The daily mountaineer. (Dalles, Or.) 1861-1866, August 25, 1865, Image 2

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Hobatio L. Jonrs, a well-known express
man, and formerly on tho line between the
DHe8 and Canyon City, died at Rocky Bar,
Soatb Buise, on tlie 16th inst. The deceased
bad bis faults, as who has not, but outside
these be was-' a generous-hearted man, ever
ready to do a kindly act. Peace to bis ashes.
Eastibh News. The Oregoniari bas tole-
grapbic dispatches from the East to the 16th.
The work of reconstruction is progressing
steadily and satisfactorily. A large number
of Southern rebels are said to be enlisting
.under Maximillian ;. this wy- his forces have
been tery materially- recrniti'd. , ,
Treaty' with Paulina. The Jacksonville
Sentinel says Superintendent Huntington has
succeeded in making a treaty' withTaulina,
tbe ereat Snake chief. Tbe stipolation on
- tbe part of the Government is, 5000 a year
for the first five years, and $1200 a year for
fifteen yeirv The Superintendent deserves
great credit for the energy be has exhibited
in this whole matter. i r
New DiOoinos. Wo have a report that
new-and rich mines have been discovered in
the Blackfeet country. ' The report reached
Walla Walla, and caused quite an excite
ment." Large numbers wero preparing .to
leave for the new diggings, and it is said
that five hundred animals, loaded with pro
, visions, will start out, from Walla Walla be
' fore the close of this week.
As Old Friend. We were more than
' leased yesterday to take by the hand our old
tiend E. L James, who is known to the whole
country as a pioneer ex.n-S9man. Newspaper
readers.will recollect that Mr. James' name
t has been mentioned in connection with a
.hooting affair which la'ely came off at Idaho
Citv. in which ex-sbeiifr Pinkham was Killed
- Hismanv friends will be pleased to know that
on a full examination, it was shown that he
bad not the most remore connection wi'b the
. unfortunate affair, and that he was honorably
The Judee and Prosecuting At-
' torney congratulating bim on being exhonora
t.A r. ,m n hlmn. The result i9 only what
we exnected. From our knowledge of the
man, both here and in California, w were
'onvlnced that no crime could be laid to bis
- charge,
Db! Taubot, a furmer resident of tbe Dalles,
died at Boise City, on tho 17th inst. Dr. T.
. ..II known in this State and California,
and wherever known was highly esteemed
A a medical roan be stood at the bead of his
' orofession. and certainly his success as a prac
titloner was all that tbe most ambitious
could have desired. In the private walks of
life be malutained tbe character of a high
toned, christian gentleman, ever ready to re-
th dUiressed or aid the worthy. Out
alrle his orofession. he was a man of more than
ordinary attainments, and as such bis conver
sation was at all times calculated to instruct
as well as entertain. In the fullness of years,
and far from home be was called to rest, but
- although comparatively among s'rangers he
was surrounded by those who honored him
living and mourn him ne1.
Military Road prom Fort Dam.8 to Fort
Boisi, The importance of opening a road
from Fort Dallos to Fort Boiso, in a military
' point of view, as heretofore been "overlook
ed ' It is evident that for years to oome mil
itary posts must be kept up in tbe Boise and
Owyhee country, as a protection against In
dian outrages, and to Bhip supplies to these
. points by a circuitous; route. is not to be
' fiougbtof. We are quite sure that if proper
representations be. made, at the- next session
' o Congress, an appropriation, either of
money or lands, or both, can Be secured Tor
for the purnoso of opening the road. We
have It on competent authority, that the Do-
' partmeut Commander, a gentleman who
i has spent several years in traversing the
Oountry, favors the proposition as a measure
tf wnnn'ini to the Government. ' Referring
to the proposed road, a high military author
ity says : "The figures will show that a good
..riuut from Fort Dullej to Fort Boise in the
itm nf triinanortntion of army supplies and
' troops, will in two years save the General
'' Government a sum sufficient to make the
-j pi with thin rnnd finished and in
working order, the Salt Lake mail would
find its termination at the D-lles, and the
.UU ntunlrtf hevond WOUld look tO tlllS
S' olnC as the base of supplies. Wo have
ere outlined a measure in which the whole
' oonntry Is interested, and we bavo only to
hope that It will ne ibkbu iw v,
pressed to an early completion.
Canyon City is crowded just' now, and
very lively. Taking my usual stroll, about
11 o'clock this morning, before breakfast I
saw three live merchants, all busy, of course.
Bruner was lying on the counter, tickling
bis cat under tbe tail with a straw. Mc5e
mara was sitting at the breakfast table, pick
ing bis nose with a fork I Feishheimer had
finished his breakfast, and sat at the table
quietly paring his toe nails with tbe butler
knife I The Middle Fork is sapping all of
the vitality out of the Canyon. My young
friend at the San Francisco Store, please
take warning before it is everlastingly too
Into. A merchant sold a pair of shoe
strings last week, and went to . bis drawer
for tho change, but the thing bad rusted in
its place from idleness, and he had to use a
crowbar to open it. He remarked en pattant
to bis customer that we didn't have dull
times here much, but over at Owyhee they
had it bad. Something like tb maa. with
the mosquitoes. However, we aspectKo be
all right again as soon as thos recover who
are down with tbe Middle. Fork fever. .?
appreciated. '
The masMi, or lliera-usses just as you
are disposed to set tbe type at last begin to
appreciate pickles. Tbe news boy cries
picidos -up and down town' on stage dy, and
everybody buys 'em. Tbe fools I I begin
to' .get "bonusscs, too. Bob sharp, the
butcher, threw a shank bone at my bead
yesterday, which came in about an inch of
laming us for'jjood. Davis held his fist out
for me to rep e my nosepn, and emphati
cally declared that I Was'tbe d nde-t liar
in the state, li is bonus ccne in the way ot
compliments, is surely a compliment
1 1 be considered superior in certain tbings
to the editor ol the Mountaineer and I'rea
dent o the Navigation Company. A certain
French lady also loaded ine down with com
pliments, and took a handlul ot my hair aB
I stalked precipitately away. 'She wants it
tor a keepsake, ot course. iUuy she wear it
next to her heart, Ac., ic, forever and for
ever, is the tondest wish ot tbe pickle-
makorl Judge lull was also very kind in
offering me his stick, but you see I didn't
like the looks of bis personal pronoun, ttnd
declined. Wunch wanted to shake me, he
Buid, but I was in a burry, atod didn t offer
my band. He seemed to want to press the
matter, and l leit. ll was past lour o clock
and I outran him. I want bim to know that
I am to be well taken belore shaken.
. P1IUNN. '
While playing mumble-peg, yesterday,
with the boot-black and tbe principal law
yers and doctors of tbis place, tbe following
puns were sugge.-ted i .,
Dr. Dunbar. Why is a young man's love
like a can of camphene i
Atuwtr. Because it is (pure lie) puerile.
Mr. WhiUcy. Why do beans and bacon
serve a young lady like frontier lifer
Answer. Because tbey make her very
Di. Ourley. Why is Dead-beariVs code,
whenjn operation, like a young ludy going
down stairs on her atl-tours t
Answer deferred till next pickle. Get
ready to Inugh, because it is rich, you bet I
Of course the above examples are very poor
pickles, but then you must remember that
tliry were mude by very poor men. Besides,
this is a devilish poor place, and poor jokes
for poor folks is only fair. Tbe soldiers
como to town yesterday, and of course the
Indians are about again.- last night tbey
stole about twenty bead ot noises
French Milk U mch, only a mile from town
It was very unkind for the soldiers to come
here, because the Indians were bad enough
as it was. Some wag made tho above sug
gestion in hearing of Samuel's sons, aud
Sam's sou's took the hint and went back to
camp. '
" Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it
holy." The Sunday law came up again this
week, but was demurred to because tlie ex
ception of4 works of mercy and necessl y
were not negatived in the compUint for do
tal secular business. Wonder if Common
sense wou'd not acquit any one of the crime,
if the matters charged were tlie selling of
whisky and segarB on oundayr Tbey are
works of mercy and necessity, of course.
Now, (J.myon City, allow pickles to stick in
a word or two into your exalted ear. Of
course you won't like it but that is just why
I like to try it : ' Now my de r Sour-doin, in
hll this cursing of l-w and officers, and sug
gestions of mils and feathers, you are mak
ing an enormous ass of yourself.. There are
two sides tn tho Sunday law. There are two
sides to everything women not excepted.
I always h ive, and always will espouse the
weaker sido. ' I know it is not popular or
profitable, but that is the way I was made,
and I would not be altered if I could. I al
ways hurrah for the bottom side, that is the
reason why I always Bide with the women.
I always bet on a little dog in the dog fight,
tbe poorest man in election ana ine sm otu
be unpopular. Of course I am ofien defeat
ed, but sometimes I win, and when I do tri
umph it is a glory worth wining. Yet I have
been known to go with the masses, or tbem
asses, just as you choose to set the type.
That has always been when I was appeased.
The Mountaineer appeases me once a week to
tbe amount of $30,, and gets bis pickles.
"Newell is grt, and pickles is his profit."
Canyou City can d'i precisely as sue pleases.
But to that meaker sido where Whaley
stands "alone in his gwl-lo-ry." In the first
place I don't know hs Cxnyon City is Any
better than other places in the State, nor do
I think she has taken but license to be a
great del worse. It is nurd to tell where
all ye denizens were raised, but to bear you
talk one would suppose tbe observance of
tbe sabbath as Buprising a thing to you as
a twenty dollar pioce is to an editor. Sab
baths, my pug nosed idiots, are as old as
this Monntnin-here. They were brought across
tbe plains by Moses, and over the ocean in
the Mayflower, It is trne, you may never
have seen one before yon came heres but I
should have thought', you bad heard your
parents talk, about them, anyhow. O, but,
ime one says, the miner wants to work on
Stiadays ;. tho noble miner who is "the bone
anil .sin-ner of the mining camp."' Now, I
really have thought that Sunday was the
best day to catee fish on in tlie world, but s
for mining or making rails, I never suspect
ed it.better than any other. Allow me then
to suggest to the muscular cuse, yclept ye
miner, that if he can't got work enough
done in seventy-two hours a week to just
stick a candle in (lis hat, snd work about
two nights in six, and then perhaps he will
rccogn'ze Sunday wbenitcomes Secondly,
this censuring the law, and the officers of the
law, Is simply bosh. Didn't you make
these laws? Didn't you choose your own
officers to enforce them? Did'nt yoa pro
cure the seal of the State and signature of
the Governor to the law, and then require
your I'hVers to be sworn and give bonds to
faithful'y perform and enforce?. What are
yon talking about? Do you want to rue
b rgains now, like a schoolboy in a jack-
knife trade? My dear maltreated pntriots,
you made asses of -yourselves in making the
law; now don't make double asses of your
selves in breaking it. If you should, it
would be hard to gness tbe progeny. Your
officers are sworn to enf-rce this law, the
same as that against robbery and murder;
they know ni difference, and if they don t
enforce it they are either knaves or cowards.
But that is enougn to show you that there
are two tides, albeit one is weak and unpop
ular.-- And dear people, unless PickluB is
appea-ed, be may follow his instincts and
hurrah for the bottom dog in the fight. You
may say that pickles don t amount to much,
because pickles are always green, and sour,
and all that. -Very well, my dear Canon,
put up pickles to suit your own taste, and I
shall bide my time.
I am grieved to D id that, some of my per-
sonal friends feel offended at the remntks in
my third letter. It makes me miserable snd I
hardly know bow to make It right In that
Utter I mentioned only my particular friends,
and had not the remotest idea that I
should offend. James Hastings, one of tbe
gentlemen referred to, was absent at Owyhee
at the time of writing, therefore I did not
know it-. I here wish to state that be, as well
as bis finances are in excellent health, and
that men must go far indeed, before a no
bier or a truer friend can be found. I would
rather have had mv rieht arm severed thai
wilfiillv have hartned the feelings of bim or
bis. Mr. Urowo, an elderly and most estima
ble lady, was also mentioned by me carelessly
In that letter. She may not receive it in the
spirit of merriment intended. Allow me to
say that tbe marriage mentioned was a thing
itiipos.-iole to be entertained wttbout a smile,
and that was all it was intended to produce.
While in San Franeisco.I noticed letters of ibis
style in the literary papers, and tbey were al
ways well received and most popular. Allow
me to refer my friends to the July 3rd No. of
S. F. (J olden jhra. wbere tbey will fiud tbe
names of Gov. Low, Sargent, Phelps and all
tbe leading men alluded to in tbe same style
as that lefer. . lint tbe express ll about clos
ing, and good nighj.
Canyon City, Aug. 19. I85B.
U. S. 7-3 IOAltf.-
Treasury, tli nndenlgned lio amnou-d the Giiif
ral Subscription Agency for the Hale of United Ettu
Ireiuury Notes, bearing tvita and three-tenthi percent.
Interest, per annmn, knuwn m the
Theee Notes nre issued under date June 16h, 1806,
are payable throe years from that time, in curre ncy, o
are conrertible, at the option of tlie bolder, into
U. S. 5-20 Six Per Cent.
These bonds are now worth premium of nlue per
cent, including gold Interest from November, which
makes the actual pront on the 7-80 loan at current rated,
including Interest, about toil per cent, per nnuuin, be
sides Its uMPTioa raoM siati hd municipal taxation,
to the rate loviid m other property. Tlie interest is
pnysble in currency, seml-aniiually, by coupons attached
to each note, which may be cut oir aud sold to any bauk
or bunker.
The Interest amounts to
One cent per day on a note.
Twocente . , 100
Tea. " " , JoOO "
20 " $1,000 "
Jl ' . " $6,000
Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly
furnished npoa receipt of subscriptions. This is
now offered by the Government, and it is confidently ex
pected that its superior advantages will make it the
Great Popular Loan of lie People.
Less than (300,000,000 of the. loan authorhted by the
last Congress, are now on the markrt.
This amount, at the rate at v. hlch It is being absorbed,
wlllallbe subscribed for wnhlu four months, when the
notes will undoubtedly command a premium, us has uni
formly been the case on closing the subscriptions to other
In order that citiiens of everv town and section ef the.
iinitry may be afforded facilities for taking the loan. t),r
m...l.....i u,.k Hiuia lijinkt. and l'rivate Hunker
throughout tlie country have generally agreed to receive
subscriptions at par. Bubscriuers will select til Ir own,
agents, in whom thoy have confidence, anil who only nr
to be responsible for tbe delivery of the notes for whlclt
they receive orders. ' "
Subscription Agent, l'hlladelphla.
Maroh 26th, 1864. - BiylKlm2pd4w
PiuLADCLPniA, May 17ih, 180S.
2d Series all sold. Commenced on 3d Series. Two
Hundrsd and Thirty Millions (a30.0fl0.000) precisely like
oilier two series, except noted 16th Jnly, ana Govern
ment reserves the right to pay six per cent, iu Uoul uv-
I s. 1 .
Subscription Agent. Philadelphia.
Isaac F. Block,
San s'ranclsco.
0. .
Bio. BcuAWiurnEft,
Blocli, Miller & Co
"Wines & Liquors,
. Anil Importers and Jobbers ot '
Hoots & Shoes,
llitdei Clothing, ,
11:1 ii kefs,
etc., etc., etc.
wl'h our business, under the entire supervision
of Mr. Miller. We make returns in liars in six hours
Wi guarantee all our Assavs and pay the UIUHKST
OA8II PKICa for Burs. We also pay the Highest
Cash Price for Gold Dust.
41IjIk;m, aiu,i,r.n is.
myfitf Cor. Main andVaslilngton streets, Dalles.
DiNHolutiou IVoUce.
TUB COPAUTNKKS'IIIP hcrctidore existing between
F. M. HAKB C. M.JlOIIlt, under tho namo
and style of 1IAKK. ft ltOirff, and doing tmslncBs at
Boise and Idaho Cities, Idaho Territory, is this day dis
solved by mutual consent. ..'.. ,
The Business will be continued by P. A. Hake alono,
Signed, O- M. HOUR,
. I. A. HAKB.
Jnlv'20th. 1866. . . an8-lm
and est horee in ahorse race. Kgo John Smith,
Handsome Kcsldence For Sale
fllllK HANDrfOMK ttEPIDENCE occupied by A. W
ItuchrttmN, is effored fur rale At a low flieurs ft
t privHle reaiUoace. no more denim bis locality could be
d quired. The itrouuris nn ornnoiented with shrubbery,
and the biUMIng. coutnititngten rooms, U finished in the
IiohI style, and utuurttces every convenience. To egen
tloinau desiring retired and pleasnnt homo, convenient
to business hii opportunity Is now presented that seldom
offer. The House and Furniture will be sold together
or separately, as the purchosor may desire. Vor further
prrilCUmr, liiquirt- n uii6t);ii -
Monday next, August 28th,
M RUN !1 would respectfully Inform the Ladle
and Qentlemen or tlie Dalles that there will be
a O It A N D P 10-M.O the last of the season ou MOM DA V
NEXT. The mod extensive arrangements are twine
made for accommodation aud enjoyment of all. A good
BAND OF MUB10 will be In attendance, andHEFHKSU.
HUNTS of all kinds can be had on the grounds. i!6td. '
-i . Wk. HOXHS NIGH Al'fLKS. '
gentleman, will alwy be poor and ftlway 1 Xlfw ioisi.b fu26tf 0..
Notice l.Qht AttlCN.
purchase either of TWO PUOM1SSOHY NOTKR,
mude by nietoC. M. K011K, and ilalt-d in April, 1686.
Paid Notes will not be paid by m for the reaaou that the
same were fraudulently obtained. A. IIAJSH.
Dalles, August 6, 1806. ' ' "
Attorney at Law,
OFFI1R on Second stroet, live doors east of TVashlng
on Market. '.' - nolT-tf
K taken, will oblige by ealliue soon, as I go to
Autralia shortly. . v, .PIKKHK IIOLTZ,
iy:ll-tf. , " ' Bi-cond Street.
A. LOW NIOOBK. calling himself J. B.. W. HARRIS,
driving a dray In this town, bas paid us a debt of
Twentv-eeven dollara. In ORGKNDaCKS AT PAR. The
amount ww CASU loaned on the 3d of .tun nary, 18(16.
rXl. .A.. H. STEELE,
orncs At,
-LOST. ! -
ON MONDAY NIOnT, on ornoar the Wharf Boat, a
Safe Key, No 8066. The under will receive a lib.
ral reward, by leaving It at the Mountaineer office.
Dalles, Aug. 18,180. augietf