.' . . rt yVMl'"',,'w'TwrOT" ' FRIDAY MOUSING. Slftl'lt 15, tS65. tub ' B'ALi.siTbdlidlL, of the old Th'saP Wilb6ai Capt". Tyler. BcifiY en gineer, describes a narrow gunge railroad which bat been in operation in an English mining district for over thirty yfars, ancVhas L been attended wltfi'great success! - The road is two feot gauge,?and dp tolaBt 'accounts tour; engines ,liaa run fifty-seven tuouBana steamer Caytut basbecn safely brqnght ovey Iniiles over t without once stoning from the . the falls, and is now lied tip at tli U. S. S;. I r.aiU Itbai hecn.hld thata railrpad of fcss- ' CcVs landing.' All hor machinery tans been ihan four feet eight inches gunge woold be taken out, and in future she will be used as unsafe, but experience shows that on a rail- a fl .tboat. This is the second steamer tbt roftd ,egg than half lhis a e there hR8 v has been brought over tbe fulls, without ac l.M.l.mL. r.T, leen.an(fqt.reexen,ptlonpmaccideptvOn Y. 7, 7777x ,u t-j. the road-described.ijt,Bingl twnii takes, on v . I an. average fifty tons of eoods and one hun fatiatible teamster; starts ont tnis morning I '.:- .w t.- . . ' I area Dassencrers. W refer to the Burets, of this English experiment, for the reason that the system seems, well adapted to our ow country. "Tie development of the Columbia River trade'-, and the prospect-that Montana will draw the . bulk of her supplies from this quarter', will lead to the establishment of steamers on the Uppex Kiver, to reach which portages will be necessary. These portages in some instances will be bat a mile or two in length, and with a railroad of narrow guage can bo ' overcome at a compar atively trifling cost. . The cost of grading 'with a train of eigtif wagons Tor Boise City. He carries Government freight and goes by way "of Canyon City. J Two large pack trains, also, sta t out this morning,. d take the samp road. It is worthy of note .that a team ster, after having once passed over the t'an ,' yon City, road U never willing to follow either nf the other'routcs to the mines. This speaks volumes for the road.- Ins Fair The attendance. n-t the Fair yes terday afternoon was very large, and the general expression was, that the exhibition was a decided success . The display of stock was particularly fine, and ..placed Wasco COCNTYf AlR-fcNTUIKSCONTlHTJBD. . George Foss One siallion 4 years old and upwards'; one sucking colt. T. M. Wood Photographs; ambrotypes j melninotypes, . a L. U. Koiand Two yearling mules (one draft and one saddle); one sucking mole; one stallion yers old and 'upwards. J 'p C. vv. Demon One lot ot cabbages ; one set of apples ; one two horse wagon. F. W. Ayers Une horse trotting e-ne mue. Miss NnnU Hunk-Crochet woik, Silas Imbler One jack over 4 years old. W. P. Abrams One span nf draft horses. Mrs. Z Douriel Five lbs butttf. . Miss Alice McFarlnnd-r-Oue boquet. ' ' . Edward, CraikTwo' pumpkins ; two wa termelotiB.- Mrs. Hunt Ope jnf soft soap ; one Jar of pickles ; ons pair knit socks.--- ' - Miss Wortly Hunt Crochet tidy. Mrs. Dr. MitchellOne suit 'ot underclo thing, machine sewing; samples of tatting Ladv Equestrians Miss Wortly Hunt, Mrs W. P. Miller, Miss Z. F. Moody, Miss John- Bon, Olio Lyle, Mrs. F. W. Ayres, -Miss Won nell. . Henry Lndwig Ten gallons lager beer. II. Mays One lot of plums. A.. Clark One trotting horse. J. M. Evans Equestrian. Chas. H. Coe One lot peaches ; three varieties pears. COUNTY FAI8 AWARD' OF' PRltMfUM. The judges only reported'' in partyester- Hnu. Tlra-fnllowinn- are the tire mi tun a awar- ! ded: Best stallion, 4 years old and upwards, 1st premium, $10, L..-L. Kola ml Isaac F. Biocn, C. 8. Vtixra, Ben Vrauclsco. 810. tciuwuirtlrt,'"- i Difll.'' BflocSi, Miller & CT. - - WHOLESALE' N I AND DEALERS IN !. V , . Wines Sc Liquors, ""-' And Iniportrnl-mnd Jobbara t I. ' CLOT I1! 1 1ST G- Boots-& Shoes Under Clothing ... ... -v.m.. - BVtsHeUr etc., t , ,etc., . , cc 1 ABS AYOFFI C7 . WJt HAVE AN A?(AY OH1CK IN CONNW'TJo whhanr lnwUmlm; irtidnr tlia enthf nnarvfiiiii of.Mr. Miller. WtMiriiili relurlfrin liars In i-ixlmnrs-We guarnt hll onr Jktmi) und jioV'the IIKIIIKSf CASH PK1CB ftir Bur. We W fa the UluljOJt Ciub I'rke M Sold- Dint. ltt,0('H, MlU.KIt CJ.. n.j6tf Cor. Moln.and WiieliliiKtun Btri-eK. Dtillea. on a road of this description , would at the bead of the stock growing counties of uu " "' ' m.ruumry BUuBD thtr'State The riding by the lady eqm-stri- ad and difficulties of Construction can be ans attracted great attention, and was a lead- more readily overcome. Folio ing the Eng- ; rni..r. in the dav's entertainment. All example, the people of Norway have .u. i.j!,. rnA well, but thev couldn't all fifty toar mile of he narrow guage railroad prernium. $L John Talbot.- mB.iiiuiv. w .i " I r i ,i . j . 1 1 ti i i ii i : tr z . j . ti(r nhould be I operatiun, uuu bu wen nieast-u uro iuujt joel uu..uo., prcuiHiui, j. wiin me Buccess oi tue expcruneni mai number of other lines are in course of construction- A road of this description can be put down in districts that would not warrant tho cost attendioir tin other road. With a ect the premiums content with the.award made by the judges The Fair . has .been nn unlooked for success, and yet thore are many thing in which the experience of . this year will enable us to im- nrnvn.nt another exhibition .As it is farm ne and industrial cla sss h .ve reason narrow guage such as is here described the to fell proud, of their first domous ration . I C09t for laud, rails, ballast and other mate- DonvNO the month of, July the number of rials is of course much lbsa tbai on ordinary widows' claims received- at the Pension Of- railroads.' The-oKglnal cost of the English, fice amounted to 2,229, of wbii'ta 2,170 were road constricted on this principle- was less granted , There are- at present on the Ex than $10 000 per mile. Should the projects miner's desk 42,439 c ses, 12 390 of which now being agitated in relation to the navi- are awa ting evidence from other Depart- gation of the Upper Columbia be carried out mi'nts, and: 28,951 from the cl imants them- a railroad system such as is here-sketched selves' 1 949;invalid claims were admitted maybe made an important agency in over- curing the same month. .Cp , to July lBt there was., a total of..l0,0QO widows d TOjOd'i invalid ulaimsalLof which were re ceived sine the beginning of the war. Of 200,(J i0 enses of discharged soldiers on re cord, 34, 120 have been recorded since Jan- UftrV. .lolia, inu u,aou uiis .u . Ju y last. Best do. do., 2d premium, $7, Geo. Fobs. Best stallion, 3 years old and upwards, 1st Josiah Marsh, Best brood mare and colt 1st premium, $8, John Irvine. Best do. do., 2d premium,. $5, Josiah Marsh. Best filley,. 2 years old, 1st premium) $5, James Fultun. Best do., do , 2d premium, $3, Jonn Irvine, Bes yearling colt, 1st premium, 3; ueo Williams. Best do , do , 2d premium, $2, A D. Bolton. Best sucking colt, 1st premium, $2. 11 Kice. Best do., do., 2d premium, $1, Ueo. Foss. Best span of- buggy horses, 1st premium, $5, Josiah Marsh IMt'oitTEIl AND JOUUKK OF Wines Ac Liquorw, FRONT STfHTCT? Ptrrtimmd,-, -- . - - Oregon. OVFKKS tOU' SALE A VEKY-'LAUOK ASSOUT- -ment ol ltmndles, m ... . illJUUIS) Case-- Coo&sf, 4TT The Trade In partlcnlftil jr Invited, to oxanilne m t icK tiefure purchaiiliig eleewhere . au3t-tf roil THE EAST! rwjIE 8TJBSCR1BKR BEINO AHOUT Ti) RKTVt'.M. JL EAST, now ofUw lil extoiuiveetook of - Walclicx, - Diamonds, Jewelry, Cutler, 8ILTER and PLATED WARE. FIELD GLASSES, 1'! TOLS, CLOCKS and FANCY OUOUS. At such price i- s lie 1 a Me tr realise, regardless of Cost. Pnrtlee wUhlng to take dontnire of lire opportnnlt th obtain any of the abovo named Goods, bed bettor CALL Best do, do., 2d premium, $3, F.- A. Of'l EAHLy, m no euch ouportuulty will offor itself ogaiu. coming obst cles that now appenr f. rmidab e. 1'oLiTiemKS- Airu the Miutauy. To the mis(.hicf-inaking radicals, who desire to make States Provinces, and to keep them premium, $7, Benj. bnipes. Puvm- Best spa..iof draft burses, 1st premium, $5, W. P. Abrims. Best walking horse, 1st premium, W. Denton. Best do . do , 2d premium, $3, Josi 'h Marsh. Best bull, 3 years old and upwards, 1st MAI. Ill It KH AIM, HEXT BOOK TO TUB V 8T OFFlCKy DallMk OreKom- . n- Orders from tbe countty ttro solicited at nuielur tory pricee. - 1MUM, septemner za, inru. 21 IJUallN OATi!i. 1 Siicraiuentit-. Of those now being rec rded, at least fl ty per -ccin are. discharged for guti- Bhot wounds Statu FAtn. The Oregon Stt-Agriciiltu-ral Society will hoM its Filth Annual Exhi- cofuiuencing Octoher 3d, Best bull, .years old. and upwards lst pre mium, 5, Johu Irvii.a. Best cow, 3 years old and upwards, 1st premium, $5, John Irvine. Best heifer, 1 year old, 1st premium, $3r John Irvine. l Best stallion, 2 years old and upwards, 1st under military control, the Washington In 'elhytncer say; "How long a time is to elapse bcf.re the expenditures canbe--pu,t iJown within the limit of the rewiie will depend upon p lilisiuns "and.Jvnt financiers. If the returning Southern' StiHes ar to be kept out of their proper place in the Union . . . ... I li.li.l.n. J M , bition at Haicm, coniuici.v..K v-""" "-i aai, kept a8 provinces under military rule, i. Beniamin Buiu. and continuing four 4y We trust tit our the MpeniutuJfe,wiU continue to exceed our Best lot ot whaat, iiwlf bushel; 1st prenri- farmers and others ;ave making such arrange- t w wbile the expense, of b.ilitary oc- uni, au dl, P. T. Wallace. . . ...:n inmi n a. creditable renrosenta- . j ' u . j . , ' a- Bast lot ot outs, bait bushel, 1st premium, meuts as will insu.B creunaoie reiro5cum CUDation, and of swarms of-6aid civ ofii- : u v w nL. Tbft BUjOCeSS f OUT I ... u-m-. I,,!. n tl Tronanrv. I a.... ' l. Ulf I...I.J l M. Ward. premium, $ Best pig, A. 1). Bolton. under 6 months, 1st premium, It. L.-GIIAPIN. Dalloe.J Wholesale & Retail Druggists CHUM IX PAINT GLASS, OILS, ALCOHOU. ANS vahnisiikt: an24-f MAIN STREET, Dalle, felATii-S & CIsA Vit AVE NOW IN FTOItE THE LAIUlfcST ASHOUT- II MM. .o1n ttw Steie-uf cupation, and of. swarms of-aid cm otli- t ou of Wasco couniy, . wu. .,, be.me:a dra n on .the Treasurv. county fair shows what can be accomplished nu wiU.isu effectually destroy all urn, medal, T. with a little determination, vn in 8I,ore tU 80 tmtKU of pr03peritT -la the South stocK it is d .ubtfuj wiicioer.ttny luumvjt ... ,.rom wlli(.ul reimbursement of any portion the Slate can turn, oui.am.tquu ou..cr u. of tbe C(lgt o,.th, w, rand , f reCous ruction. fine animals. On th e. score :of fruit we.are. mignt be en;eae4j. The fact that Psident fully up to the best fruit growers of tAsWil- JobD80n knowledges that." new d ugers Best lot of po atoes, 1st premium, medal, C. M. Denton. Best lot of beets, 1st premium, medal, Jonas Whitney.. Best lot ol watesmelons, 1st premium, medal, T. Mesplie. 1i.i,tt.- Val ev. and U certainly ls.daskable ,., .. .,td.tl. h! rafrrenra to ' " do-' do- 2d P"niium,: ribbon, 1. M. . v . i t i' - u i , a , . I Ward tlint specimens from both. . localities-b ex- lhe fittaiI)Ce8 0f ib, conmrj in , the future, I UeM 'iot.tf.lnplesslx icties, 1st premi- w. uldiiadiciUe that. h. duly appreciates the uist.wedal II ltige.r r .n..jsi. r.thi.. . Best, Qo ,. ao., ix premium, riooon, J r military rulej .It .is evidently as necessary to tbe General Government as to the South ern States themselves that the latter sliould be speedily restored,-and. brought under, their own economical civil government.. .So vast are. the. payments necessary to be made z. Oonuell now by tbeVNatioual Government, that the BeHt do., do., 2d premium, ribbon, A. D The publication will .be com- J SaflMtnry of the ..Treasury . can, notwith. Bo'l . . ,....,. Perfumery, I'omaden, Soap, BOHEMIAN. TOIl.HT'ar.T3. BRUSHES AND FANCY . UOODS. Pure Wines and ltrundiest lor Mentenl Paxpoiee, at - a24-IB GATES t CdAl'IN'8. TAKE NO IK Lard & Kerosene Oils, BL US STOXE. A CIDS $ Q UICKSIL VERr At Ban Francleco prlesn, with frclubt added, nt ' n-24 tl OA'l'KS A t'.HAl'I.N' Dalles. i.n.;td .irlrt bv sidoj,-. In. closing this notice it is proper that we shuuld acknowledge... receipt of a complimeniary. invitation to be present, a ' the opening of tbe Fair. Other engajoments permitting it will afford us great pleasure to be present Tn Orkooii Plowuan.-M .E. M. TVfcite has issued a prpspeptusv ip which be sets fmth tho iiiMnMon to commonce.tho publi cation of an agricultural journal, with tbe above title. llftndHome KcNldence For Sale. fBIIM HANDSOME RESIDENCE occnplwt by A. V. . -' JL Baetutnan, U etTered lor eale at a lw fipure Fer i.rluik rulilence. no mora devirable loca lly cnnU hdeiired. The xronndi nre ornamented with lu wtibery,. una I (hi uai nun if, cdiiuhuihk 1 - wm"" htxtt i vi. Aim muracett everv couvvmencn. . i buii- tienmti dMirluK a rttirei:iol pttu"unt riunie. omuwutcnt Booth. Best lot of plums, three varieties, lat pre rnium, roediil. R. Mara Rpflt rlti . dit . '2d nri-mium. rihboD. H Rice Best lot of milk, 1st premium, med.-l. Jo- ." ,tt J5"lji mu. imriu. . . or Knamtelv. a the imrcuartt bmt deore. roiinnner . Bent lot of butter. lstDremtum medal. Mrs I nrrticalan.. inaulreat au-Jottf . . , r - .. . n. WELLS, ft'ARGO A CO.'S EXl'Itt-SS OVUCK. W. P. Miiler.u Second best, Miss die Lyle. Best jack, James Fulton. . t Best yearling mule, L. L. Koiand. ' Best sucking mule, L. L. Roland. " Best jnck colt, J imea. Fulton. V Best spud match xolla, James Fulton." ' . . .... r. f T.tnnArv. ,lAfiri.-: Thsrl... i'.;':. 1.A Aa1 eatna nf oarjifV-lliivi I UlCUCOU. Ou LUD III Ok vi J . , I Bb'.UUlUK .us ii ... v-, v . vu--.-r I publisher pr. ruUfls to make his paper a w- tie8j find moneyvtor liqinia ting only twenty vieiinr at every fa mer's fireside. A fivB ner.teniof tbe ilairos by large credit- publ cation of this kind, is greatly needed, brih-pu4tinjp on the. balance with ccrtlfioatis aud we doubt not will' he well susUned., H 0 na.eiudiis"flo-tliBt it seems evident w'sn'iM. recollected H at a lew weeks since we bni ImmediateljiofttKe meeting of Uongress nublished tho prospectus or a papervto,Do gnother goTernBnt; lean is lilwly J J. W. GUR.LEY, DENTIST J r..ll..rl the OretroH Agricultural. v ociieo i tailed rof.n . TUBiDaianw oimB-e iasi seriSvtwi - Main Bt.t uaii.uregoji. that the State will support on. properly con- th.:,$600.0000'of the .ev.B-tbirtiea, h H I "".S .- . i i i j.rnt.,l in the farminil aid NnnTined.illiall havebeen absorbed in less niult. that.havlnii returned fron.a tiro- OOCtCU lUUfU, - -- --I rrr" . . , ... i. .... il.r.iul. the mlnn. hahll. mechanical intf resU, but two paper, or tne l. tha-forBighJbUt tha. httf, MmaiaJ;- rMOU-d ,h4wac,C, of DKNTlB'favjn thwn kind cannot axis,..nd hence wa hot that .u.MMivt coatinoe' beyond .iii nrranrfementwiUbeinadWiiereoxa" l tbat permu, ana ,nojign;.nnei customs re- -dron Bro..' Droit tn. Ha takee ti... n.-thi or p -. ...j . I , . i' ..tendini thanka, lor uie iirjermi paironeire nereiomra e- COQtemplated paper may oa ( -! Ceip'S) are now inrgc. mc wMmnmngw ,nddioliiiu,Mallclt acoutlnaaBco of tke mmr XatiM Dentnre on QuM Bnee................4lS0 'UiHMolutlon of 4 o-pitrlnerMLtp. Ta.TOT10M8 1IEKEBT OIYEN.that the cn-partner-11 .atiiinkaretolora extaUw between JL L. gaiton. X . Uj KcC.iy. H. Millor.WV. M. Hire, auit Jaiuwi Mi K..rland-, , nder the name of the "UOCK CUKtK MINIMI CW..., PANV," to thle day dluolTed, the uuaereigue.1 nayn . a Irons laid partneni.np. , a. k. ruriuii.' wiuidnaa from aaid nartnenl.Kp. 1 "rant diniity, Aiiju i&VlHW' au3lhir KeactLem - JReacliCH l! m UhTKKCBIVKD&CIIOieB.lotol l'KAOl IKS, which J. U1 be aoU.bjr, tbe, bo or pound at tbe loweeS n.H '!.f tl'tiu.n rmntv ItaTlniv i etnice Jtruit tn dlnpoM-ol will aiwayi find me la tb maeke. read 4a pay to hlglieat urlcea, in tanii. ll Hit'! Vl I ir- r-4. 1 l.,L Ul m iaol6:ur It ( may b. mad. M important agency la direct; rl'aln lo be called for, ing attwlibn. to the "fr?"tnid h. well Wibows.-Tbe Commissfpner of;P,tnl9byi try, and. as such wa think j ' ' ; A.,j.-tJt :h. 'Vria. . of ' widow. tc'fHa twri nroieott can be uoweo ip """i tinner Deatnrat UoM hase. .'Dntnra. Vnlcantte Rao... aroTiCEi OR BOOKS IJCM BE. CLOSED, either by nota . oaah. within elxtr dnys. All poraoni liuicbUxl .wilt bio tall aa a4iL a aboT. jT . SOBU1N8, McFARLAND k CO. " " re- I . .. v i-K-!-JsS.'.HAJT,X ' mmr- Atit, ov i.ey..- tut . Xu VL.iitf to $224. j .' , ,Ai4E.OIEppi.u, I t f. Unrtfi- Himtnrev Vnlcanlte Itnae.. 0nl4'illlnm Inverted from one dollar upward. 90 2 J2! l" OTi0 on Socohd Street, Bv doors em t of Waehlon .. '' . d1 I tan Market. . . v " ' . bou-h U M AAA I . r,"r- - - , 1 'I i WOlT HllinKinw?rie iron, one uuimr uiwwu. . . I ' terminates all claim to B I'Cngjon.. , . . , , ., ChUdieue'Teetli extracted free af charge. ' ic.l3-f , J 10 KB08 OF SAIfT SALMON, llbs each! Ioraleby (anl8:tfl It- ds liis'ure' sjcqoss. . , - , . . i a