(mntaiitccr. SATURDAY HORNING. 1TOT. 4; 1805. Gbeknbacks Idaho. City. sell -at.. 85 Mid 90 cent! in", Tu family of Cwn Sferliag Price bai re turned tg Missouri. Mb. WiDDiNOHAM-dm bought the mill of Gol. O'Heal.M .South Boise, and has started it to runnings . - . RienADRLiTON, who was shot in a per. sonal difficulty some week since at Idaho City, is in a very precarious situation. . , , , ,- Thk earthquake at Sun Francisco has had fine effect ii a reviving ttae-roirgious feelings of the people.- It -ws much needed. The financial stARding of. Sua Francisco il much shaken, in the East, by the results of the earthquake. A Japinssb lately tried to. assassinate the Tycoon. On being arrested; be committed " baskirl," wbich,.isth.. Japanese for, suicide by rippljie.out tfre.b'oel9. Ns-wvoinoabnr discoveries .have been' made in .the vicinity' of Rpby City. The specimens exhibited are even richer that those of the first mine.- ' Thb SCateunan .protests that $125,000 a year fbr a weekty steamer mail between San Fran-. Cisco a ad Portland is too much. It is worse than that it is a sinful waste of money, Gin. Wrioht and his wifrWre buried in the State House Square, at. Sacramento, with appropriate mlltlnty, honors,: on the 22d of October... ' Thi Oregon Printing and Publishing Com,; pany have disposed of their interest in the Oregon Agriculturist to A. L. Stiuaon and, A C. Schwatkar by whom it will hereafter, be published'. ' Thk amount disbursed on this-coast during the past nine months, ending September 30th, 1'iceedi.d $12,500,000, and the income of the Government for. the same period, from all sources, amounted to $8,000,000. Gkrbitt Smith lately .datjlarf d at ajemper- smce convention at-Saratoga, that the temper ance raovemeut. Jiad.;been a- failure, owing to the lacfc.of -faithfulness among its leading ad. vocates. Fkbdiah,d .Pattersou wqs, indicted,', in Boiso couuty, I.T., , for. the murder of Sum ner Piukham, and his trial was set for the 30th of October. Before now the case has probably been decided. . , Gen. Bl-tlbr. thinks that. Preside.nl John- eon'r scheiite of. restoring clv.iLgarernments in the late rebel States will.not.eucceed. .Gen. Butler's opinions on pablic questions are daily becoming of less importance. ' It t estimated llint tbe .Pence expenses of the Government will amount in the aggregate to about $110,000,000 annually, while the In come will, nnder the present laws, amount to. I Pome $300,000,000, . . TBlIdabo Statesman sivs that if the .Dalles : and Boise.-Oily road "were better known to ' taamsters.it would be nioje traveled.'' Yts ; nod if Jhe ludians.-we.ee. subjugated, .the. road would loan be-better knowa. Another Protest. The Idaho Statesman of the 28th of October, protests against the pol icy of the War Department, In reducing the forces at the posts on the-waters of Snake river, and says- tbat representations of the threatening attitude or the Indian bands in the neighborhood of Boise and Owybee have repeatedly been., made by the others stationed at Fort Boise. b4irtirelywithou-t.elrct..Te shameful conduct of the War Department in discharging- the volunteer forces could have been obviated by proper remonstrances,- for warded at the right time. : It could yet easily be prevented if the intinerant Congressmen wJbehave been .through the Infested 'distrit, wilt lake tbat interest ia the mutter whit they, profess to fee.1 for the whole, country. In point of fuct, these- gentlemen saw that in the mining.camps people, were perfectly se cure from Indian hostilities ;.:but they do not appear to understand that a state of war exists over a considerable tract ot mining country, on alt the great thoroughfares, and throughout the partially explored regions whkibi.fainieh the most inviting field for the enterprise of prospectors. There is no (fiffir ctt-lty in whipping the Indians as ofien as .tbey can be caught, but the vast extent of couqtry over which tbey roam renders it difficult for a small force to rind thm with any certainty. What is needed,, ia a-suSLoient. number of de tachments, to be sure and find the. savages somewhere, and. when, found, those. delacb mcnts. should cftcn 06 strong enough to. de feat any band of them. As to the blanket and calico policy, it ia contemptible, in view of past outrages committed by these red-skinned and red-handed assassins. Gen. Hooker on Farming. At the last an nual fair of the American Ins itutc, Gen. Hooker was in attendance,, and made two speeches. 'Tho first was immediately npon bis arrival at the place-of exhibition, acd was a very pretty piece of rbetorio ; the ste ond was after partaking of " refreshments,"' and was air eloquent and gorgeons pice of I declamation, in which the General declared1 his preference forngricoltural over military pursuits,. The General declared that be was very " happy." to be present on such an occasion... . If. Sodom and Gomorrah bad contained ten jast men, we are told, those cities of the plain would not have had the filling knocked Irom under them. If Siin Francisco bas-the. required number of blameless cbacaeiers, the terrors of future earthquakes may be safely defied ; but judging from, Jhe representations of one of the daily papers of that city, if the people depend , upon -such a contingency for impunity, tbey may find that tbey are leaning, on a slender reed. I8AAO F. Bl OCH, Sua Francisco. C. 8. Milieu. 8 10. SCUAWBACIICK, Dalles. Blocli, Miller WHOLESALE GROCER S" . AND DKALEHS IN Wines te Liquors, And Importers and Jobbers of- CLOTHINGp Boots. A: Shoes, tinder Clothing", etc,. ; etc., . etc;. WI HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION.' with our .business, undes the ontire,eupurviidim. of Mr..Mil)ec.-, Ws niaks setuwis in Bars 4'ir,,etx hour. We .guarantee all our Asnvs ami pay the mOHKS'l'v CASH PKICH for. liars. Wtsvalau hot the lliKheali rb,i'rlenr Gold Dwfc. -, BLOCII, MILLER ., 2 mjrBlf - Coi-9fnfn and Washington streets, Dulles. . " Walter M'atjh left Rogue River Yulley in July last fur Sao Jbse,. California, since which time nothing has been heard'of h i in. He was , mounted on a good horse, ntidvhad $60.witb him. Foul play is suspected. . Tni Folsotn T(tcgrapk 4&j that, a minor there who was. nearly dead, with Inflammatory rheumatism, .cored himself by ihe use of ker osene, applied ttxtoroally, anl also- taken In ' small doses inwardly., Tn Idtiho H'orW.haaeDtored into the pub lication of its second volume., . It is ear e fully written dp, and Is a valuable exponent of the . mining -and ,, commercial interests of 'the Boise country. .. -' . . The Vistivioa- Lode. The Vesuvius. Lode ,, is a raceat..disc.overy( located sixteen -miles ' np Moove'4 Greelt from Idaho City.. A shaft ' has been- sunk,-sy the rForW, seventy-five . foet oa-tt, and ore are-found which prospect f from $103 to $415 to-the ten- The owners Ulnk'that (t li a good., thing Kwblch.ja only Abandoned The project of putting a steamer on the Pen d'Oreille Lake , to facilitate the transmission of freights to Montana Ter rity, has been abandoned, for' the present at leat. The only remaining -chance to secure the twde of thai Bection to the Columbia Rrver, is by having the Mullan road opened In time for the Spring, trade and travel. The route to the Coour d Alene Misslonr by the south side of tbe-Ccour d'Alone Lake, some times called. the Old Mullan Road, presents the best chance for a permanent route of any now engaging public attention. But unless the overflow ot lands onthe margin of the lake is obviated by drainage, even this road is not available during the Spring, mouths and early-, in , the Summer.. Unless some- very energetic action ie- taken in the matter, the business of supplying the Montana mines will fall into the bands of the St. Louis people, and we will have lost the trade of at least ten thousand of our best mining population. The Illinois Lode and Mill. The Illinois Lqds of. gpld-bearing quart is located about five miles above Idaho City, on a gulch run ning into ilooro's Ceek It is surrounded by a forest of pine, and is. convenient to sufficient water for milling' purposes.! The lode is from six to fifteen feet wide, running from northwest to southeast, and dips at an angle of about forty-five degrees to .thv West. Two tunnels have been run !nior,the lode, and in Ju'y. last ft ton-stamp-, mill commenced crushing rock from,, It, and has Since- been in continuous operation. The average yield, working all th rock as it was taken out, has been .between $45 and $50 a ton. , The gold averages the value of about $15 an ounce. There is now a new mill of twenty stamps on the ground, ready to be pnt in operation.in the Spring. Tb' -improvements at the Company's mines ard mill are of a very substantial character, and are so arranged as to conveniently deliver the ores to the mill. ' Th ; Washington ! Standard thinks that Washington Territory will be.glad to get rid of 'Walla Walla county, as that -Copperhead ; d'rstrictvwas the cause of a Democrat being elected to Congress two years ago. This is certainly a very cogent reason for the segre gation of Walla Walla from the Territory. " If your right had offend you, cut it-off.' and, .why ,not a county, my boy ? 4 The Pacific Ghrtstian Advocate snys, "Thus far-there seems to be but livfa prospectjof colored people getting Access o tho ballot- box; just now. the prospect is gloomy enough." The prospect is rather dark-, that's a fart. Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. O. O. F.-- MeeU every 'Jhnrmlay evening at f o'clock, la Gates' Hall, corner of Second and Court Streets. Brothers in good standing art liiiited to attend. By order. N. O. . Awrai-Jtcii-ttKI rnrnish hts- pstrons with a bountiful, supply of OCHSEN-MATJL BAI,AT at the PIONEKIt CKLI.Alt THIS (Saturday EVENIXO. All are invited to call nd partake of til Free Luncb. Novembfr 3. 1865.- UJ ' Now-.oa Nivea Call at Win. Bkrtibanm's Jewelry. Store and examine Ills extensive stock of Watches, Dia monds, Jtwelry, Stiver Ware, Lamps, Cutlery and Faucy floods, which he offers for sale in order ..to close business on account of 111 health, at less than cost. There is no such large and well-selected stock this side of San Fran cisco, and the quality of the goods will speak fur itself. Now is your time to buy presents cheap, and at a saving of 50. percent.. Mr. B. lias also alot of Porlscoptc Glass SimitaWtlMt perform wonders. , . . . n4tf. 1 LUNG O 1 " AX COST, TO CLOSE. BUSINESiS:. DIED. In this city, October 28th, 1805, G. W. Tkh Etci. a native oi' New York. aKed 23 years and six months. Sa cramento and New York papers please copj. TV. II. GATES, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR. AT LAWv AKD SOLICITOIt IN CHANCKRY, WILL ATTEND PHOMPTI.Y .AND WITH FIDEL" ity, to all businoss entruxted to his care. Pav (Itular.RMeutlon, paid to collection of Claims, Convej" anciug, Ita.- Will be, dit'Xug alLhusiuess hoars, in atten dance at hia.Ooice. . CORNER OF-eOORT AND SECOND-flTREETSj . PAH.ES. ORKGOy. FRENCH MILLINERY STOSEi Opposite Cohn & BoTim's. tT-OU-CAN find the LATKST AND MOSI FAail, M. iuaubuuuus, in tns tine of IIOXIVETS, 11 ITS, FKATHCKS, FLOWERS, EMBROIDERY, Dross Triminlngs, &o. In order to make dress complete, It becomes neccstnry that a BONNET or HAT, Handsomely Trimmed, should adorn the head. - - . ' Glva me an early call and I will endeavor to suit verybody in TASTE and at REASON ABLE PRICES. funicular attent lop pam to ' Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. . NOTICE TO FARMERS.. flHE PALf.KS LCMBKR AND MANUFACTURING Jt COMPANY haa recently iuc)ied r - LOXJKIING MILL rBUK UNDKItSlONED would re.-pcctfnHj.inuiCBiUiri.i JL, pfttrons mid ttitj itjWk nt lrgertlirtr they will-, couimwiicu Uji attU.tUii tluy,. their Uige auil liuudm)iiv; Stuck uf ... .v " Cluthhig Dry Goods, 1'uniiahlng Goodi, iancy tiuudfl, limn k CtiiiB, . lutlieu' 8J , UootB A bhoe, - Childr... tfuoetvi It ub tier Uuuila, lint. lilunktiU, balemXlotbiv - . . Ac, AC, Ao p .T COST. In order to retlro from buMnoaa, the above Stock ii)Ut be sold within Sixty Uuye, und STltlCTIiY. A.T COST I. All persons Indebted to the Arm will lie call and settle their bills immediately, therehy saving all nnus." ceBary lutui-u troiiWo. . COllN. a JiOIIM. DUes, Oct. 2, 1916. uc3t&- MOW TO. SAVE MOIVUY? CALL AT TUI NSW Tamily Groecry and Fralt Storey Corner of Wwhiugton and Second St reels." , fpilE UNDKKSIUNKO WISHES TO INFOUM THK JL people-of the Dal Its, auU tlie ynblic eiittwiLy, timt he liiui a luie nnd well Helected dtck of FAMILY GUOCEUIES,. ' CAXDJftJi'UTS, &c, Which he will sell Vholt.s.ile and Retail at Heilucril iVicei fur CAMI. . Almv comttniitly on hand tlie UhoicwiK Article of KllKSH BUlTJiH n.u.1. fciUas A!.., erv varietyof VU1J1TS VKUHTABI.KS in tlieir sensnii. Pet-sous from up the country, wishing quantities of K!KM nnd Krnit, by semlinir in their orders, will receivo the strictest attention, and have them tilled at the Ltmui . AturAel iVi'cn. Jyll-tfJ C. L. JfcWELX. new saloon: . NEW BTONK STORE, WASITINGTON STREET. TflHE UNDERSIGNED would respectrully announco M. that he will open a firm class daloon in Vreuch A Oilmau's New Stone lluildiuir, THIS KVKN1NU, and is . prepareu to serve customers wiib the best of Wines, Liquors, and . Cigars. , AL?0, A EUEE LUNCH Every day and Eventog. r ' . i , oc28tf. JOHN RINDLAHB. . 1 . DEJIM, Watchmaker, and . Jvwelciv- MAIN STREET, DALLES, (NEXT BOOK TO Till ASSAT OFFICE,) nEALER IN FINK WATCH US, JEWELRY, , ni.()f!KR. rinlil lnnR.SilMr nnH llMr4 Wnn. I Spectacles, Cutlery, Ac. , r jc-i Particular attention oaid to rcimlrine fWQtl' batches, Cloaks, Jewelry, etc. AlkWatrhea.repairedrb., , tie warranted for twelve, inoiitbs. . N. B. AIL orders- from.- the miper flonntry, by Exprus or otherwise, promptly attended to.1 aull t JOSEPH ELFELT, , . ' V,nOII8iL AND UTAH DEALER IX Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS' AND SHOES, 1 UATS ANI CAPS, AND ' GeiiUemcn's l urnlsblng Goods. Fire-proof Stone Store, corner sit. Main and Court v Streets. oc-Hf 1 MiNJNQ Bobbad. The preliminary stepB to organize a JliuingBiircuu have been-taken by some San Franciscans., Its principal ob ject will.be so the projectors say, to collate evidences- of the character; and. richness of the mines on tho Pacific, ooast. It is more probable that pne .of its, leading .purposes will be to koep the mines of Idaho, Qregon and Washington Territory, in thetshada. This appears to be. of as -much importance. toitbQ.Californians generally as tha.deelop ment.of tbelr own mines. A. HAN. engaged In tha qiuensware business in Salem, under he assumed name .of. Smith, ; has tevauud, And left bis Sm Francisco ord Uort in jtbe lurch It.ls 8id to.Jbe itbe. first commercial failure which has eq. occurred U:theOapil.u- t ,: 1 (o thetp Steam Sash and Door Factory, in this City, and ere-now prepared to CHOP 'KKD,1IUND WHEAT and COKN. and. warrant t.. give th) best satlstuctlon. On band constantly and for sale VXTBA FAMILY FLOUR, 1 1 V SECONDS OR MIDDLINOB, BRAN AND SHOUTS, , ", ' .!".- , CHOP FED, CHICKEN FEEjX ; "Also, a Superior article of CORN MEAL, from new Corn. The highest market priopaid for WnRAT, CORN and BARLEY. II. A.HOOUB, Agent. Dulles, Nov. a, 1806. -m n3tf. GBAND, O 1 lilV I TV G- OF TUB . , ECLIPSE chop:house, xuain isirves,,. corner oi tjouri, This , Mveningf, , OLD. MACK, TUB PIONEER COOK, would respect .fully Inform the public thai. he. has .fitted, up. the above Chp House, and is prepared toerre up MEALS nd.l,uc.uu in me oesiHyie ana asnesnortest notice. - BAI.LS.and PARTIES furulhlwHi-suppers, in the nest iwinu vu t no utui. nwuu.niv-.mis. uiaTstKS id every stjie. private aiooma MOUNT. HOOD SALOON:. AND BILUAUp ilOOM,! MP . JU. U U N T., . , : P.r o p r 1 e t o r , . . CORNER OF Maln..antX. Court Street, '' apilrtf. .' -. -i Dalles, Oregon. ' AdminUtrator'M AoUce. TN THK MATTER OF TIIU KSTA'na ni 1 . ui. A LAUUULIN, diceaeed Having .fllid my account wiiii iiivuiers oi vvasco conntv. Kniii.,. i. i,m.j,i, that tl second day of the .Nuvouilwr, term, A. D. 1885, nas oecn appoiniea oyxjwuiurt ror heai-ing objections tosuchflual account and seUleuienniUeroof, ' - x , v"hi Administrator. - . ""j i wvhm.j .wtHi womw.. Dissolution of Co-partnership. TAKE NQTICE, that the partnership heretofore ex isting between T. H. Bulger and 8. .Lauber; under tha flrw name of T. n. BULOEU A CO- fbT the butchering ' business, has boendlssolvl.! : j I Dalles City, Oct. 6, 1866. , . 4wJ - . T.'H. BULGER. NOTICE. TjII L SIE J.H.R310 US- TIIS UlBBUUUTIUn' Vr THB iJOUSK opn ;ALliiQ,Ia;. J kV.uasbi oTf glSSif," f- Mtt-T