C2) wiuuw a. miwiu, '. ..iditox. ftATUBDAT MORXIXG. SEPm 16, IMS. Kcw TiTLK.-Uur California excbaeejces re ferring to a somewhat noted Oregouio, speak ' of biui as " Doctor Pearne." Timoleon it get- up ia Ibe world, A HOME FOR MIGRANTS. This year's emigration is thronging tbe road orer tbe Blue Mountains, and it is rare to find in tbeir ranks, any ut Who appear to be look ing to tbe Willamette Valley as tbe goal of tbeir desires. Tbey left tbe " States " for Oregon,' and notliiug will satisfy 'lb em until tbey bave traveled tbe whole length and breadtb of tbe State, to reach, a sectional ready crowded, Where tbey wflf find but little to satiafy tbeir longings. Very little good land is open to settlement, and this is what tbe buhV'of emigration is seeking alter. Man) ol tb'e'se, doubtless a majority, aVe poor, and have not tbe means to fJayfor land, and if I B Isaac F. Bioca. San e'rauclsco. C. 8. Millie, 8m. Braawairni, Dallas. they bad, do not wish to purchase when tbe f W thVwar as a Lieutenant and lias been eft'c-i l'i ivv uviuuuucu ia iigui f lv iu f ju pci bviv. i ue.Pl.ciy irviuuicu iu ma picacui (JUOIIIVII IUI we are not writing witb any expectation ol gallant ronduct in the Held. He Is only 2& 'Wm. Domkr, a ranchman, living on the -Sacramento road, about ten miles from Stockton, was burned to death on the 4th inst. His clothes caught fire whilst he was ; engaged i n cooking, and before rernet reacnea ,urnil,g ODtf of tue new.omeri itom nU cho. yej of 'Hulleck's Adjutant General is him he died. , sen localUy,' but when tbey have fewud from I Robert'N. ScoM, son of Rev. Dr.' Scott. He Stbiit Ihfrotkher'ts. We learn that all expedience that tbey cannorfihd tn llieir'tiew'PlFfi this Wtyat the commencement of tbe war, .,,. rA, c-iiillna-'and imnroveinff the 'i'ua'tions what tbey1 tieeiYe.'let them bring to and rfow' "returns a Lieutenant Colonel in the iui. " ,j Biod tbe information w shall etdeaVor to "Regular Arrny.-bavirrg'woriit by bis conspic. streets, prpo. .- . " impart. I Tubus courageTtn several battles. fort have been awaraea, ana mat tuu t. we bae before spoken ol tbe Yakima' Var ' will be proceeded with without delay. Wbat- ley, and of its exteut alfd'aavantages. Britflyl ever improvements' are that they be completed before - ia rafMlv nnrfn UB. rTv............ rA. ............ . c .. - : 1 .. . i. 1. mu.j Mi IOVWUUIT I VI ilTCU.J VI iwtuii UIP till I OS, IB I ,' T. t 1a C A. " ..j.. ... t., ...,i in n..'H.v. .trU. i. ...I.,., was derived from internal revtflfue, $75,601, i i "ihahnataof the O S N Coin: ble only fbi1 gr'Aaing. BUd lheYuWraa river is 822 from customs, Srfd $Mr,4l)9 from sales, 61 . reached. Traveling up the stream, bottom pany have been muKing uany "P Mwag-are foued on either bank, rich as tbe 0 smiral Hallick hd St.tt. The San Francisco correspondent of the'Nevada Union, bai tbe followic'g'iiolice of Gfneral' Halleck JJlOCSl IlIICF sfe COa . .. .1... . VHnULLSALL uenerui riaiiern nas arnvexj ana nssnmea command of the Pacific Department. His ad-. JT Jl V-F j ',Xli Jtsv !S vent was not heralded by aiVy'inmual demtifl-) - 7 AND DEALERS IN strations, tbe only nonce tkefr of If being twe :. "VViwiff-M JUr 1 inimTK' nrlvale serenade!. The urneral' looks inuch .1 . ' older and more careworn than when he left.' 'AnJ Iniporttraand jUUritr and there has evidently ten "heap o' trou- ( Ij" ' " fTl TrV T TT '(tL ble on de old man's mind" during the' last V Jj J- .JL. l four mr years. One of bis staff is a beardless t'ntfots 'Sc. SlkOCS I l)(KUiri'IGUCini liaiilB'l .IMI.WI. u uvri I ' w. alS silk ifie,,War as a Lieutenant and lias been en'c-1 . UMUCl ClOIIIIIlg:, ,;i3oVifBNiKT'FiNASCi!S.'-tlt'1s stated, 'un- made it Is desirable we will again slate whaf'we (i'lipw Irom'Our officinlly, thftt tbe rtvenWor the Govern h t htainvHeisOn own kuowledBe aDa WDal we Bsve Jearhed "ment frotnJttiy,'1i8o'4, to June 34th,' 1865, te' ' i from others. Crotsing tbe river at Umaiilla, r(,a(;bQ(1 2U2-,833;321, of which $205' .000,000 "tiilaforthe last wee'i. Just now the ship ' bents for tbe luteiior are very heavy, tbe merchants beiug anxious to get their stocks 'through before the mountains are' covered "withsuow lhau Rati of Ihtcbist. Oue' of the argu meuts used by the advocates of a'repeal bf the ' epeclfic'contract law is, that with the Introduc- Bn;cient for years, 'for building, fencing and "tiouof tbe National currency 'we shall 'be able fuel, and the supply inexhaustible, tbe 'td obtaia money in abuudauce kl it low rate of grotbbeing rapid will supply tbe drain . . : , ,..,i...hh ... . made upon it by sei tiers for reasonable pur- lutfereat. 'in-wasnoe wnere-ju.v uU mere is Back' iu' the tills, oak, pine, cedar a perfect congestion oi me money maraei, mis nd tatbrac flmbei"is-grdwing in inexbausti argument Itf'btliig used- with telling effect.' In ble forests, and will' forevi-r furniah any de. - .hi. vMil'v iha ram 'that maud that can be made fur its use. Forga vrrv-.B w i aim., ti u.rri - a , . a mt as nnil mi na 'lathe Eastern' Stat'eB, where'-'coln has long 'since been "banished from circulation, 1 the ' ruling rate for ' money i from eight to 'ten per cent., 'and on sll'ort ' loans the figures are much higher. Looklfig abroad', we find Trout the money articles in' an' English journal, where piper, money is almost ex- ' cluaiveiy used, that the rate of interest for the lift' year has been seven per cant. Con of the public lands; Thls'sWum, althoagh below the wants Of 'the Secretary of the Wut ol h'.-'.HL-. .Jil :L- i f I seiner iuav ueaiie. no uiav iTavei lur uue l r., hundred add fiftv milen. foltSwinir thaatream. reasnry R8 presenieo io" congress, ib b con . ' . i . i and sectiod afier section bf litrdls lying ready siderable increase on previous years. There Brandies, tor tne plow, wuuout any clearance or prepa ration. From ihe Cascade Mountains, numer ous streams fiud their way to the Yakima, most bf tbem affording lands equally good. btfC nof a3 extSn'slve id'quanlity. 'Timber, Cot tonwood ana balm, along tne Btreams is "etc., elo, : etc. ASSAY OTPTTTniHl. WK HAtK'XNAAY OFFICE IN CONNKCTHW wrh bbr hulimi.iiliifr Hit entire uKrlii,Vn f Mr. Miller. We mataWtthrut in Ilara in nla Bir.. I' We-guarantee all onr YslHKt and paj Die I11IIIIK.HT tsu fKiia ur .iinra. " aiiu pay the llialieDi Canh I'rice roZTJJaV&u.t. ' HKOTH, M1LI.KR t r.X, n.jfftf Cor. Slain ftxl WMUInktnn livfH. Iinlle., . G.BRA.T)ORI. IMPORTER AND JOBUEIl OF Wines & Ijiquor, -FRONT STREET. 'Portland, - - .;' Ofajrnn. .FFE1I8 FOR SALE A VEItT LARGE Aft3U.lT- tiug purpos s, miles and miles of bunch grg are growing, a-ml for the past fnuryears has been tbe favonte re-ort ot herders and s'tockVfaioerB. 'tB climate Is kpr(foiiible to that of nny sectun on the coat. 'Tti'ebeat of summer tempi-red by winds from 'the is no margin as yet for paym8ht8"t)n the pi in- cipal of tbe public debt. 'Si'ill fhe' redticion of eifperfditures by Ihe'Government is go'in'gM '(fn, sbd 'the restoration of tbe Southern States to a condition of prosperity is in pro gress, lAthorigb a period of much time-may be' requited to reach it. BOOT AND SIIOi: STOltl.. TP. WYCKMA.N. HAS REM0VED UI8 BOOT AND fllOE 8T0UK to the building on Mnin itreet. 'nearly opposite Moinly'i Hall, where lie lias junt reoeiveii, direct from san rraacmco, an uu- unuaiiy nne aua wen teiecieo aivca oi til llOOTS APfD SIIOICH, of-the.terybeet quality and latest atylet EVER BROUCHTTOTHIS MARKET, siderint''tlie"unse'ttled condition of our cdun- stock did 0,ot exceed fifty out of 6,000 -be.id . ,. ii- . f , - I h ila.l n.. i in VAlrimn n n si liinnnHai. t nt.An ''"trv and the nn'certaiuty' of securities, money u" ' v "", '"-f1""0"" ufuu iry, aau iub uuvv. j . itj nntivc grusses fbr.sustcnance, and unnro. can be bad to-aay on me i nuiuu r h"'" Tided with t belter. The settler can locate "ns ttlieap as It is he'd 1(1 New York, or even his quarter section or tection of uncqualed (n Virfatand. The ruling rate la san r ran- tiuuuie lana, ana nave tue benent ot aa un- uuuuiu i un id- aHun- .OCettn iibruss the SllOW-clad peaks iif the Includliic the celebrated knqlihii hunting shoe Cascades nnd 1 s winters lesf severe than are tunna elsewhere east ol tue Uiiscades The " bard winter" of 'C3,"w'ben s'tock. perished by thousan ls all over the State Of' OYegon, for want of food and slii Iter, th 'toss of ' nianufactureil by llenkert. Alio, a larae awnrtinent of l.adleN' and Ohiltlren's Callers, Oftlia htteet StvlVe. last ncelved -fniin -ftie beat Plill- adoipnia makers, aibo, a very larae tssortmen- of FINE DRESS BOOTS. Aa-Qentlenien wbo prefer to have their Hoots or Shoes uiude to order, can rely upon obtaining a ueat and easy Dt. J. n lv;n.JUAi, aiain sllei'l. BolO-tf Upposile Moody's Hall. Notice. CO-PARTNEItSIUF heietofore ezistlog W Wlnett, " -Liquors, . 'Case GotfiJn, Wet, &.C., &.c. tea- Th. TradjlstSrlMilarlv st.ick before purchasing elsewhere. au24-tf FOR TUB EAST! THE" SODSCRIBER BEINO AKOTJT TO RETUOTf EASTnow offe'rsbis"- extensive stock of . Watches, Uiaiitondft, . , : Jewelry, Cutlery, ' -Laiit n. HtTfeR-.and1'ATkD WARE.'Flkt,ri'0.a(SES,- xuu, viaksq suo ranui 'uuuvs, At Stub prices hi be Is able to realize, regardless or lost. Parties wlablnfr to take advantage of this onnortVinirv to obtain any of (lie aboie named Goods, lisd better t'ALt EARLY, as no such epportviiily will ofler itself again. . REXWOOIPTO IIIIS Vt'T OFr'IPE. ' 9- Orders' from fb dbuntry irre solicited at rurHtfite- tory prices. Dalies, copiemner xo, jeeo. stz-ir 'n nLTcii a pi n. ) Ts ubtTjTo atks, 'Dalles.! . Sananiento. . . ..j'.c-L...m..ftii ahU'iaTfr. 'nmitra lanee tor biock Cisco, anaiu. ' '.7 ' -7 h"ired, the facilities for iWgatulh are egon, is 10 to 13 per ccuu per suui, d(lnt iu Dut' title iSnbr Vt'illTje-tfe'c'ded" to raHK JL tweeu Jau.es W. Ourley aud John Williams, in' the rt7i aIobqIa X. P otoil .'Hvnrrrri.tB laidiilng House busiiiess at Bailee City, wis dissolved I " w w v "sgww, -which figure any amiilnt of'tooney1 tan be water the s'Ml.'But we ajijire obtained, atways provided vilint llie security of the lociljties we have is satisfactory. Facts like these effectually prebend that in ricst 6am'ed,"llns'''wi.l not be needed, as cmps can be put in very ...t. : k : .. ,1 ,:ii v. i, t . I Jt . .. onuj iu tue Biiuuit. aiiu nin vo nui lui waru 'dispose of the, argument tnai me use oi Ut the close of the spring rains', add also 1 1 v irnlit enrrencv has a' tendency to Increase the 1 receive benefit from the annual rise of the rate of interest, and is at.bnce, the very tent streams. 'The' market ?lor' the"producta bf . .. . - t - . 1 . u I. 1 . : ' .1 I .,n oal.tn... ..' . 1 1 . A I rt , 1. a nl.nl. t,n..a iustiflcation ot me policy vnav ua umnnivu " . uv nUvs urpl.i vwuu on'tbis const. ' IiionTmo tub Ottr. A;feW days since we 7fehve t!ace to some tlrhely lutgcstions fela. ' live to sidewalks. In Ibis s'A'me' Connection, we have to renew s suggestion long since made in relation' to lighting the streets. Winter "wilt soon be upon us, when without li'gUls'and with muddy street's, "it will scarcely be safe for Dedestrians to go out at night. Accord- try just attrarting attention for its mineral 'wealth. ' Supplies will, come by the way of the Uolumma river, and 'in be reached ht several points convenient of accesB. Little ' -1 1 . 11. ... ! 1 1 1 on the 3d day of March,' 1803. Persons having claims of anv kind auainst the said firm of Uurlev A Williams. aro ruqi(US(ca 10 presciK ilia mvuno w .nu oiiui;nii;iiu I (prior to the 1st day of October next, at the Empire llo-' lei, Dunes Lity. juiij nitiUAMS. foot. 10,-iabS. evio-l FAU.H iousibiii I WISH TO DISPOSE of my FARM, adjoining the tVam'oCoartty-llacS Course Ihe location isdesira 'ble. abd kffordk' a clikn'ce seldom offered, 'llie'terms will be made easy. Por further particulars apply to SelU-tr KUUKIIT 1'1M.AMD. W. GURLEY, DENffST, Alain St., Dalles, Oregon. WOULD RE8PECTVULLT INFORM the citizens of thia'placa.and vt- or' roads.' too labbr will be necessary in building I eduHy, that having returned fnu ipn. . ., ,. ' B, less onal Kftir thruugfi the mines, hi) has ds. UmaliUa Advtr Liter. '4 -J!t,itu.i .i.j .S.'..i- , i,vneii; r lights, properly distributed,' will serve to fight ' all the more populous pails of tbe city. To "erect tbe nee'esjary posis and procure the lamps,' wllt oot cost on an average more than '$S0 ea'th.' or a ("otal of $320. MarshafKeeleri who has lieerf'al Vome pairs to' inquire upon the subject, fn'foYnis us that the citiiena will volunteer to take c Are' of the lamps, and at tend to lighting them; and "all Ibat is desired,, if the city furnish the"nVee6ary lamps. We ' know that the demands 'upWlhe city treasury againresuiued the'practtce of DENTI1STRT, iu the rooms formerly occupied by him, tactile bmtdliiR occupied by As Exploded HdiiboO.-LTlie ttUrato'. in L'i .ffili: 0 lBtOCK ftl tue B.asr DttVe XOTOe lacnct. A l wooing inanni, mr uie iiDerai pmronnxe nruiur x . It . i..A n.Dd.l InJ sulloltsi m svte Innaaea f k. rear Binte the people "of ttie Enstern States I List or' puicm appeared to be crazy 6a the Bubject of oil tffiiri t)eritu on Gold Bme, tiso u $225 - ' I mm. YWHlaau I-.. I 4 Urn mm Deuture. vulcaaiw uau. i ' ... t.H. .ia .i.i.ain I 11 f nig to a computauu.. -'" ,tock( ud it wfts thought that-all hat was becessaiy to 'secure a' fo'frand was tJ'engae id the' oil business. ' Tbe 'bubUle hhs' finally bufst. 'The Pbiladelflhia' ZfrfyeA tbus eh'oti- rclcJ'tbe decease of this la'tdstDumDng : The formation of companies a'nd tie trjaffic in sh ires are things of the past. Companies are ' no' w becasiona ly'star eJ,'but'tueie'are uo p'lfrchdrferi of shares. The busitfes is utterly tlBeorttp. ' Millions On ml. lions or dul- lars as repVese'afed in pifpor shares of com- Upper Denture, Vnlcaulte Base... uoid riuin as Inserted from one dollar upward. Cnlldrens' Teeth extracted ires at cnarge SO 70 84 u selS-tf tJlVOktCE NOTICE. fN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- L "TJOIT, foftha County of VtsJCO! EltarAhny, plaintiftl toty for Dlvorca. xnomaa if. uay, aei s. j To THOM A8 D. RAT. defendant 1 Yon are hereby sum- 'tasheHliiiS required to appear and answer the complaint or the above uamen piaiuiin, Eiisa ann nay, wnicn is now filed in the office of the Clerk of the above entitled courf, and'lb which said complalat the pleinltsT prays lor a dissolution of tbe marriage contract now existing uanies'are 'iw,et ffri'm" ciiftltncc, and will never be ' heutd' Of snOieSn any tangible I betweeu vou and said plaintiff, and alleging for grounds ,re heavy, but still w. think the 6ity Council shape. Tbe land. temn'.6nL which tbe. ,1 th wou d be Justified ia approprj.ting tb sum corporaUon. Were formed. nd whatever of ffitlifc pTW wou u o J"" rr r ' Talna thai- naSe aed aa n l'-nrnrlni-inor tnrri. I it ..... u....Mn.....n h.v d.r.nH,,t hll in mmir Stated towaro llgo.ing too city, axperivura shows that burglars and villains of all grides operate In tbe dark, and that as a prelection against these a system or lighting tbe streets is Quite at effeeirVe' ai a police lurce. Large tory is Still id'lbe earth,' bUt'the difficulty or od auswat the sale eompiaint witnia tenaayejiserveu -j ee.rhino- It. and the Wcritinir' of ia ln.au. BP.'.!L';!..?..Jia . a -- -- ; r- - - - 1 timer county in mis etaie, Wlinnweuiy oayn innn no tityfwhen reached, art tacts 'that capitalists time of service of this 'siin)mons,the' said plaintiff wilt V hhave learaed to nieardre by metre" ti radical l tests than come from a lively imagination, I Not-that we would bb understood as' deny. inouied institutions'at the-East resort to tbe I 0g "(hat there Is oil in the ear h In seteral practice of bating their" premises brilliantly parts of the Country, or that it lit of much . . ..1. I-I.. ...Iif B '..A !.!. mumn . I VBIUC. IS II WI llfKU " SOU Wtll pay lilumioattu I I well to produce ! at reasonable prions forthe i ereaterproieououiuRu ,tr.......- land nnQ4r which'ttts t lUosta to lie t man. who s able at auy tune to go to staep 1 Viewed limply as a measure of safety, to say ('uothlng Of convenience, we mint m v.ty fa w.chin,rna'tbe wa. Sr."! T.' .ttnard aKbnld Ukt measures to have our priu- I , n. ... .nH niia. 'I .na,i i ijpal ihoroughures in up at uigm 1 Thahm. To Wells, Kargo Co., for far; . Urnnwy uipToir faton, auolv to the aboVb entitled court for the relief prayed for In said. complaint, and will take Judgthent against eon for the coats. XDeneee"kndl'd1sbursemeuU in this 'suit made and expended, ny order - ..... ta.v. as, . . . . uoo. m.M. niiAUfl, 4uoge. N. n. Gates, solicitor for Plaintiff. Dated the 4th day ot Sept. 1866. kM Hiavv rumours. tub steamer comes np daily loaded to ber guards. 'A great portion it is qt I Owyh Adiululstrator's Notice. "U'lnVntatterofthe Estate of 1 In the'County Court of Williiim Logntf; di-ceaseu. ' j wsacoi:oi,'BtaMoi uwn. fSMlB Oounty'Oourt ler' WascoTounty-, 8tate of ln-a- M con, has appointed the nmlersianeti nHniluistrator of the estate of WM. IAOAN. deceaMd: therefore all persons baying claims against said estate are) required to -tue Same, Wlin proper voucnera, wiiniu MX Irom the date hereof, to the undersigned, at aiy Buuas IN PAINT -GLASS, -OILS, ALCOHOL : AM) 1 VAKA'ISHS. ku24-'tf MAIN STREET, Dsllee. GrATi:S-& CII AII., HAVE KOW IN STOHE'THE LARQEbT A8S0l(T. moot lo the Slat bt Perfttmery, 'i'dmndes, Soaps, 'SPONGES, BOUEMIA f'dlLET SETS. BRUSHES AND FA.NSI uuuva. ture'Wlnei and Brandies. lor Meolcaf Purpoles, at 'aaavir uatks a CHAPIN'B. TAiiE Nutlet:. MILI;TIEI & THAI) I. It SI EArd Kerosene Oils. BL VE STONE, A blUS Q U1CKSIL VEK, At San Francisco prices, tb frei ght adilM, at auxe ii UATita a UUAi'l.N'y, Dallas. Ilaudsonie Residence For Sale. ffrtOKBANDSOMK RESIDENCE occupied by A. W. M. Maelianaa, is effered for sal at a low figure )W a private, residence; no more desirable locality could be 'desired. 'The'grouuds are ornamented with shrubbery, and tbe building, containing ten rooms, is finished in tbe best style, and embraces erory convenience. To a geu tleinau desiring a retired and pleasant bonis, eouveniont io Dosinen, an opportunity is now presented that lda offers. TheTtouse and YornUnr' will-be Ibid toaether or separateljrraa-rue pbrchaser niayQeirre. Fiir further .IpIIpkIi.-. tHVWfp.'.t ...... p....v...... . . auiKliif asbug, neu a w.'B csrKBBs ye FlCK. UlMHOlutlon of Co-nartnerBviiln. NOTICE IS ftfcREBY GIVEN, that' the co-pnrlar-ship heretofore existing between M. L. Uattoa. J M. EcCoy, N. Millord, F. M. Rice, and James McFarland under.the name of th "ROCK CRtfEK MINIMQ COM PASY," le'thij' day dissolved, the uAderslgneil liavlux jrtthilrawn frtfnj said partnership. ' a. L. bCt'ON. uinuiwuu,, nH.nn iw. . auoi:4w lnH5.vj!,5lv,s IP.0' I E ACIIE8, wblbli la by tb. box or nound at th. !.. prices. . Farmers and Fruit Growers of Wasco County, havlenr cholce Fruit to tlislbse"of, will always fiud me- la lb mnkeW ready ttriay tbe blghesl prices lb cash. v . PI uoiiv. ivi-kTiir'i.v : r MUST BE CLOttKD, eltli.r by note IF eash? within sixty dan. All uarson. In.tl.ii -m please carHmeVeettle as abave. , ti :tmi, i-..WB1"B. "cFABLAND CO, VBmllea.'Wpl.q.tMA. ee-ni '12. ktiestpt: AWrney rtt'L a -v, "-il'I, UHKOOI. . 'I ToOlce in Dalles City, Wasco County, Oreftm, and all per- DFJIfflsVlssl Second slreet, fire duurseaat of WMhtaw Wi notice a number of Boise and 0 Jueal.naS . "' . J u payb-eiit to aae. JAMES A. ODELL, I mm at KEQS OF SALT SAL1ION. limr,..k I I. I I 1 . t llml.ldr.li , .SB SI . : . ' - imsains ib imrai ;i w.w -jo. v- e eeaa faal;tfj