eel CURJIIKS V'- -' . Hut been where the fall-bloesom'd bay-tree Is blowing - With oUmiri like Kden'BAroondf float leen wliefe the brond-leaved palmetto Is growl tig, 1 And wild Tlnei are fringing the ground F UutcatinllieBbaJoofoatalpiu.ftt'noon, 'V . And ate the coo) goinda of their clime : Or ilept where magnolfae were screening the moon, And the mocking-bird sung bur sweet rhyme f And dtdst mark, tn thy journey, at dew-dropping tvo, Some ruin peer high o'er thy way, - . ViHh rooks wheeling round it, and bushei to weave A mantle for turrets so gray? Did you ask If. some lord of two ciwnJfer kind . Lived there, when the country wan young f Xnd burn'd not the blood of a Christian, to find. How there the old pr&yer-bell hnd rung? . . And did yetwft glow, when thoy told ye the Lord Had dweMu that thistle-grown pile; And that bones of old ChriBtivns were under Its sward, That once had knelt down in its aisle ? JUid no tear-drops your blushes to stenp , 'When ye thought o'er your country so broad, tUiobard seeks in vain for a mouldering heap, Save only these churches of God 1 0 ye that shall pnss by those ruins agon, Go kneel in their alleys and pray, . , And not till their arches have echoed amen, - Jtlse up, and fure on in your wnyt Pray God that those aisles uwy be crowded once more, Those altars surrounded and spread, . While anthems and prayers are npseut as of yoro, As they tako of the wino-cup and bread. Ay, pray on thy knees, that each old rural fane They have tort to the bat and the mole, May sound with the kmd-peallng oi gan again, And tire full swelling voice of the souL Pcradventnre, when next thou shalt journey thoreby, Even-bells shali ring out on the air, Aud the dim-lighted windows reveal to thine eye , The suowy-robed pastor at prayer. A Chapter qn Cats. The following amus ing discourse on cats, is clipped from the Vir ginia Entcrpriie of Aug. 2 1 si : When this town was small, cats was scarce. A big price was paid for cats thrn. Tbey brought tbem in cages from California. I doo't know tbe price they sold lor; It may have been 10. I wish cats was scarce now. Now we have too plenty. Anybody can get them for nothing the little ones. I dou't like catB much, nor mother she don't, nor unkle Fred. Unkle Fred, throws bottles at 'em out of bis bed-room window. Cats is good enough in the day time, but I appeal to a unpartial publick if tbey ain't a nuisance at uigbt. " Jentle reader, come awhile with me And bide in my bed-room and let's watch the cats. It is dark. We can Bee the roofs of the bouses, but the moon shineth not. Look thou at that roof wbich comes nearly level with iy window. That's the place for cats, there's where they como every nifrht. They luxuriatelb onto that- roof. Listen, reader, lieardest thou that faint yowl ? They'll soon be coming Another has answered very dis tant. Hark) that scratching on toe tiu spouts. Tbe first feller incoming up to begin. Now t'other is onto the epout, coming up. Now see the disposition of tbem cats. Tbey say it's love ; may be it is. Now they-are crawl ing toward each other with tails up and bodies flat on the ridge. Tbey mutter low and deep. Now see that big black feller; how heerectest bis back 1 He upbeaveth it till be looketh againFt the sky like Mt. Davidson, and his tail appearetb like one of the big trees of Cal nveras. The other cat stands opposite like Cedar Bill. They flourished) nlol't their tails. List, oh, list that shriek I It ringetb through tbe town, passing down tbe streets thereof even to the little dark alleys. The drowsy policeman is awaked ; be rubbeth bis eyes and sayeth to himself ; " Is not this tbe voice of a drunk and disorderly ?" But, jentle reader, we will return to our subject. It will be remembered that-we left our cats in the attitude of a contest. Their tails are now like iron bars and movest not except the tip ends which quiverest very frantic. There is nn awful moment of sus pense. Soon a wild shriek bursts upon tbe stilly night, and them cats cometh together ns two mighty crags from opposite mountains might meet. Tbey thump their tails onto the roof, they roll in convulsions and the gentlo breeze is full of lmir. That crack was Unkle Fred, throwing bottles at 'em. Now all is silent ns the grave. Adieu, gentle reader, Rich is cats. Treasurer's Notice. T HE FOLLOWING COUNTY ORDERS will be paid uiuu irucutaiion ni my omco: Ji'triitmtt. nati. Ao. In favor of, ,..3....:....847 J. 11. Harford. ...-3 84S J. B.Hartord. ..-3 Bill) R. 11. Laiisdalo. lm, Fobruary 6th, It. II. Lansdaln. ,974 W. M. Derrick. II. II. Derrick. .....W.M. Derrick. H. II. Derrick. J. 11. Duggnr. .646 Dr. Bpiers, BtHI. 842 800 H. A. Hnguo, II A. II02110. Wni. Abernothy. ri Levy, on. Stocking A Co. ....J. B. Harford. ..M.A. B. Moore. A. B. Moore. .John Dowd. ...... W. Pomeroy. W. Pomeroy. W. Pomeroy. ....... W. Pomeroy. ....'..W. Pomeroy. ...i..W. Pomeroy. ,701... two... .830... .Mi ,..001 .. ,.969 , ;.9At , . rnmeroy. II. J. WALDRON. I ' Traararer of Wasco Coonty, ' rMltas City, Af. 18th, 1864. au!8w4 Oregon. . ..3 " a i " a i 3 ! 3 1 " Z I ' ' I e a I n i n & March 8 10 a 10 -3..M.L. " ll..........Jt..m.,.. 12 April u 9. tts,8 , so ..a Maj 7 JJ.,..n... 7 7t(eHt3ti " 7 8,i4, 7,ei T...... S......, t..... a DAILY' MOUNTAINEER .--tm-slWI it 1 POWER PRESS BOOK & JOB PRINTING OFFICE, First Street, botwocn Main and B, DALIES OREGON. JOB PRINTING OF EVERY VARIETY Execeted with accuracy and dispatch. IN A 8TYLE THAT WILL COMPARE FAVORABLY with the firy best, and AT BATES AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST TO ohdeu: Cards and Ril l-IIcads, . CHECKS, DRAFTS, RECEIPTS, POSTERS AND PROGRAMMES FOR THEATRES, CONCERTS EXHIBITIONS, c., rfc, rfc, FRI3TRD IX Till MOST AITBACTIVI M1N.NEB. ALSO, WAV-BILLS, BILLS OP FARE, LETTER HEADS. RECE1PTBOOKS, BILLS LADING, Rricfs and Pamphlets, TISITINO, WEDDING AND " AT HOME" CARDS Druggists' Labels, Tn short, everything Hint can be done In a Booh and Job Printing Office, from tho smallest and piost delicate Card or Circular, to the largest size and most showy Posting Bill and which will be turned out in a style that cauuot fail to insure entire satisfaction. OUR KA01I 1TIK8 rOH THE EXECUTION Or DECORATIVE PRINTING In tho most beautiful Colors, Shades and Tints. Such as Taney Posting Bills! From a ningle Shoot tu the Largest Alumiuoth, ORNAMENTAL SHOW CARDS riXFUMERS' LABELS, rf Are unsurptuittcd by thone of any ether efltntil.Hhmeiit in Oregon. We devote special attention to tills branch of the buainerJB, and are continually adding to our already exten sive and well appointed assortment of material, NEW TYPES, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, ilc, fc, c Of the most modern aud elaborate designs. Our stock of FANCY INKS. TINTS. AC. Ar of the finest quality, and for riclintuu of color and durability, cannot bo equaled in tho Stato. The principle upon wiilcn business is asRed Tor this es tablishment is, that persous will consult their own Inter ests, by awarding their custom to that olllce In which their money can be expended to the best advantage. To this end we solicit ull in want of good 1'rinting, at very reasonable charges, to call and examine specimens, and Judge for yourselves. Orders from the tapper Country Will have our special care, and friends from the interior may rely ujwn having their orders filled promptly, as we HAVE THE ONLY IMPROVED GORDON POWER PRESS In the (State of Oregon I Address: , , , MOUNTAINEER OFFICE m!8-tf Dalles, Oregon. Dlt. 11. W. MITCHELL, TENDERS HIS PROFESSIONAL. SERVICES, TO THE Citizens of Dalles and Vicinity. omen AT DR. CRAIG'S DRUG STORE. jy30-tf MAIN STREET, DALLKS. Bl L EM O N" , WIEOLESAL8 AND RET.VIIi ' CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, - orrUDiTB THE CEO HE HOTEL, Dalles. N. B. niYSICIANS' I'RESCIUI'TIONS accurately prepared. PURE WINE3 AND LIQUORS for medical Uses and Invalids. 4Tjr Druggists, Physicians aud Traders tn tho mines supp'.led with Drugs, Chemicals, Acids. Quicksilver. Patent Medicines, Trusses, Corks, Paints, Oils, and Fancy Aructes, hi lowest prices. jyzoir COURT STREET, DALLES, OREGON. YirIT'T' nH OPEN FOR THE RECEPTION Of T W Uuests, on and nftor MONDAY, July 11th, 1804 TURMS t Brenkrast $ 25 Dinner 25 Supper 26 Lodging 25 Board per week 5 00 Board aud Lodiclnir ner Week... 8 00 Tho Proprietor respectfully solicits the patronage of 1110 ciuxeus 01 uaues ami me Traveling ruuuo. AARON VEEDER, Proprietor. It. If. McCOTID. Agent. JvWm Jb'OJLt HALE. The Cottage and Lot, on Columbia Aveiinp. iiHArtha MAtlindlMt Church. At nriu ent nrmtilfwt liv thm fi.milv nf Wu IT RTIi-.W. ffiH ART. The property Is located In an Imnrovlnir part of the town, and is In every way desirable for a nrl rate residence. For further particulars, enquire nn the premises. jeiv-imj n m. 11. btkw aiit, DR. A. II. STEELE. R ealdeneo at the hone owned by la. W vvb. vomer o vourr aaa louna Direeis. II JZ'Sc . JZ O HR, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS Ot Carriage, Concord, Buggy and Stag XI -A. It N ;E S S ! California, Mule Team and Farm Har ness. Carrhtce and Billrer Whins. Whalebono unit California Stage Stocks and Lashes, and Silver Mounted MexleanVaqnero Saddle! fine Texan Rangor Saddles, California Mochillas, nud line oiampeu caauics, English Shatter and Ladle' Saddled AISO, Silver Mounted Hair and Fancy Bridles ! and Hiding Whips, always on hand. A full assortment ot Mexican & California Bridle Bits fc Spurs! Leather Hacked Brushes, Curry Combs and Cards, and a Koneral assortment of SADDLERY HARDWARE. Also. on hand and made to order, - . APARAJOES, CARONAS AND TAPOJOS I 93Ropalriug done with neatness and dispatch. , . HAKE k ROlIlt; f4-tf Main street, opposite Washington. NOTICE. To Mlnera an the traveling public The uuderniirnetl haviujr eecureU tho use of a largo well-built, new FKRUY BOAT 40 feet long nml It) fett wiile, together with a new rope, block and nil necoHMiry tackle in prupurcd to kuep a FEKKY on the Yakiiun Hir er, tn Washington Territory, immediately hi the Uap, juit lie low the mouth of Autumn or Mission Crtvk; one-hal mile below P. M. Thorpe's, on Yukima It Ivor, thero ii kept a BLACKSMITH 8UOI by a guod smith, who is prepared to siioo nornes ami uo ati oiner worn in mat line with difiiatch. Kent at tho same nlace. for those wantimr bouf, flour, bacon, fresh butter, eggs, milk, cheoHo, tobao At, Ac, as well as riding and pack-horses, and wuuld say (o all those who may wish tu pass from Kockland or Dull erf to tho Columbia Itiver mines, Col vi lie, l'riest ltapids, Uock Creek, Frazer Hiver, Sooswop and Cariboo mines, 1 am in formed, as well as having a Knowledge or tho wets my sell that tho route to nil the above mentioned places on the north side of tho Columbia Itiver, Is tho nearest and best. and my PKlUtY being on tho direct routi, where I will bo Ion nd ready to cross an wiin tuspaif-n and saieiy. February, 1804. lleU-UJ XliU.MAS JiUTLEK. KERK1S0N & HOLLAND'S SALOON. MAIN STREET, DALLES. THK UNDKRSlGNKn INTI mato to tlieir frlemls and the public, tltat they have ntieu up a saloon on me north siueoi main strcci, wnere they will he happy to see their old frlomls aud acquain tance. Their liar is Btocked with ' - - WlncH, Liquors and Cigars, OV T1IE BEST QUALITY' mrt-tf KEItUIBON HOLLAND. APA1UHOES! CONSTANTLY OM HAND and made to order, at $25 each, at the manufuitvry, upper end of Slain straet Bviildei-'s Hardware. A Very large assortment of DUtLDElt'8 IIAltUWAitE, including almost everything suited to tho trado. Just received and for sale at wholesale or ra tal K iinyis-ini uuaiAaun, btuumru a uu. I. O. O. F. afOLVMBIA. LODGE, No. S, 1. O. O. F., .J meots every THUKSDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock In Masonic Hall, Dalles city. Brotherp In good standing are Invited to attend C. 11. MEIUS. N. O. James IIauobax, Secretary fell-tfj !)ELLIJ OFF AT COST! MISS O'ROIRK will dispose of her entire stock ol Millinery and Fancy Goods, AT COST, consisting of HATS, BONNETS, LACKS, RIBBONS, &c. Together with a full assortment of DRESS TRIMMINGS and a well selected assort moot or LADIES' READY-MADE GARMENTS. The whole to he disposed of at reduced prices, to make room for a rich and faslilonablo stock of Fall and Winter Goods. THIRD STREET. Jy23-tf one square east of the Calliollc Church. AdiiilnlMtrator's Notice. f piIIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, That the subscriber has JL ubtnined.letters of administration on tho cstato of JUDPON CONDON, Into of Dallis, Vasco county, Ore gon, deceased. .All persons Indebted tosam estato aro rcqnestod to nniko immediate payment.' All porsons linv Ing claims against sail) estato are notified to present the same within six months from date. THOMAS UOltDON, Aanriuistrnior. Dalles, June 26, 18b4. Jy!W4w i jz . s r i e xiTs 5 OKEICE ON WASHINGTON STREET. n2Vtr BETWEEN MAIN k SECOND Pictures! SMctures! Pictures I An assortment of 250 PICTURES for Parlor Bar-roOms, at reduced prices, For sale nt J. JUKEIt'S, splS-tt Mnlh street, Dalles. JONES' CANYON CITY EXPRESS CONNECTING WITH iWells, tforco Ac Co., Dalles, for all parts of the rrilTED STATES AND EUROPE. SEL.Ii orders for Exchange on Wells, Fargo A Co, nttond ' o Collections and Commislons, and do a gen eral Express and forwarding business. Office with W. lord k Co., Dalles. T. A. POPR, Agent Lansdals k Vallurd, Canyon City, II. JONES, an4-tf ........ Agent. CANYON CITY EXIUKSS.. Welle, Karsro . CO., have established an office In CANYON CITY.- Letter. Packagesand Treas ure forwarded. Collections made, Drafts procured, Com mislons, Ao, carefully attended U. . . ft-EMA FARGO 4 CO. 1 a6-tf . JAB A. HENDERSON, Agent. GLOBE HOTEL.: , Corner or Third and II Sts., DALLES, OREGON. '. t JOHN EPPINGEE, - . . . Proprietor flMIE UNDERSIGNED WOULD RESPECTFUI, J X ly inform his friends and the public, that he K"j has completed and opened a flue threo story Ho ffjra'IS' TEL, on the corner of Third and II streets, Dalles, JJL and has pleasant aud commodious rooms for the cuuveit knee of Travelers, and has turnUlu'd the same in gnv style, as lie has the houso throughout, aud is prepared i 'Y the patronago of the public. VINE DIN1NO ROOMS AND PARLORS are attached to the house, and all tho conveniences reqirl site for a well regulated Hotel.. No pains will he spureik to vendor guests comfortable and give tho mmt perfect satisfaction to all who may favor the house witti tlieir pat ronage. The house Is pleasautly situated in a quiet por tion of the city, and will be found a desirable place aiwde to the traveling public. m4-tf JOHN KI'I'INOKIt. UMATILLA HOUSED DALLES, ORECON. IIANDLEY & SINXOTT, l'lop'rsv rwiIIIS tVELL KNOWN HOTEL is now open for the J9. reception of guests. Alter being thoroughly reno vated aud newly furnished, it will be conducted, In alii departments, as a first class HOTEL. The house is cow. Tuuicntly looated near the steamboat lauding and railroad depot, ltaggago taken to the House, frco of charge. Uuiiae kept open ull night. The rroprlctoiu will not be responsible forimy Baggage or Valuables, unless . i check Is given therefor. Meal 50 cents Lodgings 00 cents, mrl-t M O U N tHO O D IS A L 6 0 AND BILLIARD KOOM, F. 0, Brown '& Co., Proprietors, CORNER OV , i Main and Court Street apl5-tf Dalles. Oregon. '' BOOKS! BOOKS! I WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ., oCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY, Wi-riT 3 Btaiidiud and Miscellaneous WORKS, jFljUBfL Ijite NOVELS, MAGAZINES, PAlER8.SE?r. Ac, Ac., by- every Steamer. Post-Office itftevmtay Bookstore, Main street, Dalles. ma7-tf . II. J. WALDRON k CO. SIGNS! SIGNS! SIGNS! O. S. SAVAGE. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. SEALER IN PAINTS,' OILS, WINDOWGLASS ' VARNISHES, Colors. Putty, Brushes. Glue. etc. Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac. 1-tf JACOll COIIKiV, Watclininkei and J-eHclcr, FRONT STREET, Portland. j Dealer In Fine Jewelry & Watches, Solid Sliver and Plated Ware. Cutlery, c. A GENT FOR W. BOHM'S LADIES PATENTC IMPR0VKD001.DI1KLT RUCKLES. Watch es and Jewelry REl'AlltKU mid WARRANTED.) Particular attention paid to Repairing fine Watch- es. i Keep on nauii a complete assortment ot HPECTACLE8. of tho improved styles, Also Opera aud Marine Glasses, Quartz Magnifying Glasses, Compasses, &o.. All goods sold by me aro warranted as represented N, B. All orders sent by Express, promptly nttended to np5-tf JACOB COHEN. jonx a. rosTtn, x. j. si iurt. JOHN II. FOSTER .V CO., Front Street, Portland. ARB NOW RECEIVING AND OFFER for sale a full assortment uf Shell' and Builders' Hardware, AND MECHANICS' &. MINING TOOLS, Consisting of SHOVELS, long and short handled: long and short handled SPADES; Sluice Forks and Brushes! Wright's Sucramento made MIMNO PICKS; Collins' Mining Picks, now pattern; Manilla Rope, from !4 to U Inch In diameter; Hunt's AXES, handled and unbundled; Hickory Pick and Axe Handles; Ox Yokes aud Ox Rows; Whip. Cross Cut and Mill Saws ; Crow Bars, steel; Mining and Fry Pnns, Cofleo Mills; Nails ot all sizes, Ac. To gether with a large assortiueut of SHELF AND HE IVY GOODS, In our lino, to all of which weluvlto the attention of pur' chasers, conlldent that we can give satisfaction, both at to quality and prices. J. It. FOSTER k CO. Portland, Oct. 1, 18C8. oc9-tf AdiiilnlNtrator't. Notice. State of Oregon, County ox Wasco .-In the inattter of tbe Estate of F. Z1NKE. deceased : Notice Is hereby given that I have been duly appointed Administrator of the estato or F. ZINKE, deceased. All persons having claims against said estuto are requested to present tbe samo to the undersigned, at his residence In Dalles City, said county, within six months from this date; and all persons Indebted to said estate aio request ed to mako Immediate payuieut of the Borne. Dalles. Juue 20, 1864. THOMAS GORDON, jc'21-4w Admliilstrato ESTKAY CATTL.E. The following described Cattle strayed from tha foot of tho Blue Mountains, some time In April last; Four head Work Cattle 1 Red Steer, years old. brand ed L on the left hip. One Red aud White Steer, S years old, same brand. One Brindle Sldod Wlilto Belly, 16 years old, horns sawed off, samo brand. One Red and White Stoor, 6 years old, same brand. Nino head, branded letter Eon loft shoulder. Ten head, brnuded letter 1 on the right hord. One Brindle Sided JSteer, wlilto buck, no bland. One of the oxen had a bell on. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for the return of the above described Animals ; or for such Information as will enable me to get. them again. Address . JOHN F. POST, at-3w La Orande or Dalles. Oregon SteamNav.Co.'s Notice. l EXCISE LAW. Two and a half per eent will be added to tt F1IE1UHT BILLS from this date, for United Suits Excise Tax. August Hth, 180.eJWf