OJ gl;uln Uoiuitahxtcir Wathinglon,' Fb. 22. Tbe Navy Depart- me nt hiij received the following U. S. Flay Ship Malvern, Cape Fear River, Fob. 19. I have' tbe honor to report the sur render or evacuation of Fort Anderson. (Jen. Hcliofield advanced from S.uitliGeld with 8,000 men ou the 1 7 ill. At the same time 1 attacked the works, by placing the mouitor Monadnock close to the Fort, enfilading with the Pawtucket, Senator, Armadillo and Pe quod, the wind not allowing more vessels to get under fire. Tho Fort auswered briskly, but quieted down by sunset. On tho 18th, at .8 o'clock, 1 moved up closer, the Monadnock leading, lollowed by the Huron, McKenn, Sns- eacus; Pontuosiie, Mohaiigo, Lenler, Jlnnlla, Pawtucket, (isceolu, Siiawmut, Tecuuiseh, Cylypso and Little Ada. These kept up . a heavy lire through the day till late in the uf teraoon. - The enemy's batteries wcro Bilenced by three- o'clock, though we kept up a fire till dark. We also fired through the night. In the meantime Scholield was working around to the rear of the rebels to cut tlieui off, The latter did not wait to be surrounded, but. left in tho night, taking live or six pieces-of light artillery with lliem, und everything else qt value. This morning some of our troops who were near bv, went in and hoisted a ting on the rutnpartrf, when the firing censed from the mortars. There were ten heavy guns iu Fort Anderson, and a quantity of ammunition. Wo lost but three killed and fire wounded. D. 1). PORTEli. Rear Admiral. Washington, Feb 22 The Navy Depart ment has received information that Lieut. Win. B. Ciisbtng coiia.rucled a mock monitor so closely resembling those vessels that no difference, could be detected at the distance - of one hundred yards. Ou Saturday night, Feb. lUtli, at about ten o clock, tbe v was taken up to within about lour hundred yards of Fort Anderson and set adrift. . As there was a strong llooil tide, she moved up the river and passed the fort as if under slow steam. At that time the. army had worke about two-thirds the' distance around and in the rear ot the fort. The rebels thinking that their communications were to bo cut off by land and wnter, eseuped'by tbe only nvenue open to lliem, leaving their, guns unspiked and their magnziues uninjured Wathinyton, Feb. 22 The public and many private buildings of Washington are illuuii naied to night. Every main entrance to the Slate Department has tbe following motto " Peace aiid good will to all Nations, but no entangling alliance,-, anu.no foreign inter vciitio.ii." Washingon, Feb. 22. Speaking of tho evacuation of Columbia, a Richmond paper of tbe 20th says: It i- said that some of our engraved treasury note paper fell into the Hands of the Yankees, and also a c'wisidcra. bio quantity of medical stores. We havo no particulars of these losses, as the ollicinl dis patch in regard to the tall of Columbia was communicated to tho President. Wo doubt whether it was ever sent to the War Depart' nient which appears to be in complete igno- ranco of nil airs in South Carolina, except from what bits of information have been posted up on the streets The same paper savs: Wo understand that Grant shows no disposition to assume ofi'en Biro operations, and hits withdrawn from the forts this side of Hatcher's run. The con dition of the roads render tho success of any iniportnqt movement doub'tful. ' Tho ground is thoroughly thawed and tho roads are al most impassablo fur cavalry and artillery and exceedingly difficult for tho movements ot the iiiuinlry. San Fruncw, Feb. 24. Tho following dis patch was received to-day: Headquarters, Department of the Pacific Snu Francisco, Feb. 24, 1805 -Generals Or tiers No. 11 Tho following has just been re ccived by telegraph: -Washington -Feb. 21 18C5 To Major General McDowell -It is or dered that a National salute bo fired to-mor row noon, February 22d, at West Point and at every fort in tho United States, in honor Of tho restoration of the flag oftho Union up on Fort Sumter. Acknowledge tho receipt iiy order ol tuo Secretary or War. (Signed) ' B. D. Townsend, Asst. Adjt.-Gcileral As the delay iu the receipt of tho foregoing ' does not permit tho execution oi tho ordc on the dale named, tho anniversary of Wash ington's birthday, the salute, will be fired ad . noon Irom every tort and battery in this har bor and liemciit, but at all other posts in tli Department on tho day succeeding tho re ceipt hercoi. When tho salute is fired, th cntiro command will bo paraded under arms and give threo times three cheers for that noble, glorious, snercd old flag of tho Union the fat is and fatripcs. now so soon undc God's favor to bo restored throughont'th length mid breadth of our land.. 13y com maud ot iMajor-liencral McDowell Private telegrams from New York, dated 21st, quo!) gold nt 19G. . Greenbacks here are 00. Flour ft .id grain aro very firm. Or tyoman. . Many pcoplo- bavo a groat deal of their wn religion and none of God's. SOU I'll AMERICAN AFFAIRS. We bare been so absorbed in our own po litical troubles as almost overlook the move ments in progress on the rest of this contin ent. The designs of France against Mexico early attracted our attention, because they wore' connected with supposed ultimate in tentions against the integrity of our own country. - But tho action of Spain in San Domingo and Pert) has not commanded the attention it would otherwise have received, had we been at peace among ourselves. The Monroe doctrine is a principle which has al ways started into life on the least sign of European interference with, the American republics, but the necessity of conquering the rebellion has laid that important politi cal enunciation quietly on tho shelf, but if we aro .compelled to remain quiet spectators merely of affairs in South. America, the Southern republics themselves deem Euro- ean interference so impertinent and danger ous, that they are disposed to form a coali tion tor their own protection against it Chile, Bolivia, the Argentine Republic, and Guatemala have agreed to a convention f plenipotentiaries irom their different States, to net iu concert with Peru, for the purpose of common united action against Spaiti. They feel that their own iudepend- nce is compromised, or in danger, so long as ono is liable to European domination; and it is qmto probnblo that if Spain persists in pushing her claims to the Peruvian Islands, she will bo involved in a war with all these South American powers. Spain is not pre pared for such a contest.. Her naval power n the Pacific is much loss than that of Peru, and a council of war at Callao bad decidod upon attacking the Spanish .vessels of war on tho 30th ot November. It attacked, Spain will undoubtedly fight; but there are symptoms at homo of nil abandonment of the nggrcssivo policyv Tho ministry did not approve of the continued assaults upon San Domingo, and bad resigned, it so small a power as San, Domingo can practically assert its riguts Bgainsb-' the designs ot Spain, united soutu America need not tear main ing hers against similar designs affecting their ludependeuco. i'ha LeUyer. A recruit in Connecticut gave liis name to tho recruiting officer .as Cliurlos Briokett Parker Haddock Twilight. There ia no dangor of his getting confounded with any other man. A Box was sent from Providence some time ago with the following address: "John Mc Phcrson esquire, kumpinary U, sckunt regi ment rouo Han privateers, Washington, dee Kamp kloss onto the Wrappanock, ak wy Krcnic." Beardless youths are prone to arrogance and self-sufficiency. As they grow older their whiskers cover a great deal of their cheek. IVotiee : TUB STOCK OP THKS CANYON CITY AND BOISE Wagon lloail Company having been subscribed, t lie Stockholders will meet at tho houso of J. P. llooth. in which uity, on the 40th day of March, 18t)5, tor the olco- iiou oi ointers, J. P. H00T1I, THOMAS HOW, JOHN DUOI.A8. Dated February 22il, 1861k JWK.d Just It e c e i v e til . A SUPERIOR LOT OK JFIfcESIJ BUTTER! and for Sale at MIJCE ItEJNIGr'S VARIETY STORE Main Street, Dalle. oVcl-tf Ilt. 1J. V. JUJLTOIIELL COUNTY PHYSICIAN, TENDERS HIS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, TO TILE Citizens of Dalles and Itlnlty urrit;r. jr DR. CRAIC'S DRUG STORE,' UES I1KNCB AT Tho Umatilla House Jy30-tf MAIN STREET. DALLES. MKlICJI CARD. DIl. .A.. .J. JlOliraXAJV, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON & ACCOUCHER r ATK COUNTY PHYSICIAN, and Plivsujiun ol tin MJ German Hospital Huclcty of Trinity Comity, Ollfop nia. reHpcctnilly otters his services to the public ol Dalles anil vicinity. se2;Miu Olhco on Main street, opposite lllocli, Miller On. HUMASQN, STOCKING & CO. WIluIstiSALK AND RETAIL QgAltS IN UARMUUE, MOA AXD STEEL MAIN STREET, DALLkS, OREGON, aplt E. Jd. HAFT, Attorney at L ix w DALLES, OIIKGON. OFFIOK. on Second stroet, five doors "cast of Washing ton Market. nnl7-tf I..O. O. V. LODGE, No, 0, 1. O. O. F. J meets every THUKSUAV RVBN1NO, at 7 o'clock In Masonic Hall. Dalles city. IlnithiTr Iu gooil standing are Invited to intend A. W. FKIIUUSON. N. O. Josnu Jf .felt, Secretary. fol l-tf v. ii. srjL:i:Li.:, ACTINO ASSISTANT SURQUON, U; B. A. orncEAT WALDRON & BROS.' DRTJO STORE. "Winter Arrangement The Oregon Steam Navigation Co. ifsssst jjss? On and after Tuesday, December flth, until further notice, the 0. 8. N. Company will despatch one ol lite luuuwiog nameu steamers Web-Foot, Tenlno, Yakima, Spray, Xez Perce Chief, Okanagon, Col. Wright, Owyhee, FOR UMATILLA & WALLULA on TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATURDAY of each ween . Returning, lonva Wnllnla and Umatilla on TUESDAY, THURSDAY, and SATUltDAX of each week. The Passenger Train, To connect with the STEAMERS AT CEULDfwlU star irom me nanroau Depot, . Dalloei City, at 5 A. M. Tho Steamer Onconia, Cant. J. McNULTY. will leave DALLF.S. DAILY, fSundavs ex ceptcd) at 6 o'clock, A. ., tut CASCADES, connecting with the steamer WILSON. U. HUNT, Opt. vw, roi Portland. FRANK T. DODOK, Dalles, Sept. 27, 1AM. fnirl-t Agent 0. S. N. Go. FOU UOISE MliES DI11ECT. , . sty -i WALLA WALLA & BOISE LINE or CONCOHO STAGES, . CARtCxiae THE U. S. OVERLAND-MAILS AND ' , , Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, Is now making Reirular Tripe from Walla Wall to PI cervllle, (lloise Mines.) Through In Two and a Ilalf Days Connecting with the Wallula Line of Stages, and the Boats of the 0. S. N. Company. GEO. F. THOMAS CO., ap27-tf Proprietor .UMA1ILLA Jto ISOISE2 PIONEER LINE OF CON OOTID STAGES, M eavsi Vmatllla regularly every other day, via fl A Swilt, Crawfoinl and Meaclmm's Stations. LeUrnnde City, Powiler.Hurnt.Welsor and Payette River Valleys, to riacervuie uome mines.) cniniecllMir with the U.S. H Co.'s steamers to and from tho Dalles. THROUGH IN LESS TIME AND ' AT OPPOSITION RATte Particular attention paid to Kx press frlcuhts. OV Bee at ORLEANS' IIOTKL, Umatilla, Oregon. joai-u w. n, ibii, rresliKyit, ISO RECRUITS WANTED! FOR THE 1st Segimcnt Oregon Infantry. REC1IUITS WILL BR KNLISTKD AND MUSTERED into the strvlce of the United States for one. two or mree years, as iney may in eacll case elect. U. S. Bounty, $100, $2C0 $300. For Recruits for one year, tlOO; for Recruits tor two yours, $200, and for Recruits for three years. &J0O. In addition to the above there Is offered to Recruits who enlist in this Itcgiment tor three years a Slate Homily of 8150 OQ. and a County liounty ot $40. The rate of nay is from tie to $26 por menth. In addl tion to which the Ooyornmont furnishes comfortable quiirtors, lui l. medical attendance, rations and clothin?. Apply at the Recruiting Rendezvous", next daor to, the leiuperaace House. A. J. BORLAND, 2d Lt. 1st Reg. 0. In., de28 Recruiting Officer. Me BROWN & BRO., V.II01.ISA1.S AND RETAIL D1AUU lit FANCY AND HTAPLIC DRYGOODS! GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, &o. Mr. M. II ItOW N. being a resident of San Francisco, we sro enabled to ofler great indcetuents to purchasers. We respectfully invite tho public to exa"iine our stock before piircnasuig elsewnere. m6-tf AaVStouo Store, north sldo Main street, Dalles. - 4 BLOCH MILLER CO., IMPORTKItS XD WHOLESALE DKALKIU1 17C AM. IilIS OF UKV GOODS, CLOTHING, B00T8 AND SVOJi. . ' UABDWAKg MIXER'S TOOLS. Also, a good assortment of all kinds of Grqoeries and Provisions Wlneiand Liquora, oonsinniiyon hand, ml4-tf Cviiclcsilvoi. rpiIU CNpKRSIGNED IlivB BEEN APPOINTED JL Agents for the sole of HEW ALMACEH QUICKSILVER And are prepared to furnish It in quantities to suit at San Francisco Prices! Trnn STRICTLY CASH. SMITH DAVIS, Jul4 3u 71 Front it.' fortland, Jan. 14, 1806., MOIMHOOI) S1I V VIA G SALOON, rjhe underilgned would re spectfully inform tbecitliens of Dsllei and the public generally, that this FASHIONABLE AJjD POPULAR SALOON Is still conducted on FIRST-CLASS PRIN CIPLES, and all the branches In connection with Tonaorlal Manlpnlatloni are performed with general satisfaction, by skillful and experienced workmen. BATHS ! BATHS I BATHS t to c o I connection la a tula of BATH ROOMS, ! where Warm, Cold, and Bhower Baths can be had at all lionrs. - mr3-tf C1IAS. A. OIIISOIV. o Q. d. s W JI. I3IKJN 13 A.U3I, WUCTICAL Watchmaker-& Jeweler, ' Slain Street, Dalles, RXXT DOOR TO THE FOB'.-OFFICl. -5 1XPORTERB A2U W&0LEBALK Dealers in Wines, Liquors, GROCERIES, Dllners' Goods, Iloat Stores, &c.v BAVI EtHOTXS TO IUUE NtW STONE BUILDINQ. OOKNIR OF Secolad and Washington Streets," DALLES CITY. ' NOW IN STORM A LAROJfi AND COMPLETE As sortment of the very best brands of WINES A ISO LIQUORS, Also, a full assortment of GROCERIES St. STAPLE GOODS. Constantly receiving our Blinnllns rilrHrt frAni N.w York and San Francisco, we are able and willing to sell at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They hope by adopting a strictly sorrect and prompt, method ot doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pub. He Iau4-tf I1ALDWIN Ae into., DAVE EX-OPENED Their Store on Main Street,, Entrance from the Bridge, with a . NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK 1 or 'i general Merchandiser FI1I1KY would inrite special attention to their ire I, JL aelocted auortmeufc ot Gents' Custom Made Clothing AND FU rtNISHING GOODS. which, together with a desirable stock ot FRESH GKOHlUES will be offered at the lowest Market Rate. W. BALDWIN. J. C. BALDWIN Dalles, Dec. 20, lC3.-d:tf. SEX.LI1NGOFFS SELLING OFFJ SELLING OFF M. SELLER & CO.A OFFER THEIR Entire Stoslc of CROCKERY. AND GLASSWARE I AT cost: IfOU TI1E NEXT SIXTY DAYS. M. HELLER it CO., no22-tf Malu street, Dalles.. GATES & CHAPIN, IMPORTERS k WHOLESALE MAIN STREbT, DALLES. STOKE OPENED MARCH FIltST, 18115. eaters In Drags, Patent Medicines. KIlKUMliKY, Toilet Altiiles. C.nks. Tnnou,. Acids, llliietiine, Uiuss, Paints Siiikc. Kerosene, AU cnbol, Pure Spirits, Lard. Sperm. Polar. Tanners, Keats foot CiiKtnrnud Linseed Oil. tjuicknllmr. &k Ac. IniporliiiK all our giHMls Uiieci Irom New York, we aronlile and will sell iu a small ftilvauco on San Fran-. Cisco pricos. Call and examine our list of prices before purchasing olsewhero. fehiUf Great Bargain. THE UI.Dl.ltSIOM-.U OFFERS TOi sell his farm, lying wiihlu lour miles, of Dalles (Mty, iu Wuscu couuty, con- slsting of 1 it) acres of land over AO, 1 acres leliced. and also havlnir one bun- dreii lieuring ii uit trees ou said liirm; alsoagocd wall of water, good faiui bonne, liaru and out houses. Put incut can be miule in approved stock For further particulars enquire or N. 11. uutes, ut Dulles city. - ' W.M.01LMEU.. Dalles, December 18, 1804 deUnil