C37 .New York, Aug. 27. Tbe work oi destroy ing the Weldon railroad is silll progressing. Utllcers from lite Trout report all quiet, except slight sklrmisliiiig. Lee's forcei have evi demly been materially reduced during tbe ynn fiiw days. A uew posilioa has been gained ontlt Weldon railroad which renders Grants army more confident of success than ut any time during the campaign. lhixdquarltrt 'Army of the Potomac, Aug. 24, Evening All quiet to-day except the usual aaunonading. Our left bus been exiendedsix or seven mile ,. holding: securely the Weldcn rod to Renins Stalioo, a dislauce of seveu liirt'es. No rebels are to be seen oat our le IV front. The entire loss of tbe &tb corp?,.ou tbe 21st, was 6,000. Xbe corns fought spleudidly. Tbe 2d army corps, on tbe 2Utb, made an attack at 5:30, p. u., which was probably intended to be simultaneous, by Wilcox in tbe centre and Ilea lb oa the ItHU The enemy lorined in tbe woods, and placing their artillery in position,. opened a heavy cauuonuuing which lasted. La miuutes, when assault was made on Miles force. He resisted tenaciously, but the eueiuy broke bis left. Some ot Gibbon s troops hur ried over to repair the damage. In tbe mean, time tbe enemy gained a foothold, and at' templing to turn our left, drove Gibbon's di vision from bis Hoe. His men were very tired iu marching over to Mile' position aud back daring tbe repealed assaults, but he succeeded in reforming bis line and checked tbe enemy by tbe dismounted cavalry, under liregg aliles also regained the best of bis entrench inenents. The enemy made no further, ad nance. They urnst bate sulleied severely. My loss, including the cavulry, cannot exceed 1,200 or 1,500. This Is acknowledged to be tbe Dio,t derperate battle of tbe war, resemb ling Spottsylvania, though, the number en gaged give less importance. A few more good troops would have given us a victory of considerable- importance. A dispatch from tbe 2d army corps, on the 2Gth, saysi- Tbe safe guard left on tbe battlefield remained there until after daylight. AX that time tho euemy bad all disappeared, leaving their dead on the field uubnried. This shows bow severely they were punished. Doubtless hearing of the ar rival of reinforcements, they feared the results- on to-day. 1 be safeguard referred to, reports the enemy as having retired in tbe direction of Petersburg. They abandoned their wound ad. Tbe guard conversed wita a rebel officer, who said that tbeir loss was create: thaui ver before duriug tbe war. The guard say they were over the field. It is covered with the aeiny's dead and wounded. JJoston, Aug. 26. Several prominent abo litionists, iuciuding Elizur Wright and S. Q. How, have written a letter to lien. Fremont, which speaks ot tbe dissitislaciiou in tbe Union ranks, and advising both tbe Baltimore and Ule7eland nominees to withdraw their names, and that a uewcourention be called to SJiect another aud new candidate! Fremont replied at length that he did not feel.at liberty . l withdraw, without hrst consulting tbe par ty. He suggests that a direct effort be made U obtain ail immediate understanding be tween the supporters of both nominees, in or der that they may coalesce and unite upon such a couveution. lie says, much has been said aboat peace: for me, peace signifies an Integral establishment of a Union without slavery, because slavery is the source of all political dissenlion.3, and b cause Hie institu tion itself is condemned by tbe enlightened and liberal spirit of tbe sge. These are to we tbe essential conditions of peace. Neu York, August 27. The Tuna' Wash ington dispatch says that a gentleman arrived in this city from Georgia, who came by At laua, with the permission of Sherman. He represents that the State Qovernment desires to learn upon what basis tbe United Stales Government will treat with the Stale of Geor gia for readmission into tbe Union. The ao tion of Georgia is had without reference to tbe rest of tbe Confederacy. New York, Aug. 29 Tbe Tribune's-Washington special sums up the result of the fight ing on. Weldon, railroad as follows: 1st. The enemy afler repeated and impetuous assaults compelled our abandoning tbe ruilroad below Reams' Station. 2d. Although attacking in ' vastly superior numbers, the rebels received a bloody repulse in successive instances. 3d. Tbeir loss is nearly double otus, and we bad fully accomplished our object by the destruc tion of ten miles- of railroad from Kcams's Station, but had decided to abandon the posi tion. We lost .but four miles of. the road. Richmond papers of the 28lh, admit a loss of 6,000 in tbe attack on Iteams' Station. Ens oners say their loss is about' 5,000. Another attack is soon expected, Lee having recalled tbe troops from Shenandoah valley for. that purpose. The indications are that a heavy battle will be fought near Atlanta, on the Ma con Railroad, before the end of. the. present week. A'cw York, Aug.. 31. Dispatches fr'om Grant iudicate that Lee has ceased to strug gle for the recovery of Weldon railroad, which is completely in our possession. No fighting occurred yesterday or to-day before Petersburg or, front. Early's forces are in full retreat up tho valley,. and onr cavalry are closely pursuing in the rear of there treating .column, and are capturing jaany .. tiiagglen-Oregonitih.. -j ;,. .-. i .- n-.n An Academy for Young Ladies, I CNDKtt TH1I. DIRECTION OF THB ." ' SISYERS OE TH HOW NAMES OF JESUS & MARY. lir Hi fte opened In this city on the flrit II of September. The course of instruction com- I prises the vnrwus brancliet which conHtitute tho elemen tary ana Higher departments or education. PIIIMARY CLASSICS. Spelling, Reading, Writing. Sncreil History. Klementi of Geography, Grammar and Arithmetic, an Elementary Troatlac on Time, Abridged History of tbe United Suite.. I .ITJNIOH CLASHES. Dictionary, Heading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Grammar, Epistolary Correspondence, Elemonts of Nat ural miiosupny ana Astronomy, Mutinies oi History, familiar gcionce, Auriageuiont oi uotnuy.. 8EMOn CLASSED. Kiocntion, Rhetoric, Louie, VerstAcntinn. Anoiont and Modern Geography, n-e ol the Globes, Astronomy, Gen eral History, Arithmetic, Algebra, Book-Kceping, Geom etry, Natural Philosophy, Botany and Chemistry. TERMS. Primary department per quarter, (payable In ad- vauco) .. 6 00 Junior . " 8 00 Senior ' " 10 00 Kronen, Mueio, Drawing and Painting form extra cliargos. and are taught at the option of the parents. French, pel quarter .$ 6 00 Music. ' 16 00 Drawing and Painting 6 00 If parents desire It. pupils may tnko lessons In Plain anil Fancy Needle-Work. no extra charue for either. - The hours of attendance are from 8 o'clock. A. H., to 111 oiclock, p. m.: one hour and a nnactar roeesaat noon. Pupils of every religions duiminliintlnn will bo equally received, and nil Interference with tlioir rollgious coirvie- tioni carefully avoided. Good ordur. howevur, rouiro that all wioutfl coulorm to tue general rule or me Insti tution. . -A Hoys will also bo recoiveiTover six and under twelve years. No doductlon Is mads-Cir the withdrawal 'opfcpnpll be fore the expiration, of the term, unless In casa-of Illness. Dalles, August 26tli, 18C4. angM REM O -V 11 1 ELFELT 13 no HATE . HEM OVEB TiiKia Fancy & Staple Dry Goods Store, TO T1IK1B . Newrire Proof Ston Building, COIlNEll OF. MAIV AND C OURT STUI.ETS, Where they Invite thell- friends and the public generally tq call and examine their uueqanled slock of Fancy & Staple Wry floods, ALSO, Geiitlemens' Furnlslilii Goods, AND A FULL STOCK OF Doots & Shoes, Itats & Capg, &c, ALL WHICH WILL DK SOLD CHEAP FOli OA.SJI.!. ELFELT BROTHERS, Jy29-tf Corner Main aud Court streots,. FAMILY OROCUKY MOIIK. S. FltANK, WIIOLESALI AND RETAIL , Dealer In Family Groceries, WyS AND LIQUORS, '- A LSO, FRKSU.AND DHIKD FRUITS, VEQRTADLES, xm TODACGO AND SKOAltS, supulios of which will US Kept constantly on hand. - Mr. FltANK will uive tho buslnoss his personal super vision, and Invites the patronage of families and tho public ffoncrully. 43 Uoods delivered In any part of the city froe of cuurge. S. FRANK, Main street, sel-tf A few doors below the Post Ollice. Porter and Messenger. MHO b Found at the Mount Hood Shi -M. vlng Saloon, The undcrslKiied has been for sevornl: months and now Is employed at this won Known and popular Saloon aud llathiiiir Kstnblfsliment as POKTKll, and takes this opportunity to return his thunks to the citizens oi mines una tne traveling puonc lor tne nuomi patronage oxtendod to him in the past, and hopes by strict attention to buslnoss to be similarly favored in the. future. MKSSAOKS promptly delivered at all hours and in an parts oi tne cuy. y8-3m M. A. F0UT8, JF" Altai XOlt salg : 1Sy Farm, situated on. the Umatilla ilm. Itiver, ut the junction of tho roods from Umatilla City and Dalles, of 200 acres, 40 improved J tltloii.erlcct ; wurranti'0 uocd given. The Laud Is Rich and well Timbered. aud Watered I. GOOD BUILDINGS AND FENCES I A good location for a hotel. The farm is know as the Sweclser laud claim. For further particulars apply to '.. F. MOODY. Umatilla. ang 10-wtf Or W. O. MOODY. Hallos City. - OlSSOMJTIOxV NOTICE. THB COPARTNERSHIP heretofore existing botweon ltosonbniiBi & Colin, of Idaho City, I. T., and be tween Colin A Hosenhnuniof tho Dalles, Orogon, Is tills day disolrod by mutual cpusout. L. M. Colin and 8. II. llolim are authorised to collect and roroive all debts and dues, owing or payable to tho said linn respectively; mid wjll dicliarge the liabilities of thasamo, and such liahiiitios of 8. 0. itosniibanm as are uientioiii'd iji an ngreuuicnt nowii reooru in cue Co. recorder' olMce. S.U. IIOSKNBAUJf,. U, .11. UUll?t. Juno 17, WA. S. II 1IU1I.M. "The biiriiness will be continued by Culm A Bohmr. llNNOlutlO!E IVotlcc. The Ca-Partnershlp heretofore oxlstlng bo tween the undersigned, doing binliin nt Canyon City, Oregon, under the nrin of LANSDALH A CJ., is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Tho business of (lie nouso will bo carried on as uaunl by VALLARD A LANSDALK, by whom nil liabilities of the late firm will be paid, nud idl debts duo tue into firm will bo paid to . - - It. 11. 1AN8DALE, v uiio lou... X, A. t'Ul'JS. The undersigned 1 having thlo-dny entered Into a co- poTincranip, under tiiellrmof VALLAKUs LANSDALE, hereby assuino all llabilitios of the. late ttrm of Iaiusdale fl'. ' A. VALLARD. Juuo 23, 1801. . 0y8-8m) . 11. H. LANSDALH. lilt.. 8. T. WALLACE, P TT V .? 7 ft 7 A AT A. .3 TT T a 1?. 7V7 . w mm w jar.v.j.y orrios . ,, ,i i, - - At Mr. S. UmiinX tflrn-r etn.t . . wf iMWf .. tlU 0L0DE HOTEL; Dalles. J Main Street, Dalles, WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALEE IN ALWA0M IX STORE TBI BEST BRANDS OF -,. nn i ' a l ol I Cigars, Tobacco, Matches, &c. . . . IILAYINO CARDS. A POCKET CUTLKRY, PORT MONIES, COM 1)3 and UKUSHHS, o' all kinds, PKRFUMKRY. ot every description, CHINA OltNAMKN'13,, TOY8, DOLLS, etc. FISH HOOKS and FISHING TACKLE MUiMOAI. 1NSTJIUMKM8, FAwNCY GOODS. Ac. Aim Powder. Shot, Lead, Powder Flasks, Baskets, and mnny otner articles too numerous to mention. v interior dealers supplied with Cigars, Tubocco, etc, at lens tlinn Portland prices, with freight odiled. oc8 NEW COLUMBIAN, RO. 118, 120, AUD 122, FRONT STREET, OO R NEE OP, MOftHItOKj lJORTLAND, OREGOiS-. GOO X"N E W S ! ffllTIB NEW COLUMBIAN, haying tustbeoa. j. en'Runny nuMiiea, nnu uems rattay lur lite reooptloo of ciistoiiiorB, the Proprietor would my to thocitisem of' Korimiiu, ana 1 tie iruvKunn.imii.io, unit lie ) now rondy to recoive and entertAtn nllr wiio may fvor him with 4 can. The h kit uubUMiiiAN Han entirely new House. hunl-flnislieU rooms, well ventlliitod, and well furnished: and liai rnpaclty to accommodate (with comfort to the quests) six hundred persons. The House has fine suits of Dooms for families. Dining room large and com mo aions. me iiune wmtntsau timos ana on all occasions. oe iiirninnru wun 1110 ocsi ine maraei anoros , permit ting no house in Portland, or elsewhere, to excell it eith er In outilUv oe variety. i ne rmpnonir win at nu times enaenvor to please li s Riicsts. and would respectfully solicit the patronage oi tho cltltctis of Portland and the traveling public. i ne t'mpnuror win at an times endeavor to please Ma Board per Week - - . - . $3 OO LAItUK FIRE PROOF SAFE, for Valuables Treasure, Daggago taken to and Irom the Boats free of charge sT- HOUSE OPEN ALL NIUHT.tA Portland, Aug. 8, 1864. P. B. SIN NOTT, anl3-tf Proprietor of NEW COLUMBIAN. JEMPIItE HOTEL. MAIN STRXKT, DALLES CITT. BOARD It E D U C E D. ON AND AFTER JULY 1, 1804. the terms at this favorite and flrat-cloai Hotel, will be as follows : L' Meals. uO Doom dj tue aay i oo lloanl by the week g oo Board and Lodging per week $7 to 10 00 rire rrooi Bare lor denositeof valnables. tm House open all nlirht. Bumraze taken to the iTnna iroe ui cuurge, I IIUJ1AS SMITH, Jye-tf Proprietor. HOWARD HOUSE The Subscriber has Just completed refitting this commo dious house, on Main streor, above J Washington. Thehouseis handsonielvl fitted up witli suits of rooms- for tliel accommodation of fiimilies, nnd single nud double rooms los uie no oi gentienien. The FURNITURE, IIEIIS.and DEDDING. aud in fact everything connected with the huuso is otitlrelv new. and arrnnitud solely with a view to the comfort of meats. ine iiksi' (.uuiv.in ino country will preside over the culinary dopartmunt, and (lie-Table will at all times bo. I rurmsiicd Willi tne very bcstitlie market affords.. Connected with tho house there are a good Corral) and' conimotnous oiauu-a augiW-tf, 0. D. HOWARD. Proprietor. INDIAN si ri'Mi:. Wahh Sprixo Aqemct. AmrostS. 1864. Cealed Proposals will In received nt the office of k.7 iiumoson uuoll, Dulles City. Oregon, for the del v- ery to said jSgoucy, of. the following named articles, to wit.. 100 Window Saalies, 6 lights eaeli; 012:. 600 lbs. Wliite LcaiI (Atlantic). i;v;.il(.i, Door Iocks, witli class Knobs.. 80 guls. lloilcd Linseed Oil. 1000 lbs. Nails, nxsortcd. (00 yds Cotton Lining. 00 rolls Wall Paper, medium qualify. & Kids. Suirits-Turnentliie. 2 Stoves, cooking; witli furniture complete. 40 M Shingles,, the latter to be delivered at the Agency. Bids will bo, roeclved for the furnishing of the above-' named articles, either ror (ho whole or part of the same,- at tlsft-abore named ofllce. uniil 10 o'clock. A. 11- of Weil neadnv. the Illat hiat.. wlu.11 ll.n imnuu.li will 1.. an 1 the bidders are invited to be rc.cn(. ti the sume should not appear advantageous to the Do--1 -1110 jiccut reservos tne rlulit to reli-t anv nr nil lil.l. jm inieiii. The articles to bo furnished must baof a merchantable quality, and to bo delivered in- such quantities as tho Agent may deslro. Tho bids- must bo accompanied with two or more reHinalblo sureties! Payments will bo made- either la Legal Tendor Notes or ,uiu on, tue assisiaut ireasurcr at Mill r rancisco. W.M.LOI1AN. nMdi V. S. Indian Aitent. Orceon. Dcs Chutes lli-ldge and Road Company. NOTICK Is hereby given that the Cap- Hal Stock ol 0,. Des Chutes Brldgoand Road Com- puny has been subscribed, nud that tliers will be a meeU ing 01 tue stockholders of said company on the 2uth day ..I orineiiiuur, . u. 100, at ma uouao oi James riutun. In Wasco County. Oreiton. at Ida realdimr.. n Tiu,.h,ii, Creek, for the iiurpose of electing a Board of Directors ui not ieae man tnree nor more than sevon. By order of tbe Corporators JAS. FULTON, . 8. K. SMITH, It. M.URAIIAM. Dated the 10th Any of August, 104. ang2(l 1 in NOTICE. nP" Buhsorlheca to- the call for tho M. Volunteer artillery Company of Dulles City, Wasco county, urcgon, are requested to meet at (lie Court ? "?nA,r' 3' u"y.f !,' tTOr,n,M tuo purposo oi organising said com- DailosCitr, AU. m.ISM. Janaail'EnroUinaoiBcer.. rucrv en & 11.1.1 ah, lIKTrBa AXP WHOLESALE , I ... Dealers in Wfra, Liquors, . GliOCKlilEfS, BIIimes? Goods, Doat Stores, &c;r DlWS-EEJSOVXDTOTBEia . NtW JTOME BUILDING'. ' cobnu or Second and Washington Streets. , dalles crrr. ; NOW IN STORK A LARGB AND" COMPLETE A sortmcnt of tbe very best brands of . , WINES A.TXT LIQUORS- ' Also, a full assortmeat of , GR.OCERIES & STAPLE GOODS. 49" Constantly receiving onr supplies direst from New York and Ban Francisco, we are able and witlina- to aela at a very small advance on Ban Francisco prices. They b "'; " - pp doing business, they will receive the patronage cf the pnb at a very small advance on San Francisco prices. They Ucu. au4-ttv. Ho ! Ye That Hunger or Thirsts MIKE BBKIO presents his cpmpllmenU to hl frioiHlS and recoirtiisintf no niuuvirlvAtt th ml&. of. his 3UMMEH CAMPAIGN to the whole, RuUllc. fibbtly: ' KE8TAUBAM!: KKOULA R MEALS and LUNCH, as of yore. ICECUEAMl, r With PRIVjiatE. A11ABKMKNT3. for aMtlam.. .Ilh. THIRDLY t: SODA! ! With every variety of SYRUPS. 1UU1U11L1 6 . CONFECTIONARYI The best assortment offered to the nulille nn l.l. i.i. f the Mountain. . WfTULY:, , . FBTJEFS f , EVEIIY VAnrKTY In UielrseasoiK, SIXTHLY, LASTLY, HUT NOT LRASTLTl' ' ' IU HIV tnok' nf KfkTinXia mVa niirua Inn , , J, " t va, bAnu UlUJini,, S3. c' varjMHog usually found in a VAKIKTv STORK. myl-tf BOOT AMD SHOE SlXnE F. WYCKMAN, nig jitqt pvpirivvn .n. . , II lnvoVc7o?lLter;'2 fro"-Sl l ''' "ttrnxBa- . or the very host quality and latost styles, IncladlM the celebrated KNOL1SU HUNTINV SHOE, manufactured v iwuhii. am, a large assortment of FINE DRESS BOOTS.- 9-Qontlemen who prefer to have their nt. or Sk. made to order, can rely upon obtaining a neat and eat At. F. WYCKMAN. Main .tre.t. 'P"-" Opposite the Express Offlce. WALL U S Ifl A IK K 12 T COBKIB SECOND AXD-Vf ISIIINOtOIt STMtTi,- Opposition to all Monopoly... . THE UNDERSIOtvEO' nVB TAKEN w(rV the bulldlnic lately occunled bv V. M. Rt.ir. -.Wt lug, aud fitted it up'for the purpose of a FIHST- CLASS MARKET, where at ail times may b.il-lll uuim uie cuoicest cuts oi Beef, Pork, Mutton, Lambv Veal, &c. notel keepers, heads ef la rail lea ami nlhara . l..n. ti to patronise the uew Market aud thus efleot a materia, reduction Jn their.Meot, account. -u: HELLElt A SHAW. EMI 1 11 12 MARKET.. JOHN MICHELBACU has refilled upj the building nt the corner i.f Sn,.n,i nu 11 streets, as a nrst-class Market, when uv mil miu 1110 ueat uuaiiiv OI MUTTUiN, BEEr? AND PORK. which he will sell cheaper than any other market at the, Dalles, lhe public nra respectfully Invited to give me ' GUI.. ri. JOHN MlniKl.innu WASHINGTON MARKET COBN SIC0.1D AMD COUEI STEEET8, JOS. TEAL, - - - Proprietor 1. HAS REMOVED TO III8 KliWj.-, . building, where he is prepared toTTTrTVB furnish Steamboats. Hotela. and Families with thochoicest ll YT Reef,. Mutton. 3?opk and "Veal. Slaughtering none but the-best and fattest cattle, thou, who desire-CHOICE CUTS may at ull times rely upon be. Ing suited, JOS. TEAL, ocJO-tf Corner Second and Washington streets Dalles.. SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS., Dalles andiWalla Walla, cn.l 1 . I DL3.T3AO lillU X ftllCV JJrV frOnda I . . . . . v ' . Millers' Outfits. Hoots nnd Shoes, ' Clothing, Hats nnd Capsv. Ciroccrles.. And ivfiill assortment of General .Merchandise. Jluvlnr our Uoods exclusively in the San Francisco market, and making none hut cash purchases, we -are enabled to sell. 20 pur ceut. cheaper than any oilier House at the Dallos , , , DUHKNUKRY A UllOS... isil-tf- Dalles and Wuiia Walla.. F. DEIIM. Wnts"lllll!lL-r nasi- Ii l, ailtl JCHClCV,, lYlAiN STREET,. DALLES, (XEXT POOR TO TUfi AHSAT DIKll DKALEH IN FINK WATCHES, JEWELHY, , CLOCKS, Gold Pens, Sliver and l'luted Ware, ini;iuii, vuiicrj, IK. -l'urtlculnr attention paid to repairing fined Hatches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. All Watches repaired by- ...nniinuicu l.i. ll)Cl, IllOllllia. N. B. All orders from the upper country, by Express, cr-otherwise, promptly attended to. aull-tf STBAYKD! TnOM MR. R. nitOOKHOUSE'S RANCH. JC on Ten Mile Creek, e bright RAY MAREj about lilt liands high, small white star In foreliead, mark forward of withers where (1J (ula has been cut out. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD will no paid for her return to Mr. BRX)K,1HU8E as at: the Five Mile Home; or at E. V. JITZUJEHALD'B, Dalles, July UUi, 1804. JvJSUfc .1 !,. ..li'I ;. hO .':! 4 1