jfailg fPflimtaiitttr. William a. irawiu.. SUNDAY MORNING. JUNK 95, 1S05. BOAT LOST-MAN UHOWMED. A sloop runniog oo tba river between. Dei Chutes and "Umatilla, was lost on Friday J etenlng last, under tbe follpwiug circumstan Cs : , In tbe aflerDOOU tbe Captain bad taken on board orer fre tons (weight) of merchan dise, marked for Hill k Kane, Umatilla Land ing. Itwas now well toward erening, wbep((b . Captain;, at tbe suggestion.of a man named Jacob Kimball, palled out for Ibe, purpose of .running down to Celilp and .takion on board proTlsions for tbe trip4 There was no wind at, the time, ani. as a consequence resort was bad to tbe oars. For some reason or other, ' soon after, starting, Kimball became fright ened and insisted on running the boat ashore at poiol where she ae sure to strike on the rocks. Capt. Madison insisted upon pulling Mit, but all bis efforts were paralized br Kimball, until at length the latter broke bit oar. Rednoed to one oar, and .already near , Celilo, tbe Captain of the sloop did -all that he could to biing the sloop to tbe landing, t but without avail., Tb.e sail was resorted to, bat owing to the calm no headway could be made on the vessel, and she continued. Q down the current. On. Bearing tbe rapids, Capt. Madison proposed to bis companion to leave the vessel which by this time was fast (inking, owing to having struck on a rock and swim for their lives. Kimball was paralyz ed by tear, and although he promised to follow Madison when he jumped, overboard, be re mained on the sloop until she was fairly in the breakers, when be took to the water, but too late. Drawn onward by the current, he was seen to puss over; (he falls in tbe rear of ;the boat, and finally was' seen in an eddy below the fulls, where be aank and was not seen afterwards. ' At the time Capt. Madison jumped overboard, the slopp was distant ' from the shore probably five hundred yards, but by extraordinary exertions he succeeded in making a landing in a cove juaCabove tbe first rapids. The boat passed over the falls in apparent safety, but was soon swal lowed up in the surging current. Jacob ., Kimball, the man who was drowned, was a ' native of Pennsylvania, aged about 55 y.ea.rs, and was a man of good habits. His trade was that of a blacksmith, but for several " years past he ha,s been engaged in navigating tbe Upper Columbia. At one time be was part ownrr In the steamer Ciucadilla. subae quently sold to the 0. S. N. Company. At ' the time, of his death he was preparing .to open a trading post atJaleuBe Landing, and. he is supposed to have bad on bis person, at the time of his drowning, some $2,000 in coin, with which he designed to buy -goods By the accident Capt. Madiajp loses his boat, with all be bad in the world, and is , left pennifess.. The merchandise on board c the boat was the. property of Hill k Kane, Umatilla Landing, and, was worth probably $2,500. tTbe whole of tbe thrilling affair .was witnessed by large pumber.of persons from the shore, who we e unable, to render assistance, owing to the fact that all. tbe mall bouts were without oars. Up to this writing the body of Kimball has not been . found. Tbe largo amount of money he is neitevcu to nave, Dad on ms person will in duco boatmen and others to keep a sharp looKoui ior nis remains..' . Dvkb tui Falls. Tiie 0. S. N, Company's steamer Cayuit, ufler being divested of her toacuiuery,. was , on Thursday last, lowered over the falls at tbe Dalles, and is now sitely. , moored below the rapids. This. is tbe first rriiel of apy size, built on tbe upper Culum bla, that eyf r passed over the rapids. - A year t.or two .since, Mr. Bigelow bad a boat brought down, but. In ,i,bt luaiauce the vesel was hauled on shore, and by means of ways hauled " around the rapids. Its early days tbe Caoa dian boatmen were 'in the habit of run in tune rapids, in .open boats, but for man rears nothing of the kind lias been known The Cayuu alter haviuif done good service on the upper river, is now Juuj(b.i bW tor the purpose of being transformed into a wood boat, ,, ' Kaw Stock. Mr. P. Dehib,, watchmaker any jeweler, has just receivje.4 .direct from San Francisco, a fipe stock of .watches, diar rnond jewelry, etc, which comprises nearly rery article ia hit line, and all of which be II prepareflo jey t greatly reduced rates THK TRIAL OF JEFF. DAVIS. An exchange rightly bsjb that the trial of the civil and.miliUry head of the rebellion will bo the most impor tant criminal trial tbatj has taken place since the establishment of our Gov- ..... ' ' ernment. It Involves great constitu- tional questions which tho Supreme Conrt of the United States must uW- inately depide. The question of State I ilgu ue rBv.MBu, uisoiinn and decided by the Judiciary part of our Government, IfoY.UAwllJ .claim the right of the. StoteB separately, to, withdraw fi-om the Federal Union and enter into separate relations, and that, therefore, his acts are not treasonable; that, thq.ugh.tbo question bus been de cided adversely to them by the late war, yet the right to withdraw oxisU ed undortrre Oonstitution, and the ex ercise of that right cannot be punished aa treason. If this point shall be do- cided against Mtn, which it will be as raster of vCOareo, it will then be claimed that the question as... to be existence of that right was unsettled, and that a very largo portion of the people 01 toe WOpiO U,nlOn, amounting to nearly one-half of those ontitlod to J " T eXOfcjso thft elejCtijO franchise, held the Opinion that the States had a right j 1 1 ... lu bocouo, niiu inm in u rupuuno wuere the people govern,, this., division , of opinion should at leust relieve bira andjiis associates from the charge of I treason. It will be cl aimed that their aotien was revolutionary but not trea sonable, and that ulthouih they have failed to establish the right by force, they- still -bad the right of revolution. We our, ontioipate what the- decision of the highest tribunal in the land will be on tbeno questions, but it is easy to boo that a lengthy and thorough inves tigation of the . ConstHulional ques tions arising during tbe trial of Davis will be mn.de by the counsel on both Sides as Well as sy tbe UOUrt, apd tbO I question of State rights, and th,e line of separation between State and jNa tional rights yn be defiped and set tied for all future time. Those argu merits of counsel and tbe opinions oi the Justices .oOhe Supreme Court will pOBSeflS. immense interest tO the , ,. .,, , ' I puui.o. j. uoy will jyrm a pr;Ceuoat, ior all lUlUre time in the BOttlement Of . " . . . . I. . ,.i6U. uciuiig- Mig tO blatOS And tO tbe dttOn. res - nni.llrnlir Th nlw.la K ..ir r ' puoncunism win do discussed by, , tbe r ' most able men oi tbe nation, aud tbe . , I nubhcalion of these, arcnmnntel . throughout tbe civilized world will Knna ll.a rnfoai inflhane. !- Jf O vv ! ing the people of other nations to a proper knowledge and appreciation ol oar, peculiar lorm of government. Thus will republicanism become bet. ter understood in Europe by means of this trial. : Such a trial must also irive oar own peoplo a better knowledge o . . I ii, who jj.iuvijioo upou WBRJO-OUrUOVtjrne, 10116 is founded and administered. Uilt l- .l - a Wllr.b0 Btrengtboned HI thei floc lions and 'Support J)f the people. Ul llOine. and lis ubilitv nnrl nnu ar ui. ukuio, auu no UUUliy ana power at'- knowleriired nnd rnanaial .k.,,.l D Mwfwvbvi avivau. ibe trial will necessarily occupy con- Hiderublo time, and aftervik is conr pluted to tbe Circuit Court it. will.be I earned to .the Supreme Court tor final depiuioo. . A. sorious difficulty will arifio at tbo beginning, and it is not easyvtO BOO how it Can be .Overcome., III yelcCLina? & iurF &One Who .bare I ,rle aacapt dated lSth July.and Oovern V ii,i,Mi.t(.,u JiAJjr uuuo wuiAi IJBVt lmt roservea the right to pay all porceuL in Quid in- muao up ttieir minas. as to Ms guilt vs pm ,uwif tfimnft, n uu uns UUkl alrendv condemned himf No inunl ig nnrJaoide(1 on thftt oneB,ion. Won,d , of gtot Rights men con- viot him r W'oalilt. be safe, even in bo, plain and notorious a cnso of trea, son as bis. to risk hiscpnyiqtion, with Bach a jury as ig almost, certain, to be.Beleoted I( he is to be triod and found guilty that is an end ot.it. lie a ber0i a martyr and a ,ion jnBtead of felon condemned to at. ig. npmiujwdjBlltn. Sece88ion woud bo trilimphftnthe rebellion a revolntion, und lno TJuion dissolved involantarilyl -r'i by yeBle;d8,.. boRti Bnd w WAml, greeted by those of our citizens who had the good fortune to meet him. During lilj sinr in this city be will be the guest pf, Judge Wilson. The people of the Dallea,have abundant reason for feeling kindly toward the distinguished Senator, and should tbe opporiunityxffcr will take pleasure in manifesting their esteem. Divini Slavics. Rev. Oioroi Mooak, of San Franciaco, wll preach in the Cpngrega- tional Church this (Sunday) morning at 11 o'clock. Rev. W. B. Bnqwu. of Newark, N. J., will preach in tbe Methodist Church, this (Sundaj ) evening, Thi koet work In-repairing Watches and Jewelry li don0 " """a ' Wllllam nimb-ium's Mm tin lUIn HtrAAt. nnllea net drwirtiitliH PiMtlfflre who on-er, his entire Stock of Watches, .lewelryl SHwand Plated Wa Pistols, Field Glasses, and Clocks RUU IlilUUDVUtUni. Uliuawill,!! wcinh oum nis dTOn,we to your waU.o, and.yaurlt Je:16-lm. MTIIAY ItOJlWK CAJIE TO TflK PRKMI8e8 of the advertiser, living on Throe sllle Creek, about two and a-half nu-ntus since, . ItOAN llUllSti, (original) about 10 yevrs old. and without mark. The owner of said lioree is request' ed to come forward, vrove nronertv. nay chances and take uim away, utnerwise snia nope win ue uipoaea ol In cratu.iuce Willi law. L)exj-n x. M. WAUU. To tbe Tax Payers of Dalles City YOU A HI', HKKKBT NOTIFIED that the time for the I'AVMhNT Of CITY TAXK8 has l-een extended from the 20th ol June to the 1st day of July, 1866; and all Taxes nut then paid, lour tier ceut ill m added thereon. lly order of the Common Oouucll : A. W. BUCHANAN, Mayor pro. tern. Attest : F. 8. IIollahd, Recorder Dal les City, June ita, I8C6. Je24:lw, U- S. 7-30 LOAN. ATJTIIOnlTr OF TH SECRETARY OF THIS Treasury, the undersigned baa assumed the Gene ral eubscrlptiuo Agency for the sale of United States Treasury Notes, beariua: seven andlhree-tenth nor cent interest, per annum, known as the 7-30 LOAJST. These Notes are issued under date Juoe 16th, 1805, and are pay able, tlifp years from tuat,time, In currency, or are convertible, at tbe option of the holder, into U. S. 5-20 Six Per Cent. GOLD BEARING BONDS Thw b0,1l, n nowwortu a premium of nine per ceut. Including gold interest from- Koveniber,"whlcli p,.k61 ti ctnal profit on the T-SOIoan at current rates, 'nl'"Un Interest; abontUn percent.per annum, be- I Sides Its IXIkFtlOIC nWM BttTS B MUKIOlPAt lAXATOK, WB10UA1r,faoiioiioiBau pia omT.iioaB, according 4nts levied oa other property. The Interest is ryl currency, aemiaonually, by coupons attached I to each note, which may be eat off aud sold to any bank I The interest amounts to oneceutperdayoaa$Mnote., ' lvu cents. . iuu Ten " " mio 2o turn i ' " ,oua Notes of all tha denominations named will be promptly I furniabed unon recelnt of aubacrlDtlous. This Is THE ONLY LOAN IN MARKET now o0ered hy tht GoTernuaent, and it ii ounfltleutly ex pected that Iti luperlor advuitngea will make It tbe Great Popular Loan . of,. the People. Lea than 100,000,000 of the loan authorised by the last Congress, are bow anihe market. This amount, at the rate at width it Is being absorbed, wm"a to nUotibvi for lMa' mon""' tb I notes will vndoubtedly command a premium, as lias unl. lormlybeen the case on closing the subscriptions tootuer - liinrder that eltliens of ererr town, andssttlon of the cWr, may b.rdedfacilltiea.fo,; taking U,e loan, tn. Natloual Bank, Btate Batiks and Prirate Bankers tbrougttouWhe country have generally ajtrced to receive ,brenptlons at par. Bubactibera wl select th Ir own agenta, in whom tfiey 'have coulldi aMenta, Iri whom tliey. have coufdriice, aim who only are to be respousiuie ior sue qeHvery oi tne nuiee ior which they receive orders. - JATCOOKE, Subscription Agent, 1'hiladelplia. , Maqih otb, 1888. , . i . ' . . myV-ttuipdAw PuOvxsua Tnnnurat PHOADiLrBia, May 17ih, 1886. I Il,,dred and Thirty Ullllons t280,0O0.00O) precisely like -wvuy. . , ' , uuwipiwo.geni, rnueuelpeia. Ci 8. MiLLsa, Bw. ScBAwaAcnu, DaUes. Bau..f,ra.ncsep Blocli, MUler ;C.,, WHOLESALE" . " 3? it o o je.ks; ' AJJD DpAfcRRS IN . "Wiinips Liquors. And Importers and Jobbers of oXjOthihstg Hoots fc Shoes, Under Clothing, etc., etc., etc. Tet TUB CTTT 'AND TJPPKIt COUNTRY MKR- chftntu: .We respectfully invite your aUedtioD i the fact that we have Jnst openertiiur unw SPRING STOCK, Con nint Ing of A LARGER nnd, BETTER a elected wort- cnt of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Than can be fonild in any .other House on the Pacilla -; Coast. IlaTlng all been bought on the decline. of .the narket, enables us to sell at GREATLY REDUCED RATES, Andyou-wlll find It to your interest to give us a call . before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock consists la part.. of . 100 bills Crushed Sugar ; 200 " S. F. Refined C k C D j 100 " Island; lOO.Bngs Rio Coffee.;. 50 u Costa Rica; 60 " Old Got. Java; 40 coses Preston k Miller's Xeaat Poir,. dcrs; 200 chests Japan Tea-; . 200 kegs Nails;, 25 cases Axes; 100 boxes Glass; 100 casks superior Istlismns Butter; -100 kegs S. F. Golden Syrup, bsand 10s; .; 100 " E. B. . " 5s, 8s k 14a; r 200 boxes Candles; . 50 If bbls California f ried Peaches; . DO hf bbls Curtis' Cored Apples; 100 Coils Rope, assorted sizes; 60 bales Duck, lig' t and heavy; " - 40 cases long India Rubber Boots; 100 cases Calf and Kip Boots, of the beat , , .,,,..,.. 600 prs Oregon and California Blankat. 50 doz Ovcrshirts, latest style; -60 " Hats, extra aud common. 50 casks Old Century Whisky,. 50 Eureka 50 25 25 50 20 10 25 20 10 50 20 Bovvers' Bourbon; Pure Old Rye; Hennessy's Brandy; . Ouard A Pnpuy; Jamaica Rum; Scotch Whinky;. Cnlif'oriiia White Wino; .. Fine Old Tort; ii Fine Old Sherry; Fine Old Tom Gin; Fine Old Holland Gin. , Itemember that we will make Bit,.. Call and see us aspreeentatlons 4o efleet sales. ASSAY OFFICE. WK HAVB A.N ASSAY OFFICE IN CONNECTION wl'hour busiuees, under the entire supervision ol Mr. Miller. Vie make returns in Ilnrs In six Hours We guarantee all our Aaaays and pay the I1IQHKKT CASH rillCUfor our Burs. We also pay the Highest Cash Price for Oold Duat. Come one come all, and give us a trial, Ton snail be satisfied. ULOWI, Mll.l.BR A OX, my6tf Cor. Main and n asulngton streets, Dalles. SELLING OFF AT COST!. TO CLOSE CO-PARTNERSHIP. . ELFELT BIQS, Arooow olTerfng their cxteDsive stock of ' , t CT 1TJT f PaWflVTlDVnnflTHI BOOTS & SHOES, . H O l S.E Fl Y, CLOTHING,: , OATS AND CAPS, Gents' Furnishint? Goods. TS'otions, &c- &c, ' jS - O O S T, . ' For Gash' Only, x la order to . CLOSE OUT IJTJSIlNIiySS r i V . ' ' 49 Those Inilebtod will make Immediate Fajwevta. Now Is the thue for those doslrln( to pnnkssa ,- g't GREAT BARGAIN8. KI.FKLT DBOs). UaJa Street MMs. Isaac F. Bums', i my:18 (t