TIIUKSDAI MOUNl.Nft, NOV. 2, is5. 'Highly Original At the last Stale Fair, the Umatilla Indians took the- premium for the best exhibit of certain articles of garden produce. Having the advantage of a fine climate, favorable soil, and the superintend ence of Major Bnrahart, the agent, a gentle man of very considerable intelligence, they, of course, could produce just as fine garden stuff as if the planting and working of their gardens bad been done by white men. In fact, the Willamette Valley cannot compare with the Umatilla Reservation in such pro ductions at all, as tbe damp climate of the ' former place cannot be obviated by human sklU f and it would be safe lo bet on old 11 Five Crows" beating Cincinnatus or Gen. Wash ington, if the two latter gentlemen were liv ing in tbe Willamette, in this special depart ment of farming. But tbe Portland corres pondent of the San Francisco Bulletin does not appear to take this view of tbe matter, but leaves H to be Inferred that the superi ority of tbe Indians' "garden truck" is io be attributed to their superior intelligence. Be also takes the grouud that tbe Indians have not bad sufficient praise bestowed upon them by tbe press for their creditable skill and in dustry, because they have not the electoral right. He further tbioks that unless a par tlcular race has tbe right of suffrage, the press will not "puff" them at all. The very astute correspondent Appears to forget that we have some Africans on this continent, and that a considerable portion of the press is specially devot d to proving their superiority over our mieiruided Southern brethren, and their equality with the white people of the North. Tbe fact of it is, that Tbe Judge wanted to show that be was a friend of humanity, With out regard to color, and like all apostates from monarchical ideas, be overdid his part Five years ago tbe negro or Indian received about as musb sympathy from Tbe Judge as a stray yellow cur dog In tbe street, but with time's changes, be bas changed. He has abandoned lb idea tbnl tbe Southrons are of Nurman descent, and consequently all nobles, aud tbe Northerners ail Saxons, and consequently serfs. Fie litis cb.at.geil bis mind in regard to bis pet theory about tbe proper business of the Southrons being to direct this Government, aad the proper position of the Yankee or iloosier to yield obedience to bis chivalrous masters. Iu ordrr to come to such conclusions it has not been necessary to subjugate The Judge very much. It only re quired the threat of legislating him out of . office to effect lbi sudden change in bim similar pressure even at smaller one weuld induse bim. to- write letters to the Bulletin taking exactly the opposite ground to that containing the defence of the poor Iudian Tonmilino at Owvheh. The idea of tunnel ing tbe War Eagle Mount tin and Qold Moun tain at Owyhee, t the greatest possible depth, finds mtrch favor among tbe miners - Tbere are two principal enterprises of this character in War Eagle mountain. The Astor Tunnel is one of them. Starting in on the east side of the mountairj'it is intended to run it a distance of one and three-fourths of a mile to tbe east bppTi of Jordan creek. Its greatest depth wi'os fourteen hundred feet. Start . ing on tbe same Bide, and running nearly parallel to the Astor, is the Everett Tunnel about one-fourth of a mile south. Iu Gold Mouutaio, four tunnels bare been started on. the same principle1 of mining as that applied to the War Eagle.', The names aro tbe Girard. Lancaster, Baltimore an ' Providence. These tunnel companies are en titled to five hundred feet each way of all tb lodes they may cross that bave not yet bee dlaooered end claimed. Raob 6vb tbs Wasco Coorsb. A race will be run over the Wasco County Course on the Lltb of November, between Ward' brown horse and- Payne's roan gelding i ingle aasD or two miles, lor. $D0O a- sid This race promises to be a- very interesting . event, nod gentlemen of (porting- proclivities will find an opportunity to make soma pretty large investments on tbe occasion.. Gaftau John Murphy, of Ruby City, had kit leg brok. near that plaoe, few day Inetyb till bona stumbling, ud. falling on Pbinoiplb Against Policy. Tbe Stale Rightt Democrat addresses its Democratic readers, in its issue of the 28th of October, on tbe propriety of dropping the' expediency dodge," and reverting to principle as the basis of future party action. Tbe Democrat shows Very conclusively ibe great impropriety committed by the party In rubbing Oeneral McClellan on tbe Democratic platform and s letter of acceptance at the same time. It plainly Bbows that the two-fared policy bas to be dropped or the party will die. That urbal is, above all, opposed to making nom inations from among tbe officers of tbe army bo have lately been down. South whipping the right wing of the Democratic party. Taken altogether, this is very good advice to the arty ; but there is something else needed to restore the savor of sweetness to K, and that is just a little abatement of tbe ran corous hostility evinced by tbe Democratic press to every man who has beon earnestly in favor of tbe Unioo since the beginning of tbe war. It is also eminently proper that the black Jonah of the party should be thrown overboard. Tbe African must be eliminated from the platform, because people Will not go back on what has been done against slavery in the South. The man must be very blind that cannot see that the army was made thor oughly antagonistic to slavery before tbe war dosed.. For one symptom of a contrary feel ing in the country journals of the North, tbere are a thousand lb proof of it. Since tbe war has closed, the former military element bas voted right on tbe way they were doing while they were in tbe army. Tbere may bave been improper influences at the military elections uring the war, but tbe part taken by tbe sol die.'S since their retnrn to civil life does not prove it. Tbey may have been largely Dem ocratic when they went into the army, but tbey certainly became abolitionized while they were in the service, and still remaiu so Slavery Is a subject over which the people of tbe Pacific could, and can bave but little influence. The African is an individual who can and will be easily managed here, and the wild outcry about the probable equality of tbe race in this section bas ceased to create any alarm even on Long Tom and Soap Creek localities which bave been in a fever of anx iety lest they should be subjected to the con- aminiuiou of negro association for tbe last ten years. The Democrat appears to tbink that tbe Democracy of Oregon ought to set an exam ple Jto tbe balance of tbe party throughout he Union, but'does not lay down any partic ular principle of action fur the future. We certainly hope tbnt the party in Oregon will do something to get the party io general on tbe right track, as it stands as much in need of a good example in its own ranks as any party in existence. For the lack of any illus trious model in that party at the present time, it might be well to study tbe life and political opinions of Andrew Jackson, and tbe political conduct of Thomas II. Benton. Those two gentlemen are rather old-fashioned, aud were never much alarmed about being put on an equality with tbe negroes, and for that reason may not be accounted very good Democratic authority in these days, but tbey certainly were in their own times. TUB QUAUTZ DlbOOVERIES ON THE HaTCHSES. gentleman named Armstrong bas been proepecting for quarts and placers on tbe eastern elope of the Cascades, on tbe north side of tbe Columbia river, for several months past. A few weeks since be found sOnie p aspects in lodes on tbe bead waters of tbe Natcbees river, aud bus gone river, to the Sound to interest some parties there in more extended explorations of the country through which he has traveled. Without giving the substance of Mr. Armstrong's statemrn s in relation to this country, wbicb we only have at second band, it is encouraging to know that lie was very much elated at what be bad learned while on bis prospecting tour. We again call attention to tbe fuel that gold placers were worked on the Wee-Nutcbie with salislactory results in tbe summer of I860, but tbe miners thereabouts never pursued their explorations into tbe mountains to a very great distance. Qold and silver bearing quartz has been lound io tbe neighborhood of Lake Chelan, and gold placers of cousidemble value are known to exist in Kil-ta-las valley The prevailing mania of 1861 was the Oro Find miues, and those of tbe Nez Terces country, in general. It carried off the few miners who bad located north of tbe Colum bia, and tbe contiuued discoveries in (he di rection of Boise and Owyhee bave kept those men from returning. As the chances of spec ulation become less in the districts to the south-east tbe country to the north of us will again come promiuently before tbe public The conveniences for supplying miners, and working either placers or quartz lodes in thai section are alt that can bo asked for, and the advantage of tbe mildest climate in tbe entire Columbia make it coming years. In the meantime, the best that can be done is lo imuarl lo tbe reading public such information in relation to it as will give a proper idea of its resources. Isaao F. Bloch, San Francisco. C. 8. Milli. 8io. ScuAWAcniii, Dalle. Quartz Mills in Boisb Basis. Tbe Chick abominy mill, at Idaho City, is about read to commence crushing ore. Tbere are I mills at the bead of Grimes' Creek at work, in one of wbicb our fellow-townsmen. O. Humason and J. H. Jackson are interested These two mills run fifteen stamps. Tbere is one mill of five stamps on tbe Elkboro Lode ; two on tbe Illinois, twenty stamps; one on tbe Landon, five stamps ; one on tbe Centre ville, fire stamps ; one on tbe Buffalo, five stamps. The quarts prospects of the basin are very eneouragiug. qevkntekn B lutes have voted for tbe amend ment to the Constitution abolishing slavery, viz: Rhode Island, Illinois, Michigan. Massa cbusetts, Ohio, Missouri, Maine, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Minnesota, Kansas, New York, Connecticut, Louisiana, Arkansas and Tennessee. Tub present and past civil wars In Ilayti furnish a pretty fair illustration of the capacity of the colored race far solf govern. ment, . on emerging front the condition ot Blocli, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE GrR O O 3ER S AND DEALERS IX Wines & Liqiiorg, Antl Importers and Jobber of- a CLOTHING Boots &, Shoos, - Under Clothing, ! In like (a, etc., etc., ctc- A8SAY OFFTCTC. WE HAVE AN ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wiili our busineH. miller 1bu entire supervision1 of Mr. Miller. We make return in liars in si htiilrs- tte guarantee all our A.tnvs ami pay Hie HIGHEST CASH PRICE fur Hum. Vis also pay th Highest Caah Price (or Gold Dfmt. . BLOCH. MILLER A Cj.. n.yetf Cor. Main and Washington streets. Dalle. WAGON & CARRIAGE MATERIAL. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFULLT call the attention of all WAGON MAKERS To the Superior Stock of Wagon Timbex', Now In 8tore and soon to arrive, which wfll bo offered to the trade on Libei al Terms. , OAK, ASH AND HICKORY PLANK From 1 to 5 luchei. Finished and Unfinished Oak & Hickory SPOKES, from 1 to 3 inches OAK & ELM IIUBS In Pain and Sots, from 6x6 to 1410. river basin, will tend largely to HICKORY &.ASH RIMS. a favorable held lor enterprise In buggy. EXPRESS and SULKV siiakts. Flnl.iikd n.,.i Uunuialiert. BUGGY and EXPRESS I'OLi.S. Finished and UuunislisuV HICKORY AXLES, all silos; BUGUY, WAUO.N and EXPRESS ROWS; . OAK and HICKORY SCANTLl.NUi v SAWEIJ FELLOES, from Vt to a Inchon; . II KW ED TONGUES lur loor hutm and wt-toanu SINGLE IViUES; NiiCK YOKES; LONG and SUOKT HOUNDS; PLOW lit. A. MS and Handle, Ac, Ac. Tta above stock wits ciirutnlly selected in the Eastern Statu, expressly tout et the demands of this trude. urdors lor tuiy ol the above urtisfcs, including V AGOtf SKEJttS, BOXES, Ac., will be promptly aituuded to. It. 11. LAW,. S3 Front btreet, I'orllaud, elS:tf. Opposite 0. p. .. co.'e Wharf. . k SELLING Oll AT COST, XO CLOSE UUSmESS t Attent Mcetinotrns Thursday) 01 til Relief Hose Company. 'pprlnl ursduy) evening, at 7 o'clock. Hy order FOREMAN. LdUCTION SALE I OF splendid 1 iii-nitiire. WE WILL 8EI.LTIIE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of J. R. Bobbins, at his residence on the corner of Tlurd and Washington Streets, on vnnay, Novemuer a, at iu o'clock, . m. Consiftiug of Splendid Brussels Carpets. Sofas. Easy and uocKing cnairs, Biaines, .vnrrors, xuuies. curta ns, Cor nices, Honks. What-Not, Cut-glass and China Ware, three Splendid Cottage Red Room Sots, Carpets, Ac. Also, Dining Room and Kitchen Furnitnrn. This I- the best chance e' er ofl red in Dalles to get nice Furniture. Remember. FK1DAY NEXT, AT 10 uuiAnjs raiNK CO, Auctioneers. 'Kcunrft nf thn f.rfnhiifk Mnnf Thomas II. Ltulor ffj as this day paid in One Hundred aud Twenty dol- 1 lars In (UWHiNBAOKS AT PAR. part of which was money UToaned him in U. 8. Gold Coin, and part ior wagesjwnicn whs cJniracioii tor lu V. B. uoid Coin. Dallraf-Ort. 30, 1806. .o31:lw WM. K. SMART. rpnHE UNDERSIGNED would respectfully luloriu thsli JL patrons and the public at large, that tliey wilt C It IN 1) OPKNING of Tim CLIPSE CHOP HOUSE, main sireei. comer ot court, Tliis Evening-. OLD MACK, THE PIONEER COOK, would respect fully Inform the public that lie has. fitted ud the above Chop House, nnd is prepared to serve up MEALS and LUNCH in the host style and at the shortest notice. iiai.ls and rAin'iKS rurnlshed with suppers, in the beat style aud on the most reasonable terms. UiSTfcKS lu every stl. Private Rooms for Ladies. HOTJaLULO PKN ALL. NIGHT. commence to svll this Uuy, their laige und baudsom ClOCK ot Dry Goons, Fancy Uoods, Ladit-a' bliucs, Children fehoes, . lluU, Saieoi Clolbs, AC, SC., Clothing FuriiUhing Goods, Uats & Cays, Hoots A shoes, Rubber Goods, Biaukats, Ac, r IV V wo 13W SALOON. REW BTONK STORE, WASHINGTON STREET. rVlK UNDERSIGNED would respectfully announc M. that lie will opcu a nrst-class Saloon iu that he will oncu a first-class Saloon iu Fraiich A Oilman's New Stono Building, THIS KVEN1NU, and la prepnreu iu serve cuiiomers a liu tue oest ol -A. T COST. In order to retire from business, the above Stock must- be sold within Sixty Days, aud , feTUICTLY A.17 COST! All persona ludebted to the Arm will tilense call ansT settle their bills Immediately, thereby saving all unua cessary luture trouble. C011N liOUM. Dalles, Oct. Z, l&Uo. ocUlf. JOSEPH ELFELT. WHOUSUJI AND RKTA1L HEALER IN Fancy & Staple Drj Goods, CLOTHINC, BOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, AND Gentlemen's Furiilliiiig Goods Fire-proof Stone Store, corner of Mutu and Couit Streets. oc4-tf Wines, Liquors and Cigars. uww TW monky. ALSO, A " - . taniuy iroccrj ana t run siorer Corner of Washington aud Second Streets. 10 It K Every day and Evening. oc'28tf. LUNCH JOHN RINDLAVB. Administrator's Notice. IH TUB MATTER OF TUB ESTATE OF W. 0. LAUUULIN, decciscdr Having filed my semi annual account with Hie Clerk of Wusco count v, last account lo be brouuht forward on dnv nf .Aiiilniui.k Notice is hereby given that the second day of the No vember term, a. D. 1SCS, lias been appoinled by the w" wowiiug uujecuoii to noni account aim settll mom inereoi. b. u. WOOD, Administrator. uy urutr of lion. O. H. Denny, County Judge. oc3-tw mllK UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO INFORM TUB M. people of the Dalles, and the public KouoralJr. that ha baa a large and well selected slock of XA.BIILY OltOCJEItlES,. CANDIES, A'VTS, kc, Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Jleduetd. JVi'ces for CASH. Also, constantly uu htiud the Choicest Article of FHES1I UUTTi.lt and EllUS. Also, everv variety of FRUITS and VEGETABLES in their season. Persons from up the country, wishing quantities of ggs nnu rruit, uy smiling in tneir oruors, will recsiv- X isting between T. 11. Bulger and S. Lanber; under the firm name of T. II. BULGER k CO, la the butchering hiluinuda linn kiuiH A lmi..l I Dallw City. Oct. 6. 18r6. ' 4W T. H. BULGER. slavejjr-,-' Umstillfti Adoertiter will' b' Issued pnl-weeklr ltofataro, instwd of trtweekl y. Dissolution of Co-partnership. '.""''iufT """" o'tVXKr ' rpAKB NOTICE, that tha partnership horetoforo x- MANTUA MAKER. MRS. MATTIE IIOLBROOK would renpectrully In-, formtho Ladles ol the Dalles' and vlcinitv. tlmt she ho opened a sliop lu connection with Miss O'Rourkey. Wliero oiia iiph-u v w nil kiihis ui w ora witn neat n.u Hntl fll.lultcll. lliivlnir IliMt nrrlvna fp..m .l.s L.. lbs hopes to be able lo please all as to Form and Fashion Cloaks, uoais ana. Dresses Cut to Order THREH DOORS Wes ot the Corner of Tllmn L,a UNIO.N Streets. , nc21:mS ' ltemovul. DR. BELT has removed his office Iron Dn Craft's Drug Slots to WaUlron'a usw 8tou building, va suits, , oci&L. AIU11CE. BY TnB TERMS OF THE DISSOLUTION OP TUB Arm of T. II. BULGER ACO..T. II. Butgrr is to ay all debts of the firm. Dalles, October 6, 1865., 8.LAUBER. oc7-lm JU. HAFT,. Attorney at Law, DALLES, OREGON. . OFFICE, on Second slrost, flvs doors tasi of Wsshln irfc. B019-II