FBOWERI FROH HOMK. I Floweret beautiful Dower I Hut these a perfume bear Richer than if from eastern bowere ' They brought Iheir blossoms rare, ' These delicate blossoms hong Hound a green porch far away, Where the music of young laughter rung "Vrem children at their play ' 'And within, one of gtAWrair i Uaxed thouglatftilllyvibel While,' Marking Die place of a vacant cbalr, . Mining an answering imlle. ' Cay, halt thou the Herat read ' Of Association's lore, ' ' When Memory suddenly ontipread i lti strange life-gathered Blare? Wordi Hint hare long been hid ; Tone that for years have lain, V By the heart's cunning treasured In pearl ihells of the brain. Quick as the chemist's spark Awakened can dispense -Throngh myriad miles of ocean dark lis bright intelligence. . An odour or a tone O'er a llfo's barren track Of unrcmombeied hours has flown. Bringing to manhood bock ' Tbo maddening of a drauiht From Passion's flowers distilled ; Or soberer cup, securely quaffed, t Or ir.iiiflaoa fulllllud. ' Bo the swept scent of spring From theso odorous petal flung, . Brings visions of fairy ordering. 'Mouth tbuir dewy ciustori hung. I sec the well-known group J At the furoff purtalstmd; . 1 hour t lie shout ol the merry troop, 1 see the outstretched hand ' . Chiding the tnrdy post: I know the bounding spring Of the Jealous nice v,lio lirst to the host Xhu treasured leaves, jnay bring, ' The ring of the welcome cheer, Tlio old famliiiir tone, ' The buHining smile, and the welling tear, . Fur love of the absent oue. IS. W. MITCHELL, COUNTY PHYSICIAN. OFFICE AT CRAIO'S I)I(UU STORE. aTaTRUSlDKNCK Tlurd Street, uear th Catholic .Chu'ch. tylo-tt JVOTICK TO CO MTU ACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS, will be received at the oBlee, of H. A. HOUUE, on Thin, street, until Weduesday, loth lust,, 12 o'clock, II., for the ITilliiif? 11 1 und Grading, According to apecillciitions, the fdlowing street!, to-wlt 1. UNION 81'KEKT, from south side of Front to south aide' of Third (2 blocks). 2. Tlllltb BI'RKKT. from cut lido of Union to .east aide of Court (1 block)." 8. SECOND STREET, from east aid of Uulon to wast aide of Court (1 block, less street). . BKUO.ND STllliKT, Iruui east aide of Laughlin'a to etut side of 0 (2 blocks). 5. Til I KD STREET, from west aide or C to east aide of I) (1 block and 1 atreet). lildi to bo separate for each particular block or blocks, as tier numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6. The undersigned roaerve the right to reject any or all ;Sidi. II. A. HOilUK, JAS. GUTHRIE, Jr.. J AH. M BIRD, Committed on Strtett and fuWic Property. Dalles City, Oregon, Sept. 7th, 1866. se7-ld Notice to Bogus Gold Dust Operators JOHN 80OTT, f.irmorlv of Yrekn, California, aged ti ur.ti yoars, slim built for bight, hight over a) -jeut dark hair a'id complexion, regular features, slow .apsecll, UOUUSOOLD DUiT DEALER, and JOHN HILL, formerly of Siskiyou County, California, bight 0 feet, broad shoulders, well made, trim built, dark cbesnut hair, sandy beard, frank, open countenance, age, be tween 30 and .15 years, partner of laid Scott: TAKE ' NOTICE, that the U RKV MARK owned and left by you, near the head of flutter Creek, in Umatilla Cuunty, on Tuesday, the 1st day of August, 1866, while being pur eued by a BherLIT's posses, will lie sold at p'npllo auction, In Canyon City, County Beat of Uraut County, to pay the ' ooitf or a lid pursuit, chargea ot keeping and cost of thla radvtrtlsemrnt. thirty days from date, un ess claimed by you, and chargoe paid before the day of Bale, ' (Jeavon City, August 16, 18W. 8. 0. 11KRRY, . aui):4w Special Deputy Sheriff. ; lirlitH Salt?. VBY VIRTUE Of AN BXKCUTIUN Issned'outofthe JL Circuit Court, from the Coun y of Wasco, State of Oregon, to ma directed, 1 have levied upon tlio following described property, to-wlt: The Paw Mill known as .HMITU'S MILL, situated on Hosier's Creek, about halt . a mile above Jloaior's Saw Mill on said crck, wtih all tha aonurtennuees therennto belonging. I will proceed .to sell tho above described property.. at the Court House door, on SATUItpAV, the 23d daj of September. 18116, be tween '.lie uoirs pt o'eioca, a. m., ami o chick, r. tu a,lsfy file above execution In favor of tools Clousa, and against 1 nomas Bmlin. umitl.ss vt lli rit, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dalles City, Angust Ut, 180. eu3o.-4w. MEDICAL CARD. A. . STEPlTicNSOW, M. .. RK8PKCTFULLT tender his professional Berries In the several branches of medical practice, to the itliens of Dalleeand vicinity. Particular attention will be paid to female dlseasaa. Chronic diseases of whataver true or craile. will receive prompt and efficient treat ment. OBice, adjoining Waldron'a Drag 8 tore, amtatf lUxar Maitir. J.M.MuariT SIAJtTIIV &MUBPHY, Attorneyi-nt-MVT. OPtlCRS Idaho City. Bolaa Countr, I. T.l Boby City fyhe Oonnty, I. T. P'-" Attorney and Connscllor at Law AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OrflOK On eorawr r Washington Mas) Main traetf, Oanvon City, Oranl Ooanty. Oragoau pjH TITi DNDKRSIONID WOULD ftOHJf IM1 Traveling Pablto that tha W-hlnrto. Wagno Rd from Portland and Vaawmvar ; the tipper Cv5a4ea Ij -.Th!,,, k.nt la aood traveling ordar for waaone sad M.0.IIAHDV. ftiMJan.Uth,IW. Jaatltr Sola Pruptlel. Kid For "laky jMriilfJ 0. L. WIlt. eaAel DAILY MOUNTAINE& BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B -DALLES ...... OREGON 'i OB PRINTINC'OF EVEWY VARIETY Kxeented with aocuracy and dispatch. ' IK A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the Tory beat, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST .. ,i, ( ... . looacia: Can4s and niU-Hends. CHECKS, DRATfSs BJCVEtfTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, etc., etc., sec, rarNTBD m tbi most attbaotiti hamnxii. also, WAIJUhLS, dills or rj.sut, LETTER HEADS, , BECEU'TBOOKS, . BILLS LADING, Briefs and Pamphlets, tisitino, wedding and - at home" cards IJrujmlBtV jLabela, In abort, everything that can be done in a Book and Job Printing Oflloe, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest aise and most showy Posting Bill and which will be turned out in a atyle that cannot fall to insure outlrewtiafaotion. riot iim roams ixicoviok or UECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colore, 8hadea and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills ! From a single Sheet to the Largest Warn moth. ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS, PURFUMERS LABELS, rfc Are oneurpoflHpd by thone ot auynther establishment in Oregon. ,Wo tlvot apecip.1 attention to this branch of the business, ami are continually auuing to our already ex leu iva and well appointed assortment of material, ' NEW TYPES, BORDERS. ORNAMENTS. tfc, tc. eV., Of the most modern and elaborate designs. Oar stock Ot FANCY. INKS, TINTS, AC, Are of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot beequnled In the State. The principle upon wiiicn business is asxea ror this os tablishnient la, that persons will consult their own intor eeta, by awarding their custom, to that office In which their money can be expended to the beat-advantage. To thla end we solicit all in want Ol gooa l-rinung, at very reasonable chorees, to call and examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves. Orders, from the upper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the Interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE OKLY IMPROVED GORDON POWERPCS In the State of Oregon 1 Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlB-tf . Dalles. Oregon, COLPMBIAVRMINEST A. XL. I? O O T II, v WUITB BLUFFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ' ' AND 01MBRAL DKALEJt lit MEBCHANDISE Ann iriiiv r. US' Sl lMM.I liS. PKK AKD 8ADDIE-H0ESES FOS SA1 E. PKK1UIITS CON.SKJNID to my euro for Col vl lie Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia ill nee, will re ceive prompt attention. wnile Uluna. Oct. let, lnue. oc,vi JACKSON SALOON I COUNER CODRT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OBUOON. rWMIK UNDERSIONM), HAVING REMOVED FItOM TUK fBKl.LAOHi WH" CKLLAH,-N'0 GutOH Now Buildlnt;, Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customera with tha beet Wines, liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFF0HP8. ALSO, A Free JLmncli X Every day and evening. ANTON LAVER t EHIL ICHDTZ, dec?lf Proprletora. aUAUTZ MILLS! And all kinds of Machinery Manufactured at the OREGON IRON WORKS COKNKH OF MORRISON and JTU atroeta, 1'OUTLAIND. A.. 0. GIDDS A CO. Sncceesora to Portland. Dee. eth'M. defltf R. L. Jonh A Co. FAMILY GROCERY. STORE I ! S. FRANK, DEALKU1N FAMILY GUOCERIES, TOBACCO AND 8EOARS, FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS, VEGETABLES, Ac, Ao. And every article usually found In a Firetclaaa Family Grocery Store. Ifl, FRANK haajnat received from below an entire Xlp. new atocK ol . . . , GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &0, which ke will aell at low rates for cash. Heada of k ii. ..rf mlun ara Invited to call and examine his stock. if-, goods delivered In any part of the city tree of GREENBACK TAKEN AT 75 CENTS. 8. FRANK, Main atreet JySfttf. A few doors below the Poet Offlca PHOT i) ITS II A 111 IC I.I KEN ESSES. mnTiH WIHIIINO PUOTOORAPIIIO LIKENESS- I E8 token, will oblige by calling aooaj, aa I goto Iaetralie shortly.! ' ' -PiKRRlt llOl.Ta, ftj:im,. .... aeepd Street, F. A. HAKE, HannfaatoMrand Imnorter of hCARRIAGE, COXi OKD, UDGO ma STAGE II A 11 V K S S Saddles, Bridles, Whips. A genoral assortment of Sadaicry, Hardware, Leather, etc. Iff Orders Solicited. Repairing done with neatness arid dispatch. '. A. HAKE, Jeilltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Pailos. l'UUILAA V !MtIVillV AND MACHINE SHOP, FIRST-STREET, between. Vaioblll aivd Marrkon. Steam tUAtrtntia of from 4 to 40 horse. power.elthor Poj-tirbleor Stationary. Also. CIIU CULAR SAW MILLi COMPLETE, constantly on hand. Also, liny Pres ses of all slr.es; Planing Maohiues,OVoodworth's pattern,) Wrought and Cast lion work for Ver tical Sawend Grist mills; ItrAss and Xriui Castinge ana WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills enn beforwnrded to anv nnrt of tbn mlno. asttie weight of the entire machinery will not excoed 3. 000 pounds. noise roweri ft Agricultural Implement! manufactured to order at the very LOWEST CSH PRICE w. ii. rariicuior attention paid to KEPAlKS.-fexO-tf SIGNS! SIGNS 1 SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN1 PAINTER.; DEALEU IN OILS WINDOWGLASS VMIXWIES, Colors, Putty, Brushes, Otne,tc, raper nangangs,winaow Bbadea, Flxtnrea, Ac. 1-tf DAdEES CITY DRUG STORE. P. ORAIG, WSOLSBAIiI AND KITAIb DEAL Eft IN DRUGS. UED1CINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. 1-tf DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES I DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES.'! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LEMON, WHOLlaiU ASD aiTJJL DRUGGIST, Washington 8treet, between Main and 8econd Streets DALLES, OREGON. C LEMON la able to aonply partlea In want of Drugs, ta Patent Medicine. Chemicals, Acide, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with tha WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At tha lowest market rates. Mr Physicians and Merchants Intending to nurchaee for the Mlnee, will do well to give him call. ' TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In great variety. . " 8. LEMON, ap.8:tf. Washington 8t between Mofn adn Second. MOUNT HOOD SALOON ' AND I1ILLIA.KD HOOM, Pa M. HUNT, Proprietor, CORNER OP Main and Court Streettt, an3I-tf Dalles, Oregon. Just Recpived A BTJPKBIOt LOV OP FIIESII BUTTER! for Sale at MIItE RKIVIG'S VAKIETY STORE lti Straat, DadUa. 4eo4-tf D. WiTI DOCTIIITT, ATTORNEY A.T BAHKOCZ CITY, Idaho Territory. Mf-Particular attention paid to Oolleellng DebU. -TW.' l -Mil in . , ? i jaf SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. FKKSH 8TOCKI DUSEIVJBEIllf Sc IlltOS. Dalles and Wnlln Wnllrt, uuni lit Staple and Fancy LryJBftods. Miners' Outats, Boots and Shoes, . Clolnlnc;, tllats and Cap, Groceries, And a full asaeTttmmt- orJOanerar Harcbenillse. liuyikg onr Goods exclusively in the San Fmaoteed-market, M making none but caah purchases, we are enabled In sell 2u per cent, cheaper than any other House nt the Dalles ' 4 . . DUSKNDKKT A 1IK08., il-tf Dalle, ami Vi'ulla Walla. JA XV . MIL I, BOfi O ' . (aucressora to wmiiu a muur,) WH0I.KKA1.I AXP RETAIL DXftMeJ'IM Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet. Iron, Rruzlcr'g Copper, l.ead 1'lpe, Copper, Torce & l.j(ta;nips, Zinc, Ilajg K Iron Ware. - Lcud Pipe, .See, a&c. " JOB WOltK. In nil Its branches, attended to short notice. MAIN SIKKET, Ualles,oppoaUeeJ!!,ah Miller A Co. .tupltf-tl AND PROVISION STORK, fpilB TJNDKRSIQNED INFORMS--HIS KRIKNDS und 1 the publlogciierally,- that he has jut established u Main street, next door to'JJuker, 'i'obacciiuist, A NEW STORE! where he keeps constantly on hnnd a large assortment ot selected r'HUIT. Also, in store nciwiiilctoKtnrk ofchoii QROVEKIKS. l'HOVJSWNK, VEGETABLES, ., All of which will be aoldfWholemle and retail, ut HU DUCI'.D I'itlCKfl. Como and see and ratiafy vimrseir. "''a-'f JOHN BPOSITO. F- TI LLM ANy B ILI AQBBf r 1H CALIFORNIA FOR TILTON & McFAR LAND'S Eire Al Iturglar Broof Safes; STEEL LIN KD VAULTS, WITt Combination JLocls. 43-Constaiitly ou hand n full assortment of 8APK8 318 UATIEltY STIIKKT. Jy6-0"1 fan Francisco. , H. H. HII.L. a J. HILL'A TC A 1ST 35 WnOLMALI AND S.STAII. OIAURD IH Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors, AND . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. STilKAOK AND K0UWAHDIN0. Goods consigned to us will meet with proper attention References i roKTLAKD. DA1.LM. II. W. Corhet. . RohMns A Co.. ltichanla A McCracken, - W. C. !Hmlv A Co., H. . O. Humnnon. Umatilla Landing. Sept. 6th, 1863. Ilard Wood Lumber. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS . WK BK.O TO CALL ATThNTION of Carriage Mnt ufacturers and Dealers to the Large nnd f'oni, plete assortment of CA11RIA0K and WAUON MATKItl AL8 we are coiisMiitly receiving from the Kast. specially selected for the California market, comprising, Oak, Hickory, and Second Orowth Ash Plank, Hickory Axles, Wagon Poles. Iliilw, Spokes, felloes. ltlniH, Ehaits, Ac. Ac. which we oiler in the lowest Cash Prices. a" ' irders addressed to onr hoase will receive prom a attention. N. V. UllACO A CO., Jel6:3m. 2D A SI Battery Stroet, San V'rancitca, and 17 A 19 Seventh Mreet Sucrnnienln. 0. WiTinitonK, 11. W. liaao A Co., J. w. Lisisa San Francisco. Sacramento. New York DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC An Expeditions Cure for all dlseasos or the SEXUAL ORGANS. THIS prompt and efflcatloua Remedy For the cnrei Ohnnorrcoa, Gleot, Strictures, and Diseases of the Urinary rirgans makes a aeedy cure without the least restriction to diet, expnsnre or change in appllrationof business; It will radically cur any case which can produced. The disease if remove, as speedily as is cou aisteut with the proihirtloa of a thorough and permanent pure. Further, the diecase cannot be contracted If the SPECIFIC COMPOUND Is taken when exposed, Its ingredients are entirel v vegetable, and no Injurious) effect, either constitutionally or locally, can be caused by its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty centa per bottle. Bent by Kxprea carefully packed. HOSTKTTKIt, SMITH A DKAN. Agents, 01 and 403 Battery atreet, cor Clay, JyM-dm. San Francisco. Sheriff's Sale or Dllning Property. BT virtue of an execution Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court In and for Grant County, Stats of Oregon, judxisjent In favor of J. R. Robins, plaintiff, and agalnat Allen and D. C. Binton, derendaara, for the anm of two hundred and twenty-seven and lMua) dollars (Gold Coin of the United Stales), principal, with Interest, costs and dlehnraementa, and costs of execution and eale, and to me directed, 1 bare levied nvon and will aell at public auction, before the Court lloaaaduor, I Canyon Cltr.no SATURDAY. the 23d day of 8KPTEM- . BKH, 186. between the hours of one and two o'clock, r. to the higheet bidder for cash hi hand, Gold Coin the following deecrlbed property, vra: W0 MINING CLAIMS, lying and being In Canyon Creek, in John Day Precinct, Oonnty of Grant, State of Oregon, and bound ed on tha North by II. Crane's claim ; on the Bast and Watt, from bank to bank) on the Sooth, by Hurst A , Co.'a claim, ench claim being from North to South, It feet, mora or leas . M. V. BKIIBY, Sheriff , Canyon City, Aiignat 18, 18WI. , au26:4w. IILACK LIST, ON TBI Sd day of July. 1866, MESSRS. FERGUSON A 00.. paid ma an account In GREENBACKS, AT -PAR. for a blacksmith bill, dune at coin ratoa. OolvU July 44,1806. n i. i JOHN SHAW. A9The shove notice waa misunderstanding between Merino. D. II. Ferguson A Co. and myself. They wire ' simply eernrltina lor an attachment for. the amount of 144, which waa paid by tha tiartlea woo contrai ted the debt. , JOHN SHAW. . Colvllle, August 18, 1866. ' ' an24-Sw I