NO. tfi4. DALLKS, OUKUON, SUNDAY, FERUAKY SO, 18Q5. vol. n. lattoMTountahuei; V -3 PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (MONDAYS KXCM'TKO,) BY WILLIAM II. NEWELL, KblTOIt AND I'HOPIUKTOR. Yshms Tutenty-Jlve cents per week, payable to the carrier per month, by mail, $1; threo raoutlia, t2 50j tlx months, $5; one year, $8, Advertisements inaerted at low rntes. - Job Printing, Every description of plain and fancy Job Printing exe titcd with neatness anil despatch, and forwarded as per order to any part of the country, Payment Jor Job rrint infl must be made on delivery oj work. Aldi'ld&rc's.. Hotel. MAIN STRKKT, DAI.LK8, OREGON. rjlie Subscriber lias Juki JL cumpletoil rellttiitg this commit fitted tin with HiiilKof rooms for the accommodation of families, and single and double rooms for the ue of gentlemen. The FURNITURE, 1IKDS, and BEDDING, and In fact c-vorytliliig connected with the house Is entirely new, and arranged solely witli u view to the comfort of guests. The 1IE.ST COOK in the country will preside over the ruliunry department, and the Tuble will at all times be furnished with tlio very best'tlio miirkot affords. Connected witli the house there aro a good Corrall and commodious Stables aoil-tr 1VM, AI.DRIDQE, Proprietor. ISM I? IR, 15 HOTEL, MAIN KTRCET, DAUBS C1TV. noAitu KKDIIGE D. iN AND AFTER JULY 1, 1804. , p the terms at this favorite and II rat-clans Hotel, will be as follows: Mcals..... i0 Hoard hy the dav 1 00 Hoard I'V the week 7 00 Hoard and Lodging per week $8 to 10 Kire Proof S:ifo for den.niteof valuables. It It. House oneti all night. Uagiritiro tuken to tlie Ilouse f.eo of charge. THOMAS SMITH, (j-8-tf Proprietor.. UMATILLA HOUSE, DALLES, OREGON. IIAXEI,UY & son I'rop'ra. TflllUS WKLIj KNOWN IWTKL Is now opon for tlie JL reception of kiu".h. 11 ht being thoroughly reno vated ami newly furniHlmd, It will bo ootid net eil. In nil Ufjiiirtnu'iitH, us u 11 rut churn HOTIX. The Iiouhq is con Tuniently lofiitcr) neur tlie ritenmhoat lamling anil railroad input. llaiiK taken to the lluiue, free of churge. liousi kejit open all night. The I'mprietora will not he renponsiUo for any Baggage or VuluubUm, uiiIokh a check Is kWuii thert'for. Alealg 50 cent sLolgliit 50 cents mrl- TnE UXDKItSIQNKD HHQ I.KA1F. TO CALL TIIK aiteniion of the cili'.oiis of Diilles and surrounding country, to their wx-ll selTcted stock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND KHOKS, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, CIGARS, TOBACCO, ETC. Itnvlii'r our Roods principally lor cash, wo aro enablod to SEIih AS LOW AS ANY UUUfH IN TUB CITY. Call and examine. 1). 1UKIUS 4 CO, Koxt door to tlio I'ost offico, ' n611-tf MAIN STltRET, DALLES, OrtF.flOV IUV lliilT, ttllOCUittY 3?ItOVISXOrs" STORE. THE UNTIERSIOXED INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and tlio public generally, that ho has Junt established on Hafa street, next door to J. . Juker, Tobacconist, A NEW STORE I 'whore ho keeps constantly on hand ft largo assortment ol eloctod FUU1T. Also, in storo a coniptoto Btock ofeboieb GROCERIES. l'ROVISWK. VEGETABLES, rfc, All of which will bo sold, wholesalo an. I retail, at HK VUChD 1'lllCtS. Couio and see and satisfy Yourself. sol;l-tf 3. Hl'OSlTO. WH. JIUAIIDS. 0. B. KtKUKL. WM. MOABUS & CO., O I TY BAKERY, rROVISION STORE, Corner of First and B Streets. WnOLESALR AND RETAIL DEALERS la BREAD CRACKERS and Family UR0CERIE3. t9Ordeisfroma distnuco carefully filled and promptly siispaicoeu. l-tt DENTISTRY ! DENTISTRY ! ! GUKLEY & BERNARD, ARE NOW PREPARED WITII large and select stock of Dental Materials, To insert Artificial Teeth In all the latest and most iln proved stylos. Olllce Three door West of the Post OIRco, Main fliroeb, iMiios, uiegon. . ; Hallos, December 31st, 18M. . deSltf lions houxe, on iutun street. ao.ivo fttftfMjfctyjwja iVanhinctun. Tlie limine U handsomely Sv.1 S fjSjsiX. PORTLAND POCMDRY . MACHINE BHOf, FIRST STREET, betwoen Yamhill and Morrison. (Titeain lOnjrlncs power.e Statin CUI, COM1' on hand. Also, Hay Pros- j.W.&3&;f& ses 01 nu sizes; nailing i IUachinoa,(Woodwortli's pattern,) V rougnt and Cast Iron work-for Vor tical Snwandtirist mills; Itrass and Iron Castings and WROUGHT HRO WORK of every description. I am also prepared to furnish Quartz Mills complete, of the Latest & most Improved Patterns. These Mills can boforwarded to any part of the mines. a the wolght of the entire machinery will not exceed 3, 000 pounds. Horse rowers Agricultural implements manufactured to orilor at the very LOWEST CASH PRICE N. II. t'orticulor attention pain to j3T WHOLESALE AltD RETAIL M4 DRUGGIST & CHEMIST, THE GLOBE IIOEL, DALLES, - DEALKR IN Coal Oil,-Alcohol,- Terpentine. IV EATS FOOT & L3NSEE1 OHL. 49 Phyilcians Proscriptions accurately prepared. tfiF-Druggists, Pliynlciin8 and Traders In the mines supplied with Drugs, Chemicals, Acids, Quicksilver, Patent Mpdicinen,TrnBeti, Corks, Paints, QiU, andi'iincy Articles, at lowest prices. seu-u H'ALl) E2 N II 11 0 S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, . MAIN STREET, Dalles. rEALERS IN DRUGS, f WW PATENT MEDICINES. K Elv "SENE, TURPENTINE, ALCOHOL, Imported WINKS and LIQUORSfor Ileal purposes, TOll.KT BOATS, POMADES. IIAI'l OILS. FLAVOR. INIl KXTitACTS. LUIllN'S HAND KERCHIEF EXTItACl-it. Ac, Ac. rrescriitions.ciirofnllycoinpoitid I. HavniK purchaHed a' new hiuI complete Stock In San Francisco for f; .are euaoiotl to sell at tlie lowest posilolo rates. II. J. WALDKOH, aplT-tf 0. W. WALDUON, JAfcOB COHEN, WnlcliinRCicr aasd .Bcwelcr FRONT STREET, Portland. Dealer In Fine Jew elry & Watches, Solid Silver and Plated Ware. Cutlery. c. AGENT FOR W. DOHM'S LADIES' PATENTi IMPltOVEnilOLDllEl.T BUCKLES. V. ateh- os and Jewelry REPAIRED and WARRANTED. rarticuiar attention paid to Itenulrinirline Watch es, t Keep on hand a complete assortment of SPECTACLES of the improved style, Also Opera and Marine Glasses, Quarts Magnifying villous, vvmj;uaLDii Vi All (roods Holtl liy me are wnrrruitel m roprcftentcd ii. u. aii onirre bimii uy jxprcas, prnmpny uttendo. Lp;i-uj JAUUli UUIIKN XT' T 17 T T TV T ' - Jl J.TA 9 . WaUh:nr.lcr and Jcwt'Icr. MA'M STREET, DALLES, (nest iooe to tub ahhat opriri,)' riKATKU IN KINK WATCHKS, 1KWKLK7 17 irb. v"i reus, ouvor aim ria'eu wave, Spectacle, Cnt1try, Ac. (fJ-J ir"liirMculHr intention paid to ronnlrlnsr nneHitti. TiiW'hes. Cliwkn. Jewelry, etc. All W'hMiob repaired h ui" wiirrimifu iur iwtMve uioiiiiih, N. B. All orders from tlie uppev "ountry, by Kxpro r otherwise, promptly nttendcil to. autl t' K. X. I'lTZGEHALD, DEALER IN H A. K D W A. H E Iron find Stool. Every Itetcription of IIhcin' and 3loc?liaiilc' Tools. AND Xnrmintj Iinplomonth3. SHIP -CHANDLKKY. nimCKRIKA CLOTUINQ, AND STAl'I.K DRY GOODS, Crockery and GlasNwnre. E. P. FITZOKRALI) no-tr Pallet, Oregon. FURNITURE! FURNITURE ! ! - ' ... .H r0,tNK,U THIRD AND n STRKKTS H-yf b . un iiiiimi a variety xr."..- iiouscliold Furniture, VitrL,llirrltf Tahles, Chairs, Rurcaus ILV Itpilsiiml lii'ilrftoiulM.,..r r etc., etc.. all of which will ho sold at t.w rates. Furniture ii'.pwi'iL ami upiioisioriiic done to onler. Also, on hand Mattrossosand Pillows. Sprlni: Rods ni'iilo toordor. nol'i from 4 to 4u horse- -JV-yt3m--i .either l'ortahlo or Jffl&r 'V nary. Also, uiu- t:" oji'Jfll ,AR SAW MILLS jf ii-O ' -.JTJ- LETK. constantly C 2' V, 'XSXL S Afcfi P, Hit IIO 1 11 1'' It V Jii 1tD41Skiv i ngnlnst yon fo the sum of $120. nnd interest on iloS LJIIIKOUILKI ft ItlAIl(, f,m aa ,lnv of Julvl8(W, nnd on $18 from the 3d fRDKItR FOR KMRROIDKRY, AND RRA1DIN0, day of January' 1806. Bnd costs and disbursements of ao 1J1AMPIN(, leftatCohn llolim's Dry (loods 8toro. ' tion. - llv onler will ho promptly tilled, nnd In a manner warranted to give fntlsractlou. ladles will eximlno Patterns nn e hlbitlon at the Store. fuoS-tf MRS. L. LIXSKR. FIRST-CLASS GROCERY STORE WHOLRSALl AND BET AIL DEALER Ilf rainily Groceries, TOBACCO AND SEQARS, . WINES and LIQUORS. ALSO Fresh and Dried Fruits, VEGKTABLES, And every article usually found In a First-Class Grocery. Store. xr. du ivir will Iva tlin business his personal super vision, and invitee the patronage of familloe and the public generally. Goods delivered In any part of the city tree charge .. . i r nn ruFwra 8. FRANK. Main street Janl2ni3 A few doors below the Post Office; Great Reduction in Prices -AT ELFELT BROS. WK ARE NOW OFFERING OUR JSNX1BJ. of well selected Goods at REDUCED RATES ! In order to close out our Winter stock. Now l tlie time iron bahgains. At ELFELT BROS. Dallos, January 28th, 1805 JanMtf DALLES CITY DRUG STORE. P. CRAIG, WHOLKSALI AND RKTAIL DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, PATENT MEDICINES, Ac. fl-tf B. H. HILL. A. J. KANK HILL & KANE WHOLES A LS AND RETAIL DHALEB8 Ilf Groceries, Dry Goods, Liquors, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, STORAGE AND FORWARDING. floods consigned to us will meet with proper attention Tieferencest Tonmxn. DALLES. IT. W. Corhet, Rohhlns t Co., Richards McCracken, W. 0. Moody A Co., 11. Law, ' 0. llnmason. Umatilla Landing, Sept. 0tli,18U3. scB. TO TIIK PUI5LIC. A 8 TIIK TJ. 8. ItRVKNUK tAW, RESPECTING STAMPS, lias now been well ilfntrilmted tliroiiKli out tlio State, by circulars and publications, nn reiwtin can bo (liven for itn viobition; tburefore this Is to notify nil portions violating the same, that tbey will be pro ceeded against once, and tho-penalty exactod. Tlie penalties aro from tun (10) dollars io one thousand (1.000) dollars for every offence, according to the nature of the offence lies i os Costs ol nroHecutioii. ninkinir voiil tho In- stiumettt, and forfeiture of the soods. Any person know ing the law to be violated ty any one will iclve immediate notke to the Collector or A us oh cor, or their uepnties am Assistants, and in case of conviction, they will be euti tied to receive oue-bairtho penalties TUOS. FRAZAR, TJ . S. AsHOHBor of Oregon. TJ, 8. AflfiRSSOR'B Ofpick 1 Portland Ortgtm, Feb. 1st, 18G5. J N. B KKVKNUK STAMPS of all kinds can bo had of the U. 8.- Internal llevenuo Collector nt bis ofllce in Pirtlaud; fnfl lw Suiiiiiioiij. In the County Court of Grant county, Stnto of Oregon. V. S. Jonos, Plaintiff, ) n. March Tsrtn, A. D. 1806, David Woods, Defendant. J IN TUB NAMK OF TIIR STATE OF 0RK00N, YOC are herehy summoned to he and annear in the County Court ol Urnut County, Ptnto of orefcn. to be begun and held In said county, on Hie tlrst. Mouday in Marcli. A. D. lfttlft, nud answer the t;fmdaint of tho nbovo-liamed Plaintilt aciiinst you, which has boon tiled in said Court: anil if you tail to answer satd complaint on or before tho tlrstday of said term of Court, tho Plaintiff will take JiulKinent against you Tor the sum or one hundred anil two dollars and seventy.flve cents ($102 75) and iutoroit ami costc, anu uisiiursemoiirs lor tlie want or such an swer. uy uruer or janOtd ' ' Hon. V. LAIR Ilfl.L, Judgo. cicrnes c v nancy, Attorneys lor riainillt. Summon!. In tho County" Court of Wasco County, State of Oregon F. W. Ayors, Plaintlir, ) ri. V March Term, A. D. 1805, L. Dcnltcs, Defendnnt. ) rpOL. HEX1TK8. DHKNDANT: YOU ARB IIKRERY l sumnioneil and required to appear in the County Court of Wasco County. State of Oregon, on the first Monday in March A. D.1R05, nnd nnswor the comphiint in tho above entitled. action now on tile in sniil (!ourt; or If you fail to do so th, Plaintiff will takHi judgment , Ian6w(l IIou. O. A. DKNNY, Fi. V.. IUrT, PlnlntlfTs Att'y. ' Dalles, January 6th, 1806, County Judge. TIIK ANGEL COQUETTE. With ey as bright as the stars of night, And a sight that pierced the soul, The beautiful btlls had many a wight ' ' . A slave to love's control . At all the balls and festive halls She reigni-d with queenly sway On, wasn't she an angel, though 1 ' Te-rippety tooden day I So, one fine nipht, Just out of spito, To end her suitors' bother, Q She mltienod some ten of her love-sick, men. And gave her hand to another I The public voice admitted the choice The gossips wore heard to say t " Oh, Is u't she an angel, though I " Te rippety toodon day I 'And tu a splendid wedding It endod, With all of lashion's capers ; But 'tis idle to tell, 'twas told so well In all the daily papers. The honey-moon flew and the happy two Were very happy they say ; Now, wasn't She an angel, though J Te-rippety tooden day 1 Now what do you think her husband thought When he went home one night, To find his spouse, the prop of his honse, Was " nary "t where in sight 1 The Beuedlct mad, the neighbors glad, The very devil to pay Oh, wasn't she an angel, though f Te-rippety tooden day 1 She had only flown with an overgrown, Dig, hairy child of a gun; And people laughed, as the scandal they quaff t), . 'Twas all such glorious fun ; . For If woman slip, 'tis " let her rip," The world is apt to say, And when It sees an angel trip, Sings " te rippety tooden day I" FACTS AND FANCIES. A well known thief io New York is said to bo worth $100,000 profits of stealing, . - Why is a hungry man waiting for his breakfast willing to be a martyr? Because he longs to go to tho steak. , Home Tobke, when asked by Geo. the III. whether bo tilaved at cards. replied, "1 cannot, your Majesty, tell ft King lrom a Knave. A gentloman in Virginia City re cently found a baby on tils door step. uo imagined be Knew who was the mother ( f the Infant, took it to the young woman and tnado her keop it. An effort will be mado in the New York Legislature to make it a penal offonsp to defaco trees, rocks, bridges, etc., with advertisomonts of patent medicines and other wares. The learned Professor Porson had a great horror of tho east windj and Tom Slioridan is said to have onco kept him a prisoner in the house for a fortnight by fixing th.e weather cock in that direction. A few days ago, a smart little follow of some seven bummers, wont up to a iruit stand, and rising on tiptoe, peer ed over the fruit, remarking as he exi tended a dimo, "1 think 1 will buy a few apples lor the children." The Government is doing much for tho causo of women. Wehavepost mistresscs,fernale employees in various dopartmotUs, fomalo officers in tho army, etc, etc Dr. Mary E. Walkor was lor months a prisoner in Rich mond, and has since recuived a com missioii as fill surgeon in the United Slates Army. Whilo Dr. Samuel Johnson was courting his intended wifo, in ordor to try her he said that he had no prop erty, and once hnd an undo that was handed. To which the lady replied that slio had no more properly, and, although slio never had a rdttt ivo that was hanged sho had a number that deserved to bo. A witty saying of M Dumas the younger is amusing Paris;, Tho Em press is said to havo invited him to C'mpeii;nt-, adding to her cnuricBy ao assurance that all tbo quests were to enjoy full liberty in tlio chateau.' 'VVhat a pity, then, Mudat.o," said Dumas, "that all Franco hus not been invited."