Is! Wasco County Agricultural Fair. The Executive' Commtltea of he Wasco (Xmnty Agricultural- Society; havo' made ar rungement8 for holding a ' . COUNTY ITAIII, . . At the Wasco' County Race Course-, three miles below Palles City, on the farjrfi of John ftwiti, to be liolden on the 13TH AND 14TII lfcVYS OF SEPTEMBER NEXT; " Cltilseni And farmers especially are solicited to. attend and 'Compete for the premiums, A list of which Is published' bcloW.- ' No.."article 'to compete for' premium unless raised r manu factured in the county j arid no animal to .Compete for premium unless owned or raised (n this county. Entrance fee 25 per oent.m first premium. -f-j" List of Premiums.' CLASS 1 HOUSES'.' ' . " . ..1 1st p. 2d p. DesttalUon, 4 years old and up'ds',.10 -j$7 Best stallion 3 yrars old ai)d ub'da, 7 . V 6 Best stallion; 2 years old and up'ds,... jBest brooil mate and colt, '. liest.Elley, 2 years old.................... Rest yearling- colt, - Heat sucking, colt,,,,,.... ........ ,...,..,'... Speed and bottom 1 .mile, horse, mare and gelding...... ,,..,...,... TroUrng 1 mile, : horse, mare and 15 . 10 ujtelding,...... ......... ..-.V... ...... .10 Rest span of buggy horses,'....'. S Best span of draft horses, :'.'....... ' 5 iiestspan of walking horses, 1 Aile,,. 5 CLASS 2-CA'tWlE.' f 3 3 3 pest bull, 3 year old, and upwards, Heat bull, 2 j ears oldand upwards, Best bull, 1 year oldiaod upwards,.; Best cow, 3 years and'Opwsrds, Best heifer", 2 jear,'...,::;. Best belfer, 1 year, Best sucking 'all', Best yoke of work oxen,... , ... 7 ... 5 Z -5 H' ... 3 ... . 2 . 6... PBOSVECTUS , of' "oitECOSI A R I C LTIJR IS't.' fcVTjKFICIlWT enconrniremont having been" offered, tbetfp wlfl be Issued from the statesman Job Office, oil or aluut'llie first Monday of October next, a semi vnontlily Agricultural journal, with the above title, and of tbo Klze of the Ortffon Statesman. The papor, will be devoted exclusively .to the Interests of the Farmer, Stock-IUisbr, Wool Qrowik, Miner Mbcimnig and Man upacturer. It will have no oonneotlon with politics or politicians, and will be made an acceptable' aim welcome visitor to tlio hemes of a.U- .. , ThV'paper Wll' be uudor the editorial control of a gen tleman In every way nnnliliod to make the paper reada ble nnd Instructive,' and who will be assisted by original papeisfrim some of the most intelligent and practical farmers in the 6t.ato. Orcgo i is now populnns enoiiKh to support Its own agricultural Journal, and this paper shall be made worthy 6f a goncrous pittroiiRRo. . r . Tito subscription price will be Throe Dollar nnm. In coin, payablo invariably inailvauoe. Legal .Ten tier notes will be received at current rates, Money In oldscd In presence of Postum-tors. sent nt ouf risk. . Advertisers will observe that the AoaicuLTURiriT will 'afford the bent mennsof reaching the Farmers, Median legend other throughout the Styite. A limltoujiumbur of advertisements will be received. ' Address, . - OltEGON AdlttCfJLTnRIST, au27:d&wl Salem, Oreeon SlicrliTs Sale or Valuable ileal Estate. VlT virtue of an execution Issued by the Clork of tho Hi County Court, In and for Qrnnt County. State of Oregon, tn tnvnr of 11. u. voriiies a . K..uvnon, plain tiffs, ami against James If. Cochran, defendant, for, the sum of two hundred and seventy-two and 23400 dollars, principal, and muetoen 16-100 dollars, costs and disburse ment's; with interest, accruing custs and co.4ta.of execu tion and sale, and to me dlreoted. 1 have levied upon the following Real Estate, which will be sold at public auc tion before the Court House door. In Canvon City, on SATURDAY, tlie lllth day of SBI'TKMHKIl, 1866, be tween the hours of one and two o'clock. H., to tlie hieliest bidder for cash In hand, or so much thereof will satisfy the sum at $261! 08-tfk, with interest costs, . and disbursements onl acerniag costsand cost of execu tion, via; The uuduvided one half of house and lot in Canyon City, known astthe Upper. Uiirdji (l(ouso'and lot, situated and bounded cn the North, bv ' ' ' alley, on the east, by Wash in&tpn street, on fho, South by .Calla han's property, and on' the Wes,t uf Canyon it reot;. apd also the uadlvldo,! one'rhalf of aniallfitore House, on tlie West side of Cnnydn street, opposite CiOlnhnju's.tiroierty. ' . . ju. v. iiivttitx. Mi xin. Canyon Oily, August 1.186. ' ; , au!8:4w, Ketleuiplloii of C'oimly Acrli, nnnjrTowowiNQ county ordkrs ' paid .m. nnhn iiieueututlon at m.v office! Vi J. i . . . . v Jn favor of. September 11, 1864.... I... WI9 Octobers, ' .,".' . .A .373..... November 11, 4. ...., ,417 11, '. 4 386 " 12, f ,.......4....a..H8U..., ..W. II. Newoll. ...!(. B.eed, M. P. Berry, .11. W. Mitshell ...J. II. Harford January B, 10S 4.........4'27 " 16, " , Tobruary 10, .i. ' 10, : ........a,..,....,... J. E. Crosson. ......4 l5.....,.:....c. o. f eidon, A ;.7:.....l....2; B Harnlnl. . 4 ....743...Bcott McAn land . 13 .....4 ...718..u..v...A. dlettiDittii .',, IS, .......4.....u..749.........J. O. Wilson 17, Ai. ,667-...;..i...John Greaver ; 28, .A... H. Wood . 38, .4 .,74ft u... '-' S3."- 4.. 72T March 7, .4... 809... ..A. t. Reynolds 7, A o'i...H...i.Aiciiaru iveii " 8, " ' 0, 9, . ' " 9, . . -, " .-.. 6, 11, 11, ' 11, 11, 11, an9:ltda3tw ....H..;..euu i,v,A. -niinaTnci ,.A ,787 .i.......Charlee White ,..4 ....... .7(18.., ...... ..Julia Jnaoita ...4 812 Charles W. Spear 8l8.i.....flenry K. Wilson .A .8oai....i.WIUiam Martin 1- iil...A ... Burr.r..Ak..ionu u. reca 802,Napoledh B. Yonng ,. oui ; tfonn imw A ...8M J. 11. Harford 4..., 706 M Jnmes'lliint .....A.... 702... ....Robert Flett ......4 .819......... John Welch A U20 Jesse II Witnold H. J. WALDR0N, County Treiu. COLUMBIA BREWERY LiiruWIG & SCIIAIVIVO, Props: DA LLICS. OREGON". IIIQhEST PRICE PAID FOR BARLEY. aoMitf. NOTICE. . " SKA'tED PROPOSALS, IN DUPLICATE, WILL BB received at the olboi of the nuderslgued, until 12 M: SATURDAY, September Oth, 1866, for the supply of FRESH ; B E;K IV, . for the troops stationed at Port D.l'les, Oregon, for the fiscal year commencing with thevelurn of the contract approved by the. Department Commander, .and ending June 80th, 1S68,. '.--. . ..; . Bald Freeh Beef to be or good and marketable quality to be equal proportions of fort and hlml quarter, (nocks, shanks and kidney lalluw to be excluded) and I such quantities ai may' be from time to time required, and on Ufllcer1'' a U" dHifDMl0 b ,n Commanding The necks of tilt cattle slangntered sliali be cut 'off at the fourth vetebral Juiut.- The shanks of the fore quar ters Shall be Ont Off from thru tn Cnnr lnhMk aliw tl knee joint, and the hiad quarter front six to eight la inches above the gambril Joint. , ... Each bid required to be accompanied by a bond (with at least-two securities) n the sum of two theueaM dol lars for'tha falthlnl performance of the propoaalr con- Muieu in Kue uiua, id caae cue diu is acceptea. , . r , . NO bide 'Mil .be atitRriMlnMl wlthmtt ImSh -nrliuklnMl and sureties can give undoubted proof of their, loyalty w "ln uviBnuinn ui me vnitea ?uee oi America. All the bids must stale) the price iwr pound in COIN. Tbe undersigned reserves to himself the rlitht to reject any -on alt nl that may hi dsTimsU annasoaableyor when there fs other -good and sufficient oause, . Propo sals to bs addressee! to the undersigned, and eodArwd thns: Htirnposals for Fre.h Beef." . liiddera are invited to be present at the opening of the proposals. , .,.' , t. a - :i n.t " ffhe contract td be Subject to tlie approval of the De partment Commander. j w.cLwsrj!;: . v .i -. v . let I,teut. 1st Wi I,lnl'y, Ju C. 8. TJ. 8. Subsistence Office. .). ' Fort ilallea,4)regonAtignst 80, We. ;;,VH n3lTd,. FAMILY CiltOQjCiirES, -'-;- v.'''MlV'-iv- ..: .' ; :':' :' ; . - FRESH AND DIHTlf FRVITSt VEGETABLES, o., to. , ' And every article usually found la a Flrst-clau ' lTttlfially Grd3ery J; Store." M.;'FRA'NlI a JiJsf received" from below an entire new stock f- - --,?'' GROCERIES, PRQVISJON &bt which" he will sell at low rates for cash. Heads of (hm- ily and others are invited to call and examine his stuck." CST-Goods delivered In auv uart of the .citr free of charge ' '.-'.". '.. . , . , ;. ., i, eTOKEK.-VUAt;iiS TAKKN- AT 76 CENTS. i . ; .' ' 8. riiABKj Main wrest . I ij30:tf. . - A few door i"Below the Post -Office HALL'S SARS APARILLA, YjjLLOW DOCK AND IODIDE OF POTASS, the best alterative lu the world, ' ' " ' ' FOR RHEUMATISM take Hall's Sarsaparilla. FOR 80ROFULA, , . take Halt's Sarsapurlll. FOR EAfftlSlN TUB BONES, ; j take Hall's Sarsaparilla. ' . FOR PAINS IN TH8 BACK, f' . take Hall's Sarsaparilla - FOR IM PURB. BLOOD, " .: tuke Hall's Sarsaparilla.' ' -. ' FOR BIORBID LIVJSR, take Uallt's Snnapailla. FOR PIMPLES AND Bf)ILS, - . ' . , take Hall's Saraaparilla. : . For all Diseases of the Blood, Skin. Liver dhoTlKldneta. Hnll's Sarsrparilla wil be found superior to any Alter ative Medicine Offered. . . ,' ' Sold everywhere for $1 per bottle. ; .. Ii ALL CO.. proprietors, Corner Sausoqie and Comme'Cial streets, ' - San Francisco. - For Sale By Je27-3mlsdaw. . S. LEMON, Dalles.' II IV. UK lASV. ON in 3d day of July. 18f, ME8RS. rRlrOCSON t CO., paid me an account In.UREKNllACKS, AT P.AR, for a blacksmith' bill, dono at coin rntesl tAiiviiie, Juiyzo, lacs. : r JOllM SHAW. 49-The above notice was a mlsnndersf audlnr between Messrs. D... 11 - Ferguson A Co. and ravself. . They were simply securlttee for an attachment for' the amount of 9Dr wnicn was patu oy me parties who contracted the Colvllle, August 13, 1865. au34-3w i Atiuilnlistrator'is JV'utiee. V. In the matter of the Estate of 1 In the County Oonrt of ,! TTiinniiiiiuintUecenjieu. ) niuco uu., Duitoei UKU, riMlE County OourtMor .Wasco County. State of Ore- .JBL . Run, has appointed the underslirned Administrator of tlie estate of VI M. LOGAV, deceased) thensfore all porsons navtng claims against said estate are required to pijtsent tlie same, wttti proper vouchers, .within six uiuiuiis uum uwuiiif iii-reoi. iv uib iiniieraigneo, ai my office In DallosCitv. Wiuico Couutv. Oreuon. and all ner- sons Indubtod to said estiite are requested to make imtue- amte payn eut io me. . J A Jits A,yuLh aiu:4w ... AUmlPWt'Utor. UlNNolutlon ol' Co-I'artiicrttliipi IlB firm heretofore eifS'tliig 'iiiu(e)r th, jMeinA ,JL style of KLI'KI.T 111108., Is tliis day dissolved by mutual consent. All claims against ana due the late nun, must he presented to JOBKPIl ELFKLT. who alone KHIUIHUISU w lUIIIV IUQ HHUJ, J0SKPH ELFKLT, Dalles City, Angmtt2fD-,l865,.,J ; (, THE UNDERSIGNED, thankful for pas, favors ex tended to the late Arm. would most respectfully solicit a continuance ot the same", at the old established Ktand, corner Main and Court streets. ' augl8ml JOSEPH ELFKLT. LOST. AT THE TIME OFTIIE FIRE, on the 8th of May last, a BLACK LKATIIKR t'UCKKT BOOK, of about a dozen pockets, containing Notes'&iid other papers, only valuable4' tn the owner. Any perseir"knowlng of the whereatKiuts of the same, will center ft favor by giving iniormation to tue uuuersignea, ' .u,o.q.. ' nnuiuto House and Lot For Sale. THE COTTAGE HOUSE, on Fourth 8treet, oxt doof to the ro'sfdence of Dr. Craig, Is offered for salo. Also, the LOT, fronting fifty feet, with a- depth of one hundred feet.; The lucntlon is most desirable, and to-a small tanuiy presents inducements rnroly to tie met wltn, ror inriiier parucuiars apply on the premises. aul8:0t ' . . .MRS. SNYDER. 1'JIOTOGUAI'IBIC I.IK 12 IV ESSES Pntti WISHING PHOTOGRAPHIC LIKENESS ES taken,- will oblige by oallfngsoon, as I goto Australia suortiy. rifcluiK uuLii, 1y:ll-tf. Second Street, i KliOS OF SALT SALMON. lOOSM each. H.U for sale by aul8;tfj . F.LTJWI. J .. V -1' S ' .-tJXJKOBR, aiwAnMa STou tbi sin brands or WJLAY1K'vART)S, v ' "'' M. PQCKKT OUTLKRY, l . ,- .'. fORT MQNIKS,... ,.;r. i .r.j- i. '.COsina snd.Bltl8ttKS,' all kinds, , . . . , ev.ry detotlptlon, 1U18, liuifLS, etc. .--v,. .... Ii. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKl 1 .TIM I'KII i Kn I Also Powder. Sliut. lead.' Powder Vl'asVn haalcata. and many otheiiartlcles tod numerous to medtlon. ' . r IateriosdeHlers snjlplied wMh-Oiiars, Tobaccj.etc. ' At-lsnethan Portland Jrices", withfrelghtaduea. Ibc'8 AND THE COUNTRY SAVED ! ;JL Why? Because' weuy exclusively fct. Caah, .the liestnd krBfcWrte,nt.1,il,U . t'iU fcj BUY GOODS St FAIY GOODS JFjloi'ljlll J't'' ' Will'-apeaK. fbr tliernelVes,''lf'onfisxfcW, 'n4 a Prices that court ComDetltion. ' Call and ' examine, ohe andall'. ' .. .. ."H.'nBftMiN CO., '. 1-alles. May 17th, 1866. " "' ' mylttf ' ; ;, ,, ', VidltY IMPQBXAAT . 1Q-r ..a, . v ' i Jlercliants, Families, Holds and JULIUS KRAKMKIt HAVING' BOUGHT THE .EN tlre Stock of Merchandise and Book Accouuts of the late firm of V. Seller Co., in'thls city, to which be has added of his own importation (while doing business in roruanuj an immense mock oi me nest manuiucturen Crocker . ClaMsware, ,' Plated Ware, Lani)t8,y . Cbandclleri, ' Table. Cutlery Looklng-Glatiscs and " ''"'!"" Aiiuiniianroiir.' '. 4 All of which he offvrs at reduced rotei. Persons wIbIi- IVig to l?ay any of the boTA-metitloned artlnlee. will do wen io give me a can ueiore urunamng emewnere. - Or dura from the interior" nromotlv attauiltrd to. and goodti packed to go secure Dqn't tail to call on ine. lwo aoors auoTOvifrowa llros.. Main street, uniies. P - " JULIUS KUAKMKU. Dalles. March lTth, 1865. pihUtf, . ... ' . M. BR0WF & BE0. FANCY' AND STAPLE - GROCBRIBS, PROyiSiONS, (to."-. Mr. M. BWO Vf K, being a resident of San Frahclaco, we sre enabled to ofter great Indcements to purchasers. We resnectmilv Invite the nubile to examlue our stock before 'purchasing elsewhere. . ' mlfr-tf ' - stoue Store, nortn side Slain street, uaiiea. ' IP . DEIIM, tVatchmaker and Jeweler, MAIN STREET, DALLES, , . (hut sooe to iai assaj orvtbs.) "VEALKR I!INB WAT0IIKS, JBWKLRY, M ' U CLOCKS, Gold tens, Silver aud Plated Ware, Vyv Sne'ctaclea, Cutlery, Ac. -. JB" A Particular attention Fld to repairing flnetaiiiij 'Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Y atr.hes repaired h me warranted for .twelve months. ...... . N. B. All orders from the upper oonnlry, Dy sxpree or otherwise, prgmptly attended to. ., : .. . anlVrV.. Ho!l c" TliaTlIuiigcr or Thirst! AlIKE HENIC1 presents his compliments to his llJL frttMulsnil recoitnliiimr noeuemy-gives the ulau of his SD MMIitt CAMPAIGN to the whole public. FIltSTLYr ' kestaurant: KEQULAR MEALS and LUKCH at of yore. SECONDLY!; ,!! o ' v" . ICE CBEASJt r With PKIYATB APARTMENTS for Gentlemen with Ladies. ... - i .. TUIBDLYl . - . With every variety of StEtJPB; . . FOIJRTHliY( ;'; tU',Ur' CONFEOTIONABfY I Tlie best assortment offered to tlii public on this side of the Mountains nraiiLY ! ' iritUA-X-IS J . EVERY VARIETY In their ssaaon. ' ' . SIXTHLY. LASTLY. HUT NOT LEASTLYi . . Is my stock of NOTIONS, TOYS CAKES, CIGARS, and In fact everything usisally found In a VARIETY BTvJKK . , ' . . ,-- ' . ," ; myl8-lf. . BIHDS ! BIUDS ! BIRDS ! A large number of ' V Canaries and GoldflnolxeB,1- In full song, and with bandsotne cages, for sale by ' . . - , J.JUKElt, . ' ap30tf 1 Math street, Dal lee Dr. U. W. MITCHELL. CO unty pnrsiciA N. OFFICE AT CRAIG'S DRUO ST0RB. -RE81DKNCE Third Street, near the Cathollo,- ' iyla-tf ' . ' V.; ".",-.iiJ.i .-oavt Cam -s.1! i :.vt. .noyiO loota,-' fflBt PKOPliK BTHAKKkT IB NOW OPBK , ij. fO SUPPLY' the public ltU thr cho'.Cj-, rttrtUtll;-;!',; tilv Vi.iU-.l.lKH eaten -sr.a : msrlisxll'" ' ; ''JJoi J"!l' ' .'r7Sl.r-.' .....' -i s "''i JPrestt'lleefi '' !MaoTefresh evry'ay.' iseai' pt famlUsioisirotbfm ;who Vopld. frown down 'SMohopolv.'f jril pa.Uuntitb . Peopje' Market'.' ' . ' ', tw -i , ;Frmere brtnglng'FiT,STOCB: ,wjlt itwaysTind-ttala tn market, ready t pay ie highest iMkfttoaa.ak . XSorni of Union and Second Streets, . , upponie msdm t Kamvnnrjj C0ftHJ ,C gJCCQUTMiMD WA8lfvS01'BafeBfWsf oiiMil but mrtHtttV HWl';s:ViV i'.'.',",J:',. WlMil bits r',ywyy I W..,;iff.llAUSlJ.jlMJliri'I f ' 5 '...liaviiii . liavt tl MM wp." l'.'lottt 'V !j)i(rLeortc3S eiIAaiUAJt vktfOfJ ! Ofllie lMWtJjOflit)t,furnl(Ut OtetljOWEST llAW4 x ran k tin mfiTK. , . , jpallB, Frtary.lBth; m "Ytn mwtst usuy.nn A ovu a . . C0COT ANfi OOVTl , .7. ", --v-T 1tT""' """' WlirVT. constanily on band all lha uritw i ..i. ' 1 ti-t..7,. iir ij. hit & OtJRED M'BATSr. " : FAMILIES, HOtElSr- ANO 8.WAM88fctS" - . tM'tindeTatgo, atws'jn DpfikTAri' fj .the ii-':-." est cash price for FAT,CA'r), ,iastlea.Wvinglor In good j;ondtlo are reojtiested to, all- on him before Dalles. March Slst.ISM. mh<f Ii A L LK W BAKERY ) .If .. GROCERY STOlljQ. , ' " ;.WH0I.RSALI illO RlfXtt 8SnJ-n-l. mm , . . j Ir 13 It .13 A. T fit -'- CracKers, Pilot Ereafl, Cakes ftPlesr. ' ' ! , i:;.v : ' a'iiAa bArat W '',."''':? !Kt;r-. , F'am 1 i y- o p e r l o m , "Also, a large stock of'Ntk 1 BEGiRS, TOBACCO. HtJ.): Th. stock of Segara bas Just been received, and Is r ' Prime Quallbrt - ,.. . . . . '.',' -; Orders from tbe upper country filled and promptly dispatched. - ' - WM; ' WANTED ! WANTED ! . . SIO.OOO GOLD OK GREENBACKS!! . i . vi.. ' A.!.. i-luJluUtf-X..'!''' ' . ' Diamond, Gold arid Sllyer Watches, viAsinroD rings & mm,'. , JEWKLUY OF ALL KIND i ' . SILVER PLATED WARE,' ;. , Cutlery Bad Fancy. CoodS, ' . AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES, ' ' Ma-.fne VTatches and Jewelry repaired by a First' ' Class Watehuinker, and work warranted fur lit montha..' ENCRAVINO NEATLY EXECUTED,' Air AU orders from the Interior promptly, attendod . . WM. UIHNBAUU'S., . . iaiiea. juam aireet,. .1 : niStf s .- .' "". next door to the post Office.' . IIOW-XI) MONISM! all At ra ' v' ' '' Family Grocery and Emit Store, -lOorner of Vfashlngton and Second Streets. ; , , THE UNDKItSIGDLED WlH.lfES.TO LNF0RM THR; j ueoplrfof the bailee, and the public generally, that '. lie has a large and well selected stock of ' FAMILY GItOOEKIES, CAXDIES, A'UTS,- ko., : - Which he will sell Wholesale and Retail at Jredticscl ,,' Vices for CASIf. lso. constantly on hand the Choicest , Article of Fit HSU 11UTTKII and E0O8.' Ale every;--Variety of FitUlTS.nmt. VEGETABLES In their season -Persona from .up the country, wishing quantities of ) Eggs and Fruit, by sending in their orders, will receive : . the strictest atteutfotr.ahd have them filled at tlie Loioitt Mark trice: ,. tJvll-tfj O. L. JEWELXi1 ' SlLlAtt OFP AT COST I ; , Wunsch & Cb., i WILL CLOSEOOT TIIEIR STOCK OF MER0UAN-"' ' DISH, at their place of business, at the Dalles, lu ' order to go the Mines. Their stock embraces , . '' DrGooda, Clothlngr, Boots, Mats 4 u i ,, ., ..t;- '.. i- ..AND .. -'ftr.. ' . -,i.-c GENERAL. MERCHANDISE, ' All which will he sold at COST, for CASII only. ... ' . ' mt All who know themselves Indebted to our firm It1' the Dalles will please sail and settle aa soon a possible. - ' Those who have been accommodated we trust will not' delay us unnecessarily, but be prompt In squaring npao uiunts. Call and see us. all ana everybody 1 anll-tf w.a ,l,.Myi attaikujai' '.:r il l.iti. iuxoll' iiM-u TAHTIKS BAVINS Laajv ' iKiiiii' aHord,qf N W: . I I E S E I ? flTtHK UNDERStGNED BEOS TO INFORM TUB CIT- 1 JL liens of the Dalles and vKlilitv that he has received, a HEW HEARSE, and will .. ..... - ' attend Fiinertils on short notice. Title Is' the first, and at present, Onl Ilearse in the city. . - I. M. EVANS' lalles,MayM,Hfl; - myawf. .