- - - - - . T V T-- 4 A. .alr-tV MAS 44k ji r ' tMi:.Ei( :m4 vol. o; "T K LLES,' ORRGON, TUfe&OiY, SEPTEMBEtt lt, 1865.' us tntmut; ri ClIIIEl KYEHV M0RNIJ.G, '(WDvi ntirtu, bt : 'j!jf. ift'ILLUl Hfct" 1NFE WELL, . D1TUU AKD PdCfBUTCKt.., I TVtKIweHtt pr wk, payable to, the carrier per month, bf mall, SI; t,r mouthy $2 60 all , aitiatlu,of ou jieat, of.-- Advertliemea.t'lnerted at ' low rate. ,:.(.!:, ' . ir :i . Job Printing- ... '' Every1 detrfptl ofplHia and ftuwy Ao Printing eev died wltlraeatni and aeapatch, ana forwarded aa tfbfj orner hi any pan or ine country, raynunt JorJoO J1in ing taut be made m delivery 0 work: EMPIRE HO;TEL, - mix mm, bauu, ouosk, 1 THOMAS SHITIJ, Proprietor. A HIRST-CLASS ifo USE. , , IH CUTM Of 1U8IMUS, .. - , jtW th Samboat and Bailro'ai Wiiivfr4 Superior Accommodation fur Panilltetand coVA ummodaCe Oae Hdred and Filty Oameei- -' MlIi......J.J-ae.. vi lodging-. Neb,' rire yroors.rrordepoett6f Tiilunblet.'i ' aII(m(wiJI night, Bsggaire'tiiken totheltonaa free of cUarge. THijMA! 8JIITH, ! "''8-f . , Proprietor. . UMATILLA HOUSE, 'DAW.ES, OREGON. , IIANDLEV & Sf!VOTT, I'ron'rH. I VU8 WKW, RMOVN HOT KIT' la new opee-for the U. reception of gneit. After being thornnKlilv reno Sited and newly faroliheA, It will be conducted. In all ; 'PMtmwiU.u a Irartolan HOTHU The home la con- imeatl loaa,ted aaar the eiboat landing and railroad . ! : ,k,B " Hoom, free of charge, llouw "lit 6pen afl niicM. MThe (h-oprletnn wfritiot be retponnlbleforanT Baggaire Valaablea, nnlen a check li given therefor. "8 90 eatibdglBri SO eente. mrt FURNITURE! FURtflTURJj IiEItLA.M &WENTZ; WNITUa-cORNBIt tHIIlD AND B 8TIVKKT8 yrmiMMu Dalle City, have on hand a variety f J Household Furniture, ' JjiliaU' Lembraclng Tableai Chair,. Ilnream War aj" de and Uedtead, Beclding.Carpet o, etc., al of which wlU be aold at low rates. fSrnlture ' jKCValreil. and ITtlhallliflHntrflnniitnnrHiil. ftl,n nn Um-A Battmniandrillowi. Spring Beds made to Mrd,er. mil . aoRo. o. b. xomii. WM. MOABU &. CO.. BAKERY, PRO VISION 5roRf-; . " Oonjero'CKritand Brrr. r " i WHOLKSS AND RKTAH, OB I.KRS la BRBAtt, OKAOKKRBand family OlttMJKHU.S. ' ' i i-Orderrfroeaa dlataaoa earafuUy tiled aad promptly 1-ti iJ. P. FITZGEHALD ..1 aAuiH ., . , A. K D-W A R E liners' ana neeiiamcs Tools AND -. Far-minor Implements. ! : SHIP CUANDLKRY, OROCEItlKS, CLUTHINO, AND BTArt,. DRY GOODS, Crockery and; GlaslVi e.j ' .'. , , '. 1. P. FITZOKRALD, A .f IT' TV r A T . t a w--wv iTi aju a a vja.AvA A. C. STEPHENSON, M. I RRSFUCTTObLV tender hlk feuionniVervlce la tha eevera) branches: of medical practice, to the eiuaeni 01 panaaaavviciniiy. rartlcnlar attention will he paid to female diieaee. Chronic dlsea-en of whatever tjrpeor irade, Will' Veoslv Mroiwpt and efficient treat. want. Offlce, adjoining Waldron' Brui Store. oo26tf : v WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A . OCHOOIl BOUKS STATIONERY, . WST ' 9 8Undard and Miacellaneona WORKS, fjvllli Lata N0VKL8, MAOAZINK8, PAPKRg.. . , c, A.. by every Steamer. Poet-Offloe Sooketore, Halo street. Dalle. maT-tf H. 3. WAtDKOV Oci. ' w. r. bigelToWt w mmq, s.vf a v. naiuiug VVIIHIIU. .A A(UA ViAteAAV . Located at tha nri, ; , Ire f.ir itoraga, ' ,', , ,' , ;, mbliUf 1 Dig. a Notice. I P heretofore eilttlng hth THE CO-PAr tween th asd tk BUTCIIEKUjO. Bn- KIN ESS, I thl W ...... 4 if nuttaalcoaaenft Tne otuinea will b. aiitnsii I j f . 11, llulgei A C. at th 'i'ld tand, to wiiai U th lata Arm moat be Ud., Penoa AdU.4 e areiiy iwUBad that the nut com nrwatd d .la, ti a or otherwla. fbu. II. Bahnr.A ra.taarn elebu owlnr hrthe .JU5. (K)UUJlltBt . y ii f WlH Sfisi rilijti., .4 V ....... . LOWBER .. I .rttl.H. BOWER. 8BH1II 1IUWMM1.' The Oregon Ste Navlatioit Co. On odiaftcr rntiday, Deoember th, antll fyrther notice, the O. 8. N. Company wUI 4eepatch one of tjte following named StoaDiera : ;yebFoot,' '. , ;. s !.TninoV . Y(lKia)a jZ'llPWi - :" " ,. Siot'tfiiette Chief, Okanagon, , Co!,' WjrlgUt,- ' Owyhee,' ' " i ', FOR UMATILLA. & WAILULA on MOlXA. yiDNEBDAV and FRIDAY of each week' i .. . ltettvnlpgl.leave Wallnla and- VeaatUla . TUESDAt, TIIUU8DAV, and SATURDAY oT each weekr , ' "... The PaHsenger Train, ' '. Toconnectwlth the BTKAMBg AVcjiULOUt'ifMr from thtritailroad Depot, . , r ESaUes City, ai " A. SJV The Ktemner Oneonta, Capt.-J. MuNBl.TY,wlll l.ite ftALJJif, .JIMlf, (Sbndaye ex eeptavl) t v'clock-, A. r,r !CA'SCfADI8, connecting wICfl the f earner WIL80N 0. HUNT, Capt. Wour, foi Portland. ' VHANK T. DODOK. Dnllee. Sept. 37, 1864. . fmrl-t , Agent 0. 8. N. Co. UMATILLA AND BOISE PI ON E E Rffijfesl v L' INiJ CONOORD i stages: ,..: .,1, ,.;) CARRYING : .. . ,-. , ! ' THE UNITED STATES MAILS, AMB ,. y . , i ! , CONNECTINO WITB THB ' O. S. N. CO.'S STEAMERS . TO AND FROM ... . .! i PORTLAND AND THE DALLES, Leavea Umatilla regularly every other days via Swift t Meacham'i Station. La Orande Citv. PoU.lnr. nwnit. Weleer and Payette River Valley to flacerville ; there connecting with itagea to Gerrtrevltfi and Idaho Cltv. and all nnrte of Rijtob liaalii. Alio rnnnwrlnu p.v.,u '.' Overland Stager Ltn . To Bolie and Salt Lake Cltieat and at Bole Cltv wit tage! Idaho City and the Owyhee Ulue. Office' Vk OtlesrtM Hotel, Umatilla, Oregon. ! . . , ISH A HAI.EY, ' ' 1 -Proprietor. Dated February 26th. M9S. feBBtf . , k . DALLES & CANYON (5ltY STAGE COMPANY: '' '' ' Are now running their Hoe of i OONCOIID STAGES ; BCTWEEN : ; M;-. IJACa e CANYON CITY ..i.-.-; ... .Bywayof - .' i '. Todd' Bridge, firoM Hollow, Bridge Creek, Alkali Plat, Oamp WaUoa. Rock Creek, Cottonwood and John araj niver, in-weeaiy. -. - - - , ' - 1 : -j :,..;; 'aaksMM -i" I . WIIT aVS, FARGO A CO' 8 EXPRESS. Leaving DgHe 'and Canyon Cliy ' Tne 1 y and jrriony morning, xnrougu in iwo uny. ; , . JA8. A. tlENDERSON,' Agent, Canyhfa City. Dalle offlce A Well, Fargo A Co.', Dalle. ' ' I i . ' . , N. C.MAYUHW. Agent. . Dallea, Apr:i 26th, 1868, ... ,., ay26tl FOR BOISE MINES DIRECT. it THE S3 WALLA WALLA &. BOISE LINE .1. ' ....... OF I r,pdC(QRD"sTAGES, ; k i i OARRYlNa v A ; j' YAe tii' s.: dvERLANb mails i- ii..' . , ; .And . I (,i f ...-I. : ; mt-Siiia' a'VJ.wA t. - wJJ h; " vni aa.av at, at. af.frt)aS, Ke -making Regular Trlpafrok Wal WatTk to Pi enill,(B6leMine.)' - .. j Through In Trtd'aad a naif Days Connecting with the Wallola Lin of Stage, and tk noau or to U. fl. M. Company. , . ap2T-tr , j viir. . lliva uu., rropriMor Oregon Steam Navigation Co., JM'UTI'CE. ; REbtjCTlONDN PREXtjrHTl FROM AND AFTER 1ST JOLT KRtf , TBI BATES olfrelirht will be aa follow., ' T'" Imh huiui h, iliiu --;t- l ..' ' I. ... ,.,.;..4l 90 par ton- " , Dalle to Cmntllia.. ..... r , Wallnla. . :i7?.?.. 2 S . ,i ' White Blnlf..... 1 ta..1nlA - . K 4 at aa ( r ndm. akd afte THIS BATJ4 ffl rreTirhtC eiridU- assntjjt: iwui 1 ' ' a- - - tit ,h , 1' it c iv c 11 & I fj n a IHrORTIM AXB tnuuu Dealers in Winef, Liquors . i r ; : OltOCEllIES, ' Oil era Goods, Boat stores, &e., NiW atONH euiWPINGj Hecond and Washlngtoir 8tt-ee!(, DALLES CITT. PORK A I.AROH AND I TBaTOW IX STORE A LAROH AND COMPLETE AS a. a ortmenc of tlje very keif brand of' yrxunam a riQuorts. ..ivi iAlepiatBJlavtortajtmtof. ' ,. ,i, 1 GROCERIES A-STAPUE-QOOD. Ootlltaotly raaeMng out npplfet direct from New York and Ban-Vrmchoo,. we are able and willing to tell at a vexjr,'amall advance on San VranHann nrlMH T1,.v f-hepe b adopting a aulctly eorrect aad prompt method ol uuiu, viwoih, uey will receive tne patronage of the pub- . apio-tr V.- JMtarHirohea IS57, ;, , - BALDWIN1 Blto:, ' . : . DEALERS IN , !.) A i '!;,. ..t: CORNKR Of,.-'.: . ( Main and Union Streets Dalles. J.C.BALDWIN) aMUf I t' -PI-PWINi FRED. LIEBE, ! GROCERY;; PROVISION; v .Mil-; i,-',. 1 ; .aND :. ; ' FRUIT STOItE, WatklngtM trreat, appoaite French A- Oilman'. Dalle. 1 i IluenWadaOarge aud well-aaaerted ttock of , GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, FrtesilA-Bwittef &.Eajji Received dally.- A Urge lot of CHICKENS alway on hand. FRUITS of all klnde. PKliSH VKdKTAHI.KA very morning. All article, warranted. Give ' Me a Call, Everybody I PRICES LOW. ' ' P. LIEBE, AUCT.IO-Wri H AVISO LEA8ED the place otf Second Street, foN mpry occupied by H. Oliver, a. a Grocery and StnrageStdr, w have removed, and'wlll have our Reg- Tuesday and Saturday, at lO a.m V l0oodT6ceied on Commission M Storage for Forwarding: Jetfl:tf PAfXNB A Co.; Auctioneer. HEW YORK HKi:itv. HKNZKR &; CO.. i . Main Street, Dalle. , . . RUIJ Dealer la . ' " , '' BREAD, CAKES, CRACKERS, , . ,., AMD . Family Groceries anil Provisions. : ' BREAD und-FLOUR dejlyered 0 any part of the city Dalle City. Sept 8, 1M5, . ' leg-tf GATE8&TUT II ILL, DAL1.ES, . OBUGOBf, ATTOKNIIS ANd C0UK8W0RS AT, IAIT, 6 LiciTOl? S InCH NCKIIV, riLC ATT-pSD PROMPTLY AND.WIHrFfDKlU w i ny, to an vjovtna. entrnateg to their care. Par tlonlar attenlion paid to collection of Claim.. Canw.w awing; ie. Will be, dnHng all bnainea hour, In atten aance at their ttrn.ee, over Uehm'i Jewelry Store, MAIN STHEET, DALLES CITY, OREGON. " -N.H. flTa. - fne-Mfl I i. O. T TotniLl COLUMBIA RIVER MINES, i -tV. li. A3 O O T II, .( WUITB BLUFFS, W. T.i i' . ' , FORWARDING. AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, f, t . ,. . .. . Attn aiHUAi tuuum, nr . ... , ... ' ,, MER OH AND IS E 1 1, . '. . .' -. Airo ., , . TACK AKD SADpiEHOBoXSrOEBALZ. PREI0UT8 COHftaUtp to my car for Colvllj ' Kootenai, or th Uimer Bolambia Mlaea. Ml r olv prompt attention. . , White Bluff. Oct. let, ISM. ' ' ' ' " ' 'ftStf' ' LOST. . : : At THE TIME OF THE FIRE, on the tth nMa laat, t BUCK LBATflKB POCKKT fUVUT. nfahnnfa dtiMi pookeU, oilnUlitlnf Woaa. ana) other paper, unly . l . ' . I "... I 4 - vmvhwiv w mi. wHr., , anT DflnoK anowin AT III. ox wnvreaooni oi tne ana, will- eoavaff a ' by (Ivihg la-loraMtloa to UM MderatattM. affi' :.-..r I l-t'i , I llr-.,.0-HIJMASOif , iVas-oa Road. aaietnw .. . , fTBE UNDERSIGNED. WOnLD r mnar THE I ' Traveling Public that th Waehiagtoh Wagoa' Road from Portland and Vaneoavr in, too Vprnf Oainad la wwi uviaa ai. in goou vravmiaa; aer lor wagon aad. . A CARD FOn'TUB Summer & Fall Clothing Trade 1 ' 'f OF SAN FRANCISCO." BADGER & UNDENBERGER. No. 411, 413 d 415 ttottary 8ri.t. toporters and Wholesale Dealers. eytlJtS NEW ND fREsk STOCK WK WOBLD CALL. AT EN TIO If eHloutry Mer .w 'l.,'.t';.0"' "JS?'!' 'ftkTJa.JOwa. ET K WOwLD CALL ATI EN TrOJI eHloutry Mer V chant to onr naually large tockToui.'o k oomph-, every article In u.a-r-ihw.1.. ling Uu. Wo hue ontanUy on. han, u,, UrM," greatart vatiety of Oaaainier and Wool IIATH of ton., id r. Frjnctaoo, and tnl trtf aim any H'Ji !.""'? tbH- booeeVa. we Trce!v. ....... uira. ,im. ins manamoinrar oonilgnmeht Ona ftouk of HummeraudWIOoop. klpartlculyitraX. Ive, anj th?al hatur. to U.. couLTr, mei 10. puutuaUy-lowprlc. 1 01 ,.:.;, ,i j 7 .,,.1.77 Less Than tb Cost of Importation! W alio keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In th Drv flood, line, which fiood. w. h.v. purchSd in thl. m7keVmi "d ,bw - We 'publUh thl card In order that w may ma'ki 'new acqu.antanrM.and hHlucathon whol...itoiUtore purchased of tt, to i all and exaaain onr elock Good Articles and- fcovr Prices t tm 1? to io-iow muaoermmia-io Ml who-Mrchaae to i J.,Th.V"? ," aak. good I aeUfo their cuitoiner at a low figure, ft pruii, afid i remain, renx . Your Obedient Survant,' BADOKR A T.tMnvvBMiii 9 l o ... vYholejal. Clotf,lnf ..d Hat W,v Son France Ai ftaS"-416 L5 HOI FOtt THE SCMMEFTroilE'l SEA BEAG FT. rMII8 DELIGHTFUL AND CELEBRATED SUMMER M. HaotU ilinated on Clataop Plaine, a hort dliUno from the Ocean, I now raopened aad ready to recite gaeetf,-.. . , , , .. :i ,...,,,.. TIH rwoft ilonieiKe attraction nnntrnuMd on ,-. FaclBc Coat. It ha. a pl.ndld beach tor rlZg, walk-. Ing and bathing; beautiful teeuery and iorrouodinrr berrhj. of All Bind, abound)-a beautiful trout trS5 andaliundatrtip ofkame... . . ,, , , " . THM rcABi.: I conatantly jupplled with aalt and Imh water l.h clam, and araba, .Ik, bear and feathered gama, aud the. freshet of country produce. M ' t,ll?,it),''b!,'V. Th" Ho'e' oTr erery. T Proprietor nepectfuily aak th Health and Plea, nr. Becking Public for pertronaga, that they may - iwim: " ' jprmi. SELL ING Ol'PAt COST! My entire Mock of " ' STOVES AND TINWARE, tINJtAN'TOOL8'. THE WHOLE mbraclng a line itoc'k, ver artlcU of which will lie .(A COST, a I deXto cl out bu.ine, Alao, one GRAND PI ANO, In godd order. Alio, lor nl, the HOUSE AND LOT, on Second 81 aoaav to the corner of Waahlngton. Vh. IHoua tafw. JtorlM. with a bameot,ae l.well adapted to lb. hotel bu.lnew Alw a lot. ot BEDDING, oomprltlng about twenty-Bve Beda. Ih. whol. will be cloiU out chp. For further particular apply on th premlta. P ' "Mmm ALBERT BEtTINGEN. h e w - t utjIT, c; hoc Lit i -ANaW PttOVlStON STOtti 'I11!? nNDBRSIGNSb INFORMS HViVRIKNDS aad A , th?Hb1 onr4lJr l1"" n JA WtablUhed I oa Mais treet, toext door to J. Joker, Tooacconiet, ; - A NEVV STCRE t "4 St-Rr?fil"T!!i;hiMr.0' h" '' "-o'tment of ll'.!'ul- Al. '"toreacompleteetockofchole GROOKWKS. PROVISIONS, Pt?ATMfc All of which will be old, wholM. and nuHJ Ta"lii DUOED PHIO A Com lad'aaHid SlSLLrV ViNC.pjL.fl HQUsfe, er WAahinctoai aad Fro St BP08ITO. Corner rAa . . . . - 1 1 PDUTLAND. OREOANv - . i . .. , FIRfcLV88'nOTEL..AESTfN;tHS8TATX. Charge Seaaoaaben 1 - .. ii m. i , vaii?!i',."l.8r'!t'i,"a Bta n ' PtaWBger Ann rtelk bnjgag- to th Hon Pre of Charge, or to any other IIjuie Ih the Clry for M cent. P.i-H0T AND OOLD BATHMnk aMplin j . . . r . "i. d. stepiieMsoF H?. "ft""1? HIS Africa oppo. h) prepared o do all kind of , j . v , , ; .'. 'l i nPKITA I lllnn Hi aklllful aad wdl nih,d maniMr. ISSTH loatrtaf Gold Piau. VrWsVe toaia.' "7 "" w8i r .""?.? "'.ln :" o by tne not Bra-i-. -a, iafectoi - I . . 1W aalMf .- ...'.77: ' -AaSi.,. . . muun,,r, a., A.