.. IStTOSL. SUSP AT MOBSIXO. ACflUST 10, t8flfl. i t)ar eltictoi were gotnewbat taken by or 'prisejast night by the arrival, uoheraldtd, of Hon. J. II. Ashley, member of Congress from Oblo, and Chairman of tbe Committee on Territories. ?be distinguished gentleman is charged wth, tbe duty of Visiting tbe various Territories and reporting upon their condition, la pursuance of which be bat already visited Colorado, Montana,; Utah and Idaho. ' Be bas been aeveotyttwo days in all on tbe Plains, but Instead of being worn down, is fresher and atonter than when be started. Mr. A. s re connoisaanee of tbe country bas been tho : and has enabled him to Balni much in formation that will be useful to him and adl- vantageoas to tbe people of tbe Pacific coast, when their interests are legislated upon by Congress. On relerriog to the Dictionary of Congress, we learn that Mr. Ashley was born In Virginia, in 1824 J was self-educated became an adventurer at the age of fifteen, at one time aoting as clerk on tbe store boats of tbe Ohio and Mississippi, and then doing service in a printing office. He studied law, and was admitted to tbe bar in Ohio, 1849 ; but, Instead of practicing bis profession, he vent into the business of boat buildintr. and was connected with tbe press. He subse quentlf settled at Toledo, and went into the wholesale drug business, and was elected representative from Ohio to tbe Thirty sixth Congress, serving. as a member of tbe Com mittee on Territories. Re-elected to the Thirty-seventh Congress. and made Chairman of the Committee on Territories, and also re elected to tbe Thirty eight Congress, serving . on the Committee on Claims and, and as Ghalrmun of the Committe on Territories He is alto re-elected to the Thtrty-nlnth Con gress, and Is a man of extepsive influence. Mr. A. is accompanied by Col. Frothingham, a gentleman who' served with distinction in the war for the Union. Our distinguished visitor fill go down by to-morrow's boat, on bis way to Puget Sound, the resources of which country he will investigate. He will then return to San Francisco, and tbence overland, taking Arizona, possibly, in his line of travel. We are pleased to notice hat this Western country is attracting the attention of the prominent men of the nation, with whom the Pacific coast heretofore has been little more than a terra, incognita. From the knowledge thus gained they will be able to legislate intelligently and with due regard to our necessities and interests. , Tbiasori. At tbe assay office of Mr. C S. Miller, yesterday, we examined twenty- two gold bars, weighing all the way from twenty to two hundred ounces. These bars were tbe result of a single day's work in the assay office, and represented an aggregate value of $25,000. The laBt week has shown a decided gain in the receipt of treasure, and should the gold continue to come in at the present rate, the business of the town cannot fail to revive. . ... Pernio School. It is understood that there will be a general and thorough exam ination of the teachers who desire situations in the Public School. Due notice of the time and place of examination will be given. RiLiiiBD. An elderly man by tbe name of Suirpser, who was confined in the county Jail, on tbe charge of defrauding bis creditors, bas been released, and is now on bis way to California. A. M. Waliib informs us that he is not the walker, mho set fire to a pile of brush, on ' Thursday night last. 'Totber man did it We stand corrected, ' . . .. Boaoi Gold Dcst Opcbators will rend Sheriff Berry's card. Canyon City appears to oe an unneauny piaee tor bogus dealers. ; Thi Eliotiok passed off quietly yesterday. No disturbance of any kind occurred. Tbe total vote in this precinct was 60S, being a .'falling off of over three hundred since last : Spring. , Ida counting bas Droirreised far enough to indicate that tbe Democratic ticket ' bas about SO majority In this precinct, Idaho . Ulatuuan, Aug. 10. EviavaooT knows Epb. Day, and evervbodr Is pleased to bear that, -after a four days' un, . be bas, cleaned up 1,400. ounces rotn bis sluices.' Bit claims are on Granite Creek. aod promise to pan out; for tome ' time to eoroe, results so g leddenlrig to tbe heart and WILLIAM I. WIU..i fiurte or we minor. tmnrta AtitertUtr. J '.; ,V.i.' ' -'' THH COST OF LIBERTY. " Eternal vigilauce is tbe price of Liberty," fs an old mattm, which, ta these day, says tbe fan Francisco CM might be aptly chang ed so as to read, " Eternal electioneering 1s tbe price of Liberty It is a serious question for consideration. Are we not paying too great a price for such liberty as we enjoy ; or rather could we not so arrange matters as to enjoy more real liberty at a less price, and with less troubleT At political anairs are now worked, it is absolutely necessary for people to make themselves slaves to politics to maintain tueir civil iiDerues anu natural rights. Tbe publio mind must be kept ever on the alert to protect its liberties. Politics demand full half of tbe time or men ; and men obev : for if tbey did not, their liberties would be in danger. Sleeping or waning eating or drinking, riding or walking, tbe- inexorable master, Politics, compels tbe attention of his obedient and liperty-loving subjects. He forces them to snout nonsense on the forum, to write trash in tbe lai cturo, to dis cuss foolish iy in bar-rooms, to swill lager and guzzle wbieky in saloons, to wrangle at tbe street corners, to cneat eacn O'ner in conven tions, to lie about each other daring election campaigns, to falsify records, to blacken char- acters, to defame rc potations, to scoff religion and deride its ministers, to invade the sanc tity of domestic lite, to bold nothing sacred, to boia an sentiments dear except honor, to shed blood for shadows, and expend nolbing lur suostances an inese things politics de mands ot his slavish subjects, as tbe price ol liberties. I not tbe price a tearful one to pay for an article which is ever eludino tbe grasp. and frequently not clutched at all? Is there among the people enough wisdom to devise a plan by which tbey can, at tbe tame time, perpetuate their liberties aod mease them-, selves from tbe thraldom of that modern. American tyrant, politics? Is it necessary, for tbe preservation of our civil rights and liberties, that w should go on till the erack of doom, slandering and villifving each otber, Cheating, wrangling and quarrelling, derid ing truth and deifying falsehood, floating honor In tbe face and blackening outlives and bisfories by the meanest of acts? Can we not enjoy real and rational libeity without falsifying tbe acts of our opponents, lying about our neighbors and publishing vile slan ders of those we do not like ; without cheat ing eacb otber in conventions and swindling each otber on every possible occasion ? We believe our liberties can be preserved without resorting to sucn disgraceful proceedings, bicb increase with alarming rapidity as years roll by, aod which are really the worst enemies ot republican institutions, because if persisted in tbey are calculated to des roy tnem Dy destroying all public confidence, up rooting all belief in private or publio virtue, by arraying man against man, citizen against citizen, brother against brother, in bitter bos tility, and finally leading to anarchy, tbe grave of all republics. Fellow-citizens', tbe price we are paying for our liberties is too dear so dear that we cannot keep up tbe in stalments without bankrupting our morals and honor, and wben we are bankrupt of these articles, tben larewejl, a long tarewell to our liberties. Their ghastly spectres will only remain as monumenls of our fillies and wickedness, and on our national tombstone future generations will write this epitaph : "Here lies a Republic, whose citizens paid too great a price for their liberties, and thus sacrinced their institutions. ' Fob John Day. Colonel Burr, just arrived across the Plains from St. Louis, having dis posed of bis stock of goods, proposes to start tnenrstot next week with two mule teams for the new mines on John Days River, loaded with passengers. He will also be provided with a number of saddle animals, and passen gers will be furnished with accommodations forcarrying provisions, or tbey will be boarded according to contract. ISott statesman. Dalles Social Club. Meeting THIS DAT, at 8 o'clock, r. M., at the Club Boom. . EI.FKLT, Sec. Notice to Bogus Gold Dust Operators, TOHN SCOTT, formerly of Yreka, California, aged - or 24 yenrs, sura omit ior nignt, ntgnt over o leet dark -hair and complexion, regular features, slow speech, BOGUS OOLD DUST DKALKIl, and JOHN HILL, formerly of Siskiyou County. California, hlirlit A feet. broad Shoulders. Wtll mucin, trim bnllt. dark chaantit air, ninay oeara, iranx, open countenance, age, be- oo ana no years, partner or said ecott! TAUB nviiua. mat me UHKK makk owned and leu bv vou. near the head of Butter Creek. In Umatilla Cmintv nn xucbubj, iue ib( uay oi august, 1000, wnne oeing pur- j w. ...... ywovvf mat in u . u n. auutiuu, in Canyon City. County Seat of (1 rant County, to nay the coils of said pursuit, chargos ol keeping and cost of this auTeriieemrui, tuirty aays from date, un ess claimed by jvu, uu uuargea pam peiors ine oay oi aaie. canyon Uliy, XUgUSl 10, lODS. . B.U. IIEKKV, au20:4w Special Deputy Sheriff. WANTED I WANTED ! $10,000 GOLD OR GREENBACKS! In Exchange for tbe following Goods Diamond, Gold and Silver Watches, IHAMIVOD RINGS & P1HTS, JEWELRY OP ALL KINDS, SILVER f PLATED WARE, Cutlery and fancy Goods, AT BAN FRANCISCO PRICES, , . wine watches and Jewalr rntialrad l.w a VIm. jus watenmaxer, ana work warranted fori! months. ENQRAVINQ NEATLY EXECUTED. ' AU orders from the interior promptly attended .... . . r .... Dalles. Main street... au:5tf next daw to tbe Post Office. VTAS REMOVED HIS OMICB OPPO- . 11 site Much, Miller Co., where be la prepares M ) alt kinds of DENTAL WORK, In a Skillful and Well BnUhid maimer. MKtH Inserted from one to an entire Ml, on Gold or Rubber Plate, Prices rings for Rubber Plate, from fW6 to (66 1 For Gold Piatt), from 76 to f 1M. ar persons having worn aono name not proving w Isfactory will not be required to receive or pay for the , . . auio-ti SELLING OFF AT COST! MV "VVvmscli &, Co., r. Wilt, CLOSE OCT THEIR STOCK OF SUROHA D18E, at their place of business, at tbe D order to go tlie Mines. Their stock embrace. Dry Goods, Clothing, liooU, Data . ; and . general merchandise, AUwhlch will fold .t COST, tor CASH only. ' w" All vuo know theaisstvea indebted to our firm at the Oal.es will pleas call and settle as soop as possible. Truite who have been accommodated we trust will aot delay iu unnecessarily, but be prompt In squaring ap ac count!: Call and see as, all and everybody 1 aull-tf . . M. WUN8CH CO. FItED. L1EBE, GROCERY, PROVISION; FBU1T 8(TORE, Washington Btreet, opposite Ireneh c flUsaaarx, Dallea. lias on hand a large and welt-asserted stock ot GROCERIES & PROVISIONS, X resli.JJ utter At Etyjjis, Received dally. A large lot of CHICKENS always on band. FRUITS of all kinds. PRE8U VEGETABLES every morning. All articles warranted). Give lie a. Call, Everybody! a. xvivjii.n uu vv . aul8:tf ' - 7. tIEBB. Dissolution of Co-Partnership. rpMIK firm heretofore existing ander tbe nam and JL style, ot KLFKLT BROS, 1 this day dissolved by mutual consent. All olaiass against and due tbe late Irm, must be presented to JOSEPH ELFELT, who alone auiuorucea to seine tnesame. V JOSEPH KLFKLT, 8. O. EIJTKLT. Dalles City, August lSth, X865v rsnHB tJNDEB8IQNED, tbaakful for past favors ex- M. tended to tbe late firm, would most respectfully solicit a continuance ol the same, at the old established stana, corner main ana uourt streets. ailKlilnil JOSEPH KLFELT. Xe&elies ! Peaches ! ! TOST RBCK1VKD A CHOICE lot of PEACHES, which 9M will be. sold by the box or pound at tbe lowest prices. . Farmers and Fruit Growers of Wasco County, baying choice Fruit to dispose of, will always and me in tbe marxet, reaay to pay ine Highest prices, In cash. eutain, j. bfohito. HouHe and Lot For Sale. rrMlK COTTAOU HOUSE, on Fourth Btreet, noxt door JL to tlie residence of Dr. Craig, Is offered for sale. Also, the LOT, 'fronting Say feet, with a depth of one hundred feet. The location Is most desirable, and to a small family presents inducements rarely to be met with. or iuriner particulars apply on tne premises. auJBt ' JHKB. SNYDER, L.OST. A T THE TIME OFTHE FIRE, on the 8th of May last. J. a BLACK LEATHER POCKET BOOK, of aboat a dosen pookets, containing Notes aud other papers, unly yaiuaoia to tne owner, any person Knowing or tlie whereabouts of the same, will confer a favor by giving luiormauon to we unaeraigneo. , , aulDtilW - - O. HUWAqOH, Administrator's -Notice. In the matter of the Estate of 1 la the County Court of winiam ijogan, arceasea. ) wasco uo., Btate oi ogn. rMMIE County Court tor Wasco County, State of Ore- JL gon, has uppointed the undersigned Administrator of the estate of WM. LOGAN, deceased; therefore all peraons having claims against said estate are required to present tlie same, with proper vouchers, within six months trom the date hereof, to the undersigned, at my office In Dalles City, Wasco County, Oregon, and all per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make imme diate payn eut to me. J AMKB A. ODKLL, an!8:4w 1 Administrator. Sheriff's Sale of Valuable Real Estate. fl Y virtue of an execution issued by the Clerk of the II County Court, in and for Grant County, State of Oregon, in tavor or D. Q. Vorbles a Jfi. Jr. Canon, plain tiffs, and against James H. Cochran, defendant, for tlie sum of two hundred and seventy-two and 23-100 dollars. principal, and nineteen lo-iuu dollars, costs and disburse ments, with Interest, accruing ousts and costs of execu tion and sale, and to me directed, I have levied upon the following Real Estate, which will be sold at public auc tion belore the uourt iiouse door, in.uinyon t;ity, on SATURDAY, tlie 10th day of SEPTEMBER, 1866, be tween the hours of one and two o'clock, p ., to the highest bidder for cash in hand, or so much thereof as will satiety tne sum oi sow uo-iw, wun interest costs, and disbursement and accruiLg costs and cost of execu tion, via : The undevided one half of bouse- and lot in Canyon City, known as the Upper Hnrdy House and lot, situated and bounded on tbe North by alley, on the east, by Washington street, on the South by Calla han's property, and on the West by Canyon street; and also the undivided one-half of small Store House, on the West side of Canyon street, opposite Callahan's property. P. BERRY, Bh-riff. Canyon City, August 4, 186D. auiH:w. ,., , LOST' I ... .-. . . ON MONDAY NIGHT, on or near tbe Wharf Boat, a . Safe Key, No. 8966. The finder will receive a lib eral reward, by leaving it ei the Mountaineer office. Dalles, Aug. 16, 18ei : ' " . . angldtf II LACK LIST. ' A LOW NIGGER, calling himself J. B. W. HARRIS, driving a dray in this town, has paid ns a debt of Twenty-seven dollars, In GREENBACKS AT PAR. The amount was CASH loaned on the 8d of January, 1806. au:4tf ABRAUAMSON A KOHLBEKG. NOTICE. "SATOTIOE IB HKRKBY GIVEN, that on the isst Hon. day of August, to wit: the 28th Inst., the Assessor will attend at tha office of the County Clerk of Wasco County. Oiecon. and with the assistance of the Clork will publicly examine the Assessment, and correct all er rors. iau-tfw jap, is. rrAuriKit, Assessor. PllO'lOUItAIMUC LIKKNfcJiSES. PtRTIaSWIBUINO PHOTOGRAPHIC LIKENESS ES taken, will oblige by calling soon, as I goto Australia suortij. iuj!.iuih uuijTZ. ivill-tt. ..,...!....-, Second Street 13 At. II. STEELE; ' ACTING ASSISTANT BURGEON, V. 8. A. "' oynat At WALIJRON & BROS.' DRTja STORE. Ui S. T-30XOAKi BY AUTHORITY OF THE SECRETARY OF " all Treasury, tbe undersigned bas assumed the Gene ral Subscription Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, bearlngseven and three-tenths psr cent . Interest, per annum, known s the 7:30 XOA.IST. These Notes are issued ander date Jan; ' are payable three years from, that " V " are conyertlbje, at tbe otif.on " ""yi 01 -vy 'uotsaWem;ms n S B" Si Per Cen G0'a-b BEARING B.ONDS These IssA are now weetSk a pnaiiaai af alae psr seat, tseladlng gold Interest frexe Keyember, wbfth isdket tbe actual profit oa tha T-3Ue at swnent ratear lactaidlng Interest, aboat ten pel tent, per aaaawa, (- sides its xxxarnoR raosi mats aiss lomciui iaxatior. which Anne now oni TeiaRis ru exat. sou, aeeerdine to the rate levied oa otber property. Tbe Interest l payable in oui reesy, semi-annually, by coupons attacbtil te each note, whisk, may be cut off and sole to aay leak, orbanker. The interest amounts to OneceBtpeday.ona$eOnotei ' Two cent . flOO . Ten ..- $500 20 " $1,000 SI $,ooo -Rotes of all the oVnomlnatlons named will be proainrhs Owntohed upon receipt of subscriptions. Tali Is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now offered by the Government, and it Is confidently ex nectedthat its superler adrautages will, make It the .'. , Great Popular Loan of the; People. Less than $300,000,000 of . lot authorised by the last Congress, are now on the market. This amount, at the rate at which- It Is being absorbed. will all be subscribed foa within four moatbs, when tk notes will undoubtedly Ymssad apssmlum, as baa uuU lormly been the case on closing tbe subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citiiens el every town and section of tha eonatiy msy b afforded facilities for taking the loan, tha . National Dank, Btate Bank', and Private Bankers throughout (he conntry have generally agreed to recelvo subscriptions at par. Subscribers will seleet tniir ow ei agents, In whom tbey have con&dence, and who only are. to be responsible for tbe delivery ol the notes for which, they receive oidass.' ' JAY COOKE, . Subscription Agent, Philadelphia, , March 26th, 1865. .. myu-3ui2pdAw , AlrKTNIU2.I. PkbOvixlad TriJtoBiro: PuiLAMintu, May lTih, 186S. 2d Series all sold. Commenced on 3d Series. Two. Hundred and Thirty Millions (22O,0M,0OO) precisely Ilka other two series, except dated 16th July, and Uoveriv meat reserves tbe right to. pay six per cent, in Oold iu stead of 1-30 Currency. . J A.".' CUUK1C, ' " " Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. lSAAO t. BLOCH, . San c'ranciscOk C. 8. MiLua, BlO. SCHaWnACHIK, Dalles. Bloch, Miller & Co., WHOLESALE - IT O f) Tt. . ' ' AND DEALERS IN ' ' , Wines & Liqviors, And Importers and Jobbers of O 3L, O T H IN GS-. lloots &, Shoes, llntlerCIotlung:, Blankets, etc. etc., etc. ASSAY OFFICE. WE HAVE AN AS8JY OFFICE IN CONNECTION whhour business, under the entire supervision ot Mr. Miller. We make returns in Bars in six hours We guarantee all our Assays and pay the HIGHEST CASH PKICli for Burs. We also pay tbe Highest , BLOCII, MILLER 03, myOtf Cor. Maid and Washington streets, Dalles. , 13. 13. IlA.ir'T, Attorney at La w, DAiLBS, OREGON. OFFICE, en Second street Ave doors east of Washlnx uiMitoiution notice. THE C0PA1ITNERBIIIP heretofore existing between F. M. HAKE A 0. M. ROllR, under tbe name end style of HARK A It 01 lit, and doing business at Boise and Idaho Cities, Idubo Torritory, Is this day dis solved by mutual consent.. . --, The Business will be continued by F. A. Hake alone. ' Signed, CM. R0I1R, P. A. HARK. JulyOth, 1866.. ' ' au8-lin ' Notice L,ONt Notes. ALL PERSONS ARB HEREBY CAUTIONED not to purchase either of TWO PROMISSORV NOTES, nmdeby me toO. M. ROIIK, and dated iu April, J806. raid Notes will not be paid by me for (lie reason that the samo were fraudulently obtained. F. A. HAKE. Dalles, August 6, 18U6. ' au8 lm ... NOTICE. - THE CO-PARTNERSHIP between S. B. HODGSON .and J M. P. COOK, under tho name of Hodgson A Cook, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 6th day of June, A. D. 1806. J. M. P. Cook will pay all debts owing by the firm, and collect all demands Jn y29.18o6. IJy3U:lw J. M. P. COOK. . DISSOLUTION. . THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretoforeexlstlng between tlie underelKiied in the Milk business, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. K. S. Hopkins will con- dnflt thA limit,... nn 1,1. r.B a.nn.., ' au7:iw , E. 8. HOPKINS. JJalles, August 1,1866. . '' M. M..OUBHING. .'i1;iiiisALi:.... , A CIITCEEIIINU I'tANO.: C"libca,en at the store J iA. 4 :. . - li li. 1 VM. bJUNluua,. .