or n r 1 I-. ji is n. i-i ;,ir, '-i: " Hfll'.il.!i : -i .i-i . ...-:-i l1 I r , . .-j. .'1 I .1 . -I -.13! ' l MOl .."W. . , . . ..... , . , . ... ; v. . G s,yp.X-.r?.i ! r, A 3H" 'j ! ix i!TAigSvViitv.giv.t .gtTJis-T:A.rg" AUQU6T. so. iHQg... ... v, .-.Mi. Mr art.. ' PUBLISHED EVERY 3I0UNIXS,;i .-' ' '(MONDAYS X0KPTED,7"BT ! ' XTlXwLllkM .11., NEV"EJL.L, EDITUIl AND PBOPUIITOa. ,:'' ' ' , TraMa Ttottity-JlotcetU per week, payable to'tue carrier per month, by mail, $; itlifeej month, I'l'dO; tlx mouths, $5; one year, $8, Advertisements inserted at toWNttos. i S " "- ' I Job Printing. ? Jivevy 'description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe- uted with neatness and despatch, and forwarded aa per cider to any part of the country. PuynunfJorJob JPrini itig must 6e made on deft'eery iff. work. -J - i 'EMPIRE HOTEL; -. ., I BTailT, BAILI8, OatOOK, '' j '' vrHOM.lS S.HITII, Proprietor. ; A FIRST.CLASS H 0 USE. . , . in Mini or aonstt, -, .m , ' JJur the Steamboat and Bailroad Landingi .8uperi(A' Accominodntlona v4 Vanilliea-kand can Ao coiuinodate One Uuudred and fitly UuoeU.. , .. Jloali Ms cat. Lodging.... .60 ot. . t Fire proof Safe for deposlte of raluaulei. , House opon all night. Baggage taken to the ITouse free of charge. THOMAS BMITU,- ,. , lalia-tf - ' i. I . Proprietor. UMATILLA HOUSE, 1 DALLES, OREGON. , nANDLGV & SIS1SOTT, I'rop'rH. -TB'MIIti WBU, KNOWN HOTEL is now open for the M. 'tecvpt4on of gueete. After llng thoroufrhly reno vated nS newry furniBhed, It will be conducted, in all dt'parttiiente, aritclaae 110TKL. The bouae ! con vnniently located near the steamboat landing and railroad depot. Baggage, taken to the House, free ofcharge. House kept open all night. The Proprietors will not be responsible for any Baggage T Val uaules, onless a check is given there.for. IX eala 80 cents Lodgings SO cente. mrl FURNITURE ! DIERLAM FURNITURE! - J B N IT Uff , COHNRB TIIIKD AND B STHKKTS irm."P1m ,..!).. Pill! l.a. nn l.aM,! av.plnti. -..j, HeufiChold Fnrnlture. embracing Tables, Chairs, Bureaus Uede and UeUsteals, Bedding, Carpets etc., ate., all of which will bo sold at low rates, furniture .llopaired, and Upholstering done to order. Also, eat hand Uatlrosus and Pillows. Spring Beds made to order, aula WM. 110ABOB. "' ' ' " 0. B. KCKOIL. : WM. MOABUS &. CO'., ' O I TY BAKERY, rnorisioN STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WHOT,K8AI,K AND RKTAII. DKALKR8 la BBSAD, CKAOKBRS and Family GK0CEU1K8. ,tt3.0rders from a dlsUncooarefully fllled and promptly dispatched. v . " I-1' 10. 1. FITZ6UUALD ' - . . DI.Lia IK ' h: a. h d w a. r e Iron (i iid Stool. J-' ' ijcery Dttcription Df . illiiicrs' ad MccUantcs' Tools, , ..... . AND- - . Farming, Imploments. ; UIP CHANDLKKY, OKOCKK1K8, CL0TU1NQ, AND BTAPI.BDKYflOODB,. . rsckery and Glass waie. . . . : r B.-P. fllZQURALD, ' flO-tf ' J' " - ' ' iUe, Ortgon jjOOlNAIVD Sllill;; SXTTltE. JT, WYCKMAIN , w JURTnRCEIVED.dlrect from Ban Fran- 1.1. cIsco, an unusually Ins and well selected! tockot , . , I BOpTS AND SHOES, ' "of theery best QualUy and latest styles . 'EVER BROUGHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated XNOLIBll UCNTINO BIIOB manufactored by.Benkert. Also, a large assortment of jLadles' and Children's Gaiters, Of the latest Styles, just received from the best Phil adelphia maker. Also, a very large assortment of , , FINE DRESS BOOTS. ; ja9-0entleme who prefer to Have their Roots or Shoes made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat and easy S7 F. WYOKMAN, Main street, ap22-tf ' Opposite theKipreas Office "BOOKS ! 33 Q OKS I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. , OtCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, 29 Standard and Miscellaneous. WORKS, It NOVKLK MAQAZINBS. PAPBHS, Ao.. Act by every Steamer. Post-Offlce . Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. mJ,tf . . . II. J. WALDRQN a CO. A?VTI. BIGELOW, ' Receiving, Storing. Forwarding AND Commission Merchant! located at the Bridge end of Maln.itroeJoefs . from M m. r mhl'Lif . Ml Vinter: Arfangeraent Thvi tirgw 'Steam NaVlgaUon Co. 0 nt aitd after vnesday, December 6th, natri:' further er notice, the I). 6. ti. Company wilespatcb oUowing naiedBtoamers ,! ,, T One of the Web-Foot, Tad! ma, ' ' . Tenlino., Aez Perce Cliler, Okanagon,- H FOR UMATILLA A WALLULA on M0N1) AYEDNESDaV. Tsht' jiUDAV''' .of raoi .week , .. 'i7 " H v :- - Kutnrning, leave wauuiaanu umamiaon ivasuai, THUKSCAi'.aud SATVJHBAt of eli week'.' u- ' j -v:' The'Ta'sscnger Train, ' '', ' To connect with the BTBAMiUlS AT C&COO, wUl star rroin tne nanroaa jjepoi, t - :-I'aii'(blt,Y, f?-.' M.'' ! The Steamer Oneonta, Capt. J. McNOLTV, will leave DALXKS, DlLY.-8nndays ex eented) at S aVlocl.-i.i fcr-CASOADf B.eonnectllia with the steamer. W ILSON 0v HUN..'Capti Woi.r,.nii J VortlaauV- 'i n ..'..! lltiia x. jwiwaj,' . Dalhis. Sept. 87. UN,' fnirl ; Agent 0. 8. Ni Oo.' , UATILIA AND BOISfi PI0NEERSfeft9 " L I NE concob -SXA;5-.13SI - ;.. '' CABhYINO' ' " TH1B. X i MAILS, . . ., AND , ..VM : v... 1 - I8H,& ro.' WXPBBSis, CONNECTING WITH THB " " ':; ' O, B. ' N. C6.'S STEAMERS . :". ' ' ."' "' to ANDFiioK "' . ." . PORTL AJfp AD ;jp, DALIES, Leaves Umatilla regularly every other day, -via Ewlft ft Meacham's Btatloni -La Grande City, Powder, Burnt, Weiser end Payette. Hlver Valleys to Placervillei there connecting with stages to Centrevilla and Idaho City, ' and all parts of Boise: Basin. , Also connecting at Payette river with Bon liolUday'a v . : :.,...m.: ;,, n,.. . i '' "' ' Overland Btace Line ' " To Boise and Salt Lake Cttle; and at Boise City wit stage to Idaho City and thaOwynee Mines.' t .i i fa Office at the Orleans Hotel, ttaatllla,' Oregon. ' - - .-' , . ' - '",.. IBB UALE7, " - ' : ; " iProprletorr. " Dated Febrnary 26th, lgg. WiBtr DALLES & CAMoreWSfiTE At now running their line ou ;' CONOOBDSTAGE8 DALIiEH &) OANYOK OITV By warofir' Todd's Bridge, fjroe Hollows, Bridge 'Greek, Alkali Flat, Camp Watson, Kock Creek, Cottonwood and John Dayis lUver. tri-weekly.- , j i i,.k i i J. ciaaviira WELLS, PAHOO CO'S ZFRI3S& 'leaving' Dalles and'Catryon Clt every "Tuesday and Friday morning. ; Through in two day. . ', '. , ' l ., ... .. 3 'tpjUDllsON, Agent, Canyoo City. , Balls office At Wolit Fargo ft Co.1, Hallo ' - 1 '" .., , ,.- .- .1.. n:C.MAYILSW, Agent.'. Dalles, April 28th,188." ' ;' apMtf FOH UOfSE MIM t8 DIRECT. THE VyAlrLA WAULA BOISE. LINE i , ... -. it -..'. 'Of . i a .... ; , CONOPUP 8XAG3EJS,, ;'. .' ' ' r OAHftYINO-- '-; -. THE' Ux. S. aVERtlAND MAILS' ! .,..;. BV- ' ,-V ". Wells, Fargo 'Jfc' Co.'s Express, Is now making Regnlsir' Tripe from WaHa Walla to PI j certllle, (Boise Mlnes.;. ' - ' " ', '.,',' Through In T woand a Half pays ' Connecting with the-Wallull Lille of Stages, and th Botof.the 0. B, K. . Company, ...i , 1 1 . 1 -..OA!0i I. TII0MA8 ft CO., ap27-tf , ; ,. V. h r. I'V....- ..Proprietor .... i Just- Received! A SUPERIOR LOT OF , ' " and for' Saltiat ' " . .'' ':' aiTJE BllNlG'S I hJ.-Sl 'V-"J-JLiS ' . . Mal Street, PalUa. deoa-tf FOBSALB "1 ; I a . jflrat-Clasa Hotel and Restau. JA- Kantfln-'he centra or onsineesf near me fuamboataad Bailroad landleg, JIata.atseeti Dalies City, Oregon, lately reflUed with superior, accommodations, For lurther particular enquli 11 l at the California Hotel. - Term reasonable, t , Dalles City, March 37th, loot, - mbzS-U NaaA. : -1 I '' ui til m vtJ.: -11 -lit D. CRAKDAU, . , . , ' . 0N. TOWLK, 91 Front et.,' Portland. ' , . ''" Main street, Dallo. . , ,, .WUOUiaALI AD RI TAll BlittM lit . . , CROCKERY, GLASS, V CHINA, 1. "' ;.. woM;ua:j , PLATED WABEij Chandeliers, Parlor, Hall, Ide and llatid Camps. ; - WICKS, ClllMNEYB,' SHADES, CANDLEWICKINO. .' -' i ' i-Alsor-- ' ; . Kosrosene', ' -i ''1 ',','. t,.r"!, j . ?. "-coai uii, -.: .i t ? '.MXard Sperm, " , . ,i ' Tanner's and .vl. I I '.'.i.; -- sv-yM ' Neatsfoot Oil, ,:" ''''''JL XCf O II 0T-i.,;'! I Turpentiae '& Burniug Fluid. MAIN STJIKKT, (Near Court,) DALLK8, ORKOONi ' ilt' : And 92 Front Btreot, Portland, 1 " i'l I i ' Dalles, March 1st, I860. .. ; : ' . I IlliA 11 Ac tI I .11 A I '''''','J1iMroThiRA!bwaoLisAL ' "',u ! De alers twines Liquore. , GBOOEBIES, i ; miners' Goods,' Doat Stores, &c. .1) n . BAVl'aiiioviniotHira NSW STQNEBUlL pi isT q J 9oawojr . ... . ; ... ,1", $end and VaHhington Streets ) NOW IN STORK A LAROB 'AND OOMPLITI AS sortmcnt of the very best brand ef . WlIfES AND LIQUORS. . . ; , Also, a lull assortment of ,. i'-. , -i GROCERIES STAPLE GOODS. n Constantly receiving onr supplies direct from New York ai,d Ban Franonno, we are able and willing to sell at very smalt advance on San Francisco price. They hope by adopting a strictly eorreot and prompt method 01 doing business, they will recslve the patronage ef thepub lie. . . ...... . 1 , . tau-tf 410 1 1'OR' TUB SL.UMEU UOISE ! SEA. -BEAO TT. TUTS ftSLIOHTFUL'AN'D CELBBRATED1 SUMMER Resort, sltaated 01 Clatsop Plains, a short distance from the Ocean, la now re-openl and ready to receive guoets. . . . . 1 - Tills resort possesses attractions irmnrrpaased on the Paclfio Coast, 1 Itao splendid beaoh' tbr riding, walk lng and, bathing; beautiful teener' end aurrouudlDget, berries of all kinds abound ; a beautiful trout itream and abundance of gam?. . ''"'", thb Taple Is conatnntly eupplled' with salt and 'fresh water fish, class, and crabs, elk,' bea and feathered game,' and the freshest of country produce, i 1 ... .: liv .-i: ' Th climate Is selubrlous This Hotel off era every thing that could he desired for the comfort of guests, both well andslck. ' - . . The Proprietors respectfully ask the Health And Pleas ure Seeking l'ubllo for partronage, that they may be enabled to make the " Bummer House n a permrnent in stitution of the country.' "," LOWELL ft KIl'PJSN. 1 May 9th, 18to.- ' . ' !' my9tfn ' GRJE AT BARGAINS J I) 'L-At ''''' ' 1 ' '.I ' IK CONSEQUENCE OF DULL TIMES,' AND IN AN ticipation or hlgh water, we shall this day commeno o sell our handsetntock of : i . 1 ( ,1 i.VJ-.s.t. V . DRY .GOQPS ANP JCLQTHIN Q ."' At greatlj reduced, rate. .-itr't . Ii, OiIl, ''. '0' ;-AL'S TI ! ; . AH tboM that Wish to b1'ne(lta'by thts 'Opport nlty, wUl do Well to oall as sooa u oonVenienco will Al low.,,,. ,. -1 ,i j.,u.j 1.1.1. 1 - , 1. .:.', Don't fcrget the Store. ' " '" ' nwluitf. i... .,.,.. .n-i: . OOHN ft BonM-S. ;' Oregon Steam Navigation Co., 7 '.'-ft-a . REDUCTION ; ON FREIjailT, IROM AND AFTER 1ST J ULY iEXT, THE" RATE3 04 freight' will beasjllow I- ' ', "-.'T , ' From Portland to Dallas. ...... J..L 410 w perioq Dalle to Umatll'a ,. , S00r. " " V - Wallala.:...'.. L, 17 60 " " ' White Blnffs ........v... 40 00 . , Paleuse Landing 46 00 " ', Lewlslon.':...... .......160 09 From and after TItfB DATE, the freight on FLOUR from' Dalle. to Lawietoh will be FORTY HI V R T1OLLAU9 Dalles, June 18th, lttnt, ' ' Prert. o. 8. N. 00. MEBIOAL CARD. . A.C. STEPliEXSOW M. ; 1 RESPECTFULLY tender his professional services In the several tranche of medical practice, to the eitisen of Dallatand vicinity. Particular attention will bo paid to female disease. Chronic diseases of whatever typo or grade, win receive prompt and elBoleat treat- ment. OMce, adjoining Wal.lron's Prog Store. poi!6tf UDtaTMAUIM.. ;,, v : J.MUoaraT. j ' V- Attorney s-at-lAW. 1 OFnOE9-Tdho'01tykBolpountT,I.T.l Rohy O(tl Owyhee County,!. X. -1 aj04f .,' i, ACAK,PlFOa:.TUE. ,!;-; .ti ' Summer & Fall Clothing Trade ' .e'--;-",!OF aAH'-'FttArw'tlSCtf.1 M 1'li,'i':t ti ..IW'il, (i 11 -ni-i Xo U'Hii'.J BADGER & LINDENBEROER) Jo. 411, 413 m4 4V19 Batterr Stnat, t Cor. Mei'cb.aiit., Han Jrraoolaoo. Impprter anf ,yhpiale l)calir ENTIBB AS if. A IfD'. FRESH STO Ct. ' m to.' .ii . " ' ' ;ifiii li n ' WE WOULD CALL ATTKSJTION of Country Mer chants to our hsually large stuck of U06Q. Our stoclt Comprises every artl.ie In ll Clothing and Fur nishing line.- We hare constantly on hand the largest auU' greatest Variety oY."Cat.lmere 'and Wool HATS df ' any house in Bao,'fraBcioq, anil our pri. ea ft these Uoods are less than those of any house, a we receive them direct from the manufacturer's eonslgnnient' -Our flock of Bummer and Pall Uoops Is particularly attract- -ve, and the great fentar to the country merchant Is th"' aiunnejly low prices.., j::io 54 "i.-ni i J'i vsuv v.-4 . : less: Thsa the tost of Importation I Foolso keen th STAPLE ARTICLES In the Dry flood. llntVhtch (loeds we hare purchased In this market un der the hiuuoier, nd r ofluting them at NewiYolk . Coat, and leas. , -. We publish this card 111 order that we may make new acquaintances, and Indues those who bars, not heretofore purchased of us, to call and examlue our atock. . ,' Good A rtlclcs arid tow Prices t Are th4 greatest' ind'ueeWeilt' lo alt who' purchase Vo sell again. - Merchant who buy, of a on nmko goed profit, and sell to their customer at 4 low figure. Wo remsia, respeotrully,) .i"jnuji ,'. , f it J'ini , Your Obedient servants, -' . . .. i,:;.i .i j.' .1.111 BADUHR ft. LINDENBEROER, ' . 1 L.i.' Wholesale Clotlrlng a nd Hat Wareiious. Hivvwa Not. 411. 413 and 416 Batterr street . Son Francisco, April 11 1866. 1 I' "tu JeiS-amw.i jEStabllHUoa Hat 45 -7-. I I1U SBALEBB IN. 1 CORNER OF 1 Main and Union Streets, Dalles. J.O, BALDWIN I .! tntiftl-tf r 'tF. W. fiALtfWW. HA VINO 'LEASED the llacfi On'Beconi Streei, for merry occupied by, tf. 0iver4 as a Grocery a ad Storage Store, e have removed, and will hsv our Be. nlaTBalee there 00 : o JL i" i..J Tuesiday and Saturday, at lOa.m ..; '',., r uooda received ear , ar.j.ip, (; . CwnmissioB and, Storage for Forwarding. .JeWJitr , PAiVNaftOoAactloheartVl ROBBINS, -MAIN STREET, AU.88,'OREd6N . iHPoarnsho jooaua a ..!.. 11 DR !5T',;QOrO D S , clothing; - ; rzj -v xTAPtt; nARtiwARE; '-''.' ' ,i: :"' 5 1 '' y MIXERS' TOOLS Groceries and Jdislonju ..'i W i' ..' . '. rl .,'1 .,,.!;... .7 n' I met ana Xiiquors. ' Dalles and Boise Wagon Koad. lQTICETO UELIIVQUEIVTS f i XOTIOB, IS HBrtKBY- GIYEM 'ttt.4t Hnl fblKwInti person are la arrears on assessment itvted May lu to-wltt .. ' ' ; 'Sharu, Ayri Abn e. F. w; rahamson ft Kohlberg..i l,.l, Bloch, A. I., ft Co....... zn-'ZS ....... .'...u, ..10 to ..i. '.10 00 - 20 00 6 00 An AA Broo a Bro....,...;.....,iJ Booth, J. P...... ..i,.i... 01 ark, A., , ..,.... Dalle Lnm. Mahafar Co. ...... Kraasa.0. M J.,..;.... 1 ..-..j. , . ., .v : "' o a KoMter, P. j, 3 09 Lodwigj-a... i.........!M.......M... a 60 Lelbo, Qw..,,.... .,. 9i.;w..(..v, ;.. 4 oft lAuer, a....... .MH.M.....M Is.mm.,.,,.,.,,,,,,,,, g 00. Marsh, Josiah . 4 00 4 00 a 00 Payne, F. A- 0. M. 9nJm..i J 0...1.."... rattee. Price. J. B.i .19 00 noDDina .....m.,-a6..,.,,i....,o 00 wait a ltelley.i.......M(MMf '...m(...M.'..M.j...'....10 09 W,c.m,.n' " " v -... , 4 00 And If th same be not paid 00 or Wore tin nineteenth (10th) day of August, i860, the stock will be sold at pobllc auction to pay said assessment and expense ot . sale. By order ol th Board of Directors- ' ' " i .. '-m "F.M- 8T00KIN0, i Jyl8-19t a jjeoy D. ft B. W. B.0o, LOT AND TWO HOUSES FOR SALE". Tn TJNDTO8IQNED OFFERS FOR SALB HIS VALUABLE LOT, on the North ride of Mala street, ' ' Immediately opposite Moody' Hall. Th lot front tlfi ' ' feet on Main Street, -with a depth ol 120 feet, and la im proved by a FRAME BTORB, and DWELLING H0U8I In the rear. Situated In the Very heart of the city, and ' a most desirable business stand, no better opportunity oould oiler for an Investment. For further particulars ' kpply on the premise. . . 1 I my:8t-tf . v WM. MALLONEY. , D, S. F. WALLACE, " ! PH tSl 01 AN 46 & tf 0 Nt . I-'" ...1, ... .m- .h -'r. t- . -r J ' j TeM U1m ft Chpin,i Drag. Store, MAIN STREET, DALLB3. fl8l J