122 bJisautilm lailu Mountahurr. Land Spkoulation -in 1836. The rapid change-iu the -vuktu of land? 'and the growth of the 'country is il lustrated by an occurrence which bus been the occasion ol a groat luw suit at the Great. West. In 1835, Ilenry Seymour, father of ox Governor Sey mour, of New Yor-k , advanced $5,000 'to ono Jeremiah Price, with which ho 'was to buy lands in Illinois, Indiana and Ohio, aud the then Territories of Michigan and Wisconsin. Tbo lands purchased were to bo sold in five years ifrom the end of May, 1835, und out of the, profits ot the i.uraiiune and sale, after charging to the investment the taxes and otuer charges, if any, to gether with sevon per cent, interest on the investment, there was to be paid to Price one-half of the eamo, whioh one-half the profits were to bo in full of his services and expenses ot overy kind, in making the rxplora tions and Bean-.bes for the lauds, etc. It was understood by the agreement that the purchases were to be -made during the year 1835, and that no payment for services or expenses were to bo made by Seymour except from the profits, from the sale of -lands. It was however too ourly for such rapid fortunes as we have mien in l he wo lnt ter dayB, arid io . J840 prices of real estate would not wtVrrunt the salo ex cept at u loss. Frioe however, con tinued to pay the tuxes and act as agent until his death in 18547"At his death tho administrator , obtaitied a powef of attorney, sold sixty or sev. enty thousand dollars worth of tbo land, und commenceHuit against the -hoirs ot Ilenry Seymour, deceased, -according to the terms of tbo con tract. The result was a transfer of nearly two hundred thousand dollars from the heira of Seymour to thoso of Price. A Richmond paper Bays :" Wero the people of the oorth as anxious to supply the whole people ot toe South with ploughs, seed, horses, mules, carta, etc, as thoy are to furnieh them with choico liquors, the wuil of povorty would soon cease to go up In nearly one.half of this city inlox . icatin liquors are sold, and thoro are at leant twonty -five wholesale estab lishments in the same compass; yet there are in the same limits but two seed aud implement stores. This is not intended for a temperance lec ture, bat to show what the South neod to bring her out of trouble. She don't want the cup, but the plough and the anvil. " Didn't "Maintain IIis Compos ure." The following story is told io a San Francisco paper of u seono oc casioned by tho lalo severe earthquake . there i At one ot the churches, when the first shock came, many poople got up to leave, when the minister, thinking it was all over, raised his hands and solemnly ejaculated : " Maintain your 'composure, brethren, God will protect you on land ana sea. At tbat in etant, however, the second " double And twister camo, and the Ho v. gen tleman ejaculated : " My Lord 1" clear ed the pulpit at one bound und was 'among the first of tho flock out of the fold. Baltimore has expended $9,000,000 on nor Druid Jim rark. Troperty in the vicinity of the Park has increased in value 100 per cent, in nine years Tri house "of T. M. Hines, at Forest Grove, wag'destroyed by fire on the evening of; the 27th of October. ' ' Tub Irishmen of Walla Walla are about to organUe a Circle of the Fenian Brotherhood. THEtlTV TKADB. ' Dalim, November 1, J806. We have nothing new to note during the reek, but the continue I uoavity'lri the trade for ibe supply of the John Diiy mines. TUe arrival of freights from below1 hove been very small. Our quota ions below are cor iec ed to-date: , FLOUa. Standard, plain, (10; seli-rlslng, $12: country brands. $S.6u(&l. Bacon-. Slues, 34c j lliima, 8-.'c. liKA.u Uayus,'Uo piuk nud red. 6c. Butts. Isthmus, 44e; uregou, 36c. . Cokn Meal. ureguu, 7e. Cusss. California, iuc. Currim. Rio, ic j Cosiu Kicn. c ! Java. 32c. SuoAa. sandwich Island, x&tfa i . Jt, refined; 10(: powdered, '21c; orusurd, in lib s . Ijc. TiiAi Comet, Ujc; Pjw u.ui:g, mjc; Japan,' 85oj Uaakel, $1 ; imperial anil gniipoaoVr. i0i'4$l. Bvnur. E. a., in 6 g I. kegs, il; 6. V., in 6 gal, kegs, 1 06. Dkied Fruit. Eastern apples, luo; Oregon app eg, 14c; Calih ruia peaches, ieV. Canslks. Kuapp'a, 27c j limit's, l!7c; Ijncry's, liSc. LmuuRa. Monougaliola, t(u.$l; cuuiuiuu wbl'klos, Aiuericin brandies . ifclj mixed, $1. -1AKI. J. . 11. brand, Nails. $ keg, ts tlfeiu. Soap. t'.i-lllti, 21o; utiilurala brands, $2 60 box; Hlggim', $i 6U. DRuas and cui hicau. Sulphate Copper, Bait retr, Sal Soda, Sulphur, , livi ax, Boiled Linseed, Cast.ir Oil, Lurd Oii, Noats Foot, Kerosene, lurpomine, Spts., Alculiol, Polar Oil, 18c Sulp. Ac, - i'-c SD Is it Ao., Ml 6 Mur. Ac, 40 11 Our. Ac, Jl 00 So lartar. Ac, 1 26 PAINTS ANu OILS. fciou Jeaeltt's Lead, 18c Atlantic Lead, 18 Jtiugowooii Lead, 14 ri'eMiriaii ri.t a Vermillion, . 40 1'iusa. iilu,. . CO Lubricating Oil, $3 00 4 60 3(H) 1 60 1 vo 1 76 4 00 luo SPRING m SUMiViR GOODS, DUSUSISSiUfc aV beios., Dalle and Walls Wallw. DXALISUS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods MinerN' Outfits, Itools and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Groceries, And aull assortment ot General Merchandise. Duyin. our Ooods exclusively In the San Francisco market, ani makiBg none but cash purchases, we are euabljd to sell 20 per cent, cheaper thau any orlier House at tiie Dalles ml-tf DUSKNUKRY A BROS.. llallej and Walla Walla. F. VYCJMAJN, MAS KKMOVED 1118 BOOT AND SHOE BTOUK to the building on Main street, nearly opposite M(il)' Hull, where be lias Just reneived. direct froui San Francisco, an un usually nne and well lelected stock of UOOT8 AND SHOES, of the very best quality and latest styles EVER BROUCHT TOTHIS MARKET. Including the celebrated KNX11J811 HUNTING 8IIOK niauulactiireil by Uonkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Children's Gaiters, Or the latest Styles. Just received from tha wi pi.ii. adelphla uiukors. Also, a very large assortmeni, of FINE DRESS BOOTS. aYjv-Gentlenieu who nreler to fiave rlielr Hoots nr Sluu.. made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat und eas) c. n 1C1V.UAA. Mu street. aelB-tf Opposite Moody's Iiu.ll. SELLING Oil' AT COST! M. Wunsch sfc Co., WILL CLOSB OUT T1IKIH STOl OF WERC1IAN DISK, at their place of business, at the Dalles, lu order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Dry Goods, Clothing, Bouts, Hats AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE, ' All which will he sold at COST, for CA.-UI nl. ' All who know liiemselves Indebted to our Arm at the Dalles will please call ami settle as soon as possible. These who have been airomniiHlated wa irust will not delay us unnecessarily, hut be prompt in squaring up ao iiiiits. Hull iimi una ... .1 ,i iV i " r J?. .A. '"J 1 Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, ( 0( ORI), nUGG ' AND I STAGE II A II NESS Saddles, Bridles, Whips. A genoral assortment of - Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. O Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. 1'. A. UAKU, Jeilltf Main Street, fronting Vanliington, Dalles. EMUtl l-AM) FOVrVDllV AND MACHINE SHOP, . rillST STltliKT, between Yamhill and Morrison. ril..m I'nulii.a , olfrom4to4li horse- &i&K&t' power.tither P.aUiblcor JWi'iir aW"JVA- U.-.l 4 1.... rfllll A'J. . Jl.li. nn i ii "saw mii is SrV rSk--iV.!52t..? COMl'LETK, const antly (: fc&i lASXf' ou hand. Also, IMy Pros- lf U-f -- e..f all.lr.ei; Planing mMVf Machine,! Woodworth'a 4 nattern.) Wrought and 9Z":.jy,!H: iViSSKi? 1 Cant Irou work for Ver- tlcal Sawflcd Glint nitllH; Uratts and Iron Costing! ana ... WROUGHT IRON WORK of overy description. I am also prepared to rnrntsh Quarts Mllla oomplete, of the Latest & moat Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwanlod to any part of the mines as I lie weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Uorss roweri a Agricultural implements manufactured to order at the very "I.OWKST CASH PHICB in. B. rarticuior attention paid to linrAius.ioaMi SIGNS ! SIGNS ! )SIGNS ! O. S. SAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS WINDOWGLASS. VARNISIIES, Colors. Putty, Brushes, Olne, etc. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. p. craig, ; WHOLESALI AMD RBTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATKNT MKD1C1NK3. Ac. fl-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! aull-tf M. WU.N8CII CO. STOLEN I IROM TUB RANCH OP TROWBRIDGE WILSON, . near Canyon City, one ROAN 110 USB, branded on lie left blp thus i UV (the letters Joined); also, a dim . brand ou tha left shoulder, thnsi 8; white stripe In tha face, running down on ona side of the nose. Also, one HOAN UOKSK, with brand on tha left bin thus: j, and .X diamond brand on tha left shoulder, with very little white on tha forehead. Any one giving any Information of the whereabouts of said horses will bo liberally ra twarded by the subscribe ts. ,H7w . TROWBMDOa VTOSON. BY TIHTUK OK AN KXKCUTION TO MS Di rected, issued out of the Circuit 'Court fir Waicu County, Oregon, iu favor ot F. A. Hake, au . against Jas. 11. Neyce, 1 have this day levied upun the following ie scribed Heal tsiate, situated luJ)alles City, Wasco County, Oregon, to-w it: Loflwo ). in block two (i), lots two (2), three (a), four (4), Ave 16), six (8), seven i7j! eight (8) aud nine (V), In block fire (6); lots three ) lour (4), Ave (6). six () and seveu (), in block eight (8i In Ne.vce A Uibsou's addition to Dalles City) eaat one half (14) of lot two, t2), in block f.mr (4), in Laughliu's additiou to Dalies City; an nudivlded oue-fourtli (J-i) iir torest In lota one (1) and two 2), iu block two (J), In Dalles City. 1 will proceed lu aa-li the same, In front of the Court Uousodoor, In Wasco county, male of Oregon, at puuiic auction, to the h irhent li , lil.r. lulwiHI, Hi. x-m t.uJ 0! 9 'olo,;K a. M., and 4 o'clock, r. M., ou BATU R- I'J 7W . , . v Ul IWIfiJIUbK, lOOO, w saiisiVtUx I Ilia nlMiva nvMitil.... nm......!.... oi, .1 11. - - -- ...... uui..uiiiiii w wu u 1 mi b, unit, li and 41-100 cosu of action and accrulug costs, with in terest from the 30th day of June, 1806. CUARLUS WHITK, , . Bheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. By R. W. CaANDALL, Depnty Sheriff. Dalles City, I wt-iber 13th. 180o. oc2fi-4w D. JLOi llli'JL l , A-XXORNEY A.X LAW, BANKOOK Cm, Idaho Territorr. ' 49 Particular attention paid to Collecting Debts. IllOT0GRAI'III LIKENESSES. PARTIES WISIIINO PUOTOQRAI'UIO LIKENESS ES taken, will oblige by culling soon, as I go to Au,t""uortlr- WWIKK IIOLTZ, I ""' Second Street. HuiBT Mahih. J.M. MuEpnr. MABTiN XJRrIIYi Attorneys-at-Law. OFHCKS Idaho City, DeUe ConntT.I. T.J Ruby City Owyhee Ooonty, I. T. aplo-tf WHOLZSAU AMD RBTAIL DRUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets DALLES, OREGON. - C3 LEMON is able to supply parties in want of Draira, Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every otuer article enumerated witn tna WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. T Physicians and Merchants Intending to purohase ror tiie Mines, win ao wen to give nim a can. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. ' S. LEMON. ap.8:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. Til li, i: It & ., (successors to BO.tsiu, a rnixra,) WB0LB8ALI AMD BBTAIl DBALBBS IN Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Irou Brazier's Copper, Lead Pipe, Copper, ' Force & Lift Pumps, Zinc, Brass & Iron Ware Leutl JPlpe, Sco., Sco. aT- JOB WORK, In all Us branches, attended to liort notico. MAIN BTREUT, Dalles, oppraite Bloch Miller A Co, aplO-tl DAILY MOUNTAlNEEB POWER I'IM'JKH BOOK & JOB PF.SNT1N8 CFFICE. first Street, between Main and B DALLES i OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. Ir-A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the verv best, and AT BATES AS 'CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to OBDra: Cards and IS i 1 I-B3 fad. CfrECKS, DRAFTS, XECEWTS, P0STEUS AND PK0GRAM31E& FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. rtc, rfc, li-c, rtllMTED IM THS KOST ATTHACT1VB IISJIl. ALSO, WAl-OilLLS. HILLS OF FA BE, LETTJiJi HEADS, HUVXWT BOOKS. UULS LADlXe, Ifricls and FainpSilels, TISITISCf, WEDDING AND AT HOME" CARDS 1 ' IiU't)rvitt Ltvbel, In short, everything that can be done In a Book and 3h Printing Offlce, from the smallest mid m'ost delicate Card or Circular, to the largest sise and most showy VostVnic Dill and which will be turned out in a style that cauuot fail to.insure entire satisfaction. OUR FACILITIES fOB ifiE IXECUT10M OF JECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints, Sucli as Fancy Posting Bills I From a single Sheet to the Largest Muiiimoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS. J'URt'CJIERS' LABELS. At Aiv unsurpassed by those ol any uther estublisiiutent lu Oregon. We devote special attention to thlBbrani-h of the buHinena, nud are continually adding to our already extcn sive aud well apiioiuted assortment ol luaterinl. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. " d!c., etc., tc Of the most modern nud elaborate designs. Our stock o. FANCY INKS. TINTS, AC, Are of the finest aualltv, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which business is nsaeo iur mis es tablishment is, that persons will com-ult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office iu which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit all iu want of aood l'l Intuitu at very reasonable charges, to call and eiau.lue specimens, ami Judge for yourselves. . Orders from the Upper rountry Will have our special care, and friends from the interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as w HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED bORDON POWtR PRESS In the State of Oregon ! Address i MOUNTAINEER OFFIClS ml8-tf ' Dalles. Oregon. MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND HILLIA.KI ROOM, F. M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER Of Main and Court Street, . ap21-tf ' '' Salle, Oregon. Hard. Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AMD WAGON MJER'AIS WH BKQ TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Man uracturers and Dealers to the Large and Com plete assortment of CAlllllAOK and WAUIIX 1IATEKI AL8 we are constantly receiving iriim tho raft, i-pecially selected lor the California nuuket. computing, Oak, Hickory, and Second Orowth Ash 1'liuiK, nicKuiy axies, agon I'ol. H. Hubs, Hpokos, Kellois, Kim', ehaits, Ac. Ac. which we oiler at the lowest Cash I'l irrs. 43- urders addressed to our bouse will receive promp attention. N. W. LU AliU LO Jel6:i)m. . 29 A 31 Battery Btieet, tna Muucisco, and 17 A It) Seventh street bacrnuientu. - 0. Wathhboose, . U. W. Hragq A Co., J.W.Lesiot can rrauctsco. - Sacramento. new ms - o. w. Amu B. D. DALLAM. 0. V. AUME8. ARMES & DAULAM, Importers and Jobbers ol WOOD ANO WILLOW WARE, BRUSHES, TYYINKs, CORDAGE. Ao. , And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 A 219 Saoramento Street, between Front and Davis, Ban Uraucisco. oolliomdaw. H". TILLMAN, soli auist in CAuroimiA roa TliLTON & McFARLAND'S j Fire & Uurglar l'rool' ball's. STEEL-LINED VAULTS, WITH Combination Lock. star-Constantly on hand a full assortment of If A PES. 318'BAT'i'i.iiy b'llthKT, jy6-6m ' can t rauclsco. UlMHOlution Auticc. TUB CO-PARTNKR8I11P heietofi.ra existing be tweenOUO. II. RAS1SKY A B. YAUr.H.in the bot tling and saloon business, is this day disnilveii by mutu al consent. Geo. II, Ramsey having disputed ol his Inter eat to Mr. VYm. llartuian, who will continue tho busi ness under the firm and name of llmtniau A Yager, 'thankful for past favors, they would link a cuntiuuanca ol patronage from old customers and irleuds. All bills against the fir . ot Ranmey Co., and all bills due said firm, will bo settled by ilartoiau A Yager. oct.l2:4w. U. H. BILL. A. i KAMI. HILL & K ANE, WaOLISALI AND RETAIL D1ALIH8 IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BTORAGK AND FORWARDING. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attentka Ileferenoea t PORTLAND. DALLU. H. W. Corbet, Robbins A Co.. ' Richards A McCracken, W. O. Moody k Co4 H. Law, O. Uumason. Umatilla Landing, Sept. flth,1883. TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN t FEED! FEED!! OF ALL KINDS, for Sale In lots to suit, by " ' ' i Hi' i . B.lI.LAW, ii', 2t Front Street, Portland, . ocl8;tf. Opposite 0. B. N. WarehoDHA