jdalltcs, onndoN, irrtiTJAY. MisrrrfsaiPETt'lg; isoa. . NO. 81. '- e . PUBLISlIEl) EVERT MOKNIAG, ' (MONDAVI fXCaPTID,) it WILLIAM II. NEWELL, IDITOB AKD PROPHIBTOR. Tan Ttoenfy-rtw of nti perweok, payable to tha carrier ptr tiHiutli.-iuy .mail. SI: thru moBlk..Jt2Mj six months, $6; ue year, $8. Adveitlemete liunresat Ww rates. ... '. ' Job. Prinfi '. Every dMerlptlon of plain and (anuy Job Printing exe- neatness ug aenpatcn, and rorwarded M per order to nny part of the country. Jiyuunt JorJob Print E M P I R E HOTE L, MAW ITRHT, D1U.U, 0RK00N, TDOMAS SMITH, Proprietor. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE. is Tin ounKi or Buamesa, Near the Steamboat And Railroad. Lands ng 8uperior Accommodations for Families and can Ao eonimodate On Hundred and JTilty Guests. inh 50 est. : Lodging...... ...Mets. FirS Proof 8ftf ftlP flunnattMnr valnuKtu " . House open all night. Baggage taken to theHoise ' . " . ' O ' I nOAAO OiQUUi mhg-tf 1 - ' ' ,: ' r - " ' Proprietor. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. fBI'IlS WELL KNOWN HOTKL ti now open for the . , , v. hmb.l.. rt inii ueiog inoroiigniy re tied ami newly furnished, It will be conducted: Ii. all amrtmenu, as a Out clue HOTEL. The house la con TTOlently loeated near the steamboat lauding and railroad Jpot. Uaggag. taken to the Uouae,freo of charge. Home lit onaa all night. .. ., BrUe Proprietor, will not be responsible for any Baggage auln.( linot; is given meretur. -loala SO cents Lodgiags 50 cents, mrl furniture . FURNiTtisir DIEBLAM Sc WENTZ, . -!!!ttL S,!f N Tl.llIlD "4N1 STRUItTS ri iF9 D''"City,havoonbaodavarloty . K.MH Household Farnltare, Jiti'?t"n'l'r''cln Tables, Chairs, Barmus w rlk w Ueiieaud UedHtaadl.Bedding.Oarpeu Jo, etc., all of which wall be aoldat low ratoe. furniture Impaired, and UphoUtering done to order. Alio, on hand alatlroaeandt'iilowt. Spring lleda niada-to order, ault "0AHI18. 0. B. maL. .WM. MOABUS & CO.. OITY' BAKEEY, : ' ' ana r R O VIS ION STORE, ' W 4 Oorner of Plret and B StrMln. CllAUKBKSand family i) HOCK II I US. . dlilpMohed k0"1 ai'Ul,c rt,r"y "'led and promptly hZ . I FITZGERALD H 11 13 V A. R E Irou i.ud Steel. ... ( Story De$cr(ptum , . . r Miners-' and Hechaulcs' Toolm AND Furminff Implements. ; ' Sim C1IANDI.KRY, 0U0CKIIIB8, OLOTUINO. AND bTAPLKDHY 00008, ..- . " Crockery and GIaaiwui. ; ' P. PWiWKnAU), ' Walla, Oregon 1IOUT A AD SHOE STOitI F. WYClbu.. HAS JD8T KKGBIVBD.dlreet from San -fraiw db, clico, an unmually (neand well seleotadE I ateckof ... . f BOOTS AND SHOES, . of the'Terrbett onalltT and Imtmi mi CVER BROUGHT TO THIS MARKET, including the celebrated KNQI.I8II RDNTINO 8 HOB ... j ..MipMnoowK ( Ladles' and Children'- Caltert, Of the latest 8ty.ee, Just recelred from the .bast Pailh adelphla makera. Also, a Tory large aasortsaeahtg . FINE' DRESS ROnTS : - MrOentteraen who prefer to hare their Roots or Shoes at.- ...I uivu uuiwniiis m neac bjm aaae ap32.tr As . I m aa. Opposite the Baprees Office. BOOKS! BOOKS": WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. aOCHOOI, BOOKS, STATIONERY, ' 'trtnJj S3 Standard and Miscellaneous WORKS, 7t. Ite N0VKL8. alAOAZINES, PAPKIfl?, Ac, Ac. br oTery Steamer. PosKifltce'lel ill 11 eakstore, Main street, Dallas. ma7tr H. J. WALDsna A nn "W. JD. BIGELOW7 RecelTlnr. Storlag- Forwarding and ' " Commission Merchant! Located at the Bridge and of Main straet-eaf from osfcr storage, BhlJ-tf SIMMER 1RR1ISGEI1E1IT. The Oregon Steam avlgiitlQa Co IMrTrf "ir OB and after (nesday, December th, until further notice, the 0. 8. N. Company will 4epateli one of tne fcUowtng named B learners Web-Foot, . Tenlno, Tditliiia, Spray,-. Nez Perce Chief, Ofeanatjon, Col. Wright, Owyhee, FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY of eaoh week Uetornlnsr, We WaUula and Umatilla on TUESDAY, .TiiUKSJJAY, and BATWtDA -of eacli week. The Passenger Train, To connect with the 8TKAMKU8-AT CKLlLOi wUI stai trout thwHailroad Depot, Dalles City, at 5 A. M. The Steamer Oneonta, C'apt. J. McNOLTV, will leave DALLK8, DAILY, (Sundays es eepted) at t o'clock, a. ., for CASCADES, conneotin; with the steamer WILSON 0. HUNT, Capt. Wolf, fbi Portland.- . : fttANK T. DODOK, j Dalles. Sept. 27, 1864. fmrl-t Agent 0. 8. N. Co. j tJMATILLA. fflD BOISE PI0NEERMfe3 ' LINK CONCORD, SXAGrES! , , , . CAUBYINO ...... THE UflilTEU STATES MAILS, ' AND I8H & TO.'S KXPnK88, 00NNBCTIN0 WITH TUB 0. S. N. 09:S STEAMERS ' .- TO AND PROM ,; PORTLANB VA'N"D TlfB DALLES, Xeaeea rtnatllley regularly Tery other eUy,'via Swift piwwiian amwu, uranjie wiy, rowaer, tfnrut, W-eieerend Payette Rlrer Valleys to Placorrllle; there buniin.iuK .mi .u veniKeviiie ana laano uity, and all parts of Boise Basin. Also connecting at Payette H wUh Ran ltAlll.l.u. . Orarland Mtana T.lna To Boise and Salt Lake Citlee; and t Boise. City wit n3m w wwv wij uu u. UWJTil JU IUS unwe at tne urleani Hotel, Umatilla, Oregon, ISII k K ALKY. ' ' iPatettPebiiaary 86th, 1866. f26tf ProprletorL. DALLES & CANYON CITY STAGE COMPANY Are now rnnnlnc their Una of ' 30NC0I1 STAGrJSS BKTWEBN DAliffi i e5,OANYON -CIW Jjy way of . ; , aLK. i i j y. ...... m " ...... "" u nonowe, nriage ureea, a l tali .mat,.eamp Watson. Rock Creek, Cottonwood and John iDar'l ttirar. tri.wiu.klv. i . oiaanno " "VrTll.LS..rAKao & CO'S EXPRESS. 4wet.Hnr TVhIIasI anrl Pan irv rn- .- ' l t j j au.uukii ih iwu nays i - , JAS. A. HENDERSON, Agent, Canyon City. Dalles office At Wells, Fargo A Ca. Dalles. -f ' '. "' 1 ' M.amYUItW. Agent. Dalles, April S6th, 1805. . ap26tl Fon BOISE HIiES kOUBCCV. WALLA WALLA A BOISE LINE ! Of ! ONOORD STAGES, I CARRYING ' ' THE, U. S. OVERLAND MAILS 'AND Wells, Fargo &, Cs Express, '. 1 UXfm.mAl'l Ra-'r Trips from Walla Walla to PI tarTllle, (Bolea Mines.) .,., , i(. Throogb In Two and a Half Days Connecting with the Wallnla Lint or Stages, and lb Boau of the O.S.N. Company., ' , , ; ; , i , -v. OBO. V. rnOMAS CO.,'' anST-if .... .... -!..' , .... .... . mwr Oregon Steam Navigation CoTt REDUCTION. ON FREIGHT! At Anihk Will Ikaa aaaa anll. ri"""'d to Dalles ..-......4...4l 00 per ton vaiieeto umaiiira......, lft 00 . 2 l Whlt Bl"f-.. 40 00 . ' . " ... Paleuee Latxlln. . ah nn , .. t . Lewlilon.. ....,,... jo qo From and afti-r THIS DATS, Ike fraight on FLOUR from Dallas to Laalaton will vtwiTv utv. . t P"?.- . - J.S.KUCKItL.L.C.' uaiias, June lotfc, aSea. freat. 9.S.M r u e 'rt c a ! 1 1 .11 ikiroaTturtuo wbolmau Dealers la Vfinea, Lfquore GROCERIES, 911 ers' Cioods,' Doat Stores, Kc.s aats amorn to tuna , ' NW STONE BUI LDlMQi ookmt'oy Second a'rfa''Witslilngton Streets, DALLES CITY. NOW IN STORK A' LA R0H AND COMPLETE AS ortmcnt of the ery best brande of WINES AND LIQUORS. Also, a lull assortment of GROCERIES & 'STAPLE GOODS. Constantly receiving oar supplies direct from New York and San Francisco, wo are able and willing to sell at a wy small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly sorrsct and prompt method ol doing buainaaa, they will receive the patronage cf the pub. . ; 1 selO-tf 'J&HtubliMiiod I5'7'. ., f ...... y DeaLkrs IN f . GROCERIES ! ,: cobkkr bt Main and Union Streets, Dalles!. JJOBALDWIN) ml,21.tr Pi W.: BALDWIN, FRED. LtEBE, 1 GROCERY,'" PROVISION. AND , ' tt r tj i rr: store, Washington Stroet, opposite French t Oilman's. Dalles. mm on hand a large and well-assorted stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, ?."a"lrUnmTa A. I"'"' f CHICKEN? aTwav's on hand. FRUIT8 of all kinds. FIIKSII VEUBTABLES oory morning. AUartielee warrautd. Give Me a Call, Everybody ' tV - PIUOKH I.W. , "ul8:tf ' ' F. LTEDK. AjUCTIONT HAVING LEASED the place on Second Street, for-mi-rly occupied by H. Oliver, i a Grocery and Btnro)re8tore, we hare remoyed, and will bate oar Reg nlar Sales there on , , i , Tuesday and Saturday,'! le a in Goods received on ,'' Commission and Storage for Forwarding. -J"1"1 PAYNE Co., Auctioneers. CW TOKK BAKERY" F. IIKNZKB ic tfOn ; Mala Stiroei. TJallaa. Retail Dealers-iu " BREAD,, CAKES, ' CRACKERS, ! . V: : -AND . .' ' ' - Taniily Groceries and Provisions. ' BIIEAD and FLOCK-dellvered to any part of tl, city ITM Of ChfcrfsbSL , i . . . i uaiieemiy. fept. ,I8. ' . A-t( GAXES & TUTUIIiL, niljl.VIs nnunnm. AIT0RKII8 AJfd C01IXSKL0KS AT 1AW, ' ' ' -ANA- VT7II.I, ATTWVn .BFItiikllarllf'V tun MH.ttH.u. V T Ity.-to all buiineu en trailed to their cre, par - r uasaiuisj, VAJI1TBT Anelnar. ft Will last 4ilr. .11 u..i i V ounce at their Office, over Delim'a Jewelry Store. If 1 111 QSHIS U aM III u.i nH r Bl -7 asiH uuHDIBIHinn.lD UMI y.n. oatm. foc-ta-tn o.t tuthill , nam B1IIAJI1, VAIrbllS Ull'Xa UKW W. humuionfl. fN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THI STATU OF ORB. STOM. thr ill rnnntw n nMo aa im. P. H. Pofndextarand Wm. i1(Wp. Pi.itiM-. .. 7 jng : in tUe natne of tUe Bute of Oregon von ar here. IrT inrnmnnarl ast I Mna.l.1 a. k. . i .. - , - "h" .v niiu sppeir in me aoore -..w reivu ui vins n.BBoni. ii nerved witmii the . stmt as srvi rem IU ol!J Owlier OOOU- ty to this State, then twenty dayairoiaithe eerVlco hero. of. and iniH tA laa .,.n..i.ia i i iii -r C .h. -id ?V.7 P'""'". on nia ir, plaintiff, will take judgment against yon air th. "vwvt jun ! hi no innssr a I'M aatJllt hiuleavl avaul sa. f . " -v-sj-wjwav-f.TOaonare, Dsvl- . , T "1 naaeaeiaaiw gwa 'bMjf- XOlTaffiaiDL and Intereat thereoa. ami Ibr ttielr eoett and dUoarec- " . - - w-t wfo -v v. rw .taavvsa, OF WIIKSJ nr ( Court. F, lDAMg. Att'v br vui.,iir. U.-S. ReverrbeStarftp, ' - au capita, oanetlled. i ..... ; aal?4w COLUMBIA- BREWERY. fcrimiQ ASCII ANNO, Props. ni3I,EST fRICX PAID FOR B.tRLBT. ; I. , ; , i I . . LOST. " Am. -..um ruua.i emua, Ol HOout a "'9$"$i' e"nU,' Note and dtbet papers, only valuable to the owner, any person, knowing of tha ..nvMuuHM. . . w. cvHior a mvoT by givlnc Information to ttsbudersigned. ' 11 l&o O.UDMAS0.t A CARD FOR THE Summer & Ml clothing Trade OF SAN FRANCISCO. ,; BADGER & LINJDENBERGER, Nos. 411, and 415 Uattery Street, . ) . - V)r. Morcaasu, Han Frauolaoo. i Importers ainl Wholesale Dealers. .ENTIBE JOSS W-AND 'FRESH-STOCK. WE WOULD CALL' ATTENTION of Country Kiev chants to our usually large stock ofOoode, Our stock comprises every article in ti e Clothing and Fur nishing Hne. Wo-havo conntantly-on hand the largest alnd greatest variety of Cassimero ami-Wool II ATo of any 'hoiio in Can Francisco, and 'cnir "prl ee for-tlieeo, tinodi are Im tlinn thoee of any house, as we receive them direct from the nmnnliicturer's consignment Our slock or Slimmer and Fall (loops Is particularly attract ive, and tlie grunt feature to liiu country merchant is the nuueually low prices. - less Than the Cost or Importation I ' IVa .l.n Iriu.n tl.A OT loru . nmini ...a i. . . ,. - ...... nvv)J ... , i.e. nnLLjura III ine liry UOCHTS line, which Uoods we have purcunaod In this mnrket an-do- the hammer, and are offering them at New Yolk Piiat. anH Imu . . .... We publish this card In order that we may make new acauailltancea. am ItuliifA Inn. ul...l.. n... h....,u. purcliased of us, to call and examine our stock. . Good Articles and Low Prices! Are the greatest Inducements to all who purchase to sell again. Merchants who buy of us can make a good profit, u nd soil to their Oustomcrsat a low figure. Wo remain, rcepectlully, Your Obedient servn'nts, i ' .. , . - i uadoer a lindenbrrger, ; Wholesale Clothing and Hat Warehouse, . ' No"- u- 41 "l 1 Battery street, Run VHnfll.. .-.ti 1 ion. . . .. .. UOfTOtt TUE SUMMER U0CSE1 ON THE SEA BIHACHV rjMUS DELIGHTFUL aND CKLKBHATED SUMMER JL iteeort, siiaated on Clatsop Plains, a short distance from Hit. Ocean, la now ro-opeued and ready to receive J gueete. t This resort possesses attfkotlons nnsarriaseAd oil the Paclflc Coast. It has aHuiendld lieach for riding, walk ing and bathing! beaatllnl',soei.efy and snrmuudinge; berries of all kinds abound; a beautiful trout stream andabunuauce of game. rPLIUI FT". .V-. C..'- Is constantly siniplled3lh salt mid Iri-bh 'rateimsh -clam, and crabs,' elk, owtr and feelhertM-fcmVitM'ttte frchest of country produce. ' VrhA'.tMtikla I. ...In .-.... ... (TLI. rt-.-i " L.. . . . ' . ubioi ouere every- rthiog diet could te"deelrsd for the comfort of guest, 'The PiViprietors respectrnily ask the Heal th and Plsao are Seeking Publlo for partronage, thai they may be enabled to make the UHnmitia. - . . i ' ...... ....uro m Lraiut, uvil, ll stltution of the country. LOWELL a KIPPEN. gay tn, tooo. , , ' myOlf D. DTTEPIIESOPvJ- -: DENTIST, MW AS REMOVED 1MB OFFICE 0PP0- . "i t wuirg UD ( IglVssMvu uu BU KlOQI Ol dental.work: Ih a skillrul and well Snlahid manner. TEKTH Insert from one to an entire set, on Uoid or riubbor Plato . ,n f"r "nbber Plate, from fcu to Sett las Gold Plate, from $76 to $15 . 7 Persons having work don by m not proving aaU Bfactory will not bo required to receive or pay to? SELILING OFF AT COST. My entire stock of . : ip STOVES AND TIMWAnfc, ALSO, TINMAN'S TOOLS', TUB WHOLE embracing a fine stock, ever- article) of which will In sold at Cot, as I desire to clooo ut bnslnees. AIk one OIlANb PIANO, In gixid order! '! I"'.?"1 al! HOUSE AN D-LOT, on fecund Steel neKI to the cdrHer of Washington. Th. Hon.. to iwl stories, with a basement, and Is well adapted to Ih. hotel business. Also a lot of BEDDING, comprising about twenty-flvo lhals. Ih. whol. will be closed out cheap. For further particulars apply on the premise.. f3 ALltKkT ttKITtyfllu LINCOLN HOUSF Curacr Washing ton and Froat Stroats, U11EUON. ,. ; , . H HOTEL. LAR0E8T IN THE STATE. vuni wm nOBHWiMDIa. , .,,.,, noaie and JSI',,r.?j? Mr taIWF ' Hnoae Charge, or lb any other House Ih the Ciry for (0 . ; .. ". Pp OMNIBUS will attend all th Hi. ..j m Still tFlaif l,..a.M a at.. .. v.svv,y; 'raa or teniiin. Proprietor. P.S nOT AND COLD BATI1B In tl,. n.. All th llaiM. a.. AM - n7 V V. . I -' J l" w aancoiu nooeo Wharf. HLnAso A: onr.r.i. ATTORNEYS & CdUNSELLORS AT LAW WM"tC"J T "5 ItEMK AND CI Wihlngto; ftrrTtoVy: " "'""a PwtlfiMU fttUnllfin mM IaVIiV ...IU..I 0. HUMASON. - aMllr.iLVtJii - J a .tr?a. " 7. UU. ft. P. WtM.tn WHb PHYSlCiAN d, SIT 11 GEO J Hear fittes k Chapln's Drnf Btorev .1 ' ' w ' MAIM RTrtlCKT niT.t si . . LK. Ai H. HTE5EEE5 ACTING A8SI8TANT SURGEON, t). 8.1;' ' ' orncsAT WALDROW & BROS.' DRTJO BtOldi.