FRIDAY MOUSING, ItOY. 3, 1865, Eaupiioa op Mount Hood. The usual Uiot and dignity of the towo was yestrdny . npsei by,a..repot that Mount Hood bttd at lengtli.comniericed that often rcporte"d but long-deferred eruption. An-enthusiastic - gentlemen rushed. into the Mountaineer office add announced tUat the mountain was throwing up masses of rock " as big as a Hour barrel." A picture of Chimborazo tossing rocks of considerable dimensions Up out of its crater, which is' to be seen jn most common school geographies, at once .' llittod across o-uri imagination. With this V fancy, there also came a fearful apprehen sion that a! real .eruption was likely to de- prire the mountain of a consideradle portion of its elevation, reducing it to the appear nco of a truncated 'pyramid W-k&t Urego uian does not tremble at the veryidea of Mount ' Hood being robbed of its-fair proportions 7 ' Who U there. that for the trifling, temporary v gratification of'eecing, a volcanic eruption, - woujd consent that the regular proportions .' of the noblest mountain in the Union should ' bo forever marred? losing, for the indul . Kfince of a whim, the perpetual pleasure of Ucholding.a thing of beauty. scarcely, paral '. Itlcd on tha httbitaWB globe. Fortunately, tho apprehensions for the safety -of the taoutttrtia-, were premature; but it. was cer tainly emittlng-itr puffs dense volumes of smoke, which srtatiily; drifted off to tho southeast, and lay in banks down the side of '' the mountain.' It is well known that sul phurous fumes are continually emitted from tUo cratot. near' the summit, and it is likely that the subterranean-(ires may bo extraoi- dinariluxtive at this time Air Enuomors Import"' CoB'n'tos'DN.-We have definite information in regard to the fight which" took-' place near Cottonwood, -oir the 17th of October, between three men in the employment of the military department, and a band of Snake IhdlcraB ;. and as two versions of tbe affair hare been published in this paper, we deem it of sufficient importance to bear telling over again;' we give the follow ing authentic version of it: A team which bad been up to Gamp Logan wits returning to Camp Watson, and when about twetve miles beyond the latter place, some fifteen Indians made their appearance uhead in tbe road. There were three men with tbe team, one of whom, a government herder, was ahead, one" was riding in tbe toogflm and one was driving the team. Tbe herder, .being abend,' first saw the Indians, and rode back, with -the savages at bis lleels, to give the alarm. The teamster had barely time to quicken, bit pace when tbe savages were upon him, firing at bitn and the mules. The tadxlle-mulc, being wounded, threw the driver, and the team in running pulled'tbe wagon over the man's ankle. Be fore. b& could rise, an Indian shot him through the shoulder. The team ran on, with several of tbe mules nftddened by wound;, and nil the Indians but three following it; Tbe3e last engaged theitenuister as be arose wound ed and crippled ; but they bad caught a Tar tar: with bis revolver be killed two outright, nd tbe third escaped, wounded, by a timely flight. The mau in tbe wagon appears to are got out during tbe flight of the mules, and with the herder and wounded man, got on to a rocky point, when they saw the lu- ians take tbe mules away frorfl the wttgou three of them bad fallen frottu wounds and fver packing up tbeir dead comrades, make hastily away. It Beems there was a camp of MO"f"CE TO FARMERS" jiouh . Indians Killed. We bavo before reported UuU ou tbe (ith of October tho , Suakcs inn off some mules from Camp Logan. t'uptniu Ingrabam, of the First Oregon In . (tuitry, a.t once started in pursuit., with, pro ';' visions in. tho haversacks of bis mon, twenty ki number, lev--three, days. lie found-Uu. ruountainB plentifully tiiurkcd with fresh kidiati signs, and after proceeding sixty miles south from bis camp, he gave up tbe " dca of finding tho marauders, and returned (o camp. On, tho. 18tb of the month he again .started out, with i twenty men, aud on Uio night -of. that day made camp twelve wiles. sonth of Camp Iogan. Ou-itlio morn iug of tbe 19th he sent out a scoutiug party, and they found some forty Indians encamped ,' iu'ft, broken, roskylacos highly.capable of delonce. Leaving half his men with his baggage, he proceeded to the Indian camp, ' where ho found, them prepared for fight . His men wero keen for a fight, andn onoe '.' .' charged tho Indiaus, who broko iu, every di 1 rcction.. In . a . pursuit of si-v mifts, eight . , Indians were-killed, and. thrco tf the wbitos wore grazed by bullet's. 'Returning to tbe Indian camp,.;Chptaiu Ingrabam .destroyed ( leveral thousand. pounds of beef which the Jiidinas were-engaged in jerking when they r were discovered. ' IU then renewed the pur suit, and. after- keeping after them, for two days longer, .'wliSoutJurther results, gave it . v$ and returned .taiCuroLftgnn. .. several government' wagons near by, and fear iog an attack from, the escort they fled. The mau iir tn waon was also pretty severely wounded, but all of them got ' safely into tbe camp spoken of, and are now doing wM. A more gallant exploit is not to be found fn the history ,01 this country than that of tbe man who killed those Indiaus. tho Company's building on tbe corucr of C and Third sheets., is now in full opera ion 'The mill is" a small', compact' arrangement '. exactly fitts&4o do the custom work for the 5 fanners of the courrty , It has a single "run r til, the best French burrs, set so that the ' lower, stone . rotates. . Tho , old-fa&bioned .cooler is don (uvay.iwitUi by tho.Jntroduo i'tton of n, (current of atr between (be burrs and ibis is so orraged that the flour reaches tho bolt in a condition to puss it at exactly the right toruperature. Tbe mill is fittokl with ar- sinutter screens And all tbo appurte 'nances reojuisite o tbo produqtion Of as fine on article of flour .as .could be .asked' for ft 7.. j, thU add tiou'io tuo wonka. of. the Dalles L ', 'ha? been made 16; accommodate ii ii ml v local waiitj Jind lis fcwrjtifirs. if rlirhtlv, .'.,. . . - . , . ' , appreciated,. willi uv'i many.UQuaands of dollars (o this comajupity each .year. It i f an enterprise' jwblchrVcotnineuds itself), to the' patronage: of the arming public, an New Phoeiss" op1' iJisuLpncniTioN. D-. Ayer, whose family medicines are commonly supposed to have added several years to the average longevity of the human family, has turned Bis thoughts to tbe invention of a new process for tbe desulpburation of gold and silver-bearing ores. The labartttory tests, he says, were entirety satisfactory -but the fur nncei to try the theory ou a larger scale did not anstter expectation, Tbe reason assigned for tbe. failure, is that no arrangement was made for the automatic irarfiiling of the heated ores, and that in tropical climates the heat would be' tdo great to move them by hand. This appears to be a very lame, not to sny impotent ereiise for tile failure, for up in Owybce and BStse the automatic handling is not required. Professor Ayers says that wheu the working process for his new discovery is perfected it will be offered to the nlinlng pub lic for adoption. lit the meantime, the ex periments to secure a practical application of the idea is in the bauds, or under tbe control of Geu.' B.'.B. Butler, of New Orleans and NVir. folk notoriety. It appears, however, as if Gen. .Cutler does not intend to wait for the completion nf tbe automatic appliance, ns lbe invention has been published on this-(roast with a flourish of tf umpets. This rs not tbe first time that great merit has been attributed to some invention which utterly failed in practice to verify representations of the' in ventors o.' meet tbe expectations of' tbtnt-t por tion of tbo public interested in such matters. It is about time that the representations of charlatans at the East, were treated with a healthy degree of of" suspicion; It tfill be ruonovjji the-pockets of many if a reasonable degeof caution is used by them indorsing nw theories of mining inventions. Isaac F. Bioch, . 8an ir'rauclsco. 0. 8. Miu.m, BlO. gCHAWUACHIR, . Dallo;' Blocli, Miller &; Co. vhoLesale v 3h3EL O C ,E RSr . AND DKALKltS IN Winef & Liquors ' And Imptirturs nnd JobborB oM CLOTHING1 Boots & Slioes, IJiidci' Clotliiiig, vic.f etc., etc. WK U1VE AS ASSAY OKFICK IN CONXKCTIOH wtrli'our lrd8inois, muln-ttift entire nupervirtina of Mr. Slitter. Wo make returns in ltnrs in nix Ihiuta- VVo Kimrnntce hII uiif Attrnvn nnd pay tlie 111(1 II F.ST CASH I'ltlC;', fur llrirsi Wintsuiay tlie lliglieni Canli l'riot iur.Ooltt Dust. DL0C1I, MIU.KU C)j. injOtf Cor.'JIaln nnd WiiBliingt.m stunts, D.rtlts. WAGON & ClMlAGEi . '3XL.rJ:ii:itiiXu. . Indian Outuoij on Snakk liivitn Muiideh, A mau named Cox, while riding with his wife n a wagon, from,. Snake rircr towards Ruby City, was murdered" at a point on the road poken of as ."-tbo-Onfibn," by some Indians, supposed to be Snakes. The murder took place on .the 23lb of last month. Tim. w ife stated that they were attacked by three In dians, and a Mexican- !io. was.-oeM the place at the time, says that be saw two Indians. There were several teams in sight, nnd close by, and from tbis fact alone, was the woman's ife saved." A band of about forty Snakes had been seen a short time before in the neighbor- hood) and it is probable Ibat a small detach ment from them perpetrated the murder. It is while sluib scenes as ibcte are beings en acted, within thirty- miles nf the 'Owyhee mine, at tire same distance 'from Fort frftise, and on the greatest thoroughfare iu the moun tains, that the powers tbat lo are ordering. The troops in service in this department to be mustered out. Such outrages are retarding the development of the country to the east of us, aud in doing so, seriously Injuring the business of the commercial ceutres, tbe agri cultural districts, and, in short, nliV who have any connection with or dependence 'OH. the mining interests. The reduction of the niili- Tub GmsT Mill. The Dairies. Lambcr and 'tar, force tn this deWtmont should be ma tie Hanufacturiug.Couipany'stfeiw.'gfi'st mill, ntjitUB subject af n energetic remonstrance on rnMIK DALLK3 LUMUIilt AND MAUtAClUUl.NU J. COMPANY haa recently.ftttuclied u FLOURIN& 31 1 LI to their Steam Snli and Door Fnctory. In ttiis City, and are now prepared to CHOP VEKD, UltINi) M llEA't und CORN, mid warrant to (live the best -sal infliction. On hand ctmatantty mid for snhi FXTUA FAMILY ILOUlt, S1SC0NDS OH MIDW.INOS, J1UAN AND SIlOItT'- CHOP FEED, CIUCKKN FEKD. Also, & Superior nrtidu of COKJI' MEAt, from new Corn. The hlslicst market price paid for WHEAT. COltN nnd UAIII.KJ. XI. A. liuorjr,, Agenr. Diillcn, Kov. 2, 1865. nlitf. AUCTION SALE OF Splendid lTiirnitiire. ytHTK Wlt.ISKI.LTUB HOUSEHOLD FUUN1TU11K Vv of J. It. HobUinn, at Ids residence on the corner of Third and Washington Strcettj, on Kridayt November 3, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Cojislstrilit of Snlendiil Brussels Carpets. Sofas. Easy Mid ltockinit Chairs, Statuos, Mirrors Talilus. Curta ns, Co. ntces, Hooks. v ITfltvoi.;-i;iii-giass amii;iiiiin w.nre, tnrev liplcHaiu Cottage lieu itoom bees, uarpecs, d- aiuu, Din nir Koum nnu ivitcnen curiuiura. This lithe best chance e- er oil roil in llanos lofrtft nico Kurniture. ltcinember, FItlDAY NEXT, AT 10 O'CLOCK. PAIVE a CO., Auctioneers. GRAND OPENING 0F.T1IH ECLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, Alain Street, corner of Court This Evening, i IIT! UNDEKBlONfiD WOULD KESPECTFULLY-r cull llro alti'iiHonuMrll WAGON MAKERS To the Superior Stock of Now lirfitore and soon to nrrlre, which will beofTereitt to tlio trade on Liberal Terms. OAK, ASH AND HICKGRY PLANK, From 1, to S luchea. Finished and Unfinished Cak & Hickory - SPOKES, from 1 to 8 inches : ' OAK Sc ELM HUBS In lalrs.nnd Sola, from 5x0 to 14x10. HICKORY Su ASH RIMS, DUUQY, EXPUESS and SULKY SHAFTS, Flulsliod Midi. uunnisiieai UUOQY nnd EXPItESS POLhS, Finished and L,iiUiiishK HICKOIIY AXLES, all sixes; liUOU Y-, WAUON and KXPKE8S nOWSi ' OAK and IUCK0UY.SCANTL1NG. ; SAWKli FELLOE!?, tvutaVi to 3 inches! HliWIiU TONUUES fur lirur horse and ux-teams) SlNtlLHTriEES; . ' SiSCIt YOKES: LONU and SHOftT IIOUSDSf. PLOW llEA.MSand Hiiiidles, o.. Ac. TLe nliuve utiick wan ciu'eluily sett-dud In tho Knsterun StnteK, m et the demands of this trade. Orders lor any ol the kImivh articles, includiiiK VAQON- SKJiJ N8, 110XES, te., will be promptly attended to Ii. II, LAW. 5 Front Slreet, l'oi'(luul, oclBitf. . ' , Opposite O.S. N. Co.'s tt hurt S E LJLI IS-. G: O 1? Jt AT. COST, TO CLOSE BUSINESS I. the part of tbe civil authorities of the State. Since writing the above we learn by parlies wbo came down the river last night, tbat after Mr. Cox was shot, bis .wife whipped up the team and overtook two teams-xtbe Indians pursuing. '!. The teamsters had baroJy time to cut loose tbe teams, from their wagons when the Indian camp upon them. It was then u race for life to tRe crossing of Snake tiwf, The Indians pladderetHhe abandoned wagons of everything. which tbe; could carry ou. StKitirr liminV, of Granc-comnty, arrived by the Canyon City stage yesterday morning, at 2 o'clock, with the Urftnt couufy Peniten tiary dotegationrconslsting of four members, before BpoUr-n o in. this paper., Ha. -went dgaH-Iry9nr(rnyJmrning's bt (jJricasoKAL.'s-wOur iriehd . 'abd brother .typoi Lieut... Wm. IrT.nunq, shoftud Ms smiling countenance at ouc, stand "'yestercfSy." M pleased.' to see fniend Ilitnd looking so well mountain life hnd Indian Kzhttyg'tit nbne l. 3(rre trlr rr fllnr. . Clothiug ' . FuruiBhlng.uoous, -lkmn ft Caus, iiootn .& Ahoes, Uubber Ooodv lllaukets, AT, OLD MACK, TUB PIONEEll COOK, would respect fully Inform the public, that he has fitted up tlie above Chop House, and Is urepared to serve up MEALS and I.UNCII in tho best style and at the shortest notice. nlira 1 ' rr l'l'f ld T ....luV.a.l 'iu .1. .u.m.H hunt Rtvle aud on the mostj-easOnaMe terms. O-YSTEltb in evtry stjle. private Uoonis lor Jjirlles. "3SEJW: BALO.ON. NEW STONE STORE, WASHINGTON BTUEET. fDIIK UNDERSIGNED would rospeotruliy announce that lie will oncil a flrst-cloas Saloon In Freuell & Qiiman's'Nevr Stone UuildiiiK, THIS EVENING, and Is prepared to serve cuiteiners tin the best or Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ALSO, A" " ' ; ' ' 3218, -13 E JXJ N Oil Every day and Evening. .', i oc'28tf. ' JOHN RINDLAl'B, Watchmaker and Jeweler, , ' MAIN STREET, DALLES, ' ' " ' (nun booa io ibi abbav ornoi,) rSKAtKR IN FINK WATCHES, JEWELRY,' 1 CLOCKS. Gold Pens. Silver aud Plated Ware. IVatclies, Clocks, Jewelry, t. A-U Watches repajred bl Lie warranted fpr twelve montlu. .. N. B. All orders from the upper aountryr Vy Kxpros or otherwise, promptly attenueu lo. i auii-i' MOUNT HOOD SALQ.ON , , ..-,(. i ;t v.--', AND.- ' .. . .... UIX.LIA.ltr BOOM, P . M. HUNT, Proprietor, . CQBNEP. OF Blitlu and Court, Str.ooti apifl-tf ' ' .' .'; "; ' 1 ; Dalles, 0reir.ori4 DJ8ulun of Co-piuluerttlijp fflAKC NOTICE, that tbo partnership' heretofore' ex--1 litlrtu between T. If. Bnleer and 8. Lauber, auder the Drill imm of T. Hi BULUKU CO, In, thj butchering UK ON DEItSIGNED would respectfully liilorm tlielu I ......... .w .....l tl.u tmiain ut lurt-M. tliiLt lli.-V Will. couiiueuce to sell this day, their huge und liundaumo- Stuck of Dry (joooa, c - Fancy Uoods, Ladli-s' Shoes, ' Cbildreps bhoes, liats, ' Salem Cloths,. In order to retire. from.Muiimoa, llro above Stock mist i bjiold within Sixty Days, uud ST11IOTL.Y A.X COST: Allticnnns Indebted to the Aim will please call and.- settle .ihelr tills Imarediately, thereby saving all uuu. eessnrj ftiture trouble. C011.N BOUJI. llalles, oct. isoa... ocom . HOW 'jTO: HWiy MO'IiY t. M3r AT .IUC KKW Family Grocery, and Fruit Store,. CormJr of Wsshluxton and Second Streots. rflHE UNUKUSIQNEl) W1SILES TO INFORM TUIS." JL neouleaif tlie Dulles, aud ttie pnblic gouurnlly, tbat . he bos a larmeaaid well selected stuck of ITA-MIILlY . GROCERIES, CAJ,'IS, A'UrS, &c, Which lie wlll-ll Wholonle nnd Detail at Jtulucrd iVices fur CASH. Also,ciHistautlyonhaudtleCholccsl Article or FHKmL 11UTTKU and J-.UUB. A Is.., every, variety of FUU1TS and VEUETABLES ill their season. Persons from up the. couutry, wishinir nuuntitles of Vggs and Fruit, by sending ia tiielr ordexs, wilt Yecelvo . the strictest aiteuiiun, aim iiaveineumiieuat tne urxtil -Jlurtnt-l'riixl. ; Uvll-tf I . , ,. C, L. JEWELL. 1 JOSEPH ELFELT, WUOltfl.lLS JlHD BITAU BKAUB IX rancy, &!'Stae J)ry Goods, CLOTH INC., BOOTS AND SHOES JUATS ANO CAPS, AND intlenien'8 Furnishing Goods. Fireproof Stomt, Store, corner. of . lUaia and Court . 'Streets. x ' - - - ' ' v oc-t-tf . Administrator's Notice,' 'LAUUIILIN, deceased: Having Slid my account witli the Clerk of Waevo counfyr Notice Is hereby given that tho second day of the November term, i. n. 1805, hos.been npnointeiM tlie Court for hearfna oliloctlona. to such nnui account uud settlement thereof, . - - .. . u. u.ovuuu, Administrator. .. . . .. NOTICE.' BY .TIIB TERMS OF THE DiSSOLtTION OF TUB linn of T. II. UULOEU CO..T. H. BnTger is to pay all debts of the Arm. - . ' B LAUBKli, Lnnl J t, wAnnmi.1v STIfltntnAlt Ulisiness, nns uvea uisfloiveu... ,. J MesCltJ,Oc4- T. H. BULOKr; . , I vat:ea, uctuver a, iKHu ; l.u i. 1,1 a .mama, tIM. 1 Vi