1 f C33 Satin JHouittaintcr. Epitome . of Telegraphic News. fOOUPILID FROM TBI OBEOONI4N. DATK8 TO OGIOUHR 31.. Atlantic Kewe. A'ew Orleans, Oct. 30. Gen. Canby Una issued nn. order prohibiting ucgrtt troops mustered out of the service Irotu puicuasing their urms. Wei infomed pv-ntlemen from Mississippi .iy a good deul of cotton is stilt tlicie,.nud h great. ii uniitity ol bacon Is shipped to Mem liis, for lack of railroad facilities to. New. iii'leans or Mobile. Much cotton is iu the. fields iu central Texas, of the new crop, but the freedmen will not pick i on the lineat I) nutations. LowerTt'XJis is no-bcttor. The sunie complain s come from M.ssissippi, that the freedmen wili not work. ' tVeio York, Del. 31. Tiie Ucrald't dispatch says : The action i f South Curolian. in elect ing Wudo Hamilton us Governor vt the titnve, anil advocating the' payment' of the icbcl war debt, and. of Mississippi, in refns fug to take up nn.l pass the constitut onnl iimendmeut m ol sUug slavery, is believed t have affected the future policy of the lircsiilen' coucerni' g tho e Mates, and to luive endangered the admission of their del-i-gu os ir the ncott. .Congress Had Missis sippi checrfullyi passed the amendment, a guncral amnesty would Irnve at once been declared in favor of nll.tlie rcbe'sj but as it ' is, tjit few amnesties w 11, in all probability., hereafter be granted toot izens of that State. The nction of their convention has not just ified (he Pre ident's conlidence, and the reing of military government, and martial. law wi 1 be the consequence. Ntto York, O.t. 31. The Ilerald'i Wash lugton special says': All member of the 5th corps, having papers ol service of.tlint corps, nre requested to forward, them, io- Gcucntl Ohainberinin n't Brunswick, .Mniuc. A'ew York, Oct. Sl.-s Tbe Expreii prints the following; The Unv.-m stomier arrived at ' this port tins afternoon, and br ngs confirm .atnry news of the uprising of the negroes in Jamaicn nga nst the whiles. Her Majesty's Uonsul at this port, it is said, is in., tlie re ceipt of dispatches o the utmost import. niiee. Many revolting murders bad been perpetrated hy the negroes. A wh:temagis trate had bi en shockingly mu'ilated. ' His lingers and toes were cut off' and burned He was then murdered, After which a negro woman ripped open his bowels. The mutiny w.ns spreading rapidly at lust accounts, and the greatest alarm prevailed among the whites. - , New York, Oct. 31. It is protnule that an important change in the-P.reiiMefjbip, caused by the death of Lord Pnlmerston. will be a subject ot discussion before the Senate, so la' H' H relnves to-the reman organization. A Mesilla (Mexico) letter of tlie 1st, to the Herald, states that Juarez vwis then at El l'aso, and the French were on their way to that place, an 1 were expected in a few days A'fie iirlrani. Oct. 32. Gen Steele, arrived from tho Rio Grande to-day. Dispatches- Mrom VV ei zel to Kteelo. of the 15Ui say, a fight occurred acound Matumoras, which lastel three hours. TIlo Liberals sucieded in carrying a pa t of the works, but the Ira perialists charged and reiook tho works punishing tho Liberals severely. The Impe rial loss is several wounded, and less than dozen killed. The L berol loss is. fifty-nine 'taken prisoners and a large number killed itnd wounded. .. Gen. Eepinozlm. second in command ot tho Liberal lorccs, was kited Reports from Brownsville state tbt nt last accounts the Liberals wore flying,'. closely pursued by the Imperialists. . Arew York. October 31. The ste'ampf City if joton, rom Liverpool, lbe-18'.li, tin Queens town, the lOtJi.tbis afternoon. The steamer Uniltd Kingdom, twenty-four hours out from ew York, lor Ulnsgnw, arrived nt luubtnil ion with her uint'hineiy disabrVdi ' Lord Palmerston is dead. Hi had been, lie , rionsly ill for some days from the effects of cold. His symptoms had been very alarmijg nut he steadily improved. On the night of 'the 17th', however, a (bulletin was issued to . the effect that he bad become woise since morr.lng, and that it could not b disguise that he was serionalr ill. Telegrams were , being constantly sent to the Queen, at Balmo ral. Lord Palmerston would have complete Ills BIst rear on the ZOtu of Uctober. The Paris papers say the deaths from chol era In that city are averaging two hundred day. -i. i j '. , Caltafornt News. .' ' ', ,i San Franeitco, Not. 2. The celebrnled dog " Bummer," who has figured Jn nearly ever? ketch or caricature of San Francisco life for several years past, diadjast night.. . Trti St. Louis Democrat says tba-t Mis Hen derson, Congressman from this Stale, made peecb in Missouri, which indicated that " b -was a man." ; If there bad ever been any doubt in regard to that gentleman's sex' in ; tbii couotryjt would certainly have been lei at,rest before his. election to Congress, On this ace&unt, we must look upon the St, Louii paper's testimony on that point as superfluous, nei td lay TeryjUiyv. v Supposed Road Aobnt Killed. A terrible case of homicide occurred "at Walla Walla on the 31st of October. The circumstances in detail are the.-c: About a week ago the driver of the stage thai was robbed near the Straw Ranch came into Walla Walia, driving one of i he stages of Thomas A Co., and among those who gathered to see the' passexgois alight, was a man that the driver thought he recognized as the robber who first bailed the Btage at the-Ume of ' the-robbery. Tho man was at once placed under surveillance, and efforts wer,e made to collect some proof of. his connection with the transaction. The e were also two other men who were associates of the suspected man,, and woe were also (uspec ed of being-connected w-th the rob bery. Tinio wore on, and the man first sus pected was evidently appiehen-ive of being arrested, but was too closely watched to at tempt to escape. On" the evening of the killing.,. about dusk, he was in the Express office, and' after wi ing a letter and drop ping it in the express mail, went out. Fif teen, minutes -afterwards the town was nrtled by the.- report of near a dozen suotB fired in the south edge of town, near the rewery. About twenty minutes aft- r the hots were fired, the man ll'ist.tu.-pectod was found near tbe road, shot by two loads of heavy shot, and five or six pistol bullets. Two men were seen to ride hurriedly away from the neighborhood where the shots were fired, in a few seconds after tbe last report of fire-arms, and the presumption is that they were the murderers. The theory of the case i:', that these two, or maybe three, other men, besides the man who was killed, wee- associates in the stage robbery, Und that upon some disagreement or a sus picion that tbe murdered man might divulge their villainy murdered him. Tbe plan adopted appears to have been, that one of them should take bim out for a walk,, and the- others should shoot him down -as-he passed. Even had tbe murdered man-suspected danger, he could not. have -imagined that bis life-would be aUtmptcd in tbe plain view of several houses.- Th names of none of the parries are-made public. TVALDUOIV. IIROS., . Wholesale & Retail Druggists, I a I ii Street, Dalles, Oregon WWfENOW OCCUPY OUR NKW TWO STORY FIRE fl liroiif Stune bnlldinir, onuoslte Dloch. Bllller k Co.. andiofTer to the public a full and complete stacle of vruga, -iueoicines anu uncoiicaia, cpnsistuiK in ptirt nr KEROSENE, LAMP WICKS CUIJMtEYS, ALCOHOL, SAOB. -. i . AGlBe. SPONGES. LINaiiBD, LKKOIIES, LARD,.-. COIIKH, CAMOR AND I.NDIO0 AND ; , rUtATSFOOT Oil, , LANPI1LACK TRUSSES, SHOULDER BRACES, SUPPORTERS, and ' ' PATICNT MKDICINKS. Our. stuck of FANCY GOilli I of. tho flnest and best quality ; new atyli-a ond largo assortments, such aa LUBIN'SPERFUEEUY, l!Allt, ; . u ;. ; LUIi STOll.tJ-BJAl', ll.KSli, .' - -i POMADtSS, 8IIAVINO,. COSMETICS, . . HAT, UAIUU1I.S. CLOTH'S. COLOGNE.. TOOTH AND. FANCY SOAPS AND NAILtlllUSHKS , . TDOTn PJWDKH9, AND COMBS, - PURE WINES AND LIQUORS, . For Medicinal nnrnosss. Onr faciliiles fur huylnR ironda are aecond to none tn the Suite, and we shall at all times sell at a malt.ad vnmo from cost. Ready sales and annul proltta. , pinsiciANS' l'KEscuipnaxs Cnrefnlly cempoundml at all lionra of the day and night. Pallea, Si'pt. u, JB'iS. , teiwu 8 P3 2 OIL, POMAD1S, S:3. fcJ- - Btb 55. GLASS, 3t Z-ZZ 00RK8,-. GLUE, go. . ACIDS, SOAPr PAINTS, sad S'r . DRUSIIES, fi ol a a FANCY SO BLC F.STONE, i 3-S 8 8 ARTICLES. MANTUA. MAlClSlt. TRS. MATTlfc HOLBROOK would resnectfiillT In- LJi ftrm tuo Ladies of the Dallue and-vicinity, that she lias opened a shop In connection with Mlsg O'Rotirku, niio ib iroinrvu w uu rili ainns oi wot-R witn neat noss nnd disnutch. llavinir lust arrivurl .fnm iim i.'.nar she hopes to bo able to ploae al 1 aa to Form and Fash ion Cloaks, Coats and Dresses Cut to Order. THREE DOORS West at.luo. Corner of THIRD an UNION Streets. . : oc2l:ma 33. E. IIA3TT,'. ;;.-' Attorney at La w, DALLES, OREGON. OFKICB. on Second street, DTs-dooraenet ofWaahlna: ton Market. ' nolJ-tl ; WAGON & CARRIAGE THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLY cull the attention of .all- WAGON AIAICTCRH- , , To the Superior Stock ot , . "Wagon TiniborP Now In Store and soon tn arrive, which will be offered to the trade on Llbei at Terms. OAK, ASHAND HICKORY PLANK From li to & Inches. :-.' . Fliilsbed'.and TJnfiniahed Oak & Hiekory 8VOKES, from 1 to 3 Inches " . ' '" OAIC & ELM HUBS In Pain anil Seta, from 6x6 to' 14x16. , . HICKORY & ASH RIMS, BUGGY, EXInE88 aaa SKI.KY SHAFTS, JUniihed ami Unttulnlied. BUQOY and KXPRKSS t'OU-.S, Finished and Uunnleked . ltlCKOHY AaLks, alk lives; t BUOUY, WAGON nd KXl'KKSd nOWB;. OAK and 1UCKUKYBCANTUN0? 1 1 ' bA Willi KKI.LOKM, from li toSluchen; - , llKVVKD TOiNUUKS fur fuur lione aud ox-teama; BliNGLKTriKKSi ., , , '- . NiiCK YOKKti; " ' ,.,,,.. . LUNU mill SHORT HOUNDS; PLOW IlKA.Msjand HiiihIIim. Ao.. ka. ' ' Tbe nliove atiick wua caiclull aelt-cied in the F.aatern Biniea. exprvasiy io ui et the dt-maiida or tills trade Orileia fur any ot the alxiva articlna, lucludlim WAGON ciiJ no, uuu9, o., win ue promptly attended to. ' ' "' It. II. LAW. ' 95 Front btrcet, Portland, ocl8:tf. -. Otiuoaite 0. S. N. to.'l bar. FRANKLIN M AREEr. CORNKH OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON 8TIIEETS DALLES, OREGON, JOHN KPPINGER Proprietor rOIIIK UNDERSIGNED hailnai fitted np the ahure Market In the BE-T STYLE, will keep constant. ly on hand ull sorts of i-resu, unu uureu-itieaift. Of tUe-test-qnanty fnrnlehed at the LOWEST RATH irrmotto is to " PLEASE ALI-" PARTIES nAVlSG SUPERIOR STOCIC F0 SAL It will dowell to call m the Frankirn Mnrktr. , JOHN KPPINGER. Dalles, February 19th, 1866. - - - coania of i .! i- ' COURT AND SECOND 8TREETS, DALLES, OREGON ' JOHN MXCHELBACH, Proprietor. jfPV Wllili KEEP . , fbj" constantly on hand all the vnrle li ii 11 unities that the market ean possibly auoru, oi - . FRK8H Ss CURED MICATS, and-lwafs of the btst quality. - . families; hotels, and steamboats. , I i - supplied on reasonable terms. - I Tbe nnderslenea Is alwars nrrnared to par the hlich est cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties-bavtnn stuck in good condition, are requested to call -on him before going elsewhere, i juun. Mil'UKLUAUii. ualles, March 31st, 10. mliNltr CITY MAilXIii ET. . L,AUKEIl tt, to.s Proprietors Will keep xnmtnntly. on hand the heat ... MEATS r ALL KINDS. LIBERAL SHARK OF PATRONAGE la aolicited, ns we exneot tn ke p as gooj an aasnrtinent of Meats and of as good as quaU iiy, aa tne couuiry aiiurua: ana wiis Dolivef, the same to Purchasers in the City.- ' Parties having Suaerlor Stock -for wile wlH do well to give ua a call berore disposing ol it eluewliere. 8. 1.AU1IKII. 4 Co., , . i Southeast corner of Wnahiugtonnd Third Stsvt ; Ppposlto Knster'a Blacksmltli 8hop, Oregon. Steam Navigation Co.'s npHE FOLLOWING HATES OF FltKlOllT have been established: Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, &c. Mom Wallnla Uinatlll i to Portland, $1600 per ton weigh " Dallos to Portland...- 7 60 " On Wwil, ::.-, .-i From Witltula and Umatilla to Portland,.... ....to 02 per lb " xianos to fortianu i On Hides, From WHllula and Umatilla to Portland to ff- eaeli. " Dulles torortland , 87 J4. ', ' ; ' S. O. KEED, President. Portland, Sep. 23. 18n8..- - aep'27-amla IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF- t- Wines Ss. Iiciiiors, FRONT STREET, Portland - " - y --' I Oregon. FKERS FOR SALK. A. VERY. LARGE ASSORT w.meutol , ,fv. . . . . , ,. llrandies, , , Wines,-. ' 'Liquors,''' 4 '.. ,' Case Goods, The Tend Is particularly Invited to examine my ..fv hum iiuiuiioaiuS viMlwnerU aUZ4-tl :, NOTICE. v.- TkUR BOOKS MUST BB CLOSED; either hrnoro o XW cask, within sixty dnys. AUVersonsndebted Mil pumas can anu setue aa aitove. , . : . BOBBINS, MeFARLAND A 00. Dalles, Sept. 1,18ns. ae3-2nf . " ' FOR SALE. . A FIRST CLASS, SECOND HAND PIANO, can be had on ronaouauio-tornia. Inquire at this Oftlce,-or of oi-8tf A..W. FHItGUSOI-. .llemoYal, Tnt. BELT has removed hla offlse from -Mi Craln' RJr Drug btors to Waldron'a new Stone building, np sulrst oc-31:lf. J J TJ K E OR , v .' , Main Street, .Dalles, .'. WH0LISAU Atlll MTtll. SIAUR IN CIGARS. TOBACCO, SNUFF,. PIPES, &o. ALWAT8 IK STORITEl BUT BKAttDS Of Cfgars, Tobacco, Matches, &c PLAYING CARDS. ' POCKET CUTLERY, ; ' ' . . . PORT MON1E8, COMBS and BRUSHES, o alt kinds,-. i PHRFUMKRY.ot every deMription, . . CHINA ORNAMENTS. , TOYS. DOLLS, etc. ' : ' FISH IaOOKSand FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, : :! FANCY OOeDS, o. ' Also- Powdar.Shot, Lead, Powder Flanks, Baskets, an' many other articles too numeroaao nientinn. T- Interiordealers supplied with Cigars, Tobacco. etr at lesa thifn Portland pricea. with freiirht added, oc-fi , i mT?Wbta in T- . ' to . - Mcrclianfs, Families, Hotels and JULIUS KRAKMKK HAVINO BOUGHT THE EN tira btiKk of Merchaniiiae and Book Acoonnta of tha late firm ot M . Seller A Co.. In this oily, tn which lie ha added of bis own importation (while doing business tn Portland) an inttnsuse btock of the best manufactured ; , Crockery, ; Glassware, -. I'latedWare, Lamps,. ( . , Chandelier), ; Table. Cutlers ,;. IiOOklngr-Glascs and AlMiindspf Oils, . All of which he.oiTera at reduced rates. Persona wlalt! itig to buy any of the aboTe-mentloned articles, will do well to give me a tail baaow parchaslng elsewhere. Ordura from the inturlor promptly attended to, and goods' pooked to ao aecureri' Dan't tall to cali on me.- nuuiu a Biom nuiiding, wastitiiKton street. Dalles.. JUUliS KllA-EMER DaUes.rehITtIi,18t!o.i-nilil7tr . M, BROWN & BRO.v WUOLSSiUS AMD XITA1L DIALXRS IR FANCY AND HTAPLK DEYGOODSl GROCERIES, PROVISlOKS, &0. .1 Mk.M. IIROWN, being resident of San Franolsco. w- are enabled toofler great Indceoients to purchasers. W -respectfully Invite the public to eisamlneonr stock bofbr purcnasing eisewnere. - . - mlotf' stone Store, north side Main street, Dallsa. . Jj" O R, AJLs E ... - THE HANDSOME RESIDENCE occupied by A. W. 1 BUCHANAN is offered. - 1 I For-Saleata Low Figaro. - , For a private-residence, no more desirable locality eoukt be desired. The grounds are ornamented with shrubbery and the building, contatna - - - Ten Booms, Finished in the Best Style, and embracea eresy convenience. To a gentleman d - siring a Retired and Pleasant Home, convenient to busi ness, an opportunity is now presented that seldom otTora. Th Uouae-mid Furniture will be sold together or separ ately, as the purchaser may desire... For further partic ulars, inquire as - 1 oclltf.A WKI.IA S'AKUO CO.'S EXPRESS OFFICE.. J. W. QURLEY, DENTIST, ; ', Main St., Dalles, Oregoia. - ,; WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM tho citlx-ene of this phico aud vl- ciutty, that having returnad-froiaa pra lesaloiiul tour thruuuh the niiuea. he haa again resumed tho practice of DENTISTRY, In the rooms losmany ocsupteu uy 1,1m, In tlie building occupied by Wood k Butler, Phitogruph Artists, and adjoining Waf dron llnv.' Drug Store. He takoa tliia nn-thod of ex tending thanks, for the liberal patronage herctoiore u touded to h.ui, and eollclls a continuance of tho earner. ' : tw i puiubs. ' 1 ."i a Entire Donturaon-Gold Baae ;..,......1180 to f 235 " Upper Denture, Gold Base 90 12U " Denture. Vulcanite Base 70 " 124 "- Vpuer Denture, Vulcanite Base.... 6 " ' C6 Gold Fillings inserted from one dollar uoward. Children Teeth extracted free af charge. sol3-tf MRS. , L; . WHITE'S. 1MEW PHOTOGRAP-H'HOOMa ' ' "VasliIujrtoi-trect. HAVING NEWLY FITTEttUP THE GALLERY dvr Deguar'a Store, would reapectfully announce to all thoso wishing Photographs, Carts do Tlslte, &c, ' that they will do woll to give her a call.' Particular lit. tention paid to takiug Lad. ea aud Cbi'drena Pictures. 1 i THK IHOHKST MASKET FRICIVPAIDvIN CABll ( 1' :.. il-s si., .,, Beaver, Otter; Mink, gad Coon Bkini. ,' , By RICHARDS k MoCRAKKN. Portland, Sept. 2T, lhUB. oc4:3m. -t.JlViUASUft k UICLL,v ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE BUPHEklK JlHD OTR ' cult Couru of Oregun, aud the District Courta.e naahington Territory. - .1 - Particular attaution paid to the coUeoilon,of claims 0. 1IUMA80N, Dalles,Ogn. J. A.ODEH. N ,E,,W, ; HEARS E,! rjlUB UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM MIH CM M. Icons of fho Dalles snd vlelulty that he baa received 1 NEW IIEAJ18B; and will ., j -,r, ... -Attend Fnnecals - ,m on short noUce. This is the firtt, end t present, onlj Hearse In the city. " n . ' ' ' . ."' ' '' '' i 1. M. EVANS T-i.llos,MayJJ,18e4... .. , . my:20-tf. , i-! 7 ROTICEs ; .m- NOTICE JS HERKI1Y GIVEN not to trust ai'y wife o my accouut, us I will not be responsible nlr2w - JULIPSLAKOB. ;Beware of the Greenback Man! ' ,) i Thomas II. JJulijor ', Has this day paid me One Hundred and Twenty do). . Ian In IHtKENBACKS AT PAR, part of whN-b waa money I loaned hi 111 In U. 8. Gold Coin, and part. flit HH. wMMl Mia. ...Irmll ft.. I- Tf D r. ""II-- ' 1" ""' " 11'' "''