O.J ' JliuU ftlountatriccr. FkU IiBWIJTON TO BbaCKVOOT MlNES. TtlO rilicona fif f.Hiariatnn nra diflruaaino the nrn- iiriely of opening a road to-intersect lbs MI- wv'X'iu. ' FRANKLIN MARKET. ' THE PIONlEtt STAGE COMPANY corner o8econd and Washington btkkets Will carry - DALLES, VK1SGVJX, . , ,. ; TP A Cirr TTTRTTTOTT'T'Ca JOHNKPPINGKR Proprietor .P--CSX X tyiUXKlXTX L kT3 I tjndkiisionkd having lilted np the FROM 1 m rortd hIouI twenty allies fust of (he Coeur d'Alcu Misnitm. Tbe road will run a very Hule-enst ol' north from Lewiston to tbe point of intersection, nnd will keep between the meridians oK 1UJ? 30' and U7.' West from Wasliiiiglun. It will cross tbe St'. Joseph ttiver above its month, a few miles, and be tween the great Coeur d'Alene-Like nnd a siuiilliT one, not yet named. The distance from, Lewiston to the point of intersection with Hie MVilInn roml wilbbeabont one hundred miles; from tlienceone Hundred and thirty wiles to Ilel'pnte, andi from thence, one bun dred to Blackloot City. l all, the distance will be three hundred and thirty miles leas mther than more. By this route it will be one hundred miles nearer from the navigable waters of the Columbia and Snake rivers than from b tiy other point whatever. But before this route can be made availa ble, there will have to be a large expenditure of money. It has been examined by the United States engineers, and Captain Mullan once started to build bis road around tbe south side of the Coeur d'Alene Lake, over pretty muoh tbe same ground. He abandon ad the project on account of having to put down corduroy's over a large proportion of the , toad ; because he would have to put oa fer ries on several streams where bridges could AFTER TUB FIRST OF OCTOI1K11, AT TUB FOLLOW ING UKDUCKD It A Ins; To nolle City IS Cent per pound iiuno i;u jr. u Owyhee SO . " ?.or less amonnta than one hundred ponnda an addition or Fiie Ceuta per pound will be charged. TliMK FItOM UMATlLLAi. To lloise Ity 3 Days.. To Idaho lty.. 3 Days. TO uw) uee, .....4 uays. JOSEPH PINB.IIAM, Avent. TJmatilla. Oct, 1, 1865. cvlfctf. MILLINERY A.U lUU.v.UAMm MISS O'llOURKEDESIllESTOINFORM tha Ladiea of litillen anil vicinity, that abu lias Just received a fresh supply of - ITa&iliiontx'ble Goods, The latest faria. New York and Ban Fraticiaco atvlea of BONNETS, HATS, RIBBONS, LACKS, FEATHERS, rM)W fills, ac. A lull auu weii-aeiectea aaaortnient of Ladles' Meady-aiade Garments. Alio, a Fashionable aaaortnient of DRESS TRIMMINGS! 8TLA.MJLMNG for Kmbroldery and Brniafng. PINKING dune at. abort-notice. BONMCTS Ulenched and Preened lu tbe Itttesttrjtyie. A large assortment of Children's Rcady-Marte Clothing- Conetantly on hand. Having secured the-aervlces of a Ffrat Clne Dress Maker, 1 am prepared to cut aud fit Lauioa' and Chflilreire DRESSES and CLOAKS. Till RD 8TRK blT, one aquaro eaat of the Catholic Church - oc21:3m FOR, HALE. THE TTANDSOMB RESIDENCE occupied by A. W. BUCHANAN Is offered For Sale at a Low Figure. For a private realdence, no more desirable locality could be dealred. The izrounda are ornamented with ahrubberv not be maintained, and', finally, hecause b a and the building, contains - deemed the route utterly impracticable. Bur Ten KOOIHS, MBlbOea in MO BONl BtylCj for all that, he may be wrong, and there may ug?Ro vet be found1 an excellent route for a wagon neaa, an opportunity la now presented that aelduni offers, " I l'h. II:..,... at,A L, t , .. -111 ,,. ...I.I . .1 road over tbe country in question. Such a alxive Market in the UK T STYLE, wiM'keep constant ly on hand all aorta of Fresh and Cured Meats Or the beat quality rurniahed at the LOWEST RATS My motto Is to " PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAVING BUI' KM OR STOCK FOR BALK will do well tol call at the Franklin Market; JOHN EKPINGSR. rtlea, February 19th, 1866- ooaasaor COURT AND SF.OOND STREETS. DALLES, OREGON JOHN MICHELBACH, Proprietor. WILL keep conatantly on hand all the varle- $y. . auee mat 1110 maraeicau ooseiuiT anoru, or FRESH & CURED MTIAT8, and always, of the toes-quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND STEAMBOATS supplied on reasonable terms- ' Tbe nuderalgneq ia always prepared to pay the high eat cash price for FAT CATTLE. Parties having atock in good condition, are requeated to call on him before going elaewliere. JOHN MICUELDACH. Dailea, March Slat, 1806. ninom VERY! IMPORTANT- i i ,' , . .4 - to f '-) Herc&ants, Families, Hotels and UAIi-ROOMH, JULIUS KRAEMEK HAVING BOUGHT TnR EN tire Stock of Merchandise and Book Accounts of tae lata tlrra ol M . Seller A Co;, in this city, to which he has added of bis own Importation (while doing bualneaa In roriiana) an immenae eiocs. 01 tne neat maauiacturea. Crockery, , Glasswxire, Plated Wate, Laiupr . Chandeliers, ; Table Cutlery Looklng-Glaaaes and ': All Kinds of OUs. All of which he orlera at reduced rates. Peraons wlah Ing to buy any of the above-mentioned artlclea, will do well to give me a call before purcbaaing elaewliere Orders from the Interior promptly attended to, and goods socked to go secure. Don't tall to call on me. RKUio'a Stone Building, Washington atreet, Dalles. JULIUS KRAKMER.J. Dalles. March lTth, I8& whilst . , ; M. BROWN & BRO., WnotSSALl AMD MTAU DIUSSS IH . FANCY AND STAPLE , DRY GOODS! GROCERTE3, PROVISIONS, &o. ,, Mr. M. BROWN', being a resident of San Franclaco, 1 re enabled to oiler great Indcements to purchasers. W rcepecuuuy invite tne puuuo to examine our stocc Deiorv, Stone Store, north aids Main atreet. Dalles. " liuetmaiiig elaewliere. . , ml6-tf - I W oiuuo oiure. norm Bine insiu atreet. uai ea. Mm TCFP Y M ABKBT, w H E' A. JEt, t3 JS !: LA1IBER & Co., Proprietors. Will keep conatantly on hand the beat MEATS OF ALL KINDS. A LIBERAL SHARK Of PATHONAOB Is . .Tat solicited, as we expect to ko p as geoj an. aaaortuient of .Meats and of aa good as qual Ity, as tbe country affords: and will Deliver tbe same to Purchasers in the City. Parties having Superior Stock for sale will do well to give us a call before dlapoaiug ol it elaewhere. S. LAUBEIt. A Co., Southeast comer of Washington and Third Sis. . " Pppoeite Koater'a Blackamlth Bhupr rpFIR UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO INFORM THE CIT JL iiena of the Dalles snd vlclulty.thaths has received. NEW HEARSE, and will ; . Attend Funerals i s short notice. Thisls the drat, and at present, only 1. JH. IVANS . lallee, May 19, 1865.. my:20-tf. , route will probably not be found until perfect ly competHLt men are employed for that purv pose. It will not be discovered by an ex tremely scientific man with ft corps of "bug oatclieis," certainly, and. if such a project ever does succeed, it will.be by following; the advice of some purely practical man.. Thourlbv in Kit-ta-tas Vallsy. A gentle man, just down from the Yakima, informs us that the Indians in Kit ta-taa Valley have forbidden a party of immigrants, numbering about a dozen families, to settle in that val Icyv. The Indians stated that they, were willing.- that, the whites- should heid stock, there, bat lliey were determined not to per-. The Houee and furniture will be aold together or separ ately, aa the purchaser may doaire. for further partic ulars, luqiuie-av oclrtr. (ILLS, l AItUO Cft'S EXPRKSS OKKICK. SELECT HOHOOL. ItlR. and MRS. E. P. ROBERTS will commence a BE- AIJL LKUT SCHOOL ou Fourth Street, at the houas owned by A. J. Nixon, on MOM DA If, OCTOBER 23d. Tuition per Term of Ten Weeks: Elementary Studies .'.... : ...$ fl 00 Common Brandies, includinKjCiuclieh Grammar... 8 00 Higher Mathematics audLanguugea w 10 00 BOARD and LODGING can be furnished by the teach ers to a limited exteut. TUITION PAYABLE IN ADVANCES. Binautcss: Ilia Hon. N. H. Gates, J. Bird, Esq,, Rev. T. Condon. ocL!flw,l(if7. OIL, GLASS, CORKS, ACIDS, paints;. BRU8HES, W. GURLEY, DENTIST, Main St.( Dalles, Oregon. . IlfODl" RK8PJECTFULLY INFORM S- 1 fi" O ''M.-Ses Is 5 Is POMADES, TWINE, GLUE, SOAP, and. FANCr ARTICLES. Oregon Steam Navigation Co.'s. noticei THE FOLLOWING KATES OF FREIGHT have beea . aatabllalied: Grain, Vegetables, Tallow, &c. ttlllu to Portland, $1 land..... 1 On Wool, From Wallula A Umatlllu to Portland, $16 00 per ton weight - Amiua hi ruriinNU........ 1 ou - -i From .Wallsla and Umatilla to Portland,.. , luuiee wruniina On Hides. From WnlluU and Umatilla to Portland... tmiiw w rortiaoa the cltir.eiH; of Uiit uluco aud W- Pls.lt V tluit liuvliny.rr.hn-r.o.l fs-nsss .a ... mit them to build bousea Or make improve- lesslonal tour through the minen, he hn ments with a view to engaging in agricultu ral pursuits. The land in question has been eeded to the Uutted States, and tbe insolence of these savages, should be vigorously re pressed. The la administration of Indian affairs for some years past- is breeding a reeling of insubordination which will yet have to be quelled with actual military firco, if not taken in time. It is of the greatest importance to the citizens of tbis part of the country,,, that, security shall, be. given to settlers north of-the Columbia.' If, this could be done, .that section would rapidly fill np with an industrious class of people. ' .. .'..'- SvurTous of a Row in Utah. The Union Vedette, published at Salt Lake, City, has been engaged tor some months past in exposing tha monstrous crimes which, In the name of religion, have been practiced in Utah by the Mormon leaders. The whole subject of the Mountain Meadow massacre has been brought up, and tbe surviving perpetrators of it, still living in Utah, pointed out. The plans of the hideous organization of assassins, under the name of " Daultes," have been made pnbllo, ano tbe. leaders marked. Kvcn the better class: of-Mormons are indigpant at tbe con duct of tbe secret bands of villains kept in the service of the church, and encouraged even. bj.Brigham Xoung himself The whole rotten system of Mormondom appears to be about to result in decomposition.. ; Instead of maintaining a. gatrison .among these beastly, polygamies fr years, the -Government should exeroise its authority to destroy the system entirely, . It is' a standing blemish on tbe AmerlcatKnarae until it is ab.olislied,,,'', ;,') Jnv1860 Mr. .Ssward spoke of John Brown as guilty of yedttion ; -.he now fays, in a letter to friend who bad sent bim John, Brown's piotufe, tht ' Browra Is ope ho lhisi become, historical pt martyr in tbe cause df Uumatf oatuMt!'; -) Tlm-j. ciiBjigef , and., we . change annln reauuied the practice of DENTISTRY, In the rooma lormeny occupieu uy uim, in tne Duiiuiug occupied by Wood A Butler, Photograph Artiete, and urjnining Wal- dron Bros.1 Drue Store. He takes thla nn-thod.of.ex. tending thanka, for the liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to hiui, and aoliclta a coutinuaucOf the same. LIST OF- PitlCES. . . Entire Denture on Gold Biise.. ...... J180 to $225 " Upper Denture, Gold Base. ..... 90 ." 120 " Denture, Vulcanite Baae TO " 120 " Upper Denture, Vulcanite Baae 35 " 06 Gold Jpillingaiuaerted from one dollar upward. Irene' Teeth extracted free af charge. ae!3tf SPKCIAL NOTICE!! To Those Afflicted with Weak Eyes! TBEFOIIE I LEAVE FOR THE At- lantic Btatea I .be; leave-to kifarm, that in my earlier daya iu Europe. I mane tne ut'UUBTic BUignuK my atuiiy,-auu 1 the .community, made the OCUl therefore fully enabled toauit all poraona with Olatsses for the Eyos. I will examine the.Eyea and lit Olaaaea to old or young, not-by age, but aeoording to tha. FORMATION .OF -IUE PUPIL UF THK EYK. N B. Larae atocka of Glaaaea. aoch aa SCOTCH PEB BLE and Periecopic, in Oold, Silver, Plated and Steel. srouiea vu utiuu , - WM; BIRNBAUM'S oc!3:2wJ Jewelry Btore. ont fall to all Early. FOR THE EAST! nnnB scBSCitiBEn beino about to return jb. jsasi, now onera his exteuaive atock of Watches,. llaiuonrd8,v v . .. , JeweJryj. . .'. ,-, ' Dutlery'"-' ' '' Lamps. SILVER and PLATED WARE, FIELD GLASSES, PIS- At such prices he Is able to realize, regardless of Cost. Partlea wishing to take advantage of thla oppoatunltT to obtain any of the abovo named Oooda, hud betterOALL itaniii, aa no aucn opportunity will offer itaelf again. WM. ltlKUAIJM, NEXT DOOR TJ TUB POST OFFICE, ' bailee. (IrHirnn. 49-Ordersronvthe oonutry are sol idled ataasuirao toryurioea. . - September 2d. I860. st-3-tf toryurloea. . Dlee, Septet Admlulstratoc's floilce. N THE M A1TE&V OF- THE ESTATE OF' JAMES LAUUHLIN. dtceaaed: Uavina Sled niv account with IheOlerk of Waaco county. Notice la hereby given that the second day of Ihe November term. 1. a. 1865. hae been appointed by the Court for hearing ohjectiona .uauvuuum occouut sua aetuemenr. inereoi,- K. II. WOOD. Aiiinhilatnitnr. Border of Hon. 0. N. Dennr. County J 11. lie. oc3-4w Administrator's Notice. ATfER OF TU ESTATE Of W, 0. X. decerned: II.lvIii? filed mv aeml- annual account wilh I lie Clerk of Wiko , pun. r, laat acconut to be bronght forwaid on ilara of aeiilement, hwiuuji giieii iiiHi 111 aecuuu a.iv ot tua.ao Teniber -leno, a D. IS to, Ins beeir appo'iiled by-the Coin, lor hearing objectiuna to final account, and aelllaj meiit thereof. It". U. WOOD, Adiniuianalor. y order of Hon. 0. N. Denny,' Count Jmljej mM J U KE E. " .iiniu street, Esaiies, WaOLISiLI AND XITAIL SIALU IS CIGARS. TOBACCO. SNUFF, PIPES , Sco . AiwiTS m stoes tas best suirss or ' Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &e. PLAYINd CARBik POCKET OUXLERT, "" PORT MONIES. ' COM BS and BRUSHES, 0' all kinds, . . PERFUMERY; ot every description. . CHINA OUNAMENTSL , TOYS, DOLLS, etc. , FISH HOOKS and FISITINa TACKLE, ' ' MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, . , . unv fliinna - Alao Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Float e, Baakts,and many other artlclea too numeroua to meutlon. . 1 4aT" Interior dealera aupplledwlth Clgara, Tobacco, ate. ieaa umu iroriitiui pucea wuu ireigiit aouea. oc-a Dissolution of 1 Co-partnership. TAKHr-NOTIOB, that the partnerahlp heretofore ex iatlng between T. II. Bulger and S. Lauber, under the firm name of T. IX. BULOEll A CO, in the butchering busineea, haa been diaaolved Dallea City, Oot. 6, 1806, , 4w , T. H.. BULGER. 1 "- ' . -- I . .. r. V'" MOTICE. fn"" WY.TT1R TBRM8 OF TIIB DI8S0LTJTJOV OF IU MM firm of f.H. BULGER A (Xr:,T. H.-Bii'jrer la to J 1 i.j mi utou 111 me nrm. u. LAUUKK. KjTi,UU wueaf vasotxr lew.:. ; 1 j . -t , . otl-lm 1 l , ,v iB. Jsl. illA.MPlOi I MRS. L. WHITE'S EW PHOTOGRAPH ROOMS ; Washington Street. , T WAVING NEWLY FITTED UP THE GALLERY over M M. uegnars Btore, would reepectiully announce to all wuee wianing rhotograptts, Carts do Vlslte fcc.v. they wilt do well to give her a callr Parllcnlnr at paiu to taking Lad:ea and CM'drens Pictures ...iOOaperlk. Portland, Sep. 23, 1805. ,40 50 each. S. G. REED, Prealdent-.v aep'47-mts IMPORTER AND JOBBER OF ' - ' Viiies e& Liquors,. FRONT 8TREET, V i., Portland, - - Oregon. OFFERS FOR SALE A VERY LARGE ASSORH nieutot;,, , fii ; ,1 -, -,- 1 i.,ui Brandies,. -, . i. ., Wines,. , ,,, ' ;;, , ; ;, .; Liquors, :- - i "! - "j Case Goodly .:'..'. rtC,.V'.J ' &C. .'. I-' ST iTlieJWrptlcnlarry liwlU-d,to oxamlne my, K7SrO 'JC II 1Z L A. E x xssr, OF , , DALLES CITY AND TICIRJITYt. ' Mrs. Leeser'H ' NEW MILLINERY STORE. "I I WOULD RKSPECTKULLY INFORM TIIB LADIES4 ' of the Dalli-a and vicinity, that I have openeda MIL LINERY, 1-MBROIDfcRY, and BHA1D1N0 eetabllalt-. ment on , Main Street, oppatlta Colin , Bohm'sJ, I will anarai,tee Perfect aatlafnctlon In nil wn,V truated to mo. I have also, a l&rire ami u.tu.j . atock of TR1MMINUS. Particular atteotlor paid to - Embroidery and Braiding Stamping. - I will alao luatrnct childrati In all kinds of needlework' Ladies, will pleats call and enuunineany atock ot goodel". - oc6:tf, - Watclinia i ehm: fotchniaker and Jeweler.. ejiaiaj OTnrrT . . - ' . - (Bsxt nook to ibs absat ornos,) ' . 1 0 DEALER IN FINE WATOIHiS, JEWELRYl niYviua ti..tA n mi I, . ....''I rvu.,9uvr .ou riareu v are, epecutoiea, iiiiiery, sc. tT-l,articular attention paid to repalrtns Sn watcliea, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watr.kea repaired, bl , m warranted for awalve months. 1 ., ,1 , , ...f irrAll orders from the upper oountry, by Rxnrea therwtee, promptly attended to. ' aull-tf I eptjthera KCot Cottage Residence for Sale. " rfIHE NEAT COTTAGE RESIDENCE, ON TMIIlWl JL Stieet, adjoining (he houaeof Co). James K. Kelly, and near the Calhi)!io Church, Is ottered For Salo. TlS building ia Unnl-ltnlahed throughout, haa a well of water, and hydrant on the preuilaea, .and la in all re-pacte a. moat deairnble realdence. To a caali cuatomer, the term. will be mass very reasonable. For fnrOir. partiaulaM-. apply to. , ,. , , - WJI. MAJ.LONE.Y, , .1 aeiM-tr - J. ' Main atreet, Daltee. . A. -tot ox n B.y,' a t L ii,w, J . m-: VJA.OaE:KN tl i t: If OFFICE, on Second ituet, ttre iaoa eaat of Ttaahlss; auja novraei.u. aWlT-f I BOOKS MUST RE CLCWKfL .ill,.,. 1... .i. caah, within alxtv dnva. All Tuiraait. tn.i..htMi wilt please call and aettle aa-aliove. . . . ,. , - ,. t. 11- ' i V'..HOBUlN8' acFARLAD C00 . Dalla8nil.l8A&., , , . d.C,. HOUSE TO laE.Ti''.T. 4U BiAUHruus. inqnlre auu. nuu.ii B . ,vIfM.rs! ,,'lTurs:,; :u i TUB niQintST MARKET PRICE PAID IN e'ASBJ v 1 1 oM' ,ii .vi i- Beavar, ottetj lVUnkl and Coon Bklnsi. n ., . ,"T WCHARBB MiCRAKEN. .rf Portland, Sept. V, 18B6. oc4:3m. rTTOflEYS & COUNSELLORS AT UVw' WILL PRACTICE IN TOE 8VPHESB AND CIRl caltCouitaaf Oronenaad tlv SiataoSorts WmliliiHtim Territory. , , . , PSrtlcnlar alteaitoa palo? to the tollactloa esh)lms. ' 1 0.. UUMA8ON, I. . toHe,i, t,.j. -JOAvOVkLM .!; n.'M.o.; Ma. .--vv !, t FIRST CLASS, SECOND BAND PIANO, can U hmi 1 fis. onraaaoiMtitelaiais. Iaairal thleOfflreveref j - A, W, FEB6 VcOk ,