r on -mm TEIPTID. We stood together alone,. .... . ., .,. ,,-,:,. ' 'Neath the dark'nlng summer, aky: , The myriads of auft etara ahone, f The breeze atlred t .e leave, whilst I Stood silent, calm and still, by her aids,, , tit Hacked with the passions I strpvto-hide. My lore for the vicl ounch, I I had ra ther than lose lier dfe 1 She could -thrill my soul by her touchy, -a Or a glanch from her deep irk eye. ' t! I Sit said shewould trust' to niy -words, and I ' Cduld not tall Uie sweefccliyditflle. There stole across me the soeht ' Of the .fraezraiit. lilac flower- ' ' Bvenr6w 'tis ro me still blent .! .-.! ' .' .nWith theagony of that hoot, ; '! There were none to hear hut the stare and wind, ' Yet I could not (oil her I had not sinned. u Don't be so angry pray.11 '! ' ' . ' She whispered beseechingly, ' ' "I only 'want you oay' , f"; Li A But iwa or three wants M m: 'That this horrible" tale is false must be,''-! V, 1 ! I ket look In iy eyes, eudteU,It me1 lv ; . i. eV But a word but a breath and (he, , . ' ; " -Tomorrow would -be my wile. ' "'"V Inks a atrife for Death er-Life. IS S I felt cold and 'hitet by mvloekeahe knew: "si -J. Or my silence,, Uiat. all sheliad heard was truej . Toll me truth F'she tald i io -v-. .... : ' But hor voloeseemd ooldjarfjoW,'; ,1-"11 i! -1 And I thought of a tlrae long sped" Bsfoie ilismt msm hiy-brow. 'I. ' ' I ' ' My headlong passions and deeds I oqrst, t . And then I resolved she should know the warat. v In thmo woree I confessed; u. 'J I ( .'. il . lir-t "I am guilty l"waa all I said,' -i .I..:....-... Then was, 1 mod K-on my breaat Rested that fair young head..' i i '. u ,. ; My arms. were around ber, and I heard j. i ... . .. Bobs oomlng quickly bstwoen each wordt "'' " Dearest I feared you might 1 Have, shrank, when I tempted you-. .. ,r t r,: ,j That toaoothe me down for to-night - , fr, T You would tell me what was nofurue ( -' Then my heart must have bent V 1y mind and will . Now I'm thine, love, through good and, (ill,', ,' ffAIEY.'lttOVNjAlHEEB' tit w'jf. jujw ? Wasco Connty Agrlcnltaral. Fair, Tbo Eieostiive 'Comraittee- of1 the 'Wasco ' County Agricultural Society have 'inadfl ,aj '. rangeuveaU for holding a rt ,'r,:-..t'.n t C OUNliY FAIIt; At th. Wa8co."C,Qunty: Race . Course,1 three ' miles belowi Dalles City, on the farm of John Irwin, to be holdeti on the 13TH AJID HTH :DAYS OP' SEPTEMBER NEXT. : Citizens and fjarmers especially are solicited to attend' and compete for the premiums, a list of which, is published below... No1 article to . . compete for premium unless raised ormanu- facturod in the Qounty ; and no1 animal1 to. . conipete for premium unless owned or raised in this county. Entrance fee 25 per cent, on ; first premium.1 ' : ' .' ''.'' ' . WM. H. NRWELL, . Pres. Wasco i Co. Agricultual Society.. K E. Haft, Secretary. FAMILY, GROCERY STORE I ! ;: ' . r.: iFIt A.ISTK, ; DEALER IN ' JFIILY GllOOEriiES, I ; . L f. TOBACCO AND BEQAEB, T :: ' am ; sTUESIl AND DRIED FRUITS, ' " VE0ETABLE8, c, 4c. And every article usually found in a First-class ; JPamily . Grocery Store, FRANK has Just received from below an entire iT m. new stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS &6, which he will tell at low rates for cash, tleads of fam ily and others are invited to call and examine his stock. 49 Goods delivered in any part of the city tree of cuarge . - AJ-0OEENBACK8 TAKEN AT TS CENTS. 8. VKANK, Main street Jy30:tt , A few doom below the Poet -Office. POOK & JOB PRIKTINQ OFFICE. Flint Street, 'between 'Main and B ' ! I DALLES AVJJ.:ii::.u:' n.;.:.:0JlE062f. '. OB PRINTINQ OF EVERY VARIETY ! I v- . i Bzecuted with accuracy od dispatch: ;, INA fftVUS THAT WILL COltPARE BAVOEABLt j 4.'., witli the Wry bestand- ) '! ... 'k h AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST ..,:,- !,?..:.,. to oroib: .u i- Car d in unci IM J-H eda. POSTERSAND PROGRAMBIES i JOE ' , THEATRES, pOCERJS. EXHIBITIONS t - M., -IW, I rRINTID in TBI BOSI aiTHACTITl If AXHIB. AUO, WAY-BILLS, I BILLS OF FAKE, ' f--r- 'frlBTTSt-BKtX; '':.' -;-. -r BILLS LADJ1YG, Redemption of County scrip. TTHE FOLLOWINO COUNTY ORDERS will be paid .m. upon preoenwiion uiy oiuiw caoutsro. September It, 1861... Octobers, , " November 11, " 11, , f .., 12, " January 6, 1806....... " id. " ........ 'ehruary 10, " ll), ft 4 "18 " 16, 1 " . 28,, llrieAi and Pamphlets, nsipira,- wxdmnq and uat uomb" cajids CAiss. Jvo. In favor of.'. ...4 B0 W. II. Newel. ...........a73. ..R. B. Kenli ,. 417 " " ...1 ...38o..........M. P. Berry. .. ...8M1......B. W. MitchelU. . ,4 J. & Harford. ,,4 660 J. B. Groason. ,.Ji 193 C. C. Feldon. 4.......783 J. B. Uarrord. .4.......74S...Bcott 4 UcAuoland m, y,,. WarchT, , . " ., 7, ,: - ,. " a .-.. . , 9, , ,;'. , -, '-: , ' . e, " 11, ' - .11, i ; " 11, "IV ' I' 11, ' au9:ltd3tw ' A .718.. ..u..-4. ....... .79..... af sseeaf Aseee)ee6fiT leeefci ..A..a...707...., ,4..m....74b .....1..4.........7J7 ,.A. Bettfnireu ...J. O. Wilson ..John Oreaver R. H. Wood ..A.....809.. ...... A. F. Reynolds. .....4 822 ..Richard Kelly ..4,.....8XI.... A. Riliatrlck ........7:)7....-....harles White '....t .......7U8.-......John JuaoiU ...A.r....8U Charles W. Hpear ..A.... 818 .lienry K. Wilaon ...... 4.........80S... William Martin ..A 807... John L. Peck ...A........J2...Napoleon B. Yonns; 4....-.....801 i John Low ...A 824 .J. B. Uarford ...4. .789 Jamea Hunt ,..A .7UZ...M Robert Flett A..: 810.... .....John Welch .....A .830 Jeaae B Wafleld H. J. WALDRON, County Treas. In short, everything that can be done In a B ook and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and- moat- dflieatACartl or Circular, to the largest slae and most sh owy Posting BUI and which wt)l be turned out in a style, that cannot fall to insure entire selsfacjlon.1 rj II 1 B VAOl TIBS rOK TUB UBGUTIOF. Or DECORATIVE PRI'sMTING 1 In (he most beautiful Color,' Shades , and Tints. t SucH as " raidcy Posting Bills ! : From a single Sheet to the Largest Mammoth, ' ORNAMENTAL SUQW CARDS. . . - PUKFOMB.RiS' LABELS, itc Are unsurpassed by those of any other establishment In Oregon. We devote special attention to this branch of the busiuess, and are continually adding to. our already exten sive and well appointed assortment ot material, ,-t NEW TYPES, BORDERS) ORNAMENTS i ' ' - ' etc. i '' 1 ' Of the, moat modern and elaborate deslgna. Onr atock o FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Ace of the finest quality, and for richness of color and dor ability, cannot be equaled In the State.' . ' The principle upon which 'business Is asked for this es tablishment is, that persons will consult their own inter- es'-s, by awarding tbelr custom to that office In which t rieir money can be expended to tne best advantage. To t'nle end we solicit all in want of good Printing, at verv reaaonaoie cnargea, ly can ana examine specimens, and. uoge lor yourselves. Orders from tne Upper Country Will have onr special care, and friends from the interior t nay rely upon having their orders QUed promptly, as we H AVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWERPRESS In the tjtattY of Oregon I - -. Address: MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf .... .. 1 Dalles, Oregon. ' aUAUTZ Mitt?! ' And all kinds of Machinery: i v i ' Manufactured at the h OREGON IRON W0EKS ' CORNER OF MORRISON and 'TTU streets, j . PORTLAND. . 1 ; -. A.. O. 0IBB9 ft CO., - 1 , Successors to : Portland. Dec. 6th fi4. defltf B. L. Jowis ft Co. COLUMBIA BItJR MINES. i a. Ti'm- b o o th; '", WniTB BLUFFS, W. T., :' ' FORWARDING AND- COMHIfSSION MERCHANT, . AND GENERAL IBlllB IK . , j XL CXI A.ND I 8 pEJ . AND MINERS' SSFP L1 12-8". PACK AND SAD PIE H0BSES FOB SALE. 1 FRK10HTS CONBrONPD to my care for Colvllle Kootenai, or the Upper Columbia Mines, will re ceive prompt attention. 1 . t ' . : 1 ' 'White Bluffa, Pot. let, 186i. - ocitf JACKSON SALOON I 'corner, court and second streets, dalles, orkgon. . Administrator's Kotlce. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the nnderalgned waa on the 6th day ot June, 1805, duly appointed .Administrator of the estate of HKNRY DKADMOND, idaeeased, by Hon. County Court of the State of Oregon tfor. the county of Wasco. Now, therefore, Notice is , hereby given te all persons having claims against eald u,.t. nmnt tlie ami to the anderalcned. at hla office. In Bailee City, Waaoo eonnty, Oregon, within sis .th f tha data hereof.- All veraons nelng Indebted ito aald asUU are requested tooxtake Immediate paymeat (to thenmlersignea. n. fo,uoi in i Ikaleaur ptu 4n or Augusi, isoo. TUll UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED FROM THE "BULLA UNION1' CELLAR, INTO Gates New ! Building',7 Beg to Inform the public that they are prepared to serve their customers with the best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, THE MARKET A WORDS. . ALSO, A Free Lunch. ! I Every day and evening. , AWTOMl.AUEIldk.Eaill.SCHTJTZ, deo2-If ' ' V ; . : . ;. "Proprietore. . BLACKLIST, FERCTO80N ft 00. have thla day paid an account In oer store; In ORBKNACK8 AT PAR, Ibr (foods sold at OOIN PRICKS. , i U. H.,YOUNU; :l ColvllleaJUiy.8,.1886. Jyl2:4w )S 'i.J.'Hj !tr. '.,t .' i: ii :'' Manufacturer and Importer of ' '' 4 '"' CARRIAGE:, COIVCORDj BUGG V S TA G 33 :'! II A BN'l!?S S,'.' Saddles. Bridles, u:uips., . il-.JilT ...Ageneralasortmentiot"i ji. i 31 -:. I Saddlery, Hardware, ' Watjier, etc. mr orders solicited, ttepairlng done with neatness Mil dfnntil, . . ' 11 1 ' . V A II A If ' jeilltf Main Street, fronting WaaLingtoa, Dalles.' SIGNS ! SltJ. Qysi HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. ; ' DEALER IN I WINDOWGLASS , VARNISHES, '. ' I (IntnN trsTt 1ti...ttas vuiviQ) 1 uivj) All unim, uiur giU. . . y Paper Hapginga, Window Shadea, Fixttorel, 4o. i-tr ; AND ' 1 ! FIRST STREET, between YanihiU and, Morrison. offnim 4to4o horse- ' i-JkimL!m! power.citner fortableor Stationary. Also, CIR- .St'k'l' CULAH SAW MILLS Yl tfrSVt J''VTf UvJlrLJSTE, constantly Y:M i ftM vuuhou. Also, tiny rrea- JTJj1. if yA -i achinea.fWoodworth'a r ? -.s. i pattern,) Wrought and. fST ' ' TJ Cast Iron work for Ver- Joii1,f ,S ticalSawandOriat mills; ' -i 1, J ' ' Brass andiron Caatinga :V,. T- WROUGHT IRORT WORK ? of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Qtiftrts Mills complete, of the Litteit & ', . .' moat; Improved Pttei.i . , : r These Mills can beforwarded to any part of the mines as the weight of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, OOOpounds. .... ..... I....-, .,' Hone Foweri A Agrionltural Implomentf' manufactured to order at the very LOWEST 0AS11 PRICE N. B. 1-attlciilorattf ntlon paid to KEfAlRS. fe20-tf ; UALI HO II It OS DRUGGISTS, : MAIN STREET, Dalles. . D BALERS IN DRUGS,. PATKNT MEDICINES. KHR.' OSKNB, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, xmporiea wines ana bmuunsmr ' medical purposes. TOILET SOAPS. POMADES, HAIR OILS, FLAVOR ING EXTRACTS. LUIIIN'B HAND-1 K BRCIIIKF EXTRACTS, Ac, Ac ' t a-resotlptlons cnrefuliycompouudV ad. Having purchased a new and complete Stock in San Vranciaco for i are enabled to aell at the lowest possible rates. n. J. WALDRON, apll-tfl G. V.. WALDRON. i: t :.S ' BALLED, CJI.TI BRVG STORE. Pe CRAIG, . WU0LBSALI AMD RITAIL DEALER IN D R U G S. MEDICINES, i perfumery, Fancy Soaps,.- , 1 ' PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. fl-tf DRUGS AND LATENT MEDICINES!! pRUCIS AND PATENT MEDICINES!! DR UQS AND- PA TENT MEDICINES !! ' I. WH01BSAU AKD EBTAIL DRUdGIST, Washington Street, between Main and Second Streets ! - '. DALl.ES, QREGQJV. . Ci LEMON la able to supply parties In want of Drugs, te) Patent Medicines. Chemicals, Acids, Perfumery, and every other article enumerated with the ' WHOLESALE DRUG BUSINESS, At the lowest nArket rates. ' - ,.:.: 49- Physicians and Merchants Intending to purqhase for the Mines, will do well to give him a call. TRUSSES & SHOULDER BRACES j In great variety. ' a ," ; ; V ' ' S. LEMON", ' ap.8;tf. ''' Waahlngcim gt between Main and Second. MOUNT, HOOD SALOON ' AND : ,, ' . B1X.IIARD ROOM,.,. F.'M. ttiTf Proprietor, I . CORNER OF ' 1 .. , Main and Court Street, pUI-if ',' T." - iUei, Oregon. . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. USKXIIERi" Af Itttosr? Staple arid ' Fancy "Dry Gdo'da. " rBUne3irt Oufilta: .:.:.-; '! mil".! -I. Bllners' Outats: K,n 1 Boots and ShoefJ: ' "'' 1 V1VIUIUK. . Bats and Cant. ; . i-i .t. trocfJrlefw , And a full assortment of General Merrhandiae. nnyl our Oooda excluaively In the Sun Francisco market, anj making none but cash purchases.' we are enabled ft)' tell 3(1 poreeut, cheaper than any other House at the Dalles) ,. DUSKNIIKKY ABR0S- !. ml'tr , . Pallea and Walla Walla. , JTTSV . JH I. L EII : ATtTOe , u.1 ii (eucceaaora (o bdrhbu, a Hivua,) ,,:-. '.. .i VB0LBSAU AMD UTA11. PEA1XR8 IH Stoves; Tin , Plate, Sheet Irdtt, Brazier's Copper; , J' - r Lead ripe, Copper, -'. ' ' "."'"' u Forte & Lilt rumps.' ; V ; ' ' , Zinc,' Brass & Iron Wnt-e. ' Load Alro. .Vn. ' AST JOB WORK, in all Ita branches, attended te ' " main ornsEX, uaues, opposite BlocB . ' ' ': . ' J : aplB-tt '. short, notice, MUler A Co, II. H. HILL. A.J U1HS i ! 1 ir: wunLt" TAIl eURS IH . .j.,,; . .) Groceries, Dry Goods, liquors; APfHICLTLTTJRAIi IMPLEMENTS. " - , STORAOK AND FOKWARDINOi 1 , Goods consigned to na will meet with proper attention) Kofiarencei. . ' 0RTI.AHB. DAUBS.' ll " ; ;.) B. W.Corbet, H v ' I I Robhlna A Co.,' ia ' , Idcharda A MoCracken, , W. 0. Moody A Cm. ..it; ! II.Law. . 0. Humasou. , .... 1 metills Landing, Sept. Bth.l'W. ' ' ' ' i - ' , SOLS AOBNT lit AUr0KNlA I0 i J . TlTON & McPARLAND'S Fire & Ilurgrlar rroof Sali;s.! , !', .STEEL-LINED VA VL TSr j ',.., . WITS ,,.. ,, ., .,,.ys Combination. Loci:.; 490onstanty on band a' full assortment of BAFKS. . - v .,. 7, . M..; . . 818 BATTIiRi,'8TRKET,i ' Jy9-m Fan PrancisA. , HEW 1KU1T, OltOCElUf' . ' PROVISION ; STORE.' ! rpBB UNDER8I0NED INFORMS HIS FRIKNDB and. X the public generally, that he has Just established oii, Main street, next door to J, Juker, Tobacconist, , i ' 1 A NEW STORE! ! where he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment ol -selected FRUIT.' Also, In store a complete stock olehuice GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, VEGETABLES, tc!. All of which will be sold, wholesale and retail, at RE. PUCKD CRICKS. Come and see and satisfy yourself. , , j selS-tf JOHN SP0S1T0. ' DR. DAVY'S SPECIFIC. ooiviiotjivx;.7 L An Expeditions Cure for all diseases of the SEX UAL' O TtG Aiyg., THIS prompt and efflcatlous Remedy for the cure of Ghonorroaa, Gleet, Strictures, and Diseases of the) Urinary Organs, makes a speedy cure without the least restriction to diet, exposure or change in application of business; it will radically cure any case which ouu be3 produced.1 The disease it removes as speedily as is con-', latent with the production of a thorough and permanent , cure. Further, the disease cannot be contracted if the SPECIFIC COMPOUND is taken when exposed, ' Its ingredients are entire! v vegetable, and no injnrlona effect, either cpnstltutioually or locally, can be caused by ., its use. ; 1 Price One Dollar and Fifty cents perJiottle. Sent by : Expreas cnrefnllv ncked. ' - - ' . .; . i i . t. .uU . .. HOSTKTTKK, SMITn A DEAN. Agents, .,..,: 401 and 408 Battery street, cor Clay, ,' ' Jy22-8m; ' ' ' San Francisco. ' ' Ilard'.JVVpoci Lumber.' CARRIAGE AND WAGON MATERIALS. WE URO TO CALL ATTENTION of Carriage Mau., ufneturera and Dealera to the Large and Com plete assortment of CARRIAGE and WAGON UATKltl- ALS we are constantly receiving from the East, specially. -, selected fgr the California market, comprising, Oak, , iiicaory. enu oeconu urowin ahii riana, iiicaory axivb, Wagon Poles, Hubs, Spokes, Felloes, Rims, Bhatts, Ac Ac, '' . which we offer at the lowest Cash Prices. AeT Orders addressed to our house will receive promp attention., , N. W. DKAGO A CO., Jel6:8m. ' 29 A 81 Battery Street, San Francisco, 1 and 17' A 19 Seventh Street Baoramento. ' i 0. Watehbovss, i 11. W. Uraoo A Co, , J. W. Lbsiih u- Ban rranclsoo. Bacrainento. new lorn i . DALLES, ORKOOXi i i . ATTORNEYS AM COUNSELORS AT UW, . .- . : ; AND 'i '' - :"( SOLICITORS in CIIANCKRY. j WILL ATTEND PROMPTLY AND WITH FIDEL .V itv. to all buaineaa entrusted to their care. Par- . titular attention paid to collection of Claims, Convey anclng, Ac. Will be, during all business hours, In attenV ' dance at their OMce, over Dehm'e Jewelry Store, MAIN bTUKUT, DAl.LKB (Jl'K, OJUSUUN. ' , N.H. Qatbs. ncfn-U 1 O. T TutHlU. ... Attorney and Counsellor at . law . ' NOTARY PUBLIC. . ' , ' OFFICE On corner of Washington and Main atreets, , Canyon City, Grant County, Oregon. ap20tf ' ' "PHILADELPHIA BREWERY, - MAIN STREET, under Banlt Exchange Saloon, Dalles. ' y HIIAyiNQ THOROUGHLY REFITTED thU Saloon. -we would Inform our friends that we axe prepared to dispense the choicest .; ... ,; .. e Wines, liquors, Lager and Cigars That can be found In the elty. . Jyl:tfd LUDWIG A BOHANON, Proprietiiri. -