i - v . r A Faring Bobbery. The boldest robbery we' over '.bear f owurrU on ingni, aooui nine o'clock t the tttOt-0 Ol' Crawlhrrl ftlw.u A r n , .v.U. h, jrvr, Jtoiwayt as was ins habit, hud made flH imttBQ account, and put his dust itUO ihe safo. and siond 111 I fA HuBD in j his. office miifetng a momoraiidura of . -iAlAinhMr!i' i hat Ui i.a i o v..cU .10 nau juaii jfiiHUoa in ' wallet and left I vinir at his elbow on iba desk. , While entering W note of ww muuaot in ine casbbowlc florae per on en tered the office through the baok rior of" tho store, snatched the -wallet otakmig abont two thousand 4oU Mars in' greenbacks nd s'oih'e' notea- ,tore it the darkness.' Mr.; Red way had just time to get:a glimpse of the man enough to-see that he had 90 a Ttairof goggles, and was otherwise disgtrised. Several persons wore stand ing a-nhort distawen from the office door, tut the operation wa so' adroit- jy na quickly performed, that before any ol them could realiee; what was 'done' tha r.inoiil Und mini a .Inn a a.,:..' cape. ' Art outside window- had the ourtaio raised a little through whioh ' no doubt made a reconnoissance that enabled him to make his grab at the right moment. -Idaho Statesman, i Stages von California. Captain ilullari has already pat the new line in ucoessful 6peration, running bis stages Cri. weekly., W, P. & Go. now forward unesaengers over this route, the. first one having left this week. Security has been obtained by the proprietor from Gen. McDowell for the safety o the stages alowg the road. Ten eon panics of soldiers are now, on their way to' protect the route from Indian dep redatjons. v The . stages, connect, at 'Chipo with California Siage Company afSilsuriville, with stages to Virginia: un(It Puobla with stages to ilutu " .bbl'it, Pussertgorsarotioko'ted through , from Bi.iso City to Sari Fraiif.-isfjb or , Virginia. Fare from Boise City 4o vniiilta U, U, JJ.UIUUUIUC 00 t0 Chico , $75 j to Sacramento ,885 3 -and' San Francisco $90. ; The stages IllllU&W RlllUU Dili few,.., Iti ..In An' 11,.. day, Wodnusdayg and .Fridays. Pas songurs are. allowed- to lay overat very point on the road, and resume their journey at their own option. We understand' the stages are running ' crowded with passengers, who express tlietnsol es -well satisfied with the trip. Jdaho aiatesman. ''r ..'. '' Game. Our esteemed young friends, Mossrs. Bodge & Bradford, of the 0 S. K. Company, presented itheir "compli 'ffients" to us yesterday in the shape of a coupld of britco' of fine, fit "prairie -.t.:.i i- t.;i' i ' uiuisoii iur t wmuu luey will .piease accept our thanks. . , .. ;, . Slicrlfl'S Sale oMleal Estate and Mining Land. BY VIRTUB OV AN KXKCUTION, to me directed, imurd by the Clerk or the Circuit Conrt in favor of 'Hhnrltu Beoker plaintiff, and Againet Wm. Uevine, Win. Uurm ami Rennet Kommerfleld, defendant, fur theauin f (f 1611) one hundred and aixt tix dollars principal, in old coin of the United States, and fur the further sum of ita vo-iwf sixty-iour nonars ana vo-iuu, lor cost and dis Irarsenients, I hare levied upon, and will sell t. public auotlon, to the hiKhest bidder for cash in hand In gold coin ol the United States, on SATURDAY, the 14th day of October, I860, between the hours of 1 and 2 o'clock, P. uviure uitwun nituse4iuur HI vanyon Uliy, 1110 IOI- lowing described Property to-wit: The undivided one half of DWRLIilNO and STOHB UOUSB situated on Rom Ouloh, in Ollre Creek diatrlet, levied upon a the prop , erty of WM. BURNS. Also the undivided 0De Uiir4 f THRKK QULC1I MINING CLAIMS situated pon BM's ' Jl.,1n. U..!ni,li. mt ..p.hmk m k. .. .1 . .1 (Julch. and running up to a ditch. It being six ttoadrod feet more or leesin OIIxe Creek district, the subS' ImIiix . levied upon as the-prpperty of WM. DKVINK; , BfcP. BRRRY, Sherlir. , . ,By WK Wi Wmmx, IMpnty; ,'. ' Canyon City. 8ept.4lh, Woo, '- "l" seMw. ' O OR BOOKS MUST CLOSm),: eUhery nor r cash, within sUly days.' All persons indebted will uitwse calband settloat abovo. ' - 1 i"-i I IIUUUINB, UcrAILLANO COJJ Dalles, Sent. 1, IMS s.im ATTOMBYS &.COUNStL0RS AT1AW e THL'ttltUfNOU. lW TnW.anDDfUMM Am - .ff Mit Oourtsf ttrettoa.aadt aUe.AWateicti OourtM rwasntoirtmsery.. V I MaaaMiiterUMaiwilUl io tke CfMeeiiqlitlainis. 'SV .IIJiaLSADN. . Ikll.. A.. .1 tckltudr' ' PHONOGRAPHIC JLlHkfltESSE$. TBARTIK8 WISUIROTHOTOaRAPHIO LIKKNISS. aJ.K8tas;wiU blnxinsMss. asf goto ..Australia shortly... . . . filKURll uOLfl, I - tTALDROIV BROS.. . 'I. wholesale & Retail Drttreists. WlH'Streti, DHOrea;it. W NOXOCCUPTOSR NKW TWO STORY FIBB nV.-ifi?!?"" ''"'?!'. PPol Bloch. Miller 4 Orvgt, Uedicinet Snroiun ,wmniHiug in part or lamp WIoIm and Chltuevd Xvrpsntili - Alct.h.4, . t: ; iitamed, j ' ' fcrd, ' tponge, . . Leeches. . Ctrkt, NflAtafnntMl . - .i ' . . Indlgnd JLamshlack. TRUSSES, SHOULDES fiRMfS. SUPfflIRS, AND Onr stock nffAunF flniiiai....L.. . quality, ttjZZSZZfS m.uiii. i-qriumn7, Hair. " .umn s rollet Soaf, Nail, Pomades,. ..... .I,,- ,, fbavlnt,'. Vo"tlci,...,v . HatiT . , " Cologne, . - -: -1 - , i(h- -t r , j fancy Soaps and J- . ;,r . fleeti' BiwftW . . Tooth Powd's, 1 ' l 'ndCosb7 PTJTRB WINES ANi UOUOHA for Medicinal purposes.' !""- 11 ' "' th. iS "ITS r r?,tIt (Nods arnoi.atoBonfi the State, and e shall afalhtimea sell at a small ad vamo from cost. Ready sales and small nis.n . FHTSICUNS' PEKSCKlPTiaMS aIlly.com,'ol"",d ' " to" of the w and night. . Iiillce, Bept,a, 18H6. ; - jielo-5f BOOT AH U WlIOU MTUilE; J5V AVTCKJUK.:..,, HAS aBMOVRD HIS BOOT AND BHOB STOItS.to Ilia building on Main street. 'tlAftrlV .Atamdkai MnnllilU .11.11 1 a . . I mi : -vf--.-., wuwj - lamii, wiicnj tlQ nmm Jill. rt(teteti,lrtifrum Rnn PimiwUctf, n na. Mil. . A l . a - M uwaus auiiwN won syosouieu WQK 01 . 'if BOOTS AND SIIOES, , of the very bast oualitv anrf Uiut , EVER SROBftlfT Tn tuid a n. . v taelanlng the celebrated KNGtlSh .8UN1TIN0 SHft? m.uftnd py BeSkett. Also, s, large sWnT.nt ? Ladles' and CJhlldren'ti Gaiters. Of thalatut Si 1.S . i - V. . ' . ' adelphis, makers. jLleo,,,,very targe assortmen. of ' i .".hit uicruncaa kikji v i , . , ,:r " . .;ninr wuor Shoes . r, r.,, outaining a neat and easy Bt. ' . ' it. arwiiia n.i... . . SCld-tr ' t"..i .. .hm lV.L MV.T,'',,. ORB AT B A RG Al W SI AV1NQ JUST RECEIVED onr FdU mnd Wint """jr jwt wa propaxea to oner - q RKAx: A Iltt AIXSL and will dispose of onr whole stack ( lis w ... DRY GOODS AND CIL0THI1MG v " " ' ' At greatly.reducsd rates " ' 3 - O It, O S H J All thow that wlah to be benefitted oy this opportn nlty, will do well to cU as soon as convenience will si lOW. . - . J 1 . v. seluitf. , .) C0H A nnnuia HALL'S SARSAPAHItilsX riSI,tOW DOCK ANOIIiDIDB OF POTASS, tbe best .Ji.; alterative the world, -, , . , . , , JOB RUKUMATISM " j4 " ' .take Uall's Saraaparilla, IFOR SCROFULA,'? T f take UAH's Sarsaparill. " ' ' - .j:F0R. PAINS IN T11K HONES.! . I .... ( v- ,.,tk, Uall'a SamaparilU. WOK FAINM'IN THK BACK, M i t- I j .take-ilKll.'s Sarsaparllia.- i J, ''. J I ,-- ',10 B 'I'M P O ft B .BLO0:O. . ' ; take llnll'a SaruirllL. ' IOB MORBID LIVER, . take Hall's Bantapntllla. ' " ... i0R PIMPLKS 'AND Rfln.9 .A ' -VA V.i )' iak,lUll!s;Sarsnparlll ,,; ,,. " i T0ralrTJIMttMMr tka nin.-ut Ql.t .-"- ' . . ' -- - - - ... wiww., w.n.aAverMiQ..i.ittjievl.; Hall's Sararparllla will be fband superior to nay 'Alter" live Medicine offered. v ... , . ,T7. , Sold everywhere for $1 per bottle. C , . - a R-HA''L CO.. proprietors, l . & .Oorjier Sausome and Comme'olal streets. ' STTh Vtl " San FraucLwo.r 'rorSaleby., , , .. , . ;le27mlsdi,w. ' ' . LBMON.:l)ailas. f Dr. li. W : yt IXOHlSjL" t COUNTY PHYSICIAN. . , OFFICE AT CRAIQ'S.pttUO STORE.' " n, , " ..rova, mriiir uamonc Uhu'eh.i:. , . i. ... .,- ., j,,ik.a Dissolution or,o-partner8Ulp. NOTICE IS HEREBY 0JVENv that, the co-partner- ship lisretofore Existing between-A IL.' Sutton, J. M. EcCuy, N. Mlllord, . M. Ruie, and James McFxrlend- undr tilia nam a nl Isa uunnv iiuuir mtirun , . i A ai Vi "a . . WsADa aUlClinU V'tAla tti! I i,fa,w"da'' tbe muderalgned hating QmntCoonty, KugMtZt, ,1886- - - AO30.-4ir Peaches! Peadheslf taf will be sold 4y lb 'bu or pound M tbe loweet Frirmerf nd Fmilt Or wen of Waeco County, hating nnmM Prut in. Aim.-. .r m -i . ..B i autoai t "j " u. sposrio. L f S,SH ? P'KM. of my!RM,.,adJolnlng the I1 WM-wCounty Race Course. The location Is deslra- , ' , - v.imnro aviuuininereu. ine lermAsrul b, maile easy, ifor further particulars apply to l-rf i JiRnntiH siueamn ' avuarMaanK t...i j:....; . a ..j.M.MuarHi, .AttorneylUat-Law. . fc t MVJ UK wvkM.4)oaatrjI. T. I i i T - - . . . "rr ir gat (Law .a ja tKi A .iia. , OFriOB-09 ooraer of ashiteta4 Mala streess. '. Main tlte,.- ni.ii.'. ' s;-. MalB treet, Dalles, - ! . sssiiiu aaB an hi. m 1V-,- '.T i U' W cigars; tobacco; -snuff, atwAis ur stou nu ant uuiss or tlgars, tobacco, Matches. &c. . VH.1VTNA a una ..'' .v POCKET CUTLERY. . - PORT HUNlftcV ' ' S 'i e: .' COMBS s4 BRUSHES, o all ktaaa. , , ! PERFUMERY, ol every description;. .-" OHINA ORNAMENTS " ,1 f, ' TOYS, DOLLS, etc. V t. 1RH UA.iIa . ... tnnran i ' W8WAI. WSTOTM'SiS," t T ftTJT ben Portland npfona. uk j j . ' I"""! " "HUt wKlUOQs 04 XEACJE ! PEACE! AND THE COUNTRY S A VET. THwh.RK!CT WONDER OF THE AOS, AND Why! Because we buv aa-rSaalnh. r.- .-.V .... , - " J, . "UBD we uuy I sargest ancr Urst assortsaejaif 1UV. GOODS A FAIVCY GOODS ' Etm broihi t th-nail a a... .. vaai 4amva UI CLOTH I tv .HH i & SHOES ..... .vw. m-wnawia Prices thatooar Oempetitloo. CaM nd examine, onv balls, May X7Xk, 1S6S. sa. aaasss a IX,, myl7tf. J YE R Y IMPOB TA 2V T HirchantsVi FamlUes, Hotels and fULlUS KT1AKMKK HAVJN0 BOUGHT THE EN. SL n'rmW VHT "d B,)ok '6 o l f 00., In This cliy, te which hei.es added of his own inrportairon (while doing busliMssln Portland) an Immense stock of tke best manufactured Crockery, ; , Glassware, : Plated Ware, lamps, . . 7 Chandeliers, ! Table Cutlery i i Iooklng-Glasses and V ', All Kinds ot Oils, '. . '!. . ;. . Ill 1 . ' . iJZi i. . " reaucea rates. Persons wllh- Ingito buy any of the aboKwmuntlonwi articles, will. do W!i jt0 " "' ca" b"' purchasing elsewhere. Orders from the Interior promptly attended to. and goods packed. tojfo secure. Don't lail to call on me. , awn ooorssDove Brown Brosi, Main street, IHiIIbs. W March ITth, 1 ""fV M. BROWN & BROi, . '-wuouufau am Ansa DUIXU 111 ! I AJSTO-Jc" ANU JSTAPI.B i GROCERIES, ;PROVISAONa;.&o. Mr. M. BROWN, being resident of San Francisco we' ire enabled to oBer great Indcenients to purchasers. VVa; espectfully Invite the public to examine our stock berori -St ow). Store, north side Main street, Dallas. "S Ho! 1 e That llunjrer or Thirst! MIKB RBNIG presents his cesnfdluteats to his ItEST ATTli. A TNTm-r ' '' HEQtJLAR MEALS And LUNCH s ol yoro. . . . BJSlAlflUUY:: ,, , .'v ICE CREAM! ! With PRIVATH IPlllTulfUN ,.., J "... Ladies. wi oenunaea wm SODA3 i With veryvarleiy oCSYRCPS. , rODRTHLY! CQJ If ECTIONABT3 Tlis haat aiui.tm.nt Air.l a. .u. i . '' ---- - iuw, yuuiie on Lata side Of the Mountains. ... .nmiLVti, . - ' FltTilTSl '- EVERY TARIBTV- art their season. SIXTHLY, LASTLY, BUT NOT LEA8TLT: ' - ' .no a.nnlp "t ,'lT I Ik.' u n,.n n. ... . SSf.'JS-''W'E'y-'wtirtlo a VARIETY E1UHB. - mvlB-ir rpiIB UNDERSIQNED BEOS.TO INFORM THE CIT- ..:.'. .A ... , H.'M.iEVANS ; A Xot and .3 llouaes. In order to : t.amr TH"J"MIONED oflers.tor sole his alnnble v.".a, ueawesamaanington mid Court streets. . Th6iLot.onts6 feet bv 1S0J itJrl BWBLUNO lI0U8B,sluatd.on Vourth itraet, between ' 1 " - v.,- a -cakd. , , .;.".;:; i - ,f 'MWttL.will, remove. from' the Dalle tf iU.!portlaud, ot. . She rlisth .Instant. .-Sh. returd. 1.1? 'it'0 lll" wd viclniu e'm--uhho w3i.ojrea upon ner.lbr thtt lui iiHitwi55:.Virr!T?. ..uaiiss, yeptembet;, -nn; " -t. r ..t-. ;:, Mf . ... ... Canaries nd QoIdllnlhAs, I,1 foil song, and ilhiliisiAsswtaAagaa, fee sale by P JE OP f, B S M A R K ET'I OPPOSITION TO MOKOPOLYr ? rant. HAnr vi .... ' ,'?"r,.,i''"si ISNOWOPEI AjrofiUPPLt thafuUlo with thoboS. ', , ' ;. , Fresh Pork,' ' ' ; : Fresh llAAf. , or i.". ', ' ' ' -iilso Corned Deer,' ' - - -..n . ,"'"''..'' Pork' '' -'-. who bU iL' lIL',, "! and III other. '.. .orm J" STOCK will lvAyi flnd oj ta r! f ibices. n.Ltr -- v. wwanaMcoaa Btneeta, " a 1 ; " FRAWTTT TW TW 'T"iTTliT-T7 S? ,"tt faOWJlND WASHIKOTOM filBEETS' . '!,l,.r"vVf vatfir, - r . . railUi. 11Xim?t)Die.t 'l JL beting fitted up tbe JiV',, loliandallaoHX)f .i.n!if- ) i ,..,. . Jj? Cured Meati- - a Ofthsbsn qoltyfumiahedat the LOWEST BATE ' - ::, n My notto U to CPLBASE ALL." .v.,, .. . , 1 to,cW.V ltllB MarSe? PJlesiiArnary,'ilKh.tMil una JIPPJNOEB..1 1 , TOa CHEIaBACa; Proprietor! ;t Offconstantiy on tad , lh, nrf i J m v taw Wt el. qiUlltT.- , , i FAMUI.WTHS, MTO- STEAMBOATS it! 1'J.J 1M':''"amUid'oirUoBbU terms; t Mi.'..'o ar , .i!Tir ""?'P1 ; W avha hl.lu n "I Y st o n se : ;. raunt aM Billt'luwhww , 'K.I3 "A.:i- .-"'i .c??? ? llot Bread, Cak s & Plegl . . " ""All MAipas lis dl.t&&fr0mHle Jtly flliett'a.'uipron!!, VamlJj 'fiw Frirti store,. Corner of Wssl.iugton anrsicond Mr-...- W JHE UNDKRSIONED W1BUT1mV-:' " wwieu, siuoA of , ur, ., .TT Artic,.T,SH BUT'SI 'ro0' . Wra.'W? ck or uerchaV, "der .to , ,U K.'.SaJ ta wuuts. 0UuSi:,.": !.f "".1 Huwlng up s nll-tf ... as. aaratti-'."! :M.: WONBgH il Ot). Watchmaker ,aud:Uleie.vl .MAIM STDkrr-r a-,P1t I' ' ' - , wvoa TO T1IS AMA.T ovvtm ' '"4 :De Spectacle Cutlwy, '"''. 0 me warrants..ii-..i. ' :. ' All.WMnbea fMiraAa,tf TnE-tdsm : heretofore' exist mutuaJ.uoHut,'i dlsy, Ur Onaimnat aar..' ! "?! K and. due tk. i...'- ....... ""TTT i inmL: ' MI"" flry, A?grt4J,h,4iM.0-,W,. r i ,r,y .i c i if v i . . j. j iru 1 tarr5