It-- - i t; , j. 1 1 ; i.: r.l ' ,'fiM .t,t...t.i,-.. -.1 A A. . J Jk DALLES, OREGON, SATtTTfcT) AYi SKPTEMBER lO, lf3fS.' ,no.' . VT- BV f al. 1- YW&Ml MT' VI U fl I'll' I H.-rii.Ak ... Ill H I , R . t H II 11.11. I '.Si. 1, fll.lAU - .. .K i,'. j lBLisii&ir EVEBT MORNING, . (HONUAVa VXOSPTBDf) BY- ' .WILLIAM.' IL.NEWELL, y - i r ' " ' TtaisrWfify:tx eenti per woek,rpsjyiihle.b'tle&rrrir . . pxr month, by mall, $1; .tliroemtojitlia, t'Z.Mf -tlx months,$6; oue year, 8.' AdvorUwmenU inserted at; ' . ' i i ' 1 !' i , JoV Priating . . ' r Every description of plnid ml fancy Job Printing exe nted with neatness end despatch,' and forwarded at per order to any part uf the country. IiywMnt Jr Job Print ing must oe aunts oh oWivery n work, . . . . & mm R E H Q T E li, MUM STRIKT, S1U.U, 0RTS0&, , THOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. in tai fliNTti or BUSINESS, . ' Near the Steamboat and Eailroad landings Superior Accommodation! for Families and can AO soniinodote One lluudred and Kitty Quests. Meals...... ....50 cat. ' Lodging.j..,.....SO eta. tYS. House open all night. Baggage taken to the-Honse rree oi cnarge.. . TlltlJlABa.MlTH, ntbtP' .... Proprietor. UMATILLA HOUSE, "' r DALLES, OREGON. II4NDLEY & SI.WOTT, I'ron'rN. f H1UI8 WELL KNOWN HOT Mi Is now open for the JL reception of Roasts. - After being thoroughly rent hwi uou newiy luruisneu. n win be connuoteii, in all d-siartmeiits, as a (rat clasa riOTHI,. The house Is con. Silently lneatl near the steamboat landincand rallraail -pot. llagmo- tolceu to Um Hnt,tctf Charge. Iloiitr- open an niiK; , ,,- ir , QThe Proprietors will not be responsible for any Baggaga Val uables, suiliua a, check is giren therefor. , .Heats 30 oents Lotlgln js 50 cents, mrl FURNITURE ! FURNITURE" lillCRLAJrl te WENTZ. - 0 NITU COBNR TlflllD AND B STIIKHT3 WWVSW "'"'v M,.jr i tWWll 'iwuscnoia ruriiuure, embracing tablet, Oliairs, Dnreaiii Uods and jledtcails, Ueddiri jr. Carpets ' rtcstc, all of Which will be sold at low rotes. Kurnltiire tlupajreil, and Upholslernig done to order. Also, on hand liiUlttsMiaud Pillows. Spring ileda made to order. aul2 Wtt. M0A1IU8. . , O. B. KQiGKl,. WMjMOABUS &, CO, CIT Y; , BjEBJ5 urn PROVISION STORE,. .... . Coruor of First and B Streets. - J WII0T.K8AI.K AND RKTAir,DBAf.KK8 In BREAD, CRACKKIlSand Family U1100KIUK3. n-90rdurs from a distauca carefully tilled and promptly qispuicnea. ....... i-lt i:. i. jl" 1 1 z; K It ALU H: A;' D W A. H PT .. . Xittn. and Steel. 1 . .J . Dttoripliou aU I !" : nilncrijV and Macliaulcs' Tools, AND- " I Farming Iinptomttia.tfiu, RIIIP OHANDLKltY, OROCKRIKg, OLOTHINCT, AND STAl'Mt DUX UllUDH, , CJrockery and Glasitvni.. . S. P. F1T7.QHRALD, ' flO-tf j . Dallti, Oregon .. MED1CAL. . CA.jflTl. A. ..STEJPIIEI50Wf'MJ !., my ESPKCTFBttY tenders lilt prafesatonat serrlcea in itsV-tlia several branches of incdiaal practice, ta tha clUaens of Uiillusand vicinity. Particular attention will be paid to female diseases. Chronio diseases of whatever '' type or grade, will receive prompt and efficient treat, meat. Office, adjoining Waldron'a Drug Store. w2Atf . .,; VaOLESAIrB AND RETAIL., ' OCHUUb UUUtt.S,BTA!?lUNKJir, (J BUnilard and vjiscellatMoua WUKKB, ' rt N0VKL8, MA0AZINE3. PAPKIIS. ' c, Ac by every Steamer Post-Ofllca ' vooasiore, ssato sireet, iiaiiaa. H, J.WAI.DR0N k CO., W- T3- BIG-EJtiOW, Receiving, Storing Forwarding; ' - " "'."AND"." ' ' -i CommissioB. Merchant ! " 1 Located at tha Bridge and of Main street safe from tra for storage, 4 - mhli-tf Ulssolulloji. IVioUce. , "" flHK CO-PARTNHRBIUP 'heretofnr existing be I. iweaa tha andertlgned In the UUTCIHvlllNQ BU. - 6J.NE.i8, la this day dissidved by faintml consent. Tha iiusineaa wilt be coitinned by T. 1L Bulger A Co. at tha i. Id stand, to wlrtlm alt debit dn tha late Arm must be -. .paid. Poisons fsflebtud- art 'hereby notlltd tliat tbay nibstconie lorward and sitle, by note or otherwise, Tlioa. ll. Dnlger 0o MM' pay all d.bte owing by tha .. l.te firm., ,...!,.. , --it I ....CHAS, RODUliUa. ;., B. UWIIB.o .... vtmw.a.BULofcR. SiiMMElt . AUUAXGE J1E.VT. The Oregoa Steam Navigation Co. On and tei. roesday. December 6th, until furtlmr notice, tlie-O. i. N. Company will despatcb one of the follbwing named Steautejrt , ;! . : i . M'eboFoot, ' Tenlno, Yakima, ' ' Spray, : : Aiez Perce Chief,' Okanagon, , Col. Wright, . , Qwyliee,. FOR UMATItLA & WALLULA on MONDAY, WEDKESDiY . and FRIDAY of each Hvtnrning. leave WalHila and. Umatilla on TO BBD A Y, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY of each wuokv The PasNenger. Train,.; . To connect with the STKAMKRS AT CKl.ILO, will star from the Railroad Dopot, . 1 . ' ralla City, at 5 A. M. The Steamer Oneonta, C'apt. J. McNUI.TY, will leave DALLK3. DAILY. (Sundays at cepted) at & o'clufk. a. M., for CA8CADKS,conn,uctin, with the steamer WILSON 0. HUNT, Capt. Woir, foi Portland. FRANK T. DODOH, Dalles. Sept. 27, 18M. mrl-t , Aaent 0. 8. N. Co.' .. UMATILLA AND BOISE H'oS'EEEjSSfl' L INK CONCORD STAGES! ' CAURYINO' s ' ' THE CMTED STATES NAILS, , ' ' , and . ; ' 1sh & co.'s' kxprkss, CONNKCTINO with THB - , O. S. N." C0V'S STEAMERS 1 ' 1 'TO AND FROM - . : PORTLAND AD: TUB DALLES; Leaves Umutllla rngnirty evorj other day, Tla Bwlft 4.Maacham'J5tatJoii, La Urande City,. Pmrdfri Rnrut, Welser and Payette River. Valleys to Placerville; there Connecting with stages to Centrevllle and Idaho City, and all parts of llnlse Kasln'. Also counectlug at Payette river with Ben llolllday't Overland Staae Line S ' To Boise and Salt Lake Cities; and at Boise City wit stages to Idaho City and the Owyhee Miues. - -:. ; Office at the Orleans Hotel, UnintilK Oregon. . ISH A II a LEY, , ' ' ' i - . Proprleturi'. Dated Fehrnary.26tlT, Hooi fc2fltf ' i MILES & CANYOX CITY STALE iCOMPANY . ( Are now running their line of cqncObd stages . .'i ..' BETWKKN i., . ' J i . DAUQil OANXON.CITX i. J, By way of .. . j J , Todd'a Bridge, Crbst: Ifnllowa, Bridge Creek, Alkali Flat, Camp Watson. RockiCre.ekj Cottonwood and John Day't River, trl-weekly. WBT,L3, FARGO & CO'S EXPRESS. leaving Dulls! and Canyon City every Tuesi. y and Friday nvoriiing. Through in two days. .'-, .. ...JA8- A. UeNDKRSON, Agent, Canyon City. ' Dalle office At Wells, Fargo Co.'s, Dalles. ' i N. C. MAYIXEW: Agent. Dalles, April 26th, 186, , ap26tl j .' FOU IIOISE MIXES piRECT.. WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE 'OF .CONCblib STAGES, . A i ,: . .. carryinu. . .. THE, U. S. OVERLAND MAILS ' " AND I . 1..) I " Wells, FargoVfc Co.'g Express, It now making Regular Trlpt from Walla Walla to Pi eervllla, (Boise Mines.) ' . '. . .. .. Through in Two and a Half Days Connecting with the' Walluta Una of Stage), and tb Boots uf the 0. B. N. Cumpnny. . " ., ... :. QUO. F. THOMAS A CO, ap27-tf ' ' , : Pwprtatur' ' Oregon Steam Navigation. Co., ..''' N OT I O M ... f REDUjCTION "ON . FREICt-HT J W71R0M AND AFTER 1ST JULY NEXT, THE RATES m. oi ireignt win oeaa loiiowai From Portland to Dalles..;, 4l 00 nor ton 16 0. i ......... 17 60; , ' , 40 00 ; . " Dulles to Umutil'a.... " , ' . Wallula. ,.. " " White llluirs........ .( H Tlala.iu II M ljiwLiAn ' An no' , 46 00, :, From and aftrrTUlS DATE, the freight on FLOUR from Dalles to tewltUin will bt FORTY-VIVE D0LAR3 -per too., j;u,,n2t( t II. a KUCKEL.U Co. ,. Ill,iunoi8tK,lSC.. ' Pres't.Oj 8. j? i . - or I'M E I .tXH afc, I A Ki Dfe'alers in Wines, Liquors . GHOCK11IE8, ' Ml ersl Goods, float Stores, &.C., " B.vuisjcoy to THiia .; . i ' ' Nw stone buil.pj.Ng; f ; coitorv 1 ' ' . '' Second and Washington Streets, ' . ('. . , DALLES CITY. NOW IN 8T0RE A LARGE AND COMPLETE AS aortmcnt of tha very best brands of - , Willis A3NI LiQTJT'OXlS. il I i'i Alto, a hill aaiurtment of . . ; ' GROCERIES & STAPLE GOODS! Constantly receiving our supplies direct from New York and Sau Francisco, we are nue ,aud willing to sell at a very small advance on Sun Francisco prices They hope by adopting a strictly sorroct and prompt method 91 noing pasinoss,iney will receiv.tiia patronage cttne put lio. selO-tf JttatulliMUetl IH57. BALDWIN . ISITO., .;':. ' . DEALERS IN . . GROCERIES ! CORNER OF ;; Main nnd Union Streets, Dalles. J. O. BALDWIN . mli21-tf ,. F. W, BALDWIN GROCERY, PROVISION, ' . ' AND , ..... ...... ; . FRUIT, STORE, Wkshlnstou Street, opposite French A Oilman's, Dulles. , . lint on band a largo ami well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, Fresh Uutlei- tSt Ejartria, Received dally. A largo lot of OIIIOKENS always on hand. FRUITS of all kinds. FRESH VEUETAUL.ES ovary morning. . All articles warranted.,, , y 6iyeMe , a Callj. Everybody I au18;tf ' ' f. LIEBB., . , auction:; B AYING I.EA8RD the place An pooond Street, for st meriy- occupied uy ll. unver, as a urocery and Btnrnge 8tore, we hava removed, and will have our Reg ular Sales there on Tuesday and Saturday, at lOa.m . , . , . . Oooilt received on . . Commission and Storage for 'Forwarding. Jeldttf ' PAYtW A Co., Anctloieers.' SEW YOlllv IMKEUY. ;, ; ". Fi. nicNzicii. & co., ' ! . '... , Main Street, Dallea.i . , ' t Retail Dealers, la. , 1 ., .; , j ' BREAD, CAKES, CRACKERS, '' 1 " v' 1 - ' AND 1 -. ; '. ; , Family Groceries, and Provisions. BREAD und FLOUR delivered to any part of thoolty free of charges.... . Dalles City, Hept. g, 1805. . . aeS-tF GAT1SS & TUTUILA ., DALLES, OltKUON, ATTOUiElS ANd COUNSEJiOUS Af LAW, - ' " AUD ' SOLICITOnln GHAPCJEJriY. WILL ArrKNO PROMPTLY-AND. WITH F1DKL ity, ta all busliiess entrusted tb their care. Par ticular attention paid- to collection of Claims,- Convey anclug, Ae. Will bo, du-lng all business hours, in at ten dance at their Olllce, over Dehm't Jewelry Btore, i ., MAIN BTREKT, DALLES CITY, OKEOON. ' y.II. Oatm. oott-tf . U.TTtrtMM. ' . . . ., Suuimons. . ., (i ,,! IN TUB CIRCCIT COURT OF, TUB STATE OF ORE gtin, for tho County of Orniit, ts. October Term, 1H8V 1 P. II. Poindcxter nnd Wn. 0. Orr. Plaintiffs, vs. D. N. Logsdon, Defendant.' Tp DAVID N.LOUttDON, Greet ing : In the name of the. State of Orognn you are here by summoned and required to be and appear in the above entitled Conrt withiu ten ikyys from the expiration uf the publication of this tueiraona, if served within tha Conuty oftlrant, Oregon, nnd If serrtilin auy.ivhcr coun ty in this State, then twenty days 'from the service here of, and -answer to the complaint of said plaintiff, on Hie in the aald Court, and if you full to to appear and an swer, plaintiffs will take1 judgment auulnst you for tho turn of seven hundred and seventy-two 62-100 dollars, bul ance duo .on account, as ' rlolmetl; In .their complaint, and Interest thereon, and for their roots and disburse ments thcrelu. , By order of J. U. Wiuom, Judge of said Court. F. ADAM8, Att'y for riulnllffs, U. 8. Revenue Stamp, 1 ..... 60 cents, cnncellwli J a27:w y COLUMBIA, BREWERY, : EITUU IG &SCII Ai0, Props. DALLKS, UliEGON.,'1 IIIO h EST P.RICE PAID-, FOR BARLEY. .. , ,'i ,. .- 1.0ST... . . ; t -, . AT THE TIME OFTHK FIRE, on tlieSth of May lait, 4 BLACK LKATHBH POGKUT BOOK, of about a doien pockets, containing Notes and other papers, only. tiiiubuiu io .lie - Any person anon'ing or tlio whereabouts of the tame, will confer a. favor bv irlvlnir Inforrnntldrf lo the tindrrsiitnej. " " - i . al8:3w. ,jwui-u: JDAgpsj f : A CAUD FOR TUE; i Summer & Fail Clothing Trade OF SAN F11AIVCIS.CP. ' ;"". - - i .-. '.a I : i ,i , : BA.DGER &LINDENBERQER, Not. 4ll, 4)3 and 41 Battery Street, v.,; Go(,,Sle(enantt San Franclieo,. Importers and Wholesale. Dealers. , EXTIBE NEW "AND FRESH' STOCK.;' WX WOULD CALL ATTENTION, of. Country Ker . cbanta to our nsunlly large stock nfOoodt. Our st.K-k comprises every article in ti e .Clothing.' and Fur niehiug Una,,. WO'have, constantly on band the largest , and groafrsi varfety of Casslihere ami Wool HATS of , any honte In Ban Francisco, and Our prl et for. these Uoodiure less than thoao of any house, at we receive them direct from the manufacturer's eontlgnnient Our ttock of Summer and Fall (loops it particularly attract ive, and the great feature to the Country merchant It the .. nuueually owprioet. .... , .ti,,,! i!:'i.i::,i Less Than thai Cost of Importation t We also keep the STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry Goodt line, which Goods we have purchased In thla nmrket nu- , lie.- the hammer, and axe offering them at New Yol k Cost, and less. We publish th It card In order that-we may make new , acquaintances, and induce those who have not heretofore purchased of us, to call anil examine our ttock. I' Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the, greatest Inducements to ail who purchase In , sell again. 'Merchants who buy-of ua can make a good profit, and sell to their customer! at a low figure. We ', remain, respeotfiiUy, . t' . ,., J , i Yoijr Obedient servants, 1 ' ' i-'U BADUEll A UNDENBERORR, Wholesal&Clothlngahd Hat Warehouso, ' Not. 411. 418 and 416 Battery street, . Son Francisco, April 1,1806. " V Je29-8niw. : UOOoOilTSMMEU UOISE !.; ON TUB SEA',: FT. rmm$ dl.muiitful and cklkhkated bummer , Jl. It emir t, sltudted or Clatsop Flnini, ft ihort tltitance .' rrum tht Ocoan, ii now re-opeued and .ready to receive gunntH. Thin retort- poeeev? attract ions nnnrpMd on tbo Pacific Const. It bnaia id benob fur riding, walk iiiff and bathtpg; boautllul touiiery and Barrouudlngr, berries of all kinds abound; a boautllul trout itreain 4 auduliudanoe ofgtune'.i - . . ,.i '. t.i -va - -V-THM TABLE, ;r'': -Is constantly supplied with salt and Irenii watr fish., elanvt and crabs, elk. betir and feathered game, and the A froshonfr of country prtluce. , . 4 v Tiie ctimute is oluhrions' This ucf offers very thinft that could be desired fur the .ouuttprt' of guest H both wer( and sick. ' Tlio lnpriftors respectfully ask the Health and Fleaf- , ure Seeking I'ublio fur piirtronage, that they mny be enabled to make the u Bummer House " a permrrtent In stlfiition of the country. . LOWiJLL k KIPEN, Mity tttliejoW. . niy9tf li. II. STIirilliOlC Wf AS REMOYED HIS OFFICE 0PP0- . a sue iiiocn, Minor uo., where ne . u prepared 10 no all Kinnaor ... .. . ncMTAi kiro s a fc-i-a ,n w vv Wll IX y I,. ., , j In tkiltful and wall fltttslui) manner; TEEtn InserfeO , from one to an entire set, on Gold or Rubber Plate. : Prlcos rango for Rubber Plate, from $24 to (85; Pol . Oold Plato, from J 6 to li5.- . . AtT Persons having work dono by me not proving sat isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for the same. , . aul3-tf SE44L IN G 0 E E A T . C OS T! , . , , My entire stock of , STORES AXl TI4WAUE, .... also, ' ' ; TINMAN'S TObtS,, THE WHOLE opibniclng a fine ttock, ever" article of which will, he sold at COhT, aa Ii desire to cloa out business. Also, one (IRAND I'lAN'O, In good order. Alsil. for Hide, tiie IIi'USM AND LOT, on Second St.eet, next to the corner of yuililiiton. The House It iwo stories, with n basement, and fswoll aduptoil to the hotel buslnesa. Also a lot of UKDD1NU, ooniprising about tweuty-flvo Bails. '1 he wbolo will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premises. ,t, , aii'am,,. , r ALllKIIT BEI'TINqEN. i LINCOLN HOUSED Ourner Wsiblngton and Front Straatis. ,v,:. PORTLAND, OREOO-N. , .(: 11 IIRST-OLASS HOTEL. LARGEST X THE STATE . " Charges Reasonable. v AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boats and convey Passengers ami their . baggage to the House Free of.. Charge, or to any other House In the dry for 50 cents. .,.. - -,- : 8. COFFIN, Proprietor. P. 8 -HOT AND COLD BATII8 In the House.- All the Btoamort for Oregon City. Vancouver Hontl cello and Astoria laud at the Lincoln iloyie. Whorl ' i . I2I;.11A.M. Ac odeli;, ' ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS ATLAW WILL PRACTICE IN THE 8UPKKME AND OIK cult Courts or Oregon, and the District Court o H athington Territory. .. i. ' ' Particular atteuilou paM to the coltectlon of claims qHUMABON, i ' Dalleti Ogni Jl A.ODKLL mi. s. v. wallackT-" PHYSICIAN Jk SUR&EOA ' Hear Gates Chapln.'s Drnj, Store "' MAIN WBEBT. HAr.LH! "' ' atilSt ACTING ASSISTANT SCItoEON,' .' 8: ' ' '