toils Pflinttaiimr, WILLIAM B. KtWILL IS1T0K. 81DAY MORXLNG, FEBRUARY 20, 18G5. To all whom It may Concern. No person or persons who have been or may be in my employ, are authorized to con tract any .business whatsoever in my namo, or name of tho Mountaineer office. W. H. NEWELL. I. 0. 0. F. The members of Columbia Lodge, No. 5, I. 0. 0. F., aro requested to moot at their hall on Monday evening, at 1 o'clock. All members and visiting brothers are requested to bo present. f Thanks. We are under obligations to Mr J. W.Jennings, the enterprising news dealer, for copies of California, papers. . Foil Canyon City. Tho stage with Wells,Fargo & Co.'s express, will leave for Canyon City, Tuesday morning at 6 o'clock. Divine Service. Kov. W. S. Levis will preach in tho M. E. Church, of this city, on this (Sunday) morning at 10 o'clock. All are invued to at tend.. , Private Anderson, of, the Third Regular Artillery, under sentence of two years hard labor on tho fortifica tions of Alcatrnz for aGsault upon an officer, attempted to drown himself while being conveyed from Angel In- land to Alcatruz lately, but was res cued. A National Salute. Gov. Gibbs recoived a telegram from, the Secre tary of, dated February 2let,says tbe Oregonian, advising him. that a national salute had been ordorod to bo fired, on the 22d inst. at evory lort and arsonal and army boadquarlots in tho United States, in honor of the restora' tion of the flag of the Union upon Fort, Sumter. IIkooiidkr'b Court. Edward Fox, an individual of color, and " Unit dead man" who was found-in an alley night beforo lufat, wire up bof'ore the Ile; corder yesterday on tho charge ol be ing " beastly confused." Tho Recorder being one of thoso compassiouale per' sons whom we often road of, only fii.ed them $15 each, which was hand ed over and they wont on thoir way rejoicing. -. . Tue Courrier des Etats Unis oi a re. cont dato Bpuuks of the late William L. Dayton in theso terms: "The con cilialory character of this diplomatist, bis perleclly distinguished maiiporn, had acquired for' him, at Paris, the Bympalliios of all who wore brought in contact wkh him. Wo doubt not that in iho French uovei nmeiital cir clet bis unexpected deulh has intspirod profound regret. Tub coDDorheadH. during tha lalo a i political content, unHertt-d that they deired iho election of McUU-llan to restore peuce to iho country nu ' 111 j are uidinil Louis Napoleon and Mnxi- " " - , l-i rj miliun to erUubliMi ni liinpiro on Uo' Tiublican soil to obluin Hie sume kind . , i.. i. :.. u.. 1 1, Ot peuco they nought to obtain by tho clfclion of MtCIMan a peace imneu Upon tho ruin of the country, uud dum ruction of iho Union. FaoM Ab- VE The train arrived Ironi Uolllo lusi evening wim mu pengirs and express from Umatilla. Tbe buM was unablo to reach Wullula owing to low water on the Umatilla Rapids. The passengers and muil lor Walla Waila wero sent forvard by etuges from Umatilla. Tho steamer Owybeo met with an nccidont on her trip up bv running on a rock, which compelled" bor to land part of her freight- More about the School ExaiuiTioN. Those who witnessed tho exercises at Moody's Hall on Friday evening will admit that Dalles City is throng, ed with youth of more than ordinary mind and intelligence. The exercises consisting of charades, proverbs, dec lamations and orations, were very creditablo to tbe scholars and display ed much care and skill on the part of the teachers. But we would suggest that dialogues of Iove-maktag, elope ments, &c, are not calculated to infuse into tho minds of tbe young the' most practical and useful ideas. The young folks of this country certainly require no incentive to that kind of thing. Girls ofthirtoon or fourtoenyears will loam soon enough when is the right tuno to faint, and tho boys aro suffic iently apt' in catching their graceful forms without that being made a part of tboir school education. We further question the proprioty of selooting tho most abusive political speeches for declamation. Children should not bo educated to bitterness and haired of those who oppose them in political in. clinations. Fire ALABM.-Thu alarm of fire last evening was caused by the burn- ng of one of the O. S. N. Co's build- ings across, the creek. Tho firo origi nated from sparks from a locomotive which was In tho building. Fortu nately thy fire was discovered beforo any damago was done, and was spood ily extinguished by Agont Dodgo and a party of the employees. Jackson Engine Company was promptly on tho ground but thoir services not boing required tbo "boys" housed thoir ma chine. Wiiq Sacked Atlanta? Tho Richmond papers have printed exciting accounts of tho robbery and destruction of property in At lanta by our troops; but the Augusta Cons situtionul now confesses that tho sacking was dono by Georgians themselves. It gives this lively account of how. it was done : ' "Soon uftcr tho Yniikoes left, tho country people flocked in by scores from 'all parts of tho country, some coming over one hundred miles. Kvcry description of vehicle, drawn by mules, horses, stallions, jacks, jennies, oxen, bullocks, etc., could "bo seen upon the streets. Tho. sccno beggars description. Iron, snlt, bacon, flour, sugar, coll'cc, hides,, and everything else left by the Yankees were unceremoniously deposited, in wagons and carts and curried oil'. But our country cou sins did not stop at that.. They entered tho dwelling hous s of those absent nud gutted them of nil their furniture. One lady, who left her house for a few hours to- attend to pressing business, wus astonished to find, on her return, all of her furniture, uud wearing apparel gone. Fully 150pianos were curried oil' by the boosters, many of whom wero un used to any 'concord of sweet sounds,' save tlnw produced by a jewslmrp or a fiddle. One of them, an illiterate backwoodsman,, who resided in up humble but, ten by .twelve was seen carrying out a magnificent piano in a small cart drawn by a tw o year old bul lock.' A venerable datno was observed try ing to haul into lier cart a fine iiiuno by Lnitutm of a riuie attached to its legs. When i nKkfil what alio, was (Initio rIih roiilioil flint . -- oi --i ! Blio had lou nd a 'mighty nice table in thnr, ftl"l w trying to get it in her keart.' Ono ! mail ulono carried oil" over $50,000 worth of : Ary li(lt,s Sl0.l9 lmve ,)U(?tl tllkca l0 sccr0 all tho articles carried olf. as well as the ' olleuUers. Already much property has been , regtorcJ... Antidote Fun I'uho.n. Dr. J. Edmonds, n prominent London physician, writes ns fol lows to the London Timet:. I inclose a simple, suft Mtid iii-i-eHsililn pronvription for the whole I mice of iic;d corroiiva poisnns, which if promptly ined, will nl'post inviiriiihly sitvc life. Mix two tiunees ot powdered dmlk or ninirni'siu, or one ounce of wnkinc soda, with n pint ol' milk, nnd swallow it nt one drnti;hl, then tickle the buck of the throat with n fea ther or fiti(rcr so ns to- urodtico vomiting. Aferwnrds drink freely of milk nnd witter, Htid repeal the vnmitinK so ns to thoroughly wa-ili out the' stomitvh. Anv ounniitr of chalk or mngnesiH nmy he tnken with gaiety, but sndit In largo tinnntities is injiinni'S. I may add thnt llin narcotics nre excepted. Milk is en anlidole for almost nil the poisons, and es pecially H followed by voaaitiug. Gov. Bbowk, of Georgia, denies indignant ly, the statement recently made in the rebel Congress that there was fifteen thousand ex empts from military service in Georgia, lie says that of that number of State- militia, are in the service except 1,430 made up of judges, sheriffs, tax collectors, 4c. r who are absolutely necessary to the maintcuance of the State Government, and a largo propor tion of whom ore over fifty years of ago. He says that the largest part of the militia, are made up of boys between 16 and 17, and old men. from 60 to 55. -Ho is quite angry that J elf. Davis forbade the Georgia troops to come home to. the defence of their native State, and asks whether, while nearly fifty regiments of Georgians are endeavoring to defend Richmond, he ought to turn over also his State officers, old men and boys. The above facts, which aro embodied in a letter from the Governor to Jlr. Staple, of Virginia, are a sufficient refutation of the bonsts of the Kichmoud Whig and other rebel journals, thnt tho South Lms still a largo wbite force not yet called into the field. In onr column! la advertiser a medl- cine for purifying tho blood, and correcting nil diseased states of the body. It la. haxiug very gsnernl notice throughout California, Oregon, Washington and Nevada Territories. Wn rofar In T.n Ttnvnna oaI nlirn tr.,1 finmn T"riila. Yellow Dork and Iodine Alterative. Umatilla & Kolse Pioneer Line -OF- CONCORD STAGES! CAKIIYING THE UNITED STATES MAILS, AND 1SII A.ND CO.'S KXPIUWS, CONNECTING WITH THE O, S. N. CO.'S STEAMERS To and from Portland and the Dalles, Leaves Umatilla regularly every other ilay, via Swift 4 .Mcacha m'a Station, La Urando City, Powder, Burnt, YVclsoriind Payette ltiver Valleys to Placorville ; thero connecting wltu.Btagos to Centrevillo and lilaho City, anil all parts ol Boise llasin. Also connecting at l'ayettc rivur witU lien llolliilay'ii Overland Stage. Line To Boise and Salt Lake Cities; anil at lloisa City with stages to Iilnlio City and the Owyhee Mines. OOko at the Orleans Hotel, Uuutilla, Oregon. 1SII 4 HALF.Y, Proprietors. Dated February 20th, 1806. fe20tf CliANDALL Sc TOWLK, WHOLESALI AND BCT.UL PEALKR8 IN Crockery, Glass, China. Stone AA'D HOCKINUHAM WAKK, Chandeliers, 1'arlor, Hall, Side' and Hand Lamps, Wicks, Chimneys, Shades, Caudlo Wicks, 4c, 4c. ALSO Kerosene, Conl Oil, Lard, Snernv Tannor's 4 Neatsfoot Oil, Alcohol, Turpentine 4 Hunting Fluid. MAIN STKUET, (Near Court,) DALLES, OUEOON, And 91 Front Street Portland. Dalles, March 1st, 18CS. mrltf Great Bargain! IIOXJSE nnd LOT XOIt BALE. THAT DKSlIlAnLE OOTII10 COT tage on Fifth strewt, hetween Wnh Inxton and Court streets. Lot W by 120 feet. For terms, apply to I1LOCII, MILLER 4 CO. Dalles City. February 20Ui, 18U5. fvJOlf iissni.uri. nnllB CO-PARTN KltSHTP heretofore e-jisting between .5. the uiiderKigiiod is tills day dissnlvril by llilltuul consunt. All imlelitedneiis of the company will be paid bv. and all debts duo will bi puld to It. II. Mlii-fler, or IliM ni-rnt. P. (1. t TIUCKLA N D, Dalies. Kch. 23, 185. fe20-tf. II. II. WllhM.KIl. DuUcs nl Owi liee Ciolc and Sil ver Miiii.i;r Couip nj . ATA MEETING OF THE HOARD OF DIRECTORS of the Dnllt-s anil Owyhee Gold nnd Silvi-r Mining Cniiilianv lielil at tne oulco ol salt! Uoinpaiiy. In llalli-s. Oregon, on Iho 20th day of Febrnary. lHlij, uu ii-.seHHiiieiit or eight dollars per bhnro was levied, pny iblu to tho Secretary on or beforetho tlrnt day of May next in pild ciilli. All iiKHenMiients not paid on tliut l:y will lie ail- vertined as delinquent, ami the stock mild lor aid nxhCHS- ment. , riu. m in aiiai ii hit, Bcc'y D. 4 O. O S. Jl. Co. Dalles, Feb. Mlh, 1808. fejllld SnMic Jo1icr. TftTOTICE IS HKREIIY GIVEN THAT PlDE-M'AI.KS 1 are required to be constructed on 'Ihlrd street. tr. m Lincoln street to Sixth street, the muiis totiiiHU leet In width. Also, aji Union htrect. Iroai Main to Fourth street, tho same to be nine leet in wiilth. Chairman or Commute'- on streets. Dalles, Feb. 25th, 1805. fe25t6 Notice ! NOTICE IS IIERK1IY GIVEN THAT TIP? DALLES 4 llolse Wngon Road is now closed trom Cris Hollows to Canyon City, for tho purpo-e ol repilrs: and all persons travelling said road are hereby nolilled that tliey do so at tneir own risk, until said i ep'itrs sunn on minle and the road again opened to the puhlic according to law. ily order ol tno Hoard ot IMreeicrs. Dalles City. February 10th, 1806. fclfitl D. W. Mitciieix, M. D. A. M. IIei.t, M. D. Drs. BELT & MITCHELL. Practitioners of Medicine, Surgery and ObeiletrlcH. Orrics At Dr.. Craig's Drug Store, Mulu street, Dalle Dalles,' February 18th, 1806; fi:tiii3 Waulilnglon Wagon Iluad. rplIM UNDERSIGNED VroULD I FORM 'UK I Traveling Publlo that the Washington Wagon Road from Purthiud nnd Vancouver to the Upper Canrados is still beiug kept in good traveling order tor wagons and Mock. n. L. ii - iw'ii Dalles Jan. 11th, 1805. jpnlUfgols Proprietor, tfiiii Dalles and Ilolse Wagon Road Company ANNCHsment fcnle. TnERB ARE DELINQUENT UrON THE FOLLOW ing described tock the several amounts set oppo site the name of the respective bliardioldero, as follows r Nak. Ko. o SnAEte. Amooxi Ayers, P. W 3 Sm,0i Abernethy It Kobhlus 2 60.1M Drown. F. C 10 276.W1 Unnnell 4 Miller 6 16A.00 Uirnhnum. Win 1 ilo.ut Cnlwell, L 1 86.00- Dierlnni 4 Wentl 2 40.00 Eglin, Thus. 2 80.00 ilnerta, Manuel ;....2 40.00 Ilanka, Frank 1 30.00 Herman a Co 2 oo.oo Howard, O. U 6 214.00 Ilefron 4 Pitts .4 80,00 Irvine, John '. .2 40.00: K outer. Philip.... 2 40.011. Ijmsilnlo, Hobt 2 8n.ou Ijiuor, A 2 ' i.udwig. Henry z 00.00. Law 4 Co 2 20.00. McXnmara 4 McUowau , 2 82,01- Monell, Clow 2 80.00. Pentland, Robt 6 76.00 attee, II. E 1 40.00. lttldio, Peter , 1 211,00 KntTner. Pol or 5 200.IHV Smith, Thus .1 2.(H! frivage. 0. S .........8 ' llJI.Olf Teal Josepli 2 2o,(tr Twichell, O. II 2 90.00 Wintermier 4 Monger 10 800.0(1 Wickman, F 2 20.00 Wilson, J. U 1 40,00 And in necordance with Inw the abnre sliarc will liT sold at public auction, at tho rooms of Mchhis. Pavne A. Co., on the flth ilny of March. 1S05. at 10 o'clock a. in 1m pay the said deliiopieiit nHHCHsmcut thereon, uuless thu. same be paid before that Cute. ily order, ol tha Hoard ul Ulroctors. .. F. M. STOCKINO, Sec'y D. 4 IS. W. It. Co. Dalles, February 2!Sth, 1805. fe26 lw FRANKLIN MARKET. . CORNER OF SECOND AND WASHINGTON STREETS,. DALLES, OREGON, JOHN ICX'PINGHCIS lroprietor.. mIIE TJNDElttflONED V- M. having fltted up the above Market In the HE T STYLE, will keep constant- ' ly ou haiiil all sorts of . Freali and Cured Bleats, " Of the best quality furnished at the LOWEST RATE3. My motto is to ' PLEASE ALL." PARTIES HAVING SUPERIOR STOCK FOR SALE, will do well to call at the Franklin Market. JOHN E1TINUER.. Dallas, February 10th, 1806. TKEES A. SHKIjniSERY. )N or about tho first ibr nt March I will be at the Dalles with a choice assortment of Iririt Trees! Consisting of ninny vnrletles of Pear, Cherry, Tlum, Peach, and simie Apples and Quince. Also, a tine selection of Ornamental Shrubbory and. . Flowers, nud a few House-plants Ih pots. Also, Lawtnn Hlaukberrlss, Currants in. varloty Gooseberries Filtierts, 4c. 1 will givolurther notice on myarrlvnl. jci-oi u i ii u u r . an i.i.nit, From the Nurseiy of II. Miller 4 Lambeth, near Mil - wankie. (Iregon. ShorilS N Sale. NOTICE IS HKHKHY GIVKN Til AT ON TUB Mut, iluy of March. As 1), 1 tietwiten tho limim o 10 o'cltK-it a. in. nnd 4 o'cUick u. in., of rfihl iluv. 1 will veil nt the Court 11 own Hir in IultiwCity. Uhhco coun ty, Ort'nt.u. nt jiuhliciiu' ticn, to tho hihwit bidder, tho fol low int; property, to-ivit : A- onothird nn-it'it in tha lniilp known " the brtdg of J. A. Vilnius A Co , eitiint(A) on tho Chuti-i rlvor, nnd tihoiit tlvt- nMU'H above thu mouth of Hiild river; ulw, a one-third inlcrcut iu the dwelling huuae connected with fuiid hride. bind prolixi ty will be sold turner nnd by virtue of rm, exueution to tne Indued out of the Circuit Court of tho htntu ol OrcpMi, for the counly of Wimco. upon a judfi ni cut In fit v or of Milliiiin Lngnn. mid nu'iiinnt J. A. KinitiiB. to Ktitinfy t)u mm of l,;iH6ti(l dollara, beside , inter eat uud coHtti of execution nud tiocruhur cott 1 I1AI. 111 I K, . Blieritl of Wtitjeo county. Dulles City, Februnry 23d, 18H5. fe23w4 The Wes I huics ESoad Com-. pany. NOTTC1-. IS HKRKHY (1IVKN THAT TIIK CAVITAI.. Mm-k of the Ih'H ChuttM Kund Company has been KiiliHrribed. and thnt thi-re will bo n meetinfi: of tb. tStn khtddttrtt ot mud Coinpnny u ihe'KMh dny of March.. Ht, nt the Luwer limine on the leji Chutes rivur, for, the pui poMH of electing a lUmid f Diroctovs of not lu thitn tliiee nor more tlmn Peveu. Ily order ol thcCorporaturs. VM, ORA TTAM, H. K. KM1TII, H. M.UUAUAM. Dated tho day of February. 18L6 fe2td- FOR S.iIjK! - nillAT VAI.UOII.K PHDI'KltTY fl'I'I'ATF.D OV Av jl orMiiln street. Dalles City, 41 leet front by 12 in depth, with building theieon. being a part of th. pri-niisrs known rs - HiLelnw's Did Hint k." tor price nud term. apply to F. M. Hunt, Dalles, or II. II. Albn San Fimicisco. Dalles. Fell. lMh. lMiifi. Uitllc- nml Oujlich Gold & Sll-v Vt'f BillilK tllISUlJ'. NO'liCB IS H It K1IY GIVKN THAT TIIK AV nmil Meelittg of the IMockholi its of the nbov. niiiiii'd Coinpnny liir tbo election sif Tiustees, to serva Ihe eiwuii'g year, will meet on the Wiliil February, 1606, nt 7 u'clock p, m, at the olllceof Nodi. Miller 4 Co., Dillle-, llregoii. bill. SCII t ADACUll, luil es, Feb. 11, IMS. fcll-lw Bec'y. NOTICE! M KHCHAXUIrfii KKCElYfc'D ON HTOBAOK ATTIIH Pccimd street. Dalles, Ily II. OLIVER. Dulles, February 18th, lBr.6. ' ' fe!8tf Canary Birds. T JtJKWl HAS ItKCiilVKU A I.A110B A8S011T t) . ment or Cmary hi nis ami cages- ALL GOOD HING ING 111 I; OS. Also, a hu ge -111101111101 Canary seed and Cuttle Hsh, which he oilers cheap to thoso wishing to. purchase good Kingi'l tlirds. Dalles, dun. 12th, 18GS. Jaul2tfd4