VOL. . DALLKS, OBFGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1805. & riBLISIIEU EVERY MO MING, (MONDAYS KXCKPTKD,) BY, ,,' i:. G. COHRI3 & J. II ILI ORAX, BUIT0118 ANU PROHIimTOU?. TsiiHS I'loaUy-Avectnti per week, payable to the carrier per muntli, by mull, H; three months, $2W; til immiiIIh, to; uiiu year, in. Advertisements inserted at low rates. Job Printing:. ' Every description oT plain and fancy Job Printing exe tiKJd with ncutneei and despatch, and forwarded aa per ori'er to any part of the couutry. i'aymentjor Job Print iiig must lie made on delivery oj work. UMATILLA HOUSE, - DALLES, ORECON. II t!M2Y & SI.XOTT, Prop'rs. THIS POPULAR UOOSX, CtMRAUT LOCATED, , Hoar the Steamboat Landing & Bailroad Depot, Has beoti rocsiitly enlarged and Improved, and will now . tiL-couuiiodate ..,. . ; . . ,t , . .f0 0 GUENTS, 77T Wll.L m-:b(NDUCTKD ns heretofore, m FIRST J CI, ASS IIOUSG, Hinl the patronage of the traveling 'public in respectfully nulicite i. trf llappige takeu toUie Hoaefreofdharge, Uouae open nil night.- - - .- (LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES ( . Diiies, Oct.tr. ' '' ' ' :; EMPIRE .HOTEL, ' MAIS SHIEST, DAULU, 0RIO0N, TEIO.Uti SM ITU, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IS TUS OIXTRI OP BUMXBS8, '. Near tho Steamboat and Railroad landings Suporlor Accommodations for Families and can Ao ' soinmodiite One Iluwlred and Fifty Guests. . Meals... 60 cat. ' Lodging..... 60 cU, , Fire Proof Safe for doposltoof valuables. . Uouse open all night. Baggage taken to the TTousa froo ol cliarge. THOMAS SMITH, , mliS-tr ' - ' Proprietor. ; FAMILY GROCERY STORE! J " ' S. FRANK, ' 1 ; DEALEIt IN 1 FAMILY GllOOEBIfiS, TOBACCO AND SEGARS, ALSO' i . -. . FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, c, c. . And every article usually fouad In a First-class , ' Xumlly Grocery Store. MR. FRANK haajuat received from below an entire new stock of ! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, which he will sell at low rates for 'cash. Heads of fam ily and others are invited to call and examine his stock. 49- Goods delivered in auy part of the city Iree or charge t GREENBACKS TAKEN AT TS CENTS. , . S. FRANK, Main street Jy30:tf. A few doors below the Post Office i FURNITURE ! FURNlfURE DIERLAJI &, WENTZ, . -tfKNITtfe,. CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS y.-""lfi Dalles Olty, have on hand a variety ; Household Furniture, ' embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus Beds and Bedsteads. BeddlDg, Carpets - etc., etc., all of which will be sold at low rates. Furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, on hand Mattresses and Pillows. Spring Beds made to urder. aula WM. MOABDS. - 0. B. KOtGHL. WIUI. MOABUS &co., - ; O I T-"V . BAKERY, TROVISION STORE, ' ' Corner of First and B Streets. ' WHOLESALE AND KKTAIL DKAl.KltS In BREAD, CRACKERSand Family GROCERIES.. ejfx.Ordere from a distance careful ly filled and promptly dlipatched. - 1-tf MEDICAL CARD. , A. r.STErilESSOIff, M. D.. : ' wf ESPECTFCLLT tenders his professional services In ' I.V the several branches of medical practice, to the cltltens of Dalles and vicinity. Particular attention will ' be paid to female diseases.. Chronic diseases of whatever type or grade, will receive prompt and efficient treat .' went. Ofltce, adjoining Wahlron's Drug Store. noMtf BOOKST BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.. ! . tHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, ' to Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, 11. NnVKIJI. MAOA7.1NKS. PAPERS. I Am Am h avarv fttMm.f. Poat-Office BookstorevMaln street, Dallesi ' 1 nT-tf - H. J. tfALDRO k 00, ..v.-.,,.-...... JL. O. STEItiUS, : ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law v --AND I y TSOTAItV PUBLIC. I : It OFFICE On corner of Washington and Mala streets, .flanyon Olty, Grant County. Oregon. . , . , ap'jOtt ' KEUB OF SALT SALMON, lOOjbt each J.JT For sale by laoitttij t. LIEBE. Oregon Stciira Navigation Co. FALL ARrt ANCEMENT. Hx :JISkA On and after September 9!, until further notice, - . ' Tlie PsiHScnger Train, , ; teceunect-with steamers FOR UMATILLA & WALL TJLA Wlli start from the R. R. DUl'OT DALLES CITY, DAILY (Sundays excepted,) at 4-30 A. Al. The Steamer Oaeonta, (.'apt. J, McNULTY, will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sundays ex cepted) at ft o'clock, A. aw oiinuctiii by the CASCADE K4.II.ROAD, withthe steamer OASCABM, Capt. J. Woif, A ' Portland. . ... FRANK T. DOIHJli, Dalles. Sept. 'A Wt. 8op-2a Agent 0. . N. Co. DALLES & UmOS CITY SI Alii JmCO M P A N Yf : . i Are now rnnntng their line of . , ,.; COiVOOlt 1 STAGES : :. BETWEEN . , . DAL L1C!S &; CANYON CITY By way of ' . Todd's Bridge, Cross Hollows, Bridge Creek, Alkali Flat, Camp Watson, Rook Creek, Cottonwood and John Day's River, tri-weekly. , , CARRYING ' WB01.3, FARQO & CO' S EXPRESS. Leaving Dalles and Canyon City every Tuesl y and Friday morning. Through In two days. ;' .. JAS. A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles oSce At Wells, Fargo t Co.'s, Dalles. ' N. 0. MAY1IEW, Agent. Dalles, April 25th, 1865. 1 ap2Stf FOilUOISE MIAiliS DIRECT., WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE OF ' CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING ', THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS .. AND . - ' Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, 1 Is now making Regular Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Uoise Mines.) Through In Two and a naif Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, aujt tb Boats of the 0. S. N. Company. ,.m-;.- . . GEO. f. THOMAS A CO., ap27-tf Proprietor BLACK FOOT UXFUUSS. D WIGHT & BACON, Proprietors. frUIK PUBLIC ARB HEREBY INFORMED that we JL have concluded arrangements for the transaction of Express Business TO AND FROM - - , THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY! and have commenced maklr.g regular trips from WALLA WALLA, via Lewlston, to VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, 0PH1R 4 BLACK FOOT CITY. All butlness entrusted tb us will be attended to with promptneas nd dispatch. 9- Particular attention paid to COLLECTIONS. Will leave on their second trip, starting from Walla Walla, October 3d; Lewlston, October 6th. eeH-gsn JACKSON SALOON 1 CORNER COURT AND SECOND. STREETS, DALLAS. OBEOUN. i TIIE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates New J3ullIinj, i Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best ',.' Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ' ALSO, A . Free Lunch ! V 1 1 Every day and evening. ANTON LADER Y EMIL, SCHUTZ, deo2-lf , i t '-Proprietors. .. And all kinds of Machinery 1 " ' ' Manufactured at the " ; OREGON IRON WORKS , . CORNER OF MORRISON and JTH streets, : PORTLAND. ' v H ' . ; C ' ' oibbs ft co., -, . ; I Portland, Deo. 8th '04. ' deotf X. L. Jonia k Co. ' ' OIK. I WALLACE, PtiYUl ClAN & ' $ if HOE OA ... ' 0PP10I, ," . ' ' Near Gates A ChnplnV Drag Store, '2 ' MAIN STREET. DALLE8. aplllt . COLUMBIA ' BREWERY, LirDTIG& SCII AIVIVO, Props.; . '''DA LLK8, ORBOON. I . UIGhEST. PRICE PAID FOR BARLEY. auafcti. 1 a: m n c u Ac a 1 l n a " "' IIIPOttTIM A!tD WHOUMALl ' ' ' " Dealers in Wines, Liquors ' GROCERIES, , Slluers' Goods, Boat Stores, &c, '"' ' BATOIIHOYMIMNIIUl '. ' ' " ' N t W S TO NE 'BUILDING,' oowiaor .v n,i; -Second and Washington Streets, f DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORE A LARGE AND COMPLETK AS sortmcut of the very best brands of . WINES AND LIQUORS Also, it full assortment of ' GROCERIES & STABLE GOODS. 4V Constantly recelvtng our supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly correct and prompt method ol doing business, they will roceive the patronage cf the pub lie. 1 . selO-tf EHtubllahetl 185?. Baldwin' bro., ':' ' DEALERS IN ' ' ' ' . . ...': ; CORNER 01 , . "; Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.O.BALDWIN mh21-tf F.W.BALDWIN. GROCERY, PRPVISIOI9, ' w... AND ..i i..t. . TTTiTJlT STORE, : Waslilniiton Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles. . lias on hand a large aud we.ll-aasorted stock of i GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, . Fresh U litter & Eggs, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. . FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. Allarttclos warrauted. . . Give Me a Call, Everybody I PRICKS LOW. aul8:tf F. ltebB. ; COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A.. R.BO OTII, . i t; . WHITE BLUFFS, W. I.,.:. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, . . .. ! . AND OENIRAl DIALS IM , I MERCHANDISE ! AMD : MINE RSP 81) P P LIES. FACE AND SADDLE HOR3E3 70S SALE. PREIOUTS CONSIGNFD to my care for Colvtlle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re celve prompt attention. White Bluffs. Oct. 1st, 1864. ' ' oci tf E. r. FITZGE RA L l) MAUI IN ' ' ' H Aii K D W A. R E; . Irou u iid Steel. . , , . , Metrf Dueription o . ... Miners' and mechanics' Tools, " AND ' ' ' , . Enxmingf Implement!.' HUP CHANDLERY, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, . ' , v ' Crockery and Glasswai . ' ; ' " . ' B. P. FITZGERALD, '. flO.tr Dallfj, Oregon GATES te X U XH I JLTlT, ,,, .. , DALLES, ORKGOS, . : AITORJKBIS ANd C01INSEL0BS AT IAW, AND ' HOLICITOUS in OHANCKRy', WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY AND WITH F1DKL Ity, to all business entrusted to their care. Par ticular attention paid to collection of Claims, Convey anciug, Ac- Will be, da-ing all business hours, In atten dance at their Office, ever Dehm's Jewelry Store, , . MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGON. N.H. Gates. f ne-ju-tf 1 , . 0. TTotmil AUCTION ! HAVING LEASED the place on Second Street, for merly occupied by II. Oliver, as a Grocery and Storage Store, we have removed, and will have our Reg ular Sales there on : . -, , . ; , , . , . , Tuesday and Saturday, at 10 a.m .1 V"'. . i Goods received on ' :ir, ', :a I Commission and Storage for Forwarding. Jelifctf PAYNE k Co., Auctioneers. ; r. Washington Wagon Road.. . rrUIH UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM THE J Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Portland and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades Is well being kept in good traveling order for wagons and stock. B.C. HARDY, i Dalles Jan. 11th 186S. lanlltf Bole Proprietor-' W. D BIGELOW, Recelvlna;. Storing. Forwarding; Commission Merchant ! ' Advances made eh CGnslgnmcntg. ! MAIN BTREET, Opposite the Umatilla House. ' A CARD FOR THE Fall & Winter Clothing: Trade , ... . OF SAAI FRANCISCO. BADGER & LINDENBERGER, . No. 411, 413 and 418 Battery Street, Oor. Merchsut, Haa Francisco, Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTIRE NE W AND FRESH STOCK WB WOULD CALL ATTENTION or Country Mer chants to our Heually large stuck of Uuods. Our stock comprises every article In u.e Clothing end Fur nishing line. We have constantly on hand Hie largest and greatest variety of Casalmore and Wool H ATS ol any- nouHe in Kau Francisco, and our prl. es for these Good, are less than those, of any bouse,; a we receive them direct from the manufacturer's consignment Our . stock ot summer and Fall Goups Is particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the couutry merchant Is-tlie uuusuauy low prices. . ' Less Than the Cost of Importation) We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Ooods line, which Goods we have purchased in this market un der the hammer, and are offering them at New Xwk vobi, anu less. J , j : i . We publish this card In order that we may make new acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased ol u, to call and examine our stock. . Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who jiurchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of uf can make a good profit, and sell to their customers at. a low figure. ,We . ! i Your Obedient servants, i ' . : . BADUliR k LINDENBERGER, . i. !. Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehuuvd, ' , Noa. ill, 413 and 416 Battery street, wu rii.uui.uu, April i, aouo, Jeu-omw, 110! FOR THE SUMMUtt liOUSE! SEl;; BEACH, fMU8 DELIGHTFUL aNU CELbBRATED 8UMMER JL Resort, situated on Clatsop Plains, a short distance from the Ocean, Is now re-opened aud ready to receive guests. 'ibis resort possesses attractions unsurpsssed on the Pacllic Coast. It lias a spleudid beach lor riding, walk ing and bathing; beautilul scei.ery aud surrouudingt; berries of all kinds abound; a beautiful trout stream audabundance of game. 'THE TABLE .i . ' Is constantly supplied with salt and Irish water flah clam, aad crabs, elk, bear and feathered game, and the freshest of couutry produce. The climate la selubrious This Hotel offers every thing that could be desired for the comfort of guests, both well and sick. .... " ' The Proprietors respectfully itak the Health and Pleas ure Seeking Pubtie lor paitronage, that they may enabled to make the " Summer House " a perinraent In stltutiou ol the country. . LOWELL K1PPEN. May th, 1806. , , i myBtf t SELLING OFF AT COST! - My entire stock of, . v;.. 1 ; ;. . STOVES AAD T1IV WARE, ' r u :u. . : al8o, 'i r. TINMAN'H TOOLS. rfflllE WHOLE embracing a flrto stock, ever" article JL of which will be sold at COST, as I desire to close out busineesV, Also, one GRAND PIANO, in good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Vecond Btieet, next to the corner of Washington. The House Is two stories, with a basement, and is well adapted to the hotel bualneas. Also a lot of DKDDl.N'G, comprising about twenty ve Beds. The whole will be closed out cheep. For further particulars apply on the promises. au:3m ALllEUT BEYTINOEN. NUW FUI IT, UltOCUIfcY , j..! , ; , ' AND -I PROVISION STORE rpnB UNDERSIGNED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and X the public generally, that he has Just established on Main street, next door to 1, Juer, Tobacconist, , ' A NEW STQRE! ' where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment ol selected FRUIT. Also, In store a complete stock ofcholte euOCSRHiS, PROVISIONS, VKaKTAULES, etc. , All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at HE! DUCED PRICES. Come and see and satisfy youraellf - . "13-tf JOHN Bl'OSITO. , LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Washington and Front Streets, , PORTLAND, OREOON. , I7IIRST-CLAB8 HOTEL. LARGEST IN THE STATE. " Charges Reasonable. AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Pauengers and their baggage to the House Free of Charge, or to any other House in the Ciry for 60 cents. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. ' P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATHS In the Honte. -. All the Steamers for Oregon City, Vancouver, Monti cello and Astoria land at tho Lincolu Douse Wharf. sepl:3m ... . . , . ii. i. sh:iiilaso ::!..'- ''.'DENTIST, HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE 0PPO- , site Bloch, Miller Co, where b j prcperra to uo ail Kinus 01 DENTAL WORK. In a skillful and well flnlshid manner. TEETH Usertec from one to an entire set. on Gold or Rubbor Plate. Prices range for Rubber Plate, from tii to tsi ; Tot Oold Plate, from $7U.$I2S. . v, M-Persons having work done by me not proving sal Ishctory will not be required to receive or pay for th "" , . . ,- an!3,ti 13 It. U. STEELEj XPTJNO AB8I8TANT SURGEON, Vi S.iA. 'l ornoiAT , , WALDRON eft BROS ' DRU& oQ TORI)