SherlftH Sale of Mining , Land ; - and Ileal Estate; - Y VIKTUK OP. XKjiCUTION Issued by the V Clerk of tho Comity Courfcln and for (I rant County, State of Oregon, in favor of llydJk Kvhiib, plaintiffs, nnd HKniu John McMaatoM, ftTcMMters, BIuMiuv ten nnil i- McMaaUir, defendants, fur the sum of one hundred ami ton and 76-100 dollars principal, and finty- teres t mid costs of execution, and to me directed, I have levied upon, and will sell at public auction, before the ' Court Houtte door, fu Canyon City, County of Grant, ptate of Oregon, to the highest bidder, (or cash in hand, -ou SATURDAY, the 23d day of September, 8(V5, bo. tween tho hour of t and 8 o'clock, p. m the f. Mowing described mining land nnd real estate:, or 'no much there of us will satisfy, the wild sum of 110 76-100 dull am and coats and disbursements, and i tit front nnd costs of exeru lion aim muw, yik ; iuu mi liiihi uMiuviut-u uiivri-iji, in QHKKK IULL MINING CLAIMS, Rrtuatod on tho went hide of Canyon Creek, and bounded on the oust by Watson , A Co.'i claims, runnl'iK went 225 feet, factnff on IilH 'llolch; and one SMALL FKAMfcJ DWKLLINU HOUBB) AND LOT, situated on east do of North nnd- of Canyon street, in Canyon Cityadjoinluir Kobersnn's property. M. P. BKItUY, Sheriff. Canyon City, Affgnwt st, 1805. b'2Mw hcrMPs Sale of Mining Property. BY vlrtuaof an execution Issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Urant Comity, mate of OruKim, judgment in favor of J. It. Uoblns, plnintiir, nnd Rtfuinut A) Ion ftnd D. G- llmton, defendants, for 'tlio mum of two hundred and twenty-seven and 19-100 dollar (Oold Coin of the United fctates), principal, with 1 Interest, costs and disbufaeineuts, and co-its of execution nnd sale, and to inn directed, 1 have levied upon and will nell at public auction, be for o the Court Home door, fn Canyon City, on 8A i UKUA Y. the 23d day of 8 KPT K Al ii Kit, IHu6. between the hours of one and two o'clock, p. M., to the higheat bidder for cash if) hand, Gold Vnin the following described property, vIb: TWO MINING "CLAIMS, lying and being In Canyon Creek, in John Day Precinct, County of Grant, State of Oregon, and bound id on the North by II. Crane's claim; on tjie Kant and Went, from bank to bank; on the Smith, by Hurst A Co.'s claim, each claim being from North to South, 75 feet, Inoro or lids. - M. 1. BKKKY, Hherlff 1 Canyon City, August 10, 1805. hu2G.4w. Sheriff's Sale of Mining Property. BY virtue of nn execution issued by th. Clork nf the Comity Court iu at.d fir Grant Couuty. State of Orecon, Jndginont III favor ol II. B. Cam., W. Wndlelgh, nnd M. Vhuman, plaintiff, and against U. Maine, Goorge Alloti ami 11.0. Houton, de'eiidaute, tor .the num. ' of four hundred and thirty-two and 71 100 dollar. pilu cipiil. with interest costs and disbursements, costs of ex ecution and sale, and to me dlrei-tod. I have levied upon, and will sell Ht public auotion, befo.-e the Courbllouse door. In Cnnyon City, ou SATURDAY, the liad day of 4 September, 1Ho5, between the hours of one nnd two o'clock, e. K , to the higlie.t bidder for cash In hand, Ihe following described property, vie: TWO MINING 'CLAIMS, lying and being In Canyon Creek, Joim Day l'reclnct. County ofQrnnt, State of Oregon, and bounded nn the North, by II. Crano's claim : on the East and West, from bank to bank; on the Couth, by Hurst iTo'i 'claim, being fromNorth to South. 76 feet, more or lets, M. P. 11ERRY, Sheriff. Ctnyon City, Augu.t, IT, 1808. au&Mw Notice to Bogus Gold Dust Operators TTOIIN BPOTT, formerly f Yri'ka.:Ciilifoxnl, ngoi 99 SI I or 2tjyoars, slim built for bight, hight over leet dark hair and complexion, rcguiai frutures, slow peech, UOHUSOOLD HU.ST UKALKIt, and JOHN 11 ILL, formerly of Siskiyou County, California, hight 0 feet, broad shoulders, w II made, trim built, dark chenut bir .saiulv buuol frault.ouen coutilenance, ai:o. be- iwoi-n on iinu ou years, piiito.r of said Scott: TAIi ,uiiiK, mat ine uiiki .UAIIE owoeil and left by you. . near the head of Butter Creek, In Umntllla County, on mriiuiij', on in nay hi auiciHt, iniio, while being pur eneil by a 8lierln"s nossee. will lie sold at onnlln ,in.. In Canyon City. County Seat of Urant Conntv, to pay II o on.ts of said pursuit, charges ol keeping anil c.wtoftlits iiovuriiKuniriii. iniriy utiys ir date, uu ess otalmud by v.iikud hiiu nature in. ,iay Ol sale. Canyon City, Augunt 111, 1806. 8. 0. 11ERRY, nu20:4w Special Deputy Sheriff, " HierlOT'M Sale. TT VlflTUK OP AN KXKCIITlllN,l nftl,. JLj Circuit Court, from the Ooun y of Wasco, Stat, of '"n"". ' oirecieu, i nave levieii upon tho following described property, to-wit: The Saw Mill known us BMITII'S MILIj. sltuitiid on Moslcr's Creek, aliout hall mile above Mosler's Saw Mill on imil nrnolr. will, ull tlie aiipurtortWet tliereunto lielonglug. j will proceed to sell the above descrlboil nt n r..i,rt n.,aA door, n 8ATUHDAY, theld .lay of September. 18115, be- i"w 'oe iioiir. oi v o OIOCK. A. M., ami 4 o'clock, P. M., to satisfy tho above execution In favor of Louis Clouss, "6 iiuin.v"iiini. 1'iian.ijris wmitk, Sheriff of Wasco County, Oregon. Dalles City, A njrixt lilst, lsitfj. au2.r-4w. ' Sumitions. ITS TUB CinCUIT COURT OF THR PTATR OF ORE- gon. for tho t.'onoty ofOrant, if netnVr Ter 1H0B, I". ., Polndexter and Win. 0. Orr. tNnliitlfls. vs. D. N. Logsdon, Defend mt. Tol)AVIDN.l0(,0ieeU ing; in toe name oi me state ol Oregon you are here , :by summoned and required to be and appoa'r In tlie aleive entitled Court within ten lluvs from the exuiratlon nf the publication of this summons, If served within the uounty oi ii rani, Oregon, nun ir served in any othercouu ty In this State, then twentv dnvs from tlielervli-e lieie. uf, nml answer to the romplnin't nf Haul plelntiff, on file in iiieeiini i.oiin, ami n you lull to so appear nmtlin B'or, plalntilfs will take judgment asaluit ynu for the mini oi seven Hundred and seveiitv-twoirJ-liHidnllais. 1ml ILtlCn lIllA (III a llll lia plnllnu.1 In tl.ntn n lnl.. nnd Interest thereon, and for their costs and ilixbur! meiits tlioreln. lly order of J. (I. Wii.-ok. Jud,'o OT said 1'iirt. r. auajis, Atry for v.uliiilirs. 8. Ieventie 8amp. ) 6o cents, eaifell-d.' ) , nir2i:Pw AilinliilNtralor'M IVollcc. "IfyOTICR li HUH H1IY GIVEN, That the undersigned X was on the nth dav ol June lunit. duly iippoimed Ailmlnlstiutor of tlie extnto of 1IKNRY UKAIlMOND, loceas' d, by Hon. County Com tot the Stale of Oregon lor the.rounty of Now, therefore, Notico is hereby given to all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undttrnlgncd, at his olllce, In Dnlln, City. Wasco comity, Oregon, within .fx ui'inthi' of tlie dale hereof. All persons i-eing indebred to ild estiite are requested to make f mmodiate payment to Ih.uiiilorsliMiod. N. II. OA IKS. Ad'm'r. Dated the tit Ii day of AtigiKt. 1WI.S. Ordinance o. 4. AN OniUN-ANCR TO AMKND OKDIVANCK NO 2. FA'TITI.Kl) AN OHIHNANOK T' PltKSCKIBK 1'IIK DUTIH9 AND SA.I.A1I.Y OF MAI1SIIAI.. Sso. 1. Thar Section A of ordinance No. 2. be and Is liorel.y so amendi-d. that where the words one hundred occur, the sumo shvl r -al nnr InimtrM and twntn-tfivc. And where the words elglity occur, ihe samu shaU road one Anndred. 1 This otilinancn shall talte effect, nnd be In force on and fter the 1st d ly of September, 1HH5. Pas.ed the Common Council of Dallos City. August 24th, 18nf) N. II. Uvi'KS, Mayor. Attest: V. S. UoutNn. Iteeorder. eu'J'trlfit J&TZ. A. ACTINQ ASSISTANT 8UK0K0N, U. 8 A. orries at WAJDRON & BROS.' DRTJGr STORE. DAILY XIQUNTAINEEB POWKB PKKSS BOOK & JOB PRENTIKG OFFICE. ' t" Flnt Street, between Main and B ; 'DALLES ...... OREO OX. OB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch"." JKA BTYLK TIIAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the ery besV, and ' AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO ORDER. ... C a r d -st n d II i 1 c a d ; CHECKS, DKAFTS, K1CU1CWTS, POSTERS AND PJ100RAMMES THEATRES CONCERTS EXHIBITION?, PRIKTXI) I THR BOBI ATTRACTIVE MANNErtt. 180, . ' r JLjpTTEK HEADS. ... ... RECEWi BOOKS, .BILLS LADISQ, Itricfs and Paiuplilcts, . . VlSITIXa, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS In short, everything that can b done in a Book and Job ripting Olllco, rrom tne smauesi unu ihohi n.nnii.v.iu r Circular, to the largest slue and most showy I-oatliuj llill and which will be turned out In a style that cannot fail to insure entire satisfaction. V tool TIM 'OR THR RXHCUTIOS O. JECORATIVE PRINTING in n,a most tneantifiil Colors. Bhadea and Tlnth l- Such as Taney Posting bills;! From, a single Sheet to the largest juammoin, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CA Ii OS, l'UUFUMERS LADELS,dc Are unsurpassed by thoso ol any other establishment in Oregon. W. devote special attention la hub oraiu u oi ine business, and are continually auuiog our live and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS Of the most modern and elaborate design.. Our stock 0i FANCY INKS. TINTS, -AC, Ata of the finest nualltv. and for rlchnesi of color and durability, Cannot be equaled In the State. . The principle upon which business Is asked for this es tablishment Is. that persons will consult their own inter ests, by awarding their custom to that office In which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end wo solicit all In want of good Printing, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves. Ordert. from the tipper country Will have our special cere, and friends from the Interior may rely upon naving uieiroruun mieu piuinnj, we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In tlie State t WKaon I .1 Address: " ' MOUNTAINEER OFFICE ml8-tf ' Dalles, Oregon. Ami all klmls of Machinery ' Manufactured at tl OREGON IRON W0BKS COltNKIl OF MOKItlSON and 7TIL.slr.ets, ,. PORTLAND. A., . 0. GIBUS A CO., Successors to ( dofltf Y,. h. Jones A Co. For U and. Dec. Ath'M. COLUMBIA ItlVER MINES. A.. TL . BO O Til, WIIITK DI.UCFS, W. T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT! V AND OKMERAL PBA1KR IX X EHC II A N I I S E AND 71 IRE? CIK' S LPl'BiB IJS. PACK AND SADDLE HORSES FOB SALE. Pit KM IIT.S CONSIONKD to my cure for Colvlllo Kootenai, tor the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. YVIiltelluns, Oct. let, 1804. oc2 tf JACKSON SALOONl CORNER C0CRT AND SECOND iSTRBETS, DALLES, OREGON. THR nNPBiifiiaNKn, havino rkmoved from T1IK "I1KI.LA UNION" CKLLAIl INTO GntOM' lNev Uuilrtintf, Reg to Inform the public that thoy are prepared toerve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, TUB MARKET AFFORDS. AI.S0, A Free JLnncli I Every day and evening. ANTON LAUEB & 15 MIL, SCIIL'TZ, dec?-lf ' Proprietors. . J u h t X2, eceived, A SUPERIOR LOT OF : and Tor Sale at variioty store; Main S tree J, Dnllea. dec4-tf WUNliliigton Hagon Koiul. ri'HF. UKDKRSKINUD WOULD I FORM TUB I Traveling Public that the Washington Wagon Road from Vbrtlnnd nnd Vancouver to' tho Upper Cascados is well being kept In good traveling ordor for wagons and stock. K.C. IIAllDY, ' D dies Jan. 11th, 1806.. ' Janlltf Bole Proprietor- - FOliSALE ! ' AFIrat-Clnm Hotel nml He. tnv rsinl, in the centre of busiuess, near Hi steamboat and Railroad landing, lain street, Dallos City, Oregon, lately relltted with soperior, lo'comtuiHlatlons, Kor lurtlier particnlarf empilre at the Calilornia Hotel. Terms reasonable. uih2H-t Dalle. City, March ifflh, 1HU6. l. VM UOUTttll'I'r, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territory. . 49 l'.irlkulur attention paid to Collecting llebtt. :, , is., ipw,-" ,w'V-; . Manufacturer nnd Importer of CARRIAGE, CO. OKD, lirGa. .... . . AND STAGE HARNESS Saddles, Bridles, Whips. - . A gonoral ossorthaent of Saddlery, Hardware, leather, etc. trf Orders Solicited. Repairing icn. with neatness and dispatch. V. A. 1IAKK, Je:1ltf Main Street, fronting Washington, Dalle.. . V AND MACIIIISE SIJOP, FIRST STREET, between Yauiliill and Morrison Jo of from 4 to 40 liorse --J&&&jtiV& power.either Portable or jHr&k; DvA Stationary. Also, CI It- Sf" P.";., IfVL H CUfcAR SAW MIL.LJ fl ?CtJ&'j,ill t COMl'LETH, constantly f flSC.5R3 MJ ou hand. Also, Hay Pros- MlfHtji"5S:!";3 i) M ses of allsizec; IManlng tlri-nn 6i Machines,! Woodworth's L3!klxi nattern.l Wiouuht and .-.$r. . iflr- Cast Iron work for Vor tical SawnndUrlst mills; Bras, and Iron Casting.. ana WROUGHT IRON WORK of every description. I am also prepared. to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mill, can beforworded to any part of the mine, as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse Powers & Agricultural Implements manufactured todrder at tlie very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. 11. l'artlclilur attention paid to REPAIRS. felW-tr SIGNS! SlGNSTSlcrNS"! G. S.SAVAGE HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DKALEU IN Xh'U' umnnuf ri ro i :. VAHK1SIIES, Colors. Tutty, BniHlies, Qlao,.fltc. . UangiHgR, Window SlmdoB, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tt VRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES?.! DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! S. LiKMOX, WnoLBSALl AND RBTAIL DKUGGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Street. DilJXS, OllCGOX. S LEMON is able to supply parties In want of Drags, . Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest market rating. 49" Physicians and Merchants intending to purchase xor me hi men, win uo weu 10 give iniuu can. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES In gnat variety. ' 8. LEMON, ap.3:lf. ' Washington St., between Main adn Second. iv a iTinnrionnrs WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, MAIN STREET, Dallo.. DEALERS IN nivijGS,- . . PATENT MEDICINES. KEIl-A OSENE, TURPENTINE, Al,C0llt) Imported M INES nnd LIQUORS for ' medical purposes, TOILET EOAl'S, I'O.M Alll.,1. IIAIll OILS, KLAVOIl. 1N KXTliACTS. I.UItlN'8 11AND H KltCITl r F KXTUACTS, Ac, Ao. - jfrescriptions carefully compound ed. Having purchased a new and complete Stock In San Francisco for 0 are enabled to sell at the lowest possible rates. II. J. WALDKON, apl7-tfl -U. W. WALDRON. UALl.tS CITY OHlli P, CRAIG, WHOI.KSAH AND KKTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS. MEDICINES, Ferfumr.ry, Fancy Soaps, war JSHs. PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. l-tf MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND ... II I LLIA1 1 D ROOSI, F. MIIINT, Proprietor, CORNER OF Main and Court Stre?tH, p21-tf Dallos, Oregon. SPRING AND SUFFER GOODS. ' '. ,Hb118 and WbIU Wnllii," , . . " . DEALKK4.IN. - gtaplo rarid Taney Dry sGoods. Jll)Ners Outfit . r, IIools alid Sliocs, " '.'"- 'CloSlilnff, . Vllats and Caps, "" ' t-i otci !cs. And a full assortment of General Merehnndl.e. Rnylii. our Uoods eMcliiKively in the &ati Francisco market, and making none bufecash purcliasee. we lire enableil to sell 20 per cent, cheaper than any other House at the Dalle. ' ' DUSKNUKnY A IIIIOS., . , ' : ml-tf ' ' ,' '' - DalleB and Walla Walla. ' j. w . n j l ii i) 11 cv (succenaors tu Bunnell k un.iER,) - ; . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IX - Stoves, Tin Plate, Slieet Iron,'. Itrazler's Copper, Lend 1'lpe, Copper, -Force M. ,1ft 1'iiHips, '' Zinc, Itrass t Iron Ware, . "... HieiUl Pipe, Ace., Ace. 9-JOB WORK, (n all Its branches..nttendodto short notice,. MAIM SIKlib,!, Dalles,opposite Illocll Miller.. Co. ' apl9-tN) Ill H. niU. r ' r" A. J. KAMI HILL & K Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors,' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. . .BTORAUE AND rOK)VARI)lNO. Goods consigned to u. will meer with proper attention Itef erences 1 ' PORTLAND. .DALLES. II. W. Corbet, ' Robblns A Co., Richards. MTCracken, Vt . C. Moody A Co., H. Law, .0. lluiuasoii. t'niiitlllH Landing, Sept. 0tli,18t):i. s , I?. TILLMAN, . SOU A0B NT IX CALIFORNIA FOR ' TILTON & McFARLAND'S : Fire &. If urgSnir Broof .Safes. STEEL LINED VAULTS, '- . . WITH ' Comljji nation Lock. -Constantly on band a full assortment of SAFE?. 318 BATTERY. STREET. Jyfl-flm . Eail yranclsco. .. AND ' PROVISION STOKE. frill! TJNDERSIONED INFORMS IITS iFRI KNDS end X the public generally, that ho has just mub'.lsbed on Main struct, next door to J. Juker, Tohaccouifct, ' A NEW STORE! where lie keeps oonstnntly on hnnd a Inrire nnnortmontot selected KHUIT. Atso, in storo Hcompleto stock ofchoicfc OltOCEtlES. PROVISIONS. TKGTAltLKS, tfc., All of which will be sold, wholewiln tintl retail, Ht HU ' DUCKD PK1CKS. Come and m o and rai'ify vmirsi'lf. -eJ3-tf ' JOHN M'OilT0. DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC COMPOUND, ; An KxpeditiouH Curo for nil dincHBOB of tlie SEXU-ATL ORGANS, rTVI18 rrompt nnd efMcatlous lie in oily for the cure of D Ohonorinoii, (lleet, Strictures, nnd hitieitnes of th TJvTnary Oi-unns. mnkes a sueedr cure without the lent trfltrlcHon to diet, rxpoijure or rhnnpe in apjiHrntlon of produced. The dlense It removes ns fpewiily mh 1b con sistent with the production of n thorough nnd periiuinen cure. Further, the (linen no rnnnot he ci ntructed if tlie 8PKCIFIC COMPOUND is tnlten wheu txpwcd, I Its Ingredients nre entirely vepetnMe, nnd no injurlons effect, either constitutionally or locally, cau be cftuued lnjr its use. Price One Dollar and Fifty cents per bottle. Sent by Express enrofuHv packed. HOSTKTTUll, 8MTTII & PKAN. A(ronK 401 .iDd ,403 Battery street, cor Ciny. ' Jy22-6m. Fan Frnncinco. Ilsxid. Wood LiLimUer. CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATER'ALS. WE BKO TO CALL ATTKNTI0N of CnrrinKe Mnn- nfnrturers nnd Dealers to thv lhrpe nnd Com plete nxsortment of OAHItl AflE and WAUON MATERI ALS we are ciinntly loceivinR fnun the KnH. .specially selected for the CaUfnrnla niiirWtit. coniprioiiifr Oak, Hickory, and Hecond Ocnwth AhIi Plunk, Hickory Axles, Vanon Poles. Hubs. Ppokes. Felloes, lttm-, hnlts, Ac. Ac, which we offer nt the loweit Ctirii Ji Ices. J9W ' 'rdem addressed to our Iioiihu will receive prqmp attention. ' N. W. lillAOG A CO.. 1 w oi intiierj pirut'i. pan rrilllCimHi, and 17 A 19 Seventh htrcut gitcrnniento. C. Watmhiousk, II. W. liRaa & Co., J. W. IjKKTER Pan Francisco. Rncrntncnto. New York Ci A. T K H & T U T H 1L, JL,, DALLES. OREGON. ATT0KNI11S ANd COl'XSKLORS AT IAW. !e-AND , ' SOLICITORS In C 1 1 -VIClCriY. WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY AND WITH F1DKL Ity, to all business entriHteil to thoir care. Per ticuliir attention paid, to collection of I'.laiins, Convey anciug, Ac. ViiW he, iLu"ing all business hours, in atten dance at their lltiice, ovor Doltm. Jewelry Htoro, MAIN bTREKT, DALLES CITY, OltKliON. N.1I. UATKS. oe2t)-tf ' O. T TUTH1LL Attorney and Counsellor at Law ' ' AND -NOTARY rUIlLio. OFFIPK-On corner or Washington and Main street.. Cnyou City. Grant County, Oregon. ap20tf LOT AND TWO UOUSOTOlTSALE riHH tlND-RHIONED OFKKK8 FOR PALB niS M. VAIAJAHLK LOT. on the North side of Main street, Immediately opposite Moody's Hull. Tho lot fronts feet ou Main ctr. ot. with a depth ol l.u feet and I. In' ptnvod hy FRAME STORE, and RWKLUNU 110U8H In the roar, hltunto.i in the very heert of the' city, and a roost deslrnble business stand, no better opportunity could oiler for an Investment. For further particulars, apply on the premises. ' uiyioi-ii Wji. MALL0NET.