6 fails P eittainenr. Eaouha or the Dbef. four -hundred years ago tbero flouriribeti a city od the shores of the Adriatic, num bor ing many thousand, -filled the churches And abounding in wealth, but remark able for the wickedness and cruelty of -its people. . They exceUed the world in burning heretics and perse cuting originators of Dew ideas. Sud denly an earthquake sunk ninetenths of their oity more than mu leet below the level of the sea. The waters of the Adriatio closed over their spires, palucos and prison-houses, and noth ing was loft of Ragusa but a wretched scattering suburbs. Feasants, ven to this day , havj a marvelous J-cgend. They say it went down so straight that scarcely a wall was broken or a steeple prostrated; that the wicked inhabitants had cburmed Jives' and are still under the dominion of Nop tuno, following their old pursuits, all unconscious of the world above them. As th j Dalmatian fisherman suits his shallop over the quiet eea at eventide, looking down into the still blue depths, he is startled by the hum of strange voices rising from the streets of this city of the old strange voices shriek ing, cursing, imploring in a dead Ian-, guuge, but refuHcd to be hushed oven in death. In this upper world twelve generations have passed tway, king doms and dynasties have risen and fallen, the bayonet has supplanted the spear and the battle ax, the cannon the battering ram, knowledge has triumphed over force, and the fires of bigotry are extinguished. Italy is free. But down in the raagio streets of the submarine city, all the habits and customs of the middle agos are yet maintained. Indian Superstition. The Klam ath News of September 9th says: " One day lust week a squuw be longing at the mouth of Salmon was shot by an Indian from the Altaram ranch. The nephew of the Indian had died a few days before, and his relatives were positive that the cause of bis disease was some internal, no cromantio operation of the squaw in question. When on the hill above Mr. Sims' house, the aggrieved met the unfortunate ' witch,' and shot her with a rifle. Sims and White, wit nessed the affair from u distance. '1 he murderer escaped, congratulating him self that he had rid his tribe in gene ral, and his ranch in particular, of a dangerous enemy, whose supernatural powers were the dread of the Altaram branch of the Klamath nation. The Klamath Indians are very suporsti tious, and such occurrences as the one above related are by no means unfre. Quont. Our red neighbors are very ungallant, and tho payment of "the market value ot the deoeasea may will settle the matter, .. Attachments or animals. There were two Hanoverian horses which assisted in drawing the same gun dur ing tho wbolo Peninsular war, in tho German Brigade of artillery. One oi them met his death in an engagement ; after which the survivor was picketted as usual, and his food was brought to him. lie refused to eat, and kept constantly turning his head around to look for his companion, and sometimes calling him by a noigh. ' Every care was taken, aud all means that could be thought of were "adopted to moko hlra eat, but without effect.' Othor horses surrounded him on all sides, but he paid no attention to them : his whole demeanor indioated the deepest sorrow, and bo died from hunger, not having tasted a bit from the time bis companion fell. : , . Somi of the owners of plantations in Texas are now preparing to work their estate by contracting with Ger man families, wbo are to serve upon them, ocoupy the bouses formely oc cupied by the negroes, and pay four dollars an aore for the rent of the The Amende (Honorable. The Jockey Club (says Qalignaneh Mes senger) has just lost one oi its most amiable members, M. Alexandre Bouchet. The following anecdote is related of him : Perceiving one day, after a heavy fall of rain, a very well dressed' yonng woman standing wt the edge of the side pavement of the Boulevard, find evidently much per plexed as to the host method of trav ersing the ea ot mud before her, bo gallantly advanced, took her up in his arms, and carried her across dry shod. The lady made no objectkm to the mode of transit, but, on oumg set down expressed her gratitude us ioiiows : " fair, your are an insolent fel lowJ" Thereupon, M. Bouchet im mediately repaired the wrong by aguin transporting her, with the samo precautions, to the very spot where no hud first met her, and took his leavo with a profound salutation. Sib W. T. Wood, the Briti-lh Vice Chan cellor, has decided that the Confederate States constituted a governments facto, nd that the United States, in again extending its jurisdiction over the conniry covered hy the Confederate Government, succoeded to its assets and obligations. On this principle he declares the United States responsible for the Confederata bond. lie will find some difficulty in convincing the American people ! of tbc-truibfulne-s of bis conclusions. 1 SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, dusenisuixi: Ac IS1IOS., Dalles and Walln Walla, . HUUI IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods miners' outfits, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, ; Hats and Caps, Groceries, And full assortment of General Merchandise. Bavin. our Good! exclusively in tho San Francisco market, anc miuuug none out casn purcnases, we are enabled to sell 20 per cent, cheaper than any other Home at the Dalle UurjEiHlfr.il i UKOS., tnl-tf Dallas and WaJla Walla. HOOT AND SHOE STOilE. I VYCKMA, UA8 REMOVED HIS BOOT AND SHOE STUMS to the building on Main atroet. Hi nearly ouuosite Moodv's Hall, where ha haa just received, direct from San Francisco, amia- usuauy one ana weu selected stock or BOOTS AND SHOES, of theery best quality and latest styles EVER BROUCHTTOTHIS MARKET, including the celebratud ENGLISH HUNTING SIIOK manufactured by Denkert. Also, a large assortment of Ladles' and Chlldren'M Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, just received from the best Phil adelphia makers. Also, a very large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. J-Oentlemen who prefer to have their Boots or Shoes miuie loonier, can rely upon obtaining a neat and easy r. n XCaaiAN, Main street, . -Opposite Moody's Hall. At. selMf SELLING OrF AT COST! 1VI. Wunsch & Co., WILL CLOSK OUT THEIR STOCK OF BIKRCII AN- v D1HK, at their place of business, at the Dallea, iu order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces Wry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Hats , AND . GENERAL MERCHANDISE, . All which will be sold at COST, for CASH only. sV All'who know themselves indebted to our firm at the Dallea will please call and settle as soon as possible. Those who have been accommodated ws trust will not delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt In squaring ap ao counts. Call auid sea us, all and everybody I , anll-tf , , M. WUNBOHtCO. SHERIFF'S SALE. BY VI 11 1 UK UK AN EXKCU1ION 10 MB Di rected, issued out of the Circuit Court f.ir Wa-co Cou ay, ureit hi. In fnvor ot F. A. links, aoi iiRAhist Jas. II. Ne.vie. 1 nave tins day levied up in the lolluwlni: "e siT.bcil ileal l-.s.alo s.iuaied In Dalle City, Wasco Cuinuy. Oregon, tu it: Lot two (21. In block two (2), lutsiwo('J), three (ii). four .i). five joi, six (U), seten (7)! eight (t) and nine (U. In blutk nvo (u); lots tinea ) lour (4l. flu- (61. six (,bl iuid scion (7). iu block ei.-l.t In Neyre A Oltisuii ndditlou to LfAl.o Cityt eait one hall (Jj of lot to. rli, Iu block fuur (4), in UukIiUh's addlilun to Dalles C.lv. un undivided one-tourth I' , i In terest in lots aim (1; mm two (2), In block two p), in Dalles City. 1 will proceed to sell the same, In front of Hie Court House door, In Wasco county. Kiti of Oregon, at public auction, to the lilifiie! lii Mer, between I lie liours of 9 o'clock, a. h., and 4 ii'clmk, p. at., on SATOK DAY, THK 18T11 DAY OK .SOVE.MUt.tt. lbU. lo satisfy, the above exocutiou. iiaiuuutli.g to Uitl d liars, aud, 24 and 41-100 costs of ucliiu und accruing costs, with In terest front the ijotu day of Julie. 'Sis. CHARLK3 WHITE, Sheilff of Wii o County, Oregon. By R. W. Cmndall, Deputy Sheriff. Dalles Cit. ikvober lilili l i, oc2C-4w UV II l , i 1 V. Manufacturer and Importer of CARRIAGE, CONCORD, B17GG AND STAGE II A R 1ST E S S Saddles, Bridles, Whips. A genoral assortment of Saddlery, Hardware, Leather, etc. XaY- Orders Solicited. Repairing done wrtti noktuesx and dispatch. F. A. HAKE, Je:lltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Ualres. 1'ORTIiAHI) FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, N FIRST STREET, between Yamhill and Morrison. Steam B.nglnes otfrom 4 to4o liorse power,bither Portable or Stationary. Also, CIR CULAR SAW .111 LLt COMPLETE, constantly on hand. Also, Uny Pres ses of all sines; Planing Machines,! w ooowortn s pattern,) Wrought and CnBt Iron work for Ver tical SawandGrist mills; Brass and Iron Castings and WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. , Horse Poweri ft Agricultural Implements manufactured toocdeTM the very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. B. ParjUdilor attention paid to UEPAIR8. fe20-tf SIGN S! SIGNS! SIGNS-! O. 8. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS WINDOWGLASS VARNISHES. Colors. Pntty, Brushes, Qlue, etc. Paper UaigiPKs,Wlndow 8hades, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLESALE AMU RETAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, .PATKST MEDICINES. Ac. n-tr DRUGS AND PATENT MEDIVNESU DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLISALI AltD UTAIIi . DRUGGIST, ' IrVsuhlnirtAn StrMi. btwen M&ln ud fiaeoml fitrMtfl DALLES, OREGOIV. LEMON Is able to iunply parties in want of Brags. pAteni Medici nes. Cliemicali, Actdi, Perfumery, ana overj inner article enumeraiea wun in WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rates. 4aT" Physicians and Merchants Intending to pnrohase lor tus mines, win ao wen to give mm a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In arest variety . 8. LEMON". ' ap.S:tf. Washington St., between Main adn Second. . STOLEN I-. ...... . FROM THE RANCH OF TROWBRIDOK A WILSON, near Canyon City, one HO AN I10RSK, branded on the left hip thus: IIF (the letters Joined); also, a dim brand en the left shoulder, thns: 8; whits stripe In the lacs, running down od oiis side of the nose. Also, one ROAN 1IOH8K, with brand on the left hip thust I, and diamond brand on the left shoulder, with very little white on the forehead. Any one giving any Information of the whereabouts of said horses will o liberally re warded by tbs subscribers. oon-Stw esesv . TMJWUKLUUSt Jtiua)i rarw. hi i ii ii n u Ac co., tsnocessors w sunnsij. s miujw, VhOLMAII AltS UTA1L PIAUM W , Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron Brazier's Copper, Lead Pipe, Copper, Force & Lift Pumps, : 21nc, Brass & Iron Ware Lead JPlpe, &.O., Sco. . n- JOB WORK. In all Its branches, attended to short notice. MAIN STREET, Salledopprsite Dloch uuisr im- apiv-ti MOO V NT, HOOD SALOON . AND . ... j BILLIA11D BOOM, M. UUNT, Proprietor, . : 7 . , :. CORNER OF ' ' - - - Main and Court Street, DAILY MOUNTAINEER nnnif n. inn nniiiriiin nrr ouMii Ui juD rnin inu uri- First Street, between Wain and B DALLES OREGON: Job printing of every variety Executed with accuracy and dispatch. ' IN A 8TTLBTHAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY BSi.lsl. k. V..t -..J AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST to order: Cards a n (I B5 i 1 1-BI i a d. CHECKS, DRAFTS, XKCEWTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES . CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, rfc, etc., c, FRKtTID III TUI MOST ATTRACTIVE KAKH1R. ALSO, WJT-JtJLLS, MILLS OF TA HE, LKTTKH. HEADS. . HHVLU'TBOOKS. DILLS LADING, Uriels and Paiuihlii, riSlTlNQ, WEDDJXO AND "AT HOME" CARDS DruKgistB Lnbtli In Short, everything that cun be dune in a Rook and J"b Printing Offlce, front the smallest ami most delicate Caid or Circular, to the largest sise and uiost showy Puslirg Bill and which will be turned out in a style that caum.t fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR rAClUTlKB FOR THK UECUTIOW (It , DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colors, Shudea and Tints. Such as Pancy Posting Bills! from a BlDirle Sheet tu the LrtrireBt Mununotlu ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, rtJil' UMEliS' LA Ji EL St rf Ai nnBurpMrred by thuse ol uny other eHtHblislmient la Oregon. We devote special Htryntlon to tluHbrum;h of the busmen!, and are contiuuully add i tig to our already ex ten ive and well appointed aetoritiient of nmterlul, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. 1 - Cc. dJo.. iCs, Of the moat modern aud eluburate designs. Oar stock Ot FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC., Are of the finest quality, and for rlchneu of color anil durability, caunot be equaled in the State. The principle upon which bubhutw in asked for tlifs e tabilshuiunt li, tliat peraone will conwult their own inter cute, Uy awarding their custom to that otlice in which their mooejr can be expended lo the best advantage. 'Xo tun end we solicit all mwantoi gooa atiuihir, at very reasonable charnes. to call aud examine specimens, aud Judge for yourselves. Orders from the lTpper Country Will bare our special care, und friends from the Interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as w HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON PUWtR PRESS In the State of Oregon I Address: . MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlS-tf Dalles. (nuKon. ax a I ci woott LiiimDer. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS WE BKQ TO CALL ATThM'ION of Carriage Han ufacturers and Ucaleis to the Lame and Com plete assortment of (JAlUllAUE and WAUON J1ATEKI ALS we are constantly receiving fruni the .ost, specially selected for the California niiitkut, comprising, OuL, Hickory, and second (Jruwili Asli flank. Hickory Axles,. aeon Poles, hubs, P nukes. I ellots, h inn-, bhatts, Ac. ks. which we offer at the lowest Cusli Trite. AXaT" Urders addressed to our liutieu will receive promp attention. , N. W. llll AUU A CO., Jolo:3m. 29 a) 31 Battery Etieet, bun hiiuiclico, and 17 19 Reveuth street lsacraniento. 0. WATIRHOC8K, 11. W. UkAOO A Co., J.W.LtHTEB. Ban Francisco. eacramenio. itew xors. S. B. DALLAM. 0. W. ARHES. 0. W. ARJtU ARMES & DALLAM, Importers aud Jobbers ot WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, BUU8UKS, TWINEs, CORDAQB. Ac . . . And Manufacturers of California Palls, Tubs, Brooms, Ac. 217 k 210 Bacrameuto Street, between Front and Davis, ban Francisco. ocll:3mdw. IT. TILLMAN, SOLS AOIMT IN OALLTOKRIA fOS, ; TILTON & McFARLAND'S Fire Ac Burglar Proof Safes. , STEEL-LINED VAULTS,. " , WITH .... Combination Lock. . AXsTConsUntly on hand a full assortment of 8AFKS. 318 BAXTKlt Y BlHKKT, JyMnr' . fan francisco. Uleisolutlou Police. TinnS CO-PA RTNKK&H1P heietofurs sxlstlns; be JL tween OKO. II. KAMbKY 11. YAUEK, in the hot tiiug and saloon business, Is this'da) dissolved by mutu al consent, Geo. II, Hamsey having disjiosed ot his inter est to Mr. Wot, llartmau. who will continue the hual. ness under the Arm and name of Iliirtnian A Ysger. Thankful for past favors, they would ask a continuance of patronago from old customors and iriends. AH bills against ths firm of ltanisey A Co., and all bills due said Itrm, will bs settled by llartman A Yager. , stUMw. . B. H. BILL. . - . A. i. KAMI. HILL & KA.NE; WH0LSSAU US UIAU DIAUUU m Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors AQRICULTTJR ALDIMPLEMENTS. ' 8TORAQB AND F0UWARD1N0. . Qoods consigned to us will meet with proper attentloa Reference ' fOsruirD. BAiLn. .,. II. W. Corbet, Bobbins A Co.. Richards MeCracken, ' W. 0. Moody i Co, H. Lew, 0. Uumaaon. . , Pmatllla Landing, Bept. tth.lrta. ' ' ' TO TEAMSTERS AND DAIRYMEN I FEEDI FEED! I 01 AW, RIN Do, for Halo In loU to suit, by R. U. LAW, , );."'.! , l;i!. ."P'ttJronlBtree., Portland, ' ocl8:tt Opposite 0. 8. Ni Wsisboaas., .i i : j - '