CO wjxi.nai r. raws..... TU9K1 JOBaiyG, BgPIEMBKB 1, t?C5. this office. ' DALLeTVS. BMATIILA. We are iBformed tbwtvlarg amount of, freight, inch a -general merchant 'iiae ahl quarts iifliV ma'jMe eiei? : ed to arKve by Ineerra- Nevada, dup ft tFj?V W4Jul tdil TFd'r tHelibiorin'aj. tion of ehtjipersV re state tiab late ad rioea wni., Umatilla- report -gr$at the'-'beaoii -iwaitihg f4nit)prtation .ITheFew teainsTnoV -tuere ;ave; ad vanced their. rates-and, take freights for less than 10 oentSi payabe oiW '0.0 ,tbe'iher iiaad, ; abj 'thel ",l)lille8,ibere is im abundance of tearfcs 5frfi!fib'ttOa;afc'iroui!8 tidje'e'nte, connection with ,the .Jfjn.ce .'! h&rged it 'l.l-ir..-."'3J.L'5V;," liVtNVti.'k' points, holdp.p ;ehli);rj!i;,:P"fradiMti- ditiiQO;of affairs Js.jsteadrljr kept from bo':; Vfto)fei!Jg.a.;:o ;6;n;r8:;!6fflu-a'rt? ttillsi&f rived at Ponibetjg?? are at pnce.reoommenod td a r ' tjmaltillai and ignorab t of the the shipper discovers bis mistake1, but aii.inaoijp.e Y"1 ? ' "U" nounoe ttaoaev;wb to8teadlrm:.'' ..ffhUi' yatm- t trftpositiott baa the effect to lowerMh whole country n the efiti EaitJda of strangers, and has greatly prejudiced CaPifornians against the Columbia Eivor route.' This is.npt the pbiioy to lhovlpng ran, arid jve warn th0partie Who see npthipgbut shrewdness in an imposition ot the klind, that they will regret' that they . eves, leant tnemsoives to suon a worn.' Property holders-and- all.who are in terosted in tbe permanent prosperity of, the country' shoulfl.foei it a daty to reprobate this practice. Inttead of - misleading ' Strangers, our- Portland friends should in-every instan,oei,eri- de,avqr to'giye them ;0jOi:r,ec!t;, tipn i ahd. such as will ip'urei lo their advantage.," ; In this , 'connection,, we 8ugg98tr,that t jybuld- be' well for, our own citizens to take such measures as will induceWhipperfi tp-fQrari fro'm tbe Pillles.r Qn the dirogt route to the rnjns, .wjth an excellent road., by. nay ' of Canyon Crty, ftnd the difference in freight in our favor, we are rpaljy eurv prised-that goods continue to be ship ped-rby, out-oi-tbe .way lacos." Mis; representation 'has in' parti brought about the cpddition of. affairs of. which ' wo complain, but the prinbipul rouson has been our 'inaction and; .failure to xnako jtbo most pfu: na(ural . 'advan tages ;- ; W boh will- tbe people 'of ' the .Dalles wane up to then interests r -1 A New QvEBf-ANp Sxaob Boad. Son Holladay has a f arty in-tho field- exploring and making a new road west ironv Denver to Salt Lake.-'Th new road lies south of that how in use and shortons the distance from fifty to one hundred miles. At the same time it lies in a region better timbered and watered and loss exposed to Indian depredations. U pou " this route tbe Western Union- Telegraph Company propose to build a new and improved line ot overland telegraph, whicn they intend .to maintain in addition tfebe old line north oftho irlatte Kiver. Thi Chioo Boutb. The Sttcrament to Union baa a correspondent, signing himself " South iwipo," who ftpppars, thaveChlc on too, brain. Not satis. Jed frii endorsing the Qliicd rOute-aa jeryxi ng'i jesirftlof'; bt'Vg'poir "fi'step" further, and claims JAaJC it is. tbe only natural route leading from OaliforYiia Wtift Boii'eanO wy b? c'orfbtry. lie -m - s -TV': -r vif''l Jl'JtT 2Vi' " V ' f' lorgets ' tnat ' oy w ay-oi m e viqi urn oi a itivcr vocre nroniroo uiuurgui, rusus .j$;jtye, ljjf,ipeej"eHher of ,tbftm ln,.eTery .w,ay,flup.erior to the..Chipouter.jPur California- neigbb6r8,raQch as 'they strive ,10 .weatJey ur toade-,froinrDs, abould understand thatwe boar tbom tit) ill-will If, they ;an . competewith our.roads, rwejl (an d gootL t.jst beyond' a doubt. that..wjtbtbe Doming Spring we shall have a steamboat on ttte Up per Snake, .whioih will ply . bet vten Old's Ferfyafid a f omi bey6nd Boise City, redjicihg.xtbe jijria travol from pjie hundred and fifty to two hundred miles. A1ready: we' have a stagor litre to CanyQ;'Cily 'which hjakea' tho trip tbrongh from the Cayf S jb.-O hoars. From that point. tbitstage Jine' cih be extended "to Old's 'Ferry; and 'thence the steamer will landpasopgers at Boise Ciy in eight orejvbous. When theHe arrangame.nta areomplejod.the entire lana- travel byvway.of the (Jot lurabiaCRiv'er' will ''be1 inade inside of two .days.. When, the Cbico. road beats tu id, iii win 'ue lime oilOUEu 10 taiK a.boflti jt Jbeing tbe anl'route to the mines. . v " ' i ttVB Ot" iNTERIBT FROllMipDtl FofiK!; Mr, .,S. . Aljrahamson, pf tUe firm- of Aljra- hatoson &. Koblberg, residing in this city, and also heavy dciklers io merchandise, at Qanyoa .Cityr arrived by stage, Wedniiaday nigKr.. .This gentleman informs us thaiiins iness is improTlDg of late, and the'prOBpect, more natiering mau ever, air. A., prior to bis departure from Canyon City, visited all the mines in that neighborhood,' as also the Middle Fork, at which mines he spent four days." . He expresses thV opinion that this camp will turrront one ofhe rlcbesLtver discovered. Three claims are Ktready opened whiqh "pay From. $1,000 upwards A great rasK is now coming in from- the' Boise and Owyhee country, all of jtaom are anitaus to secure claims, fo'.wbich they-readily "offer s high as f 1.50K - Goods have-been brought In from Umatilla lately, but the "packers ad mit that that road can never be bmde prad (icable. -Mr. A. thinks-that the middle Fork suppHeV must all be drawn from Canvon City, that being, the 'direct .road, and-lb'al Umatilla cannotompete in this trade with Canyon City. We of the fcafte's have no de sire to secure : the-. Middle' Fork-trade at the expenseof a rivalry with Canyoo Cityi " Our relations With , our nelglxbotsiftf-such thai wuatever beneht .tbem is-.ttmally iheneficial to us. . The trip A-om .OUhyffa to the Dalles was mide in 8 jiours.-. All oralse is dUethe gentlemanly proprietors' and employees of ihn nniiaa a r.. n.... c5.:Vi uv uoq wuu. Kin ujr t u -tttji Oblige UOIflpHOy . , MiniirED. On tbe"31st ult., by Justice Lo ring, LieuU-Av W- . Copley y' of arancKuteri to iuti ieimia.o. jLiiair, 01 :i7iuies. . THa iNDEXj lJie Cojufoderato organ in ijuuuun, uub ciuspenaua publication NOTICE. . o N AND AFTBll gBPTpMBER lrt.'THB 6. 8. K. CO, fui enclrton, or fnwclouwf a ton ovur 20 rt f,,P T,,n. win aaa 10 rre snt unii. tkm uknth in ruiiM ng Uuh, ImiMwl M culUctlu- par cent, In. Uxal l:tf . ... ON' ..Saturday, Sept. 3. at 10 a. m. YrX"tt'II,Ii SKLL. AT TUB OOHVKll nw rnutnu WW and THIKU 'HTltUKTS, nut lot or Hontehuld Furnlturr, includlug liitrlur, Diiiinic liuom nd Kltchoa yuniltiilM. ' ' ' . , . , 1'aVnb A CO., Auow. Ulaiwlittlon AOllco. THK COPARTNSHSIIll' horetufora ezlatlni betwmn 1VM. HAKB A C. Jl. UOUH, under tl n. a. lnil ityle of 1IAKK A R0111W nd doing btulnroi at Ilolm and Idaho Citiei, liUbo Iorritoryla.4lili day dit-olTtdby'KtiitUftlconiteiit..'-i ''-it'i'M , 1U Bulne will be continued br VA'. Uako alone. ' i-O aWWl.' '.' ' 1 ' - " 0. M. HOUR, t i .. . ' J". A. UAKB. ' . .Talk of a Governor. ' t Not long since;' Gdver nor vPe'rfj, Provisional Governor of South; Caro. U'hai' delivered ftTcconstrJiotion speech at Greenville, in that Slate, wbicb-jiS1 rather .severely Criticised.' Ia brief, Governor Perry aaaer ted. be waa op posed to. seceBdiorrat' the outset; de clared .it to have been a mistake; blamed- the. rebel . Congresa and 4ho people lor ita failure.; complimented General. Lee. and asberted, that no pue felt more the humility of reluming itq 'the Uftion'tban heidid. TbrdusbautJ duty, nce6sity, and benefita. pf xCnJ i'orininir the laws of the Union, aud a'ceeptintho destruction! oi eiay.ery us a.juroguue vu.uuiuawD What are ..blajaedi andwe. tbmk- un juatly,jire Governor.Pprfy's tufiij ia on secebsipu. ,ome people Jabor nn dc-r tbe mistake thai- a 'Southern crowd of rpeoi;lv, composed 'ot' seocs- sioe.ists, sore: . and : biSiuiliaied- by de' teat, should be talked to atQP0..woald talk, .Co .a. crb w,d .composed f-ardent iovalisis.-who never saw but the rfubl ...... .. '. '-i 1 " 1 side ot id e '.war. - bueo critics laor nndor tbe wrotfg jtn'pr.ess.ion; that m'en are to De obaoiuteiv led, oj-.ariven dv speeches j'wheroas .tboy .,. only be uiuueutieu uy tuose wuo cuu auureaa them, pretending to be Controlled,' in a greatr measure,; by. the vebtinSoiits wnicn me speauers Know to. Do upper most .in . the hearts oof thoir hearerai No raiin , pan. stem: the.itido. of human passion "or pfcjaidioe : bat tBv; humor ing it, ana appearing to. tall -in witn it, In a -measure p6 mardivert it, by degrees, from one channel, and cause it to flow in the desired course. A change in direction produces a: corresponding change in tbe character as well as the object of tbe tiue. Had Perry spoke to the Greenvilliana as Wilson speaks to the Bostonianir, he would have inten sified thoir rebollioua fttelihgs, and ren dered the task of harmonizinc; and re construction imposBi bio." J3at he knew toe character, disposition, prejudices, arid sontimbuls of those with whom hi had. to deal ; and, white falling in with their whims on minor and unim portant matters, established .himself in their' confidence; thus enabling him to carry them with him in the consideration and treatment ot ques tions of vital importance to them and to the Nation..; If all those .t'6 whom is entrusted, the work" of-reconstruc tion deaf as 'wisely and adroitly .with their fellow-ciUzena aa JMr. Perry has done, the task will be comparatively light... , Wo canao.t expect iu a dayr or j a ween, or a year, even, to eradiate the passions , and prejudices IWJiich have for years accumulated in the southern breasts, and which the eveotsof the war bavtfservod to inten sify. They can only be overcome era' dually, and by being treated as'-' they are treated by Governor Perry, ;T,bo'y must bJroet, bvercomoi- and finally dissipated by Southern mem w bo have tne.interests ot their immediate neigh bors. as; weH- as that' of the whole Union at heart, who can appreciate the situation, and who have the intel lect to rise above the contracted infli ences and narrow bitterness created by local ciroumstanoes. To accom plish tbe good we all desire,' even 'such men will be powerless' wi. bout first oDtainrtig the confidence of their fel. low citizens, arfd this tbey can only obtain by appearing at least to be im bued with' some of ; their ; prejudices and opinions on minor matters, thus partially falling In1 fhb the current in a yrong uirecuon, mat tney may di vert it to the proper clannet-jS'. & Call. . . : .;:,' LINCOLN 'HOUSE. Ouriicr Waablnglon ua Front Btreata, POUl'LAJIBi OllEQQNi FIRST-CLASS HOCRL. LARGEST IN THI STATS. Charge! Reawnable ' AN OMNIBUS will attend all the Boati and eohter tuaengera and their baggage to the lloyia Frea of vu.rS, or wany other llouaela theciry lor Mcente. - 8. COFKIN, Proprletot, " daiiio in ino Jinuae.- All the Btoamen for Oregon Olty. Vancouver. Month , eepl:8m 1 . Attention Jaekaon Bnslnlf Oompnur, Drill TIIIB vuvuiun . II f . V UU1UOK. C. 8. Miun, . SiB.'ScUAWaacHK; Kaa rraucMeo. Dallei jBl0ch9 Miller & Co., , WHOLESALE : vi- " . ' AND DKAiEKS "i.T ' . "Vines &, lJ,iquors, AndTnlnortrnd Jobber! of Boots St Shoes,, ' L'ndcr Ciotliin - ; : BlanJLct, . etc;", ; ' etc., - ' ' 'eic.-' ASS AT OJETICE. Xtf HAVK.XN, AS8A.Y Ot'VICKjIN C0NNKCT10K H.-. libor0ua1iieu, under tiitfre"nl)(rSiroii of Mr. Bllller. We maka retiirua in.'.ara In .elx houra We guarantee ' all1 (inr Asaaya and pay the IIKIHKS'IT CASH I'KICK for llnre. We aleo pity-ttie lUghml Cnn Prloa for Gold I)it. .' n.'yOtf ' Cor. Main and Washington atrTele. Diillen.- iMVOUTEll'AND JODUEU 0? r joruttnAje. . ..f. .p. . ib jHS.-' FOH SALE A VVX LARQH AS30KT 3 tuantiil . 4 . - Urandles, ' "''Wines, ; ; . . . . -.. . jrjase ' Coodtf, . iit?.; ft.!?.:-""'" ;'' " ..' . " T . ; , ' ' 4-The Tfade,lt Dartlcularlt Invited to oxainlnan atocR-before pgrchaalug elsewhere. . .. , arj-tf 11. L. CUAPIN. I . .(JBTIN OATKS, . Utile. ' t. BttCrauwutoJ: uteltl38'& 'CllAilAV ; "Wholectle & detail Drug:gist. PAINT GUASS, OILS, ALCOHOL ttirM4f .:,- MAIN STREET, Dallaffj- ' HAVE NOW IN STORE TUB LARGEST ASSORT- . meet In the State of . ... lerfumery, Pomades, Soaps, - ' ' : ' SPOXGES, '.'. '. ':'-...' BOHEMIAN 30ILIT-8ETS. BRUSHES AND FANCY OOODSt Pure Wines and Brandies- for Maoloal Pnrpoaea, at ' " au'iMT' . UATEB UHAI'l.V H. . TAKE MO I It'Ki miLL-!TIEIV'; & TRADERS ! Lard A Kerosene Oil, BL VE STONE, A CIDS J- Q UICKSlL VES, At stin Franciaco pricua, with freight added, at Handsome RcNldcnce .1'or Sale. THE HANDSOME -RKSiriENCE occnplod by A. W. Buchanan, la ofTired fur aale at a low figure -For t private residence, no more dunlrahlo locality eoultl hit tie iired. The grounda ara orntKRieuted with abratrhery, and the building, eontntnlngtort roonia, fa finiiilied In the bfrit alyle; tnd enibracee evory convenience. To t gen tleman desiring a retired An'd pleaannt liome. 'convrulont to bueineia, ad oportunity iBnow prrnenttd that uelili ni offers. The Uaune and Furniture will be sold together or separately, aa tho pvTrohaser tuny desire;;. 'Forfnrthei. prrtlculurs, lixinh-e at au26:tf 8uuinioiiM. ' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP TniS STATE OF OREGON FOft THE COUNTY, OF GRANT OCX011EU TlUtM,' -I860. '...... Suaan L. Parrlsh, "I tSut'l fn ttpittjlfor Divora?- DavM J. l'arrlsh.- 1 1 -' fllO DAVID J. PARR PARRIsn, the above tfameddofendanti JL You are hereby notified and required-to be aud ap- pear in the above -entitled Oonrt witlriii ten duva Troui the time of the completion of the asrvlre horeof, by pub- ; lieatlon, and answer the complaiut of plaintiff now an file with Ihetloik oraad Court lor the County of (Iran.'. State of Oregon, praying for a dissolution of tbehtnrtlaa contract now exlsting-between you and the abovo name., plaintiff, upon the grounda of harsh aud cruel treatment, and personal ludlgiiitiea,. rendering lite burdeusouio.: Now, if you fctU to ao appear and make newer-tn the -foregoing complaint, the plaiatilT will apply to the Court " for the relief herein prayed for, and fur costs' and die- burs menu, and Tor such other and further relief aatu tne Court maybe deemed just and eqnltalile In tlnr pre-. fmunat aj uiuDr ui in. noil. w. u.- n II4KIIV, uunge.' 'i ' L. O. 8TKHN8. Att'y tud Sollcitur tor P16T. ; Canyon OHy, Aug. 11, 1805. auJU.Owr U.S. Hevami'8tanip,l . '.' . '' v , : fiOceiits, cancelled. .; . , . ...... Jllssolutlon of f 'o-par ners Wp. '' 'mOTICE IS IIKKEBY blVKK,tlu rh co-partner--" XH ship heretofore exiswujt between A L. Sutton, J. ' M. KcCoy, (I, Bllllord, F,.Mi Rice, and James McFwrland.-under-1 lis aamaot the "ROOK CKEKK M1NIM0 COM PANY,". la this riajl'Isolved, th uudorslpied lla-vluit' withdrawn from aaid partnerahsp . A. L. SUTTON.' : Grant County, August i(4, lbtto- - , r weWMw IiiO t. Bloor, .leaclies I JPencIies-II ' JUBf REOEITKD A CHOICE lot of PEACHES,' which, " will be old by tlio box or pound at tbe lowest .' prioaa..' '. ! . . - ' ' . Farmers and Fruit Growers of Wasco, County ,'hkvthl oholc Fruit to dlsposd of, will always find ma lu tka ' market, roadr to pay the hlghent prlcea, In cash, i- '. "'Bt , . i J. BPOSITO. , ; , " : Aotlce L.ottt Wotesi -, - ALL f ER80N8 AIM! HEItEBY CAUTIONED iot L ' " purchase either of TH'i) PROMISSORY NOTJtS. ' Wade by me to 0. M. KOHtt, and dated lu April. lsiS : , NUd Notes will not be paid by urn for 4h reason that Uia" same were fraudulently obtained; : F A niiita '' - Dalles, August 6, 18U6. ' - ' A' 'is,. '-IS.1 JXJFT, ' " " "' 4. 1 1 QVneyat L a - DAil,E8, ORKGON. ; ',. ' ' . on'Market.0"' 8econ1 fl "loorieast eTWashlnt; jr.M.nUNT.Sao'jr, 100 BOXES NICE APPLE.", ' " For aula by fau2otfJ- C. L. JJiWEXJa , .