J. JTJKEE, - Main Street, Dalles, . ' WHOUtSALI AMD RETAIL 1UUI IX 8 a M o JU.TXTB W BTOW ini BUT BAAJID8 OP Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. 1JLAYING CARDS, , POCKET CUTLERY, FORT MONIES. COM 1)8 nnd BRUSHES, o'nll kinds, PEKFUMERY. nt every description, - CHINA ORNAMENTS, TOYS. DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS nnd FISHING TACKLE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, ANCY GOODS. c. Also Powder. Shot, Lewi, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and tetany other articles too numerous to mention. ff Interlordmlera supplied with Cigars. Tobacco. etc, at less than Portland prices, with freight added, oc-8 SIGNSTSIGNS! SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE. BOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. DEALER IN fv.' A PAINTS, OILS,, YINDOWGLASS VARNISHES, Colors. Putty, Brusnos, Olne, etc. Papor Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf Produce & Commission Store J. CONSMl & SONS, Second Street, Dalles, Flour, Peed, Produce AND . . COMMISSION MERCHANTS. milK VERY BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, FEED OF . all kinds; and every description of PRODUCE con stantly in store and suld at the lowest rates. FAMILY GUOCEUIES, A splendid assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, in eluding the choicest Tea, Coffee, Sugar- Ac, selected ex pronely for family uso. AT.)" Consignments received, and a genernl Storage Forwarding und Commission business attended to. J. CONSER SONS. Second street, n25-tf Next door to Payne'i Auction Start LlfDOYENS' Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock and loaine Alterative. X CURE FOR KVKRY FORM OF CHRONIC BLOOD DISEASE. AS A LITIIONTIUI'TIO Tt has no cqnul. for dissolving stone In the bladder and arotors, preventing gravel furtnution anil enlargement ul tnc prostrate gliinil. Irritation nt the necK ol the lil dor .Mercurial disorder. Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Erup tions on the face and body, Liver Complaint, Kidney and Jliauucr, wcaKness, nuileH. Ac. SCROFULA. Which carries off more victims than any otlier disease and winch niiihi.s all remeilles heretolor- Kie.wn. except fug LK D iVKNS' SARSAPARILLA YELLOW 1WK ALTERATIVE, AS A MEDICINE. Rapid In relief, soothing in effects, entirely Tcgctablo, sal la Its operation, it is UNSURPASSED. As nn nltoratlve, free from poisons or minerals. It 1ms proven tor invanos the great necessity lurnii iheiriils rollovtng and correcting Irregulailtios, imparting tone and vigor, re-cstablifhingtho bloom, beauty and elasticity ol youth. FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Who nro pule, emaciated, puuv end el'-klv. ecrnfuloni aud consuillMtive. LK DOYFNS' SARSAPARILLA IODINE ALTERATIVE, used with Cod Liver Oil. Is never fuiling remedy to throw elf disease and build up noallh. CRANK RRIGIIAM. Wholcsalo Agonts, San Francis es. Bniu ny all DriKL'tHt oc20-3m SIDNEY LEMON, Agent, Dalles. HUn El Y LAW & CO., PORTLAND produce and commission merchants. Will also r.icelve and forward Uoods to our lltaisn I VMATILLA. II. L. & CO., liavo constantly on hand, and receiving t very stuuiiier iruui aw lorK, a gisui supply ui Wnjron AIntoills of all kinds, consisting of Hubs, Spokes, Felloes. Bnggy Kims, Shafts. Poles. Plough llcamsiiml llalitlles.uaK. Ami and Hickory Plnuk. all ot which we will sell at San Fran oisco nrlces for Cash or City acceptance. Foil Sai.b Threo of TOWNSKN D'S PLANTATION MILLS, for Brio, linn Flour. Feed, Ac; will grind HI ImikIi ula Yt heat tier hour.. Price.Sio. ap,-mn lA V 12 A: OO.'S AUCTION HOUSE, SECOND STRRHT, PAM.ES CITf, F. A. O. IViYKK, Auctioneer. SALES OK REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL ME 11 rliimllse. jr Stock Sales overy day. no!9 COLUMBIA BREWERY LUDWIC & SCII lXO, I'ropr's. DALLES, OREGON. E IOII EST PRICE PAID FOR BARLEY. Dttllos, Jnn. 25th, 1805. jau25tf . f.iJJAi. iN 7 r Jr. t DAILY MOUNTAINEER POWKll PRESH BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE. First Street, between Main and B DALLES , OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Executed with accuracy and dispatch. . . IN A STYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the very best, and AT KATES AS CHEAP A3 THE CHEAPEST TO OuDKa! Cards and KM 1-55 ends. CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, ' OSTEKS AND PROGRAMMES for " ; HEATRES, CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS. PR1NTRD IN THK HOST AITRACTIVI KUtNES. AUO, WAY-IilLlS. HILLS OF FA RE, LETTER HEADS. . ' RECEIPT ROOKS, RILLS LADING, Rricfs and ramplilets, VISITING, WEDDING AND "AT HOME" CARDS DrtiKsiBts' Labels, In short, everything that can he done In a Book and Job Printing Office, from the smallest and most delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Bill and-which will be turned out in a style that cannot fall to insure entire satisfaction. OUR rACIUTIKS roE mi bxcttioi of DECORATIVE PRINTING In the most beautiful Colon, Shades and Tints. Such as Fancy Posting Bills ! From a nincle phret to the Lanrent Mammoth. ORNAMENTAL &UQW CAItOS, ' . rURFUMERS' LABELS, rfc re unHurnonHod by tliono of any other ontabllNhnient In Orogon. Wo ilevotanpocial attention to thin brunch of the buoineftri, and are continually adding to our already ex ten tivv and well appointed assortment or material. NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS. rfc, rfc. ffc. Of the most modern and elaborate deKignn, Oar stock of FANCY INKS, TINTS, &C.f re of the finest quality, and for richness of color and durability, cannot be equaled in the Htato. The principle upon which IuihIiiohs in aMked for thifl es- tablislinieiit i, tltat persons will con milt their own inter ests, iy nwaiMinff their custom to that olllce in which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end wo solicit all in want of j;ood Priutinv;, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and uutce lor yourselves. Orders from the lTppcr Country Will hare our special care, and friends from the interior may rely upon having their orders filled promptly, as we SAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the Estate 01 Oregon I Address : , , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE mlS-tf Dalles. Orenon. COLUMBIA RIVER MINES. A;R.;BOOTII, WHITE BLUFFS, W..T., FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND 0KNERA1 DEALER IS M 13 It C II .V NDISE . . AND n IjVers' supplies. PACK AND SADDLE HORSES FOB SALE. SULLIXERY & DRESS MARIAU. MISS O'ROUHX DBSI1IKS TO INFORM the I adins ui Dulles and vicinity, that she has just received a fresh supply of ITasiiioiit:llo Groorts Thclntest Paris. Kew Yoik-and Pan Frnnrlsco stvlrs of HONNLTS, HATS, KllllIONS. LACKS. FKATHKKS. FLOW KKS, c. A lull und well selected assortment ul Ladles)' Ueady-Dlatfc Uarmtnls. Also, a Fai-liionahte assortmcut of DRESS TRIMMINGS! STAMPING fur Klibrolderv and BraMluir. ll'KTNO dono at short notice. BONN UTS Blenched and Pressed In the latest style. IUIHU STHKET, one square east lit the Catholic Church. sell-tf IH5. S. l VA3i!,AH, PJI YS1 CI AN & S UR GEON, At Mr. S. Lcnion'N Dm? Store, OPI'OSIT TUB OLOBK IIOTKL. Dslles. Jy-IS-tf ' Anl all liladM of Machinery Manufactured nt the OREGON IRON WORKS CORNER OF MORRISON and 7TII streets, . rOUTlYiXO. A.. C. GIBDS CO., Successors to Portland, Dec. flth '64. . Oefltf E, L. Jonks A Co. Telegraph !Votlcc. R. A. V. BUCHANAN, Agent of Wells Fargo A Co., Is autlioll.nd to receive disnati-hes lor tiansmis.ioo from Port'nnd over the lines or the Cal ifornia Stuto Telegraph Company, nt Portland rntes. Mi extra charge will in ninile for commls.loMS. Dis patches sent ruin hero by the morning boat will reach sail rrnncisco inn same night. .IAS. (IAMHLE, cK-J7-lin Ueneral Sup'l Cat Sute Telegraph Co Ml Lli TH1I LOST ! flMlR PACK TRAIN KNOWN AS "FRENCH LOUTS' L Train." consisting of 30 Mules and one white bell. horse were lost on Chris inns evo, on Birch Creek. Tho mules nro branded L. (I. on the left shlo of the nock persons leaving Information nt A. I Illorirs. Dulles, or at Swift's, near Umatilla, whero the animals can bo toiiml will be liberally rewarded. LOUIS IIUINKT. Dalles, .Innnnry "Hi, lxiw. jan7t" IVollcc. m-TESSRS. FRENCH k OILMAN lll act as my 1TA ageiiis, uuring niyjaniieui.o iroin tno rtnie. M. L. UKKRON. Dalles, Not. 2Sth, 18G4. - no29-3t JACKSON SALOON! CORNER COtfRT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, OREGON. VMillR UNDERSIGNED, HAVING REMOVED FROM JL TIIK "11KI.LA UNION" CKLLAK, INTO Gates' New Builtllngr, Beg to Inform the public that they aro prepared to serve their customers with th best Wines, Lidtiors and Cigars, THE MARKET AFFORDS. ALSO, A F"ree I-iXincli ! Every day and evening. ANTON LAIIER &, EJIIL SCII7TZ, dec?-lf Proprietors. STEAV EEEA RSJil ! rilte Undersigned ben to Inform the citizens of JL Dalles and vicinity that they have Just received new Hearse, and from this date wiil be ready to .Attend Funerals on short notice. .This Is the Or t. and at present, only Hearse in the dry. Orders left nt the Livery Stable, . corner of Second street, above the Olobo Hotel, Till re ceive prompt attention. ALSO, nt the above named stable, the best lot of Riding Horses la (ho City, for Hire. EVANS k COOK. Dalles, Deo. 3d, IBM. drc3-tf. LUNCH & OYSTER SALOON MIKE RENIG, DKALKR IN Fancy Goods, Tobacco, Scgars, &c. MAIN STREET, DALLES. CONSTANTLY ON HAND, a fall stock of the host brands Tobacco and Sojrars. Also. Fresh Fruit. Candies. Confectionary, Toys, PC 111! HONEY, Ac. In he rear 6f the store Is a handsomely furnished1 Olnln? Room andOj Nter Stand. at which will bo found a constant supply of f? Hhonlwater OvMters. vl: ' which he will serve np in overy styPe. Also, all the delicacies of tho seasuu served up to suit the taste of the most fastidious. sol6-tf MOUNT HOOD SALOON AND BILLIARD BOOM, F. C. Brown & Co., Proprietors, CORNER OK Tnln and Court Streets, apl5-tf Dalles, Oregon. HUM A SON & UDELL, MTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW mVTIIiL PRACTICE IN TIIK SIIPREMK AND Ct It T T cult Courts of Oregon, and the District Courts o Hasiiinirton Territory. Particular attontiou paid to the collection of Claims, 0. IIU.MASON, Dalles, Oan. J. A ODKLI A.. I. I5LOCH &c CO MAIN STREET, DALLES IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, CIGARS, TOBACCO & MINERS OUTFITS BOOKS! BOOKS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SI. II WU Li 1IUUH9, BTATIDJ iKItl, Stauilaid and MiscelhiHeous WORKS. Late NISl'taS, MAOA.l.NES, PAPEIIS. Ac, Ac. by every Steamer. Post-Olllce Bookstore, Main street, Dulles. muT-tf H. J. WALDRON A CO. Notice To Claim Holders. TAND WARRANTS, PENSIONS, BOUNTY AND PAY J fir I MH AN VOUCHERS and SCI11 P. obtained In the shortest time possible by C. M. CARTER. All persons having claims against tho United States of any kind, can obtain the same as won by writing to him as to visit roruanu in person. Oltlco, No. 102 Front stroet. December Till, 18M. deTlnl Portland. IMlSOICVILi CAI1D, A. .fTFIII i:sox. M. n.. TJT1?PPKCTFUM.Y tendem IiIh profeRdional wvxkn In Jtii' the severnl briHu hes of medlral irnitict to the eitizt'iin of Dallervmd vlt-tnity. (Nil ticuiitr attention will be paid to it-male mneaiieii. Chronic il Inert' en of w Imtevt r type or prude, will receive' prompt nnd cuVieiit treat ment, uiuco. ni lit i it I ii if li Hiuron b uruu Mine, no: 18. A. LAW .fc ., UMATILLA, . JOBBERS AND GENERAL DEALERS IN FIsCUK. CHAW, PKOWlfC E, Groceries Boots and Shoes, Clothing, "Wagron Ti ml t, &.c, ALSO. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT All Goods consigned to onr coro will be received and forwarded with dlsiiatcli. We havo one of tho licit nnd enfest stores in town as regards flro. np7.nm G-A-XKS TTJTII ILL DALLES, OREGON, ATTORNEYS AXd COUSSELOHS AT LAW. AND HOLICITOTlSln CI I -VTCICTI Y, 17"ILI. ATTEND PROMPTLY AND WITH F1DEL- T T It v, to nil business entrusted to their care. Par ticular nttoni ion paid to collection of Claims, Convey iinctug. Ac Yi III be, Hiring all business hours, in atten dance at thoir llftlce, over Dchm s Jewelry Store. MAIN fcTRKET, DALLES CITY, OREUON. N. II. Oates. I m-JO-tf j O.T TuTiirp,. TO PItOPEUTY UW.DEItS. milKUNDERSIONED MILL ATTEND TO RENT JL lng ami collecting rents for property in DnllesCitv Those h iving property to rent or lease will do well to call on me. Those wishing tu rent or len-e property win save nine ny caning on mo. ituiii. I'KA'rbtiNU Dalles. Nov. 30, 1KIU. no.lir.1 1 TP YON WANT FINISHED GOLD JL FILLINGS, as permanent us the teeth WjV'' themselves, can on uuiii.Y. & iikuisaku three doors west of the Post Ofllco, Mulu street, Miles. - Dalles, December 31st, 1804. doDltf Hil ITT T r WASHINGTON MARKET, CORNER Of COUKT AND SECOND STREETS, DALLES, 0REQ05. Joseph Teal & jCo , Froprietots, . - Wlbl, KEEP -i in. , Sjconstontly on hand all the vnrie-i "'0 ities tlu the DiojUit can possibly irjf afford, of FRESH & CTJTtTCT MEATS, awl always uf tho b st quality. FAMILIES, HOTELS, AND BOARDING HOUSES supplied at the lowest rates. J TEAIj 6l CO. are constantly In the v wkel prepared to pay canh fr FAT CAT1TK, Parties having stiK-k.in (tuperiur condition, w 11 make sales by railing upou us. oc5-tf It A I, li 12 S I?3 A It K 12 T CORNER SECOND AND WASUINdTON STREETS. Opposition to all Kloiiopoly. rwMiit uNDKitsmNED HAVE taken a JL tliehuildlnn lately occupied by P.M. Stock-BMJf" iik, and fitted It nnforthonnrnoscofa FlllST-'i!rVl CLASS MARKET, whore at nil times may be"'1"" louna tne choicest cuts ol Beef, lorlt. mutton, L,ninb, Hotel keepers, heads of liimllies nnd others are tnvllew to patronize the new Market and tints effect a materia reduction in their Meat account. mr20-tf HELLER A SHAW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. v FltHIHII STOCK! DUSF,IKIIV & IIIIOS., Dalles an d A Vnlln "Wfillrt. DBALEHS IN Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Miners' outfits. Hoots nml Slioes, ClOlllllirT, llatM and (ap-i, tirocerlcs. And a full assortment of Oeneral Merchandise. Buying our Gnmls exclusively In the San Francisco market, ami maKlng none but cash purchases, wo are enabled to selt 20 per cent, cheaper than any other House nt the Dnlls Dl'J'r.MlKllY ft lllioti., tn1-tf Dalles and Walla Walln. ROOT I K.BOE MOIIi:. ,JP. WYCKMAN, MAS JUST UECEI VED.direct from San Fran cisco, nn unusually flue and well selected stock of . ' BOOTS AND SHOES, of the Tery best quality ami latent styles EVER BROUCHT TOTHIS MARKET, Including the celebrated ENGLISH HUNTING SHOE, tnaiiuiUctnreil by Beukert. Also, a large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS. - JOpntlemen who prefer to have their Roots or Pimm made t order, cun rely upon ohtiiining a neat nnd eaajt Ot. h WYCKMAN. Main Btreet, ocl-tf Oppooito the Kxprewi Olhre. J. W. ,71 1 li li 12 11 & CO., (successors to ut-flKKLb siu-i;K,y WII0I.ES1LE AND RETAIL DE.W.EI18 I.t Stoves, Tin Plate, Sheet Iron, llrnzler'sj Copper, Leal Pipe, Cogpcr, Force M 1411 Pump!,, , Zinc, UrnKs) & iron ITare. n- JOB WORK, in nil Its branches, attended to at short notice. MAIN STREET, Dalles, opposits Rtnelv ler A Co. aplO-tl ROBBINS, McFARLAND & CO MAIN BTHKKT, DALLKS. OltKGOX. IMPOHTKTS AND J0UHKI18 IN DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, STA PLE II A R 1) WA R F, MINERS' TOOLS Groceries and ProvlsloiiH, M ines and Liquors, rjiTs, &C. AUHAIIAUSON. 0. K01ILEEH ADD AUAMCOM . 1nUI DCDR - II U I , I, I I f 1 T I W W I 1 W U. U l . J WllOlKXALK AMD RETAIL DEALERS in CXOTIIIXG, IIOOI'S & SIIOE.S. GENT'S FUHNISHIK GOOES. H&T8, HAVANA AND DOM KSTIC SKOAHS, TOBACCO, STA- TIONKaT, TAKKKE JfoTIONS. ETC.. Comer Main and Co rt streets, Opposite Wells, Fargo k U'. express, imue vreifon. y A iirders promptly attended to. np!2-tf S . 31 A L T E S E , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I If fai'oceries iinri TroiMione, 3lil STIIKKT, (Opposite Brown A Bru.) DAI.LES. OREGON. Constantly on Iiantl a full nnd clt Block "f FAMILY CnOCEBlES, STOltAOE AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. (Hod shipped to order Also, FRESH AND DRIED FRUIT. r Also. FIlESII FRUIT, nnd every description of VBflJI TA HI.ES. Imported fMiu San Francisco, supplies n wbhi will be constantly on hand. f D A L Li 1' H It .V 3Ci: lit Y AMI GROCERY STORE. ANTHONY SNYDEIl, (Srcemil Street, two doort Mow the Glebe Hotel ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL M AKUFACTIJIIER 0 I6T 13 JZ E AP,-! Crackers, Pilot Bread, cakes & Ties, AND D' ALII I, IT it m i 1 y Groonrlos. 49" Orders from the upper country filled and promptly dispatched. , !il-tf fe mmy . It w mem Mf. 11 il IsOUIIlllI, ATTOUNKY A.rP LAW, BANNOCK CITY, Idaho Territory. ' 43 Particular attention paid to Collecting Debts. 1