to the building on Main ft' BOOT AND SHOE a on Main atreet. nearly ODDoslte Moody's Hall, where he has just reoelved, direct from San Francisco, an un usually one and well selected siecK 01 BOOTS AND SHOES, of thevery best quality and latest stylet EVER BROUCHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH IIUNTINO SHOE manufactured by Benkert. Also, a large aasnrtinent of LAdlen' and hlldren'M Galtcrg, Of the latest Slrles, Just received from the best Poll- adelpbla makers. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. 49H3entlemen who prefer te have their Boots or 8hoes made to order, cWn rely upon obtaining a neat and easy St. F. WYCKMAN, Main street, seld-tf Opposite Moody's Hall. PHOTOGRAPHIC LIKENESSES. PA.RTIK8 WISHING PHOTOGRAPHIC LIKENESS US takon, will oblige bf calling sewn, as I goto Australia shortly. PI r, 11 It B U0LTZ, iylt-tl- Second Street. W. D. BIGELOW, Receiving, Storing, Forwarding AND Commission Merchant! lavsassl snaila All flnnatirnivianva. t wuwtvil Ull,AJlIlX,tULJ)o?;!tljLttmatllla House. S. LEMON, WB0LE8ALR AMD RETAIL DKUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Street DALLES, OREGON. S LEMON Is abla to supply parties la want ofDrngs, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated witn tna WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, A t lnwA.t market rates. 49-Pkysseiana and Merchant Intending to purchase for the Mines, win uo wen to give aim wi. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In g,e.t variety. 8. LEMON. ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. TILLMAN, SOLS AORXt III CALIFORNIA fOR TILTON Sl MoPARLAND'8 Fire Ac llurglar Frooi Males. STEEL LINED VAULTS, witn . Combination Lock. 4a-Cdnstantly on hand a full assortment of SAFES. 318 BATTKKY BTltKKT, Sau franclsco. JyMm J. XV. IfllliliKU Ac CO., (successors to bummill a muaa, WH0LRBALI aXB BRAIL BRALRRi IM Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Brazier's Copper, Lead Pipe, Copper, Force & Lift Pumps, Zinc, Brass & Iron Ware Lead Pipe, Sec, Sto. a Jnn WORK. In all Its branches, attended to short notice. MAIM BTRKKT, Salle,oppslte Bloch Miller Co. apie-ii Administrator's Notice. -am TIIK MATTKIl Of TilK ESTATK Of W. 0. I i.AHiiill.lN. ikce.ied: llavin- tiled my semi annual account wUh the Cle' k of Wasco (ooniy, last ..inl it, Iim liniilit Inraraiil nn ijav. oi fteitiemeilk Notice Islieiuliy given ibai tue second day of the No vember lerui. . 0. 1S06, has been eppomied by the Pnnri lor ueailuuobleckioiia to Ann! account and settle- ,i.r..r It. II. WOOD. Administrator. By order of lion. v. n. venny, voonty umj. mr,. i Dissolution Aotlce. TUB CO-PARTNBKS1IIP beretorore existing tie tween GKO. II. KAM8KY A B. YAOEH, In the bot iii, .r,a lnnii hn.inua. is this dar dissolved by mutu al consent. Geo. H, llamsey having disposed of his Inter est to Mr. Win. Ilartman, who win continue lue uu ness under the nrm and name of Ilartman A Yager. Thankful for past favors, they wonld ask a continuance of patronage from old customers and friends. All bills against the flr of Bamsey A Co., and all bills due said nrm, will be settled by Ilartman xager. oct.l2:w. . B. H. BILL. A. J. KAM. HILL & KANE, . WHOLISALR AUD BRAIL BRALRRS IR Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AORICULTURAl. IMPLEMENTS. 8TOHAOH AND FOKWAKD1NG. Ooods consigned to us will meet with proper attentive References i . ' PORTLAJTB. BALLR8. H. W. Corbet, Bobbins A Co., Blchards A McCracken, W. 0. Moody A Co, ' II. Law, O. Ilnmason. -Umatilla Landing, Sept. th,lBtt8. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN! FEED ! FEED 1 1 Of ALL KINDS) lor Bala In lota to iult, by R. He LA W y ' r 7 S Front Street, Portland, ecl8:tf. . Opposite 0.8.N.Warehoua.