I-,.L.ES, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 180S WmiSHEl) EVERY MOIiNIXG, MONDAYS BXOHPTID,) BV G. G. COM AE & J. IIALLORAIV, KDlTOUfi AND PROPRIETOR. Ibkms Tmenty-Jivieentt per week, payable to the carrier iper iutitli, by mall, $1; three mouths, $2 50; . luontuA, $o; oueyear, $8. AdrertiBetneuta Inserted at tow nitui. Job Printing. Every doscrtptlai of plain nm4 fuwy Job Printing exe uted with neiitnoV and despatch, and forwarded as per tfrfor tunny part of the couutry. Payment Jor Job Print i ing must Itt made an delivery nf work. Oregon Steam Navigation CoN FALL ARttANCEMENT. ' ' 'k it tt'-w mm 5 jU lYl ATI LL A HOUSE,, DALLES. DHcGuNi KANDLEY &S1NNOTT, ITop'r. " " iniS POPUUB HOUSa, OKNTRALLY LOCAUD, Near the Steamboat landing Bailroad Depot, Uiu bconrocontly enlarged and improved, aud will now accoiuniiditle . soa GUESTS. IT WILL IK CONDUCTED as heretofore, as a FIRST CLASS HOUSE, aud the patronage of the traveling public ii reaf.ectfully soltcite-i. Haggage tafceuitothe House free of charge. Bouse epoii all night. LARGE FIRE-PROOF SAFES TO DEPOSIT VALUABLES D il le, Oct. 4tf. EMPIRE, HOTEL, n) BTaaiT, dalles, o&ieoK, . THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. IN Hit OINTBI Of BUSINESS, Sear the Steamboat and Bailroad Landing! Superior Accommodations for Families and can AO aoiuiaudate due Hundred and Fifty Guests. lloals 60 est. Lodging.... oOcts. " Mre Proof Safe for depositee TafaaMea. : , ie House open all night. Baggage taken to the nous free of charge, THOMAS 8M1TII, . nihS-tf Proprietor. : FAMILY GROCERY STORE!) S. FRANK, D IS ALB II IN JF-A-MIIVi' GROCERIES; ' TOBACCO AND SKQAR8, . ALSO FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, , . ., VEGETABLES, 4c, to. And every article usually found in a First-clase Family Grocery Store. , Mil. FRANK has just received from below an entire new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &o, ' which ho will sell at low rates for cask. Heads of fam- ily aud others are Invited to call and examine his stock. - diode delivered In any part of the city free of charge - GREENBACKS TAKEN AT 75 CENTS. . .. A 8. FRANK, Main street Jy30:lf?',l A few doors below the Post -Office FURNlfTOETURNITTJRE DIERLAM &, WENTZ, 0 N ' T " 1 CORNER THIRD AND B STREETS jUgryVKejsr Bailee City, have on hand a variety 3Ki.) iHHiseumu ruruiiurc, f embracing Tablea, Chairs, Bureaus' Beds and Bedsteads, Beddicjr, Carpets tc, etc., ail of which will bo sold at low rates, furniture Repaired, and Upholstering done so oruer. aiao,on nana Mattresses and Pillows. Bpring Beds made to order. au!2 'aru umunn o. B. KCKOHL. 11; WM. MOABUS &. CO., MS ' '''fx o vision stOxe, 1 ' Corner of Flrat and B Streets. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS la BREAD, CRACKERS aa Family GROCERIES. ! a.Onleeesrom a dlsUnce carefully filled and promptly eispatelied. 1-tf MEDICAL CiVItI. A. . STEPHENSON, M. D., RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional services In the several branches of medical practice, to the itiaens of Dallesand vicinity. Particular attention will be paid to female diseases. Chronic diseases of whatever type or grade, will receive prompt and efflolent treat ment. Olllce, adjoining Waldron's Dms Store. noUStf WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ; Si Standard aud Muicellaneeaa WORKS, ta NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAPRK8, o., Ac. by every 8teamer. PostOfflce Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. V imT4f H..J. WALBBOM 00. X .JL.fO.-8TJE zds Maairigra o n and after September , until further notice, . Tbe Passenger Train; to connect 'with steamers ' ' : FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA Will start from the R. R. DEPOT DALLES CITY, DAILY (Suudays excepted.) at 4-30 A. M. The Steamer Oneonta, Capt. J. McNDLTV, will leave DALLES, DAILY, (Sunday.) r cepted) at o o'clock, a. M., contiectin by the CASCADE RAILROAD, wlh the steamer CASCADE, Capt. J. Wour, I.. Pnrtlanu. - FRANK T. DODGE, ' Dallw. Sept. itl, 18W. (Bep-23 Agent 0. 8. N. Co.' ' DALLLS & QY0 CITY STALE company'' Are now running their line of . j CONCORD STAGES BETWEEN , ' i EeA.LT.teS &; CANYON CITY By way of 1 Todd's Bridge, Cross Hollows, Bridge Creek. Alkali Flat, Camp Watson, Rock Creek, Cottonwood and John Day's River, tri-weekly. OAKRTINQ ...'.''. j WBf.LS, FARGO & CO'S EXPR3S8. Leaving Dalles and Canyon City every Tuee y and Friday morutng. Through in two days. , '. ' ) JA3. A. 1IBNDBR30N, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles offloe At Wells, Vargo A Co.'e, Dalles. Main: J.ttBALl Dalles, April 35th, 1864. ap26tl gei FOR BOISE .ni,ES DIRECT. THE WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINf; OF i CONCORD STAGES, CARRYING THE U. S. OVERLAND MAILS . . - AND ''! Wells, Fargo it Co.'s Express, ! la now making Regalar Trips from Walla Walla to PI cerville, (Uuise Mines.) Tliroagh in Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and th' Boats of the 0. 8. N. Company. , OHO. F. THOMAS CO., I ap27-tf - . proprietor I Jtl.ACK FOOT liXl'KIiSS, DWIGUT & BACON, Proprietors. ! TMIS PUBLIC ARB HEREBY INFOKMKD that we . have concluded arrangements for the transaction of Express 13 UHin.es s TO AND FROM THE BLACK FOOT COUNTRY! and bave commenced enaklr.g regular trips from WALLA WALLA, via Lewlstoit.ee VIRGINIA CITY, HELENA, Ol'lIlR A BLACK FOOT CITY. All buniuea entrusted to us will be attended to v illi promptness nd dispatch. , eT Particular attention paid to COLLECTIONS. Will leave on their second trip, starting from Walla Walla, October 3d; Lewlston, October 6th. - sel9-'2m NpORNER COURT AND SECOND STREETS, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED FROM THE "BELLA UNION" CELLAR, INTO Gates1 , New Uulldlxiij, Beg to Inform the pnbllc that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best i Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THB MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A :.PreeLiunch ; Every day and evening. ; , . , . - , - ANTON LAVBR BMI1, BCHTJTZ, Jec?-lf ' ' Proprietors. aUAUTZ MILiIiS! . And all kinds of Machinery' , Manufactured ai the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TH streets, . PORTLAND. , . , . ... Ai Portland, Dec. th "4. 0. GIBBS ' CO., ' , OUIMSM1 W I 4ofltf -J B. L. elorao fc Co. - ,-l4.tO..TJERI8.' ttorney and Counsellor at Law i.-j.iVft An if - : t . NOTABV PUBLIfJ. OFFIOR On eeroer of Washington and Main streets, jpanyon City, Grant County, Oregon. .- . .apMtt H jfk KEGS OF SALT SALMON, lvuWekcbi !i ' ill For sale by fanlfctq F.LLEB1.'. Oil. S. I WALLACE, ?KJ81C1 A N & 8 UR GEO It Near fiatei A Chapln's Drng St6re, m MAIN STREET. DALLES. aplgt COLUMBIA 'BREWERY, HLITDWIG & SOI ANNO, Props. T1A I.T.HU. fT XTrTLrTwr HIOhEST PRICE' PAID FOX BARLEY. t it li i 11 Jt U 1 L aU'A'1", . i , , uweWraae urn wholuau , t , , , Dealers in Wines, Liquors' GROCERIES, ; Miners' Goods, Boat Stores, tVc, havi axuovsj) to TBiim , ; NW STONE BUILDING, CORN KB or Second and Washington Streets, DALLES CITY. faJOW IN 8T0RE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS if sortiucnt of the very best brands of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of ': , , GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 49 Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York aud Saa Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance n Baa Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly vorrect and prompt method ol doing bneM,tuey will receive the patronage of the pub lic. selo-tf EtAtubliwlieU ItG7. . tALDWIN T3ItO., . ., ' ,. , DEALERS IN . , . ,. ' , ' . ' '. corner of; ' ' Main and Union Streets, Dalles. BALDWIN tnh21-tf F.W.BALDWIN. FRED. GROCERY, E j ION E .' N LIEBE PROVISI AND FRUIT STORE Washington Street, opposite French k Oilman's, Dalles. i Has on hand a large aud well-assarted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Rutter Sc EK". ' Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted. Give Me a Call, Everybody 1 PRICKS LOW. au!8:tf . , ' F.LTBBB. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES.! "A. It. 13 O O TII, ; WHITE BLUFFS, W. T., ! FORWARQING AND COMMISSION MERCHANt,' V - AMD OIICIRAL DIALU I! MERCHlNDISEt! AMD . , . . , . ' j 1H 1 N E II S ' SllPPLie.S. PACK AND SADDLE H0ESE3 FOR BALE. ; nR EIGHTS CONSIGNFD to my care for Colvllle Ij Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re cetve prompt attention. White uiuns, Oct. 1st, iee. oca tr P. FITZGERALD : - ' Biatia m HE A. JX T W A. R E : Irou unci Steel. . ieery Ducrlption .t liners' and Mechanics' Tools, - - - " AND - ' i Farming Implements, i M11P CHANDLERY, GROCERIES, CLOTHING, AND BTAPfaiCDHX UUODB, Crockery and Glasswai . B. P. FITZGERALD, ' flo-tf , Dgllu, Oregon GATES & TUTHILL, DALLBS. OREGON, . rXTIOBIfETS ANd C0UNSEL0BS AT LAW, AND SOLICITORS in CHANCffiRY. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY AND WITH FIDEL ity, to all business entrusted to their care. Par ticular attention paid to collection of Claims, Convey anciug, to. Will be, do-leg all business honrs, in atten dance at their Office, over Dehm's Jewelry Store, i ... MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OKEOON.' N. H. Gatu. foc2-tfl i O.T ToTHttl "-A-XJ O rJ? ION! AVING LEASED the place on Second Street, fbr- M merly occu tiled by II. Oliver, Storage Store, we have removed, and uiar Dues tuere on Oliver, as a Grocery and 111 have oar Beg- Tuesday and Saturday, at 10 a.m !..'.. Goods received oo (Commission and Storage for Forwarding. JelO:tf PAYNB k Co., Auctioneers. J iroi Washington Wagon Road. :- HB UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM THB Traveling Publlo that the Washington Wagon Road id and Vancouver to the Upper Cascades is well being kept In good traveling order for wagons and B.C. HARDY. ' lanlltf Bole Proprietor. WeDTBIGELOW stock Dalles Jan. 11th 1S6S. A CAIID FOR TUE Fall & Winter Clothing Trade ' OF SAN FRANCISCO. t BADGER & UNDENBERGER, Nos. 411, 413 and 415 Battery Street, Cor. Alerctiaut, hau li'rancleeo. Importers and Wholesale Dealers. ENTISE NEW AND FRESlt 'STOCK WB WOULD CALL ATTENTION of Country Mer chant, to our usually large stock of Goods. Our stock comprises every artu-le In tie Clothing and Fur ' niauing line. Y have constantly on hand the largest aud greatest variety of uuuimere aud Wool HATS ol eay huiue in San Frauciwo, aud our pri.es for these Uwdi are It-ss than those of any house, as we receive them direct trout the manufacturer's consignment Our stock of Summer aud Fall Uoops is particularly attract 'ive, and the great feature to the couutry merohaut ia the uuusually low prices. ' ' Less Than tlie Cost of Importntlont We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES lu the Dry Goods line, which Goods we have purchased lu this market un der the hammer, and are oflormg them at New Yolk Cost, and less. ' ' We publish this card in order that we may make new acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore ' purchased of us, to call and examine our stock. '- Good Articles and Low. Prices! Are the .greatest inducements to all who purchase .0 -sell again. Merchant w ho Iwy ef us can make a good profit, and sell to their custodiers at alow figure. We remain, reapi-ctluily, - Your Obedient servants, " - j ; BADGttR k LINDENBEDQER, . . Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, Nue. 411. 413 and 416 Battery street, 1 Bon Francisco, April 1, 1866. Je2l-8mw. HO I 0U THE SUMMER UOISEJ , , ON THE SEA. BBAO HT. f1U18 DELIGHTFUL AiND CkLliBRATED SUMMER M. Ueaort, siiuated oa Clatsop Plains, a short distance from the Ocean, is now re-opened and ready to receive gueeta.' ... ... This resort possesses attractions e-nsnrpaased on the Pacitlc Coast. It lias a spleudld beaoh fur riding; walk ing and bathings twautilul eoouecy ahd eurrouudinga; burries of all kinds abound ; a feeaueiful trout stream andabundauee.olgauie. ,l ' -1. - TH K TAIILK Is eonsUntly supplied with salt aud Ireah water flsh clam, and crabs, elk, bear aud feathered game, aud the freshest of couutry produce. , The climate la selubrioua This Hotel offers every thing that could Le desired for the comfort of guests, both woll and sick. . ' . The Proprietors respectfully aak the Health and Pleas ure Seekiinr Public lor nartronave. that tfc.v m.v enabled to make the " Summer House " a permmeut le ni-iiioti oi me couutry. . JjOWJ&Lli a KlFraM. aiay etu, woe. , myDtr ELLING OFF AT COST! My entire stock of TOVES AUD TINWARE, ' ' ' : ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS, THB WHOLE embracing a One stock, ever article of which will be sold at COST, as I deeire to dote out business. Also, one GRAND PIANO, In good order. Also, for sale, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second Stieet, next to the corner of Washington. The House is twe stories, with a basement, and is well di.).h'd to the hotel busiueea. Also a lot of UEDDIN'J. coinprl.lng a'loiit twenty-live Beds. The whole will be cloned out cheap. For further particulars apply on tlm pmmlitna. au9:3m . ' . AL KUT'Jt K 117X0 RN . NlS.V I'll IJ IT,- ai.ioi: Lis F AND 'I ( PROVISION STORE. rpHB UNDERSIGNED INFORM iiin FHIi NCS and J. the public generally, that he bin Inst est .blml'.' J a Main street, next door to J. Juker, Tobuccoulni, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hand a largo nssoi tm. nt ot selected FRUIT. Also, Id' store aoompletentiick iifohnUe GKOCBMES, MOrjSJOys, VlMKTA HLKS, 4e. , All of which will be sold, wbolesaln and retail, at Its DUCBD PRICKS. Comeandeeeantlsatl.fy v.mrMlf. , seis-tf ... . .... John f.ponri'0. LINCOLN HOUSE, Corner Waihlngtonnad Front b.reete, ''' PORTLAND, OREOON. ' FIRST-CLASS HOTEL. LARGEST IN TriEJJTATJf. Charges Reasonable, i - . AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boate and convey Passengers and their baggage to the House Free ef Charge, or to any other House In the Clry for 60 cent. 8. COFFIN, Proprietor., . P. 8 HOT AND COLD BATH8 in, the House. All the Summers for Oregon Oitv. Vancouver. MonU. iio .ii. astoria lauu as uie idncoin sepl:8m I House Wharf. . T.TSTVT'Tfi.T. HAS REMOVED H18 OFFICB 0PP0- , site Bloch, Miller k Co., where he I is prepare so ao nil xinus Ol ncalTll ., lAADii In a skillful and well flnlshtd manner.- TKKTI1 InserteeJ from one to an entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plata. Prices range for Rubber Plate, from tM to $80i Fiji Gold Plate, from $76 to $126. . , Persona kavlng work done by me not proving tat. - wm bu. n ivf aureu to receive or pay ror ute . anis-ti uoia riai- yW-Per Kfactory 1 frame, ' Receiving, Storlngr Forwarding ........... . . Coiiiimssion Meroliill $Siz -SISffiiF. I'll lavsli.i Mada Ai,' rnmlirnmtnh' K'. v J . . . . nmuu" ' 11 au I teaivvo vtPHV r b vvuusejuuivaatife 1 MAIN STREET, Oppoefte'tie UmatUla 'eM''I j- WAIiDROW BROS DHU aj TtRB 7